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Friend-Zoned #3

Sugar Rush

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Max Leokov has watched the people around him find love.
At one point in life, he not only wanted that, but lived for it.
He loved once. He loved with all his heart.
His heart broken, he was left to care for his young daughter.

He deserves a second chance.

Helena Kovac has spent years studying.
She has worked her ass off to get her degree.
She doesn't have time for love. Hell, she doesn't have time to mess around, even.
Books and work are her life. Everything else comes second.

When Max and Helena join forces to help his daughter, Ceecee, they are shocked at the spark between them.

A cynic.
A workaholic.

When love hits, it hits hard.

And sometimes, love hurts.

347 pages, ebook

First published November 21, 2014

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About the author

Belle Aurora

41 books12.2k followers
Belle Aurora is thirty-something year old and was born in the land down under.
At an early age she fell in love with reading. Boredom one summer had her scouring the bookshelves at home. She stumbled across Sandra Brown’s Breath of Scandal and fell in love with romance.
Having been brought up in a loud and boisterous family of Croatian descent, she developed a natural love for dramatics and laughter. Only some years ago had she discovered a new love.
Humorous romance novels.
So many authors had opened a brand new world where she could lose herself yet feel safe and at home in their stories. Belle has been known to become a screeching banshee while anxiously awaiting their newest titles.
Belle never thought she would write. It had never interested her until recently. Friend-Zoned began to form and in February this year Belle typed the words Chapter One. And she fell in love.
With words.
With writing.
With a creative imagination she never knew she harbored.

Belle Aurora is a USA Today best-selling author.

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5 stars
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Displaying 1 - 30 of 720 reviews
Profile Image for Christy.
4,234 reviews35.1k followers
November 21, 2014
5 CUPCAKE stars!
Not all families are bonded through blood. Some have been sewn together by love and laughter.

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Sweet, sexy and hilarious! This book was wonderful! This entire series has been full of winners for me!

Max’s story is the one I’ve been waiting for. Fun and flirty guy, awesome dad, I mean, what’s not to love about Max? When Helena (Natalie’s sister) moves to the city, Max is the guy she’s most excited to see. Even though she won’t show it on the outside. Helena see’s Max’s flirty ways, but the one time she was looking for him to notice her, she was overlooked. So she’s not going there. Max can’t believe this woman isn’t warming up to him. He’s Max! Everyone loves Max!
“Sometimes people don’t like other people, and sometimes they don’t need a reason at all. It just happens honey.”

“Now I’m just sad. “But everyone loves me. I’m adorable.”

Max is on a mission. To get Helena to like him. Because he sure as hell likes her. He just wants a chance to prove to her that he’s a good guy.

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Even though Helena wants to stay away from Max, it’s easier that way, it’s not really possible. Nat and Ash’s friends are their family, and Helena is now in that group as well as Max. Also, Helena’s job makes it to where she see’s Max and his daughter often. How can you not fall in love with a guy who loves his daughter like Max loves his? Can you say swooooon!

The more time Max and Helena spend with his daughter and the more time they spend alone, it’s getting near impossible for Helena to resist him.
“You want to know how to be appealing to the opposite sex, Lena? Just breathe baby.”

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I want to take a moment to talk about the hilarity of this book. There were so many laugh out loud lines I highlighted. I laughed till I cried a few times. But I’m not going to share them here. You need to experience them for yourself. Just remember a few things... Johnny Depp. The Devil Cat. The old woman neighbor.

Now back to Max and Helena. I loved the friendship they grew. The feelings you could tell were there and real. They had such a connection and such explosive chemistry. I adored them both together! Max especially. He’s just wonderfully sweet, charming, flirty and fun. I couldn’t get enough of him. He’s like the most delicious sweet treat. Easy to devour and hard to resist.

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One of my favorite parts of this story was watching Ceicei and Helena interact together. I loved the relationship they had. How Helena was with her, how she treated her, and seemed to know exactly what she needed to respond. I kind of fell in love with Helena just as much as I did with Max. She was an amazing heroine. It’s rare that I can say I loved the heroine as much as I loved the hero but that seemed to be the case here. There was a small moment or two I was frustrated with her, and Max too, but I loved them both so much! It was easily overlooked.

Belle Aurora’s Friend Zone series just makes me happy. They make me smile. The characters are so damn charming and lovable. Catching up with the rest of the crew was one of the best parts. The writing is fantastic and I love how all the characters are connected like one big family! I can’t wait to get more from this author. If you’re looking for a book with a sweet and sexy romance, one that will make you swoon, cry happy tears and laugh out loud, I can’t recommend this enough! Put it at the top of you TBR’s!!!

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“Always, baby. For as long as you want me.”

“When are you gonna understand, woman? I’m never letting you go.”

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Profile Image for Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  .
2,434 reviews5,106 followers
November 22, 2014

"I've got all day, girl.
We're gonna get this out of the way."

OMG I'm so happy right now!!I can't stop smiling!!!Such an amazing book, I couldn't put it down!! I enjoyed it so much!!It was such a sweet,funny,sexy and intense story,like all the books of these series!!There were moments that I was laughing out loud and some moments that I wanted to cry!What made this book great was not only the romance between Helena and Max but the amazing supporting characters.It's like watching a Friends episode on tv!!!All the characters are so likeable that you can't choose only one!!You love all of them because they are so realistic and unique!!


Helena is Nats sister,she spent her life studying to get her degree and she didn't have time for men.When a new job opportunity appears for her in New York, she is really happy that she will be with her sister and all her friends...But when she sees Max, it seems like she doesn't like him at all!
Max is Nik's brother, once he fell in love and married, but his marriage didn't work out. His wife suffered from depression after the birth of their daughter, when something terrible happened to her due to her mother's carelessness and his daughter couldn't walk anymore. Now she left and they are alone...
When Max sees Helena again and understands that for some reason she doesn't like him...he will try to make her change her mind....But this isn't the only thing that will put them together..When his daughter needs motivation in doing her exercises, he turns to Helen for help!! As they spend more time together they get closer....


Max is so charming!!!He is funny,intelligent,sweet and gorgeous!!I really liked him....or maybe I'd better say that I loved him!!!!He is in top with Ash!!!Helena is funny,smart and sexy!I felt so connected with Max and Helena and I loved them instantly!I think the title is so perfect because something like that is their relationship. :D So much tension between them when they are in the same room!Wow!!!


Top Hillarious moments:

The dialogue between Helena and Jonny Depp's poster
The dialogue between Helena and Mrs. Crandle!!!

I liked Belle's writing so much!!Her writing is so mesmerized!When you start a book of her you can't put it down!!If you are looking for a funny,sweet and hillarious book this is what you need!!!
I need the next book right now!!!!
Profile Image for Whitney.
97 reviews13 followers
November 10, 2015

We got a blurb!!! And a cover!!!!

Just imagine how happy I'll be when the book actually comes out!


AWwwwww I could really use some of my Friend Zoned peeps right now!

Anyone know when this is coming out??

Yup, that's me patiently waiting for it to be released.. Don't worry Ms Aurora, it's not like this boat is gonna sink or anything..

Wait it does??

Well you best get to written' so's I don't drown!

Ya but seriously I wanna read it...

Profile Image for *J* Too Many Books Too Little Time.
1,921 reviews3,717 followers
Shelved as 'i-m-a-quitter'
November 22, 2014

With the limited amount of reading time I have these days, I have to know when to cut my losses! I'm a big fan of this series but this one just didn't work for me!

Reason #1:

Helena was

And sadly, she annoyed me from the get-go and I just never could connect to her. I thought she was childish, her initial disliking of Max was unwarranted and at times she was just dumb!

Reasons #2-5:

In no particular order....

"And my vagina swoons in a cold, dead faint."

".....my vagina jumps off of a trapeze, free-falling with her arms spread wide by her sides."

"And my vagina floods."

"My vagina twerks in approval."

Reason #6:

It took Helena and Max way too damn long to get together.

And the book was just too long.

I will say, I did LOL a few times and I loved Max! But it wasn't enough to save the book for me!

Also, there were a ton of typos!
Profile Image for Catarina.
896 reviews2,229 followers
November 24, 2014
5 Cupcake Stars.

Helena (Nat’s younger sister), just finish studies and came to NY to practice medicine and that puts her closer to her sister and her crazy “borrowed” family. That includes Max, the single father and amazing guy that everyone loves.
They didn’t have the best start (most of it Helena’s fault, that holds a stupid grudge) but Max is determined to make her like him. And eventually they get closer and trough Ceecee (Max daughter that Helena’s helping) they develop a friendship and something more.
The thing is, Helena doesn’t want a relationship because it can jeopardize her job and Max has a rough past and doesn’t want to be in love ever again.
But when they find out that falling in love isn’t ever a choice, things between them are going to change, and there’s no turning back this time.


I have to say that I absolutely LOVE this series. These books (this one included, obviously) are hilarious, heartwarming, dramatic in the right amount and make me feel good every time. Despite some annoyances, mainly time amount of time that took them to be together that was too much and some small details, I loved this book. I’ve waited a long time for this book and it didn’t disappoint. I only hope the next one don’t take this long to be released. So, if you’re in need of a funny and romantic book, with an amazing main couple and a crazy group of supporting characters, this is perfect for you.


Rating: 5 Stars.
Characters Development: I know that a lot of people will describe Helena as annoying because of her stubbornness. But I really liked her, she was funny, sweet, extremely loyal and dedicated and yeah, some of her attitudes weren’t so smart, but oh well, who’s perfect? Not to mention I loved her relationship with Ceecee (who is so cute, even under teenage rebellion) and with her sisters. Max is too perfect to describe. He was sweet, (yes, and flirty), loyal, funny and so thoughtful. He was probably one of my favorite heroes ever, I loved to see more about the rest of the gang, this is an amazing group of characters.
Steam: Some hot scenes. It would have been steamier if they hadn’t been so DAMN SLOW.
Sensible Subjects:
Love Triangle:
Profile Image for Patrycja.
639 reviews4,057 followers
November 26, 2014

Title: Sugar Rush
Series: Friend Zoned #3
Author: Belle Aurora
Release Date: November 2014
Rating: 4 stars
Cliffhanger:. No

Sugar Rush is perfectly adorable, cute romance. I devoured it with a big smile on my face. It’s powerful story full of ridiculous situations, heartwarming moments and swoon worthy scenes. Just like previous books in Friend Zoned Series, Sweet Rush made me laugh out loud and cry happy tears; it’s that intense. Perfect mix of crazy and sweet!

"You're my cupcake. You're my sugar rush."

This is a light read with not much unnecessary drama, so if you adore romantic comedies as much as me, or just need a break from gut-wrenching reads, crack open Sugar Rush and you won’t be disappointed. Belle Aurora’s new novel is a great entertainment. Something very right for November and December’s evenings; it’ll definitely make depressing thoughts go away and leave you relaxed and happy.


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Profile Image for Shanny.
186 reviews185 followers
November 23, 2014

Her eyes narrow down at the little white box. She places a hand on her hip and points at it with the other. Feigning boredom, she asks, "What's that?"
I grin, "A cupcake."
Her eyes flash. She quickly masks her excitement and shrugs dismissively, "And?"
I hold it in one hand and tap my fingers on the top of the box that holds the delicious treat. I tilt my head. "Well, if you don't want it..." I open the box to reveal the most decadent looking double fudge caramel brownie cupcake in the history of man.
Helena gasps.
I lift the cupcake out of the box. Her eyes narrow and her jaw sets. Slowly, I bring it to my opening mouth. She fists her hands so tightly, her knuckles turn white. Just as the baked sweet ouches my lips, she launches herself forward, snatches it out of my hand and shoves the entire thing into her mouth.
Chewing animatedly, she moans long and low. And my dick hardens.
Her eyes flutter open. She glares at me and utters a garbled, "Next time you try to eat my cupcake, I will cut you. Hard."
She turns and walks away.
I call out, "Does that mean you'll do it?"
Her response comes in the form of her middle finger saluting me high up over her head.
Fuck me.
I'm in love.
Profile Image for [~Ami~]♥Sexy Dexy♥ .
501 reviews475 followers
November 22, 2014
3 stars

Max was a pretty decent nice guy. Helena was a bit OTT, didn't like her assumptions about Max. Story was super sickenly sweet. The humour felt a bit forced. I wasn't invested in their story enough to like them but I did feel the story got better after halfway.

It was just the book I was looking for, really sweet and low in drama! But I didn't like it enough to 4 star it. I would recommend if you are already a fan of the series.

Standalone, multiple first person POV
Profile Image for Vickie*** .
341 reviews27 followers
June 14, 2015
This book didn't disappoint

I read this book after a pretty roller coaster emotional book, and this was perfect for something that relieved me of that tension.

I laughed from the first chapter, and throughout the book.

I loved the relationship Helena has with her sister Nat, their just a crazy duo, I love it!!!!

And Max and CeeCee, bless their hearts, they are amazing characters.

I don't mean to be pushy, but............ can this come out soon????

Profile Image for * Meli Mel *.
856 reviews676 followers
November 26, 2014

♥♥♥ 3.75 'Cupcake' STARS ♥♥♥

●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●

"Why don't you ever flirt with me? You never did, right from the beginning."

"Because I think you deserve better than that. A woman like you deserves real words, not pretty words that don't mean nothin'."

●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●

What a cute, funny, sweet, and sexy story. It was wonderfully entertaining. It seemed like I had been waiting to get Max's story for freaking ever. I have loved Max since he was introduced in the previous two books of this series. So, I could not wait to begin this book.

Helena is Natalie's younger sister who has just moved to New York because a new job. She is super excited about the move but not so happy that she will be seeing Max again. You see, there was a time when Helena was very glad to see him. In fact, she was drawn in by his charming and flirty personality. When she decides to make a move on him at a wedding, he totally ignores her and says her name wrong. Hurt and embarrassed, she promises to forget about him. But now, Max only has eyes for her. He doesn't understand why she doesn't like him, but he isn't giving up until he turns that around.

●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●

"You're my cupcake. You're my sugar rush."

●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●

Helena was freaking funny. She was quite immature the majority of time, loud and dirty mouthed, and lots of fun. For the most part, I really liked her. Sure, there were a few moments that she did frustrate me a little, but she was just so sweet. I loved how she cared, protected, and treated Ceecee. It was quite beautiful to read that. I loved her boisterous spirit that was much like Natalie’s. I thought she was just great for Max.

Max, oh, how I love this sexy man. He was such a wonderful father to Ceecee. I hurt when he hurt, I smiled when he smiled. I was so happy that I was able to connect with him. He made me swoon and melt by just being his sweet and flirty self. The only thing I can say I wished he would have done was take charge more. I wanted him to be a little bit more alpha in his pursuit of Helena. But other than that, I loved the man.

●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●

“When are you gonna understand, woman? I’m never letting you go.”

●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●

This was a light funny story with a few emotional parts. I was very happy having the characters in the previous books in this one too. It was great seeing how they were all doing. Not to mention they also added a lot to the humour. The only thing I didn’t really care for was the fact that Helena and Max’s romantic story line didn’t seem to really start until over half of the book. There were more parts of Helena trying to resist him in this book than they were together. The first 45% or so, seemed to drag on because of it. The dirty side of me was waiting for them to finally get it on already. But, when they finally did become a couple, it was super steamy, so, it did kind of redeem itself there. The ending was super sweet. I loved it and I think it was perfect for them. Overall, I think this was a great, light and funny read. I cannot wait to read the next book in this series.

Profile Image for Princess under cover.
617 reviews308 followers
November 19, 2019
This was a very good read. I did skip some stuff, so it's 4.5 stars rounded up. But I read mostly everything. There were some places where I felt like the non-MC family stuff was getting in the way of the MCs' love story. I like all of the side characters and families, and the writing is good fun, BUT I'm still most interested in the MCs getting together, hence the 0.5 star off.

There was definitely a point toward the end that I almost teared up. Felt a little tight in the chest. Helena is a very likable character and so is Max. I love a man who doesn't cave to emotionless sex. After his first (bitch) wife left him, he might have fooled around for a little while, but then he was celibate for NINE years!!! NINE!

And he's a natural flirt with a very healthy sex drive. All because he wants sex to mean something more. Because he has self-control and made a choice. Can't help but love a guy like that!

(Not sure why by working in a bar he's built like "a god," but OK, I'll take it).

I'll be reading other books by this author for sure.
Profile Image for Hulya Kara Yuksel.
1,023 reviews1,253 followers
October 28, 2015
HOLY MOTHER OF SWEET GOD!!!! It's just gets better and better. I freakin loved this book. Max was so sexy, so funny and so cute. And I'm officially fell in love with a fictional character. hahaha :-D

Ladies pls trust me, you have to give a shot this series!!! This boys will blow your mind and your body too. :D You just have to meet Nik, Asher, Max and Trick asap. ;)

Profile Image for aksana .
308 reviews133 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
December 4, 2014
dnf at 71%

I really liked Max but Helena drove slowly but surely nuts.
Profile Image for Jonna.
286 reviews31 followers
January 5, 2015
I am le sad.

You see? This is what expectation does to you. It makes you more prone to disappointment.

I really liked book 2 of Friend-Zoned. There was a lot of history and character development there, and the chemistry of Ash and Nat was undeniable. I was hoping that Max and Helena would equal that.

Obviously it failed to please me.

Mostly, I am annoyed at Helena's immaturity. And ignorance. Character development—almost nada. Whyyy, gurl? And what's the deal with James? I don't get that dude. Why was he even in the story? He was such a distraction as a character.

Also, the plot was so effing slow on the first half, and then suddenly the romance bloomed by the second half of the book and it was so rushed.

Just... yeah. Pretty darn disappointed.


~before reading~

Oh don't mind me, I'll just sit here and wait like a creep.
Profile Image for Michelle.
2,102 reviews1,360 followers
November 22, 2014
ARC provided by author in exchange of honest review.

[image error]

Belle Aurora...thank you for writing such an adorable, sweet, fun and sexy book!!! I could not stop laughing and smiling while I was reading Sugar Rush. Truly it was a gem that gave me a warm fuzzy feeling of love. How could you not love a book that had a group of closely knit friends who treats each other like family. And then to top it off, a story that chronicles two friends becoming lovers. Belle Aurora, you have definitely figured out what makes a great romantic comedy. All I can say is that Sugar Rush had a perfect blend of ingredients. This book had consisted of 2lbs of love, 1lb of humor, a pinch of drama, 2 spoonfuls of sweetness, 6 tablespoons of friendship, 1 zest of tenderness, and 1 cup of romance. Mix all those ingredients up and you got yourself a Sugar Rush!!! <3


Max Leokvov is known for his constant flirting with women. Basically, this man knows his way around sweet words. He can charm you off with his smile, dashing good looks, and of course his hot body. Max is one of the good guys and whom every women out there would love to claim him as their boyfriend. Not only is he successful, friendly and honest, he is also a wonderful single father. His life revolves on the happiness of his baby girl, Ceecee. An unfortunate tragic event in Ceecee’s life caused her to be bound to a wheelchair so Max does everything in his power to make sure his daughter is cared and loved for.

Helena Kovac is the sassy independent woman who is mainly focused on her career. She had spent most of her life studying. The only man in her life is basically a Johnny Depp poster. Basically, Helena is so career driven that she has no room for love. Well that all changes for Helena, when she moves to New York City for her new job. And what do you know it, the man she had a crush on for years is also living in NYC.


When Max hires Helena to help out with the physical training with his daughter, sparks begins to fly. Romance is in the air. And love begins to stir. Max and Helena can no longer deny their feelings for one another. Mutually attracted to one another, they begin one fun friendship that leads to one sweet romance. Can this sassy woman finally replace her ideal man, Johnny Depp for Max Leokov? Can Max get his second chance at love?


Sugar Rush by Belle Aurora was flat out funny and charming. I loved this book with its playful banter, friendship, family bonds, and of course the sweet romance. This book definitely lived up to it’s title..it was indeed a Sugar Rush. So if you are looking for a book with lots humor, love and sweetness, then I highly suggest you go read Sugar Rush… It gave me a sugar high and I couldn’t get enough of this decadent treat that Bella Aurora has concocted.

[image error]

Belle Aurora
Profile Image for Duchess Nicole.
1,270 reviews1,546 followers
October 16, 2015
Loved, loved, loved! Belle Aurora is good stuff. I'd forgotten how much I love her brand of romance/humor/levity. She blends it all so well. Five stars and going on the favorites shelf. I lapped this sucker up in one day.

Except that I made time. I didn't even realize it was passing because I was so sucked into this passionate, hilarious, sexy story.
Profile Image for Lady Heather .
1,304 reviews769 followers
May 19, 2022
5 Shiny laugh-my-ass-off for AMAZING humor and colorful characters stars!

I LOVED this story!

My God, this author has a wicked sense of humor!
There is a part of the story where I was literally crying, I was laughing so hard. I actually re-read the scene to see if it would still hit me as funny.. and it did!

Her voice is so strong, and her characters are amazingly colorful, and original.

The main characters (Max and Helena) are strong, loyal, intelligent, sassy, smart-asses, broken, and full of so much love for those who matter to them.

...this is how I pictured Max
 photo https3A2F2F41.media.tumblr.com2Fc6c31ff3ee7d1d898c8279ec1e077e812Ftumblr_mg4jciIF8i1re41uao1_500.jpg

..and this is Helena

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Max and Helena are SO attracted to one another (they circle one another waiting to see who's going to make the first move),

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but both have been burned badly in their past relationships.

They both think that if they take this risk with one another, neither one thinks they'll survive if it goes bad.

...but when they finally realize they can't fight 'this thing' any longer

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I highly recommend this book if your looking for a light read with awesome characters and raw humor.

Read this book!

Note: This is not a stand alone

Read this series!
Profile Image for Zakirrah BookBlogger.
311 reviews182 followers
November 20, 2014
4 Brilliant Stars!

Have I mentioned that I flove Belle Aurora? If you haven't read her books you are really missing out..BIG TIME! SO grab any one of her books and get reading. Okay yes, its been a long wait but Bella always makes it worth it.Another awesome book that made me smile so hard and even get a little emotional.

This is book 3 in the 'Friend-Zoned' Series and this one is about Max and Helena. You can read these books as stand-alones but why would you do that when you can start from book 1 and read all the way to this one.You have to read them all they will have you laughing out loud, swooning and falling in love.

We have met Max in the previous books and you see him as the funny, flirty one and a single- father who loves his little girl so much. We don't really see much of his serious side.It's heartbreaking seeing him struggle as a father at times and I wanted to reach into the book and hug him because he truly is an awesome father and he needed someone to strong to be with him, someone loving who could made his house, a home.

Helena is Nat's sister and we briefly meet her in 'Love Thy Neighbour'
I didn't know until later that her and Max would be paired up but I was looking forward to how it would all work out. Helena is just so funny!
I loved this part!!

"Firstly, old man, it's stub your toe.You need English lessons.Secondly, I stubbed it really bad that time.It was hanging by a thread! If I didn't use the Band-Aid when I did, not even plastic surgeon would have been able to save my pinkie toe."

Even Helena's dad was funny! Oh if I wrote down all the scenes I loved I would probably be spoiling the whole book since I did highlight a shit load.I loved all the supporting characters as well as the main ones, they are all so funny, quirky and they all form one big family bound by laughter and love.

Helena moves next door to Nat since she gets a new job close by and this is how Max meets Helena. But Helena isn't interested in him, or so she says.After meeting Max and being rejected on her sisters wedding she wants nothing to do with him.But fate has other plans..plans filled with laughter, love, family and even some tears.

He steps closer to me, his hand cupping my waist. "I want you.I want you more than anyone I've ever wanted in my life."

Can't wait for more in this series ;)

*ARC provided for an honest review*

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Profile Image for ❃**✿【Yasmine】✿**❃.
810 reviews655 followers
November 24, 2014

Genre: Sweet & Funny Romance
Cover: 8/10
Writing: 8/10
Heroine: 7/10
Hero: 7/10
Humour: 7/10
Hotness: 5/10
Romance: 8/10
Extra book Details: Heroine & Hero POV; 1st person. Approx 330 kindle pages.

'Sugar Rush' just didn't work for me. Ironically, it's biggest flaw was that it was just too freakin' sweet. It really needed something raw, or dirty, or some real conflict to even it out.

I just felt that the great things that this series is known for, had gone too over the top. The silly humour, though sometimes made me LOL, went too silly and into stupid territory. The cuteness got too fluffy. The 'I love my friends and family' spiel.... Gah! I tried not to throw up in my mouth the amount of times the characters declared how much they love each other, how awesome they think they are, how they love seeing so-and-so together, how fabulous everyone looks....


I got tired and skipped some, the first half felt slow, there were a lot of involvement with the other characters and not so much between the leads.

Sometimes I liked the funny and cute, at times it was enjoyable. But I really don't know about reading any more BA books. I might try another, but after waiting for this, reading this, RAW, numerous books in the works, the unfinished Night Fury serials.... I might not.

Profile Image for Vaso.
1,446 reviews205 followers
February 24, 2017
Max and Helena!!!

I think Max found in this book the one he was waiting for and didn’t expect it at all.

Helena on the other side, had a crush on him from the beginning, but was to shy to go for it.

Besides that Helena is a gorgeous girl, Max fell in love with her kindness and tenderness…

And what I like the most is that the love scenes were as much as it should have been!!

Nice, fresh and easy read… Enjoy!!

Profile Image for Polly.
677 reviews248 followers
November 22, 2014
I liked this one! It's not my fav of the series but it was still pretty good.
I think the fact that it took them until 60% of the book to get together put me off a bit.
Profile Image for Maree Hunter.
151 reviews120 followers
November 17, 2014

"Oh my God. It's finally happened." She fans her face, blinking rapidly. "Someone took the flirt out of Max Leokov."

WELCOME to the third book of one of my favourite book series, ever! Belle Aurora has written an amazing series filled with love, laughter, family, romance, passion and a whole lot of sexy. I could not put this book down. It was laugh out loud funny, hot, romantic, sweet, and it even had me tearing up in parts. A perfect addition to an incredible series. Belle's stories are always something I look forward to reading, hooking me in from the first few pages and not letting me go until the very end.

"Not all families are bonded through blood. Some have been sewn together by love and laughter."

This quote really sums up the entire series so well. This group of friends are bonded like family. They would do anything for one another. They love each other deeply and unconditionally and it is a huge part of why I love this series. From the very beginning, there is a strong sense of safety among the characters, that they have each others backs no matter what. Sugar Rush proved to be another winner from Belle Aurora. I felt through the entire book. The blurb gives you a good idea of what the story is about, so have a read here:

Max Leokov has watched the people around him find love.
At one point in life, he not only wanted that, but lived for it.
He loved once. He loved with all his heart.
His heart broken, he was left to care for his young daughter.

He deserves a second chance.

Helena Kovac has spent years studying.
She has worked her ass off to get her degree.
She doesn't have time for love. Hell, she doesn't have time to mess around, even.
Books and work are her life. Everything else comes second.

When Max and Helena join forces to help his daughter, Ceecee, they are shocked at the spark between them.

A cynic.
A workaholic.

When love hits, it hits hard.

And sometimes, love hurts.

That's pretty much the gist of what happens. Max's daughter Ceecee had a freak accident when she was little that left her paralysed and in a wheelchair. Now 13 years old, stubborn and what sounds like 'giving up', Max is worried that her condition is getting worse. He confides in Helena, a physical therapist, to help get Ceecee back exercising, and the story of their love begins.

The book starts off a little slowly. But I think it's necessary to help set the scene, especially if you haven't read books 1 & 2. In saying that, this can be read as a standalone. Belle does a wonderful job at recapping the lives of everyone so you are up to speed on who married who and so on. But if you do have the time, I would very much recommend you read the series in order. You get more of a love for these characters and understand their personalities a whole lot more. (Series reading order at the end of this review).

The humour in this is what made this book for me. It's light but necessary. I can see Belle's Aussie touch come out in these books and I absolutely love it. Don't be put off by that though, there are no jokes in there that non-Australians won't get. It's just that me being Australian, helped me appreciate it a lot more. Everyone else will still love it, I promise!

"I'm going to fuck you until you stop being stupid"

"Might take a while"

Max is probably my favourite character of the bunch, so I was very excited to finally get my hands on this book. Max is a total flirt but so incredibly affectionate, I kinda wish he was real!! He is the kind of hero you want for your heroine. A wonderful father, a great friend and an even more amazing lover. His ex damaged his heart and I never thought he would find someone worthy of the love he has to give.

"Have I told you how beautiful you look today?"

Helena is a head strong heroine who comes from a wonderful family. She is career driven, witty and won't take crap from anyone. It's refreshing to have a heroine who isn't a push over, or overly emotional. Max and Helena make a wonderful duo and I think Belle has written them a perfect love story.

Rating: 5+ Stars

**arc received in exchange for an honest review**

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Profile Image for Melissa *Pervy*.
72 reviews37 followers
November 14, 2014

This book was like a breath of fresh air. No drama...not much anyway. Just a down to earth sweet, funny, cute and sexy book. It warmed my heart.

I’ve been waiting to read Max and Helena’s story for what feels like forever. I loved the first two books in this series, but Max was a favorite from the beginning.

Helena was a fucking hoot. She cracked me up so hard, especially in the beginning. Her love for Johnny Depp was hilarious. She’s such a loving, foul-mouthed lady. I freaking love it!

I loved the way she took to Ceecee and made her feel independent and special all at once.

Max is such a swoony guy. He’s the flirty guy, getting all touchy with everyone else’s women. It’s just the way he is and it’s great. The love he has for his baby…his Ceecee...was the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen. He's such a great daddy. That guy…I just love the crap out of him.

He’s just too sexy. I loved that he thought so highly of himself…that everyone liked him. And I loved when his mouth got a little dirty. Those are always the best parts.

Him and Helena just fit perfectly together. ♥

I also loved seeing all of the old characters together again. Asher, such the protector. Honestly, I cannot even remember what makes him so protective of Helena. I may need to go re-read book 2 and figure it out. Sometimes I felt he needed to calm his ass down, but he was too cute to get too irritated at.

I think my most favorite line was when Nik said in a thickened accent… “Tha fuck you tawkin’ ‘bout, man?” I don’t know why but that line just does something to me.

It was worth the wait, waiting for this book. I just wish I had more book to read of them. It sucked that it had to end. Now I'm just going to patiently wait for Lola and Trick's story. Can't freaking wait!
Profile Image for estherrr.
237 reviews13 followers
January 19, 2015

Profile Image for Elodie.
561 reviews59 followers
November 23, 2014
DNF 50%.

Well…. I just gave a two stars rating to the book I was the most excited about this month… What the hell happened ?

First of all, at the 45% mark, the two main characters had barely had any scenes together… I felt like Helena was meant to fall in love with her boss, not with Max. And that’s just not ok with me… If I don’t have a beginning of a relationship at the 50% mark, how do you expect me to believe in their love story ?

And the characters… DEAR LORD. Let's begin with Max. He was supposed to be cute and adorable, but he just seemed a little arrogant. Then there was James – who was the opposite of interesting. And finally there was just every other character who all love each others, repeat all the time how fabulous they are, how they can’t live without each other… Blah, blah, blah.

The only highlight of this book was Helena.

I’m so disappointed. I can’t believe Belle Aurora wrote this. Friend-Zoned and Love thy neighborhood are in my all-time favorite books shelf - but this one... It didn't do it for me. Not at all.
But I'm still impatient for the next book... So I really hope it will be better.
Profile Image for Rachel.
638 reviews38 followers
November 26, 2014
Overall rating: 4 Cupcake stars!!!

Love triangle:
Sex with om/ow:


My review:

If you know me, you know I LOVE single parent romances. This one was very cute, but the story kind of fell flat for me at times. I can't really explain it. It was a very SLOW build, which can be good sometimes, but I swear I kept saying to myself "Come on already." LOL You could tell both main characters liked each other, but with the hero being very flirtatious and not a WHOLE lot of inner dialogue on his part at first, I wasn't sure if he was being serious or not sometimes. The heroine kind of drove me a little crazy with her wanting to remain "single". I am trying to remember but in a 310 page book, the sexy time happened after page 200. And there were only like 2 scenes. So it definitely wasn't very steamy. I really enjoyed reading Ceecee scenes. The scenes with the children in them are my favorite when it comes to single parent romances. This book also had a little humor to do and very little drama - which I liked!

I am so glad I read this book!! :)

Profile Image for Eclissi.
21 reviews
November 24, 2014
Even with just the cover it makes me so excited.

What will happen if I have the book already?

I want it now.

But I'm willing to wait. 'Cause I know this will be good.

Profile Image for Pammy.
259 reviews37 followers
November 26, 2014
Max Leokov... I kinda love you, like super love you, like i want you to be my baby daddy & do dirty things to you while eating cupcakes of your body.

Is that super creepy enough? hahahahaha... i dont care cause he is totally my new book bf "sugar rush".

Helena Kovac... 3 things you need to know about her:
1- she has a awesome personality, and her banter with her sisters CRACKED ME UP the whole book
2- i need her as my bff
3- is my kindred book self... chic hates heels. YES. score 1 for me!





Top Hilarious moments for me:
- The dialogue between Helena & Jonny Depp's poster
- The banter between Helena & Nat
- The way Helena & Max just talk/ tease each other
- Helena & 'Ghost' scenes xxx
- The dialogue between Helena & Mrs. Crandle.... Well anyone with that crazy cat lady LOL!

FAV QUOTES (may have spoilers):

“Sometimes people don’t like other people, and sometimes they don’t need a reason at all. It just happens honey.”

“Now I’m just sad. “But everyone loves me. I’m adorable.”

“You want to know how to be appealing to the opposite sex, Lena? Just breathe baby.”

“Always, baby. For as long as you want me.”

“When are you gonna understand, woman? I’m never letting you go.”

"Someone took the flirt out of Max Leokov"

"Not all families are bonded through blood. Some have been sewn together by love and laughter."

"Why don't you ever flirt with me? You never did, right from the beginning."

"Because I think you deserve better than that. A woman like you deserves real words, not pretty words that don't mean nothin'."

"You're my cupcake. You're my sugar rush."

"He steps closer to me, his hand cupping my waist. "I want you.I want you more than anyone I've ever wanted in my life."

"Firstly, old man, it's stub your toe. You need English lessons."

Displaying 1 - 30 of 720 reviews

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