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Crowns of Nyaxia #2

The Ashes & the Star-Cursed King

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Goodreads Choice Award
Nominee for Best Romantasy (2023)
This new hardcover edition of the bestselling The Ashes & the Star-Cursed King features new case art, a detailed map, and a never-before-seen bonus chapter!

From the New York Times bestselling author Carissa Broadbent, comes The Ashes & the Star-Cursed King, the gutting second installment of the Crowns of Nyaxia series, full of heartbreak, redemption, blood intrigue and heart-pounding action.

Love is a sacrifice at the altar of power.

In the wake of the Kejari, everything Oraya once thought to be true has been destroyed. A prisoner in her own kingdom, grieving the only family she ever had, and reeling from a gutting betrayal, she no longer even knows the truth of her own blood. She’s left only with one certainty: she cannot trust anyone, least of all Raihn.

Raihn’s own nobles are none too eager to accept a Turned king, especially one who was once a slave. And the House of Blood digs their claws into the kingdom, threatening to tear it apart from the inside.

When Raihn offers Oraya a secret alliance, taking the deal is her only chance at reclaiming her kingdom–and gaining her vengeance against the lover who betrayed her. But to do so, she’ll need to harness a devastating ancient power, intertwined with her father’s greatest secrets.

But with enemies closing in on all sides, nothing is as it seems. As she unravels her past and faces her future, Oraya finds herself forced to choose between the bloody reality of seizing power–and the devastating love that could be her downfall.

591 pages, Hardcover

First published April 14, 2023

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About the author

Carissa Broadbent

17 books29.6k followers
I've been concerning teachers and parents with mercilessly grim tales since I was roughly nine years old. Since then, my stories have gotten (slightly) less depressing and (hopefully a lot?) more readable. Today, I write fantasy novels with a heaping dose of badass ladies and a big pinch of romance.

When I'm not writing, I'm working at my day job in cybersecurity marketing, watching too many movies, or drawing. I live with my fiance, one very well behaved rabbit, one very poorly behaved rabbit, and one perpetually skeptical cat in Rhode Island.

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Profile Image for cyra.
188 reviews640 followers
May 15, 2023
“The ashes” part of the title stands for whatever is left of Oraya’s personality.

Oh my fucking gods, I am so furious I can’t even collect my thoughts properly to write a review. I’m debating lowering my rating to two stars. For mediocre smut, boring scenes, and no revenge arc, this 650 pages long book was 550 pages way too long.

Let’s get right into it because the more I think about it, more angry I get.

Warning! This review will involve a lot of cursing and spoilers for the first book. The first portion of the review will be spoiler free, the second part will involve minor and big spoilers for this book but I’ll put up multiple warnings before that part so you can avoid it. (Honestly, you should let me spoil this book for you and save you the trouble because it is not worth it.)

Oraya, The Fucking Disappointment

This is gonna be the longest section of this review so buckle up!

What the actual fuck happened to this girl? She was about to be my favorite MC but with this book she became the most hated one. The bane of my existence. If you like Oraya go ahead and skip this book. Seriously. Do yourself a favor and just don’t read it.

Throughout the book, Oraya never tries to get revenge. NEVER. She half-heartedly tries to tip off her people so they can attack Raihn’s armory and that’s it. I’m not even kidding, and believe me I wish I was. Raihn killed her father, took the throne that was rightfully hers, killed her people, forced her hand to marriage, and held her captive in her own goddamn house and she never tries to get revenge? Or help her own people? Or at least try to get her throne back? What the fuck was that? (Side note: The marriage bit happens at the beginning of this book and honestly, it’s not important to the plot or the characters so you can just forget about it.)

And no Oraya, making him beg to fuck you as a sex fantasy is not revenge nor empowering. It’s actually cringy.

In the first book Oraya was angry, hateful, reserved, and fucking violent. The excellent build-up for her to become a vengeful character. She used to go to the streets and kill vampires to calm down. In this book Oraya has the personality of a scarecrow. Actually, “scarecrow” is not the right word given that they at least have fucking backbones and stand their ground. The things Oraya lacks in this book.

Not to mention how Oraya from the first book would NEVER forgive Raihn in two months and spit on Vincent’s grave. Her loyalty to her father evaporates the moment Raihn takes his dick out. Vincent raised you for 16 years, protected you, trained you, and kept you safe just for you to turn your back on him the moment he’s dead. Make it make sense. “But Vincent lied and kept secrets from her!” Shut the fuck up. First of all if you think your parents are always truthful to you, you need to go out and touch some grass. Secondly, Vincent did those things for justifiable reasons one of them being him wanting to keep her safe. She forgives Raihn, the guy she has known for less than a year, for all the shit he has done but she can’t forgive Vincent, her own father, for keeping secrets? Spare me.

Raihn, Just Die Already

He needs to do all of us a favor and set himself on fire. Honestly. He is giving toxic boy vibes who keeps saying “No no no, you don’t get it! I’m actually a decent person!”

Other than him being an entitled brat, there is nothing to say about him because Oraya is the actual villain here. Anyway.

His shitty interludes made me wanna take a lovely lovely bath with my toaster. We already walked through his story in the first book, those chapters in this book were unnecessary not to mention annoying. OKAY WE GET IT, YOU RE SAD AND POETIC AND YOU CRY ALL THE TIME. WOO-HOO POOR RAIHN. It was also so weird that he kept thinking about his ex all the damn time. Like, are you sure you are in love with Oraya?

Also, I dare Raihn to think or say “There she is.” One more fucking time. ONE MORE TIME. Say it to my face. I swear to gods even writing that sentence is pissing me off at this point.

The Writing, the Plot, and Everything in Between

The villains were weak which made the whole story arc about them weak and boring. They had no personalities or original motives. It didn’t help that we didn’t get to know them at all. They were cartoonish. In my book, a weak villain/antagonist means a bad plot.

The writing was okay-ish. It had a lot of useless and frankly boring details but that’s not even the main issue. The main issue is how the author failed to write different characters. She shouldn’t have tried to write dual POVs because they all just sounded the same. At some point, I started a chapter without checking whose POV it was and for the better half of it, I thought I was reading from Oraya’s POV and I wouldn’t have noticed it was Raihn if it wasn’t for his obsessive thoughts about his ex.

This book butchered the build-up and the cliffhanger the first book provided. None of it mattered in this book. Such a waste.

This book also uses the same plot devices of the first book, almost exactly the same. I’m sorry but that’s lazy writing.

I honestly don’t know what happened to Mische, she was completely stripped of any and all personality traits. She just popped then and there to smile and nothing else. We can take her scenes out of this book and nothing would change.

After Lilith and Vale’s novella, I expected to see them more but they barely had any scenes which was disappointing. (I also suggest that we get a novella like Six Scorched Roses about Vincent and Alana’s past. It would be beautiful and devastating.)

Cyra’s Interlude I decided to lower my rating to two stars because I’m bitter.




I’ll use this portion to rant.

First of all, can we talk about their cringy-ass sex scene, mostly about how they did it at the worst time possible? Did they have to do it while there was a coup going on? Mische, Raihn’s one and only family, everyone they’ve ever known, and their fucking kingdom was in danger and they chose to spend their time LIKE THAT? Not to mention how they almost died and were still bleeding? They had time to heal or plan something to get everyone out but no, they had to had sex. Great going guys, you two will rule this kingdom splendidly.

Secondly, I hated how Oraya gave everything she had worked so hard for up to save Raihn’s ass ONCE AGAIN. I already talked about how the author used the plot devices of the first book in this one but I have to mention this again. ORAYA BE SERIOUS RIGHT NOW, THIS ISN’T YOU. I can somehow justify your stupidity once but twice? This is too much.

“Unlike my dad, I chose love over power.” Acting like it’s a lesson she just learned and hasn’t been bending over backward to make Raihn happy. This also butchered the potential character development too. Raihn always, and I’m not even kidding, he always got what he wanted without any problems while Oraya put her life on the line and worked her ass off to please him.


This was one of the longest reviews I’ve ever written and I’m still angry. Don’t waste your time with this book.
Profile Image for Rebecca (life's chaotic catching up).
395 reviews1,233 followers
April 23, 2023
4.5 STARS!

"Yours," I ground out. "It's yours." My blood. My body. My soul. I had given her all of that a long time ago. I even had given her my life. And I'd do it all again.

I needed to process this book for a day before writing my review bc the emotions that it wrung from me were truly raw. We are back with Oraya and Raihn after the fallout of the Kejari. Oraya feeling betrayed, Raihn struggling to step into his new role as King and both of them still surrounded by enemies and danger. They both must deal with their individual horrifying and complicated pasts and determine if they can trust each other again and what that may mean for themselves and an entire kingdom.

"I was the Heir of the House of Night, and I was the daughter of Vincent the Nightborn King, and I was every bit as powerful as both those things suggested."

I loved this book, I didn't think it was quite as good as the first book though but only because I thought there was some redundant storylines, And the pacing could have been a little tighter in my opinion. While I didn't struggle to place a rating, I did struggle about whether or not to rate up or down and ultimately the answer was up and can be explained with one name, which I will get to later. But I also never highlighted a book as much as this one, so many beautiful quotes and the writing was stunning. The action scenes in these books are always heart pounding and expertly written. I also really loved the side characters and all the surprises we got from Oraya's past. AND THE LOVE STORY!!! GAH!!! 🫠
I also really loved how the scale of the world expanded and we were able to learn and experience more about the kingdom of Obitraes and the other houses. But for me personally the ongoing storyline between Oraya and Vincent is what sets this book apart. They have such a tumultuous and beautifully complicated relationship and at one point in this book my heart cracked open for them.

"Losing my trust in Vincent was more than losing my trust in a single person. It had broken something within me, destroyed my ability to put that trust into anyone else."

Oraya- Saying Oraya had some stuff to process in this book is definitely an understatement. My girl was in the thick of it, between trying to reconcile her grief with the passing of her father and his lies about her entire existence and her feelings of betrayal from Raihn and then add in the responsibility of being the heir and leader to her people, something she never thought would land on her shoulders, my little serpent handled it about as well as anyone could honestly. I appreciated her falling back on her training and also keeping her wits about her as we have come to expect from her character, (even though I do think she made my poor man Raihn sweat it out a lot longer than he deserved!!) Vincent's constant voice in her head was both comforting and painful and I really felt her inner conflict.
"Because that name was all those things, wasn't it? Raihn. My downfall and my most valuable supporter. My weakness and my strength. My worst enemy and the greatest love I had ever known."

Rhain- AHHH this man!!! He is as close to perfection as it gets. And how can you deny a man that begs?! 😍🫠 I loved the conflict he had trying to marry his past to the expectations of his new role as King. I think that his ability to be self-aware and acknowledge his strengths and weaknesses and allow those around him to help him fill in the gaps was refreshing and progressive, but let's be real it's all about his love for Oraya! This man is the ultimate simp for his woman and I am HERE FOR IT!!!
"Let me make you the Queen that you are. Let me guard your body, your soul, your heart. Let me spend the rest of my fucking pathetic life at your mercy. If I need to die, then let me do it by your hand. Please."

"I'd spend a lifetime at the tip of your blade, and it would have been worth it."

"And for fuck's sake princess, I'm begging you, let me go my knees for you."

"Maybe I just imagined that the entire world stopped when my wife walked into the ballroom."

Vincent- This is why I rated up. This man cracked my heart wide open and I was left bleeding out, crying on the floor for about twenty minutes. I was not expecting him to have such a centrical presence and storyline in this book and it was a tipping point for me bc it was one of the most emotionally complex and beautiful storylines I have read in a fantasy romance in a very long time. Vincent is the embodiment of an enigma. His love for Oraya, as flawed and imperfect as it may have been, was also very genuine and the only redeeming quality he probably ever had. He also never had the skills to reconcile his true nature with the love he had for his daughter and therein lies the true heartbreaking tragedy of it all.
"I was expecting to kill you that night. But what I was not expecting was to love you so devastatingly much. It hits me so suddenly, so overwhelmingly, that I don't even have time to brace myself against it."

I am kind of sad that Oraya and Raihn's main storyline is over bc I am left wanting so much more! I can't wait to continue these books bc Carissa Broadbent is so masterfully building such an amazing and epic series and I can't wait to see what happens next bc that ending and the foreshadowing of the threat that is definitely going to come has my anxiety through the roof! 💙💙💙
Profile Image for Ayman.
267 reviews113k followers
May 3, 2023

ok so why did this finishing this entire series feel like waking up from a dream in which you lived a totally different life to wake up and realize not one bit of it was real?!? i self-inserted myself into this world, these characters to the point that my day to day lingo was switching up!!! i’m not the same as i once was. the ache and deep void i feel makes me want to light myself on fire!!🫨

Oraya! literally the baddest queen this realm has ever seen. the way she grows into her self. realizes how strong she always was. the way she’s always surprising me and keeping me on my toes. literally a fucking GENIUS!! the way she’s healing and recovering from the truths that come out about her father, her past, and the girl she once was…WHO’S CUTTING THE FUCKING ONIONS?!?! the way she so effortlessly has Raihn on his knees !! emotionally and physically!! she could slit my throat and i’d say thank you. she’s my favorite character in this whole universe. because GREEN EGGS AND DAMN!!🤭

“I wanted to capture him like rainwater. I wanted to savor him like blood. I wanted him to open me and touch everything within me that I had hidden away from the world.” Oraya the things I would do for you…🧚‍♀️

Raihn! goddamn the turnaround this man made on me!! i love that he was a full fledged character that had a personality outside of being obsessed with Oraya. this man had me in a headlock. we get more of his past in this book and character development/growth. the way he literally BEGS Oraya. it’s like nothing i’ve read before. he’s so submissive and breedable. all around the babiest babygirl of all time. the way he’s idealistic, compassionate, charming, respects boundaries and supports his powerful girlfriend!!! had me giddy and kicking my feet!! i want him till my kidneys stop filtering…🫣

“i’d spend a lifetime at the tip of your blade, and it would have been worth it.” when the enemies to lovers are still enemies to lovering>>>🫶🏽

“Let me make you the Queen that you are. Let me guard your body, your soul, your heart. Let me spend the rest of my fucking pathetic life at your mercy. If I need to die, then let me do it by your hand. Please.” tell me why i folded like a chair?!?

their dynamic is so powerful. the “there she is” to the “you’re safe” man why was i tearing up 🥲 the writing in this book is like no other. I’ll be reading this author’s entire backlist before I die.

this book was pure cunt! the passion!! the electricity!! i love this series to the depths of my soul. i was a completely different bitch prior to reading this series. i can’t comprehend that none of it was real and that i’m simply expected to move on with my life 😖💔

in conclusion, they survived the great war…
Profile Image for jessica.
2,591 reviews45k followers
November 18, 2023
hmm. i feel like im missing something because everyone is waxing poetic over this sequel, but i personally dont think its as good as the first book.

does this tick a lot of boxes? yeah, it does. theres decent world-building, reliable fantasy elements, a plot that makes sense, and a romance the reader can root for. but boy, oh boy, is this lacking in a lot of other areas.

the main characters feels so bland compared to what they were in the first book. and the villains are too one-dimensional, leaving me wanting more from them. the writing is also very repetitive and could have used to some editing, because the slow pacing and long length just isnt a winning combination for me.

and while the first book wasnt perfect either, i did find it highly entertaining. and this one just doesnt have that same kind of spark, unfortunately. so not sure if im willing to give the series another try when the next book comes out or not. i guess we will see.

3 stars
Profile Image for Jordan Fisher.
5 reviews22.7k followers
September 3, 2024
enjoyed it! nice to have some questions answered that i was left with post book 1

will definitely finish the series - super fun to be back in the vampire bag of olde
Profile Image for SK.
486 reviews7,844 followers
April 18, 2023
"Maybe the king always knew his greatest love would be his ruination. Maybe he knew it the moment he met her."

That was an absolute treat. This series is my new obsession and definitely one of the best new releases of the year. I went in with unrealistically HIGH expectations and man, Carissa Broadbent absolutely delivered.

✔️ Read if you like ACOTAR
✔️ Dual POV
✔️ Angst
✔️ Groveling
✔️ Juicy begging
✔️ Spicyyy (3/5🌶️)
✔️ Action packed
✔️ Powerful flashbacks

After the events of The Serpent and the Wings of Night we find Oraya and Raihn in a complicated situation and that's putting it mildly. Oraya is grieving, in pain, betrayed by both her lover and father and finds herself to be in a hostage situation. And she's not one to sit back quietly. Raihn has a kingdom to rule, but will the people accept him? He is putting on two different personas in front of his subjects and Oraya. Will these two be able to find neutral ground to work together or tear each other apart along with the House of Night?

"I was everything I was meant to be.
My father's daughter. Victim and protegee. Greatest love and ruination."

The plot is so so good 🤌 I was completely immersed and mesmerized by the world building and how it all unfolds. The writing is absolutely beautiful, kudos to the author. I did find the first half to be a tad slower than the first book but it picked up very easily. I struggled to put the book down in the second half.

"You have nothing but me. And you'll let me go?"
"I have nothing but you, so I am letting you go."

There is so much character development in this one.

Oraya- I love the fighter in her. She doesn't give up and is truly a queen. We see her grapple with so many emotions and the way she grows as a person is worth sticking around. The raw emotion her character presented was so fine.

Raihn- One fit to be called king. He has two different roles- to be a leader to his subjects which requires him to make tough decisions and present an equally tough exterior; also to be a husband to not only a queen but his lover while desperately trying to make things up with her. I really liked how balanced his two sides were. He was so smitten by Oraya, and he actually shows that in his actions.

Vincent- Easily the most complex character in the story. He's left things in such a mess, especially for Oraya. Being a brute to his kingdom, always having a tender spot for Oraya. The things that were revealed in this book through him, and his backstory was so intense. He's definitely a morally grey character for me, cause not everything he did was good but he tried to make it up with his daughter.

Characters like Vale, Mische, and Lilith kind of took a back seat. I would've loved to see more of them. Vale was such a strong presence for me throughout the book. Did I tell you all how much I love this man? Cause don't know about y'all but I'm in love with him 👀 Septimus didn't impress me that much in this one, sure he had the charm but he was okay-ish at the end of the day. The other supporting characters contributed quite well to the story, without overpowering anyone's presence.

The romance was angstyyyy, slow burn-yyy and one that swept me off my feet. Raihn and Oraya are so so good together. The chemistry is off the charts. Like I was giggling, blushing, screaming and all that. The spice was HOT 🥵

The action sequences were breathtaking. I was in complete awe with the way it was written and they were such powerful scenes. I could not put the book down towards the end. It was so intense, I got goosebumps.

The ending was satisfying. Am excited to read Mische's journey whenever it comes out in 2024. It's a long wait but I am glad the next installment in the series releases in a few days.

Guys why don't you give this series a chance already? It's got everything a fantasy romance lover would enjoy 😉


So excited to read this one! My expectations are so high and everyone's updates are hyping me up
May 16, 2023
We had a few precious hours until everything changed, for good or for bad.
I wouldn't waste a single one of them on sleep. I spent them counting the freckles on her cheeks, memorizing the pattern of her breaths, watching the flutter of her eyelashes. And when the sun went down, and Oraya stirred and blinked blearily at me with those moon-bright eyes and asked, "Sleep well?" I just kissed her forehead and said, "Perfect."
And I didn't have a single regret.


Ix's tits, this was 100% worth the wait.


In case you still need to read this:

In case you've read it already, don't care about spoilers and/or about the book in general, welcome to my review.

★𝗪𝗥𝗜𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗚: ✍🏼✍🏼✍🏼✍🏼✍🏼/𝟱
★𝗣𝗟𝗢𝗧: 📜📜📜📜/𝟱

To say I loved this book would be minimizing.
TAatSCK is not just the perfect sequel of a book I consider nearly impeccable, but it's also one of those novels that confirm their author is a talented human who should write everything and share it with the world.
I went into this expecting a lot of things, and I was indulged in every possible way.

With no trials to go through, the plot focuses a lot on the action and political side of the story, but it also gives us Oraya and Riahn's fans the thing we were left craving since the infamous end of The Serpent and the Wings of Night, which is, well...more Oraya and Riahn.
I adored watching them finally put their cards on the table and face each other for real, without masks or secret agendas, and go from enemies to allies to more, again.
I appreciate the fact that they spend a lot of time together, plotting, arguing and getting to know each other for real, flaws and all, this time. If there's something that drives me asbolutely mad, is when the main pairing is separated for an entire book. Fuck you, New Moon.

"“You don’t have more important things to do than play nursemaid?”
“As always, you have such a strange way of saying ‘Thank you.’”
“I’m just…”
He raised an eyebrow. “What if I told you all the nurses are afraid of you? The Nightfire queen who just tried to take down the Rishan army.”
“I’d say that’s smart of them.”

Riahn is absurdly good in this one. Honestly, I expected him to be a little more of an asshole, at first, and I was a teeny tiny bit disappointed to see him showing remorse right from the start. Mind it, my disappointment lasted two seconds total; the moment his POV picked up and we saw what was going on in his head, I was gone, on the floor, drooling like a teething baby.
Book boyfriend husband material: achieved.

Oraya is a queen. Literally.
I think I'd fight Riahn for her if he wasn't fictional and if I wasn't sure she'd kicked my ass herself for fighting the love of her life - which reminds me, I'm so glad she didn't fall for his charms immediately and actually made him grovel before she decided to trust him again.
Her connection with Vincent was simply emotional and heartbreaking, and aside from the romance, I think it was the thing I loved the most about this book.
Speaking of Vincent. Those interludes and flashbacks were the addition I didn't know I needed but definitely appreciated. I LOVED knowing about his past and his motivation and, even if I don't condone some of his actions, I definitely coulnd't help moving him back into the grayer zone in my scale.
It was also lovely to see Mische again, and to get to know more about Vale and Lilith.

“I know you, Oraya. Don’t tell me you aren’t curious.”
I peered over his shoulder, out the open window to the eerie, desolate skyline beyond.
He smiled. “I thought so. Come on. Let’s go.”
This was a stupid idea.
I took his hand anyway.

Broadbent's writing is on another level.
I'd die to know her personally and have her write little daily snippets just for me, because she's just that good. I have the softest spot for quotable authors, and she's a total champ in this department.
The plot was well balanced, with the right amount of action and all the missing lore we didn't get in book one. The twists were a little predictable (the wing thing was so cool, though), but I enjoyed myself nonetheless.

"You have nothing but me," I said. "And yet, you'd let me go?"
"I have nothing but you," he murmured. "So I am letting you go."

If I had to actually point out the main complain I have with this - which is also the reason why I ended up giving this 4 and a half start (albeit rounded up to five), I'd go with the truth and tell you that I found the last conflict a little too rushed, which ended up feeling anticlimatic.
If I had to be completely honest, the villain, too, fell a little flat, in the end.

Technicalities, really. Overall, I was very satisfied with all of this, and I'd read it again if I wasn't so afraid of my TBR murdering me in my sleep.

"I'd spend a lifetime at the tip of your bladem and it would have been worth it."
Profile Image for lila ⋆.
150 reviews2,448 followers
December 30, 2023
the way this book has a clutch on my heart it’s not even funny 😭 devastated. carissa broadbent never lets me down i love her.

i cannot describe the depth of that emotion, nor the intensity of the terror that comes with it, bound together so inextricably. i came here to excise my greatest weaknesses, and instead, i now offer my heart to it.

if the 379614 highlights on my kindle say anything, it’s that i loved this so much. all the characters were so beautifully fleshed out, and i daresay i loved this even more than book one. the way all the plot lines came together? wonderful. and my fav part of this ⸺ the love of my life, vincent’s story. it broke my heart and healed me in ways i cannot explain with words but i just need his story asap idc. 😭

honestly it took me a moment to remember all the places and where exactly we were, because i didn’t reread the first book before getting into this lmao. but as soon as i got to certain points, i immediately picked it up. another thing i really appreciated about this was the slower pacing, especially in the beginning. in book one, we were thrown straight into the thick of things and that took a lot more time so as to digest, to truly take in. while in this? the characters were focused on quite a lot more, their pasts, how their present & future was going to converge. and i loved that.

the writing. no fucking complaints. i love carissa’s writing so much because of the easy, beautiful way it flows and it definitely didn’t disappoint in this, especially with the way the flashbacks were written. usually, i have a huge love/hate relationship with flashbacks because more than half the time, i don’t mesh with them. but in this? the way in the interludes, stories were being written and told? absolutely stunning.

“yours,” i ground out. “it’s yours.”
my blood. my body. my soul.
i had given her all of that a long time ago. i even had given her my life.
and i’d do it all again.

now we get into the thick of things. raihn and oraya my beloveds. the way oraya was shook after all the events that took place near the end of the previous book. she just broke after all that. but then, she rose from the ashes and then slowly claimed herself, and everything that was meant to be hers. i loved her so much.

raihn. i loved seeing his growth, his vulnerability, his past, his side of the story so much.
the touch her and you die vibes?
the groveling?
the “you’ve ruined me”? 😭
the “i thought i lost you” scene? 😩
the wingplay?
the uncountable knife to the throat scenes that i ✨lived✨ for, because they were so good?
everything was just chef’s kiss.

your soul is my soul. your blood is my blood. your heart is my heart.

it was beautiful, seeing him opening up to oraya. about his motivations, his loneliness, the way he’d do anything for her to just be alright again.

“let me make you the queen that you are. let me guard your body, your soul, your heart. let me spend the rest of my fucking pathetic life at your mercy. if i need to die, then let me do it by your hand. please.”

no one can say *that scene* was anything other than superior. 😌 i love them, your honor. love how they always have each other’s backs on everything. the way they’d save each other over everything and everyone else. how oraya sacrificed everything for him in the end of this, while raihn would already give up everything for her. they were just parallels. 🥺 plus, raihn spewing sappy bullshit while oraya became all snappish but melted for him? their sappy shit is so pretty. 😭🥰

i will not lie to you, little serpent.
i was expecting to kill you that night.
but what i was not expecting was to love you so devastatingly much.

putting this out there - i didn’t love this book until vincent’s part came along. the only part that made me shudder and cry and feel so much was vincent’s memories. his story just touched me the most and was gut-wrenching to me. troubled family relationships always get me and this one is no different. 😭 the only travesty is that we didn’t get more of this because forget raihn’s grovelling, forget oraya’s badassness. i loved that, but this. this is what made the book for me. it was the part that made me sob uncontrollably.

his character, i feel, is the most complex i’ve seen in so long. the cold lonely king, afraid to open himself up to love because he knew it was the only weakness he had. but he just couldn’t help loving his wife, his daughter to pieces. and it destroyed him.

some would call what he did brainwashing (me? never 🤭). and the best part of this book, unquestionably, undoubtably vincent and how his complex bond with oraya was explored. how his past was explored. i loved his influence on her so much. 💘

so many regrets in the end. never you.

still crying 😭

i pick you up. you’re so tiny and fragile in my arms. even though you’re terrified of me, you cling to my neck, like some part of you knows exactly who i am.
i’m already more afraid than i ever have been.
afraid of you and what you could do to me. afraid of the world that could kill you so easily. afraid of myself, gifted with another fragile heart that i know i cannot keep.
but, my little serpent, it is the most wonderful fear.
every minute with you is, even if i already regret all the mistakes i know i will make.

screaming crying shaking throwing up

plot-wise, this was left a lil open-ended in many areas so i’m wondering how everything is going to tie together now. and the ending gave me shivers. i’m super excited to know so many things now!!

the nightborn duet

#1 - The Serpent and the Wings of Night - 4.25 stars
#2 - The Ashes and the Star-Cursed King - 4.5 stars
Profile Image for Maeghan &#x1f98b; HIATUS on & off.
299 reviews235 followers
February 12, 2024
I badly wanted to love this as book 1 was a 5⭐️ read for me but… this was so boring. This book would’ve benefited being 400 pages long instead of 600.

The things I liked ;
🔸 I was happy to feel how conflicted Oraya was with her feelings. She was mad, sad, grieving, lost, etc. « I liked anger. It was tangible, and strong, and it made me feel powerful »
🔸The incredible side characters. Lilith/Vale & Mische & Jesmine 🥹 « Maybe they don’t show you the things they mourn. Doesn’t mean it’s not there. Doesn’t mean they don’t feel it »

« You called
- You answered »

The things that bugged me (other than the pacing and the fact that I was bored) ;
🔹 Some things felt so convenient 😑 I can’t say more without spoiling but my face mimicked this emoji 😑 while reading some parts.
🔹 I love politics when I expect it. But this was so far from being like book 1 that I never could’ve prepared myself enough. And it was very full of politics
🔹 Please don’t come at me but Raihn bugged me in this one 🫥

Overall, I would say that I was disappointed by this read. But I’m a big mood reader - so maybe that’s on me? I still would recommend this series as book 1 was a big hit for me and the novella was super cute too

Pre read ; The first one was a 5⭐️ for me so I’m hoping this delivers 🥹 || It sadly did not
Profile Image for Ceceliaₓₒₓₒ | hotforbooks.
137 reviews480 followers
May 24, 2023
UPDATE: The audiobook narrated by Amanda Leigh Cobb and Aiden Snow will be available just in time for spooky season!

🗓️ 𝓞𝓬𝓽𝓸𝓫𝓮𝓻 ❷❹

⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆

《 4.5 ✰ 》

Hello? What day is it? What year is it? Where am I? I feel like I just emerged from a Nyaxia cave and need to be reintegrated into society. Read this nonstop.

That was beautiful and painful. I can feel the love Carissa poured into this. I need to process and recover.


⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆

It’s here!!! What is sleep?!
🅐🅟🅡🅘🅛 ⓮!!!!!!! Calendar is circled with a BIG heart! 😍
Profile Image for Phuong ✯.
672 reviews8,100 followers
April 27, 2023
there are approximately 1.010.300 words in the English Language, but I could never string enough words together to properly express how much I love Vincent the King of the Nightborn. 😭🙏
I will not lie to you, little serpent.
I was expecting to kill you that night.
But what I was not expecting was to love you so devastatingly much.

Profile Image for Warda.
1,263 reviews22.1k followers
April 29, 2023
Plot twist: I was not expecting for this to become a new obsession. (See attached kindle highlights. Yeah, I know the number is outrageous!) Especially since the first book didn’t work for me as well as I would’ve liked. This book though? Fuckin’ worked! 🤩

This book was a journey! Every part of me was invested! And now I’m tired.

Everything that I needed from Book One, I got in this instalment. I almost don’t mind that the author took a plot-driven route with the first book, even though I still feel like the balance between plot and the characters could’ve been better handled.
However, this book elevated it to new and better heights and Carissa Broadbent built upon the foundation of the first book so beautifully! I can’t fault it.

It slowed down a lot more, which I loved and didn’t mind in the least. It allowed for the plot to just breathe, for the world to be build even further with talks of vampiric politics and war strategies. For themes to be unraveled through magic and gods and fantasy.
It gave room for the characters to grow and for us to really understand their inner workings.

I mean, I have to talk about Raihn and Oraya. Have to. 🥹 Favourite new characters, without a doubt.
When they say there’s a fine line between love and hate, these two encompassed that. The slow-burn romance between them was the sweetest kind of torture. Every interaction between them had me on the edge of my bed. I was tense. I was pining for them! I could not get enough of them.

If I’m being honest, the betrayal never felt like a true betrayal. I think it just allowed for a certain character to ignore where the true betrayal actually came from and the way Carissa Broadbent dissected that? Top tier.

Oraya was a force. Her journey throughout this story was necessary, needed and healing.
Raihn? What can I say about him?! This sweetheart of a vampire was all about Oraya. 😭 Seeing him walk his own path after his struggle of being a Turned slave was a delight. He deserved a kingdom to rule.

The complex relationship between Oraya and Vincent was a running theme throughout both books and it was a highlight. It was something that Oraya’s journey hinged upon. That dichotomy of him being a useless father to one that absolutely adored her in his own way was mentally exhausting to read about, simply because Oraya was in such pain. Hurt people hurt people was true when it came to Vincent.
When certain aspects of his past came to light, my heart couldn’t help but bleed for him. But you hate him for what he did to Oraya, because of the hold he had on her soul for so long. But the understanding that washes over you because of what he went through is what you call character development.

I think this is what I loved most about this story, how the author was able to explore complicated human emotions and relationships, and its costs.

The ending was fitting. It came round full circle in a way that had me squealing. And it has made me extremely excited to see where the author will take this world next. We know whose story is coming next thanks to the Author’s Note.

I cannot wait! This is a new favourite fantasy series. 😍
Profile Image for Ri ♡ .
412 reviews1,362 followers
May 7, 2023
“I am queen just as much as he is king. When we’ve reclaimed our kingdom, I intend to rule beside him as such.”

Just when I thought I couldn’t love this series and these characters more. Carissa proved me wrong again with her amazing story telling. I'm so obsessed and in love with with these characters and this series.

This book is perfect and a masterpiece and I can't thank Carissa enough for it. I can't even describe in words how much I loved it. This has become one of my forever favourite fantasy books.

I was so immersed with the plot and even though it was long and very detailed but it didn't made me feel impatient because I enjoyed every part of this book from the start till the end.

It was heartwarming to read it as it was focused more on the characters growth and relationship developments. It was slow and steady which just made this book even more perfect and exquisite. I loved how the plot came together all in the end (but there are still some loose ends in the ending and I think they are for the plot for the upcoming storyline) and how some characters got their closures with their past.

This one also was action packed and they were thrilling and heart pounding and were written perfectly. The last chapters were hard to read since everything was crumbling down and breaking apart.

Besides the thrilling plot, mesmerising and seductive romance I was just so fascinated by their world and how dangerously beautiful it is. I don't think I can ever get enough of them and their world.

I'm in love with Carissa's writing and it's beautiful, mesmerising and magnificent and everything just flows so perfectly. One of the most exquisite part of her books is the poignant Interludes. They just kept me intrigued and helped me see characters differently. I loved the world building in this so much as we get to see more of Obitraes and the other part of their world which was truly beautiful to read. The pacing was slow as compared to last book but it just made me savoured this book more.


☪ Raihn and Oraya

I love them so much. They both went from enemies to allies to lovers again. They were broken by something or someone from their past but they never left each other's side even if Oraya hated Raihn for what he did to her during Kejari trial.

They argued and bantered like they did in the last book and their romance was angsty and emotional but they also fought side by side against the bloodborns.

Raihn saw the potential in Oraya and not just a broken half human and helped her to seize her power. Oraya saw his loneliness and how he fought each day of his life and how he is the most thoughtful and loving person.

So I choked out, “Raihn,” against his lips, a question, an answer, a plea. Because that name was all those things, wasn’t it? Raihn. My downfall and my most valuable supporter. My weakness and my strength. My worst enemy and the greatest love I had ever known.
All of that in one name. One person. One soul I knew as well as my own, just as confusing, just as flawed.

It was beautiful seeing them falling in love even after all the betrayals and heartbreaks they endured and the way they fit so well together in each other's life and how they both understand each other's flaws and imperfections and yet loved each other fiercely and all consuming.

Maybe it was because I was doing the same. Committing him to memory.
Making sure that every movement, every breath, every sound he made was marked onto my soul.
I wanted to capture him like rainwater. I wanted to savor him like blood. I wanted him to open me and touch everything within me that I’d hidden away from the world.
How could there be so much pleasure in vulnerability? How could there be so much pleasure in fear?

I loved how Raihn comforted her with his small gestures and saying that "You're safe, Oraya." and how Oraya bring him back to life.

He murmured against my hair, “So you missed me.”
Arrogant prick, I thought. But aloud I said, “I love you."
His arms tightened. “Good. Because now you’re really stuck with me.”
His lips pressed to the top of my head.
And he whispered, “I love you too, Oraya. Goddess fucking help me, I do."

Now let's talk about THE WING PLAY. It was enticing and alluring and Carissa wrote it in such a seductive tone. All I can say that it was just so titillating and sensual.

And the grovelling and begging by Raihn was just everything! He just ruined me because the way he begged Oraya just so he could worship her as a goddess as a queen was just 😭🤌

“Let me touch you,” he rasped. And Goddess, yes, he was begging, every word desperate. “Let me feel you. Even though I don’t deserve you. Please.”

"Let me make you the queen that you are. Let me guard your body, your soul, your heart. Let me spend the rest of my fucking pathetic life at yourmercy. If I need to die, then let me do it by your hand. Please."

"And for fuck’s sake, princess, I’m begging you, let me go to my knees for you."

☪ Vincent and Oraya

This tumultuous father-daughter relationship is the most complicated thing in this book and not just because of the convoluted personality of Vincent it was also because there were so many things he hid from her and how he left Oraya in the dark without any answers which made her question her own existence. He thought he wasn't capable of love because of all the cruelty he's witnessed in their world but Oraya changed that part of him the moment he saw her. He loved her fiercely and all consuming but he also manipulated her life. But that doesn't changes the fact that he tried and tried for her even though he failed because of his selfishness and fear.

The things you’ve seen here have so tainted your image of me? I meant to give this place all my greatest achievements, my greatest ambitions. Instead, it became a monument to all my greatest mistakes.”
So many mistakes in the end. Never you.

I'm glad they both finally cleared all their misunderstandings and got their closure and Oraya finally knows that her father had loved her. That scene just broke my heart in million pieces and made me sob for hours because it was heartbreakingly beautiful.

I’m already more afraid than I ever have been.
Afraid of you and what you could do to me. Afraid of the world that could kill you so easily. Afraid of myself, gifted with another fragile heart that I know I cannot keep.
But, my little serpent, it is the most wonderful fear.
Every minute with you is, even if I already regret all the mistakes I know I will make.

☪ Vale and Lilith

An honourable mention for these two here because I freaking loved and adored them so much in this book. I ate up all the Valelilith crumbs in this one and the way Vale is so protective of her and how they smiled and talked to each other with hearts in their eyes 🥹🫶 It was just so cute and beautiful.

Vale and Lilith, now whispering and chuckling to each other like they were the only ones in this ballroom.
A soft smile spread over Mische’s lips. “They’re cute,” she said.

Powerful, brilliant and deadly. She is a queen and I love this badass queen so much and how she never back down from anything even if the many people left her broken-hearted and how she is strong enough to save herself. She is the most powerful character in this book. She didn't need to be saved she just needed someone beside her who believed in her potential her strength and that someone was Raihn for her. I felt everything she felt. Her grief, her anger and pain, her sadness and confusions. I'm so happy she finally got all the answers she deserved.

Raihn Ashraj
"There he is." He is perfect and I'd gladly bow for my powerful king. He is flawed and imperfect yet he tried his best for his kingdom even though they treated him as an usurper king and betrayed him. He proved all of them wrong. His growth in this book was commendable. He was so conflicted about his role as a Nightborn king and felt the burden of it because nobody was ready to accept him as a king but he appreciated his strengths and even his weakness and fought for his kingdom. And I loved how he was so patient with Oraya and made her feel safe and loved with his thoughtful and sweet gestures.

The powerful and ruthless nightborn king. The flashback scene helped me to understand his complicated and intense past. He was afraid of losing everything he had so he did everything in his power to become a brutal king. I still want to know more about him and it'll never be enough. I wish Carissa writes more about him like a prequel or something. BECAUSE WE NEED MORE OF VINCENT! THAT'S IT.

She is a literal ray of sunshine. But here we saw her sad, broken and fragile side and I was so heartbroken to know about her past. She made everyone around her feel happy but she hides her own emotions. There's so much to her story we don't know and even though I'm so excited and intrigued about her book, I'm equally scared for her. I just want her to be happy and in love.

The ending was satisfying and everything I wanted for Raihn and Oraya. It took them their blood, sweat and tears to get back their kingdom back but it was all worth it in the end. There are still some loose ends and I'm so scared excited to see Carissa is going to use them in the coming storyline.
There's still so much left to Raihn and Oraya's story and I can't wait to see more of them as the king and queen of the Nightborn Kingdom.

—More beautiful quotes—

➸ "Power is a bloody, bloody business."

➸ "You and I are the same. There is no one I would rather have ruling this kingdom beside me than you."

➸ "I’d spend a lifetime at the tip of your blade, and it would have been worth it.”

➸ "Power hurts. It requires sacrifice. Do you want to change this world, little serpent? Climb the bars until you’re so high no one can catch you."

➸ "I wanted to drown myself in her. Drown myself in her sounds, her breath, her body— her blood."

➸ "Of course it was love. What else could it be, for someone to see that much of you? To see so much beauty in the parts of someone that they hate in themselves?"

➸ "Yours,” I ground out. “It’s yours.”
My blood. My body. My soul.
I had given her all of that a long time ago. I even had given her my life.
And I’d do it all again.

➸ "There was such safety in that vulnerability, too. The ultimate paradox.
But that made sense for us, didn’t it? Raihn and I were paradoxes.
Human and Rishan and Hiaj. Slaves and royalty."

🌑 🌙 🌓 🌔 🌕

To my gorgeous and lovely friends Lyra and Vio. I had so much fun reading this book with you 💗 we were crying, screaming and fang-girling in our group and It was chaotic but I enjoyed every minute of reading this book with you. Can't wait to do more BRs with you and I love both of you so much 🫶

I highly recommend this series to everyone who love their fanstasy books packed with action, angsty and mesmerising romance and intense plot.
September 2, 2024
⤷This literally changed my life :') Carissa got me feeling all the feels, there were so many beautiful quotes!! This was definitely more character-driven, but getting Raihn's pov (and his story/connection to humanity) was so worth it - and the way his relationship with Oraya was repaired is absolutely amazing. The angst, tension, and longing omg 😭 Both of their back stories got me crying, so emotional!! I love how all the side characters gave the story so much more depth, Vale and Lillith's story from Six Scorched Roses didn't go to waste!!

[Arrogant prick, I thought.
But aloud I said, "I love you."
His arms tightened. "Good. Because you're really stuck with me."
His lips pressed to the top of my head.
And he whispered, "I love you too, Oraya. Goddess fucking help me, I do."]
Profile Image for Laurens.Little.Library.
466 reviews3,732 followers
May 25, 2023

How the hell could I have rated book one 5⭐️ and book two 1⭐️? Stay tuned for an exceptionally detailed video review

(I’ll update on here too once I pull my thoughts together but ngl don’t hold your breath. I need to step away and not think about this damn book that’s been haunting me for close to two months)
August 4, 2023
4.5 ⭐️!

THAT WAS SOO GOOD 🤩🤩 I was super excited for this after LOVING the first book- and when I tell you Carissa Broadbent DELIVERED- She may be becoming a favourite author bc I freaking ATE this book up 😩😩🤌🤌

“I’d spend a lifetime at the tip of your blade, and it would have been worth it.”

The Ashes and the Star-Cursed King is the sequel to the Serpent and the Wings of Night and the last born in the Nightborn Duet, although it is part of a larger series (the Crowns of Nyaxia). Without any spoilers, this book follows Oraya and Raihn as they battle the enemies surrounding them on all sides, face traitors and deadly plots to overthrow the throne- and must figure out their complicated feelings for each other....

“There she is” ~ GETS ME EVERY TIME 🤭🦋

I read the Serpent and the Wings of Night earlier this year and absolutely loved it and had really high hopes for this one- and it DEFINITELY lived up to them bc I freaking devoured this book 😩😩 It's not QUITE as good as the first one but it was still SUCH a good sequel 🤭🤭❤️❤️

Starting with the characters- I LOVE THEM ❤️❤️ I feel like we've gone on such a journey with them even in only 2 books and I've grown to love them smm 😩 I really enjoyed seeing more of them and especially seeing their character development after what happened at the end of TSTWON.

➡️ Oraya:

My stabby queen 👑👑 Literally love her 😩 Looking for a super fierce female mc who doesn't take crap from anyone? Oraya is your girl 🫶 I loved seeing her struggles relating to #1's ending- the grief rep felt so real and also her doubts about her abilities. She went THROUGH it in this series- but she managed to keep going and i felt so proud of her. SLAY QUEEN 👑👑🫶🫶

➡️ Raihn:

Okay i kinda... love him?! RAIHN APOLOGIST OKAY ✋️ He is SUCH a good book bf- so obsessed with her? ✅️ Will burn the world down for her? ✅️ HOT? ✅️✅️ I also love how he's a brutal vampire and will kill for her, but then can also be so unexpectedly sweet 🤭🤭 And literally everytime he said "There she is" he had me SWOONINGGG 😩🤭🤌🦋

Also, the fact that this was dual pov?! OMGGG 🤭🤭🤭 Seeing his obsession with Oraya through his thoughts was just TOO GOOD 😩🤌

“Maybe the king always knew that his greatest love would be his ruination. Maybe he knew it the moment he met her. He’d know it the second time he died, too.”

I also really really enjoyed the plot and writing in this book!! 🫶✨️ Carissa Broadbent's writing is my new favourite thing- her books are literally the perfect fantasy romances. LITERALLY HOW WAS THIS SO ADDICTIVE?! 🤭😩 I freaking DEVOURED this book i could not put it down. I swear she put something in this book bc i was addicted ✋️The plot was literally so interested- I loved all the action and the politics aspect was done really well. It made the world feel so well-developed while not being confusing.

Also, the last part of the book had me S T R E S S E D 🫣🫣 I swear I was having a full on panic attack with everything that was going on- IT WAS SO INTENSE 😨😨 But I LOVED the ending- it wrapped up the series so well imo ❤️❤️

“Your soul is my soul. Your blood is my blood. Your heart is my heart.”

Lastly, the romance- O B S E S S E D 🤭😩🤌🦋🔥 Raihn and Oraya's chemistry was literally OFF THE CHARTS- they had me SCREAMINGGG 😩😩🔥🔥 They had such an interesting dynamic going into this book and the tension was just IMMACULATE 🤌🤌 I LOVED all their scenes and seeing their relationship develop had me giggling and kicking my feet. They were both so so obsessed with each other and it was stunning honestly 😌😌❤️❤️ As much as I enjoyed the romance in #1, I think I loved it even more in here!! 🫶🫶 + the dual pov- abfxbjbugje. It made it smm better!! ✨️

“I hate you because I don’t.”

Overall, obsessed with this series!! 😩🤭🤌🦋 Would HIGHLY recommend if you're looking for:

✔️ Dual POV!!
✔️ So action-packed
✔️ Addictive writing
✔️ Fierce female mc
✔️ Must read fantasy romance

All Carissa Broadbent's books are just so stunning and if you haven't tried them yet, what are you waiting for?! 🫶🫶❤️❤️

《 2023 Challenge: Book 96 of 110 》


OKAY THAT WAS SO GOOD 😭😭❤️❤️ Not quite as amazing as the first book imo, but still SUCH a good sequel- the action, the writing, the romance was all *chefs kiss* 😩🤌

Profile Image for emara.
196 reviews564 followers
September 28, 2023
“let me make you the queen that you are. let me guard your body, your soul, your heart. let me spend the rest of my fucking pathetic life at your mercy. if i need to die, then let me do it by your hand. please.”

unfortunately, this one was not better than the first. it did pick up at 40%, thank god. but sometimes, i felt like i was forcing myself to power through this because i wanted to get it over with. i will say that i did immensely enjoy the action and romance aspect of this. that being said, i wish the entire book was focused on the action/romance of it instead of the prolonged ass world building that should have been in the first book instead.

i wanted it to be enjoyable but i dreaded reading up to 40% of this and this book is LONG. very, unnecessarily long. i love carissa's writing sm but i feel like she did way too much with this book and an editor was desperately needed.


my forever favorite badass fmc. she so delivered in this book i was so happy she didn't forgive him right away even though i love him but what he did was unforgivable. the way she became the most powerful while dealing with grieve and betrayal.

'i was the heir of the house of night, and i was the daughter of vincent the nightborn king, and i was every bit as powerful as both those things suggested.'

in the last book, raihn kept saving her at the last minute and it grated my nerves bc this girl was the only human among so many vampires and she fought them all by herself, but then we met raihn and he kept saving her when it was def not needed😒 but in this book, she was doing all the saving and killing, as she should 👸🏻


his backstory was so sad :(

'i was desperate to have something to love. something to care about when i didn’t give a damn about myself.'

the way he knew what he did was unforgivable so he was willing to let oraya go because he thought she deserved better 🥲

“you have nothing but me,” i said. “and yet, you’d let me go?”
“i have nothing but you,” he murmured. “so i am letting you go.”

vincent & oraya,

vincent was so misunderstood, my poor baby :( the fact that violence and death was all he knew, yet he loved oraya like no other. yes, it was unfair of him to keep her locked up and in the unknown. but at the same time, i understand his reasons.

'i was expecting to kill you that night.
but what i was not expecting was to love you so devastatingly much.'

his backstory was so sad, i cannot believe his story ended the way it did smh, he definitely deserved better. also, his whispers gradually coming to an end :(

maybe the king always knew that his greatest love would be his ruination. maybe he knew it the moment he met her.

i was everything i was meant to be. my father’s daughter. victim and protégée. greatest love and ruination.


➻ 'I craved honesty the way a flower craved sunlight. I even craved the pain of it, driven deep into my heart.'

➻ 'Raihn. My downfall and my most valuable supporter. My weakness and my strength. My worst enemy and the greatest love I had ever known.'

➻ “I’d spend a lifetime at the tip of your blade, and it would have been worth it.”

➻“You have destroyed me,” he murmured. “And I have hated every moment of it, too.”
Profile Image for Gillian.
211 reviews308 followers
June 26, 2023
“Yours,” I ground out. “It’s yours.” My blood. My body. My soul. I had given her all of that a long time ago. I had even given her my life. And I’d do it all again.

I loved this book so much! This was an excellent and action-packed romantic fantasy about grief, love, betrayal, family and power. The Ashes and the Star-Cursed King follows Oraya as she faces new challenges and grieves from the events of the first book. Oraya and Raihn must make an alliance in order to save her kingdom and her people.

"Raihn. My downfall and my most valuable supporter. My weakness and my strength. My worst enemy and the greatest love I had ever known."

I was completed transported into this brilliant world that the author created from the very first page. The plot was very interesting and I was engaged in the story the whole time. The pacing was perfect, although it is a bit slower than the first book, but I loved that the author focused more on character development in this book. The world building was excellent and I loved learning about the world of vampires, gods, goddesses, magic and humans. This book had so many great tropes including enemies-to-lovers, slow-burn and one-bed.

I love Oraya, she is strong, brave, fierce, sassy, tenacious, stubborn and will do anything to protect Raihn and the people she cares about. Oraya's character development was excellent, she grew so much and learned more about herself and her powers. I'm so proud of Oraya, she went through a great deal of hardship and grief in this book, but she came out the other side stronger.
I'm in love with Raihn, he is charming, very handsome, protective, stubborn, sweet, and will do whatever it takes to protect Oraya. I loved that even though Raihn acted tough around other people, he was always so sweet and protective of Oraya. Raihn's character development was great, I enjoyed learning about his past through his perspective and watching him as he faced new challenges.
Vincent is such a complex character. He was ruthless, strong, stubborn, and made many mistakes, but at the same time he loved Oraya. He taught her to fight and protect herself, but he also kept her locked up.

I loved the side characters, especially Mische, Vale and Lilith. Mische is sweet, bubbly, strong, loyal, and outgoing. I wished we saw more of Lilith and Vale, they are so cute together and I love them so much!

I loved the romance between Oraya and Raihn, they fought for each other and understood each other. The chemistry and sexual tension was amazing! The slow burn was so good and I loved their banter. There were so many steamy scenes that had me blushing and smiling!

The writing and storytelling was great, I felt like I was experiencing every event and emotion that the character felt. The writing was descriptive and easy to follow. The ending was so good! I'm glad that Oraya and Raihn got the ending that they deserved. I can't wait to read the next book!

I recommend this book to anyone who loves fantasy, romance, enemies-to-lovers romance, great characters, slow-burn and awesome world building.
Profile Image for Han.
327 reviews472 followers
April 10, 2024
3.5 “you were the best part of it. The best part of all of it.” Stars
Also known as 3.5 'Ix’s tits' Stars



Power is a bloody, bloody business.

I am writing this review a day after finishing it, and I don’t know if I am prepared to still close our chapter of Oraya’s and Raihn’s story. However, I am pleased to say that this story ended in a way that doesn’t leave me disappointed with their outcome, but only more eager for the world of Nyaxia’s Crown and what else is in store.

Book two picks up immediately where we left off. Oraya and Raihn are married. They are running a kingdom… well Oraya is more locked in her room with a king on the other side of her wall watching and listening for her every move. A war is still going on and progressing with enemies left and right. No one can be trusted. Oh and let’s not forget that Oraya hates him for betraying her and killing her father! Our two main characters are in for a world of trouble between everyone surrounding them no matter what side they are on and especially between each other.

Let me just get down to it.

What I loved / What we were blessed by the goddess to get:
-The angst and then the tension and the BANTER
-The whole gang getting together for wicked battle scenes
-The I-hate-you-because-I-really-love-you trope
-Scenes with the deities>>>
-Soft and tender moments whether between lovers or friends
-THE DANCE SCENE (who doesn’t love a ball/celebration moment?)
-The cliche but always good ~ character looking at scenery and complimenting it while the other character agrees and is looking at them instead
-Vamps with wings>>> (a little wing play doesn’t hurt either…)
-The role / scene reversals opposite to book one
-The they-save-other moments

What I didn’t love as much:
-The repetition (especially with the fade to black scenes because it seemed for a moment there that someone was passing out every few chapters)
-The underdevelopment of the villains. We all clearly hate the villains, but I wanted to loathe them. I think there was one too many, and I wanted to get to know them a little deeper as well.
-Plot twists not twisting enough for me. It was very easily predictable personally.
-The pacing because of the chapter drags from time to time. I truthfully fell more in love with the second half of this one.

Oraya - ”Fuck him. I’m the queen.” My realistic queen! Oraya is such a baddie, but at the same time will have you cracking up because of the commentary she makes both aloud and to herself. I felt for her pain, her grief, her confusion, her anger and her doubt. However, some moments with her made me want to yell at her a little, but I love characters who make me really feel without it bordering on annoying. Do not cross my girl because she has bite (and in this one even more than the last book *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*)!

Raihn - ”There she is.” I wanted to both punch him and hug him all at once… yet again. Raihn really showed the most growth to me so far alongside Oraya as he does everything he can to keep his promises and vows while trying to win back her heart. He won my heart again in the process too! With many MANY moments of butterflies in my tummy, Raihn is definitely book boyfriend material (, but Vale is book husband!)

Mische - “I hurt her,” I choked out, “so fucking badly, Mish.” The wrinkle between Mische’s brows softened. “You did,” she said softly. “So what are you going to do about it?” We all deserve a Mische in our lives. Our sunshine character continues to shine! You can’t help, but smile every time she is in a chapter. Our beloved has more of a storyline with secrets to be discovered in this book and continuing on in this world/series as well. Mische is truly one of the best characters. In a world so dark and twisted, she continues to bring light and warmth to the group!

Septimus - ”I don’t bite, dove. I promise.” I don’t think there was one moment where this man didn’t have a cigarillo in his hands lol. I love to love him and love to hate him. That’s all I’ll say, but Carissa, if you are listening, I need more of him please and thank you!!!

Vale/Lilith - ”You have my sword, my blood, my life. I swear to you my loyalty and my service. It is my greatest honor to serve as your Head of War.” Crumbs! We truly only get the smallest bits from them, but I was hungry and in search of every scene or mention. Vale is not a man of many words, but when he speaks it means something (AND HE HAS MY FULL ATTENTION)! I craved more of them, but am grateful we got anything! They have my heart!

Vincent - ”I will not lie to you, little serpent. I was expecting to kill you that night. But what I was not expecting was to love you so devastatingly much.” Although gone, Vincent does not leave us or Oraya in book two. Personally my favorite character from book one after being the most interesting and compelling. Vincent’s story and past gets peeked into as Oraya struggles with her love and hatred for her father and his actions.

Overall, I enjoyed this book, but I wasn’t flying through the pages as much as I was in book one. The plot and world-building from book one laid the groundwork for more character development and moments this time around. Raihn and Oraya are unforgettable, but I can’t wait for more of what is to come!! Spring/Summer of 2024 cannot come soon enough!!

DEEMA, MY LOVE AND BESTIE! You made this experience truly unforgettable! I don't know what I would do without us sharing our every thought to this series. Thank you! <3

Would I recommend this and to who:
Yes - To those who love fantasy. period.
How did I discover this:
Medium (sometimes slow-ish)
Oraya & Raihn

Quotes: *SPOILERS* *SPOILERS* *SPOILERS* (I will not apologize for how many quotes I have!)
She would destroy him. And it would be worth it.

Maybe the king always knew that his greatest love would be his ruination. Maybe he knew it the moment he met her.

I would take a dagger over Raihn’s hands—would rather feel a blade than his fingertips brushing my skin, far too gently.

“I am the Nightborn King,” I said, voice low and deadly. “Do you think I’m going to beg for your respect? I don’t need your respect. Your fear will do. Bow.”

“Did you really think I wouldn’t smell you, princess?”

“I hate this place.” He exhaled the words, ragged, like he’d torn them from deep in his chest. “I hate these people. I hate this castle. I hate this fucking crown. But I don’t hate you, Oraya. Not even a little.”

“You are not broken.”

“Love is fucking terrifying,” he murmured. “I think that’s true no matter who you are.”

“You’re made for the sky, Oraya.“

The absence of fear was only stupidity.

“To die, rather than killing you?” he said quietly. “Yes. That would have been worth it. Even I had to draw a line somewhere. And you’re the line, Oraya.”

“I dream about that sound.” His mouth was so close to my throat. I could feel his voice vibrate on my flesh, right against the scar that he’d left. “Do you know that?”

“Because I’m so tired, Oraya.” His mouth brushed over the tip of my nose. Almost a kiss. Not quite. “I’m so tired of pretending. Tired of pretending I don’t think about you every night. That I’ve ever wanted anything—”

“Easy pleasure. Like there’s such a thing.” His fingers drew a little tighter—pulling my palm closer, drawing my fingers between his, the slide of his rough skin against mine sending uncomfortable shudders through other parts of my body. His eyes didn’t leave mine. “I like a little fight,” he murmured. “Besides, she’s ruined me for all others. My own fucking fault, though. I knew it from the beginning.”

“Let me make you the queen that you are. Let me guard your body, your soul, your heart. Let me spend the rest of my fucking pathetic life at your mercy. If I need to die, then let me do it by your hand. Please.”

“Your skin. Your body. Your Mark.”

Blood, Violence, Gore, Torture, Mentions of Rape, Grief, War, Classism, Death, Murder, Sexual content, Slavery, Confinement, Fire, Injury/Injury detail, etc.


Waited what felt like forever for this to come out, and now I'm reeling that it is done until Spring/Summer of 2024! 😭 Need to gather how to even make words happen after this! RTC!


The day is finally here! 🎉🎉 *sheds a few tears* *does a happy dance*

My love, Deema, LET'S DO THIS THING!!! 👯‍♀️🥰🙌🔥💚
Profile Image for Lucie V..
1,136 reviews3,079 followers
July 13, 2024
I was provided an e-copy of the book by the author in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

I scoffed. “You’re a dreamer.”
“Couldn’t have made it this far if I wasn’t.”

✅ Characters
✅ 2 POVs
✅ Sexual tension and smut
✅ Doomed romance / “I hate that I love you”
✅ Complex relationships and feelings
✅ Pace
✅ Plot and action
✅ Politics and betrayals
✅ Vampires and magic
✅ World-building
✅ Writing
✅ Dark atmosphere
❗️❗️Trigger warnings: blood, torture, death, and mentions of sexual abuse and slavery
❗️❗️Mild spoilers regarding the end of The Serpent and the Wings of Night in the review

Those seconds between sleep and waking were the best of the day.
The moment when the memory returned to me was the worst.
Still, it was worth it. I slept whenever I could, just to claw those precious seconds back. But you can’t stop time. Can’t stop death.

This book picks up a few weeks after the end of The Serpent and the Wings of Night. Oraya is struggling with her emotions. She feels betrayed by Rhain and Vincent, she is grieving the death of her father, and she is trying to find a way out of the tricky situation she found herself in. Rhain is trying to keep the façade of the ruthless king and to solidify his place as king, which is not easy either as the Bloodborns are only acting in their own interest, and the Rishan see him as an elevated slave and nothing more. Rhain and Oraya will come to realize that they are both still surrounded by enemies and the only way for them to survive and save the kingdom they both love might be to work together.

“I am the Nightborn king,” I said, voice low and deadly. “Do you think I’m going to beg for your respect? I don’t need your respect. Your fear will do. Bow.”

This book had a different vibe from the first one. It focused more on the politics between the different vampire Houses, and also on the characters’ backstories and bonds.

I was everything I was meant to be. My father’s daughter. Victim and protégée. Greatest love and ruination.

Oraya had a hard time at the beginning of this book. She is still reeling from Rhain’s lies, the death of her father, and all the changes in vampire politics. She broke down, and for a while her flame was almost snuffed out, but she then rose and became even more powerful, determined, and strong than she was before, and I think the best thing in all this was seeing Rhain help her rise and be so happy when she took back her life into her hands, even if it meant more trouble for him. He was by her side as she decided to claim back what was meant to be hers, and he was proud to see her become who she was meant to be.

His act was meticulous. He embodied the role of conqueror king just as easily as he had embodied the role of human in the pub, and the role of bloodthirsty contestant, and the role of my lover, and the role of my kidnapper.

We got a little information about Rhain’s past in the first book. Enough to know that he’d been turned by Neculai and had been a slave in his court for 70 years, but we got to see more of his time as a slave in this book, and how he manages to survive and escape it. He always had a more vulnerable side and it showed more than Oraya’s too, but in this book, we can see him open to her even more, and I absolutely adored that he was man enough to admit to his weaknesses, flaws, and to admit that he would do anything for Oraya. He kept the alpha male posturing for the political side of his life, but he didn’t hesitate to drop the masks when he was with Oraya, even when she hated him and wanted to kill him. He didn’t try to push her away and hurt her because he was hurt, and that is proof of maturity and respect for her that I cannot not fall in love with.

I liked anger. It was tangible and strong, and it made me feel powerful. But I felt anything but powerful when I was forced to recognize that Raihn— the man who had lied to me, imprisoned me, overthrown my kingdom, and murdered my father— genuinely cared for me.

Oraya has so many conflicted feelings when it comes to Rhain and Vincent, and that made her SO relatable. It’s so much more complicated than grief and hate. She hates Rhain for his lies and the fact that he killed Vincent, but at the same time she knows that whatever they shared during the tournament was real, despite all the other lies and half-truths. She is rational enough to see that he did care for her then and still does now. She knows that, and it makes it harder for her to hate him, which in turn makes her angry at herself for not being able to simply hate him and kill him.

I’m fucking exhausted. So tired of pretending.
Even then I’d been pretending. Pretending I didn’t feel what he did. The hunger.

I scoffed. “You’d offer me your throat? That’s stupid of you.”
“Maybe. But you do have a fucking exquisite mouth, and an even better tongue.”
Goddess. Now he was definitely teasing me.
“Oh, fuck you,” I muttered.
“And there she is,” he chuckled.

This series is the definition of an amazing slow burn, and the author managed to do it in both books, which made Rhain and Oraya’s romance even better. They are both layered and have complex emotions that create a tumultuous relationship, but one that is sooooooo good. There is no insta-love here, only raw and confused feelings, hurt, angst, and despite all that happened at the end of the first book, honesty. Rhain and Oraya both have to work hard to rebuild the trust that was shattered and seeing them tiptoe around each other while feeling such intense emotions and trying to stifle their urge to jump into bed together was a pure delight.

And I missed him too much to hate him the way I wanted to.
And I hated him the most of all for that.

“Your father, Oraya, felt all those things too. He was just as broken as the rest of us, and he was so determined not to acknowledge it that he flayed you with those sharp edges and then berated you for having skin instead of steel.”

I mentioned it before, but Oraya’s feelings when it came to Vincent were conflicted too. She was grieving the loss of her father, but on the other hand, she started to realize just how much he lied to her and how much he controlled her and prevented her from achieving her full potential. She started to see that she’d been living in a cage, and she hated him because of that, making her grief even more intense at times. I love that this book showed that it is possible to grieve part of a relationship, while also being angry at the person, grief is not just one sad emotion that erases everything else, it’s a process and it’s messy.

I am really happy that we got more information about Vincent’s past. I was so curious about his character after finishing the first book, and as I said in my review of the first book, I loved his complexity when it came to his thirst for power and his love for Oraya. I desperately needed to know more about him, and I am glad for all the glimpses of his past we got.

“I’m fine,” I said.
Mische said softly, “You don’t have to be fine.”
She said it so simply. Like it was just a truth, nothing to be judged or disagreed with. I knew that she believed it, and in this moment, I loved her fiercely for that.

They were once-grand apartments that were now dusty and rat-infested, with cracked windows that let in flecks of the overnight rain over the tile floor. When Mische pulled back the covers of her bed and several roaches ran out, she simply stared down at it with a look of utter disgust on her face, threw the covers back into place, and said brightly, “This can be Septimus’s room.”

Mische. She is the sweetest, sunniest, most amazing secondary character. I love her so much and I really, really hope that we will get to see more of her in a future book. I fell in love with her sunny disposition and relentless optimism in the first book, and seeing how she was always there to support Rhain and Oraya in this book, to listen to them, help them, and defend them while also dealing with her traumatic past that resurfaced, made me love her even more. I need more of Mische!

As always, the writing is gorgeous, vivid, and flows seamlessly. I am very picky when it comes to flashbacks in books, but the way the author integrated them into the story in short interludes was perfect. It gave us just enough information to keep us hooked, without breaking the pace of the “present” story.

1. The Serpent and the Wings of Night ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
1.5 Six Scorched Roses ⭐⭐⭐⭐.5

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Profile Image for Namera [The Literary Invertebrate].
1,325 reviews3,495 followers
April 19, 2023
The cliffhanger at the end of the first book held a lot of promise, which unfortunately the sequel hasn't entirely delivered on.

[There will be spoilers for the first book especially here, FYI.]

We pick up where we left off, with Oraya reeling from Raihn's murder of her father, and her forced marriage to him. Now that he's declared himself King, he needs to try and consolidate his position. But there are a lot of people who don't want to see a formerly human slave on the throne - or his human wife.

That's about it for plot summary, really. Let's get straight to the nitty-gritty.

✔️ To start on a positive note: the technical writing has definitely improved. While the writing in book one wasn't bad, as such, there were definitely moments I wrinkled my nose at some turns of phrase. I can't recall doing that at any point in this book.

✔️ We also get Raihn's POV in this book. Initially, I was resistant; as a general rule, I'm opposed to male first-person POV. But ultimately, this wasn't too bad - Oraya definitely still took centre stage, and his perspective (mostly) wasn't unbearably flowery.

❌ I'm just going to cut straight to the chase here: it rubs me the wrong way that Oraya never actually tries to get revenge on Raihn. Never. She talks a big game, and it made me so excited; the first book really grabbed my attention in large part because the cliffhanger suggested she'd be fighting tooth and nail to make Raihn pay. I was so here for that. Instead... we get nothing, beyond a half-hearted attempt at the start of the book to spearhead a military ambush. After that, there really is nothing. She talks the talk - at one point, she agrees to ally with Raihn, thinking that she'll use it to gain the upper hand - but I was totally unsurprised when she proceeded to never devote a second of attention to actually getting the upper hand. She spends the rest of the plot going along with this plans.

❌ Why does that bother me so much? Firstly, because Oraya's entire personality - reserved, violent, furious - was perfectly set up for a vengeance arc, and we as readers were cheated of that. Secondly - and I realised this after ruminating over it as I was going to sleep - at every stage of both books, Raihn has pretty much got exactly what he wanted. He's always had Oraya where he wanted. She sacrificed for him constantly - her Kejari win, her paternal relationship, etc - while he sacrifices her for power, and puts his need for vengeance over her love for her father. Okay, he does sacrifice his life in the first book, but that just sets the scene for all her sacrifices. Raihn does realise towards the end of this book that he's always put power over her, but it's not satisfying for him to have this revelation when Oraya doesn't do anything about it. And it made me grit my teeth when he'd do stuff like promise never to betray her again, or voice extravagantly flowery apologies, because there was no concrete action behind it.

❌ Pro tip, Oraya: making someone 'beg' during a sex scene IS NOT REVENGE FOR HIM KILLING YOUR DAD. This is why the romance actually felt totally devoid of angst; I've said before that I define 'angst' as the characters genuinely believing they will never forgive each other / get back together, and I never felt that here.

❌ This book is full of little 'interludes' that retell Raihn's life before he met Oraya. Imagine my absolute horror when Raihn falling in love with Nessanyn is a core feature of these interludes. I was literally reading his love story with an OW alongside his supposed love for Oraya! And as if that weren't bad enough, Nessanyn's name features CONSTANTLY, because Raihn is frequently thinking of her. He hears her words in his head all the time, and here's the absolute tipping point for me: at almost 90% into the book, he passes out and almost dies, and for some reason, he dreams Nessanyn's face. In this dream, he 'reaches out and touches her chin'. WTF?? Yeah, we're told he didn't really love Nessanyn the way he loves Oraya, but I'm afraid that simply wasn't believable, when we kept being told that she was the only good thing he had in his life, etc.

❌ The plot is okay but nowhere near as great as it was in the first book. There's a lot of passivity; Oraya passes out on at least three occasions and wakes up elsewhere, which is frankly a shortcut. And Raihn does so at least once too. Things at some points are so easy they verge on deus ex machina, like the way they magically find Alya. Overall, the plot just wasn't as fulfilling, even though it was fast-paced and flowed well.

✔️ I will end on another positive note: I LOVE the portrayal of Vincent. Pretty much the entire book was about delving into his backstory, and why he was the way he was. To be honest, Oraya's relationship with him totally displaces the romance with Raihn in terms of emotional depth and complexity. Raihn can't hold a candle to Vincent. Broadbent's ability to write nuanced antagonists fills me with hope that there'll be a properly morally ambiguous hero in an upcoming book.


While this wasn't as promising as the first book, Broadbent has created an intriguing vampire fantasy world and I'm keen for Mische's story.


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Profile Image for giulsxx.
126 reviews73 followers
May 29, 2024
DNF 20%
well… it certainly didn’t age well…

april 4: here we go!!🤭
pls be good🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Profile Image for caitlin.
187 reviews830 followers
August 7, 2023
will be working my way through carissa broadbent’s backlist now. i’m sorry, i don’t know what to tell you, i just love it more than anyone else loves it.
is that true? probably not, but let me have this.

i LOVED this duet.
i liked this second book slightly less than the first, but not by too much.

i don't think this book had to be quite as long as it was, but it didn't really drag or feel in excess so i'm not saying that critically, more as a lukewarm observation.

i absolutely adored the overlapping storylines. you could see that in the first book, but i think moreso here. it keeps interest and allows the reader to understand the different characters more than you might have been able to with limited points of view.

i enjoyed oraya's character more in this one (she kind of glowed up throughout the story, yay!), all of the characters, actually--they felt remarkably multifaceted, which i think is where carissa shines. the world building was decent, even if the settings are lovely, but her characters are funny, likable, and still complex.

despite liking oraya more in this book, she did start to feel a bit "special," in that typically fantasy way where the magic systems start doing backflips to accommodate the main character and provide a wonderfully special way out of a life or death situation that only they can harness, deus ex machina style. but again, not the biggest issue.

this isn't a particularly interesting or all-encompassing review, i didn’t feel like writing one of those so it’s just a few of the thoughts bouncing around through my brain.

i can't think what to say, except i loved these books and i'm sad the story is over.
Profile Image for Melanie.
1,245 reviews101k followers
April 3, 2024
1.0) The Serpent and the Wings of Night ★★★★
1.5) Six Scorched Roses ★★★★

“I came here to excise my greatest weakness, and instead, I now offer up my heart to it.”

i just really adore this series, and this world, and i hope that carrissa broadbent chooses to forever write stories within it. i am a little sad that this duology technically is the end of oraya and raihn’s journey, but i am very excited for what is to come (especially knowing who the next tale will be about)!

this is a story about three vampire houses, all fighting to rule, and all proving how cutthroat they will be to remain in power. both of our main characters are viewed as lesser in this vampire ruled world, but for very different reasons that could be a bit spoilery, but what i will say is that they both have a soft spot for humans. book one was all about a tournament where the winner (and sole survivor) would be granted a wish from their goddess, and this book is about the ramifications of that wish being granted.

this is a fantasy romance, but i actually think the romance in this is one of the best of the genre. seeing these two people come together and heal from their pasts together is really beautiful. their relationship is so complicated and layered and it was really a joy reading and rooting for them, against all odds (and all the situations the world really forced them in).

yet, my favorite relationship in this book was between oraya and her father, vincent. the amount of tears this book was able to evoke from me was wild. it was so reminiscent of madoc and jude, yet in just a much more healthy and heartfelt way. relationships are hard, and humans are able to experience such a wide range of emotions simultaneously, and this book really showcases that both with vincent and with raihn (obviously very differently)! but truly, the tabs i have in this book just because of this father and daughter relationship is actually mind blowing, but watching oraya unpack her feelings and heal her heart and come into her own peace was so deserving of every tab. it was really beautiful, and really an honor to read and think about, and i really appreciated the discussions happening in this very multi-layered story.

content warnings mentioned in author’s note at beginning of this book: graphic violence, violence against children, discussion of sexual assault and rape, and slavery

additional trigger + content warnings i wrote down while reading: loss of parent in past, loss of loved one in past, grief, ptsd, suicidal ideation (and comments and thoughts about it), war, death, murder, captivity, blood, gore, self harm to get blood (for magic and for other things), vomit, drugging, and i just really want to emphasize how much this book talked about sa in the past – please use caution and make sure you are in a good headspace.

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Daughter of No Worlds ★★★
Profile Image for Mary.
35 reviews1 follower
June 14, 2023
Rating: 2.2/5 Stars.

As a devoted fan of "The Serpent and the Wings of Night," I eagerly anticipated the release of "The Ashes and the Star-Cursed King." While the first book lifted my spirits and got me out of a reading slump, unfortunately, the sequel fell short of my expectations. Here are my observations:

Firstly, the lack of conflict and angst regarding the events of the first book was disappointing. In the sequel to this book, we are left with a huge cliffhanger involving the slaying of Oraya's father. Oraya denounces Raihn and expresses pure hatred for him. He forces her into a marriage, and holds her prisoner. At the start of this book, I had anticipated progression to that cliffhanger. Instead, it feels wholly unresolved (and instead just *disappears*) after some half-hearted attempts by Oraya to organize her own people into battle and Oraya (without any real good reason) finds herself back in Raihn's arms without any serious discussion or discourse related to his betrayal. This missed opportunity to explore angst, revenge, meaningful retaliation, intrigue, politics, and conflict was a letdown. It’s hard for me to believe that Oraya wouldn’t do more when someone just turned her world upside down by killing her father, holding her prisoner, and forcing her into a marriage. That’s a multi-book-deep grudge kind of situation. It was also a missed opportunity for her to continue growing as a character separately from Raihn. Her growth in this book felt wholly dependent on his success.

Secondly, Raihn's repetitive use of the phrase "There she is" became grating and detracted from the storytelling.

Thirdly, the underdeveloped character of Mische, who played a pivotal role in convincing Raihn to embrace his destiny in the first book, was disappointing this time 'round. She was barely featured. Her desire to depart at the end of the book was also odd, considering her importance to Raihn and Oraya.

Fourthly, the first book touched on the subject of being freed and the act of subjugation, particularly for Raihn and the Rishan people. In this book, that same theme lacked depth. Raihn seems to be regressing following his ascension to the throne in terms of his perceived self-worth, which felt a bit exhausting considering his significant character development by the conclusion of the previous book. Also, was Raihn truly even helping the Rishan people at this point? Raihn's actions in this book resulted in the death of a significant portion of his own people because they turned on him. This downplayed (and made it slightly hypocritical) behind the rationale for Raihn to claim the throne from Vincent (in what I perceived as a means to reduce bloodshed and death to his people/etc.) It was almost a non-issue that he was killingly so many of his own people in the name of his right to rule. It would have made more sense to have external threats (...besides just the Bloodborn) add a new dimension to the story.

Fifthly, the overuse of recycled plot devices, such as the "cave" scene and the scene where Oraya sacrifices a wish (or powerful tool) to save Raihn's life, felt unoriginal and detracted from the novelty of the sequel.

Lastly, the slow pacing of the first half of the book made it difficult to engage with the story, and the repetition of Oraya's failed escape attempts became tedious. The plot devices were too obvious and predictable. It didn't grab my attention nearly as much as the first one (I remember hardly getting any sleep when I read the first one because it hooked me with every page!). For this one, it felt more like a chore and I wasn't quite hooked in the same way.

In conclusion, "The Ashes and the Star-Cursed King" failed to live up to its predecessor's standards. While the book had some positive elements, such as the continuation of the well-crafted world-building, it lacked the depth and nuance that made "The Serpent and the Wings of Night" a beloved novel.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for ✰⋆☾ ⋆ Anna ⭑☽ ✧˖°..
50 reviews523 followers
May 26, 2024

Can not stop recommending this series. Seriously the best books of all time, Kicking, Screaming, Cryingggggg 😭💕
Profile Image for dee (hiatus).
161 reviews45 followers
November 10, 2023
5 ★ stars.

❝ Maybe the king always knew that his greatest love would be his ruination. Maybe he knew it the moment he met her.❞

───🌙🗡️☁︎🌠👑 ─── Why would you build a world this beautiful only to tell me, 'Wake up, it's a dream'? I feel so exiled right now. How am I supposed to not miss Obitraes—as beautiful as each one of the moon phases, even in its ruin? To say I'm obsessed would be downplaying it. If someone asked me which fictional world I'd run off to for a quick vacation, I'd say take me to the city that's called the heart of Nyaxia, built among stars and ruled by legends—a place that makes you want to seek dangerous bargains to be.

Fantasy books in general strongly believe in 'more complicated, more better' theory, when it comes to plot development. It's honestly a pain to take in pages after pages of detail-stuffed contents, harder still to keep track of them. This series was a complete blessing regarding that issue. It pulled together all the interesting elements while looking behind to make sure we're keeping up; detail oriented, beautifully written, yet simple enough without its complexities.

🌙 Sypnosis: Oraya, the mortal daughter of the nightborn king, lost everything to the Kejari. She is stripped of her title, crown and forced to play the prisoner queen of the man who killed her father. Left with questions no one could provide answers to, Oraya can't tell apart friends from foes, not when the last person she considered a friend broke her heart and left it bleeding, not when the future of her people depends on her. Her kingdom is in the clutches of a far greater threat than she realizes and the only one who can buy her a change against her enemies is her capor, her husband, which leads her to form an unexpected alliance while coming to terms with her own powers and fighting a battle with her heart that still beats for the man who crushed it under his ambition.

• Marriage of convenience
• Lovers turned enemies but he never stopped falling
• She hates him because she can't
• Forced to work together
• 'Everyone needs to stop, drop and learn grovelling from him' kind of grovelling
• Sword to sword flirting
• Slow burn that actually burns
• She's grumpy, vengeful and can't take jokes; he's on his way to give the sun a run for its money
• Reclaiming kingdom

[contains spoiler]

🌙. ✦ Oraya .🌙 ✦

➴ Even young, I knew a wounded pride was better than a wounded body. Better to be ashamed and alive than overconfident and dead.

➴ I hate you because I let you hurt me. I hate you because I grieved you. I hate you because I don’t.

➴ “So what do we have?” “We have us.” “A human and a usurped king,” “No. Two Heirs who won the Mother-damned Kejari.”

Is she drier than a pool in the middle of a desert? Yes. But also super hot and badass while being just that? Absolutely yes. We see girls turning into women, princesses turning into queens but Oraya turned from a girl scared and catious of the world into a freaking goddess who makes the world scared and catious of her. She became everything she wanted to be and I'd be lying to myself if I said that wasn't satisfying. She's violent, mean and hateful, intensified tenfold in this book; she hated humans, she hated vampires, she hated herself, she hated everything because she needed all that hatred directed at something for not being able to hate the ones she should. She was so bad with words and expressing herself; I understood her so much that I felt bad for her.

She had valid reasons for hating Raihn but I couldn't help the urge to physically shake her for hurting him with her silence and distance. If I were her, I would have caved in to the first 5% of the book when he did this.
"I assumed I would be there, too, in the single chair perched there. But Raihn took one look at it, cocked his head, and then dragged it up to place it beside the throne."
-Girl, you probably don't know what love looks like because your father was a power-hungry, manipulative piece of shit (a decent one but we know the type). Killer of your father or not, this over here is what love looks like.

Her father, who she thought was her hero, did this.
"Vincent had ruined me. He had saved me. He had loved me. He had stifled me. He had manipulated me. He had made me everything that I was. Everything that I could be."
“Your father, Oraya, felt all those things, too. He was just as broken as the rest of us, and he was so determined not to acknowledge it that he flayed you with those sharp edges and then berated you for having skin instead of steel.”

-I won't lie that I didn't think Vincent's diplomatic side was top-tier; he practically forged her as the strongest weapon but that's the issue, he never let her be anything other than a weapon, he made her forget what it is like to be anything other than a weapon.

Meanwhile, the man she thinks is her enemy.
"It was him—my enemy, someone who had every reason to cage me—who opened the door for me to seize that power."
"Raihn was right in front of me, so close the Nightfire surely had to burn. If it hurt, he didn’t show it."
(a lot of shit you did hurt him and he didn't show it, for your information.)
-The way he would move heaven and hell, beg to any gods, crawl to any place, set her free even if it killed him, just to see her happy. The GREENEST GREEN FLAG TO EVER EXIST IN THE HISTORY OF GREEN FLAGS, the only red flag here is Oraya herself, end of discussion.

Oraya is so freaking demanding but I won't complain since Raihn didn't. Submitting to someone, showing his vulnerable side was hard for him, he spent the darkest times of his life being forced to do just that and a lot against his will and he'd still put her fear of being overpowered before his own. If this is not love, I don't know what it is.
“You told me once you would beg for me,” “So do it.” (how much begging you want him to do exactly? he's been non stop begging from the previous book)
“Raihn has a lot of flaws, Oraya,” “but he knows how to love.”
YES MISCHE PLEASE SAY IT LOUDER, she's so stupid when it comes to love, I can't.

The guy cooks for her, forgets to breathe when she's near, looks at her like it's physically painful for him not to pull her close and SHE WOULDN'T CAVE IN?! WHAT'S SHE MADE OF? STONE? Even stones crack for god's sake.
“Is this acceptable, princess?” “Princess?” “Queen. My queen,”
I missed them being friends the most so I can fully agree when she says,
"A week without touching him, and I missed him. Months without his friendship, and I missed him."
It's no one's fault but hers; if she wasn't so blind, they could have had it all this time.

🌠. ♚ Raihn .🌟 ☾

➴ We’ll rip apart the worlds that subjugated both of us, and from the ashes we’ll build something new.

➴ I’d tell you to go become something fucking incredible, Oraya, but you already are, and this place doesn’t deserve you. It never has. And I sure as fuck don’t.

➴ “You have nothing but me, and yet, you’d let me go?” “I have nothing but you. So I am letting you go.”

➴ Just want you to know, Oraya, that you were the best part of it. The best part of all of it.

Men who are Taylor Swift-coded? Nah. Immortal vampire warrior turned king who has rust red eyes, million dollar smiles, red-black hair that reflects the sun, is hot as hell and also Taylor Swift coded? INSTANT SWOON! If there was ever a huger game, with his hand in marriage as the winning prize, I'd be in jail cause the things I would do to win him is no joke. I want to quote everything that comes out of his mouth. His enemy is my enemy; I want to hurt whoever hurt him, I want to torture whoever tortured him, I wouldn't even bury them; I'd send them over to Oraya's room so she can make sure they safely reach hell like how dare they?! He's the best vampire in the world, I don't know where he stores all that goodness in him. He went through the worst kind of shit lost his mortality, was turned into everything he hated, years of slavery under a tyrant king and he would brush it off like it was nothing and proceed to provide emotional support to others. I AM NOT OKAY.

He was so uncomfortable with his role as the king and hated every second of it, he was afraid he'd turn out just like his piece of shit dead master, he was afraid Oraya would never talk to him.
“I hate this place.” “I hate these people. I hate this castle. I hate this fucking crown. But I don’t hate you, Oraya. Not even a little.”
-I wanted to take him far away from this mess and keep him somewhere safe and maybe beat some sense into Oraya too, for him I'd choose violence anyday.
“I wouldn’t let you fall.” “But I knew you wouldn’t let you fall, either.”
Worry about yourself Oh My God! You're the only one falling and not out of the sky.

He was so in love, I was actually concerned.
“I’d spend a lifetime at the tip of your blade, and it would have been worth it.”
“I’m so tired of pretending. Tired of pretending I don’t think about you every night.”

And every time he called her his wife, even though she hated it, he knew how to get her all riled up.

The way he always looked as if his heart would stop beating once again when Oraya even so much as got a scratch. We still don't know what he did to get that medicine to heal her wings. If he was mortal, I would have assumed he gave away half his lifetime for it.
“You were fucking dying,” “I had more important things to worry about than your father’s games.”
-He brags to everyone that he's a great actor, doesn't forget to tease the hell out of Oraya for never being able to hide her expressions and then the people of his court burst his oscar dreams.
“You keep saying that she’s just a prisoner. But I’m not blind. And no one else is, either. Everyone knows.”
Not him seriously believing he was fooling everyone.

Raihn stole all the spotlight and shined so bright that other characters dimmed in comparison; I couldn't bother to care any less. Others weren't interesting, it's not his fault, of course.
“There’s no one to kill.” “You sound so disappointed, my murderous queen.”
-Them slipping into human lands to drink bad beer and bond over murdering vampires will never get old.

───🌙🗡️☁︎🌠👑 ─── This book captured a piece of my heart, made it beat, made it bleed. I laughed and cried along with it, fell in and out of love all over again and I loved every second of that feeling. I thought nothing could rival how good the first book was but this book came as a pleasant surprise. I can only imagine what delights the upcoming ones will bring!

☑️ [10/11/23]

She gave him her trust, her heart and the prize of a lifetime.
He killed her father, took away her kingdom and painted himself the villain of her story.

Now she is left with no choice but to marry him to stand a chance against a kingdom full of vampires who want to kill her.
/marriage of convenience but make the bride vengeful/
- idk what to expect but grovelling is a priority; pls make it pretty

☑️ [4/11/23] (reading this finally! can it get any more interesting? let's see.)
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