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The Becoming #3

Becoming Blood

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Becoming Blood: the electrifying Becoming trilogy concludes.

Ashling DeMorgan has survived becoming wolf, escaped the death-trap of Fomor and found the love she’d feared dead. But, when you’re a pawn in the Morrígan’s apocalyptic scheming, freedom, and survival, comes at a price. Is it one they are prepared to pay?

They've been to Hell and got the t-shirts. Now, Hell is coming for them.

As two ancient enemies prepare to converge on Dublin City, Ash and Connal find themselves drawn into a battle of mythological proportions. But will their secrets and divided loyalties put them on opposite sides of a war that neither wants?

In a dark and dangerous world where sex is an addiction, will Ash and Connal’s happy ever after end in Hell, or can the very thing that cursed them set them free?

356 pages, Paperback

First published December 4, 2013

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About the author

Jess Raven

10 books164 followers
The writing duo of Jess and Paula met online through their mutual love of paranormal and urban fantasy romance. They sparked creatively and have been writing together for the past three years. Paula lives in Dublin, Ireland with her family. She set aside a career in medicine to raise her three children. Jess lives in Manchester, England with her mother and dog, Simi. When she isn’t writing up worlds with Paula, she’s a wedding planner for a large retail store.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 34 reviews
Profile Image for KathyAnne.
570 reviews91 followers
December 10, 2013
This is not a stand alone! You need to start with book one... just FYI!
This last book in the Becoming Trilogy deserves more than 5 stars... just wow! This is paranormal romance at it's best... brilliantly written, fantastic characters and a storyline that keeps you on your toes from beginning to end. Nothing predictable about this story at all... and, man I just couldn't put it down. I think that those who love the Fever series by Karen Moning will really like this series.
Ireland was a perfect setting for this story with all of the cultural history being used as a tool for creating this very unique world of wolves. I love authors who take the time to build a strong foundation for their stories, create an abundance of characters that we can both love and hate, and create a story that isn't predictable. The work and time that surely went into creating this story definitely shows.
Big Bad and Little Red are definitely high on my list of favorite paranormal couples. The chemistry they share is dominating, tense and steamy. I love that they both equally dominate each other. They're mating bond brings out their possessive nature as wolves. And, sometimes it can be rather inconvenient...
In this book they are up against impossible odds while battling a race against time. I was so anxious not knowing how the heck they were going to win against this nasty, self-absorbed and bitter goddess named Morrigan. Her true colors were shining in this book... and there are no rainbows in her character... only black!
There is way to much going on in this last book to even put into a summary so I won't bother... it would take too long and it would be too spoilery. But, if you're looking for something to sink your teeth into... this trilogy is a great one to pick up. The only book that was a bit slow for me was book one... but only in the beginning. After that this series had me fully engaged and it just got better and better.
And wow... what an ending! Nope, not gonna' tell... :)

I received an ARC of this book from the group "Lovers of Paranormal" in exchange for an honest review!

Profile Image for Laurie: Almost Faemous.
173 reviews7 followers
December 23, 2013
I received a copy of the enitre Becoming Trilogy from the author in exchange for a fair and honest review. I have to admit this series started out kinda slow for me but about half way through the first book it grabbed hold of me and I couldn't put it down. The writing just got better with each book and the only sad part is that is the series ended.

I love Celtic mythology and mostly you get books on the Tuatha de Danaan and I liked reading on the Fomorians for a change. The authors did some research on mythology and the world building although it got off to a rocky start turned out great.

In the finale Ash and Connal must face off against her grandmother the Morrigan as they try and save themselves, the Fomorians and an innocent girl. Ash has grown up a lot since arriving in Ireland after her grandmother's stroke. Her and Connal...HOT! The bad boy turned good always gets me. The Morrigan is in this story a lot more than the previous two books and what a b*&^h.

You really need to read the whole series, this is not a stand alone novel but it's well worth it. You need the full measure of Big Bad and Little Red. There is lots of action in the series as well as a smoking hot romance. I was sorry that this was only a trilogy I would love to see what happens with MacTire and Ellen, MacTire deserved his own HEA. A big recommend for all PNR fans.
Profile Image for Bookish Satty.
883 reviews29 followers
December 25, 2013
I got this book from the author, free of cost, in exchange of an honest review from my side.

Firstly I would like to thank the authors for giving me this opportunity of reading and reviewing this book and I would also like to thank Carrie Fort [moderator of Lovers of Paranormal Group of Goodreads] for giving me this book under their read to review theme.

Whoa!!! This is an epic end to this trilogy, it couldn't have been any better !!!

The characters are great and oh my god, I fell in love with Connal. Well I know it's kinda late but it's better to be now than never, right? The action scenes just knocked me over and the suspense nearly chocked me to death. The stakes are high this time and it's do or die situation for Connal and Ash, well that's common for them I guess.

Loved the ending very much and it was totally unexpected for me which made the read more fascinating and gripping for me. The steamy scenes were great and I loved that it wasn't over done like the first book. I would definitely recommend this trilogy to all of you and it's really a great trilogy, hope that you guys will enjoy it!!! Enjoy guys!!!
Profile Image for Lorna.
16 reviews
January 2, 2014
Ah I loved it and didn't want it to end! Fantastic characters, imaginary lands and super sexy beasts. Their writing just gets better with each one. Read the whole trilogy, I promise you won't be disappointed.
Profile Image for Daria.
1,743 reviews41 followers
December 15, 2013
a easy rating of 5 stars!

I received this book in exchange for an honest review (LoP or Lovers of Paranormal)
Ive loved all of them! This just cemented my thoughts. You have to read all three, or it wont make any sense. They are all worth it though. The covers the storyline the characters all fit! Awesome talent!
Little Red and Big bad! What a love story, from the beginning to this third and last? Smiles
Ash is a suvivor! Well so is Connal, sassy meets a male sassy. You can feel the love as if you were right there.
This as the other had me on the edge, wanting to get to the end but not wanting to finish the story. Connel and Ash has a love that is untouchable, both as human and as shifters. The world around them should watch out because they are kicking ass and taking names. The love scenes are not only burning up the sheets but mmmm shower worthy. (rawr)
Now Morrigan is still up to her tricks and games, a angry old goddess that makes a girl just want to slap her or stab her face repeatedly. Connals ultimatium to keep Ash safe... is to kill his brother. Ash is so not keen on that.. especially not for her sake. Ash will try to reason with the old biddy, that may work.. really no it may... What is the deal that Ash will have to do to keep Connal alive...
What a amazing series a story weaved from a fairy tale of sorts, this time will the wolf get little red? Or will little red get her wolf? Smiles what can you say bad about this book... nothing.. you have magic, love, sex and shifters. It was really hard not to sit and just read this through to the end. What is amazing... is that this is a paired writing style, very cool give the writers props! A job well done, enjoy.

Profile Image for Ora.
83 reviews
August 10, 2016
I absolutely LOVE this series!!! This book will take you on a rollercoaster of emotions. You are with the characters and feeling their pain and frustrations with them.
Morrigan is a selfish B@%*h. I can’t believe how she manipulated everyone to get what she wants, especially her own blood, how she makes Raveners, and uses the Formorians fears against them. I was so happy when she got what she deserves.
Even though Madden and Liath has a small role in the book, their sub plot was very moving. I felt his pain and satisfaction when he took his revenge on Doyle. I wanted him wanted to inflict as much pain as possible on Doyle for causing Liath so much pain.
With only a few weeks until the next full moon, Connal has to kill his brother Mac or die. Since finding out the truth about their shared past, Connal can’t bring himself to do it and Ash is trying to find a way to bargain with her grandmother so Connal will be able to live. Ash finds out that Gov can assist her with finding her grandmother when she initially talked to him about the Skil. After going to Morrigan, Ash realizes that talking to her grandmother is pointless. Her grandmother will get what she wants one way or another. It was truly heartbreaking to see what Ash had to do in order to break the curse.
When all was said and done, Connal and Ash got their HEA and a special gift from Danu which was priceless. I am curious to what happens with Mac. I got the impression that may get this own story. I hope I am right.
Profile Image for Cassandra.
1,186 reviews108 followers
December 13, 2013
My Thoughts - 5 out of 5 Unicorns - I loved it!!!
** received the book free from the Lovers of Paranormal group for an honest review

The cover is beautiful and mysterious :) I really love it :)

This conclusion is the trilogy was epic. I loved every minute of it. You should definitely read all the books in order though, or you will be missing out.

I had no idea what was going to happen along the way which is always nice when you have no idea where you are being lead in a story. Ashling is still a fabulously strong woman who won’t take shit from anyone. She controls her destiny and that’s what I love about her. Connal is still big and scary when protecting Ash which is also very sexy. Their love is scorching as well as some of the love scenes making it a very adult book. I have fallen in love with a bunch of characters I used to not care for including Mac and Madden.

Jess and Paula have become a fabulous duo in their writing. You cannot tell that two different people are writing the book. Their skills are grown throughout the trilogy. They are fabulous, and I cannot wait to see what they come up with next.

I highly recommend this trilogy to all paranormal book lovers especially if you like stories with Irish lore and shifters mixed in.
Profile Image for Morpheus.
2 reviews
December 28, 2013
Becoming Blood Review 5 Stars
This in the third book of the Becoming trilogy of paranormal romance set in Irish myth and legend. I really enjoyed the inventiveness, atmosphere and clear writing style of the previous books and this book added extra layers and new characters to the plot. The pace of the book was fast with new twists and turns on every page leading me to reading the whole book in one sitting. What did I particularly like about this book? Firstly, I loved the authors’ imagination, creating a complex yet very human and flawed group of characters set between modern Dublin and ancient mythological worlds. Secondly, I really liked the humour especially Ash, Mrs. Flannery and her wolfhound spit bullets and the very camp but cool Tuatha de Danann! I missed Mac Tire who had a lesser role in this book. Any chance of a Mac Tire dominated sequel? We saw more of scary De Morrigan, think psychopathic Irish Mammy, and an exciting finale. I really enjoyed the host of new and interesting characters and frenetic and imaginative plot. For lovers of well-written, original and fast moving paranormal romance this book is a must.
Profile Image for Sara.
1,492 reviews123 followers
January 6, 2014
I received this book in exchange for an honest review (Lovers of Paranormal)

Well, damn... what a book!
I have to admit, it started out a little slow for me. Or maybe it was just me not being in the right mood. But then it got really better and I was hooked.
In this book some really crazy sh*t goes down. Well, it was to be expected, seeing what happened in the previous books, but still, it didn't fail to surprise me and make me say "Oh sh*t! what now?".
I liked how the story kept me interested and never bored. And I also liked how well I could connect to both Ash and Connal. Especially the jealous and possessive side of them. Probably because I'm the possessive type of girl.
I also can't deny that I really liked the hot scenes. Some of them were seriously messing with my hormones. I think I even blushed once.
The ending was mindblowing! I loved it! Though, I have to admit, Ash got me scared for a moment.
I'd like to see a MacTire's book in the future. I'm starting to like him. And maybe I have an idea of the girl he could fall in love with...
Profile Image for Kirsten.
697 reviews28 followers
January 4, 2014
4 1/2 stars Once again, Jess just kicks some ass with this book! It's the third and final in the trilogy, and you MUST read the first two before trying to get into this one. Ash and Connal are so freaking hot! They're teamed up to fight for everything, really, against Ash's aunt The Morrigan. Now she's a real winner. There is so much that goes on in this book, and I loved every bit of it. I love the way that Jess weaves the mythology into the story, then makes it all her own. I won't get into detail because that would be giving away too much. Suffice it to say, it's awesome! The characters, the storyline are full of great characters and action. I loved the ending! There is room for another story if Jess wanted to do so, and maybe she will. That would be a fantastic thing to look forward to. Maybe another trilogy? That I could so do.

I received a copy of this book in return for an honest review LOP.
Profile Image for Donna.
33 reviews6 followers
February 3, 2014
WOW...just WOW!!!!!

The authors couldn't have ended this series any better than the way they did!!!! If you haven't read this series then you are missing out on an outstanding journey!!!!!

Warning: I would suggest reading Book 1 & 2 first.....Becoming Red & Becoming Bad!

As the book opens we find Ash and Connal trying to figure out how they will be able to keep the deal made with Ash's grandmother. He's hiding things and so is Ash but as usual she gets an idea in her head and just goes with it. That's one of the things I love most about her, she makes a choice and then makes up her mind that she will see it through. I kept wondering how they were going to come out on top.....man did they ever!!!!!!!
It was a roller coaster ride for the most but wow what an amazing end to the ride!!!!!

You guys keep up the good work and please let me know when you write your next books!!!!!
Profile Image for Blysse.
139 reviews
December 30, 2013
This is a fitting and very worthy conclusion to the Becoming series.

This book moves the series from predominantly hot to predominantly plot focused, and it feels like a very natural progression. I don't want to say too much about the plot specifically because it really will spoil it for you. However, I can say that the authors continue to weave a thrilling plot with really fascinating Celtic story elements, peppered with humour and apt pop-culture references.

This paranormal fantasy is not dystopian so there is a happy ending, or rather, happy endings. I particularly liked how things were wrapped up for Mac, who is a complex yet likeable character and was my favourite even though he wasn't the hero of the piece.

409 reviews33 followers
December 8, 2013
I was given this book in exchange for an honest review from the author and Lop.I highly this to other paranormal lovers out there it has very well written characters that you will get attached to and want to learn all you can about .The author has done an amazing job of creating a world the reader falls into and becomes a part of the real world just fades away as you read .I read the first book in this series and was hooked I had to read the second and then grab this third installment the moment I was able .If you want a read you'll get lost in and not come up for air until you've finished then this is the perfect book for you .
Profile Image for Julie.
8 reviews
January 20, 2014
Wow. This book grabbed me from the get-go. Out of the three books, this is my favorite. There is so much going on. We are introduced to more characters, more twist, and more surprises. My heart actually dropped a couple times. The side story with Madden and Liath pushed this book to a new level for me. It added so much. I don't want to say too much for fear of spoiling it. But, damn. This book is awesome. The whole trilogy is awesome. I read this one in one sitting. It's fast paced, full of Irish Myths and erotic. I highly highly recommend this series.
Profile Image for LaGina.
1,988 reviews40 followers
December 29, 2013
I received this book in exchange for an honest review (LoP or Lovers of Paranormal. Just for starters you need to know that this is not a stand alone. I didnt know this so I was kinda lost with the story it is so well written that it only took a couple of chapters for me to figure out what was going on. For some this is the end..for me I get to start from the beginning and get the full joy of the story.
Profile Image for Auriane.
38 reviews
December 29, 2013
I got this book in exchange for a honest review (LoP). This is an epic finale to the trilogy. It was fast paced and exciting. I couldn't put the book down. There were some great surprises to the story and they were all great. It was very well written. The ending was a complete surprise and it finished the story very well. Loved it and I highly recommend it!!!!
Profile Image for Natasha.
12 reviews
December 23, 2013
Well it did not disappoint that's for sure.. Bittersweet for the last in this trilogy, but hoping this duo will write something else... REALLY hoping!!! Great job ladies!! :)
Profile Image for Joy.
500 reviews149 followers
May 18, 2018
I adore Connal. Great series. Although, I was kind of hoping she could have them both. Oh, well. Loved the ending!!! I wish they would have been together more. They were more apart then together again in this book, just like the second. Grrr.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jaclyn.
Author 5 books5 followers
May 1, 2019
I liked this third book more than I thought. A decent tie up for the trilogy for sure. Oh and a happy ending I wasn't sure that was going to come. The author did a good job keeping things interesting.
968 reviews2 followers
February 17, 2018
Good conclusion

This was a good conclusion to Ash's story. There were several times when I thought all hope was lost. The Morrigan was truly skewed. So glad Ash kept her head.
Profile Image for Alaina.
60 reviews28 followers
December 29, 2013
I would like to thank the amazing authors and Lovers of Paranormal for offering me this book in exchange for an honest review

*This is the third and last book in a series so if you have not read books one and two you might want to go back and check those out before continuing*

I want to start by saying I love the cover of this book... it goes with the other two amazingly, and all three just catch the eye so well. After what felt like the longest wait ever (which is a bit of an exaggeration, but seriously after the way Becoming Bad left off I can't help that it felt like forever), I was very excited to jump back into this crazy world of wolves and gods and all the trouble they can cause. Once I savored every single page of Becoming Blood I have to say my feelings are bittersweet... on one hand I loved how it all came together and needed to find out what was going to happen; while on the other hand it's over and I have no more Ash and Connal to read about.

I was left with so many questions at the end of Becoming Bad that I had a hard time collecting them all in my head... Would they die? Would they kill for their love? How the hell could there possibly be a happy way out of the giant mess that was a combination of the Morrigan's ultimatum and all the things they found out about what really happened in the past!??!! Since I hate spoilers I refuse to tell you what happened, you'll just have to read it and find out. I will say that I did not see half of it coming.

Raven and Black managed to keep me on the edge of my seat while answering all my questions and simultaneously adding more to my list. The authors did a beautiful job of wrapping up this trilogy. Even though I always want more of my favorite characters and a great story, I have to say I was completely satisfied with the way this one came to a close. Becoming Blood had new challenges, new secrets both kept and revealed, and a whole lot of suspense and action right from page one.

Connal and Ash managed to slip into my heart very early on in this series, and while they are my favorites, I even started to like Doc Madden (who I despised in the beginning), and Mac. A few new characters made an appearance and I honestly liked all of them (but I won't tell you who and spoil it). There were a lot of hard choices the characters had to make and I just kept guessing what the hell they were going to do. I would recommend this book to anyone who loves a good paranormal romance (especially if your tastes lean more toward erotic fiction). My only issue with the writing stemmed from the fact that I'm not a big fan of erotic fiction, just not my cup of tea I guess. That didn't take away from the story though... I just skimmed some of the sex scenes. So if you're like me and erotica isn't your genre, I would still recommend giving this series a shot and just skimming over the parts that you don't feel like reading.
Profile Image for Nikki Lynn Vale.
35 reviews
May 31, 2014
I could not wait for this book. As soon as I saw it for sale, I grabbed it and told myself, “finish what you are reading first, don’t rush.” LOL I think the book sat in my Kindle maybe 2 hours before I just had to start reading. I was so torn, I wanted to keep reading because I loved the story so much, but I wanted to make the story last. So I only allowed myself a specific amount of reading time a night and that was it. Or I was sure to have finished it and it would all be over in a day. Even then it ended to soon.

I love the characters. Ashling started off strong and ended even stronger. Connal started off smoldering and was a blaze by the last pages. Morrigan, well that lady was just bat shit crazy and creepy as all hell.

The rest of the Foromrian all have a special place in my heart. The authors set up things very nicely, which only gives me hope that we will see more of them in a spin off or more sequels.
The world that the authors made was so clear and thoughtful I really hate the thought that we might not catch another glimpse of it again.

Seriously, talk about your alpha male romance. OMG could not get any hotter. Kind of hard to describe, the language is not all hearts and flowers, but you don’t feel you need to take a full on shower from the grittiness either. In my opinion it was the perfect amount of show and tell.
Left me thinking a trip to Dublin to search out some of these guys would not be a bad idea.

Just one of my favorite lines… “I want you wild, Savage like your name and unrestrained”…

I whole-heartedly recommend this book and the whole Becoming series and hope this is not the last we see of the Formorians.

February 27, 2014
I got this book for an honest review. (LOP)

So all i can say is wow. Jess Raven and Paula Black did not disappoint at all in the conclusion. In Becoming Blood you get to find out why The Morrigan is so hateful towards the Formorians and as well a huge piece into who she is. Let me just say no one but those from the culture themselves can write true to the myths and legends of that culture meaning that. What made The Morrigan come to be so real and who she is due to the fact that both Jess Raven and Paula Black are Irish and they know their legends and myths well for it is their culture. That being said. The Morrigan's character did not disappoint though i was kind of bummed that she did not have an ounce of love in her for her own family. The ending to me was truly a happy ending for everyone and that's all i will say to that. (Spoiler Alert)My favorite part was when Connal and MacTire are in the same room together doing a mans macho contest and joking around about it. It had me laughing. *** Without giving any more spoilers away all i have to say that the characters in the book developed well. This was a superb and wonderful ending to a awesome trilogy and hope to read more from them. Way to Go guys. I recommend this book to everyone and if you dont read it then get your head checked.
Profile Image for Kathleen.
822 reviews
January 28, 2016
A great ending to a solid trilogy. This one started off a little slow and had me worried. I loved the previous books and had great hopes for the ending.Even though it was a somewhat predictable ending, it kept me second guessing up to the very end.
17 reviews
October 8, 2014
Fast paced action, love and family

enjoyed reading, as stated earlier, fast paced, loads.of.action. Twist in story keeping it interesting and expecting more. read all three books, loved the ending!
Profile Image for Jeanny.
1,968 reviews164 followers
May 5, 2014
DNF @ 88% not invested in this trilogy
Profile Image for Heather.
23 reviews
May 12, 2014
A absolute must read, a great conclusion to this series
Profile Image for Amelia.
134 reviews
June 13, 2014
Excellent series. Thoroughly enjoyed the story, the characters, the excitement and sorrow. Each book got better and better. It's a must read!!!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 34 reviews

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