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Damian: Son of Batman #1-4

Damian: Son of Batman

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Damian Wayne, the son of Batman, has adopted the cape and cowl as his own...but what horrific events set this troubled hero on the path of his dark destiny? It's a possible future that may never be in this epic written and drawn by one of Damian's co-creators, Andy Kubert! Plus, in a tale written by Grant Morrison, Damian Wayne is the Batman of Tomorrow in a story set 15 years from now in a nightmarish future Gotham! In a world torn apart by terrorism, plagues, rogue weather and bizarre super-crime, only 24 hours are left before the climactic battle of Armageddon - and only one man who might be able to stop it.

Collects DAMIAN, SON OF BATMAN #1-4 and BATMAN #666.

176 pages, Hardcover

First published May 1, 2014

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About the author

Andy Kubert

766 books74 followers
Andrew "Andy" Kubert is an American comic book artist, son of Joe Kubert, and brother of Adam Kubert, both of whom are also artists. He is a graduate of and an instructor of second-year classes at the Joe Kubert School of Cartoon and Graphic Art, founded by his father (who also teaches there).

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Profile Image for Anne.
4,388 reviews70.2k followers
September 5, 2017
After read a few pages:
Huh. This isn't so bad. Wonder why the ratings are so low?
After a few more pages:
Ok. Not great, but I'm still interested.
And then:
*squints...shakes head...squints again*
Is that a goddamn Talking Cat?!

Oh yeah. It was.
Just...kinda started talking for no real good reason.
Well, there was a reason, I guess. It just wasn't a very good one.

Warning: Potential Spoilers Ahead

Whew. This was an Epic Stinker. It was one of those stories that started out ok, and then rapidly devolved into insanity.
The main gist of the story is that Damien takes over the mantle of Batman, and triesish to win his father's approval.
Not too shabby, as far as plots go.
It coulda been a contender!
But no.
Here's a few of the main problems I had with it:

1) The stupid-ass cat.
Why? Why would anyone think a talking cat would make a good sidekick for Damien?!
The backstory behind this dumbass move is that Alfred falls over dead, and the cat suddenly has his voice. It's never really explained.
Is the cat a figment of Damien's imagination, or did Alfred's spirit drift into...a cat?
Either way, it's beyond stoopid.

2) The mysterious priest.
Damien keeps going to confession (?), and getting advice from the magical disappearing priest.
Is it supposed to be Gordon? He's got glasses and a mustache, so maybe? But if that's the case, then when the hell did Commissioner Gordon decide to go to seminary...or wherever priests go to become priests? And more importantly, why?

3) Batman Is Dead!
Or not. Evidently, Bruce was just hurt really badly. Damien makes mention of him being in an Old Folk's Home, but then he's shown with a home nurse (a really weird home nurse) at Wayne Manor.
And if he's in such bad shape, how does he rush in and (almost) kick Damien's ass?! Yeah, yeah. Because He's Batman!
Annnnnd no.
Batman + Nursing Home does not = Badass

4) Imitation Joker
The Joker kidnaps Bruce, and Damien rushes to save him! The entire storyline has culminated into this Final Battle!
Oh wait. Sorry, he's just some weirdo copy-cat.
Then the real Joker pops up out of nowhere and shoots him.
And...he's gone again.
The End.

They tacked on a couple of wacky Future-Damien-As-Batman issues at the end.
In the first one, Damien saves Gotham from the Bat-Antichrist, because he sold his soul to the Devil when he was thirteen.
Yes. The Son of Satan wore a Batman costume...
In the second?
Who the fuck even knows what that story was about. Some weirdo I've never heard of (Mr. January) is holding Gotham hostage. Apparently, Gotham is under a dome or something, and this January guy is flooding it with toxic rain. There's a kidnapped toddler who's been dosed with Joker venom, and some old (scientist?) guy with him. But January kidnapped the wrong kid? Not sure. He wants Joker's diary..I think. And, evidently, some money from the kid's parents?
I'm not...
Anyway, a younger, time-traveling version of the old scientist guy pops up, and kills himself to make amends.
What. Ever.

Stay Away! Stay FAR Away!
Profile Image for Chad.
9,138 reviews1,000 followers
October 20, 2018
The art was fantastic. The story had a few bits I found confusing because of plot holes but it's worth it for Andy Kubert's art alone. It's beautiful.
Profile Image for Sam Quixote.
4,669 reviews13.2k followers
February 1, 2014
Soooooooo... this happened. Andy Kubert revisits the alternate Damian as Batman of the future storyline from Grant Morrison's Batman #666 and Batman Incorporated #5 - crucially, without Morrison - and makes a pig's ear of it. In just four issues, he creates an absolutely near-unreadable story of remarkable stupidity.

It was so bad I had to write an article about it. You can read it here: 10 Reasons Why Damian Son of Batman Was An Absolute Mess
Profile Image for Donovan.
725 reviews80 followers
October 17, 2017
Well, the bad reviews are totally justified.

Having read Grant Morrison’s Batman run in its entirety, I know Damian Wayne pretty well. And Andy Kubert should know how to write Damian’s dialog better, especially considering he illustrated a good portion of that run. Kubert has always been a better illustrator and this is no exception. The dialog feels off, Damian’s characterization is unsettled (he just can’t decide between killing and not killing), and there’s no real story to the main arc. He’s finding himself? He’s looking for the Joker? He’s fighting random baddies? Just pick one, Andy. (Funny thing is, I didn’t even mind Alfred as a cat. Kind of makes sense in this fantasy.) The illustrations aren’t even his best. Maybe if Morrison had written this, or someone else had illustrated, the story could have reached its potential. But it really didn’t.

Go ahead and pass on this.
Profile Image for Quentin Wallace.
Author 34 books177 followers
October 3, 2015
This one was a mixed bag. First off, the art was gorgeous, even if it did get a little confusing at times. Great coloring as well.

Now, the story did leave something to be desired. I'm assuming this is an Elseworlds tale, where we see an alternative future. Damian has to take over the mantle of the bat after the death of Batman. He becomes as much The Punisher as Batman, killing several villains. He softens his views, at least to a point, but still uses lethal force in certain situations.

Now, for some of the weaknesses. We have Alfred as a talking cat, which is never fully explained. The main flaw is the story is incomplete. It's more of a beginning than a complete story, which comes across very disappointing.

Overall the story just seemed disjointed and somewhat confusing. Not terrible, just not very good either. If you are a huge fan of the Damian Wayne character, or of Andy Kuber's art, pick this up for sure. If not, you may not care for it.
Profile Image for 'kris Pung.
192 reviews28 followers
July 2, 2014
Ouch this one was bad, I mean really, really bad which I knew going in but it didn't lessen the blow of reading this garbage. If you’re thinking about reading this mess take my advice and stay away it’s just not worth the self inflicted torture.
Profile Image for Vanessa Gayle ⚔️ Fangirl Faction.
1,062 reviews826 followers
June 13, 2017
I am putting my love for Damian Wayne aside to write this review. I honestly don't know what to say about this book. I think that I am disappointed? Maybe? If this wasn't so damn confusing, it might have been okay. The timeline continuity is so disjointed that I found myself looking back at previous parts just to get a feel for when things were taking place. There were some real "WTF" moments in this as well. Like a talking cat, a strange priest, a ghost killing himself.....just so much weird shit. Most of it makes zero sense. I wanted to like this so much, but I am just left confounded after finishing this. While I like the central premise of the story, the execution really did not go over very well. -sigh-
Profile Image for Anna Kay.
1,402 reviews164 followers
October 17, 2014
If this is what I have to look forward to from DC, I think I'll stick with Dark Horse and Diamond Book Distributors for my NetGalley requests. What a non-sensical, horrific mess that totally doesn't even deserve to have the name Batman stamped on it. The artwork was boring, the plot was thin, overly violent (why does he have to kill EVERYONE???) and what the heck was with the Alfred-cat???!!! No thanks. Just no, freaking thanks at all.

VERDICT: 1/5 Stars (lower if I could)

**I received this book from DC Comics, on NetGalley. No favors or money were exchanged for this review. This book was published July 22nd, 2014.**
Profile Image for Logan.
1,012 reviews37 followers
April 19, 2015
What a good read! By the looks of things not many people enjoyed this; I guess this is my guilty pleasure then! The Story is Bruce Wayne is "dead" and Damain must take the mantle of The Bat! He of course starts guns blazing! This story was the only time where I liked Damains moral complex of Killing or Saving/Ras's way or batmans way; usually it annoys the hell out of me! Plus the art was excellent! Overall a great read!
Profile Image for Tokki.
98 reviews1 follower
March 22, 2021
no voy a ser objetiva

El dibujo me gusta, pero mas que el dibujo es el uso del color, las sombras y la perspectiva. Los personajes se me hacen mucho más viejos de lo que son; Damian em vez de la ventena parece que tenga 40 años, y los ancianos son como muy jóvenes.

La historia; he leído que para algunos es confusa, para mi no, si que hubiese preferido más páginas, más historia y trasfondo; se hace como que todo va muy rápido.

Y para terminar, amo a Damian así que...
Profile Image for Robert Reiner.
354 reviews10 followers
July 25, 2021
I thought this was super cool. First you have to understand going in that this is a “possible future” for the Batman character. Damian, his son in the comics, has taken on the Batman role and does things well…a little differently. He’s violent and doesn’t think twice about killing any one of the many foes in Batman’s Rogue Gallery.

That’s it. That’s pretty much the plot. Damian goes nuts and takes out a ton of baddies. It’s a fun story but what I loved the most was the art. Holy Amazing Batman! Some of the best art I’ve seen in a Batman comic. There were times when I just found myself staring at a panel for a minute or two thinking “wow…that’s cool”.

Hardcore Batman fans may not like this idea of Damian taking on the cowl in this future and casual readers not as familiar with Batman comics may find themselves confused but I fall in the middle somewhere and found this to be pretty entertaining and visually stunning.
Profile Image for Relstuart.
1,223 reviews108 followers
January 23, 2015
Kubert's art saves this from getting the one star the writing deserves. There has to be more, right? So many plot holes, well, not holes, as much as just missing parts of the story so you have no idea what is going on. A great else worlds idea that could have been really interesting failed to live up to its potential.
Profile Image for Robert.
3,741 reviews26 followers
October 9, 2014
How disgustingly deceptive to label this as "new 52" when it all takes place (as far as anyone can tell) in alternate timelines or the future or parallel dimensions or who the hell cares.

Avoid like the plague.
Profile Image for Dan.
2,194 reviews67 followers
December 4, 2014
Nice what if story. What if Dick had died instead of Damian? New Batman and new villains.
5,870 reviews141 followers
July 23, 2019
Damian: Son of Batman is a limited series published by DC Comics and stars an older Damian Wayne as Robin as he takes the mantle of Batman. Damian: Son of Batman collects all four issues of the 2013 limited series. This deluxe edition includes Batman #666 on which the limited series was based on.

Set in the Batman in Bethlehem universe, it shows the journey of Damian Wayne as Robin as he takes on the mantle of Batman, when Dick Grayson as Batman dies in the line of duty, and to find his brother's killer. This limited series starts before the stories in Batman #666 and Batman, Incorporated #5.

Except for one issue (Batman #666) which was written by Grant Morrison, Andy Kubert penned the entire trade paperback. For the most part, it leaves much to be desired – it was a crazy mess. The characterization was out of character, the narrative was inconsistent, and the antagonist seems wanting – a total mess. I loved the dystopian future universe that Grant Morrison created, just wished the origin story for Damian Wayne as Batman was better. It didn't help matters to see the difference with the original inspiration is included in the trade paperback.

Andy Kubert does double duty as the penciler for the entire trade paperback. Since he was the main penciler, the artistic flow of the trade paperback flowed exceptionally well. For the most part, I enjoyed his penciling style – it is perhaps the only saving grace to the limited series.

All in all, Damian: Son of Batman is a rather mediocre limited series with a nearly incomprehensible narrative, but wonderful penciling.
Profile Image for Cale.
3,817 reviews24 followers
June 29, 2019
This is 1 1/2 stars, rounded up. Andy Kubert the artist is impressive, with detail environment and character work all being very impressive (and the color work was also very good). But Andy Kubert the writer is... not good. The entire plot of this is that Damian is seeking vengeance while also trying to deserve the mantle of the bat. So he goes out and kills people. And then regrets it. There's a random heart attack, a talking cat, a nurse with a weird twang and inappropriate innuendo towards a near-dead patient, and Damian wearing a heavy Russian coat as part of his costume. All the beautiful art in the world, and the kinetic action, can't overcome a story that had me rolling my eyes from the first page to the last. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone.
Profile Image for Andrew Shaffer.
Author 44 books1,484 followers
May 24, 2021
Disappointed he doesn’t once say, “I’M THE SON OF THE GODDAMNED BATMAN.”
Profile Image for Eve.
191 reviews6 followers
August 5, 2014
Thanks to Netgalley.com for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

The artwork and coloring are first rate, yet the story is what causes this book to get a one star rating. The start is interesting enough with a surprise death, getting my hopes up for future twists. Unfortunately, the storyline went downhill shortly after the beginning. With contradictory characterizations and just out-and-out bizarre additions, I would never suggest this graphic novel to any Batman series fan or anyone else. Here are my biggest gripes (spoilers alert):

* Damian is supposed to be a trained assassin and, due to his older age in this book’s story, must have several years under his belt as Robin. But he second-guesses himself constantly, and his queasy reaction to a mass murder scene further cements in my mind - this is not the hardened, ruthless Damian that Grant Morrison introduced to us years back. This wouldn’t normally be such an issue for me as characters can change, but Kubert seems to be attempting to use Morrison’s groundwork as a prequel to this book, which means characters’ behaviors and thought processes should be kept the same or at least similar.

* Bruce decides to kill Damian. Bruce has never purposely killed anyone in his lengthy career, yet he decides to kill his own son once retired. Nope, not buying it one bit. Another example of Kubert radically changing a character, and the story’s believability suffers as a result.

* Damian visits a priest (Gordon?) who lectures Damian and tries to guide him to less violent behavior. Why was Damian visiting a priest in the first place? When did he become religious? No explanation, just something readers are expected to accept.

* Pennyworth dies, and the cat starts talking as Pennyworth. Again no explanation as to why/how this happened, but readers should simply take it at face value.

Ultimately, there are far better Batman supporting character series that readers will enjoy much more than this one.
Profile Image for Ashleigh.
924 reviews15 followers
April 19, 2014
Read as digital ARC.

This was a weird one. I was kind of confused because I read this right after Batman and Robin, Vol. 4: Requiem for Damian and as an alternate reality story, I expected everything to match up. Nope. Damian's grown up since he died. And the Batman you know isn't Batman... And then a Batman
gets a hideous new Batman costume... It's a lot of, "Uh...What are you doing?"

For instance, Bruce Wayne is super different from any versions, in action--not in appearance. Like to the point that I didn't quite buy it. With Batman Beyond and Superman & Batman: Generations, An Imaginary Tale, I've seen some old/retired Batmen, they don't act like this.

Meanwhile, Damian doesn't always act like Damian either. Like when he's all, "I knew I'd never be as good as dad or Dick." Whaaaaaaaat? You have frickin' elite training... What are you even... No. I'm no Damian expert; I spell the kid's name wrong if I don't pay attention, but I do know that Damian tends to think that he is right and/or better than everyone else. He's supposed to have skillz, that's like the entire point of him.

But, eh, I'm a DC fangirl, as long as you're giving me a story with characters I know, I'm probably still going to like it. Even if it's a little sketchy.
Profile Image for Unai.
968 reviews54 followers
May 19, 2014
2 estrellas y 1/2 realmente

Que guerra que nos da Damian, pero que bien nos cae. Damian Wayne, para los despistados, es el hijo de Bruce Wayne y Talia al Ghul. Este mozo, creció con su madre y su abuelo, es decir, preparado para algún día liderar la liga de asesinos y como tal pues tiene ese ramalazo psicópata/ninja rebelde, que le hacen ser un Robin fuera de lo común por no tener mucho escrúpulo a la hora de ejecutar malhechores.

Andy Kubert ha querido darse un homenaje a lo autor completo y nos traslada unos años en el futuro para poder contar una historia fuera de continuidad, pero sin llegar a ser un Elseword. En este futuro, ocurre una desgracia que hará que Damian tenga que calzarse el manto de Batman y por lo tanto entraran en conflicto su manera de hacer las cosas, su sed de venganza asesina y tener que honrar el batmanismo... es decir, no matar.

Realmente no hay mucho mas, es simplemente un historia de como congeniar ambos tipos de personalidad, mientras aparece un falso joker liandola y promoviendo un nivel de caos y violencia que hay que parar. La historia no mata y lo mejor de Kubert está en las paginas dobles que se casca. Aun así, no es una total perdida de tiempo y se deja leer en un suspiro, con sus cosas interesantes, sus muertes trágicas, sus violencias mas o menos explicitas y sus gatos parlanchines. Pero igual de rápido que se lee, cae en el olvido.
Profile Image for John.
466 reviews28 followers
April 22, 2016
The very definition of of a mixed-bag. This is essentially an Elseworlds future Robin story with jaw-droppingly beautiful art and some intriguing concepts which is thrown off the rails by some muddled and often kooky story points. I loved the trench-coated Batman and the atmosphere of the story but certain things are just too weird or out of left field. The talking cat? WTF? And the bits with priest and the Joker? Huh? Having said this, the book is gorgeous, fast-moving and refreshingly weird enough to be enjoyable.
5,630 reviews5 followers
August 28, 2016
This is basically a what if novel.It works in some parts not so much in others.I enjoyed the action sequences and artwork but the story lost me in spots especially when things got really weird.Clearly not one of the best Batman efforts but still worth reading.
Profile Image for Brennan.
110 reviews3 followers
June 26, 2016
story is 2 stars, art pushed it up to 3 because there were some really gorgeous panels that'll make me reread it so i can appreciate them more
Profile Image for Rigo JZ.
1 review
November 25, 2020
Love this mini series.

First exposed to Damian Wayne via the DCAMU films and I thoroughly enjoyed the character. I prefer mature leaning intellectual properties and with Damian's profile it makes sense. I want to see more adult oriented comic books regarding Batman's genetically engineered clone son (his origin reminds me of X-23 from Wolverine and Conner Kent/Superboy).

I actually bought the Deluxe edition four times : Digital Kindle, Digital DC App, Hardcover and Paperback. I am a believer in voting with my wallet. I'm currently hunting down the individual comics and their variant covers.

I understand some readers don't like how Damian speaks in this story but considering the context of where the story takes place in his life (which I would theorize to be quite a few years into the Bat Family where he's now in late teens/young adulthood), I think it's reasonable to speculate that Damian has simply reached a point where he built up a lot of frustration with the Batman code in contrast to how he was brought up before cementing his allegiance to the Bat Estate.

It's when Grant Morrison's issues (Batman 666 and Batman 700) get introduced later in the Deluxe Edition where Damian's vocabulary is more mature and sophisticated seeing as how he's been Batman for a while now.

I enjoy compelling, fascinating self-struggling, and anger fueled characters like Damian Wayne, Guts from Berserk, Tony Montana from Scarface, Patrick Bateman from American Psycho, Kratos from God of War, etc.

Damian: Son of Batman is a testosterone fuelled book drenched with a lot of mystery and potential that for whatever reason was cut short. Even Grant Morrison had to put Batman Arkham Asylum 2 (starring Damian) on hold as well. Also considering that DC Animation paired Damian with Raven in Justice League Dark: Apokolips War, coinciding with many Satanic/Christian references in these Damian as Batman stories, it's good mature potential plot fodder that belongs in DC Black Label. I hope to see more of Damian Wayne in these kinds of mature leaning stories.

Andy Kubert did a terrific job both as artist and writer in this one.
Profile Image for Jordan Anderson.
1,562 reviews45 followers
April 23, 2019
I really wanted to like this one. Good concept, the (almost) lack of stupid Grant Morrison, and a reboot with the New 52 line, gave me hope that Damian, Son of Batman would wash the sour taste of Morrison’s Batman and Son shitfest our of my mouth.

Clearly, that didn’t happen.

Obviously this is a far better product than the previously mentioned Batman and Son (which really goes to show just how awful that entire storyline/collection really was), but even then, Damian is, unfortunately, a mess.

The story, in concept, is great. Damian taking on the cowl of Batman, avenging Gotham, and being a far more brutal Dark Knight than his father. But then, all the good stuff stops. The pacing is all over the place. Not that the action is bad, but the panels jump from one scene to the next, leaving a lot of unanswered questions. There’s plot holes big enough to dump all of Gotham into. Things happen with no explanation. There’s a talking cat which could make sense but it’s left for the reader to figure out. And then Morrison comes in to completely crap all over everything with his additions.

And that’s too bad because If this short, 4 issues series was being rated on illustrations alone, it would easily receive a perfect 5 star rating. Kubert’s artwork is gorgeous. The colors are vibrant. The gore is something more akin to Marvel’s much maligned MAX line. His depictions of action are damn near perfect.

I’ll give Kubert another shot with another series (his X-Men stuff is supposed to be pretty good), but damn, this one could have been awesome!
July 2, 2018
Frankly I never was too interested in this story. But I started reading it and finished in just one night. Because I liked it? Nope, because I didn't want to lose time reading it through various days. And damn I was right to do so.
The story starts with a kind of a prequel for the iconic Grant Morrison one shot starring Damian Wayne becoming Batman in a dystopian future after Bruce's death. But is this a heroic death? Does he die fighting the Joker or Bane? No. He dies because of a fish... An exploding fish... Yeah...lame.
The the senslessnes goes on with his aparent resurrection with no reason, and we don't know how he is alive. Then Alfred dies, and a cat who was in front of him while he died starts talking with his voice? I give the shadow of a doubt and think Damian is allucinating, bu still...Lame...
And it doesn't ends there. It seems that the guilt of Batman's death is on The Joker, but not the Joker we know and love, but in a cheap, ugly imitation of the Joker, who finally dies killed by the real Joker, hinting that we will see him again, but he doesn't appear again in the TPB.
The TPB ends with the Morrison's one shot of Batman 666, the tale of the Batman of Bethlehem or whatever that name was. And then, another One shot by Andy Kubert, completely unnecesary and forgettable (I don't even remember it's plot)
But well, at least this senselessness was short.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
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