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The Gateway #1

The Gateway Through Which They Came

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To seventeen-year-old Aiden Ortiz, letting the dead walk through his body to reach the other side comes with the territory. Being a Gateway isn’t an easy job, but someone’s gotta send Bleeders where they belong. Heaven. Salvation. Call it whatever you want. Dead is dead. But when his search for Koren Banks––the girl who went mysteriously missing seven months ago––leaves him with more questions than answers, he finds himself involved in something far more sinister and beyond his control.

With the threat of the Dark Priest's resurrection, and his plan to summon his demon brothers from hell, Aiden is left to discover his identity before the Dark Priest's curse infecting his blood consumes him, and before the world as he knows it succumbs to the darkness of hell on earth.

Read the first chapter for THE GATEWAY THROUGH WHICH THEY CAME here: http://heathermarieya.com/first-chapt...

Watch the trailer along with behind-the-scenes footage over on Vicious Vanity FX: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2904...

218 pages, Paperback

First published August 24, 2014

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About the author

Heather Marie

19 books49 followers
Heather Marie lives in Northern California with her husband, and spends the majority of her time at home reading. Before she followed her dreams of becoming a writer, Heather worked as a hairstylist and makeup artist for several years. Although she enjoyed the artistic aspect of it all, nothing quite quenched her creative side like the telling of a good story. When the day had come for her to make a choice, she left behind her promising career to start another, and never looked back. Heather Marie's debut, THE GATEWAY THROUGH WHICH THEY CAME, is forthcoming from Curiosity Quills on August 25th, 2014.

**Photo taken by Lisa Arin of elisabetharin.com**

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 43 reviews
Profile Image for Shelby *trains flying monkeys*.
1,705 reviews6,407 followers
May 9, 2015
Aiden is a Gateway. Which means Bleeders aka dead people use him to get to the other side.

They do so by walking through him.

Some parts of this book were entertaining but the writing over all seemed geared toward very young teens. There is only one part of underage drinking so it's very rated PG.

I received an ARC of this book from the publisher Curiosity Quills in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Yzabel Ginsberg.
Author 3 books111 followers
May 24, 2015
(I was given a copy through NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review.)

An enjoyable book, good for a leisurely day, though I would've wanted to learn more about Aiden's abilities in general and how he had received support—as a reader, I too often felt left in the dark.

The writing style itself wasn't the best I've ever seen, but it wasn't anything unbearable either: I didn't notice many blatant typos and mistakes, and it flowed well enough to carry the story. Aiden's "voice" felt enough like a boy's; it was easy to follow his struggles throughout the novel, how he realised something dark was growing inside him, how he was trying to battle it. There isn't that much action, as it's more internally-focused than translated into physical fights—there are a couple of exceptions to this, and they highlight the internal battles well.

At first I wasn't sure about all the religious-themed surroundings (Catholic school and church, a priest as Aiden's mentor, a religious mother...), but all in all, they remained surroundings only in my opinion: I didn't feel they were used to shove anything down my throat, which was a good thing, as I wouldn't have liked a preachy book. For instance, while there are talks about God, I never was under the impression that the souls going through the Gateway went to *either* Heaven *or* Hell, or that there weren't any Gateways from other faiths than the Christian one. The religious part seemed like "one system of belief among others, that are just as valid", so this was alright with me.

There's a bit of romance, of the bittersweet kind, and one that plays a role throughout the story without being its main focus. That was good enough for me; I'm definitely tired of stories with high stakes where the characters are too busy pondering which girl or boy to choose, instead of focusing on the actual problem.

I wish there had been more information given to readers, though. The subplot behind Koren's disappearance was introduced abruptly, and I would've liked to see more of her before that, even though this might have meant using more flashbacks. A lot of information was kept from Aiden, or presented in an "oh, read this book once you're at home" way; wouldn't it have been easier and faster if his mentor had explained things to him directly? It'd probably also given Aiden opportunities to talk about some of the people he had met, and realise sooner what was wrong. As it was, I felt like it was a method of keeping information from the reader too for as long as possible, and I'm not too keen on such a method. The villain's identity was also easy to guess, and it was a wonder Aiden didn't realise it sooner.

The other characters also weren't too developed. They were supportive throughout, and I could feel their support, all the more after some of them witnessed Aiden changing yet still decided to forgive him and stay by his side (that's friendship); however, I kept thinking they could've been brought into existence more efficiently.

2.5 stars. I'll still read the next book, as I also have it, but I hope it'll shed more light on the Gateways in general, on what exactly Aiden could become if he were to give in, on the other characters (especially Julie and Michael) and on the Brethren's plans.
Profile Image for Emma Adams.
Author 79 books940 followers
February 8, 2022
I hesitated about reviewing this book because I was involved in the proofreading process and Heather and I share a publisher, but this is a book I’d have picked up anyway, and it’s too awesome not to share my thoughts!

Aiden is a Gateway, someone with the unenviable ability to send dead people – Bleeders - to their final resting place. The dead are literally his life. I was totally hooked on the story (even when combing for typos! :P), and Aiden caught my sympathy from the start. He’s a misunderstood teenager with a power he can’t control, and one which seems to – maybe – be turning him evil. The mystery kept me enthralled and there is tension on every page. The characters come to life, from Aiden’s friends Trevor and Evan to Koren, the girl who he once crushed on and who’s returned after an unexplained seven-month absence leaving him thinking her dead. It’s clear Koren’s connected in some way to the seriously creepy shadow following Aiden around, but the story constantly kept me guessing and I couldn’t predict what would happen next! This is a fantastic, gripping story and one that will keep you reading until the early hours.
Profile Image for Isis.
537 reviews26 followers
May 30, 2014
I would like to thank Curiosity Quills Press for giving me a copy of this e-ARC to read in exchange for an honest review. Though I received this e-book for free that in no way impacts my review.

To seventeen-year-old Aiden Ortiz, letting the dead walk through his body to reach the other side comes with the territory. Being a Gateway isn’t an easy job, but someone’s gotta send Bleeders where they belong. Heaven. Salvation. Call it whatever you want. Dead is dead. But when his search for Koren Banks––the girl who went mysteriously missing seven months ago––leaves him with more questions than answers, he finds himself involved in something far more sinister and beyond his control.

With the threat of the Dark Priest's resurrection, and his plan to summon his demon brothers from hell, Aiden is left to discover his identity before the Dark Priest's curse infecting his blood consumes him, and before the world as he knows it succumbs to the darkness of hell on earth.

It's a good thing that Aiden is surrounded by his religion, because he's going to need all the help he can get. Aiden and his Mom go the Church regularly, at least once a week, sometimes more often. He also attends a Catholic school with his two best friends, Trevor and Evan. Father Martin is his friend and confidant, and has told Aiden everything he knows about being a Gateway. So he's pretty much surrounded by his faith as often as possible without being a priest.

Aiden was somehow born as a Gateway, making him the human equivalent of the tunnel with the white light at the end. Once the Bleeders (dead people) find him he sends them on to wherever their supposed to be. It's not exactly pleasant for Aiden, and becomes less so with each crossing.

In recent years it's just been the three guys, a tight knit group of friends. But before that Aiden and Koren used to be best friends. They'd grown up together, sharing everything. Then puberty hit and their relationship changed; Aiden found he'd fallen head over heels for Koren, and Koren had begun dating the school jock.

Now however, things have begun to change. Koren and her family have disappeared, and it's driving Aiden crazy not knowing where she is or if she's all right. He's also having bad dreams involving a Dark Priest, and even when awake he's seeing something that scares him. Suddenly Aiden has a new and terrible power within him. It frightens him, giving him the feeling something bad is coming. Though Father Martin tries to help him, it may already be too late for Aiden. At least the new priest has been helpful, steering Aiden away from things he's unprepared to face.

As Aiden learns more about himself and the danger he's facing he begins to wonder how he'll ever be ready to face the Dark Priest in time. Will he be strong enough to resist the evil arrayed against him? Can he possibly stop this evil from winning and still protect the ones he loves? Aiden matures as he discovers more and more about who and what he is, as well as where he came from. Though he's not as alone as he had feared, Aiden may just be trusting the wrong people. Sometimes it's those that are the least suspect who deserve the most watching. IF Aiden manages to pull this off will the danger truly be gone? Or is this just the first of many tests?
Profile Image for Marjolein (UrlPhantomhive).
2,497 reviews55 followers
June 30, 2015
Read all my reviews on http://urlphantomhive.booklikes.com

Aiden is a gateway, meaning that some dead people need to pass through him - literally - in order to move on. While I'd say this must be challenging enough for a teenager he also needs to prevent a Dark Priest's resurrection.

You get immediately thrown into the action. There very little explanation of what Gateway can or can not do precisely, or more general information on the Gateways. All information that is given to character is usually through the reading of books, even though he has a mentor kind of coaching him who could just as easily tell him these things. It's immediately clear that something is wrong and although I was interested and wanted to know what was happening it still was easy for me to put the book away.

The romance subplot was not too much, but I'd liked to see a bit more of Koren and her history. It is now all thrown in a very exposition-filled scene which, for me, came kind of out of the blue. Not that it didn't sounded interesting, I'd liked to hear more about it, but perhaps not all in the one scene.

I have an ARC also for the second book in the series, so I'll be reading that one shortly.

The Gateway Through Which They Came is the first book in the Gateway series. The second book is The Gateway of Light and Darkness
Profile Image for Jola.
161 reviews62 followers
August 10, 2014
Review also on www.jolasbookshelf.wordpress.com

I enjoyed this book quite a lot. The whole concept of Bleeders was fascinating and it was hard for me to put the book down. It's full on twists and turns that made me want to keep reading and forget about anything else I might need to do. I recommend this book to all who enjoy supernatural stories.

Thanks to Curiosity Quills Press for sending me an ebook in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Krystin.
54 reviews1 follower
November 6, 2014
Meet Aiden Ortiz, your average teenager. He’s a high school student, Catholic, a portal for the dead, and girl-crazy. Wait, what’s that again? Portal for the dead? That’s right – Aiden is a Gateway. In addition to the troubles of your normal teenager he sees ghosts, and helps them to the other side by allowing them to walk through him. He thinks he’s getting the hang of his role when he is confronted by a Dark One – a ghost gone rogue – who infects him with evil. As he struggles to hold the evil inside him he realizes there is more to being a Gateway than he thought, and he’s going to need the support of his family, friends, and parish priest to get through it alive.

This is one of the most unique books I have read in a long time, and I genuinely hope that Heather Marie keeps writing this series. Like in many YA books I dislike the use of underage drinking, but the rest of the book more than makes up for that. The writing is detailed and the characters enjoyable – I really felt the ups and downs that the story was portraying. I also enjoyed the relationship portrayed between Aiden, his mother, and their priest (Father Martin). The relationships were written very well by Ms. Marie and showed a genuine understanding of teenage thoughts and feelings. I am a fan of thrillers and could not put this book down, I was reading late into the night (not always the best time to be reading this!) in order to get to the next chapter, and the next chapter…

I suggest this book for everybody. It’s a good book for teens wrestling with ideas of good vs. evil and gray areas, and it’s written in such a way that adults will thoroughly enjoy it as well. If you’re a supernatural fan or like a good spine-tingler go check out The Gateway Through Which They Came by Heather Marie, available through Curiosity Quills Press.
Profile Image for Stéphanie.
256 reviews28 followers
March 23, 2015
I wanted to enjoy this book because when I purchased it, the concept sounded promising. However, a few chapters in, it was clear this book wasn’t made for me. Overall, I thought the characters were flat, the action almost non-existent and story a little too religion based.

My main concern with the story was how heavy the religious aspects were. I was raised catholic, but even for me it was too centered around church, prayer and belief. If I had known this, I might have stayed clear of the book. Personally I don’t mind having a few religious references, but honestly, when the protagonist goes to catholic school, spends most of his time in a church and has a very religious mother, it feels like it’s being shoved down my throat. I like my supernatural books with as little religious aspects, out of respect for readers that may not adhere to that specific religion and also because I don’t think an author should take too many liberties in expanding something that should left alone. Those are my thoughts and many people probably won’t agree with me. And that might be a reason why religion should be discussed as little as possible.

Aiden, the protagonist, could have been the book’s redeeming quality, but after a while, his thoughts and actions were getting repetitive. As a Gateway, he has the ability to help lost souls, or bleeders as he calls them, to cross over to “the other side” by having them walk through him. Sounds simple enough but this gift or curse gets a little more complicated when the Brethren of Shadows want to use him for bringing back dark souls to the earthly plane. Everything started to get complicated when Koren, one of Aiden’s best friends and secret crush, comes back to Portland after disappearing without a trace, seven months earlier. A wannabe catholic school rebel and a girl-crazy teenager that thinks way too much about Koren, Aiden is a very one dimensional character. As a narrator, I also had a hard time following his train of thought, which made the story less than engaging.

For most of the book, we’re in the dark about Aiden’s abilities and the truth behind their origin. Father Martin is supposed to be his protector or mentor, but he’s not very forthcoming with information. Not only does Father Martin not help him, but he kind of hinders Aiden’s fight against evil by not revealing any information about his true enemy. Aiden is more or less left to defend himself, without any guidance or any real father figure. He does have a bit of support from Koren, who’s very hesitant with information too, and his two friends Trevor and Evan, who despite knowing very little, do help in being present for their friend.

I can’t say I enjoyed this book. A good three quarters of it is spent questioning Aiden’s gift and what to do about the evil surrounding Portland. The mystery about Koren’s disappearance and reappearance also intruigues Aiden for a good part of the novel and I still don’t understand why Koren didn’t reveal her story right away. Most of the book felt directionless and incomplete. Things did get more interesting in the last quarter of the book because everything started to unfold. Honestly, I’m not sure if I’ll read the next book. Releasing in less then a month, I kind of hope, now that we know more about Aiden’s gift and his constant fight with the evil inside him, that things will get more interesting. The series is only a duology so I might just bear with it and find out what happens next.
Profile Image for Natasha Coburn.
193 reviews2 followers
October 10, 2014
I really like any book the has good versus evil. Why? Because there are so many different ways that evil can present itself and there are so many different ways to fight against it with good. I really believe that if everyone wrote a good versus evil story no two would be the same. They may have similarities at times but no two will be exactly the same. For instance this book, Gateways. When I first thought of gateways I didn’t think people or a person, no I thought like an iron fence with a gate. To create a gateway and then to be able to describe how it feels to send a Bleeder to the other side. However Heather thought differently. Not only did she think differently she portrayed it in such a way that made her ideas clear. You can tell she put time and effort into this and she took the time to give us the right words to portray exactly what she wanted to. The description of sending Bleeders over. The infection once it started in his body. The changes were clear and it was almost like through her very descriptive writing I could almost feel what was happening in Aiden happen in myself as I was reading. I could see how if it was wrote in a different way how it could be confussing and hard to read. But that’s just not the case here. It’s well written it flows great and it’s action, action. Everytime I thought okay Aiden’s going to get a break to figure this out it was like nope something else would happen. There was never a dull moment in this book. I liked the fact that he was infected with evil and he was having to fight off the temptations to be evil finding and willing the good to be stronger in him. Believing in himself that he was good and not evil. Reminds me of the power of thought. When it mentions 2 souls it reminded me of the wolf story. I don’t remember the exacts of the story but it was like a good wolf and and a bad wolf and then in the end only one would remain standing… know which one? The one you feed. So you either feed the good soul (wolf) or the evil one but one gets stronger as you feed it with thoughts and actions as the other one gets weaker. There is a line in the book that says “I know what it feels like to fight a part of you that is beyond your control.” I believe we could all relate to that in some way. We all have personal demons we fight. Maybe they don’t seem beyond your control exactly but we know what its like to fight a part of ourselves. At least I know I do. I just really enjoyed this book. I want to read more by Heather because I think she is a wonderful author.

Out of 5 stars I give this book 4.

I really enjoyed it for all the reasons above and some that I just can’t seem to find the words for. I recommend this book to all of my friends and anyone who likes a good book about good versus evil. It’s creative and wonderfully wrote. It’s easy-flowing and keeps you interested and entertained! I want to say thanks for the opportunity to read this book. It was wonderful.!
Profile Image for Alyanna.
81 reviews
August 30, 2014
The Gateway Through Which They Came is a debut novel from Heather Marie. This novel is indeed a masterpiece and Heather Marie is definitely a great writer. I can't wait to read her upcoming books!

The book is really focused on the supernatural aspect, which is awesome, since the book was introduced as a Young Adult Supernatural. (I don't like it when a book is introduced as a supernatural blah, blah then it turned out it has more romance aspect than the supernatural aspect. JUST NO.) Though this book has a little bit of romance, I didn't found it annoying or too much. The romance was really sincere and heartwarming and trust me, the book wasn't full of romance so don't worry! It was filled with action and mystery! The other thing I love, aside from the action and mystery, is the true friendship between Aiden (the main character) and his best friends, Evan and Trevor. The story was told in a guy's perspective which is Aiden and I love reading his perspective. I adore female authors who can write a story beautifully in a guy's perspective. In my experience, I find it sooo hard to write things from a guy's mind but this book is different and well-written.

Aiden is a Gateway, the one who sends Bleeders (AKA dead people) to the other side. At first, Aiden thought it was just a simple task but then as he discovers more about his identity, things got messier and harder. He's a teenager who is misunderstood by many people because of his gift. Some people may think it's great to have a gift but little did they know, that gift would be the reason for his life to end (maybe). Every characters came to life. Even though they're flawed, they seemed genuine. The mystery in this book kept me fascinated through every chapter. Every chapter is intense and thrilling!

I enjoyed this book a lot and tú whole concept was fascinating. I was impressed! This book is indeed fantastic, thrilling, and it will keep you reading until you won't realized it's already 12 midnight.

Thanks to Curiosity Quills Press for sending me an eARC in exchange of my honest review! ❤️
Profile Image for Edward.
195 reviews20 followers
October 13, 2014

I must have this in my life, like now.


Receiving this ARC was awesome because this book was fantastic.

I feel like the character of Aiden Ortiz has a lot of development throughout the story. For being a Gateway, he holds himself together, even when he meets Redhead, this mysterious girl that comes out of nowhere in the beginning.

Most paranormal/supernatural in YA literature are just like,"Hey! You're supernatural and you have a extraordinary power! Have fun!" But in Gateway, Aiden realizes that he is a Gateway and his power kind of sucks. HE lets the dead walk through his body EVERY SINGLE DAY! He doesn't whine, he doesn't complain, he just inherits his supernatural "gift".

I love The Gateway Through Which They Came! It was clever, different, unique and so much fun to read. Heather Marie did some a great job writing these characters and you can tell that she put a lot of effort into making this novel right by taking her time. And she made it right. I can't wait to read Book 2.

Profile Image for Kissed by Ink.
125 reviews20 followers
March 2, 2014
As Heather Marie’s debut, there is no doubt that we have another great YA story teller on our hands.

In GATEWAY, It’s normal for Aiden to see the dead. In fact, he lives to help the Bleeders cross over. There is no question in his mind that he’s doing the right thing, until he find out there’s more to him than he ever knew. He has two best friends, Trevor and Evan, and even they question Aiden’s sanity a few times, but it’s their loyalty/faith that helps to keep him together. Not to mention they’re always there to help him once he passes out from the effort of passing over a Bleeder.

The twist that come after this, one I won’t share with you, is amazing. Just when I thought the plot would be wrapped up tightly into a nice little ball, Heather threw me a curve ball. One that kept me guessing until the very end. And at the end I wanted my hands on the next book!

THE GATEWAY THROUGH WHICH THEY CAME is a fantastic read for those who enjoyed: CROAK by Gina Dimico or SUPERNATURAL.
Profile Image for Sarah Black.
155 reviews3 followers
September 1, 2016
From netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I found this book to be quite an amazing read. I read very few books where the main character is male and I found it really easy to like Aiden. Although I would have liked to see a bit more of his back story. The author described the dead so perfectly it was terrifying, I read this book in one day. You can only imagine how creepy it was reading this book at night.

As I got further and further into the book I began to love it even more, you get to know Aiden and his friends a lot more. You see how Aiden adapts with his abilities and how even against the odds he is able to find love.

The idea of Aiden being a Gateway was quite awesome and I found it easy to feel sympathy for the Bleeders. I just wish he confided in his friends more.
Profile Image for Sharon Bayliss.
Author 8 books230 followers
September 7, 2014
I read this book within the span of a couple of days. I have a bad case of book ADD, so I love any book that keeps me turning the pages. It's a paranormal YA about a boy in Catholic school (awesome setting for this BTW) who is literally the gateway to the afterlife, as in dead people have to walk through him to the great beyond. The main character was likable and haunted, but in the sweet way, not the brooding way. Although the "I see dead people," premise is far from new, I was still left guessing as Heather took the story in her own unexpected way.

I was loaned an ARC from On The Same Page ARC tours.
Profile Image for Cathy.
2 reviews
August 27, 2014
I read this book in a matter of days! I just couldn't put it down! It's a rare occurrence for me to not be able to figure out the ending, or the "whodunit" (or "who-is-it" in this case), but this fabulous book is filled with so much mystery and twists and turns, it kept me up until the wee hours. If you are a fan of anything supernatural or creepy, then you will love this book. It is a MUST read.
Profile Image for A S Hooghkirk.
5 reviews2 followers
October 10, 2014
This book shows that Heather Marie knows the Supernatural genre. Gateway is well written. It is a easy read, and hard to put down. The characters are strong, and the writer really shows you a vivid picture of what they look like, including the Bleeders. This story has a well thought out plot, with a couple twists.

I anticipate seeing this author's name on more books in the next few years, and I look forward to reading them.
Profile Image for Diane.
Author 18 books13 followers
June 7, 2014
Great book. Love the characters and the world Heather has created. Aiden is a great main character. It has some great twists and turns. Would highly recommend it to others. I look forward to reading more of Heather's books.
Profile Image for Rachel.
1,440 reviews154 followers
August 20, 2017
3.5 stars. Some parts were 3 stars and some 4 stars. Ive been wanting a copy of this series for soo long im glad, and not dissapointed, that ive finally read it. It was original and I really enjoyed it. Want to re-read.
Profile Image for Lesley.
399 reviews11 followers
October 30, 2014
3.5. The gateway concept wasn’t new to me, but I did like the way that Heather Marie added the idea of two souls, and the gateway being able to work from both sides.

Aiden is a gateway; when people die they go through him to get to the other side. After a very weird encounter with a dead girl, he begins to experience mood changes and nightmares warning him that an evil, dark force is coming. At the same time, Koren (his dream girl who left town several months ago without even saying goodbye) returns to tell him that he has been infected with a curse that will draw him towards the evil. With the help of his priest and his two best friends, Aiden must figure out not only how to save Koren from going crazy, but also how to rid the world of dark force before evil takes over everything.

Aiden is in high school, and since the dead often show up at inconvenient times, most of his classmates think he is weird. Until his meeting with the dead girl, he seems to take everything in stride and he is very empathetic with the people who come to him for help. Afterward, he is constantly fighting the evil within himself. He’s very brave, but it’s uncomfortable (intentionally) seeing him change for the worse.

We don’t know much about Koren, other than she and Aiden grew up together and that he is attracted to her. Someone mentioned in another review that it would have been nice to have seen her in flashbacks, and I agree. As it is, we only got to see her serious and secretive, which made it hard to understand why Aiden loved her so much.

Aiden has two really good friends to keep him grounded. The two are complete opposites; Evan is kind of happy go lucky, party all the time, and Trevor (who knows about the gateway) is more serious. He is also secretly in love with Evan. He also has the support of Father Martin, who has helped him learn about his gift, and Julie, a friend who is worried about him because she can see the changes he is going through. His mother might be supportive, but he kind of keeps her in the dark about everything.

As far as antagonists, we have the Dark Priest, who is pure evil. Unfortunately, he can take any shape or form, to it’s hard for Aiden to determine who he is. There is also Aiden’s long-time rival, Justin Chase, who used to date Koren and lives to make Aiden’s life miserable.

There were very few mechanical and grammatical issues. I love that in a book. There is the occasional cuss word, so be aware of that. There was a lot of exposition, which is sometimes tough to wade through but is necessary to the story. It was also pretty easy to guess who the villain was, but that didn’t make the ending predictable or anti-climactic.

The Bottom Line:
This was one of those books where everyone’s reviews were so positive that it made my expectations really high, so I was a little underwhelmed. To be fair, I have a really short attention span, and it’s hard for me to get through a lot of exposition. I also like a little more romance than Aiden and Koren provide. I did like the surprise ending and would be interested to know what happened next.
Profile Image for Jamie (Books and Ladders).
1,429 reviews208 followers
January 28, 2016
Actual Rating: 3.5*
Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This review and more can be found on Queen of the Bookshelves

"I think I've had my fair share of what the fucks for a while."

I feel like this quote perfectly sums up the book, but in a good way. I loved a lot of this one, but there were some aspects I had a bit of an issue with. It is still a good introduction to the series and one I will definitely be continuing.

I really liked Aiden, I thought he was a strong character. I also LOVE when characters know they have powers and can use them, but still learn a little more about them as they go along. I think that makes for good character development and good story telling. But I don't think it was enough in this case. Partly because a lot of the extra information Aiden was given wasn't told in a "natural" way, it was dumped in our laps in bursts and just felt like I was being taught a lesson rather than learning about the Gateway magic. And that was never really explained, which it doesn't have to be completely explained but a little more than what we got would have been nice. Maybe it will be told more to us in the next one, I'm holding up hope for that.

I liked the idea of the big bad Brethern that were the evil guys. I think it will be interesting to see where it goes from here with them and their story line. I do like the idea of the Original Gateways and Mortal Gateways so I am hoping that gets expanded on a bit in the next novel. I thought the magic/fantasy elements were well developed but just needed to give the reader a bit more information as to how they worked because they were clearly developed.

I liked the idea of Korren and Aiden and I think it was good that he had a bit of closure because I would really like to see him and Julie develop together more. I think Trevor and Evan could have used a bit more character development, but they were still sturdy as best friends. I liked that the trio was able to fight and make up just like "real" people do because it made the story feel as if it could be anyone that it happens to.

I would have liked a bit more from the ending though. It felt like it all happened so quickly and then it was "over". I wanted to see a bit more of the consequences right away and have a bit more explained to me about what happened but otherwise it was a good ending. It set up the fact that there would be another book and made me intrigued to read this other book so it was still a fulfilling ending.

It was definitely worth the read and I would recommend it if you are looking for a good fantasy novel that isn't something you have really read before. I think there are some really amazing things in this novel but it got a bit dragged down by info-dumps. Can't wait to read the next one (I've already started. I don't know why I tried to make it seem like I hadn't)
Profile Image for Carolyn Injoy.
1,237 reviews141 followers
February 10, 2016
The Gateway Through Which They Came by Heather Marie I received a free kindle copy of The Gateway Through Which They Came by Heather Marie, published by Curiosity Quills Press from NetGalley in exchange for a fair review.I gave this book five stars. It kept my full attention & the pages turned quickly.Description of Aiden, the seventeen year old 'Gateway'. "He stares at me, expecting more. But I can’t give him what he wants. What they all want. Confirmation. Reassurance. All I can tell them is what I feel; that the thing inside of me is like nothing else. The warmth. The safety. The peace. I feel it each and every time one of them passes through. The unfortunate ones who are ripped from their lives without a chance to say goodbye."After an especially difficult time, he questions who he is & what he can do. Or what he has done."Becoming a Dark One means feeding off your wants and needs; their instincts are to cause damage no matter how malicious. It’s the consequence of losing touch of your humanity."Justin Chase is Aiden's nemesis. In church, Aiden bumps into Justin's dad, Vincent. "It's an accident, clearly, but his displeased expression is far from understanding. A snarl of disgust slips from the thin line of his mouth. Grabbing the lapels of his black coat, he adjusts it as if I'd made a mess of his finely pressed attire."'Perhaps you should be more mindfull of where you're going' The words are thick & unkind, a threat wrapped in a breath of distaste."After looking for seven months, Aiden finally finds Koren. "She's haunting in a way, standing beside us as if she's any other girl, but inside she's battling a yearning for the darkness to overtake her. It's this that makes us so alike. I may not be a Bleeder, but I know what it feels like to fight a part of you that is beyond your control."Link to purchase: http://www.amazon.com/Gateway-Through...
Profile Image for Ri .
418 reviews59 followers
August 20, 2014
This review was originally posted on my blog, Hiver et Cafe

I received an e-ARC from the author. This fact does not affect my opinion in any shape or form. I was not compensated in any way for this review.

The book started off a little slow in the beginning and I was reading and flicking through the pages, waiting for the action to start. Although, in hindsight I could see that things were already being initiated for the plot, it was simply a slow burn to get to the more action-y bits.

I liked that there was a distinct voice to Aiden and that he is portrayed well. He's got strength to him and a bravery that I would definitely never have. I can see the "hero" mentality in him, where he doesn't know what he's doing but he'll do it anyway because he has to save people. There were also definitely times where I was mentally yelling at him. But then again, he would probably be a Gryffindor and I'm a Slytherin so. . .

I like this take on the whole "grim reaper" thing where instead of causing death, they are simply sending people who are already dead to the beyond. There is a similar sort of grim reaper thing in the Charley Davidson series, though that one definitely has a more biblical take on it. I like that this book wasn't too biblical with what's on the other side of the Gateway. It left room for interpretation and even though Aiden is a Gateway, he's not a devout Christian.

Also, there's a bit in the book where two kids are talking about a "space cowboy show that got cancelled mid season." I laughed so hard. Total reference to Firefly there. Yes!

Overall, I enjoyed it and it was entertaining, but I didn't love it.
Profile Image for Samantha.
272 reviews35 followers
October 19, 2014
I received this book in exchange for an honest review as part of Curiosity Quills Press review tour for The Gateway Through Which They Came by Heather Marie!

First I would like to thank Clare Dugmore for giving me extra time to finish this book and give my review!

I really liked the concept of this book. Ghost's have always been interesting to me. These Ghost's were the sad kind they appeared how they died, and when they crossed through Aiden it caused him pain. After a meeting with a deranged ghost or bleeder like he calls them Aiden's world is turned inside out. Also months ago a friend who Aiden was in love with went missing. She shows back up only bringing up more questions for Aiden. For example: Where has she been? and Why is she acting so weird? He also notices changes in himself;dark changes.

Now I have to admit his love for Koren became pretty annoying. I was like I get it you are in love her and worried,but I wanted to yell at the book to shut up about Koren already! I don't know if it would have been different if I knew Koren better,but I just didn't care about her all that much. I just wanted her to tell him the truth and stop messing around with him! I understood she couldn't but it annoyed me.

Anyway, Aiden is left having to find a dark priest who is causing all of his problems, and a long the way he finds out even more about his self and finds he has more power then even he had imagined! His friends were both interesting and I hope to see more of them in future books, now that they both know his secret. I really think he needs them and his mother a lot!

Overall this was a good book!

Profile Image for Sarah-Jayne Briggs.
Author 1 book47 followers
July 14, 2014
(I received a free copy of this book, from Curiosity Quills Press Publishers, in exchange for a review).

(This review may contain spoilers).

I found this book to be quite an intriguing read. It's always interesting to see a book where the main character is male after all and I found it really easy to like Aiden. Although I would have liked to see a bit more of his history, I felt the book was written well enough to make Aiden and his friends likable characters.

The idea of Aiden being a Gateway was quite an interesting one and I found it easy to feel sympathy for the Bleeders. I did think that Aiden made some mistakes, though - I felt he should have confided in his friends more and earlier.

I didn't really like Koren. I couldn't really see what Aiden saw in her. I found his relationship with Julie a lot more interesting. I also liked the hints of Trevor's feelings for Evan. I would like to see more of them... and if anything could form between them.

I did like the friendship between Aiden, Trevor and Evan. I always like loyalty in friends and I felt that came across really well in their interactions, despite how Aiden acted at times.

The book was really easy to read and kept my attention throughout. I liked a lot of the supporting characters, though there were a few things I figured out fairly quickly.

It would be good to read a sequel to this book and find out what will happen to the characters later on. I liked this book and would be interested to read other books by this author in the future.
Profile Image for Whitney Lauren (ilovebooksgirl).
40 reviews46 followers
November 22, 2014
"The Gateway Through Which They Came" is a new supernatural book that will have you hooked until the very end, because, not everything is what it seems when you're a Gateway.

Because Heather's writing was so fluid and realistic, Aidan Ortiz is a character that I was easily able to connect with. What makes the story interesting and meaningful was how the book was centered around the idea that Aidan is only a teenager, yet, he's burdened with the responsibility of being a Gateway where encountering the ghosts of dead people is an everyday thing. There's mystery, love, suspense and so much more that makes this novel so unique.

Like werewolves, vampires, ghost and other popular supernatural beings, a Gateway should definitely be added that list because I've never read anything like this. Overall, I highly recommend this book to everyone looking for a new supernatural book to read and for a new author to love.

Places to find Heather:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/HeatherMarieYA
Instagram: http://instagram.com/heathermarieya
Her website: http://heathermarieya.com

Places to buy her book:



Profile Image for Rebecca.
160 reviews18 followers
October 23, 2014
I was given the chance to read to review this book as part of the blog tour, and while I didn't love it, it was a well-written book that probably would appeal best to younger readers.

Focusing primarily on 17 year old Aiden, you learn pretty quickly that he is something called a Gateway, a doorway to the afterlife in which the dead pass through him to get to the other side. He sees them as they were at the time of their deaths, the cause of their demise often evident, with only his best friend and his priestly mentor knowing of his calling.

It's hard for this high school athlete to usher the dead over when his personal life isn't what he wants it to be, particularly with childhood friend Koren. She's disappeared and no one seems to know where she has gone. Worse still, he thinks there is something dark growing inside him...

A good YA read with elements of the paranormal, mystery, horror and romance. A story about fighting the darkness within.
Profile Image for Vanya D. .
362 reviews21 followers
March 26, 2015
NOTE: I received my review copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

The Gateway turned out to be a nice read. It was interesting, and held my attention (when I could give it). But it had some flaws. For example, the characters acted a bit unrealistic, as if the author pushed them to do this or that, instead of letting them follow their own paths. At times the narrative was more descriptive than it should've been, delving into background things that didn't really matter to me as a reader.

But the thing that disappointed me the most, was Aiden, the main character. The concept of his being was pretty original, and I liked that. But his vulnerability, naivete and sometimes plain stupidity threw me off. Obvious things eluded him, his reasoning lacked and toward the end I was resigned to just not liking him much.

All in all, The Gateway is a good read, but I think it could've been better.
Profile Image for Michael Cristiano.
Author 1 book23 followers
December 1, 2014
You can check out my full review here.

I had really high expectations for this one: an awesome cover, great reviews, a kick butt marketing campaign. I wasn't disappointed. I liked Aiden as a character and loved the relationship he had with Koren. I liked the take that Heather Marie took on good and evil and I liked how she noted that those two distinctions are not always clear. I also loved how the story almost had a neo-gothic feeling to it: the paranormal, eerie churches and passageways, lovers who cannot be. My only criticism was that the writing was a little too young for my liking and used a few too many cliches, but the story helped me overlook that though. Bring on book 2!
Profile Image for Creatyvebooks.
227 reviews11 followers
July 21, 2015
I finally got to borrow this book from a friends since I didn't get to downlaod in time. With that being said I will say that this isn't the best book that I ever read. Although it was a fairly quick and easy read I feel like things were missing. I had more question than answers but I guess that is the set up to get you to read book 2.

As for the writing--it's okay. Not the best or the worse I've ever read but as I've said before thing were missing and it was seriously lacking character development.. I wanted more of Aiden's story and what his abilities really were. Hopefully that will be answered in book 2.

Overall, a decent read that was entertaining for what it is. I'm looking forward to reading book 2 so that I can see if my questions will be answered.

I still would recommend this book.

Thank you Netgalley and Curiosity Quills Press.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 43 reviews

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