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First published March 9, 2020

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Profile Image for Tim.
477 reviews787 followers
May 10, 2021
It's that time again! My favorite dysfunctional manga characters continue to grow. Same warning applies to this volume as all my previous reviews (and if you're starting here… why? It's volume seven. Go back to the start).

It's been a wild ride for this series thus far. I remember picking up the first volume when it was first released in English on a whim and shaking my head at how it could be so absolutely horrible at times and yet consistently amusing. It has since grown in popularity and has an anime series currently running.

Yes, Nagatoro's evil is growing.

So, seven volumes in… and I'm impressed. This is easily the best volume of the series in my humble opinion. The stories are not the funniest that I've read, but it takes lessons from what came before. We get a few longer multi-chapter stories (but without them taking up the entire book like the last volume), but most important, we get actual character growth. The series has not forgotten that it is a comedy, and Nagatoro is still pretty much a bully, but we see actual evolution of the characters in some pretty serious ways. Senpai in particular shows a lot more depth and has grown significantly when compared to the first volume, particularly in standing up for himself and others. Overall, this volume has more of a payoff in terms of direction for our characters than any other. While it may not be the most amusing volume, I find it makes up for it in these details, and still remains consistently amusing.

Do I suggest reading it? At this point anyone who follows my reviews knows the answer. I love it but can suggest the series to no one. Still, if you've come this far, you already know the answer. Join us in laughing at poor Senpai... 4/5 stars

Profile Image for Rod Brown.
6,383 reviews235 followers
November 7, 2022
Nagatoro's victim/crush actually asks her to go to the zoo with him on what can only be considered a date. Progress! But still with lots of backsliding into teasing and tormenting.

And the art club president and her breasts seem to be a regular side characters now and alternate as randomly between helping and hindering the development of the core relationship as they do between being covered and uncovered.
Profile Image for Laura B..
64 reviews4 followers
April 20, 2021
This cover makes the manga look way more inappropriate than it is🤣. I like how senpai is becoming more comfortable and daring. Him asking her to go to the zoo was hard to read but cute. Also, him defending her artwork>>>. Also, THE NATURE PRESIDENT SKETCHING WAS WAY OUTTA POCKET.
Profile Image for Victor The Reader.
1,562 reviews16 followers
May 25, 2024
It really does look like Nagatoro and Senpai’s relationship is getting a bit more infatuated by a smidgen as we see the two get sushi and go on a sketching session at the zoo. The bonus story also makes plenty of funny awkwardness. A- (91%/Excellent)
Profile Image for Ben Nealis.
358 reviews21 followers
January 20, 2024
4.75 Stars. A great volume that spends most of the time outside of school. It's always fun to see Senpai getting along better with Nagatoros friends.
781 reviews4 followers
May 24, 2021
I love this, but I kinda hate it too...

So, those of you who follow my reviews know that I abhor bullying of any kind. Yes, yes, I know, it's overwhelmingly pervasive throughout this series, its a main part of the premise of this story. However, for the most part, Miss Nagatoro is teasing Senpai, in rather obnoxious, yet good-natured ways. She just happens to go too far now and then. Yet, looking back, every single time Senpai was the target of actual bullying, Miss Nagatoro stepped in to stop it. She's got a rep as one bad ass little cookie. A lot of people are terrified of her. I like the characters, I like the story, I just think there could be a wee bit less bullying of Senpai. Poor guy. I was his total opposite growing up. I had extensive martial arts training from an early age. I hated bullies. I routinely stood up to and mopped the floor with bullies. And not just those who attempted to pick on me. Anytime I saw bullying, I stepped in and stopped it. By the start of high school, I had been given the nick name of "The Bully Smasher". I was well known, and my fighting abilities, which were of the most superior ability gave many other teens reason to go to great lengths to be nice to me, in case they ever needed to be rescued. Kids would offer me money and gifts to go beat up this or that bully. I refused any payment, coming from a wealthy family, I had no need of their stuff. Usually all I had to do was verbally confront the bully in front of other kids, that almost always was enough to not only stop the bullying, but often caused the bully to go seek out his victim(s) and apologize, in hopes of avoiding getting a beat down from me. I to this day absolutely HATE bullying. I have never been able to understand the mindset of victims of bullying - to just take it, to cower, to accept it without rebuke. You see, at an early age, I witnessed some other kids being bullied, and I made up my mind right then and there I would never be a victim. I would never take it. I refused to stand down. As an adult, I'm 6'5" and the size of a gorilla. Seriously. I still occasionally encounter bullying in the adult world, and while I'm much less likely to become physically violent, I ALWAYS will step in and lecture the bully. My size, and steadfast demeanor, along with having a steel testicular fortitude, well that usually causes the bully to immediately stop, and quickly leave the area. I mean, if you were a jerk who was giving some poor fellow grief, and suddenly a very large, very angry gorilla appeared out of nowhere and got right in your face, would you stick around? I think not. So, Senpai, and all those in this world who are bullied, know this: while you can't (and shouldn't) fight back physically, you CAN stand up and say NO MORE! Seek out the protection of an authority figure, be it a teacher, principal, police officer, work superior, or even a man of the cloth. The same goes for you who witness bullying: you DON'T (and shouldn't) have to stay silent. Use your voice, use your wits. No one deserves to be subjected to bullying, be they male, female, or otherwise; 15 or 50, white, black, brown, or purple. Make the world a better place by standing up and saying NO to bullying. You CAN make a difference. Because if YOU don't stand up, who WILL?
Profile Image for Mark.
2,313 reviews200 followers
May 12, 2021
In the aftermath of the school festival, Nagatoro and her friends do the unexpected and... treat Senpai with respect? Then the Art Club President turns out to be quite the enabler, but what she’s enabling might be a date, if Senpai can bring himself to ask Nagatoro out...

If this volume makes nothing else abundantly clear, it’s that Senpai is a master of self-sabotage and if he had a little more confidence this series would be doing something wholly different right now.

Additionally, while nobody could condone her methods, Nagatoro is obviously now browbeating Senpai constantly so he’ll push back and have a little more faith that he’s a decent human being with actual worth. And if they happen to get together, well, that might be okay too.

The zoo section makes up the bulk of this volume, with a woefully excited Nagatoro getting entirely the wrong idea (she’s the one who’s ALL about this being a date, as it turns out) and Senpai taking forever to actually ask.

The date proper is fun, though unremarkable (the look on poor Nagatoro when she realizes Senpai has ulterior ulterior motives) until Senpai comes to Nagatoro’s defence when she isn’t around. We’ve gone to this well before, but it’s still nice to see Senpai chalk up a win (and might Nagatoro overhear? Who can say...).

The ending of the storyline blends the series’ spicy and sweet notes in predictable, yet charming, fashion. And honestly the entire storyline is worth it for the bonus page after the chapter that features the giraffes.

Everything else is fine to okay. I don’t think the first chapter is much of anything, though the sushi one inverts expectations a couple of times and shows that Nagatoro can go too far even with her friends, which is fun. The dynamic of Nagatoro pushing too hard and needing a save from Senpai is definitely worth exploring.

We close out with a fairly ribald chapter in which Senpai reveals maybe a little TOO much about what he likes about Nagatoro and then we get an amusing bonus chapter where the Art Club President is the Art Club President in the most Art Club President way possible.

3.5 stars, but no rounding because this book has indeed been better, though this is a mostly solid volume. I’ll be interested to see if the series strings this all out interminably because I think it has the chops to show our leads as a couple and, heaven help me, I kind of want to see it.
Profile Image for Rowan Briggs.
68 reviews1 follower
January 24, 2021
TLDR: Enjoyable. A little cliche, but it is a payoff for those invested in the characters. 3/5.

Longer Review: This novel seemed a little cliche. There is one part where you feel rewarded (those of us who have been reading since volume 1) but the plots are a little predictable. The progressions for the characters is good, but also a little...bland? I still enjoy it, but I think I just loved the previous volume so much that this one felt like a bit of a step down. Still solid though.
Profile Image for John Ronald.
192 reviews2 followers
May 19, 2021
I received my pre-order from B&N the other day in the soaking rain...the packaging was drenched but not all the way through so the book inside was safe/dry.

I binged it immediately upon opening it (normally I save these for weekend reading but with the anime adaptation currently running its first Season I felt extra pressure to stay ahead--can I just say in passing the anime is A+! Love it.)

So again, our dysfunctional couple makes halting progress. She hangs all over him provocatively, making him flustered. But when he trips & accidentally gropes her she gets (understandably) upset.

They run into Nagatoro's friends and they all go out for conveyor belt sushi. The girls like to mix and match toppings of their sushi & sashimi in creative ways, which they serve up to Senpai to try out. Nagatoro becomes increasingly annoyed with his giving positive reactions to her frenemies unique food creations. She comes up with one of her own that's over the top & sexually suggestive in ways that gross everyone out. She struggles to keep a straight face but can tell she made a social faux pas. Senpai bails her out by trying it and giving it a passing grade. Her friends laugh it off and shrug, "well, that's Nagatoro for you...she just makes jokes like that sometimes."

The Art Club President feels like if Nagatoro is going to hang around the Art Club room she needs to do something productive and at least try to learn something about art. She tasks our hero with educating the wayward first year, giving him two tickets to the Zoo and ordering him to practice drawing Zoo animals and bring Nagatoro with him to "spread the seeds of culture" (cough cough sow wild oats?). After much agonizing and false starts he finally manages to invite Nagatoro to the Zoo, fully expecting rejection. To his surprise she accepts. I'm sure he'd deny it but that counts as a first date, Senpai. Nagatoro is more enthusiastic about being out with Senpai & watching the animals than actually drawing them, but she's a good sport at gives it a try. Her artwork isn't spectacular but it's not terrible and she does listen to his advice. He apologizes for how boring the outing must seem to her but she just demurs and says "that's just how you are, Senpai...it's fine."

They take a break in the Zoo cafeteria and some jerkface from school starts messing with Senpai; he brushes this off but then jerkface makes fun of Nagatoro's drawings and Senpai stands up indignantly and says "someone worked very hard on this and I won't have you making fun of it!" (not exact quote but words to that effect). Jerkface doesn't take kindly to this and begins to threaten violence but backs down when Nagatoro returns from the ladies' room. Via flashback we learn that Nagatoro overhead this exchange including Senpai defending her work and it moves her.

We close with a zany scene of them encountering the Art Club President on location at a secluded part of the Zoo, once more posing in the nude for a self-portrait. Senpai offers up his shirt to Madame President so he can go retrieve her clothes at the bottom of the hill. Nagatoro's jealousy is triggered and she impulsively offers up her shirt instead, which the President declines because her small stature means there's no way her shirt would actually fit Miss President. It's a very amusing scene. Still loving this manga series and the anime adaptation is also baller.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for CharlyyGentlePhoenix.
669 reviews1 follower
May 31, 2024
Bonjour les Petits Phoenix! J'espère que ça va bien?

Chapitre 47: A peine commencé et déjà je kiff & je sens que ça va être beaucoup trop court!

Nagatoro explique à Paisen comment saluer le gens. Bien entendu elle fait n'importe quoi. Cela me rappelle ma première copine qui m'avait abordé la première fois en sautant à mon cou (on se connaissait depuis MSN)...

Chapitre 48 : Presque rien à dire sur ce chapitre, qui est le seul un peu en deca depuis un moment. Paisen et son harem sont à un restaurant buffet à volonté et ils se préparent des sushis voilà tout...

Chapitre 49: Regardez moi ces personnages ! Rien que pour ça, j'aurais aimé écrire cette histoire et je m'en inspirerais sûrement. Avec ces sans arrêt "t'es répugnant" "gros pervers" je me dis que ça doit être sympa et plus clair en VO...

Chapitre 50 : "Ne vous moquez pas du dessin que quelqu'un s'est appliqué à Faire!" s'énerve Paisen face à un couple de jeunes pas très sympas.

Chapitre 51 : "Tu es très bien comme ça reste comme tu es" Nagatoro apprend à dessiner et après avoir reproduit quelques animaux, elle entend dire que "le secret" c'est d'aimer son modèle, alors elle dessine Paisen.

Chapitre 52 et 53 : Nagatoro se met en tête de faire boire Paisen mais elle est pompette avant Lui... Paisen, victime d'une taquinerie de plus, doit enfiler ses bas à Nagatoro. Le fait qu'on passe à de tels détails est signe que la série s'essouffle un peu.

On y croit encore! Le T8 sera sûrement mieux!

Bonnes Lectures.

En bref____
Deux Lycéens s'aiment très fort, mais son très timides. Même si l'une est extravertie et l'autre renfermé sur lui-même. Ils vont au Zoo, au Restaurant, au Bar, ils partagent leurs passions (le dessin, etc...)... On les voit qui se rapprochent dans une intrigue lente et entrainante. Un manga "à ambiance" qui convaincra même ceux qui n'ont pas d'affinité avec le genre (comme moi).

Ca reste du Nagatoro! Un gage de qualité.

Ca s'essouffle légèrement.
Profile Image for MangaAndPudding.
83 reviews
March 1, 2023
🇵🇱:2² + ½⭐
Zaczyna się fabuła znana z 2 sezonu anime.
Tom kupił mine już pierwszą historią, a inne nie odstają w porównaniu (może z wyjątkiem tej o pończochach, typowy fan serwus dla stópkaży i fanatyków nóg). Cały tom ma raczej spokojny przebieg, i odbiega tym od reszty, nie ma w głównych wątkach jakiegoś mocnego dręczenia czy wyzywania, zamiast tego fabuła wchodzi na tory pełnej komedii romantycznej. Uwielbiam jak relacja Nagatoro i Senpaia ewoluowała na przestrzeni 7 tomów i z typowego gnębienia w tomach początkowych powstała relacja która jest zaprezentowana w tym tomie.
Profile Image for David Doel.
1,843 reviews4 followers
July 12, 2021
In volume 5 or 6, a new character came to the fore: the Art Club President (like Senpei, she is known by her ranking; no name is given). She makes a Barbie doll look like a stick and is buck naked about half the time.

Using an old television meme, the story has "jumped the shark" with her introduction. The relationship between Senpei and Nagatoro is no longer evolving; we may have a second harem member. I have too much other manga to keep following this series.
Profile Image for Max Pacheco.
47 reviews1 follower
May 17, 2021
Yeah, I can see why this has a lower rating than the other volumes. There's a few really sweet character moments but there's also a lot of weird fanservice-y things including what clearly seems to be feet stuff.
Profile Image for Donte McNeal.
Author 1 book10 followers
June 5, 2021
More wholesome...mostly goodness.

I can't get enough of Nagatoro and Senpai's growing relationship. Seems like there's small developments every volume. Nothing too groundbreaking but entertaining nonetheless.
Profile Image for Parker Ryu.
67 reviews
March 4, 2024
I'm like weirdly into this super nudist/exhibitionist president even though I know the actual point of her existence is fanservice or whatever..
The zoo date was adorable. Him stumbling over his words to ask her out had me grinnin' ;u;
Profile Image for Laura.
560 reviews22 followers
October 15, 2020
I wonder when they will end up together... Probably in another 50 chapters.
Profile Image for Kane.
109 reviews14 followers
November 26, 2021
I ship Nagatoro and Senpai so much! I remember Nagatoro being really annoying but now I'm really enjoying her character development throughout the series. Great volume.
Profile Image for Sheepy .
2,140 reviews13 followers
December 7, 2021
Yeah there was so much in this volume, the zoo, him defending her like wow he really is coming along!
Plus Nagatoro is just Nagatoro!
Displaying 1 - 28 of 28 reviews

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