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Ancient Enemy #1

Ancient Enemy

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Genre: supernatural horror

Ancient Enemy - it's been asleep for centuries and now it's awake. It wants things ... and you have to give it what it wants ...

Seven hundred years ago the Anasazi people built massive cities in what is now the southwestern United States ... and then they vanished.

Stella, an archaeologist specializing in Anasazi culture, and David, a mysterious Navajo boy, are on the run from something terrifying. As they flee up into the snowy mountains of Colorado they are carjacked by criminals escaping a botched bank robbery. Caught in a blizzard, they must take refuge in what they believe is an abandoned cabin. It's at this cabin that they will face horrors beyond their imagination.

Contains: strong language, graphic violence, gore

230 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 21, 2013

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Mark Lukens

50 books383 followers

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27 (1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 192 reviews
Profile Image for Luvtoread.
561 reviews393 followers
September 29, 2021
Mark Lukens really knows how to tell a story. I was captivated from page one, and I didn't want to stop reading. A different fresh take on horror some parts are very graphic. The characters all came to life for me, which makes me want to continue with them on their journey. I highly recommend this book and will read more of Mark Lukens. I am a new fan!
Not for the Squeamish! A lot of graphic violence but it adds to the story instead of taking away from it. Great Horror Book! (No Zombies)
Profile Image for Peter.
3,439 reviews653 followers
January 18, 2020
This was an extremely exciting story. Stella flees with David from a dig site on Anasazi artefacts. On their way to Colorado they are stopped by a group of bankrobbers. As a snowstorm is coming they hide in a remote cabin. But something is following them, some ancient evil. It grabs one member of the desperate group after another. What does it want? Will there be any survivors left at the end? Nailbiting story with some shocking elements (reanimated dead, the scene with the eyes). That's one of those books you can't put down. You'll follow the author to hell just to know how the story continues. To the point language, no frills, a horror pageturner if there ever is one. You can easily get addicted to that prose. Absolutely recommended!
Profile Image for Empress Reece (Hooked on Books).
915 reviews82 followers
January 8, 2018
Wow that was surreal in a crazy, f'd up way but it was a heck of a story. It had some of my favorite horror tropes- a secluded cabin, a winter snow storm, a supernatural element that was really nicely done, and one creepy as hell kid named David! What more can you ask for? : )

Speaking of creepy kid, there has to be more to his story. I can't wait to find out in the next book.

Profile Image for Latasha.
1,332 reviews424 followers
December 13, 2016
oh this book! it was not at all what I expected and it just went on and on and on! end already! I don't care if everyone dies or not!
Profile Image for Melissa.
456 reviews
February 24, 2016
This book sounded like it would be interesting and suspenseful. The words "archaeologist," "Anasazi" and "mysterious Navajo boy" pulled me in. Instead, it was about a bunch of morons in a cabin being ordered by an unknown entity to give it certain things or face a horrible end. (Hmmmm...perhaps inspired by Robert McCammon's short story "He'll Come Knocking at Your Door," just replace the who, what, when and where?) The dialogue here was perfunctory and predictable. Words are recycled countless times. Characters perform the same ministerial acts throughout the entire story. It goes something like this: Cole yells at Jose. Jose reaches for his gun. F-words are exchanged. A character named Needles worries on his crucifix. More F-words ensue. Stella makes coffee. David holds Stella's hand. Something interesting happens. Lather, rinse, repeat. There was precious little about the history of the Anasazi and next to nada involving archaeology. There was a reference to "meat" that left me gagging and rolling my eyes at the same time. Sigh.....I'll be generous and give this book two stars.
Profile Image for Ananova.
38 reviews4 followers
June 15, 2020
SO...FUN!!!! That’s the best way I can sum this up.

Look, this won’t win any awards for ...well really anything. It’s basically a horror/action novel. This could so easily be turned into a film, in some ways it sorta has! While reading it all I could think of was PHANTOMS.

You’ve got a group of bank robbers, & a woman & a small child (who may or may not have powers) held up in a cabin in the middle of no where during a blizzard of sorts...and there is something lurking in the woods. Something unexplained, something very evil, very powerful, and very demented.

That’s basically the premise of the book! Simple & lots of fun!!

Why did I say it won’t win any awards? Well...while I loved it, it’s essentially like your favorite action films (Predator/Rocky/Fast & Furious/The Matrix) where they’re so great & fun...but won’t win any awards due to not being complex enough, or deep enough for that sorta thing...but are just loads of FUN!!! Popcorn flicks!

The writing likewise isn’t on a super high level, but it’s great still because it’s so straight forward & to the point!

Do you hate when a book takes the first 150 pages before it gets to the point? ME TOO! This starts off with a bang, & never lets up. No drawn out, page filling flash backs, no explaining the characters entire lives before the books events, just pure action!!! To some that’s a huge minus...to me I love it. I believe character depth is overrated. We can get to know characters in the moment just fine, I don’t need to know their favorite bed time snacks.

Bottom line is, if you loved any of the following films/books, you’ll love THIS:

The Thing/ Phantoms/ The Blob/ Cabin in the Woods/ The Abyss.

If you love stories where people are isolated in one location & are trapped...then this is exactly for you!!! And there are like 3 more books in the series too!

I’ve read this once & listened the the audiobook TWICE...so I suppose I really enjoy it :)
Profile Image for BookLoversLife.
1,820 reviews9 followers
December 14, 2017
This book could of been 5 stars, and it should have been, if it had a good editor!!! The story itself was chilling and engrossing but I found it hard to listen to because of the writing. Eg. When Stella is in the cabin and she is on about her purse, she uses the word purse about 10 times in the same paragraph!! It was so annoying. That happened quite a lot which dampened my whole enjoyment of the book!! Other than that, I loved this book!!

The plot of this was fast paced and intense!! We get swept away with the action right from the get go, and it's a non stop, edge of your seat, shiver inducing read. I mean, when you have a creepy secluded cabin, a snow storm, something killing off people, well we already have a recipe for a winner!

The characters were all well developed. I loved Stella and her sense of right and wrong. She protected David no matter what, and I admired that. Now David was kind of creepy with his "he's out there" but it was so much more frightening coming from a kids mouth.

In all this was a creepy and chilling read and one I hope gets a bit more editing done too!! If it did, it would be incredible. I thoroughly enjoyed the suspense and intrigue and the moments that had me shivering, and will definitely check out more by this author.

Teri Schnaubelt was fantastic. She gave the right amount of tenseness when needed and had me biting my nails in anticipation! She gave each character their own uniqueness and brought the story to life! I need to check out more by her and she is on my narrator to watch list.

*I received a copy of this in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*
39 reviews
February 4, 2014
Non-Stop Page Turner!

Thank you Amazon for offering this incredible book for mere pennies on my Kindle! I am a devoted Stephen King fan and was impressed that Mark Lukens had me comparing Ancient Enemy to many of the great books that King has written over the years.

It has been awhile since a book has made me gasp and jump with fear while I read into the night, but my heart was pounding last night while I tried to pace myself and keep my eyes from scanning ahead to see what was coming next!

In the past, I have only read books that have gotten headlines and/or good reviews, not wanting to waste my time reading mediocre books. I must say that this book has given me confidence to seek out other lesser known writers.

If you love suspense, this book will not disappoint!!
Profile Image for Grampy.
867 reviews49 followers
November 8, 2013
Reviewed by Lee Ashford for Readers' Favorite.

“Ancient Enemy” by Mark Lukens is an exquisite tale. Stella, a specialist in Anasazi culture, specifically had been recruited to join the team on what some thought may have been the greatest archaeological discovery of all time. What they found instead was Evil incarnate.

Dating back to at least the time of the Anasazi Empire, an ancient Evil was inadvertently reawakened by the team of archaeologists as they worked the dig. One by one, team members disappeared, until the rest of the team realized their survival was dependent upon unwavering obedience to the random, horrific instructions given them by this ancient enemy.

Unwilling to follow the ultimate instruction, Stella takes a young Navajo boy with her, and escapes in the middle of the night. Or does she?

Screenwriter Mark Lukens is not new to the world of writing. With “Ancient Enemy” Lukens has shown the world that he can imagine and write with the best. A number of his books will soon be available in Kindle format; if those books are as good as “Ancient Enemy”, Mark Lukens soon will be a household name. His writing is concise, and this story is extraordinarily plausible.

“Ancient Enemy” is a genuine pleasure to read. Lukens has set a place at the table for the reader to join the characters, and become a part of this story. You won’t want to miss your opportunity to be a part of the action – even the parts where the anxiety attacks start to occur with increasing frequency.
Profile Image for Carol.
3,139 reviews121 followers
January 27, 2021
As a fan of the strange, unexplained, and the unusual, I’ve read many stories dealing with the mysteries of the native peoples in the Four Corners region of the United States. These tales are usually about the lost Anasazi...skinwalkers... and Chaco...and of course evil spirits. What the "Ancient Enemy" actually is never really personified. It's never seen and is never given a name. It does have talents that you wouldn't want anything or anyone to process, much less use. It can animate the dead...put people into a trance when they are vulnerable...and kill at will. What this very talented author has done is create a very chilling tale of supernatural horror, with a storyline that will keep the reader riveted. His character development...both the protagonists and antagonists... is absolutely top notch. There are very few slow spots in the pace of the story and the conclusion of the novel just opened the door for a sequel. Since this book was in my box of books from my two friends and is an entirely different genre than the others I will have to buy the second book. Amazon...here I come!
Profile Image for J.D..
562 reviews20 followers
January 4, 2021

Stella and David, a native American boy found alone in a cave, are on the run from an ancient evil creature.
A group of bank robbers find themselves also caught up in Stella and David's fatal drama when they are all forced to take cover in an out of the way cabin during a snowstorm.

Personal Opinion

This was an alright read but I was expecting a lot more from this one.
The writing seemed a bit stiff and certain words were repeated multiple times in the same paragraph. For example: the word 'cabin' was used 4 times in one paragraph, 10 times on one page and 25 times in one shorter chapter!.
It wasn't as creepy or eventful as it could have been. I think adding certain characters POV to show exactly what happened to them could have added some more scare factor to the story.
I did like the idea of the creature harassing the group and its ties to an ancient civilization.
Overall I was a bit underwhelmed with this one.
Profile Image for Dan Absalonson.
Author 38 books32 followers
August 26, 2015
This was a fantastic horror novel. The only other horror novels I've read are Stephen King books. This one was much more straight forward and cinematic than a King book. While I love King's literary leanings and beautiful prose this book felt very much like a movie as I read it. If this book was a movie I would not want to watch it alone at night! Though I could sometimes tell what was generally going to happen next in the story I never had an idea of how it would happen and was surprised every time by how the author pulled off what happened next. It was one stairway into hell after another for the characters and riding along as a reading was a fun yet freaky thrill ride.

I loved how everything got worse and worse for the characters. Some of the most terrifying scenes I've ever read are in this book. It was awesome. I loved the intensity in this story. When crazy stuff went down the characters reacted in a very believable way and I kept thinking how I would react if I were in the same situation. I liked the variety between the characters and it was fun to see how they all reacted in a different way to the horrors they faced.

The evil behind all of the gruesome things that happen to or around the characters isn't revealed until the very end of the story and I really liked the explanation of it. I'd love to go into it but I don't want to have any spoilers in this review so I'll just say it's based in history and is awesome. The author came up with a really cool bad guy in this book and though it does unbelievable things to the characters by the end you'll find yourself a believer in it's wicked existence - at least in the realm of the story world.

It was awesome to see the character work together and against each other. Shifting from trust to weariness to all out fighting. That's all I'm going to say because I want everything to be a surprise for you when you read this book. Happy reading! Read with the lights on :)
Profile Image for Kimberly.
399 reviews50 followers
November 25, 2015
Really enjoyed this book. It was the perfect mix of thriller/horror and mystery elements all in one.
Initially takes place in New Mexico, where something has come back from revenge after archaeologists discover ancient Anasazi Indian artifacts. A Navajo boy emerges from out of no where. Is he to be protected or destroyed? An ancient enemy wants the boy dead, but why?
Really liked this one!
January 27, 2015
Could not put it down!!! And I don't even like horror.

I don't even like horror but this caught my attention and once I started I couldn't put it down! It is a little gory in some places but not to bad. I just skimmed over those parts. It's also slightly predictable but the story just grabs you and takes you on a rollercoaster of a ride, that you find that you don't care. Wish it was longer and praying for a sequel! When you read the book you'll understand why! Would definitely recommend this to everyone! Even those like me who don't like horror.
Profile Image for Lon Bixby.
Author 30 books21 followers
March 18, 2014
A classic horror mystery that kept me turning pages late into the night. From the beginning to the end, the mystery deepened and the tension of the unknown made this a frighteningly fun read. And I do applaud the author for letting MY imagination work and also for NOT taking the easy way out by wrapping everything up in a nice little package. This is a very good book and I look forward to reading more by Mark Lukens.
Profile Image for Katya.
233 reviews35 followers
April 9, 2019
This book is a snapshot of terror- the characters only get the barest bit of a background and the ending doesn't come with a nice "X years later" summary or explanation but, from page 1 to the very end, the reader is dragged along screaming through a horrific standoff against pure evil. Good stuff!!
Profile Image for Bob.
922 reviews
May 7, 2017
Excellent horror novel involving an archeologist and a small boy who fleeing from an unknown horror, become entangled with a crew of bank robbers. They hole up in a remote Colorado cabin and are forced to confront the horror together. Very well written. I highly recommend this book to fans of horror and suspense.
Profile Image for Bianca.
368 reviews2 followers
September 6, 2015
Very entertaining. A few perspective errors through out, but didn't ruin my enjoyment of the book!
Profile Image for Brian Orzechowski.
17 reviews2 followers
January 6, 2016
A decent x file-like episode! (possible spoilers)

Whenever I read a book, I like to think of actors I can see playing roles from the story. The first group of guys that comes to mind is the guys from "Fire in the Sky" to play the robber group (robert Patrick- Cole, d.b Sweeney playing Trevor, and Allan Dallas' character would be Jose in the book). Now that THAT is out of the way, I thought the idea for the story was decent- would definitely make for an x file like episode that keeps peoples attention pretty well (without all the f bombs of course). I like the idea that Mr. Lukens didn't take sides on what the cause of everything was, he simply put the ideas out there. If you've seen "The Fourth Kind" there's a lot of little tid bits of ancient languages thrown in there as well very similarly. The ending didn't really do it for me. Its like a movie where it ends pretty abruptly with no real closure. ID be interested to see if Lukens writes a sequel following David's development into his heritage. On its own, unless you're really into the supernatural /sci-fi genre, this book isn't for you (nor will many other of Lukens' books). This of course makes Lukens one of my favorite authors of the genre. All of your suggestions are welcome for books I should be on the look out for. In the meantime, im going to get another Lukens book. Thanks for reading my review!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Ash.
198 reviews14 followers
March 18, 2014
I want to just say, “If you like horror, READ THIS.” And leave it at that, but I know this book deserves more. As someone has already mentioned it is a bit reminiscent of Dean Koontz, especially his book “Phantoms”. Don’t let this statement fool you though; this is still most definitely a story all its own.

I wolfed “Ancient Enemy” down in about 2 days, and while I didn’t particularly relate to any character, I found myself having an introspective moment from time to time. What would I have done if asked to give up a little boy in place of my own and everyone else’s life? I know I would be suspicious of the boy because of certain circumstances in the book, and for the most part he just creeped me out, but could I really pass him over to some unknown creature that had already revealed it's true colors when it... well, we’ll just let you find out for yourself what this thing does.

All in all, a delectable horror read that never lets up. Give it a read and see for yourself.
562 reviews26 followers
September 10, 2016
Horror at it's finest...

A young Indian boy is found at an archeological dig covered in blood not knowing who he is. He also brings along an unwanted evil creature who is very adept at making people do things they don't want to. He and a sympathetic young archeologist make a harrowing escape only to run into bank robbers who are fleeing from a murder during they're, last job.
And then the action really begins. Who is David? Are any of these guys trustworthy? And it's obvious the freaky creature has followed them to an abandoned cabin during a snow storm. What does he want?
This is really an enjoyable read. The characters are believable, and the storyline flows very well. Best of all, there's a sequel! Good reading guys!
Profile Image for Melony.
24 reviews
April 17, 2016
A chilling, both in weather and in conception, thriller that leaves you questioning long after the story ends.

Archaeologist Stella and a young Native American boy, David, are the only survivors of a horrific scene at a ancient dig site. They barely escape, only to be caught up in a new scenario involving bank robbers, snowstorms, and some unknown force that followed them. It's scary and quick-paced, never shying away from questioning the difference between good and evil. I particularly like a story where the protagonist/s are not exactly Angels or demons. This story fits nicely into that shady area. 4 solid stars.
Profile Image for Douglas Castagna.
Author 9 books17 followers
March 8, 2014
Great new author, great new book. An archaeological dig awakens something old, something evil, and it wreaks a bloody reckoning on the crew except for one of the them, Stella, and a local Navajo boy. They manage to escape, but the evil follows.

The story is tense, and the characters are fully developed. The back story of the Anasazi culture and how it is tied in is done deftly and it blends well. All in all this was a satisfying horror novel and I look forward to reading more from Lukens.
283 reviews3 followers
February 7, 2014
Definitely a cliffhanger!

This was a good read but definitely has you wondering who is who and what is what! Definitely gets and keeps you reading quickly as you try to guess what is coming next! Enjoy reading this book but make sure you have set aside enough time as I found myself postponing "chores" so I could keep reading.
Profile Image for David.
Author 26 books179 followers
December 7, 2013
Typical Indie Horror fare. Not a bad book but not much by way of character, dialogue, or exposition. I'm sure it will appeal to a broad audience which is looking for a safe distraction and nothing that will require any thought.

Beach book.
Profile Image for Conny.
858 reviews3 followers
May 23, 2015
Wow, what a rollercoaster ride this was, jeezzz.
It looks like a stand alone book, but there should be a next book, because of the cliffhanger, man what a cliffhanger. Please make a book 2? Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee??? I would love to see this in a movie.
107 reviews
March 20, 2019
Not really one of a favorite. this started out good, since I love the stories of the Anasazi, but fell very short of complete. the book leaves you hanging with no real understanding of the legend or what really is happening.
527 reviews10 followers
March 7, 2019
an amazing story. absolutely loved it. have the others in the series and can't wait to read those. but if they are all this good, they will all go on my keeper list.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 192 reviews

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