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Roll up to the funhouse, a brand new collection of tales from the author of Whisper, Dark Corners and Meat, Michael Bray.

A man who makes an unscheduled stop gets more than he bargained for in ‘CANDYLAND.’

A Group of teens discover a terrible secret on Samsonite farm in ‘SCARECROWS.’

A Schoolyard bully and his former victim reunite with horrifying results in ‘LONG TALL COFFIN.’

A High school party becomes an arachnid nightmare for one unfortunate guest in ‘THE BOY WHO SAW SPIDERS.’

These are just some of the horrors hidden within the darkest recesses of the funhouse. Look closer if you dare, and indulge in these 16 tales of madness, murder, terror and insanity.

262 pages, Paperback

First published October 21, 2013

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About the author

Michael Bray

137 books234 followers
Michael Bray is a bestselling author/screenwriter of more than twelve novels and numerous short stories. Influenced from an early age by the suspense horror of authors such as Stephen King, Richard Laymon, Shaun Hutson, James Herbert & Brian Lumley, along with TV shows like Tales from the Crypt & The Twilight Zone, his work touches on the psychological side of horror, teasing the reader’s nerves and willing them to keep turning the pages. Several of his titles have been translated into multiple languages including a major bookstore distribution deal in Japan and his biggest selling title, Whisper, has, on numerous occasions topped the overall horror charts for Amazon titles in both the UK and US with thousands of copies sold.

His work has been featured in anthologies alongside such horror greats as Clive Barker, Adam Nevill, Shaun Hutson, Brian Lumley, Paul Tremblay, Ramsay Campbell, Ray Bradbury and many others and he continues to be an active and popular member of the horror/suspense genre.

A feature film written by Bray based on his co-written novel MONSTER starring Tracy Shaw (Coronation Street), Daniele Harold (East Enders) & Rod Glenn (American Assassin / World War Z) was shot in January 2018 whilst another of his titles, MEAT is currently with a leading Los Angeles based production company with a view to production in 2019.

My IMDB page: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm8960144/?r...

Where to find Michael Bray online

Official website: www.michaelbrayauthor.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/michaelbrayauthor

Twitter: www.twitter.com/michaelbrayauth

Instagram: www.instagram.com/michaelbrayauthor

Google +: www.plus.google.com/michaelbrayauthor

Where to find my books

Amazon UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Michael-Bray/...

Amazon US: http://www.amazon.com/Michael-Bray/e/...

To discuss publication or television / movie rights to

any of my work, or for any other queries, please

contact me directly at [email protected]

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Displaying 1 - 26 of 26 reviews
Profile Image for Cathy.
259 reviews1 follower
October 23, 2013
Michael Bray's newest offering is an eclectic mix of horror, suspense and the downright way-out-there weird. You wouldn't be able to pigeon-hole this collection. I was given this as a review copy in return for an honest review, but to be honest, I felt grateful to be allowed an advanced read of this long awaited book of shorts. It didn't disappoint me. The first night I opened it, I managed to cram three of the stories in before sleep won over. I couldn't wait to read the rest of the stories.

My favourite without a doubt was the story entitled 99.9AM, for the same reasons that Bray himself has written the story- I won't give anything away!! The Trial of Edwyn Greer was a very cleverly written tale which puts an original, futuristic spin on vampires. I would love to read a full length story based entirely on the main character in this story. However, each story was unique in its own way. Every story had a very creepy element to it and lingered in my mind long after reading.

I love reading the author's notes regarding the origins of each story but I did feel that a little paragraph after each story would have worked better, rather than the section at the end of the book. I'm not a great one for remembering the names of short stories and had to keep flicking back and forth to remind myself of each story. That is my only complaint, and not one that spoilt my enjoyment of the main product in any way.

I haven't read anything by Mr Bray since Meat was released although I have copies of Whisper and Dark Corners sitting on my Kindle. I am looking forward to getting stuck into these books for now, as this has certainly renewed my interest in this writer.
Profile Image for Mandy.
90 reviews19 followers
January 18, 2016
I enjoyed every one of these stories, there wasn't one mediocre one in the bunch!! I got such strong Twilight Zone/Outer Limits vibes from them even going so far as mini black and white projections playing in my head. Scarecrows is currently on a loop up in there...creeeeepy.
There was something beautiful and poignant about The Man in the Alley, that one might be my favorite but it really is too hard to choose, Tilly, Cabin Fever, 99.9...!!
The Trial one was very unique as well.
I LOVE it when authors put their 'inspirations for' in their author notes but I do agree with another reviewer who stated that she'd rather have them individually after each story. I too have a hard time remembering all the story names especially when there are this many in one volume. I had to pop back and forth a few times. hahaha...my own limited recall power I guess..
Already started another one of Mr. Bray's collections Dark Corners.
** I am new to the Amazon Kindle clan and I must say...HOLY SHIT, I am in AWE with all these new horror and EXTREME horror writers I have discovered, it seems like quite a few of them are friends in real life as well and are out collaborating like rabbits!!
I am in HEAVEN...or hell...no matters..
Profile Image for Shainlock.
793 reviews
Want to read
June 10, 2017
I haven't read it yet but every time I set it back to want-to-read it puts its self with a rating and as read. Don't even have the book yet. With all the weird things going on at the goodreads site I just wanted this noted.
Profile Image for Ben.
109 reviews6 followers
June 23, 2022
"Funhouse" is a wonderful collection of 16 macabre/horror short stories. It's very reminiscent of something like King's "Night Shift." In fact one of the stories in here (Hangman) felt like a homage to a short from "Night Shift" entitled "The Ledge."

I definitely recommend this to any horror/King fan.
Profile Image for Kimber Wheaton.
Author 4 books249 followers
February 1, 2014
I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review

One of my favorite reads growing up was Night Shift by Stephen King. I've been a horror book junkie since I was ten years old. Funhouse contains a delightfully dark group of short stories that will make you shiver and perhaps even leave the light on. The first story sets the tone quite nicely for the entire anthology. Though, I must say, only a moron would get on a carnival ride if they had to sign a waiver first...

Mr. Bray has treated us to sixteen tales, some more macabre than others. One thing I enjoyed was the psychological aspect to many of the stories. Sometimes the thing we should fear the most is our very own brain. There were a couple stories that didn't do anything for me, but the others made up for that in spades. And for anyone out there with arachnophobia, do skip the story The Boy Who Saw Spiders.

I'm going to recommend Funhouse for ages 17+, but I'd let my thirteen-year-old read it if he was interested. I didn't find the book all that scary (macabre, eerie, poignant maybe), but I think I might be a bit jaded. The horror genre has been a bit thin on good titles as of late. I think this anthology is a great addition.
Profile Image for Mya.
Author 28 books195 followers
December 4, 2015
I really enjoy a good collection of short stories, but rarely do I find ones where all of the stories are creepy, thoughtful gems. Well-written and full of atmosphere, I found myself eager at the beginning of each new tale and no I can't say there were any stories that I skipped over or felt were weakening to the collection as a whole. Now that is a win. The stories range in genre/topic from the first, a story about a carnival fair of particular danger to those with troubled pasts to the last story of a town in which no one ever leaves, I was engaged. One of my favorite stories in the collection was "The Trial of Edwyn Greer" in that it had elements of sci fi and court drama, blended together to create a whole new take on vampirism as a disease. Mr. Bray is a new author to me, but I do find myself interested in his other collections and heh, that is what a good anthology can do. Highly recommended.
Profile Image for Nicole Just.
75 reviews1 follower
March 1, 2020

Vom Bestseller-Autor der Whisper-Trilogie eine brandneue Sammlung erschreckender Geschichten im Stil von The Twilight Zone, Geschichten aus der Gruft und Outer Limits.

Funhouse ist eine Sammlung von 16 makabren Erzählungen im Stil der Horrormeister Stephen King und Dean Koontz, jede von ihnen mit einer schrecklichen Wendung oder bei der sich das Gewöhnliche zu etwas Furcht einflößendem wandelt.

Ein Mann, der einen ungeplanten Stopp macht, erlebt eine unangenehme Überraschung in „CANDYLAND“.
Eine Gruppe Teenager entdeckt ein schreckliches Geheimnis auf der Samsonite Farm in „VOGELSCHEUCHEN“.
Ein Schulhof-Tyrann und sein ehemaliges Opfer treffen sich wieder mit einer grauenerregenden Auswirkung in „GROSSER LANGER SARG“.
Eine High School Party wird zu einem arachnoiden Albtraum für einen unglückseligen Gast in „DER JUNGE, DER SPINNEN SAH“.

Das sind nur einige der Schrecken, die in den dunkelsten Ecken von Funhouse versteckt sind. Werfen Sie einen genaueren Blick hinein, wenn Sie sich wagen, und genießen Sie diese 16 entsetzlichen und erschreckenden Erzählungen von Wahnsinn, Mord, Terror und Illusion.

Meine Meinung:

Mir haben durchweg alle 16 Geschichten gut gefallen, manche etwas mehr als andere und eine ganz besonders. H_NG_ _N! Hier geht es um einen gehörnten Ehemann, der mit dem Liebhaber seiner Frau ein Verhängnisvolles Galgenmännchen Spiel spielt. Überraschung garantiert. :D
Nur eines habe ich zu bemäkeln und das ist die wirklich schlechte Übersetzung. Sehr viele Satzbaufehler. Grammatik und Rechtschreibung sind besser, aber weit von Gut entfernt. Auch fehlen gern mal Buchstaben. Das habe ich überlesen und im Kopf selber korrigiert, aber es zerstört ein bisschen das Ambiente der Geschichten.

⭐⭐⭐⭐ bekommt das Buch, vor allem wegen der Hanebüchenen Satzkreationen der Übersetzerin. :P
Profile Image for Kaisersoze.
602 reviews31 followers
August 10, 2017
Michael Bray delivers an eclectic array of tales running the gamut from weird (The Eye) to supernatural (Scarecrows), and dropping in a number of twists on tired formulas that have been done to, well, death along the way (H_NG__N)).

Some of the stories - like The Boy Who saw Spiders and Tilly - are excellent, while most are good (Sick Day's ending being the only thing keeping it out of the excellent range). And though there are the inevitable fails - The Trial of Edwyn Greer outstays its welcome after an interesting enough opening, and 50/50 offers nothing worthwhile while trying to be introspectively deep - that is always the case in a collection of this kind.

Bray proves himself an author who is worth looking into with this collection, and most fans of horror tales are going to flick through the final page of Funhouse with an urge to learn what else he has written in the last four years.

3.5 (Rounding Up to 4) Ghostly Radio Broadcasts for Funhouse.
Profile Image for Kathy Jackson.
Author 1 book6 followers
April 26, 2020
This book was different, that is for sure. I'm not one who usually reads these books of short stories. I find short stories don't feel complete - I like novels where I can really get to know the characters and the setting.

Some of the stories ended the way I would suspect - another thing about short stories is you see the pattern of the writer much faster than it takes with a novel. I liked all the stories but also didn't like the way some of them failed to produce actual heroes.

i do like Michael Bray and I will read more of his books. Maybe reading this one in 24 hours wasn't the best idea - my mind became numb to the characters. Still, as I said, I did like it.
Profile Image for Alice J..
Author 56 books51 followers
August 14, 2017
After finishing another of his pieces, I wasn't disappointed with Funhouse. I expected to pick it up and to read stories in between novels or if I had a spare few minutes however I was gripped and read from start to finish. One thing I really loved about this collection of short stories is that each of them was so original and unique. He often took modern tropes and completely mixed it up in a way I couldn't see coming. The stories kept me guessing throughout.
Profile Image for Jennifer Crawford.
62 reviews1 follower
November 11, 2017
Great Selections!

I am happily surprised to report that I thoroughly enjoyed every story in this compilation! Bray is always great but I am now obsessed with his shorts. I'll definitely be seeking more right now!
Profile Image for Sandra Burns.
1,749 reviews34 followers
June 13, 2017
These were awesome!!!!

I loved these. All different, and scary in a weird way. Best group of horror shorts I have read in a LONG TIME!! Want to read more from this author.
2 reviews1 follower
June 28, 2018
Excelente, Michael Bray, como siempre, un maestro del género del horror psicológico.
Profile Image for Lisa.
246 reviews5 followers
June 25, 2019
A good selection of horror based stories to dip in and out of as you feel.
22 reviews3 followers
November 11, 2014
Michael Bray does it again!

This was my second Michael Bray short story collection. I gave the first one I listened to (Dark Corners) 4 stars and really considered it 4.5 stars, only lacking that last half star due to a few minor inconsistencies in a few of the stories. But I still thought it was very good. I went 5 full stars with Funhouse. There's really nothing lacking in these stories. Mr. Bray tells a variety of angles from the straight forward, in-your-face horror to the angular type story that brings you in one way and then turns you another way right at the end. I'm highly impressed with Mr. Bray's stories and his control of the narrative. I highly recommend both books.

Some highlights for me:

In Dark Corners Mr. Bray gives a unique spin on zombie stories, letting us see the perspective of a man turning into a zombie. I don't like zombies or zombie stories, but I liked that story quite a lot. In Funhouse, he gives us a future in which vampirism can be cured, and is in a man who is then immediately put on trial for all of the atrocities he committed while "infected". Hearing the former vampire's defense of his past in the court trial was interesting and somewhat interesting in a philosophical way. Again, I'm not a big fan of vampires or vampire stories, but Mr. Bray brought me a story that made me interested and kept me interested.

Cabin Fever is another standout story in which a young boy, reluctant on moving to a rural area with his family, soon finds adventure AND horror awaiting in the woods across the river. Am I bad for thinking of the "3 words" before he said them? He he he...

99.9 AM is another of my favorites. Maybe I knew the ending that was coming toward the end, but the story was still very engrossing.

Tilly - Can anything ever good come out of a story in which dolls are involved? No.

The man in the Alley was a superb twist on what I thought for sure was going to be the norm, a creepy homeless man abducting kids and you know. Great spin on that, Mr. Bray!

Kudos, on another fantastic collection of short horror stories!
Profile Image for Harry Sahl.
34 reviews2 followers
November 4, 2014
The full title of Funhouse states sixteen tales of madness, murder, terror & insanity. Michael Bray does not disappoint. As a fan of macabre tales, I found Mr. Bray's spin on horror quite enjoyable. The usual elements are here - scarecrows, the cabin in the woods, a vampire tale, creepy doll, etc. However, Mr. Bray put a twist on them that I found unique.
Lately, it's been tough to find a good horror story and with these short stories, you are bound to find more than a few of them enjoyable. I would say 12 or 13 of them would make a great Twilight Zone episode and especially liked Cabin Fever and The Trial of Edwyn Greer.
I like short stories and these moved at a quick pace. Mr. Bray created some great characters and I enjoyed his style of writing
Notes were included at the end of the book as to the thought process behind his stories. I was glad to read the background info and learn a little more about the author's mindset. It makes me want to check out his other work.
Profile Image for Reeda Booke.
414 reviews29 followers
August 31, 2016
There are 15 stories in this collection, some better that others, but I enjoyed them all. My favorites were:

Mr. Ghoul's Quaint Little Ghost Train - a funfair, a ride and the consequences of actions.
The Man in the Alley - about the responsibility of being able to see people for who they really are.
Cabin Fever - a haunting story about a man and the tragic event from his childhood.
The Trial of Edwyn Greer - what happens when a former vampire is put on trial for his crimes?

If you loved The Twilight Zone as much as I did when it was out, you will love this collection. Anyone of these stories would make a great episode!
7 reviews1 follower
April 3, 2015
What an amazing collection!

I love short stories but rarely find a collection with all winners. This was a real treat! Looking forward to reading more. The stories were all very well written and edited. They were fun and exciting. More psychological horror than blood and gore. And none of those annoying stories that leave you scratching your head at the end because they just don't make sense. I truly enjoyed them all and wished there were more. So I'm off to the Amazon store to find another collection to keep me up all night.
Profile Image for Brian Mcclain.
314 reviews7 followers
October 29, 2014
So I've read this short story collection over the past couple days and found myself a pretty big fan of it. None of the pieces seemed to be a let down next to the rest so there weren't those lulls that you sometimes find in a short story anthology. I also liked that they were addressing horror in different ways, giving it a measure of variety that sometimes is lost.
Profile Image for Shannon Everyday.
315 reviews4 followers
June 5, 2017
Funhouse is a great collection of short stories. It has a nice mix of horror, with some sci-fi elements thrown in. Michael Bray's writing really sucks you in and makes it easy to visualize the characters and story. He also does a great job with the twists and turns his stories take. Based on Funhouse, I definitely can't wait to check out more of Michael Bray's writing.
Profile Image for Bean.
133 reviews4 followers
December 1, 2021
Finished this one up today, a collection of 16 short stories. Nothing overly gruesome or shocking, just a well-rounded selection of horror stories. A few of them were very original and the context matter was excellent, which is always a treat. This is the second book I have read by this author, the first was "Meat". I recommend both books.
Profile Image for Christina McDonald .
227 reviews8 followers
April 21, 2015
Amazing range of stories

Loved every single story! Each on was unique, interesting and I could not put my kindle down for days!! The book as a collection is brilliant and I thank Mr. Bray for the experience.
Profile Image for Sara M..
65 reviews
December 14, 2015
I enjoyed the book thoroughly. I didn't find a story that I did not like. They were not terrifying stories, but they definitely had a "creepy" element to them.
Nice short stories to enjoy over a long period of time.
Profile Image for Andrew Milton.
12 reviews19 followers
May 14, 2016
I enjoyed this compilation of short stories.
Quite often,like a music album, there are good ones and bad ones..... I enjoyed all of these and read one after another without leaving a gap.
13 reviews1 follower
June 20, 2016
Rarely do I give a 4 or 5 star review for short stories as they are almost always hit or miss. I thought the author presented a great collection in one book. Fun, disturbing and a quick read.
Displaying 1 - 26 of 26 reviews

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