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Reed Twins #1

Close to Midnight

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When he’s obsessed with the new girl in town…so his twin gifts her to him for Halloween.Sally
From the moment I walked away from my old life and started a new one in the small town of Shadowvale, I learned there were three rules I should follow if I wanted to survive—

don’t go outside at night alone.

don’t ask questions about the obviously haunted house at the far side of town.

And don’t catch Hunter Reed’s attention.

Me? I broke all three almost immediately.

The Reeds own Shadowvale. They live in the haunted house, and everyone seems afraid of them. Everyone, that is, except for me.

Something about Hunter has me drawn to him like a moth to a flame. I know I could burn if I get too close, but that doesn’t stop me… and when he invites me to his house for Halloween, I would’ve gone even if he didn’t offer two grand for a night with me.

I guess I should’ve known that nothing is free—and the only way I can escape him is if I find my way out of his family graveyard by midnight.

But… what if I don’t want to?


It was her big doe eyes that caught my attention, and the haunted smile that triggered my predatory side.

Sally… my sweet Sally.

I’ve watched her from the shadows, keeping her safe from a distance. I’m too dark, too twisted to corrupt her… but, as it turns out, my twin isn’t.

Our birthday is Halloween. Tonight, I expected to hunt—to kill—but when Nicholas sets Sally in my path, midnight starts the beginning of my chase.

If I catch her, I can do anything I want. She agreed to it, and as the hours pass, it becomes clear to me that she isn’t trying all that hard to get away.

Which is for the best since I have no intention of ever letting my little doe escape me now…

*Close to Midnight is a standalone dark romance novella that is set on Halloween, can be read all year round! It tells the story of one half of the murderous Reed twins, and the one woman he’ll do anything for…

200 pages, Kindle Edition

Published November 7, 2023

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About the author

Carin Hart

11 books294 followers

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20 (1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 66 reviews
Profile Image for Mysti.
1,648 reviews123 followers
May 7, 2024
It wasn't as good as I was hoping for, but I'm still going to give this author another read.

Sally has moved to a new town after leaving her cheating/abusive ex. She's working at a coffee shop when she comes in contact with one of the towns infamous Reed brothers. Hunter and his twin, Nicholas, are surrounded with rumors that they kill people and bury them on their family land. Hunter is besotted with his sweet Sally, but he refuses to touch her, believing she's too good for him. Instead he stalks her. Somehow he doesn't notice that Nicholas is also hanging out with Sally, but for a different reason. He wants his brother to be happy, so he pretends to be Hunter and slowly gets Sally comfortable with him. On Halloween night, he arranges for Sally to come to their house in exchange for some money - Sally is going to be his birthday gift to Hunter. Halloween night is also the night they reserve for killing someone.

Eventually, Hunter claims Sally. HEA.

The sex could have been better. If it had been more graphic, it would have fit better with a darker theme. Sally also seemed to go back-n-forth a lot on if she really wanted to be with Hunter. Then the really confusing part - and I still don't understand it - there are times they both refer to Nicholas as Hunter. I can't even explain how to detangle that mess.

The book was ok for me. It just really lacked passion and it bordered on being dark, but not quite tipping that scale. I'll still give the second book (Nicholas's story) a try.
Profile Image for Jessica Michelle.
401 reviews8 followers
December 16, 2023
Erm. I understand this is a Novella, but I don’t know if my dislike is in the whole story in general. Or if it’s just from me reading the word “Hunter” over and over and over again. We get it… you named him hunter cause he likes to hunt human… don’t need to say it every other paragraph.

The FMC is dumb. Literally every red flag she thinks about she is like “oh well, he’s hot”. Plus it keeps eluding to the next book, so that also takes away from the already short story to bring in extra characters with no background so instead of focusing on the story you’re wondering what the fuck happened to the other twins chick. Meh.
Profile Image for Chelsie Lucas.
878 reviews16 followers
November 13, 2023
Oh buddy. This one was no fun.
I’m not a huge fan of two twins, pretending to be the same person, and then the female main character choosing the one she thought it was the whole time even though it was technically both of them it’s just weird and she kind of let it all go or slide, as if that would be a natural reaction

It’s difficult to suspend your disbelief enough for that, especially in a very rushed ending
Profile Image for DarkRapture.
175 reviews8 followers
September 26, 2024
I really enjoyed reading this fast-paced Halloween novella. It included everything I love in a dark romance. We have our FMC, Sally being stalked and hunted by a very twisted masked guy and if he finds her, well, you know how the story goes. There's also a chase scene through a creepy cemetery. The sex scenes were great, but I would have prefered for some of them to be a bit more detailed. Also, there were some typos that did pull me out of the story, but it wasn't too bad and didn't take away from my enjoyment of this book. Overall, this short story was perfect for spooky season. I can't wait to read the next book!
Profile Image for Nini.
204 reviews1 follower
November 10, 2023
The only thing I didn't like? Was that ended 😭😭😭 I needed a little more of them😳😳😭

Can't wait to buy my physical copy 😭😭
1,352 reviews1 follower
August 10, 2024

Crazy dark story. Without giving anything away you knew who the victim was going to be. You know how the story will end, but you still read through.
Profile Image for Halla Lester.
342 reviews14 followers
September 24, 2024
Hunted. Promises. Games.

He wants her.
She wants him?
Or was it his twin?

A hunt.
A graveyard.
A mask.
A very smutty read.

Plot is 4⭐️ its there, but more spicee
Spice is 5 🌶
1,742 reviews36 followers
April 13, 2024
Fun, spooky, creepy premise, but the author doesn’t deliver.


She doesn’t ground it sufficiently in reality to make the stakes high enough: They’re the richest in town and don’t have jobs. They’re rumored to be serial killers but literally no one does anything about it. Hunter just sees her and instantly falls in love with her cuz she smiled at him? The small town is stocked with tons of kinky women who are willing to be paid for sex. And on and on. There’s no emotional grounding; it’s a fantasy in the lazy way.

Also, five acres isn’t that big. There’s no way they’d need twenty-four hours or even twelve to roam the whole thing, and hiding would be hard to do on that small a plot. Purportedly hours go by during most parts of the hunt between "catches," but Hunter would have to really be trying hard NOT to find her for it to take that long.

Also, what’s the point of the twins shifting and borrowing identities? It doesn’t appear to do anything helpful with the plot. Is it just to show the reader that they’re deranged? instead of lending an air of menacing instability, it's mostly just confusing and off-putting.

Also, this was supposed to be centered on a chase, but we hardly see ANY chase at all.

The author had an idea but didn’t work to flesh it out.

did not sell what was marketed.
Profile Image for Alyssa Parker.
79 reviews1 follower
November 13, 2023
Loved this quick read!!! The whole twin aspect was so interesting and really added to the story! I love quick reads but sometimes novellas can be boring aside from the spice. The twin dynamic really took this up a notch!!

I’m not taking a star for this bc I loved the book regardless, but there were several typos that irked me. And when he eats Sally out the first time it says he cuts his mask, but later he talks about how the mask is all cut up from eating girls out in the past so he doesn’t have to remove the mask. So which is it was the mask already cut or nottttt. A few other contradictions like that happened throughout the book but my love for the book overshadowed those minor details
Profile Image for Bridgett Turley.
22 reviews
August 17, 2024
It’s a good book but I need a little more in order to rate 5⭐️
Maybe more obsession shown by Hunter! I love a good romantic stalker obsession. 🤷🏻‍♀️ like cmon killing for me is great and all but like where is the gore with romance? Too many details about how he bent down to stab a man and not enough about how they F***d with the blood all over them… The FMC was just another chick.. seems like she was stupid and he only fell/obsessed for her because she didn’t fear him..
Also… wish his name wasn’t hunter because it’s a bit silly he’s a hunter named hunter. That’s bleeehhh! “Bruuthhhaa ehhhh”
Profile Image for Alexandra.
345 reviews4 followers
November 25, 2023
This was fine? The premise is fun but there were a few things that I just didn’t care for. I wasn’t a big fan of twin 1 pretending to be twin 2 bc twin 1 couldn’t control his “carnal needs” and doesn’t have the personality to be sweet and nice????? Idk that was weird and Sally got over it really quick. The sex scenes were fine? I was a bit annoyed that the first time they do fuck was essentially fade to black and we were told and not shown and any intimate scene after that was a quick wham bam. The grammar was also an issue for me and could’ve used a proofread or 2
219 reviews
February 20, 2024
like a slasher film

Like any decent slasher film, Close to Midnight has plenty of chases and creepy moments. Hunter is twisted, whether it be genetics or his upbringing, he needs to chase and hunt his prey like a cat. And Sally really plays into the slasher flic stereotype of doing ALL THE THINGS anyone knows better than to do.

I squirmed when she was trapped, when the game became more real, but I had to trust Sally that she knew what she wanted. The vengeance served to her ex was rather poetic. Not believable, but definitely fun to read.
Profile Image for Smuttyttums.
116 reviews1 follower
May 26, 2024
I'm on a Halloween novella roll and nothings gonna stop me.

The basic idea behind every Halloween novella is the same- a stalker, a murderer, innocent and troubled heroine, dressing up, hero somehow avenging the heroine, chase, f-ing all night long, and the happily ever after and yet I'm not bored by the similar plot lines.

I liked Close to Midnight but something about the narration was off and that distracted me. The twin thing was weird, Nicholas enacting Hunter and vice versa.

Still I read for the smut and I'm not regretting that.

320 reviews1 follower
December 5, 2023
A perfect little love story

Yes, idid enjoy this book. Yes it was fairly short. N yes it had some mafia tendency. It was sorta sweet. Like murdering your ex because he really hurt you. I enjoyed the whole story and the characters. I was very satisfied with sally for developing feeling for hunter , instead of running off. Short but very enjoyable. Looking forward to the other brother. HEA
Profile Image for matt.
22 reviews
March 16, 2024
needed some proof-reading and the convoluted "twin-switch" thing just made no sense to me... like how did she just get over that so easily?

but the 🌶️ was pretty good so, thumbs up for the author 👍 i'm not gonna rate this since it's pretty much a "porn-with-no-plot" story and it didn't overstay its welcome. didn't hate the reading experience overall, just had to suspend my disbelief if i wanted to enjoy the 🌶️
Profile Image for Elaine Lucky.
898 reviews88 followers
August 18, 2024
A deliciously dark stalker/murder/obsession romance. The Reed twins (Hunter & Nicholas) rule the town and Hunter has his sights on Sally. She has a traumatic past and is enamored with Hunter and accepts an invite for Halloween for games and sex. It's time for him to stalk his prey to curb his dark side and Sally is a willing participant but gets more than she bargained for. Clever fast read and looking forward to read Nicholas's story
Profile Image for Chelsie Marie.
268 reviews
September 9, 2024
challenging dark emotional tense fast-paced
Plot- or character-driven? Character
Strong character development? Yes
Loveable characters? Yes
Diverse cast of characters? No
Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes

Kindle - love the Hunter/prey aspect of this story with a hea. Quick short novella focusing on a 24hour time span. The devotion he has for her is perfection for his Hunter character. She’s more than a little doe and really shows her spikes.
Profile Image for SanLynn.
108 reviews
September 22, 2024
Well this was quite the wonderful spooky read. Perfect for spooky season. I enjoyed the characterization for all of the characters very much and at 200 pages it was the perfect length for me. I tend to get distracted when trying to work through a long book ant this was just right.

I may read Nicholas/Tam's book at some point but while I enjoyed this book I don't have a "need" to read the second book in the duet.
Profile Image for Morëlle.
498 reviews2 followers
September 30, 2024
3.25 stars

Honestly not the worst. I expected a lil more smut?? And like some more bodily descriptions other than the he’s so hot or she’s so pretty during the whole thing.

Kinda felt a lil forced setup of Tamryn and Nicky boy so that felt unnecessary. And like the plot holes could’ve been avoided.

I’m sick so I won’t go into detail. I just expected better and more smut. Even if it was primal play. And it’s not a hunt. Please. It doesn’t qualify as one.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for CC Graves.
36 reviews
January 28, 2024
Great little dark Halloween story

This was enjoyable. Had the usual fun dark elements, including a mixture I had yet to read. Be sure to read the TWs. The only reason it's not 5 stars is that there was repetitive explanations that, to me, didn't really add to the story. Those are the parts I tend to skim over.
Profile Image for Ella.
6 reviews
July 29, 2024
okay it was meh. good but meh. found some grammatical errors and some misspellings. which are my top ick but honestly the story line was there- i’m definitely gonna waste the time reading the second book. just to get the other brothers point of view. but other than that im glad i got this book 50% off lol
Profile Image for Isabelle .
219 reviews
November 7, 2023
I read two very similar books at the same time and it is one story to me now...but an honest question I have is why when people are being chased do they not have shoes, they know they're going to be chased so why no appropriate shoes?
Profile Image for L_raffertysky.Com.
539 reviews1 follower
November 12, 2023
Interesting concept and good pace

This is a standalone e novella and I enjoyed the storyline. There were aspects of the twin relationship which I couldn't quite grasp in terms of them both pretending to be daughter but in general it was a good read.
32 reviews
December 2, 2023
Wow. Just wow.

Dark romance for sure but I loved it. I could not put it down. Forget morally grey, he's the definition of black. Spice was great 4/5. But CHECK the trigger warnings. I honestly can't wait for the next one.
Profile Image for Alyx Reese.
294 reviews5 followers
January 11, 2024
Hide & Seek for grown ups

Dark, depraved and stunningly delightful. This is an absolute devious dark romance novella you don’t want to miss!

If stalkers and serial unalivers are your idea of a book boyfriend, the Hunter is your man!

Profile Image for Kate.
2 reviews1 follower
January 16, 2024
DNF. Fun idea for a novella but, it was so repetitive. If you took a shot every time Halloween is typed out, you’d be drunk by the halfway mark. Also, the bulk of the descriptions didn’t add anything to the characters. They simply repeated what had already been established; sometimes verbatim.
Profile Image for Selena.
17 reviews
January 29, 2024
This was an amazing read, I loved every second of it. The dark romance was top tier, the hunt was even better. We love the mask kink but even better when it turns into primal chasing. Bonus with the Serial killer aspect! Hit all my boxes!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for TheSugaredBookworm.
477 reviews9 followers
April 20, 2024
Dark, twisty and super spicy!

Loved it! Hunter and Sally are perfect for one another. He's the hunter and she's his perfectly willing prey! The world is terrified of Hunter, but not Sally. And there's no lengths Hunter won't go through to protect his Sally!
Profile Image for Stefanie.
739 reviews3 followers
May 8, 2024
While this book isn't heavy on the plot, it was an awesome dark and delicious read! If you are looking for a short, dark, sexy read with a serial unaliver/stalker and the girl who falls for him this is the book for you! I really enjoyed it and can not wait to read Nicolas' book!!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 66 reviews

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