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Goodreads Choice Award
Nominee for Best Romance (2014)
Kylie Scott returns with the highly anticipated follow-up to international bestseller Lick.

Mal Ericson, the drummer for the world-famous rock band Stage Dive, needs to clean up his image fast—at least for a little while. Having a good girl on his arm should do the job just fine. Mal doesn't plan on this temporary fix becoming permanent, but he didn't count on finding the one right girl.

Anne Rollins never thought she'd ever meet the rock god who plastered her teenage bedroom walls—especially not under these circumstances. Anne has money problems. Big ones. But being paid to play the pretend girlfriend to a wild life-of-the-party drummer couldn't end well. No matter how hot he is. Or could it?

306 pages, Kindle Edition

First published March 25, 2014

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About the author

Kylie Scott

63 books16.7k followers
Kylie is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today best-selling, Audie Award winning Romance author.

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Profile Image for Christy.
4,234 reviews35.1k followers
May 8, 2020
5 ‘Crazy Eyes’ stars!

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After reading Lick, I’ve been waiting for this book. For Mal’s book. I loved him in the first and I had such high hopes for his story. Let me tell you... It didn’t let me down! I love rockstar books, but these are in a different league. Not only are they hot, sweet, and full of sexy rockstars, but they are off the charts hilarious. I laughed so hard in this story! But it wasn’t just funny- there was a lot of depth in there too.

Anne is in a pinch. Once again, she’s been used by someone she’s trusted. Her roommate has bailed on her, moving out without paying Anne any of the money she owes her. Anne has responsibilities- bills to pay, along with helping her little sister with college. For one night, her neighbor Lauren gets her to forget about her issues and head to a party with her. At her friend’s Ev and David’s place.

When Anne gets there, she is feeling a bit out of place. She goes outside and takes a call from her friend, when she stumbles upon Malcom Ericson. The drummer from Stage Dive. Mal see’s Anne and hears her conversation. He loves that she makes crazy eyes at him and wants to help her out. More importantly, he needs her help.

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Mal needs a fake girlfriend for his own reasons. A nice girl, someone to clean up his act and reputation as a ladies man. Who better than Anne? There is something about this girl he likes. So he decides he’s moving in with her after meeting her that one night.
“You’re moving in with me?”

“Yes, pumpkin. I am moving in with you.”

“When did we talk about this exactly?”

“Actually, you might have left by then. But it doesn’t change the facts.”

Mal is the light hearted, fun loving, and a bit crazy drummer. He always has something funny to say, something crazy he’s doing, but deep down, he’s more than that. And Anne sees that.

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So Anne and Mal living together solves both of their problems. Anne no longer has to worry about paying her rent, and Mal has a sweet and beautiful girlfriend. As long as their convincing and stick to the boundaries they set so things don’t get complicated, everything should be right as rain...

This book had so many moments of laughter, I lost count. I had a near constant smile on my face. I couldn’t control the laughter! Mal was something else entirely. I adored him and his sense of humor. Anne had her funny moments as well!
“We’ve broken my bed,” I said, stating the obvious.

“In battle, sacrifices must be made, pumpkin.”....

“They’re mocking us,” I said.

“Nonsense. We just fucked so hard we broke your bed. They wish they were us. The natural order of sexual status has been restored.”

“Hands down, that’s the most romantic thing I’ve ever heard. I can pretty much feel my legs just falling wide open for you right now.”

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“Oh, god, no.” I covered my face with my hands. “Please don’t.”

“Shh. This is a private conversation.” He brushed hot feverish kisses up and down the lips of my sex. My stomach tensed so hard it hurt. “Look at you all pretty, pink and excited. Don’t worry, I’ll look after you.”

“If you don’t stop talking to my vagina I’m going to kill you.”

“You’re beautiful Anne’s pussy. Just beautiful. And I’m not mean like her. I’m on your side and I love you very much.”

“Whatever you’re imagining, it’s bigger.”

“I’m not imagining anything.”

“I’m serious, it’s basically a monster. I cannot control it.”


“You’re pretty much going to need a whip and a chair to tame it, Anne.”

“Stop it.”

You see what I mean? So so so funny!

Even though Mal and Anne were in a ‘fake’ relationship, they really worked together. Not to say there weren’t some difficult moments, but overall they were good together. Their ‘fake’ relationship turned into a real friendship... and real feelings developed.

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Mal and Anne were both wonderful characters. Both highly entertaining and fun. I loved the way they interacted, how Anne was able to see the real side of Mal that not many do. He is hilarious, handsome and the center of attention always, but he is more than that. Anne has always had to be responsible, always let others walk all over her. Mal showed her that there was another way to live. These two really worked together.

Play kept a smile on my face from start to finish. Full of sweet, sexy, romantic heart warming moments, and too many laugh out loud lines to count, with characters you can’t help but to love, this is a book I would highly recommend. Bring on Jimmy’s book!

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Profile Image for Kristen.
842 reviews4,982 followers
June 2, 2014
2 1/2 to 3–I'M A BIT BAFFLED–Stars

Looks like I'm in the minority here!
Everyone seems to love this book but me. I didn't dislike it; in fact, I laughed quite often during the course of the story. I must admit, however, that the plot felt a bit random to me. Even as I closed the book, I was still unsure what this story was really about.

I LOVED Mal's character in Lick and couldn't wait to read his book. Unfortunately, for me, he ended up being too crazy, too manic, and too over-the-top. I found it difficult to connect to his character, to Anne's character, to her easy acceptance of his crazy behavior, and to their love story. Sadly, this book, its main characters, and the plot perplexed me more than it enchanted me.

That said, the one-liners were hilarious and it was obvious the author had a blast writing Mal's character. Plus, I loved getting more of David, Ev, and the band. Though this book didn't fully work for me, I believe most readers will love reading this story.
Profile Image for MischaS_.
782 reviews1,427 followers
April 7, 2020
What can I say? This is somewhat conflicting. Mal is my favourite character in all the other books, but in this one, he was really annoying. To the point where I was unable to stand him. Yeah, he's a bit annoying in all the books, but in those usually, the funny part outweighs the annoying one. But not in this one. Mainly because part of the jokes felt way too forced.

However, I have to say that I liked Anne more than I expected. Not the character I imagined for this book but one which really worked well.
And honestly, her being annoyed by Mal was my favourite part of this book.

Not something I usually mention, but I have to say that Mal's parents were just the absolute sweethearts.

Profile Image for Patrycja.
639 reviews4,057 followers
March 26, 2014

Title: Play
Series: Stage Dive #2
Author: Kylie Scott
Release Date: 25th March, 2014
Rating: 4.5 stars
Cliffhanger:. No

Play, just as previous Kylie Scott’s novel Lick, is fast paced, incredibly sweet and sexy story that literally swept me off my feet. I quickly found myself falling in love with the main characters, the witty banter between them and the fabulous sexual tension that purely rocked!

I didn’t think it was possible for Kylie Scott to at least match the awesomeness of Lick. But I was strongly mistaken. Not only did I found Play just as awesome as Lick, I think Mal and Anne made David and Eve run for their money.

Anne Rollins wasn’t a very close friend of Eve , but yet after disaster of a day, Anne found herself being at the party the David Ferris and his wife were throwing. At the same party she’s met Malcom Ericson, Stage Dive’s drummer and her teenage crush.

When very funny but weird circumstances made Mal move into Anne’s apartment (without her knowing about it, of course) the things between them start to skyrocketing in hot as sin department. Can you imagine how Anne must’ve been feeling when a half naked rock god occopied her apartment and quickly after that her heart?

Play is definitely a ‘go’ book for all of the rock star romance books junkies. From the start to finish I was bewitched by how simply yet excitingly this book seemed to follow. There wasn’t a single moment that left me bored. Mal was too funny for that. All the things that came out his dirty mouth where not only hilarous (though, I was close to be rolling on the floor from all the laughing I’ve done) but blazing hot too! I was having so much fun I felt like I was flying through the pages. It was fantastic feeling!

Was Play sexy? Definitely. Was it funny and light read? Absolutely. Is it worth recommending? Are you kidding? Of course it is!

Overall, the original sense of humor, great chemistry between exceptional characters and lots of lots laughing out loud moments made me very happy that I had a chance to meet Mal and Anne closer. So yes, you can say I am obsessed with this series!


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Profile Image for Pearl Angeli.
651 reviews1,015 followers
July 20, 2017
"Life`s a song, Anne. Let's play."

5 Stars!

You cannot just simply resist Mal Ericson.

I have been so interested to read the Mal's story ever since Lick. Well who doesn't want to get to know him more? He's such a fun and goofy character and I knew that behind his playful attitude there's a different side of him that we have yet to see.

Malcolm "Mal" Ericson is Stage Dive's drummer. He is known as someone who always "plays" around when it comes to women. With his happy-go-lucky lifestyle, relationship is certainly out of the picture. But when he met a personal dilemma that requires him to basically snag a pretend girlfriend, he didn't have a choice but to look for the perfect one to act as his girl. Meeting Anne Rollins at Ev and David's party though was a perfect timing. They automatically clicked after a few minutes of flirting. And because Anne happens to have financial troubles, he proposed to meet her needs in exchange of moving with her in her apartment and her cooperation in his pretend relationship scheme.

"You're the best boyfriend. Fake or not."

You can imagine my face while I was reading this book the whole time.



There were certainly lots of hilarious moments in this book. Mal didn't fail to crack me up with his sexual innuendos with Anne and his crazy exchange and shenanigans with his band mates. Hilarious scenes aside, there was an emotional side to it that made me appreciate its entirety. I loved Mal and Anne's dynamic. While Mal might be a player, his character development throughout the story-- the way he stuck to Anne and basically followed a monogamous relationship, very well pleased me. There was no cheating involved which made me love this book even more. I also loved Anne's character. The way she accepted Mal behind his many layers and the way she stood by him despite the fact the she too has some personal issues was really admirable. This couple is perfect for each other!

Like most pretend relationship books, these characters fell into a real relationship together, but what I loved about this book was Mal and Anne's mutual acceptance when it comes to their weak sides. Each conflict was immediately resolved without getting into so much drama which I really loved.

What also made me embrace this book was Mal's relationship with his family, especially with his mom. It was touching. I even found myself crying over some scenes here. I think his family relationship was the one that truly changed Anne's feelings toward her mom, too.

I also thought the rock star theme here was more palpable compared to the previous book. In this installment there was certainly a lot of stage actions by the Stage Dive. I felt their passion to music because of their performances and connection with their fans.

"Mal's playing and the music owned me, the smoothness of his movements and his absolute focus. His energy."

Kylie Scott made it really possible to balance out both the hilarious and emotional vibes in this book. Play, in my opinion, was better than Lick. I loved that it possesses all the elements (sexy times included) to make it a lot more enjoyable. If you've enjoyed David and Ev's story in Lick, then you definitely need to get into Mal's story.

Pages of Pearl

Profile Image for Phuong ✯.
671 reviews8,096 followers
January 4, 2022
1st read July 2015: 4ish stars
2nd read Jan 2022: 4 stars

Re-reading a book I’ve read 7 years ago and I didn’t downgrade it a star? This is such a huge win omg I almost can’t believe it. Therefore, I conclude that Play is such a timeless book, which can’t be said about all the books that came out in 2014. 👁 👄👁 

"Life’s a song, Anne. Let’s play."

How could I ever forget how much fun Mal was? 😭 He is such an annoying menance to society and I love him all the more for it. Mal was so playful and I never knew what would come out of his mouth next. Mal Ericson is the kind of character that is so over the top annoying that it’s pure delight. So much energy and dumbassery in one book. I love it. 😌 

Mal: High level of unhealthy codependency traits exhibited by both parties relationship possibly bordering on toxic
Anne: WTF?
Mal: Did magazine quiz. We need help. Especially you
Anne: ...
Mal: Booking us couples counseling. Tues 4:15 alright?
Anne: We are not going to counseling.
Mal: What’s wrong? Don’t you love me anymore?
Anne: Turning phone off now.

”Yeah, that’s what I thought.” Mal snorted. All of his intensity had evaporated into thin air, thank god. “We’re all good thanks bro. Just picking out names for our future children. Anne wants Malcolm Junior for a boy but I said no, absolutely not. Kid should at least have a chance at a life out form underneath the shadow of his old man.”
”That’s real big of you,” said Jimmy.
”I know, right? Being a parent is all about the sacrifices.”

This fucking clown! 😭🤣 I can’t stand him. Why is he that way? 😭 I know he fell on his head too many times as a baby, there is no other way to explain his personality. He may be in his late 20s or early 30s, but istg his maturity level never grew beyond 12. 😭 It seems like I’m dissing this guy, but I’m saying all of this with the utter most love. Mal is so funny, immature & childish, but he has a heart of gold.

“I FUCKING LOVE YOU, ANNE.” (Mal is completely wasted in this scene)
“Yeah, okay. Shut up now.” David tried to slap a hand over Mal’s mouth.
“AAAAAAANNNNNE!” My name was a long, drawn-out howling kind of noise, muffled at the last when David managed to cover his mouth. Muted grunts and snarling came next. “God damn it,” swore David. “He just fucking bit me.”
“My love shall not be silenced!” I did my best not to laugh.
“Mal? I’ve got a headache from you accidentally kicking me in the head. Do you mind being quiet?”

Despite being completely steam-rolled by Mal with him moving in with Anne and asking her to be his fake girlfriend for reasons, the relationship development between Mal and Anne was very organic. Their friends-to-lovers relationship was so effortless and natural. But I have to say that it bothers me a little that the couples in this series fall in love so quickly all within A WEEK.

“You fell asleep so fast. What’s under here?” He toyed with the hem of my sleep shirt.
“You’ve forgotten already?” He dragged my T-shirt over my head and tossed it aside.
“Oh, breasts. Best present ever. Thanks, pumpkin.”
“You’re very welcome. I’m all about the giving on my birthday.”

Play was a quick and fun read and can’t wait to get to Jimmy and Lena now. They better disappoint me, cause I have high hopes for them. 🤞

┍━━━━━━━━»•» «•«━┑

#1 Lick – 3.25 stars
#2 Play – 4 stars
#3 Lead – 3.75 stars
#4 Deep – tbr
┕━»•» «•«━━━━━━━━┙
Profile Image for Emma Chase.
Author 59 books18.9k followers
April 7, 2015
Can't decide if David or Mal is my favorite!!! Loved :))
Profile Image for Giorgia Reads.
1,330 reviews2,023 followers
February 19, 2021
Re-read 16/02/2021

5 stars

Mal, Mal, Mal...

I just love the guy.

That’s my review.

Jk... (sort of)

This story was perfect in every way. The banter and Mal’s crazy antics. Minimal angst but just enough something something, in order for it to have some stakes.

It felt wholesome and thoroughly enjoyable. The only fault I can find is that the story wasn’t longer.

I would totally, completely and absolutely recommend this to anyone wanting to read something fun with a lil bit of heart as well. Every time Mal opens his mouth to say something you know you’re gonna be at least giggling like a schoolgirl.. so there’s that.

Original read 2019 / 4 stars
Profile Image for Isabella. R.
989 reviews1,903 followers
April 15, 2022
5 Fixing Shit Was My Specialty Stars ⭐

This story was brilliant. I mean I laughed my ass off the entire time. Honestly it's not often stories have this affect. You really need this book in your life!

“For I am, Malcolm, Lord of the Sex!”

A man child. Charming, funny and completely nuts. Drummer of Stage Dive Mal Ericson is like an excited pup who needs a lot of attention and affection. Anne showing up in his life is a temporary fix to his hidden issues. Funny, cos he won't want to let her go.

“Abso-fucking-lutely. I’m settling down. I’m a changed man. True love and all that.”

“Right. This should be interesting,” said Ben. “How long you think it’ll last?”

“Mine and Anne’s lustful passion will be eternal, Benny boy. Just you wait and see.”

You had to feel for our ginger haired beauty Anne. An amazing friend, kind and a total pushover. It was under bad circumstances that she met Mal. Yet she never expected that meeting her idol would lead them to being flatmates. Well worse since she accepts the role of fake girlfriend especially as Mal insists on kissing her to prove his virility.

“Pumpkin, stop rubbing your ass against me. We gotta go! I don’t have time to do you now. Prioritize, woman.”

Sometimes the temptation to hit him was so huge.

But through the laughs and amazing banter, there was a real story of two individuals with the world on their shoulders. As Mal hid behind his bravado, Anne was trying to keep her life and heart intact. But frankly there is no surviving the whirlwind that is Malcolm Ericson. It was a test of whether these two could finally be open and honest and turn fake to real! 💙🥁
Profile Image for Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  .
2,434 reviews5,107 followers
March 29, 2014
"Life's a song,Anne.
Let's play."

Wow I'm a big fan of this series!!I loved Lick and I loved this one!!This book was so refreshing and funny!!I laughed so loud!!Mal is hilarious!I was really looking forward for his book!!

Anne wasn't lucky in her life.She is a good person, she cares for everyone but sometimes people take advantage of her..Her roommate walk out on her and her boss use her.When her friends asked her to go with them in a party, she decides to go with them..and there she will meet the drummer of the rock band Stage Dive, Mal!!


Mal is so funny also he is moody and manic!When he met Anne in the party he professes that she is his girlfriend!So they move in together!! And just like that, their crazy journey begins!


Anne gets to see a side of Mal that he doesn't share with many people.. Mal and Anne are steamy together, I loved their interactions.Both have their problems but they try to deal with them!Mal and Anne are not normal, they are complete opposites, which is exactly what makes their interactions so entertaining and this is what I really loved in this book!! While I was reading their dialogues I was giggling and swooning . ;DI loved Mal so much!!I liked that he is a little crazy, he wanted to live in the moment!I think he helps a lot Anne because she is the opposite of him! I loved Anne!She is a strong character a little crazy too :) but also she is lovely!

"Pumpkin, I'm always serious when it comes to you. Even when I'm messing around, I'm still serious as shit. Whatever you need, whatever I have to do. It's been that way since we met."


Kylie does a fantastic job!!I love her writing!!I look forward to reading the rest of the band mates stories!!

Profile Image for Anniebananie.
613 reviews479 followers
June 19, 2017
Und wieder ein Buch innerhalb von 24 Stunden gelesen, das hab ich momentan irgendwie echt drauf 😎 hatte mich nach dem ersten Band sehr auf diesen gefreut weil MAL 😍😍 leider konnte es mich dann aber nicht zu 100% überzeugen bzw. meine doch recht hohen Erwartungen nicht ganz erfüllen 😕 das Buch war zwar super witzig und spritzig aber dennoch hat mir so das Gewissen letzte etwas gefehlt um emotional vollkommen mit den beiden Protas zu gehen. Dennoch mag ich Kylie Scotts Schreibstil sehr gerne und bis jetzt mochte ich auch jeden von ihr erschaffenen Charakter auf seine Art sehr gern 👌🏻
Profile Image for SamJ ★Needs a HEA★.
609 reviews906 followers
November 4, 2018
I loved Book one Lick.

And I loved this book! Even more!

Mal was so much more than he promised in Lick!

Mal and Anne meet at a party, Mal decided he liked Anne, and that he needs Anne (for reasons of his own) and Anne needs him. So he moves in and convinced Anne to be a pretend Girlfriend.

"You moved in with me somehow".......

"I know what you're gonna say, it's sooner than I thought too. But Davie threw me out today so I figured, why wait?"

I just blinked, the rest of me being too frozen to respond.

"Okay. Long story short, I accidentally saw Ev naked" He held up both hands protesting his innocence. "It was only side boob, I swear...But you know what he's like with her....Not my fault she was topless. Anyway, Davie went ballistic.....Harsh words were said. We may have even wrestled slightly. But I forgive him. Love makes you psycho, right?"


"So you moved in with me?"


"Anne, come on. We talked about this last night. If you were gonna have a problem with me moving in, that was the time to bring it up, not now."

And that sets the tone for the book! Mal is a beautifully written character! His humour, his playful nature, his childlike vulnerability that comes through sometimes, his manic energy - all hiding something, a pain you occasionally get glimpses of!

And Anne was a great character too. She saw down to the real Mal, behind the famous drummer.

Together they were perfection, the chemistry, the banter between them was great.

And seeing more of the rest of the band, and how close they all are and support each other was beautiful!

It was a funny, sexy, at times a little sad, but hugely enjoyable read, that somehow manages to pass the brilliance of book one!
Profile Image for Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️.
1,963 reviews33.8k followers
March 27, 2014
5 MAL-icious Stars

So I originally thought I was going to rate this 4.5 stars (the ending felt a little rushed and off to me) but, fuck it, Mal deserves a starry sky of awesome.

I can't remember the last time I loved a lead male character so much. His witty loquaciousness had me all like this:


And his hotness factor?



I liked the first one, but this one totally trumped it for me. I hope Jimmy's story is as good as I want it to be. He's all damaged and angtsy, woo woo!
Profile Image for *TANYA*.
1,002 reviews385 followers
March 14, 2017
Mal was a hoot!!! I'm totally digging this series now.
Profile Image for Kelly (and the Book Boar).
2,674 reviews9,123 followers
August 1, 2016
Find all of my reviews at: http://52bookminimum.blogspot.com/

I finished this book early Saturday morning, but I’m just getting around to reviewing it because every time I think about what to say I develop a pretty massive problem in my underwears . . . .

Last week I read Lick after having an okay reaction to Dirty (these titles are really horrible – Kylie Scott is lucky there was another pervert I spent my baseball weekends with who recommended her stuff to me because I probably would have avoided it just for the names). Normally I buffer my dirty reads with another genre, but after enjoying Mal’s cameos in the first book so much I couldn’t stop thinking about him. Also, he was a drummer . . .

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Come to momma . . .

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Ain’t that the truth!

My family had just returned from being out of town for nearly a week and were presented with a real warm welcome . . . .

As I powered through this puppy without coming up for air.

Alright, so the story is obviously about Mal the drummer . . .

Mal has been known as a slayer of the puss whose sexual prowess is so magnificent he hardly ever makes a repeat performance to the same vajay. However, something about him has been a bit off lately.

Meet Anne – she’s Ev from Book #1’s former next-door-neighbor who returns home from work one day to find her roommate has hightailed it out of Dodge and left her with little furniture and zero rent.

When the two meet at one of David and Ev’s parties, the story comes out and Mal decides to fix things . . . . by moving in and paying Anne’s debts in trade for her pretending to be his girlfriend. Don’t worry, he has his reasons.

Obviously y’all know what happens eventually . . .

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Play gets all the stars. It was exactly what I look for in a romance – not too long, not too angsty (and the angst that was featured was worth getting all emo over), plenty of laughs, and likeable characters. I mean seriously likeable. I never thought anyone could replace Miles Archer as my number one fantasy man, but Mal did a pretty effin’ good job . . . .

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Highly recommended. We’ll see if I continue on with this series. I’m not real interested in Jimmy or Ben’s characters so I’m putting it on the backburner until someone convinces me to change my mind.


I planned on breaking free of the porny spiral and reading something else, but who the hell am I trying to kid? I'm a filthy pirate hooker from Whore Island and I can't stop myself. Omnomnomnomnom . . . .

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Profile Image for Jasmine.
269 reviews687 followers
January 11, 2015
4.5 STARS! ★★★★☆

“We’ve broken my bed,” I said, stating the obvious.
“In battle, sacrifices must be made, pumpkin.”

Well holy cow! When I first met Mal in Lick, I knew he would be a totally fun guy to read about but I didn't expect how crazy and freakin hilarious this read was! Once I started, I couldn't put it down and I even had to sacrifice a bit of sleep just to read a little bit more of Mal!

“Make love. I meant make love … of course. I would never just stick my dick in you. I would make mad, passionate love to this sweet, sweet body of yours for days, no, weeks. It would be beautiful, pumpkin. There’d be little angels, and birdies, and you know … all just hanging around, watching. Perverts.”

I just loved how I didn't need to take this book seriously AT ALL. Yes it was ridiculous, yes it was OTT at times but damnit I didn't care. This was exactly what I needed in my life right now and although I thought the ending was a little rushed, I'm rounding this read up to 5 stars because let's face it....Mal was damn f*cking awesome. Everything that came out from his mouth was absolutely GOLD!

“Pumpkin, stop rubbing your ass against me. We gotta go! I don’t have time to do you now. Prioritize, woman.”

I'm starting to recall right now how awesome rockstar reads are. NEED MORE OF THEM IN MY LIFE! Btw Rachel, I fluffin' love you right now for making me read these! ♥♥

Read this series, everyone! READ IT IF YOU LOVE EM' ROCKSTARS!!! *peace out*
Profile Image for vee.
885 reviews350 followers
May 23, 2021
🥁 4 stars 🥁

’It was strange, we’d only known each other a few days but I trusted him. I liked him and I was really grateful to spend this time with him. After the disaster with Skye, I needed Malcolm Ericson in my life right now. Hell, after the last seven years I needed him. He brought out the sun.’

so this was another insta-love story like the first book, yet it was so much better. whereas in david-evelyn’s book i felt like their chem was a lil fuzzy & lacking so the insta love didn’t exactly heighten my enjoyment.

here in this book their chem was unmistakable. they did the whole fake dating first but once they got together, even tho it was still insta, it just made sense to me. partly cuz they did the whole friends-but-more thing enough first beforehand.

”Last chance.” He rolled out his big pink tongue like a dog. Though that was probably being mean to dogs. In all likelihood, canines showed more discretion. “Thee? Iths really long.”
“Will you please put that away?” I laughed.
Instead he grabbed the back of my head, dragging the length of his warm, damp tongue up the side of my face. I froze against the onslaught. “You did not just do that.”
“It’s a sign of affection. You think I salivate on just anyone?”
“You … I can’t even.”
“There are women who would kill to have me licking their face. You do not even begin to appreciate just how lucky you are to have my spit. Now lick me back.” He pointed to his jaw, demandingly. “Anne, do it. Do it now, woman, before I get offended”

rockstar / story bout famous people are usually not my cup of tea. i’m very private myself and reading bout them usually just stresses me out instead of making me happy. so i often steer clear of them. but i didn’t really have any problem w/ this one somehow. there weren’t a lot of famous people’s problem i usually despised. and though it made it less realistic, it helped heighten my enjoyment.

honestly i’ve got nothin else to say. Mal was fun. Anne was fun. reading about these two together was fun. this book was just really dang enjoyable for me. it was a fun time and it helped me get out of my reading slump. so hallelujah

”You got shit security. People get to know you’re in the area, you’ll have no privacy. And how fucking small are those apartments?”
“Relax, Davie. We’ll think about it. You guys, all so addicted to your mansions and fancy livin’. Why, Anne and I could live in a cardboard box and we wouldn’t even notice, our love is so epic. Isn’t that right, pumpkin?”

^^ this is random but that’s also one of the reasons why this book was just way better than the first ; he moved in w/ her, not her moving in w/ him (even tho it was for the sake of the fake dating gig and it happened a day after they met), still. it seems like nothing but i just loved how down-to-earth and ordinary Mal is

he seems like this happy-go-lucky guy but he’s more complex and intense deep down. yet still funny y’know?? dunno why but that’s my new fav type of guy

also, gotta mention that one scene where they pretended to have sex then proceeded to make sex noises to rival the neighbors that were also going at it (and to convince em their relationship’s legit & not fake)? reminded me of that one scene on EASY A :

my fav baby boy, malcolm ericson

”I’m not talking to you,” he said, fingers gently folding back the lips of my sex.
“You’re not?”
“No. You had your chance to communicate with me and you chose not to. You let this relationship down. Feel bad, Anne.” His breath tickled my still-sensitive pussy. “Hello, Anne’s clitoris. It’s me, Malcolm, your lord and master.”
“Oh, god, no.” I covered my face with my hands. “Please don’t.”
“Shh. This is a private conversation.” He brushed hot, feverish kisses up and down the lips of my sex. My stomach tensed so hard it hurt. “Look at you all pretty, pink, and excited. Don’t worry, I’ll look after you.”
“If you don’t stop talking to my vagina I’m going to kill you.” I put a hand down, trying to cover myself. The bastard slapped it. Hard too. I would get him back for that later.
“You’re beautiful, Anne’s pussy. And I’m not mean like her. I’m on your side and I love you very much because you feel fucking amazing wrapped around my dick.”
“Malcolm, I mean it. You’re ruining oral sex for me forever. Cut it out.”
Profile Image for Carol (StarAngel's Reviews) Allen.
1,688 reviews618 followers
March 27, 2014
Book – Play (Stage Dive #2)
Author – Kylie Scott
Publication Date – March 25, 2014
Type – No Cliffhanger Series
Genre – Romance/Humor
Rating – 5 out of 5 Stars

Complimentary Copy provided by Author (Release Blitz) in exchange for an honest review.

First things first….OMG OMG OMG…..I WANT MALCOLM!!

*whew…OK….now that’s out of my system – I can continue on with my review – what a fucking fantastic book…we had EVERYTHING all wrapped up in a cute story….we had an abundance of humor, a strong heroine, a fucked up hero, a love triangle, a life changing incident, black-eye, broken bed, crazy eyes….all of these pulled at every emotion in me….but the one emotion I treasure the most is the laughing!! 

Malcolm stole the show in this book….I hate to compare authors….but this one really reminded me of a character in Tara Sivec’s books – he was my favorite there…..and Malcolm is my favorite in this series.  I really don’t know how you are going to top him Ms. Scott….but then again after reading Lick – David was my favorite…so you might just surprise me yet!

I have to share with you a post from our BR thread – because Wendy swears it sums up the book -

This is one fucking fantastic book - Even better than Lick - Hands down Malcolm is my favorite in the Stage Dive Band members....you never know if he is serious or joking around.

I kinda thought the reason why he wanted Anne to be his pretend girlfriend was because of someone in his family wanting him to settle down....but for the book being so funny throughout...this is making my eyes water thinking about how sensitive and caring Malcolm really is.

Yeah - I got pissed at him when he forgot about Anne and was up on that skank...but then I loved how he dealt with Reese. Yes, he saw how Anne was being taken advantage of by her "so called" friends and Malcolm built up her self-esteem in order for her to create boundaries with others.

These two are most adorable couple and Anne wins hands-down the feisty, comical uber strong character. She knew from the beginning what she was getting in to and she didn't let that bring her down. She thought she would be left high and dry when the band went on tour...but still she gave it shot - putting her "future hurt heart" on the back-burner and lived in the "now".

I absolutely love this author....I love her style of writing - it's like she has the characters speaking directly to you - instead of telling a story line by line...I feel like I am part of their conversation. 

Everyone is worried about Malcom……Annie just had her “so called” friend leave her high and dry without a penny.

Annie is forced to go to a party with her next door neighbor who is friends with Ev (from Lick) and the members of Stage Dive.  There, she goes to take a call from her crush “Reese” (the man whore) and Malcolm who is hiding in the shadows hears the full conversation.  He banters with her to the point of getting her so frustrated with him that she tells him directly where to go (even though she has lusted after his posters since her teenage years).

The next day Malcolm shows up at her apartment all moved in with a great plan.  She pretends to be his girlfriend and he will pay off her rent.  Annie knows this is a bad idea given her lusty feelings toward Mal but agrees thinking it may just be what will set Reese off to finally settle down.

Annie gets more than she bargained for spending time with Mal – he makes her laugh, he makes her angry and he makes her live again.

I have to stop here…because there is no way that I am giving away the book…you will just have to read it for yourself – you will not be disappointed!

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Profile Image for Wendy'sThoughts.
2,669 reviews3,277 followers
April 19, 2021
5 I Don't Care, I Keep Reading Great Books Stars
* * * * * Spoiler Free-A 2014 Review
I have been on a roll... I have read all types of books with one thing in common... They have been Fucking GREAT. Some have been more serious, more intricate; others have been a lark or hot and steamy.

What all of them have in common is fantastic writing.

I am talking about writing which makes you care; which makes you think of nothing but the words in front of you. You want to be part of the story and climb through the e-reader or pages and become one with the book. Doesn't matter what the specific story is about... it is the craftsmanship of the author and how they tell the story which causes this reaction.... and I have had a run of them.

Kylie Scott is one of those authors. My first experience with her was through a little book called Lick. I found it on my own... read it on my own and enjoyed it that way, too. I was oblivious of any hype or push. Just knew what I liked; filed it away and that was that. I found out recently there was a follow-up called Play happening. Since I read for a blog as well as for myself now, I am fortunate to be able to read early. This was the case with Play.

This book did not disappoint. Ms. Scott has remained true to her talent and voice. There was a smooth embrace with her words; a sense of ease where everything just fit. The humor was so perfect it couldn't have been timed any better. There were also moments of humor laced with a sadness which worked devastatingly well, too. Those moments gave us the insight to see this wasn't just a piece of fluff... it had heart, meaning and would make us think.

And think I did... as the main character seemed to be an enabler... but not in the positive way which can enhance a relationship... no it was in the way others can repeatedly take advantage of them. We get to see how our girl realizes she has the right to say no and look out for herself. What is delicious is how our male lead shows her the way.

So thank you Ms. Scott for remaining true to your talent and giving me another wonderful read full of heart, life; yes, extremely steamy and sexy times and a strong story. 5 Stars? Hell yes...

Lick (Stage Dive, #1) by Kylie ScottLick (Stage Dive, #1)
Play (Stage Dive, #2) by Kylie ScottPlay (Stage Dive, #2)
Cocktales by Penny Reid Cocktales Anthology (Stage Dive, #2.5)
Lead (Stage Dive, #3) by Kylie Scott Lead Stage Dive, #3)
Deep (Stage Dive, #4) by Kylie Scott Deep (Stage Dive, #4)
Strong (Stage Dive, #4.5) by Kylie Scott Strong (Stage Dive, #4.5)
Closer (Stage Dive, #4.6) by Kylie Scott Closer (Stage Dive, #4.6)
Love Song (Stage Dive, #4.7) by Kylie Scott (Stage Dive, #4.7)
The Rhythm Method A Stage Dive Novella by Kylie Scott The Rhythm Method: A Stage Dive Novella (Stage Dive, #4.8)

A gifted copy was given by the author/publisher in exchange for an honest review

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Profile Image for Rachel  L.
2,023 reviews2,447 followers
January 3, 2015
4.5 laughing my ass off stars


For those of you who haven’t caught onto the Stave Dive series, which starts with the brilliant first book Lick, get on it now!!! Warning, this review will be told mostly in quotes because I could never replicate the awesomeness that is Ms. Scott’s writing style.

Play is the story of Mal, the playful drummer of Stage Dive, and Anne, the charming and cute girl who works in a book shop. The story starts when Anne is screwed over by a friend who basically steals a bunch of money (not literally) and leaves Anne in the dust, causing Anne to face imminent eviction. After meeting Mal at a party, and a slightly infuriating conversation, Anne finds Mal moved into her apartment the next day, and a proposal she cannot turn down. Mal will front Anne the money and live with her, and she will pretend to be his girlfriend (for somewhat mysterious reasons).So we’ve all heard this plot before right? Whatever. Ms. Scott puts a creative spin on an old idea and truly makes it her own.

Why did I love this book? I had a giant freaking smile on my face the entire time I was reading it. The banter between Anne and Mal is hilarious, and their chemistry even better. Here are a series of quotes from the book to prove my point:

“We start fucking and you’ll be all ‘Oh Mal, I never dreamed such ecstasy was possible. I cannot live without you. Fuck me, Mal. Pleeeeease.’”

“His gaze rested on a young woman browsing in the True Crime section. You’d have thought he’d have enough sense to turn away when she picked up a book on female serial killers, but no.”

“What do I taste like?”
“Well like honey and cream and… I dunno, bread?”
I scrunched up my nose. “Bread?”
“Yes, sexy bread that I could eat all the time because you are so delicious and full of whole grain goodness.”

“It would be beautiful, pumpkin. There’d be little angels, and birdies and you know… all just hanging around watching. Perverts.”

While this book had it’s funny side, it also had serious moments that gave me all the feels. Anne accepted Mal for who he was and never expected him to be anything more than that. In return, Mal wanted to build something with Anne and did his best to make her happy.

“Don’t have sad eyes, Anne. I can’t fucking stand it when you’re sad.”

“You’re good for me. You take me any mood I come in. I don’t have to be always happy or on around you. You roll with any shit I say and give as good as you get. You don’t let me push you around if it doesn’t suit you and you haven’t asked me to buy you a fucking thing.”

So, needless to say Kylie Scott is now on my mental list of authors to automatically buy their books.

Why not a full 5 stars? The story felt a bit unfinished, I would have liked to know what Anne is doing with her life, kind of like how Evelyn decided to keep working in hers and figure stuff out. Maybe it was my late night reading and I missed it, but Anne’s path in life (the parts not including Mal) seemed a bit vague.

Also, and everyone please put the pitchforks down when I say this, but for me, this is what I expected from the Sinners on Tour series. This series blows that one out of the water. (Please don’t attack me! I still love the Sinners).

Profile Image for ✿kawehi.reviews.
1,453 reviews420 followers
March 27, 2014
A couple of my favorite quotes:

Mal- "Hello, Anne's clitoris. It's me, Malcom, your lord and master."
- "Oh, god, no." I covered my face with my hands. "Please don't." - Anne
Mal- "Shh. This is a private conversation...
You're beautiful, Anne's pussy. Just beautiful. And I'm not mean like her. I'm on your side and I love you very much because you feel f#cking amazing wrapped around my d*ck."

"You're a friend of Ev's and Lauren's. We talked. I tackled you. We rolled around on the floor together. It was a real bonding experience." - Mal

"Yeah. He's kind of a puppy on steroids. Doesn't even know his own strength." - Ev referring to when Mal tackled Anne to the floor. Describes him to a tee don't you think?



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I Love you Mal!!♥♥
He's so funny when he nicknamed Evelyn, David's wife, "Childbride"! lol
Profile Image for Mo.
1,389 reviews2 followers
March 4, 2015
I really don't remember Mal from Book 1. I did like Book 1, cannot really remember it but I gave it 4 stars.

Mal came across as childish, spoiled, truculent, manic, OTT. Halfway through I sort of said, c'mon, Maura, give him a shot! But, naw, I couldn't really like him

I thought Ann was a bit of a doormat. Woman, grow a backbone!

I am being generous giving it three stars. Kinda wondering now if I even want to read about Jimmy.

"You're twenty-seven years old, honey."
"Isn't it time to start acting like a grown up?"

Felt I was dealing with a three year old half the time.
February 26, 2021
Feb 2021 reread: This gotta be my most reread book already. Still fucking great!

P.s. while organizing my ever growing emails due bookish newsletter I subscribed to, I accidentally found a short story of Mal and Anne and Godzilla Velociraptor Ericson. No kidding. The kid was almost being named that 😂. Stupid Mal.

I reread it again. Just because I missed their banter for a bit there.
Mal, I still love you.
Profile Image for ~IreneOust~.
509 reviews776 followers
Want to read
March 14, 2014

March 14, 2014

THE COVER = ♥♥♥♥♥

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Currently on NetGalley.

August 5, 2013

HELLZ YEAH!!! Bring on Mal!!! Nothing beats (pun most definitely intended!) a sexy drummer!!!

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Profile Image for Sunshine & Storms.
141 reviews60 followers
July 9, 2018
4 'I love you, Mal' stars!!!!

He spun on his heel to face me, arms out wide. “Life’s a song, Anne. Let’s play.”

After reading Lick I was hooked but while reading 'Lick,' I fell in love with Stage Dive's drummer, Mal. So, when I found out the second book was his story I nearly died of a heart attack and couldn't wait to continue to fall for the hilarious Mal.

In Play, we have Anne. Anna gets ditched by her bitch of a 'friend' leading Anna being roommate less, moneyless and practically homeless. Anna was in a hell of a situation, but that wasn't going to stop her from going to a party she was invited to. And yes, the party was no other than Ev and David Ferris' house party (I didn't realize how much I missed them until they had little scenes! *sad face* )! Anne, was a fan of Stage Dive and had the biggest crush on of course my boyfriend, Mal (seriously who doesn't?). The only thing was that, her attending that party indeed ending up changing her life, forever.

“The point of me telling you my name, even when you already knew it, was so you’d give me yours. That’s how these things go.”
“You knew I knew?”
“The crazy eyes kinda gave it away.”
A moment later, he groaned. “Never mind, this is taking too long. I’ll just make one up for you.”
“Anne, what?
“Anne Rollins.”
A brilliant grin lit his face. “Anne Rollins. See, that wasn’t so tough.”

The party changed her life in much more ways than one. The biggest one was the fact that Mal gave Anne a deal, and the deal was for her to be his fake girlfriend and in exchange, he will pay her rents and anything else she needed. Anne was nothing more than baffled that her last long crush wanted her to be his fake girlfriend but Anne wasn't dumb, she knew something was up, and she was willing to take the deal but also try and figure out why Mal wanted her as his fake girlfriend.

“Yes, pumpkin,” said Mal, his face deadly serious. “I am moving in with you.”
I cringed at the horrid nickname but chose to focus on the real concern for now. “When did we talk about this exactly?”
“Actually, you might have left by then. But it doesn’t change the facts.”

Side Note:
Dear Mal,

Anne is a sweetheart and a helper. All her life she's always had to be an adult and take care of her mother and her younger sister. She's strong, independent, witty, worries a lot but also knows how to go with the flow. She's someone I could see myself being friends with in real life (clearly wouldn't happen because she took my man). But, what made me adore her was the plain fact that she wasn't a typical whiny heroine and that she stood by Mal's side through their downs. She handled every situation maturely and wasn't petty whenever she was angry or hurt. She said what was on her mind and managed everything as it came.

“Promise me something,” I said.
I stopped, smiled. “You didn’t even hesitate.”
“You’re pissed about something.” He leaned down, making our conversation private despite the packed room. “What’s wrong?”
“Promise me you won’t sleep with her.” I nodded to the beast in question.”
“I won’t sleep with her,” said Mal.
“And you won’t have sex with her either.”
He rolled his eyes.
“Just to clarify.”
“What’d she do to you, Anne?”
“She insulted me. But it’s fine.” I just needed to know she’d never get near him. Now my soul was at peace. “Carry on with your partying.”

Mal.. my crazy lovable don't take too seriously Mal. He was the highlight in 'Lick' for me and to be completely honest I was going to rate this a '3.5', but Mal (& David) are the reason why it was bumped up to a 4. I felt like the author didn't write this story to its full potential and it gets me a tad bit mad because, it's MAL but looking past that, I still adored the hell out of this story. Mal, made my heart melt and had me rolling on the floor with every crazy thing he said. We get to see Mal's problems get told, and I just want to hold him because when Mal's sad, I'm sad. I'm happy he had someone like Anne by his side. OH! Before I forget! What I loved about Mal in this story was the fact that we got to see his serious & jealous side. I was surprised to see it during this story because I just couldn't see Mal being serious or jealous but both of those sides were sexy.

The slow curl of his lips made something hot and delicious unfurl deep in my stomach.
“Pumpkin, I’m always serious when it comes to you. Even when I’m messing around, I’m still serious as shit. Whatever you need, whatever I have to do. It’s been that way since we met. Haven’t you noticed yet? We’re fucking destined or something. I can’t help myself. It’s pathetic, really.”

Now let's talk about Mal & Anne together!?!? They had me smiling and laughing the whole book. They balance each other out in every way and that's why they just meshed together. Anne was everything Mal wasn't, and Mal was everything Anne needed. I LOVE the fact that Anne was able to change Mal's moods and have him going crazy for her, and I LOVE how Mal allowed Anne to live life and loosen up. What they needed all their lives were each other. What they had was inspiring and heart warming AND hilarious.

“Yeah, okay. Shut up now.” David tried to slap a hand over Mal’s mouth. “AAAAAAANNNNNE!” My name was a long, drawn-out howling kind of noise, muffled at the last when David managed to cover his mouth. Muted grunts and snarling came next.
“God damn it,” swore David. “He just fucking bit me.”
“My love shall not be silenced!”

Oh my god. Oh my god. Can we talk about David for a second????? Whatever I'm going to anyways! I promise on everything I did not expect to miss David and Ev until they showed up in the story. He and Ev play a good amount of role in the story, and I'm so happy they do. I knew they'd appear in it but I thought it would be 'hi' & 'bye" type appearance but NOPE, they were in a lot of scenes being cuter than life itself. You even get to STILL see how much they are in love and how much David truly loves Ev (fuck it, I'm rereading 'Lick').

"Love you, baby.” David kissed her back. “Love you too.” He whispered something in her ear. Something that made her giggle.
“We can’t–my parents are here. Later.”
David’s mouth turned downward.

That's another reason why I was going to rate this story a '3.5' because my mind kept switching to wishing it was Ev & David's story (I know I felt like I was cheating on Mal but David is still my husband so...). I LOVE how David was still a bad ass and Ev was still a darling. David appears a lot in this story because of course he's David, and he can do what he wants - he's Mal's best friend and just like Mal was there for David in 'Lick', David was there for Mal even though David wanted to punch Mal a few times. Their bromance is probably the cutest thing I've ever read, and I say that confidently. Mal, felt lonely because his best friend was married but no matter what, David was there for him even at his darkest times.

I pulled out my phone then hesitated. Ev had pissed me off, holding me up, but these people were also his family. They deserved to know he was still in one piece.

Anne: He’s at the practice hall
Ev: Thank you

David Ferris strode in not fifteen minutes later. He nodded to me, then picked up a guitar and plugged it in. As the first strains of noise rang out Mal opened one eye and saw David standing opposite him. Nothing was said. Time moved by, both sluggish and swift at once. The two of them played for hours.

All in all, this was a fast read for me since I can't get enough of Mal and his humor. I'll probably end up rereading this in a few weeks and end up giving it '5' stars to be completely honest with you. Even though I've only read 2/4 of the books in this series, I am HIGHLY recommending everyone to read it! This book will have you laughing your head off at every single page, and I promise you that. Give it a try and thank me later (no but seriously, thank me later because I know you will) ;)

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Click below :)
April 3, 2014
After meeting Mal in the first book, Lick, I could hardly wait to get to know this sweet and funny drummer better...much better. And I was not disappointed...well, maybe just a tad.

Mal is everything you think he is...fun, crazy, wild and your typical rock god manwhore but there's something going on with him. It's almost like he has ADD.


And right from the moment he meets Anne and wants her as a "fake" girlfriend, you just know there's something going on. Especially because he sets rules...rules such as no sex. What? That's right, no sex!

Mal has been Anne's fantasy since she was young and had his posters all over her walls so when he makes her the offer, she would be crazy to turn him down. She decides to let herself enjoy everything there is since it's not real and just have fun. Little did she realize that she couldn't control her emotions.

It certainly doesn't help when she decides to give Mal some of his own medicine and claim his kisses don't affect her. It only makes Mal more determined to kiss the daylights out of her but she is not complaining. ;)


Mal and Anne are great together though...the perfect Yin to his Yang. ;) And while it takes a bit to get to the actual deed, there are sooo many great and funny "pretend" scenes that it ~sort of~ makes up for it. The bed scene...priceless!

Naturally, there's tons of scenes with the other band members which I loved. I can't get enough of David and Ev...they are so cute together. There's also some interesting moments with Jimmy and Lena and Ben and....(I'm not really going out on a limb here but yes, I'm calling it....) LIZZY. (It will happen whether Anne likes it or not...LOL)

Of course there's drama...drama in the form of one of Mal's prior hook ups (tsk tsk Mal), Anne's wanna be boyfriend, Reece (who is also a manwhore), Anne's family and Mal's family. It was all rather interesting but for me it lacked the emotional intensity that was in the first book. I wanted to see the real Mal and while I'm glad we didn't get to suffer through the details of that particular drama, it still left me feeling a bit bereft.


I did enjoy how things ended up and certainly "Killer" was a nice touch as was the epilogue. Maybe a longer book would've been more satisfying.

Anyway, I'm definitely looking forward to Jimmy's book, Lead, which comes out July 29th and of course Ben's, Deep which is scheduled for December 23rd.


A great series if you enjoy rock stars that have more of a story going on than just sex.

Favorite quotes:

♥ “So, I’ve given this absolutely no thought and decided that you need boundaries, Anne. Boundaries. Are. Your. Friends.”

♥ “Your shirt is on inside out, child bride,” said Mal, the side of his mouth kicking up. “What have you been doing?”

♥ “There go the crazy eyes again,” he whispered.

♥ “Please don’t call me that.”


♥ “Life’s a song, Anne. Let’s play.”

♥ “You read too many books.”

“No such thing!” I cried, aghast.

♥ “We’ve broken my bed,” I said, stating the obvious.

“In battle, sacrifices must be made, pumpkin.”

♥ “You’re the best boyfriend ever. Fake or not.”

♥ "Anne, you might diss my kissing but I’m telling you now, my oral sex skills are off the chart. I know all about getting dirty down under. Let me show you, pretty please?”

♥ “Sweetie pie? Pumpkin? You screamed so loud my ears are still ringing. I can’t actually hear whatever bullshit you’re peddling right now. Tell me later after I get a couple of stitches put in my shoulder, okay?”

♥ “Pumpkin, I’m always serious when it comes to you. Even when I’m messing around, I’m still serious as shit. Whatever you need, whatever I have to do. It’s been that way since we met. Haven’t you noticed yet? We’re fucking destined or something. I can’t help myself. It’s pathetic, really.”

♥ “Hello, Anne’s clitoris. It’s me, Malcolm, your lord and master.”

“Oh, god, no.” I covered my face with my hands.

“Please don’t.” “Shh. This is a private conversation.”

**Thanks to Melissa, Patty, Denisse and Jennifer for the BR!**
Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,509 reviews5,352 followers
April 1, 2014
3.75 ~ 4 Pumpkin Stars

[image error]

"Life's a song, Anne. Let's play."

I was so excited to finally be able to sit and read Mal's story. I found his sense of humor completely hillarious! Anne was extremely relatable and likable character.

"Pumpkin, I'm always serious when it comes to you. Even when I'm messing around, I'm still serious as shit."

Somewhere along the way, their relationship felt like it was on fast foward and the story kinda felt like the same old for me. There were several scenes that I did laugh out loud and I have to say any girl who has had a crush on a celebrity would enjoy this one.

"My love shall not be silenced."

Overall, Mal wasn't as sexy as I expected but the story was fun for fans of Stage Dive.
Profile Image for Beverly.
1,005 reviews791 followers
October 26, 2014
5 Sexy Mal Stars

Anne Rollins has always done whatever she could to help people she cares about. She quit school to take care of her sister and mother, she covered her roommates half of rent and utilities when she lost her job, and she allows her boss and guy she has been crushing on for two years use her as a back up plan when his actual dates fall through. So when the rockstar she has had a crush on for years asks her to be his girlfriend, there really is one answer…where do I sign up.

Okay, so no quite. Anne immediately taken back by Mal’s request and really can’t take him seriously. I mean this guy wants to move in with her and have her be his pretend girlfriend. This is absolutely crazy, but she is at risk of being evicted after her roommate bailed on her past due rent and utilities. While it is hard to take Mal seriously and she isn’t aware of his motivations, Anne agrees to go along with his crazy plan.

Her new sexy rockstar roommate/fake boyfriend definitely makes things interesting.

“Whatever you’re imaging, it’s bigger.”

“I’m not imagining anything.”

I’m serious, it’s basically a monster. I cannot control it.”


“You’re pretty much going to need a whip and a chair to tame it, Anne.”

“Stop it.”

Mal had me laughing my ass off. He is one of the funniest characters I have ever read. He is funny in that is he serious kind of way and honestly sometimes I am not sure myself.

Yet, as you get to know Mal it is easy to see there is more to him then he lets on. Something is haunting Mal. So of course, I always feel like I can solve this mysteries, so I start guessing. The natural guess is drugs, I mean he is a rockstar. Is he trying to prove he can be good boyfriend material to another girl. Is he sick, bored, lonely?

Mal and Anne begin things with their fake relationship, but the longer they live together the harder it is to keep things platonic. They decide to add a little bit of sexy time to their relationship..you know to make things more believable.

"You’re beautiful Anne’s pussy. Just beautiful. And I’m not mean like her. I’m on your side and I love you very much.”

So first comes fake relationship, then comes hot sex, then comes a real relationship. The more they get to know each other, they develop real feelings. Mal loves that Anne isn’t with him for fame or fortune and always knows how to handle him. Anne loves that Mal accepts her boundaries, wants her to stand up for herself.

I absolutely loved this story. I especially loved Mal. I loved his sarcasm, he had me laughing out loud, gasping, and even talking to myself about how crazy he is. I also loved how sexy he was, how he sees Anne for who she is and takes up for her, how he protects her. Anne was a great heroine, there were times I wanted her to do things differently, but I think she was more realistic then me, since I would be jumping to be with Mal Ericson.

“Life could be strange and beautiful thing sometimes.”
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1,838 reviews6,474 followers
April 1, 2017
"I am, Malcolm, Lord of the Sex!"

You know, I think this is true. It's rare that someone boasts and is absolutely right, but I think in this case...

Chuck Norris can spot awesomeness. He invented it.

So, we have the drummer, Malcolm, who is a bit of a manwhore. But, he's a funny manwhore which just so happens to be my favorite kind.

"Do I need to know her name?"

"I've heard it helps."

"Maybe for you," Mal scoffed. "I just call out my own name during sex."

He meets Anne, who is financially screwed because her roommate skipped out on her, owing her a ton of money. Malcolm is also a super nice guy, so he decides he will "help" Anne out of her financial problems in the best way ever.

Anne, arriving home from work: "You moved in with me somehow....
Um, how did you get in again, just out of interest?"

"Is this going to be an issue?" he asked with a long winded sigh.......
"Plus, I'll open jars and lift heavy shit. I hear those are issues for women."

Oh, Mal? I have a jar that needs to be opened. Don't mind my giant, burly husband. He works a lot.

Anne has been crushing on Mal since she was a teenage girl with posters of him and the band covering her bedroom walls. She has been porny daydreaming about him for ages. She agrees to be his fake girlfriend for a while in return for his help with the rent. Why does he want a fake girlfriend when he could have any girl on the planet, including slightly chubby older housewives who may be happily married?

You'll find out later.

Anne and Mal actually made a really cute couple. He is hilarious and crazy, she is a little uptight, but also pretty funny. The fact that Mal has made it this far in life without some sort of babysitter is pretty impressive, but he really does need one. And, Anne really needs to let go and have some fun. Plus, she gets to have her teenage heartthrob! It's a great message for teen girls everywhere: Go follow your favorite band around the world. Don't worry about school or work because if you can get his attention, he will fall in love with you and pay all your bills forever. It's a sure thing!

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