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Forbidden Mates #1

Dark & Beastly Fae

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After nine years in a tower, I was finally rescued… by a deadly fae king who wants to make me his mate.

He's harsh, beautiful, and being hunted by an ancient magical monster. If he wants to stay hidden, he needs to keep my magic close.

To do so, he ignites a forbidden mate bond between us that connects our minds and prevents me from leaving his side.

Though he insists it means nothing, the longer we're connected, the more our desire for each other rages beyond our control.

We have to fight it, because in his land, love is a weakness.

And having a mate?

It's a death sentence.

Our lives are hanging in the balance… and yet we can't stop fate's pull on our hearts.

*This is a steamy enemies to lovers Rapunzel retelling with Beauty and the Beast and Hades and Persephone vibes. Each book in this fantasy romance trilogy follows a different couple with their own happily ever after, and the stories can be read in any order.

Kindle Edition

Published August 18, 2023

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About the author

Lola Glass

86 books1,233 followers
Hi, I’m Lola! I’m a book lover with a *slight* romance obsession. My books are all steamy romantic fantasy or paranormal romance, and there is always a happily ever after.

Stop by my Facebook group, Lola's Book Lovers, for updates, giveaways and other fun!

For a full list of my work, check out my website https://www.authorlolaglass.com/

Thanks for reading!
All the love,
Lola Glass <3

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 118 reviews
Profile Image for april ♡ is probably reading smut.
1,215 reviews2,145 followers
August 14, 2023
5/5 THIS BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!


~fae/fantasy fated mates
~slow burn
~strangers to lovers
~touch her and die vibes
~size difference

This is my very first book by Lola Glass and it will NOT be my last. I loved everything about this book!! Nissa and Kierdan are fated mates, yes, but I believe they're truly soulmates. The world building is incredible but not overwhelming. It's a retelling of Rapunzel, Beauty and the Beast, and has Hades x Persephone vibes! That sounds like a lot, but it meshed very well together.

Nissa is basically Rapunzel at the beginning - she has powers but her town uses that to their advantage and keeps her locked up in a castle. One night she sees a man in the shadows and discovers he's come to kidnap her. She goes willingly because she's been starved and mistreated.

Kierdan is one of three Fae kings. He kidnapped Nissa because he knew she was his fated, but he doesn't really care much about her in the beginning. He doesn't even want to learn her name. But things change when Nissa is attacked. The "Who did this to you?" and "touch her and you die" tropes are BIG in this one, y'all.

I loved it so much. I can't wait to read the upcoming books about the different characters!

Virgin/celibate: virgin heroine, celibate hero
OM/OW drama: none
Cheating/sharing: none
Triggers: abuse, captivity, kidnapping
HEA?: yes!
September 8, 2023
DNF’d at 28% and then I skimmed over a fair amount of it before confirming that I wasn’t going to read more.

Honestly some of these reviews must have had a different copy of the book, been paid off, or just blowing smoke up everyone’s asses.

Reads like a first draft with no serious editing efforts made. So many aspects of this story are completely unexplained and unbelievable. So much of this needs to be fleshed out further or could have been more believable if introduced in a different way. World building, characters and the story in general just needed so much more and it just isn’t there. Too much telling, not enough showing, no development between characters (animals or humanoid).

Also enemies to lovers does not mean everyone is just rude as hell with no personality. I just can’t suffer through it, so if it gets better it’s got to be after the first 60% that I skimmed through.
Profile Image for Lolina ⋆ .
987 reviews49 followers
October 26, 2023
I don't know how to explain it but I feel like this book was the definition of a 3-star read for me: it was simple, it was fun, and overall was just a really low-commitment read.

It was a simple fantasy that focused more on the romance- and had some pretty fun scenes with a focus on magic, bonded animals, and mates. I did feel like the book was quite long, considering it didn't go into that much detail- so I did skim towards the end.

I also wished that there was a little more focus on the magic side of the world and characters because the concept was actually interesting- but again, it was just simple and entertaining 🤷‍♀️.
Profile Image for Amanda.
185 reviews5 followers
October 3, 2023
3.5⭐️ It started amazing and then kind of got boring.
Profile Image for Arwyn.
197 reviews13 followers
February 1, 2024
Finally, something that was completely different. It was absolutely refreshing and I highly recommend. 4.5
Profile Image for Dee.
4,290 reviews55 followers
August 28, 2023
Part of the Forbidden Mates series this is the start, and I can’t wait for the rest of the series. Nissa is a sweetheart you want to reach out giving her a huge hug her life hasn’t be easy because of her mother, on her 13th birthday she woke up with vegetables, fruits, flowers all around her because of this her mother locked her in the tower leaving her there, nine years later she is still trapped in the tower no way out and mistreated while there not really understanding the reason behind it all but she does have dreams, wishes, wants. Kirsten sexy as all get out king of the tree fae fighting a war, he is one very stubborn man, protective of those he cares for, brutal, and hunted by a monster only way to protect himself is to find the one with the magic bond himself to her temporarily (or so he tells himself) fate may have other plans but giving her the freedom she has dreamed of for so long. The banter between these two is so funny at times but as they get to know one another working together the attraction grows and she isn’t use to being appreciated for her gifts that she is able to give considering she has been mistreated her whole life for the powers she was born with but together they are a force that can’t be stopped but will their bonding stop the monster after the king, will he be understanding of her situation because he wasn’t at first, will he protect her, does her people get what’s coming to them or what they should get, and can they find happiness or is it just temporary as he assumed?
Profile Image for Paige.
488 reviews16 followers
May 24, 2024
3.25 stars for this slightly confusing fae romance.

So Nissa is trapped in a castle by her mother because she has powers that grow food for their village. Kier (who is a fae king) takes her from her tower because he’s running from a beast trying to kill him and was told by elves that if he mates with a human that her powers can mask his powers so the beast can’t find him.

My first confusion comes from how she’s born to two humans and yet has powers….anyway so when Kier takes her from the tower she’s happy about it because she has been locked up for nine years. Kier is such an asshole to her at first. He doesn’t even care enough to ask her name. He doesn’t find out her name until well over 35% into the book!! So from Nissas POV we see how much of a jerk he is but from his POV it’s a different story. He’s acting that way for a reason but hates that he has to be a jerk. He finally gets his head out of his ass and he’s really sweet and possessive over her.

My second confusion comes from the Beast. Nissa’s powers are supposed to mask Kier’s powers so the beast doesn’t find him and yet he finds them so easily so it’s like what’s the point. Also there’s a ban on sex unless it’s the eclipse and it’s been this way for centuries yet Kier’s people come to him and ask him to lift the ban because they wanna bang whenever they want and he’s like well if everyone signs the petition then I can lift the ban and then BAM it’s lifted. Like uhh why couldn’t they have done that sooner instead of living like that for centuries?! Makes no sense.

So there’s someone killing fated mates who seal their bond because when combining powers it makes them too powerful. So people aren’t completing their mated bonds and if they did they would die. I knew who the killer was very early on. This is something that has been going on for centuries and yet it took Nissa 2.5 seconds to figure out who the killer was.

Some inconsistencies as well like Kier saying he didn’t do casual sex because he liked to be connected to the person and yet he says the only type of sex he’s had was just a physical release with no emotion involved. So he contradicted himself. Another thing that doesn’t make sense!! Though he hasn’t had sex for FOUR CENTURIES. So at least he’s not a manwhore.

Also we get no closure with her mother and town that held her captive for YEARS. That was super anticlimactic and I wanted to hear more about that.

Anyway I was super confused a lot of the time but I appreciated the romance between the two MCS. I did feel like Kier was more into Nissa than she was into him though. She kept saying she didn’t want to leave him but I felt like she could have done it easily. And also she didn’t say I love you til like the very last chapter so..

I’m not sure if I’m going to continue the series. I may come back to it.

NO OW DRAMA REALLY (some fae woman tries to get at him but that’s it)
NO OM DRAMA REALLY (some fae male flirts with Nissa)
Profile Image for Kamie Blunt.
29 reviews
August 25, 2023
Shallow and Rushed

I wanted to like it and at first I thought it was alright but as I kept reading I was left wanting more detail, more plot, more definition. It felt like each moment skipped to the next with barely any detail. You couldn’t get a feel for the characters because the important moments would be described in a single sentence or passed completely.
For example, a sentence describing what The Beast looks like? Worlds fastest fight? She said he was handsome, okay but how? He was cruel, okay, how? Tell me why I should care not just how he bit you and it felt nice and then skip on to the next part.
I thought that the world building was cool and the plot could be good but it needed so much more work and creativity put into it. I’m not even sure exactly what this girl looked like besides green hair, green(I think) eyes, and tan skin. Much less any other characters.
Profile Image for Aleesha.
660 reviews17 followers
July 27, 2024
Good bones. Poor finesse.

What does it say about this story (and about me) that I was more interested in the love story between the big jaguar cat creatures than I was about Kierden and Nissa?

There are a ton of questions unsolved about this world and the plot of this book.

Why are the assassins after the Fae kings? Who put the brands on them (the kings)? Who hired the assassins to kill the kings?

The magic system is entirely arbitrary and confusing, too. Why do some humans have magic and others don't? What determines what type of magic they get? How does it work and why can't Nissa turn hers off?

What was with the weird blood-sharing stuff? Are Fae part-vampire? And why and how did Nissa manage to bite into Kierden's neck enough to drink from him. How was she even OKAY with doing something like that? Humans don't drink blood, normally, right?

There's also a lot of lore surrounding the Fae's history and their relationship with the Elves and even the humans that I didn't really understand. There's mentions of wars and conflicts between races and other kingdoms but it's all very vague.

As you might have guessed, there's noooot a ton of world building goin on in this story.

Instead of answering all of these questions and building the lore and the world and making the magic system make sense, Nissa and Kierden just talk about having sex a lot. It's literally a factor in every single one of their conversations.

And listen, I enjoy smut as much as the next girl--but if you're gonna write a fantasy romance, you need to explain the fantasy elements before you get to the point where all the characters are doing is fucking. It actually got to the point where I got bored with all of the sexy stuff. The conversations they had and him fingering her every 5 minutes got monotonous AF.

And when they're not being horny, he's being inept at relationships she's getting all defensive because he says or does something she misinterprets. Eugh.

They had potential in the beginning--but they don't grow at all as characters. It's like they just talk about sex enough that they finally fall in love. Which is just fucking stupid.

I wanted the actual murder mystery part of the plot to go somewhere, but that was solved and then sorted at the speed of light. It was like a plot was TRYING to be had, and then got squashed because sexy time was more important.

The whole assassin thing doesn't fare any better either. The bad guy doesn't get justice at the end of this book (which can only lead me to believe that we're going to encounter him again later, even though there's 2 other assassins out there after the other two Fae Kings, supposedly).

This story feels like a rough draft rather than a finished product.

But, despite this feeling horribly unfinished, there were things I did sort of like about it.

The Esu. Bright and Death are friggin' cute. I was way more invested in their tale than Nissa and Kierden's I think. Bright's clever and coy and a great companion to Nissa. Death is also a bit sassy and I love that he takes to Nissa early.

The other girls. I wasn't expecting to meet Laeli and Kaelle so early. But I liked having a bit of time spent with them in this first story. I liked seeing a bit of the dynamics between them and their kings.

The writing, while shallow, wasn't all that bad. As I said, this has good bones. Just needs to be fleshed out--less sexing, more plotting--before I'd consider a higher rating.

Still, it's a super easy, super quick, and reasonably entertaining read.
Profile Image for Alexandria Williams.
282 reviews39 followers
August 24, 2023
✨ARC Review✨
This book gave me everything! Rapunzel retelling with Beauty and the Beast and Hades and Persephone vibes😍.

The fantasy, humor, slow burn, fated mates, cute fantasy animals, and more. I always fall in love with the fantasy animals. I want an esu🐱.

This is my first book by this author and it won’t be my last!🔥 I could not stop turning the pages!

Let’s talk about it.

Nissa’s mother locked her in a tower on her 13th birthday after she woke up surrounded by vegetables, fruits, and flowers. Fast forward to 9 years later and she’s still trapped.

Kirsten Jirev is the king of the tree fae. He’s been fighting wars for a very long time. Stubborn, protective, and strong yet beautiful.

While he's being hunted by a monster. He’s told there is one way to protect himself. So he sets off to rescue Nissa and temporarily bonds himself with her.

Not at all romantic when first meeting someone. While the bond may be temporary it is also forbidden.

“The fact that you wanted the color in the first place speaks volumes about your personality. You hold back your fire, but it still burns.”

These two characters did snap a lot at each other in the beginning. Watching them grow and add things into each other lives that they were missing was beautiful.

“Half the fae in Jirev already want to see what kind of plants Nissa grows when she climaxes.”

The members of Kirsten’s kingdom appreciate and love having Nissa around. Something she’s not used to after being taken advantage of and locked up for her powers.

Can’t wait to check out the rest of the books in this series!

“My fiery little human.”
Profile Image for Naemin.
126 reviews
September 18, 2024
Bueno. Es un libro tipiquísimo de fantasía.

Contiene cualquier trope que se le pueda ocurrir a uno.

La trama no es la más original del mundo y es bastante predecible, además de que la escritura puede mejorar.

Aún así, lo he disfrutado.

La protagonista me ha caído bien y me ha encantado toda la movida con los seres vinculados.

Además de que me han parecido bastante adorables
Profile Image for Marie.
261 reviews
August 19, 2023
This is a Rapunzel retelling that has magic, fae and fated mates. King Kierden needed to create a temporary mate bond so he could hide from the assassin hunting him. He found Nissa locked in a tower and stole her away. What he didn't know, was that he had saved her from a life of being locked away and used for her magic. Kierden was determined not to seal the bond, no matter how drawn he was to his mate. I loved watching Nissa and Kierden's relationship grow. She challenged him in ways that he'd never experienced before, and he allowed Nissa to discover who she was after being locked away for so long. Lola Glass did not disappoint with the spice either.
July 7, 2024
This book was not great. The plot was weak and disjointed, and I found many holes. The plot felt like filler between the sex scenes.

The start of the book was very abrupt, we are thrown right into uncertainty. Theoretically Kier is supposed to be portrayed as an enemy, but we don’t know enough about him to hate him. Nissa also being bonded to Bright felt rushed and unexplained; especially since she is later revealed as a special esu.

Kier’s personality changes abruptly after a few chapters which didn’t feel natural.

The motivations behind decisions like the sex ban, having the humans fight each other in metal bikinis and Dirue murdering mated people did not feel thought out. It felt very much like a teenage Wattpad story.
I don’t understand why Dirue would give herself up so fast, or how after literal centuries, Nissa can appear and suddenly solve the crime within like 24 hours. I also don’t understand why 2 fae farmers would give her their entire house after she lay in their field for a few hours.

There were also a few inconsistencies within the writing. For instance Nissa would be wearing a shirt in one paragraph and it is referred to as a dress in the next. Also she was said to be sleeping on top of Kier, but he wakes her up after hearing some news, then moves her? How? Telepathy is only with bonded beasts and mates?

Also how does the mating bond actually work? Why could the elves not have told Nissa earlier that a permanent bond would null the contract on Kier’s life? Why did no one take precautions with Death and Bright before the eclipse? Surely ancient beings are smarter than this?

I also don’t know how Glass managed it, but her protagonist whose POV most of the book is in, feels one dimensional. She does not seem to have strong emotions or opinions about anything and her backstory feels like it does not have any bearing on her actions or life. Surely it would cause trust issues? Maybe crowds would be scary? Any sort of flaw that would make her seem more real, other than just being hungry all the time because she was once starving.

Overall the book felt mostly like filler, a poorly thought out fantasy to carry the somewhat lacklustre romance.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for ♡FaYe♡ .
126 reviews4 followers
January 23, 2024
"You don't get to use me Kierden." - "Kierden stood in the doorway with a bag thrown over his shoulder and steel in his eyes."

Gahh, let me just start by saying I LOVED THIS FREAKING BOOK. Easy 4.9 stars, slowly leaning towards a full 5 stars. It was soooo good, the character development, the romance, the worldbuilding (even though there wasn't a whole lot, it was still good, nevertheless!).

You will not be disappointed if you decided to pick this book up - it gives me Elsie Kova vibes - whom I love to death. So, if you absolutely adored Elsie Kova books, you will love this.

So for characters, we have a grumpy fae king and a headstrong MFC with plant magic (which is a good added thing for her). She was trapped inside of a large tower by her evil mother, so that she can continue to grow plants and food for the whole entire village. The village doesn't like her - they're scared so they don't even come out when she is there growing the crops.

Speed run through to a couple of chapters later she is inside the King's castle as he took her from the tower, claiming that she was his 'mate' *wink wink wink*.

He's grumpy and trying to deny the whole 'I want her' thing, so he's being an ass to her in hopes that will keep her safe. It doesn't, lmao it just makes her hate him even more.

A few chapters later, we see development - the yearning, the COMMUNICATION, the declarations, the emotions, the feels all come out to play.

Can you tell how much I simply adored this book? The characters are a breath of fresh air, you have the grumpy king that actually really likes the MFC but doesn't want to admit it, so he keeps a charade up or being cold and distant - but in the end it is killing him to do this to her.

The MFC is one of the best out there, she is determined, headstrong, strong minded, knows what she wants. The development to her character is impeccable. She is not weak nor feeble minded which is so fucking good - she is not a pushover, she speaks her mind and she's not a DOORMAT like so many other MFC.

Lola Glass, girl you have my money, literally!

Profile Image for Hundred Acre.
1,281 reviews27 followers
September 27, 2023
Three Fae kings have been cursed. The only chance they have of surviving the beasts of the Elves set on assassinating them is to conceal their magic until the Eclipse. The only hope they have of doing that is finding their human mates, women with life magic living in the human lands.

This is Kierdan and Nissa's story, although the other two Fae kings are involved.

Kierdan is one of the Fae Kings. He has power over ice and a bonded esu. He finds Nissa in her tower, takes her away to his kingdom, in the process helping her to discover that she too has a bonded esu despite not being Fae, and that she may be able to control her magic.

Nissa has been locked in a tower in her village after her powers awoke. She has the power to create growth and her presence, her feet on the earth, prompts growth. Her village have been using her to provide all the sustenance they require, and enough to sell. Locking her in a tower so she can never escape. This is her chance at freedom.

Kierdan is a particularly grumpy Fae King. He and his fellow kings have recently brokered a tentative peace, there are games taking place in his city to celebrate and though he would love nothing more than to join in he has a responsibility, of sorts, to Nissa. To say they got off on the wrong foot could be an understatement, they clash constantly, both equally stubborn and hard headed. Once they realise that they can get beyond that, that they could be friends and possibly more, they realise too that they can work together and maybe, just maybe, find a way to break the curse forever.

A mix of fairytale and myth can be found in this almost-retelling. The story is fabulous with plenty of action, snarky humour, love and genuine affection. I was captivated and would love to read more in the series.

I received a free copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Laura Moylan.
928 reviews
August 27, 2023
Kierden is King of one of the 3 kingdoms of the Fae. All three woke up to find that they were cursed and the three assassins that the elves had originally made and were no longer under their control were hunting the kings. The other two kings are Vayme and Ravv. They spoke with the leader of the elves- Alida who can see things and they get a way to hide themselves for a time- find human females with magic and start the mate bond, and when the eclipse comes (approx 3 months to go) then the bonds with break, including the curses. The Mate bond would conceal the kings’ magic from the assassins. The human that Kierden aka Kier goes to is NIssa. She has plant magic and is kept in a tower. OMG. I wanted to hurt someone when I read about what condition the poor young woman was in. In the beginning, once Kier meets Nissa, I wanna slap him silly because he is a a big jerk to her, but he didn’t really know what was up with her. He hadn’t been watching her. So I forgave him, and then it was back and forth from there on until it got very interesting. Total mayhem converges later on. You gotta read this book! It is now my favorite by this author- it blew the others that I have read by her out of the water. It totally blew my mind how different this book is from her others. It evoked even more feelings than she usually did in this book. But then again, in Rl I’m going thru a lot…

I can’t wait for the next book. The different companion bond animals for the three different kingdoms of Fae are totally cool and I loved them all and I can’t wait to learn more. Seriously! Telepathic warrior animals and hot alpha fae… total yum.

I received a free copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Cassandra.
277 reviews
June 25, 2024
OK, this one is a DNF for me, and I don't usually have many of those. I got all the way to about 60% when I reached the point where I just couldn't continue any more. The only reason I made it that far is because the story perked up ever-so-slightly, and I was hoping it would keep things interesting enough to finish. Spoiler: it didn't. 

Let me tell you, the writing in this was just sooo boring. It felt like a first draft of a high school writing assignment. There were no details anywhere about anything. If you blinked, it could be hours later because nothing is explained or expanded on. There are some good ideas for this world, but nothing really builds on them.

And yet, there are explanations on how to pronounce the fae words. But there is very little description of what these words are for, just bear-like creature or feline.  

I didn't feel any affection from the king at all. First, he's a broody asshole, then suddenly he seems to have feelings for her and the reason he was a jerk was to keep her safe? That is a bit much, especially considering he never even asked her name. I didn't believe him.

I had to quit reading because even their conversations were a bit juvenile. I am supposed to believe she is this strong woman, and yet she's simpering and begging for compliments in what I can only describe as adolescent. I just couldn't keep going, espeically knowing that there were more books in the series. I just couldn't being myself to finish even the first book, much less all of them. 

I would not recommend this book to others.
Profile Image for Victoria Golby.
932 reviews8 followers
August 30, 2023
Saving each other

This is a fantastic start to a new series by Lola and I can’t wait for the next in the series.

The three Fae kings have been cursed and are told the only way to hide their magic from the elf assassins after them is to bond with a human with life magic. Kierden is the king of the forest fae and he takes Nissa from her tower where she’s been held prisoner for the last 9 years.

But they don’t just need to learn to work together to defeat the assassin sent for him; they also need to find a way to survive if they want to complete their bond, as all that do, die.
This is a great story with Kierden helping Nissa to find her place in the fae city while working through what they are to each other. It was fun seeing the other fae kings with their humans and I look forwards to reading their stories (the three women work well so together). I also loved the companion esu (Kierden’s Death, Nissa’s Bright and Eisley’s Sharp) and how they talk with their fae and have their own relationships.

A lovely, well written story, with action, adventure, magic, vampires, humour, a slow-build spicy romance, real affection, misunderstandings,;with some brilliant twists and a fantastic ending. I can’t wait for Laeli’s story.

I received a free copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Manda Lou.
19 reviews1 follower
January 16, 2024
Yes. Just YES


This book hit me in all the right places.
One random thing I REALLY loved is that the author (more often than not) included pronunciations of names and words that are specific to the world she built.

There was little to no stress when reading this. The climax was satisfying (that's what she said) without making me feel like I was choking. It was fun and exciting and cute.

*mild spoilers*
No third act breakup.
While she uses the word c**k, there is no reference to p***y or c**t in regards to the female's parts. I feel like that's a good gage on the spice level of this book. They engage in lots of play but full intercourse doesn't happen until welllllll into the back. Definitely the last quarter.
Both of the main characters are likeable with it feeling one-dimensional, and I loved the world building.
I also really like this author's take on mates/fated mates (they're different in this universe). It was unique but not so different that it completely went against my background knowledge of mates.

Honestly, so good. It felt like a cleanse after all the disgustingly (wonderful), ultra dark romances I've been reading.

ONE THING... only one...
The text in Kindle is formated as left-aligned instead of justified. It looked odd and I have autism, so it took a really long time for me to stop thinking about how weird it looked.
Profile Image for Cassie Ripley.
956 reviews8 followers
June 28, 2024
I loved it!

It was so enticing that I couldn’t put it down, this book grabbed my interest from the very first page. I had to know what happened next. The story is well written with a very good storyline. This is a steamy enemies to lovers Rapunzel retelling with Beauty and the Beast and Hades and Persephone vibes. Each book in this fantasy romance trilogy follows a different couple with their own happily ever after, and the stories can be read in any order. This is the first standalone book in the Forbidden Mates series. This story features a girl named Nissa and the Fae King named Kierden. After nine years in a tower, she was finally rescued by a deadly Fae King who wants to make her his mate. He's harsh, beautiful, and being hunted by an ancient magical monster. If he wants to stay hidden, he needs to keep her magic close. To do so, he ignites a forbidden mate bond between them that connects their minds and prevents her from leaving his side. Though he insists it means nothing, the longer they're connected, the more their desire for each other rages beyond their control. They have to fight it, because in his land, love is a weakness and having a mate is a death sentence. Their lives are hanging in the balance and yet they can't stop fate's pull on their hearts. So with all that and more this story pulls you in and holds you tight. I can’t wait to read the next story in the series. I highly recommend to everyone.
Profile Image for Arctic.
85 reviews2 followers
February 18, 2024
3.5 🌟

Was the writing great? No, absolutely not.
Did I enjoy it anyways? Fuck yes.

I read this in one sitting. I could not put it down, and it was practically the story I needed after reading a bunch of YA fantasy.

Again, the writing is not great. It needs polishing. The main female character is a dumb girl who acts pretty childish which is mildly understandable for a girl who had been locked in a tower for 9 years. The grumpy fae male can equally act as childish and he's too old for that.

The characters could've been a bit more mature for an adult fantasy. I wish there had been a bit more enemies before they became lovers. One of the plot points didn't really resolve and I figured out the other plot point roughly around the time the character was introduced.

If you are here for quality writing you aren't getting it here. No offense to literally anyone. If you want a fantasy with great world building, you will also find that relatively lacking. You get what you need to know in order to get a decent understanding of the world. If you want pining and smut then you will find it here.

I read this for enemies to lovers vibes mixed in with fated mates. Polishing would've made this easily a 5 star read for me.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Katt Faëhart.
183 reviews1 follower
August 15, 2024
DNF for now? I'm not sure yet. I'm at 22%.

I go through phases where I'm in the mood for a specific type of book. And I am actually familiar with Lola's writing style and have read quite a few of her books. But you have to be in the mood for her type of book. Especially this one. And right now I'm coming out of a reading slump and only certain books are keeping my interest.

With that said I do think I may return to this series.

This is the type of book you read when you want a light and carefree enemies to lovers. With spice of course. When you want characters who just go with the flow and are so unserious it's funny.

The FMC was being held prisoner by the people of her village and in comes this grumpy fae (who isn't reaallly in the mood for any of this) and "rescues" her. And she's just like oky cool. At least I'm out of that fucking tower. Anything is better than that. And he's like "aren't you going to ask why i took you?" And she's just like " nah". She's just happy she gets to eat.

So I think it's a fun read but you have to be in the mood for this type of book. Which for now... I am not.
Profile Image for Sarah D.
861 reviews2 followers
August 20, 2024
This was fine, I guess.

To be honest, Kierdan has the personality of a wooden spoon and Nissa wasn't far behind.

This book needed a huge dose of angst. You'd think Nissa would have some trauma about being locked in a tower and abused for most of her life. Maybe she'd feel strongly about being neglected/ignored/used by Kierdan. But no. She's patient. She forgives easily. She's understanding.

Kierdan's groveling consists of serving her second breakfast and having a lot of baths.

There's a lot of illogical plot holes that you just need to move past. For instance:

- Why do the kings need to mate to hide from the assassins? They're kings. The assassins know where to find them.
- Who hired these assassins?
- There's a ban on having sex, because it distracts from the war, but if they're having no babies, then their people are going to die out anyway.
- There's a serial killer who targets people who seal their mate bonds. Just one, and only in this kingdom, and they have been active for centuries. No one bothered to check to see if it was only in this kingdom, though. No one took a log of who each mated couple visited.
Profile Image for Crissy.
2,626 reviews5 followers
August 15, 2023
This author never disappoints and always leave me wanting more. I enjoyed the story a lot, along with both the main and side characters in their journey of survival. Nissa is barely living life as her mother uses her for her magic and disregards her just as fast. Kierden, king of the tree fae, must find his mate and start the mate bond to hide his scent from The Beast hunting and trying to kill him. It's a quick solution to an ongoing problem, but it will give him time to find a way to survive his assassination. Kierden can give Nissa the freedom she seeks, but can he keep her safe, keep himself alive and protect his people as someone is killing mated pairs. This is a steamy paranormal romance with moments that will make you laugh out loud, and there's betrayal, mystery, suspense and romance with a HEA.
I'm definitely looking forward to reading Laeli and Ravv's story. They were introduced in this story, but this book gives us Kierden and Nissa's story. Yet at the end we get read about Laeli and Ravv's first meeting and I can honestly say that I want more.
1,256 reviews10 followers
August 29, 2023
Loved that we are not quite leaving the world of the Fae yet. I have to say that having the dual POV is always going to be a winner for me. That can be aware of the real reasons while some of the characters flounder is my added dash of joy to my reading. I have loved all of Lola's books that I have read so far. The way that the worlds are built around you, you feel as though you could be there yourself. The diaolgue of the main characters themselves and, not to be overlooked, the brilliant side characters too. They all mesh so well.
These two has some issues to work through as do every couple but I felt that Kierden and Nissa came together at the right time. The spice was called for at that point rather than it be rammed into the first third regardless of plot to keep the readers entertained along the way. Miscommunication might be an old and well known plot device but it only works well if the tale itself is any good, and let me tell you that it is very good. Very much looking forward to the next one!
Profile Image for Alyssa Hungate.
97 reviews3 followers
February 11, 2024
Low commitment, but entertaining if you want a non-serious read. The plot was kind of messy. The stakes don’t feel super high (which is okay if that’s the type of read you’re going for) - Keirden steals Nissa from her town where she was being used/starved, and he is being hunted by an assassin, while they are also trying to solve a mystery around who is also secretly murdering fae who complete the mating bond, but the main plot seemed to be their relationship. The plot could’ve been fleshed out more, I felt like it skimmed the surface of many plot points without really exploring them fully. The writing felt more like YA with lots of adult themes sprinkled in. It’s enemies (sort of? Maybe more dislike) to lovers, but he’s rude AF from the minute he takes her from her tower despite not having a reason to be. Thankfully we get his POV sprinkled in to know why, and he eventually does a 180.
Profile Image for Kitty McGinnis.
77 reviews
July 3, 2024
This book?

To quote the author: a medium-length standalone fantasy romance, with plenty of steam but also real relationship building.

Perfect for me. Just PERFECT. I promised myself I’d be sleeping early tonight but now I know I won’t because I will be immediately reading the next book.

One of my pet peeves though was the way the author included “she pronounced this as xxx” when names came up and words from this world. In my head I am thinking, if they’re talking to each other does that mean they have subtitles because why would the character in their head think of this word is pronounced like this? I know it’s for the benefit of the reader but still. Maybe it would’ve worked better as a footnote?

While we’re at it, how are the last names (the fae cities) of the kings pronounced??

But, i still loved this book. Now, I’m off to read the next one and rely on lots of tea for work tomorrow.
Profile Image for Kerem.
30 reviews
August 23, 2023
There's few books that make me fall in love with the main couple, but this is definitely one of them. I don't even know where to start because from the first two chapters, I could barely put this down. 

The pacing in this book was perfect for me, I usually have issues with the layout of conflict/resolutions but this novel didn't really have anything feel too drawn out or brushed over. The relationship between Nissa and Kierden was so healthy too, full of communication that didn't feel like the writer was giving a lecture. The instances of miscommunication were perfect too and hit the spot that many romances don't for me. Neither character ever had completely ill intentions with their actions, but worked to fix the faults they'd taken in as habit. 

I grew so fond of Nissa so fast, it was so lovely to read through her perspective, and there wasn't a moment where i was displeased with her character. Bright was another favorite, her story and the way she interacted with Nissa completely pulled at my heartstrings. Kierden didn't have as many chapters as Nissa, but I liked that he was written to be both possessive AND respectful. Not once did his actions make me feel icky, which is a rare miracle in novels now. In hindsight, I would've loved more from Kierden especially since he had a few chapters.

Literally my only issue was the occasional bits of information that didn't receive a follow up. From the start of the book, I knew I'd be looking at more works by Lola Glass, and I stand by that! I can't wait to see what else she writes in the future too.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 118 reviews

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