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Collars and Cuffs #3

Someone to Keep Me

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A Collars and Cuffs Novel

Eighteen-year-old Scott Keating knows a whole world exists beyond his parents’ strict control, but until he gains access to the World Wide Web, he really has no idea what’s out there. In a chat room, Scott meets “JeffUK.” Jeff loves and understands him, and when he offers to bring Scott to the UK, Scott seizes his chance to escape his humdrum life and see the world. But when his plane touches down and Jeff isn’t there, panic sets in.

Collars & Cuffs favorite barman and Dom-in-training, Ben Winters, drops his sister off at the airport and finds a lost, anxious Scott. Hearing Scott’s story sets off alarm bells, along with his protective instincts. Taking pity on the naïve boy, Ben offers him a place to crash and invites him to Collars & Cuffs, hoping his bosses will know how to help. Scott dreams of belonging to someone, heart and soul. Ben longs for a sub of his own. And neither man sees what’s right under his nose.

246 pages, ebook

First published January 10, 2014

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About the author

K.C. Wells

147 books1,791 followers
K.C. Wells lives on an island off the south coast of the UK, surrounded by natural beauty. She writes about men who love men, and can’t even contemplate a life that doesn’t include writing.
The rainbow rose tattoo on her back with the words 'Love is Love' and 'Love Wins' is her way of hoisting a flag. She plans to be writing about men in love - be it sweet and slow, hot or kinky - for a long while to come.

If you want to follow her exploits, you can sign up for her monthly newsletter: http://eepurl.com/cNKHlT

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And for those who like things a little hotter?
There's KC's alter ego, Tantalus, who writes gay erotica.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 265 reviews
Profile Image for Tanu Gill.
575 reviews262 followers
April 24, 2017
Skim read after 73%.

Right from the beginning, I didn't like Ben's or Scott's character. They didn't have any particular personality, just a mish-mash of different personas forcefully mashed together to form their characters.

Everything was too dramatic: the entries, exits, situations, reactions to those situations. Their personalities were pretty immature and not formed at all. I just couldn't take any more struggling, especially after I read the preposterous comment by Leo that Ben is a good Dom. I mean, since when?
Profile Image for Nazanin.
1,182 reviews783 followers
December 4, 2017
3.5 Stars

Scott is eighteen. He and his parents tolerated each other. They want him to be an architect like his father but Scott have other plans for himself. He met Jeff in a chat room. They chatted for months and develop some feelings towards each other. Finally, Jeff mailed a plane ticket to Scott and he saw it as an opportunity to leave his parents’ house. But when he got to Manchester (from the US) there was no trace of Jeff. He waited for hours but instead of Jeff it was Ben who came to the story and when he found out about Scott hasn’t anywhere to stay, he decided to help him. But he's not in a good financial situation because of his mother’s health. He needs money and he thinks he can’t provide enough for Scott!

First of all, I don’t like this cover at all! First when I saw it, I wanted to skip this one but you know I'm obsessed with this idea to read series in order. I don’t know what’s wrong with it but I don’t like it! Second, I didn’t like their relationship! There was something missing! I had some issues with the characters, especially Scott! His insecurity was on my nerves so much. He was just so so so desperate someone care for him! I'm still thinking how much he was desperate to leave his parents and go to another country to see someone. Someone who really don't know him and just saw his picture! He must have some faith and trust towards a stranger and it was odd for me!!

Told in dual POV, 1st person. It’s the third installment in the "Collars and Cuffs" series but it can be read as a standalone and I’m looking forward to reading its next book. All in all, it wasn’t horrible and I enjoyed some parts of it!
October 26, 2014
This is a nice follow-up to the other two books in the series. Leo/Alex and Thomas/Peter are integral to the story, and I enjoyed visiting with them again.

In this book, we meet Scott, an 18-year-old American lured to England by a "JeffUK" whom he meets in a chat room, and Ben, the 30-year-old bartender Dom who works at Collars and Cuffs. Ben sees Scott looking forlorn and lost at the airport and takes him under his wing. Scott flew to England with nothing but a few dollars, his Nook, and the clothes on his back, so Leo and Thomas get involved to make sure Scott is taken care of.

Both MCs were fairly well developed. Scott was very insecure (understandably considering how his parents treated him), giving, and needy, wanting to submit to someone and be "kept." Ben was struggling financially taking care of his sister and mum, who was in a nursing home. He was a jerk throughout most of the story, taking Scott forgranted, pushing him away, worrying that he wouldn't be able to provide for him (not very Dom-like behavior).

The D/s theme was only vague here. There was a giant leap from Ben/Scott being flatmates to being Sir/boy. The attraction between them also felt false. We never have lingering glances or any indication that Ben, at least, finds Scott attractive. Scott is a virgin and naive, yet loses his virginity in a spectacular matter without having experimented much sexually. There was a very random enema scene thrown in that was not explored at all; it was just bam, do this, ok, done. Awkward.

There were some WTF moments in this story that dropped my rating from 4 to 3:

Overall, though, this was a sweet, easy story; there was a great HEA. Recommended if you liked the other books in the series.
Profile Image for BevS.
2,811 reviews2 followers
September 3, 2017

Oh dear, this is very difficult for me to write. I'm cringing at the rating I'm going to give cos I've never given a KC Wells book this rating before...3 stars...sorry KC and Will, there were several things I just didn't like.

BEN was my biggest problem with this story...but there were others and I'll go into them further on in this review. I can honestly say I've NEVER wanted to punch someone more than I did Ben in this book. I really disliked him as a character and I'm positive that no-one who thinks of himself as a Dom worthy of the title would treat a sub like he treated Scott, pushing him away not once but TWICE and the second time they even had a contract in place but Ben sent him away back to the US!! He was far too bothered about his money situation and too proud to consider the 'charity' that Leo was offering...and it wasn't bloody charity, it was a fund to help boys like Scott get themselves on their feet!!

SCOTT...it was a little inconceivable to me that given he'd had home schooling after being pulled from school because of bullying, and was so naive AND was being bullied by his father into doing whatever his father wanted him to do, that he would suddenly grow a pair on the way to the prom where he was supposed to deflower his father's choice of girlfriend and turn himself into a man AND then jump on a plane from the US to meet 'Jeff' from the UK who'd obviously been grooming him in a internet chat room.

Another huge problem for me was

Other reviewers have commented on the fact that 'Jeff' didn't turn up at Manchester airport and that Ben 'happened' to be at the airport and spotted Scott...hello, this is fiction!! If you'd read the book properly you'd have realised that 'Jeff' was in fact Curtis, Peter's abuser from the Trusting Thomas story and the reason he wasn't at the airport was because he's currently in jail, thank God!!

All in all, a disappointing story for me personally but I'm sure others will see things differently.
Profile Image for Tina.
1,748 reviews1 follower
January 19, 2014

Someone To Keep Me is the third instalment of the Collars & Cuffs series and features Ben, the 30 years old bartender from Collars and Cuffs and 18 years old Scott from the U.S.

Emotionally abused by his parents Scott decides to leave home and heads across the Atlantic to England. With nothing than his nook and a few dollars in his pockets, insecure, innocent and naive Scott turns up in Manchester, where he wants to meet up with Jeff, a guy he met online. When Jeff doesn’t show up Ben just happens to be at the airport and take Scott under his wing. Ben is a dom in training and with the help of Leo and Thomas he gets Scott settled. He agrees to care for Scott until other arrangements can be made.

I really wanted to love this book but the story just didn’t work for me. To be honest my main issue is the lack of sexual tension in the whole book. It takes far too long for Ben and Scott to get together and their isn’t any sexual tension between them at all in the first half when they are just living together.

When the sexual relationship finally happens, it’s too much too late. The chemistry isn’t strong enough to sustain a believable partnership. The BDSM aspect doesn't really work because Scott being so innocent and a virgin makes his easy transition into the lifestyle a bit too much to swallow.

Speaking of BDSM:

I loved the first two books in this series but unfortunately this one didn’t work for me the same way. I liked seeing the old characters from the series, though. I loved Thomas/Peter and Leo/Alex. Hopefully the next book will be one I can love wholeheartedly.
Profile Image for Macky.
1,949 reviews230 followers
January 13, 2014
Imagine you're an eighteen year old young man, with little or no experience of the world because your parents are controlling and unfeeling and then imagine getting your hands on a computer that opens up your closed in world to new possibilities, including a chance at love. That's what happens to Scott Keating, totally innocent, home schooled and kept under the thumb by his extremely unlikeable mother and father, until they give him a Nook reader which he discovers has internet connection. He 'meets' Jeff and over months of conversations, falls in love with him, and Jeff supposedly returns these feelings. Starved for affection you can fully understand how Scott gets pulled into this long distance relationship and when he receives tickets from Jeff asking him to come to Manchester to live with him, as much as the alarm bells are going off in your head about doing something so random as that without really looking into it, you can fully understand why he wants to leave, especially when his father dismisses his declaration of being gay, shoves some condoms in his hands and tells him he's taking a girl to a party and he's booked a hotel room for them afterwards. In other words, you're not gay and you'll sleep with a girl to prove you're not!! OMG! What an arse!

It's the last straw and on the way to the party dressed only in his party suit, but with the tickets and his passport in his pocket, Scott makes the decision to defy his crappy parents and tells the limo driver to take him straight to the airport where he jumps on the plane and hours later is sat in Manchester airport with nothing but the clothes on his back and no Jeff in sight! Enter lovely, kind Ben Winters who luckily, after driving his sister to the airport, comes across sweet Scott and after listening to his story takes him under his wing and ultimately into the world of 'Collars & Cuffs' and all the fabulous men who, if you've been following the series, we've come to know and love.

Each story has been about Dom and sub finding their perfect match but the difference here is that even though Ben is a Dom, he only works as bartender at the club. He's not rich, he's paying and caring for his mum who's ill and his living accommodation is pretty basic. All these perceived problems make Ben reluctant at first to let Scott stay with him, despite the fact he likes the young guy a lot so Leo offers to help financially and even though at first obstinate pride rears its head, Ben realises there's no other option for Scott and finally gives in.

For me this felt like a book of two halves. The first half consisting of the two of them living together and getting to know each other but more as friends than anything else. Scott only learning about the lifestyle when he befriends Alex and Peter, the two subs from the first books in the series. Seeing the relationships they have with Leo and Thomas, he realises he is submissive and he craves what they have. There's no insta love between him and Ben but a growing respect and friendship that deepens over the first fifty percent of the story as Scott gradually realises that if he's going to enter a D/s relationship he wants it to be with Ben. Ben however doesn't feel like he can support a sub because of his circumstances, so oblivious to Scott's true feelings he just treats him as a friend and roommate.

Finally around the second half, with a little help and encouragement from the rest of the C&C guys, Ben sees whats been in front of him all along and the book moves up a gear as the two of them embark on a D/s partnership and at last get together romantically. But does everything run smoothly from then on? Well that's up to you to find out.....

I have to be honest and say that personally I found it did feel slightly different to the first two and if I had a niggle it was that because the heat factor and dramatic conflicts didn't really hit till the second half of the book, it took me a while to feel my usual connection between the MC's. I liked both characters very much but there wasn't as much sexual tension in the early stages as I would have liked and being a bit of a ST slut I missed that. However, its still a very enjoyable addition to one of my favourite BDSM based series and I just love the fact that all the previous characters, Thomas and Peter and Leo and Alex, still have really prominent roles in the story and I got to spend time with them again. Also Ben and I nearly had a falling out when at one point I wanted to slap him upside his stubborn head but thankfully he came good and I forgave him! Oooh, these silly men!!

Set in Manchester, which is just down the road from me and holds happy memories of shopping till I dropped and my old clubbing days, I have a massive soft spot for this series. It's definitely an auto buy, well come to that, anything of KC's is, so I'm dying to see who gets their story next. Pick this up my friends and Enjoy. I did!

Hang on. Last thing. I bet you're dying to know... Who exactly is Jeff? Why did he leave Scott hanging at the airport? Will the guys ever find him? If they do, what happens to him........?

Yeah... Like I’m really going to tell you! Muahahahaha!


Profile Image for Camy.
1,645 reviews52 followers
January 17, 2016
Disturbing and triggering.

DNF @ 73%

So for the first 50% I thought: Are these authors serious? Are they really trying to make this story plausible? If it was an AU I'd have though of allotting more stars...but really, only two as opposed to one star because it's still rubbish writing. But at least in an AU the BDSM dynamics might make sense, as would some 18 year old just turning up in London and being rescued forthwith and put up for free.

Then, after 50%, I became less amused by the absurdity and more disturbed. See, he's not being put up for free. This 18 year old virgin who has "imprinted" on the Dom on whom he is totally dependent has 'decided' he wants to be a sub and has now entered into a contract with the man whose affections he's trying to buy since he's afraid of being unwanted by everyone.

When a child has been emotionally abused by negligent and destructive parents, has been led astray by a love interest on the website he used as his escape, has no social experience whatsoever and has never even had a first kiss much less D/s sex then I don't find his being groomed as a sub or slave sexy.

I'm seriously freaked out to read about this 18 year old having his first experience be that of being tied up and made to submit. Being coached in this situation is rapey to me. It's rape. And not the sexy rape play sort either.

This boy CANNOT consent. How is he going to say no to the person who feeds and clothes him? How is he going to say no at the risk of being returned to abusive parents or kicked out on the streets in a foreign country?

He does not even have time to discover his own sexual proclivities before being dominated by a guy ten years his senior who is teaching him how to please him.

I've never used the word triggering before. But this book is.
Profile Image for Nic.
Author 44 books362 followers
January 15, 2014
I was always going to like this story - I enjoyed the first two books in the series and I love the authors - and I wasn't disappointed. Was it perfect? No. Was it hugely enjoyable? Yes!

This is the story of Scott and Ben. Scott is very young and extremely naive and innocent, having lead a sheltered life in the US. He heads across the globe to Manchester, without money or clothes, to meet up with Jeff, a guy he met online. When Scott is stood up by Jeff, Ben just happens to be at the airport in Manchester and takes him under his wing.

At first I was worried about Scott's youth and whether he was being taken advantage of. Although eighteen he had been home-schooled and had no life-experience. He did not go out much, had not friends and didn't even watch television. But the story handled him very sensitively and the development of his relationship with Ben was a slow journey.

Ben is a barman at the Collars & Cuffs club and he is supporting his mother by paying for her to be in a home for the elderly. He has limited money which makes him reluctant to look after Scott. I liked the way this lead character was not the typical rich Dom but rather a 'real' everyday-type character. I must admit that Ben didn't seem very Dom-like at first but he really was a wonderful match for an innocent such as Scott. This is not heavy BDSM with only a few scenes including some exhibitionism.

I'm not a huge fan of the first person but I liked the alternating POVs. There were a few plot holes or events that were unexplained or unlikely but this really didn't bother me. I just enjoyed getting stuck into the story and waiting for Ben to wake up to himself - he was infuriating at times - the events at the 90% mark were surprising!

Highly recommended, particularly if you've read the earlier books in the series as the characters from these books feature in Someone To Keep Me.

I publish all my m/m reviews on my blog so if you want to see all my m/m reviews in one place come visit at Because Two Men Are Better Than One!
Profile Image for Saimi Vasquez.
1,685 reviews85 followers
July 17, 2022
Ben tiene muchas responsabilidades con el trabajo, mantener a su madre enferma para poder seguir con su entrenamiento de Dom y mucho menos mantener un sub. Pero cuando ve a este joven solo, perdido en el aeropuerto, su instinto de proteccion lo supera y no duda en ayudarlo. Despues de pedir consejo a sus jefes, Leo y Thomas, decide que el joven se quede con el, y despues acepta entrenarlo para ser su sub. Si solo pudiera tener los ingresos suficientes para mantenerlo todo seria perfecto, pero el solo quiere lo mejor para su sub y si eso no estar con el.
Scott llego a Inglaterra huyendo de su familia para encontrarse con un joven con el que ha estado chateando y quien se ofrecio a cuidar de el. Pero despues de llegar al aeropuerto, y ver que nadie lo buscaba comenzo a perder las esperanzas, gracias a Ben que lo vio y decidio ayudarlo ahora cuenta con alguien a su lado, un lugar en el que vivir y unas personas que puede llamar amigos. Ahora lo unico que le hace falta es que Ben entienda que el quiere ser un sub, pero no cualquier sub, quiere ser suyo, que tendra que hacer ahora para que Ben se de cuenta?

Ok, entiendi por donde queria el autor, queria una continuidad con el libro anterior, ademas de que queria hacernos ver que no todos los Dom deben ser millonarios, pero me parece es que este libro fue mas largo de lo que deberia o no fue bien llevado, ademas de todas las vueltas que dieron, me parece que fue exagerado.
Asi que la trama realmente no me resulto especialmente atrayente, me gusto que se mantuviera la aparicion de personajes de los libros anteriores, ademas de incluirlos en la trama. Tambien me gusto que solo tuvimos dos narradores (a diferencia de los libros anteriores que hubieron varios), asi que la trama fue basicamente una linea recta.
No me gusto, que el autor comenzara haciendo tanto enfasis en el trafico de personas, como para hacernos sentir que esa era la base de la historia (ademas del dinero), y cuando se cerro ese capitulo, solo recurrio a causar un "accidente" para asi tener una drama con la familia? Que por cierto, me parecio exagerado que los padres llegaran a "llevarse" a su hijo, como porque si ya les habia "defaudado" y "avergonzado" lo querian de vuelta? Esa logica no la entendi.
En fin, la serie sigue interesante, sobre todo porque aunque es un club de BDSM, la trama tiene pocas escenas eroticas y son mas "emocionales" y de aprendizaje del estilo de vida, que otra cosa, lo que resulta refrescante en este tipo de libro, asi que continuare leyendo la serie.
August 30, 2016
3.5 stars

Anyone who follows my reviews knows that I am a KC Wells fangirl. As a big fan of the first two books in the series and with high hopes for this one, I was a little disappointed that Ben and Scott’s relationship didn’t grab me the way that Leo and Alex and Thomas and Peter’s did.

To start off I have to say that the cover of this book is gorgeous! It makes me miss reading physical books. I am a sucker for needy, affection-starved boys and I did love Scott even when he made my eyes tear up. He is 18 years old, has been sheltered and really emotionally abused by his parents who only care how he reflects back on them. Bullied to the point where he is now being home schooled, Scott isn’t allowed to see movies or watch TV and his only access to the internet is through his accidental discovery of a browser on his e-reader (used for textbooks only) and using wi-fi pirated from a local business. It is here he meets “JeffUK” in a chat room. Scott is so starved for affection he eventually accepts a plane ticket to England and plans to go live with Jeff. When things get worse with his parents, he runs off with only the clothes on his back and is lost when Jeff doesn’t show up at the airport.

Ben, who we met briefly in Trusting Thomas as a dom in training and bartender at Collars & Cuffs, sees Scott at the airport and, with the help of Leo and Thomas, gets him settled in a hotel room. After hearing how he was brought to England, Ben alerts the other men that something is not right. Although he has his own difficulties at the moment he agrees to care for Scott until other arrangements can be made.

*** Warning --- Mild Spoilers Ahead ***

I enjoyed watching Scott and Ben’s friendship grow, but it is soon obvious that Scott wants much more than Ben was ready to give. Taking care of Ben gives Scott great pleasure and all he really wants in return is to be cared for and needed. He has been cast off by everyone else in his life and when Ben grows distant and finally does the same, he is devastated. Luckily for Scott he develops a great support system in Leo and Thomas’ subs Alex and Peter. (Note to KC Wells, I would happily read a book of just those three boys they are so cute together! Not sure how Thomas could resist that puppy pile. )

Of course, after Leo and Thomas intervene, Ben eventually does take Scott on. The relationship transition from friends to D/s and lovers is what lost me a little. The fact that Scott is a virgin with basically zero experience with men was a big deal as a plot line, but the beginning of his sexual relationship and training with Ben felt glossed over. I wanted to see the early days of training and the build up of their sexual tension to set the tone for the friends to lovers transition. Despite that, once the two do get together it was something else!

I loved that we got to see the main characters from the first two books, especially Peter, who is still struggling but becomes a great friend to Scott. However, Leo and Thomas, the strong caring doms I grew to love in the last two books, seemingly dropped the ball on Ben’s training and Scott’s welfare and twice allowed things to deteriorate so severely. Ben also acted horribly, especially towards the end, considering he knew how badly Scott was treated by his family before coming to England.

The underlying plot does carry back to the story in Trusting Thomas, so it would be a benefit to have read that book first, but this one can stand alone. Despite this book not being my favorite of the three, I am looking forward to more and would really like to see how Jeff and Damian are getting along in their situation.
Profile Image for Ryland.
76 reviews8 followers
March 26, 2021
out of the entire series, i think this is my least favorite so far, and not because it was bad in any sense of the word. i'm quite connected to this series, i love kc wells and parker williams' writing, i adore the characters and the plot. this is really one of my favorite mlm bdsm series because it's clear the authors understand and know what they're writing.

but i think i was a tad disappointed by this one because i'd grown so attached to ben, the bartender at collars & cuffs (the local bdsm club.) we get to know ben through the previous two books in the series and when i realized that the third book was going to be his story i was really excited.

scott was an 18 year old kid who was coming to the uk to meet up with jeff, a dude he'd met online and who was going to 'take care of him.' when he got there, jeff never showed. and instead, ben took him in when he realized what was going on.

the relationship between scott and ben was a little slow, but it was sweet, like most of the romances i've read by these authors. it was a good book. it's definitely worth reading. honestly, i think i overhyped it in my brain.
Profile Image for Stephanie.
798 reviews2 followers
March 4, 2015
I was really enjoying this story up until around 85% when the big drama happened. I was so disappointed and upset over where the story went that I could barely finish it. I really dislike contrived family melodrama and characters acting illogical and irrational.
Profile Image for Lauren Marks.
37 reviews
January 14, 2014
I eagerly awaited the release of Someone To Keep Me, stopped reading a different book 100 pages before the end, downloaded my pre-ordered copy and immersed myself in the wonderful world that was brought to me by K.C Wells and Parker Williams. I finished the book in one sitting and at 3 in the morning. There was no way to put it down before the end.

What I loved most about this book was that although this book is in the same voice as the previous books in the series you can see both authors shining through. It is the wonderful thing about being in contact with authors; it creates an even greater level of enjoyment for the reader.

Someone To Keep Me had a brilliant balance of moments: light-hearted, serious, funny and tender. The characters shone through with friendship, love and care. There was never a dull moment and even the everyday events were written so beautifully that you were drawn in.

Ben frustrated me throughout this book. Not a bad thing, it made me emotional and if I had been able, I would have slapped him. He was not the always self-assured Dom you so often see. Ben was a living breathing person with flaws, strengths and personality. So far he is my favourite Dom of the series.

I struggled with Scott as a character. So trusting and innocent and very very sheltered. He was so far out of my world experience that I spent the first half of the book thinking ‘is this guy serious?’. What I really enjoyed was how little bits and pieces of reality and information came to him throughout the book.

Leo was a pillar of strength throughout the book, but he didn’t move me the way he had previously. I was expecting him to be far firmer with Ben than he was. Ben is considered a Dom-in-training and I perhaps felt at times he was let off the hook by the older and more experienced Doms. But that is just personal opinion.

Alex and Peter were just lovely. I love them. It was wonderful to reconnect with them again. It was nice to see their growth and the love and affection they shared with Leo and Thomas. One thing that can be guaranteed when coming back to this series (or any K.C Wells series) is that you will get to reconnect with the characters you originally fell in love with. It is one of my favourite things about K.C Wells as an author.

As I have come to expect when reading a book in this series the plot didn’t take the path I believed it would. I was so happy with that. We came to the point in the story that I presumed would lead to the path of least resistance and the story veered left and led me somewhere better. I liked that I didn’t foresee every event that happened, it made the book interesting and easy to invest in.

K.C Wells and Parker Williams have chemistry. They have chemistry as friends (which I adore seeing on Facebook every day) but this book proves they have chemistry as writers. The story flowed, it was emotional and it was a true journey for me as a reader. I understand that there are more collaborations in the works and I cannot wait to read those as well. This book put two much loved authors together and provided me with a fabulous story that I shall read again and again.
Profile Image for Beck.
893 reviews48 followers
January 17, 2014
Hmmm ... I have been dropping a star from my rating with each book of this series unfortunately ... this book was just too unrealistic to enjoy ... the dialogue felt stilted and forced ... the scenario was ludicrously contrived ... the angst was eye-rollingly sophomoric ... I wanted to love this book but was left wanting ... I suspect I know what is being written in the next book of the series and I'm not sure if I'll read it or not ... I like to see strong, independent people bowing down in submission ... occasionally, it is nice to visit the cliché but this series is starting to edge into the BDSM used as a form of therapy where broken, weaker men (almost chicks with dicks) are rescued by big manly, toppy Doms and are healed by their submission ... which is one of my pet peeves.
Profile Image for Katrina Passick Lumsden.
1,782 reviews12.9k followers
September 7, 2015
I feel like this series just got lamer and lamer as it went on. I thoroughly enjoyed the first, the second was okay, and this one... Meh. The characters were frustrating and a lot happened that just made me exasperated, so it was tough to enjoy it.
Profile Image for Amber.
1,294 reviews33 followers
January 15, 2014
I have no clue what to rate this book as. It is kind of a mess from start to end and last part of it completely went off the deep end and ruin most of my enjoyment of it. The premise of Scott being so sheltered and naive to take off across to England, Ben just randomly picking him up in an airport, or the fact Scott just happens to be a sub are hard to believe. Not to mention the Jeff who doesn't even appear in the book, at least the one the bought the plane ticket for Scott. I wanted to hit Ben, who is suppose to be a Dom, for being so oblivious to Scott through most of the book. But it is toward the end of the book my jaw dropped and WFT moment happens.

I loved the first two books in this series but unfortunately this one just didn't resonate with me. In the end I like seeing some of the old characters from the series as they appear and I like the concept of these Dom's helping out lost and abused subs. But this storyline had some really big plot holes that just couldn't ignore enough to like this book.
Profile Image for Trio.
3,355 reviews186 followers
August 28, 2020
The third book in the Collars and Cuffs series, Parker Williams joins K.C. Wells in writing Someone to Keep Me. As a huge fan of their Secrets series, the combination of these two authors really works for me. The result here is a truly lovely hurt/comfort romance.

One of my favorite aspects of Parker Williams’ writing is his skill in crafting a deep and honest connection between his characters. What makes me a true fan of K.C. Wells is her ability to showcase her characters’ connections through their physical interactions. Like peanut butter and chocolate, they’re both great tastes that taste great together - just don’t ask me to reveal which one’s which *wink*.

Seriously though, there’s a great story in Someone to Keep Me. Two characters who come together and complete each other beautifully. There are some hints of terrible possibilities at the start of the novel, which propels the series, and thankfully it all works out well for our guys.

The audio version is performed by Nick J. Russo, who does a great job with the extensive variety of accents in this novel. There are also several female voices which Mr. Russo does quite well. His smooth, youthful, melodic voice is the perfect compliment to the Collars and Cuffs series and I’m looking forward to the next one!

an audiobook copy of Someone to Keep Me was generously provided to me by the author for the purpose of my honest review
Profile Image for Kristie.
1,170 reviews77 followers
January 12, 2014
It pulled at my heart strings. Lots of feels for this one. While part of me found it hard to believe how naive Scott is, I found him so sweet and innocent that it didn't matter. In the end, hie naivete just added to the story.

Growing up in the home where he's never know what it was like to be loved, his rents are horrible excuses for human beings, Scott would like nothing more than to have someone take care of him, love him, shower him with affection. He's just not really smart about how to go about getting it. Starved for the attention he desires, he flees to England in search of a new life.

Meeting Ben is the best thing to happen to Scott. Ben is a really great guy, not one to leave someone in a time of need. Ben takes Scott to his bosses at Collars & Cuffs for advice on how to help him. What happens is fairly predictable, but not without heart.

I really enjoyed reading their story, and being back in the Collars & Cuffs world. Seeing how Peter and Thomas, Alex and Leo are doing? Fantastic fun. I'm still hoping for Damian to get his book. I'm also looking forward to see if Jeff's character will come up again. This is a great addition to an already awesome series.
Profile Image for Brian.
111 reviews14 followers
January 12, 2014
“Someone to Keep Me” is a wonderful collaboration between K.C. Wells and Parker Williams. The series, “Collars and Cuffs” is truly amazing and this third installment definitely adds to the thrill and mystique of the D/s lifestyle.

The two main characters are flawed and imperfect which only adds to their charisma and appeal. Unlike the Dom’s of the previous stories, Leo and Thomas who in my opinion are pretty much perfect, Ben has some character flaws that for me made him more human and endearing. Scott has suffered at the hands of his parents resulting in his extreme low self-esteem and neediness.

Together, Ben and Scott make a compelling couple as they each come together to reinforce theirs strengths while curbing and overcoming their weaknesses. In other words, they are a perfect fit.

The ending was flawless for me, which is one of the reasons I like these types of books.

I hope there is more in the series. Are we going to read about Damian and Jeff’s story? I hope so.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
458 reviews
August 20, 2017
The dim-witted MCs made for an excruciating read at times. At least Scott had a reason, he was young and naive; Ben was just thick.
Profile Image for Iz.
918 reviews19 followers
January 5, 2023
Three words: Not enough groveling.

Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy this! Especially in the beginning, and everything in the second half of the book before the Third Act Breakup™, but ugh, I felt like Ben didn't deserve Scott at all.

Scott was a sweetheart, a bit naïve, but I adored how cheeky and sweet and needy he was. And obviously, his friendship with Alex and Peter was everything. His unexpected friendship with Leo? PRICELESS.

Ben, I didn't like him much. He needlessly hurt Scott time and time again, by ignoring him and by changing his mind a dozen times, and I felt like he needed to grovel A LOT MORE before earning Scott's forgiveness.

On the other hand, their scenes together were HOT, and I'm still very, very curious to meet new characters and see them interact with the members of Collars&Cuffs. Up until now, I've loved every sub protagonist, whereas the Doms have all left me with lukewarm feelings (but weirdly, I now desperately love Leo too?), so hopefully this next books will deliver proper, swoon-worthy Doms.
Profile Image for Serena Yates.
Author 97 books769 followers
October 12, 2015
This third book in the 'Collars and Cuffs' series continues the tradition of a Dom not quite sure he is (or wants to be) attracted to the sub in need he meets. Different form the first two books, the Dom in this story is still at the beginning of his training, and not half as self-confident or experienced as Leo and Thomas in book one and two. That doesn’t make him less of a Dom though but it was a nice change that I found really iteresting. There are also some more revelations about the dark threat of unknown abusers in the background, and together with the honest and real tone of the story, this makes for an exciting read.

Scott may be eighteen and legally an adult, but he is also very naïve, and thanks to his strict parents, he isn’t very aware of the dangers of the real world. The man he meets in a chat room on the Internet, in essence a complete stranger, who offers to fly him over to the UK to be with him, should have made Scott’s alarm bells go off and have him running in the other direction. Instead he takes the ticket and flies to a foreign country without considering the consequences. Yes, I know he has a lot to run from, being emotionally abused and wanting “out”, but still. He is very lucky that Ben finds him, and the journey of discovery that follows is an eye-opener for Scott in every way.

Ben may be a Dom, but he is still in training and doesn’t even consider himself as the right man to take care of Scott. It is the only explanation I can see for him not seeing what is right under his nose; denial is a powerful psychological force. And a s for Ben’s reaction toward the end when Scott’s parents appear, pretending to want to take care of Scott—I was ready to shake Ben so he would wake up. Quite apart from the need he had to deal with his own issues, sending Scott back was just irresponsible. It did show how much Ben had to learn as well, and in the end that is what saved the story for me.

If you like novels with flawed characters who are real and have a lot to learn, if you find relationships interesting where the characters don’t even see any romantic potential until about halfway through the book and even then have issues “getting” it, and if you’re looking for a read that is as much about the psychology of a BDSM relationship as it is about the physical side expressing that psychology, then you will probably like this novel.

NOTE: This book was provided by Dreamspinner Press for the purpose of a review.
Profile Image for Sandra .
1,865 reviews338 followers
January 23, 2014
This book was trending for 4 or more stars, despite my hating on Ben for most of it, until about 90% when it took a huge nose dive into WTFuckery. And there was nothing Ben could do to redeem himself. He ruined this book for me, and his HEA was so undeserved, it made me rage. And Scott, poor, sweet, innocent, loving Scott, just simply forgives Ben for the dafuqery and the pain he put him through. WTAF? Could he be more of a doormat? Am I supposed to believe this is simply inner strength?

Full review on Booklikes and my blog. 2.5 stars, rounded up bc GR still doesn't have half stars.
April 27, 2017
Overall book rating: 3 Let me down stars
Audio book: N/A
Book cover rating 1 lame star

I have to be honest this book let me down big time....

I struggled with this story. I truly felt like the pants of a ho up an down, up and down. .... Please just make up your bloody mind - do you want me up or down!!!!!!

Then Ben wants Scott then he don't ..... Sorry but for a DOM to be so..... I don't even know what to write I just feel sad because I so wanted to like this book.
Profile Image for Theresa.
3,366 reviews
October 15, 2014
Done with this series after this book. No comparison to the previous novels. Can't believe it's the same author.

No chemistry and sexual attraction. No buildup in the relationship. Extreme beginning to the D/s relationship - no slow transition. Ben the Dom is not the same calibre as those in the first two books. Melodramatic twists at end - let's add some zombies to the story line too! Alex doesn't talk like an American teenager either.
Profile Image for Julia.
408 reviews10 followers
January 23, 2014
I read the first two books in this series specifically because I wanted to read this one. I liked the premise. I thought it sounded interesting. I wanted to know more of Scott's story and absolutely loved the idea that a man, Ben, not only recognized Scott's "lostness" just by looking at him, but was also willing to take action. Although I was raised to be independent, the idea of someone offering safety, protection, and comfort definitely brings warm fuzzies. Unfortunately, the story just didn't work for me.

I'll start with Scott. I realize he was homeschooled and "sheltered", but it felt like he was 8 instead of 18. It seriously just felt weird. I understood his eagerness to please. I understood his desire for someone to love him. But, he was raised to be independent and figure things out on his own. He knew how to research. He spent time in a gay chat-room. IMO, the wide-eyed naivety didn't add up and was over the top. (I also have to add that I have a ton of friends that home-school and their kids are neither sheltered, nor naïve.)

Ok, next up, Ben. He was a new Dom. I'll give him that. But to go from being so in tune and recognizing Scott's need at a glance (having never even met him) to knowing the history...uuuhhhhmmmm, no. I really felt like it went against his character. Did it increase the angst and drama, yes, but IMO, the action didn't fit with who Ben was.

Which leads me to the parentals...OTT. end of.

Lastly, the scene where Scott gives his virginity to Ben...yeah, enjoyed it, but didn't buy it.

OK, I lied, I have one last beef. In the end, isn't the BDSM lifestyle different for everyone involved, thus the contract and negotiation aspect? I just don't understand why the statement was made.

Overall, I did enjoy it some extent, but the story felt too manufactured. 2.5 stars

Profile Image for Adara.
Author 8 books56 followers
July 26, 2016
2.5 stars. This one pissed me off. I won't be continuing with the series after this. As much as I'm curious about Master Thomas and Peter's story, and maybe Master Damian & Jeff's, if it gets to that point, I can't put myself through this again. I'm done.

Okay, so a naive kid, Scott, accepts an internet stranger's help to get away from his parents because he thinks the guy, Jeff, loves him. He gets to Manchester, England, and Jeff doesn't show to pick him up. He meets Ben at the airport, and Ben helps him figure out what to do since he has nothing but the clothes on his back an a Nook (his way of contacting Jeff).

Short version, he likes taking care of Ben, thinks Ben cares for him, and finds out about submission and wants to be Ben's boy for good. It takes Ben a while to figure it out. We eventually find out the story with Jeff, Ben gets into an accident, thinks he can't take care of Scott, and sends Scott away. Cue typical ending.

What pissed me off so much? It broke my suspension of disbelief.

I was already teetering, and at that point I was done. I skimmed the last few chapters of required final sex scene and tying up of loose "HEA" ends. Not enough to save it.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 265 reviews

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