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This ISN'T a book about babies. It's not about sleepless nights, nappies or nurseries. It IS about two people, one unexpected pregnancy and a question…

Viv and Max were best friends for years, then they were lovers and then it all went wrong. Now finally they are to be reunited.

Viv feels sick. Not just with nerves at seeing Max again, but because there's a small chance she might… quite possibly… most definitely… be pregnant. It's thrilling. But also terrifying. Most of the time they can hardly look after themselves, let alone a baby.

And when Viv's estranged mother reappears on the scene and they all end up sharing an apartment all hell breaks loose.

Three month to go. Two best friends. One little question…


449 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 3, 2014

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About the author

Emma Garcia

13 books61 followers
NEVER GOOGLE HEARTBREAK is Emma's first novel very loosely based around her own experiences of being in her thirties and single in London, of being dumped, getting over it, and falling for it all over again. She has worked as a waitress, technical assistant, chambermaid, sandwich designer, product manager, illustrator and teacher, and spent a while traveling and working in Asia. She has also written and illustrated three children's picture books. She now lives in Yorkshire with her husband and three children, and is getting excited about the launch of the second book in the series, OMG BABY!

You can follow Emma on Twitter @EmzaGarcia.

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Displaying 1 - 28 of 28 reviews
Profile Image for Antonella.
3,793 reviews527 followers
October 17, 2019
I liked heroine in this one a bit better...a bit...she still drove me mad at times.
This story has a more emotional aspect, well the first one does too but in this one, I understand heroine actions better.
Overall, If you are looking for some books while lying on a beach somewhere this duet is perfect for that "I will read something that will capture my attention but not be very memorable because I am drinking cocktails and soaking up the sun" kind of read.
Profile Image for Bookevin.
934 reviews816 followers
June 9, 2014

Emma Garcia's debut novel, Never Google Heartbreak was one of my favourite debut novels last year and when I found out that she has written a sequel, I flipped out. I was so excited to read it because I loved every page of it and I laughed a lot.

OMG Baby! is another LOL read. I loved the British humour Emma Garcia possesses and it's really refreshing to read about pregnancy from someone like Liv's perspective. The book continues where the first book left off, (if you haven't read it, you should!), and right away, I felt at home with the characters. I have missed Liv and her crazy antics, but in this book, it's more than insane as she struggles through pregnancy.

Since it's a sequel and there is a slight chance that many have not read the previous book, I won't say much about the plot. In fact, I will commend on Emma Garcia's style of writing, which is perfect for modern love stories - funny, sharp and witty. I liked how she managed to create such a down-to-earth, slightly kooky heroine. And don't get me started on Max. Man alive, that guy is fit!

I laughed out loud, gasped and even got so cross at some point in the book. One of the major surprises in the book comes from the sudden visit from Liv's mother who left her when she was young. So, there will be bucketfuls of tension when Lorraine (Liv's mother) crashes into their life. Though OMG Baby! sounds like your average romantic comedy, but the book deals with pregnancy (obviously), parenting and touches on miscarriages too. I was in stitches during the delivery chapters.

All in all, OMG Baby! was such a thrill to read. I really enjoyed the humour and feel good story. I admit, there were times I wanted to club Liv in the head for being such a pushover when she had to deal with her mother, but I can't hit women and assault on pregnant women is inhumane. But rest assured, there's character progression in the book and you'll love the new Liv. As hilarious as the first book, with buckets of charm and pregnancy drama.

Rating: 8/10
Profile Image for Sarah W.
105 reviews5 followers
August 7, 2014
I loved Emma's previous book and couldn't wait to catch up with Viv and Max. Laugh out loud funny in places, it also made me want to tell at Viv for letting her mum manipulate her. Well done to Emma for creating such a horrible character as Rainey!

Brilliant read and I highly recommend!
2 reviews
September 17, 2014
I fell in love w Viv and Max ... I read the first book and the sequel in a couple days ... I'm hoping for another sequel soon... It felt like I read a real life love story!
Profile Image for Marie Käfer.
273 reviews11 followers
December 8, 2014
Der erste Satz:
Google-Suche: Bin ich schwanger?

Meine Meinung:
Liv kann es immer noch nicht fassen: Sie ist tatsächlich schwanger und zwar von Max, ihrer großen Liebe. Doch der hat sich nach Spanien verabschiedet und weiß noch gar nichts von seinem Glück. Liv macht sich auf nach Spanien, um sich mit ihm zu treffen und ihn zurück zu erobern. Natürlich möchte sie ihm auch die frohe Kunde übermitteln.
Als wäre sie mit ihren Hormonen nicht schon genug gestraft, tritt auch noch eine Person in ihr Leben, von der sie es niemals erwartet hätte. Sie nistet sich regelrecht bei der Schwangeren ein. Ob das wohl gut gehen wird?

"Bitte nicht. Du bist nicht schwanger, Vivian Summers." Ich vergrabe mich hinter dem Bildschirm meines Laptops und gehe die Liste noch einmal durch. Ich bekomme meine Periode zwar mit zuverlässiger Unregelmäßigkeit, aber ich spüre, dass sie im Anmarsch ist, weil meine Brüste spannen. Übel ist mir nicht, ich habe gerade einen doppelten Espresso getrunken, und fettiges Essen mag ich sowieso gern. "Gott sei Dank", stöhne ich erleichtert. Und dann breche ich in Tränen aus. Wo kriege ich auf diesem Scheißflughafen einen Rollmops her?
Zitat aus "Der Anfang vom Happy End"

Das Cover hat mich gleich angesprochen. Es passt wirklich gut zu der Geschichte und auch zum ersten Teil: Die Schrift ist genau so geschnörkelt, wie schon bei "Liebe auf den ersten Klick" und auch die Farbauswahl empfinde ich als wirklich sehr gelungen.

"Ich liebe dich so sehr", sage ich lächelnd, und dann breche ich in Tränen aus, weil meine Hormone mal wieder einmal Achterbahn fahren. [...] "Auf der einen Seite kannst du ein Foto von mir und auf der anderen eins von Angel hineingeben und uns so immer an deinem Herzen tragen."
"Du bist ja doch ein Romantiker."
"Aber erzähl es nicht weiter."

Zitat aus "Der Anfang vom Happy End"

"Der Anfang vom Happy End" ist der direkte Nachfolger von "Liebe auf den ersten Klick". Und knüpft nahtlos an seinen Vorgänger an.
Auf den ersten Seiten erleben wir Liv in großer Mission: Sie möchte ihre Liebe Max wieder für sich gewinnen und macht sich deshalb auf den Weg nach Spanien. Schon auf dem Flughafen sagt ihre "böse innere Stimme", dass sie garantiert schwanger ist. Alles Leugnen nutzt nichts: Sie muss sich schon bald mit dem Gedanken anfreunden, bald Mutter zu werden und diese Gedanken haben mich manchmal vor Lachen fast vom Sofa fallen lassen. Liv ist einfach herrlich komisch. Da Emma Garcia die Geschichte aus Livs Sicht in der Ich-Form geschrieben hat, bekommt man ihren ganze sarkastische und lustige Art und Weise mit voller Breitseite serviert. Es war für mich äußerst amüsant die Gedanken und Gefühle der Protagonistin mitzuerleben. Ich habe oft gelacht, hatte manchmal einen dicken Kloß im Halse, hätte sie manchmal aber auch gern in den Hintern getreten, weil Liv leider manchmal ein bisschen zu sehr gutgläubig ist.
Ihre Beziehung zu Max wirkt von der ersten bis zur letzten Seite total ehrlich. Ich spürte förmlich ihre immer noch wachsenden Gefühle zu ihrem Freund. Die beiden sind ein sehr bezauberndes Paar, das sich gern der Mission "OMG Baby!" (englischer Originaltitel) stellt. Wie die Zwei miteinander umgehen war für mich sehr süß zu lesen.
Neben Livs Schwangerschaft haben die Zwei noch allerhand anderer Dinge zu erledigen und zu meistern. Liv hat sich gerade selbstständig gemacht und versucht ihr kleines Unternehmen zum Laufen zu bringen. Max, der immer noch sehr gerne und auch gut malt, versucht seine Bilder zu verkaufen. Nur irgendwie will beides nicht so recht laufen, was natürlich komplett ärgerlich für die Zwei, aber sehr amüsant für den Leser ist.

Die Seiten flogen nur so an mir vorbei. Wie auch schon im ersten Teil, war ich auch hier komplett von dem tollen Schreibstil der Autorin begeistert. Man liest und merkt gar nicht, auf welcher Seite man sich nach einer Stunde befindet. Der Stil ist locker, leicht und lässt sich wirklich sehr, sehr schnell weg lesen, was mir außerordentlich gut gefallen hat.
Emma Garcia wirft auch immer mal wieder einen kleinen Rückblick in die Geschichte mit rein. So könnte man der Story ebenso gut folgen, wenn man den ersten Teil nicht kennt. Ich empfehle allerdings, unbedingt erst "Liebe auf den ersten Klick" zu lesen, bevor man mit "Der Anfang vom Happy End" beginnt.

Einziger Negativpunkt war für mich Liv. Sie ist mir stellenweise ein wenig auf den Geist gegangen, weil sie so unfassbar gutgläubig ist. Klar, es ist im Grunde genommen eine wirklich gute Eigenschaft immer an das Gute im Menschen zu glauben, aber wenn eine einzige Person jemanden ständig belügt, oder auf eine andere Art und Weise verletzt, sollte man meinen, dass man dann irgendwann mal einen Schlussstrich zieht und merkt, dass diese Person eben doch keinen so guten Charakter hat, wie man das gerne hätte.

Ich mag es so unfassbar gerne, wie Emma Garcia schreibt. Sie gibt mir grundsätzlich das Gefühl, dass die Protagonistin wirklich mit mir spricht und mir ihre Geschichte erzählt.
Die Beziehung von Max und Liv ist wirklich schön zu lesen. Sie nähern sich immer weiter an und sind so entzückend zusammen, dass mir dabei das Herz aufgegangen ist.
Die humorvolle Art von Liv hat mich sehr oft zum Lachen gebracht.
Das gesamte Buch ist aus der Sicht von Liv in der Ich-Form geschrieben worden, was mir die Identifizierung mit ihr sehr einfach gemacht hat.
Emotionen kommen nicht zu kurz, aber auch ernsthafte, schreckliche Erlebnisse haben einen Platz in dieser Geschichte.
Die Zickereien von einer bestimmten Person und Max fand ich absolut aufschlussreich. Ich habe mich die ganze Zeit auf Max´ Seite gestellt, weil ich stets seiner Meinung war, schade ist,

dass Liv leider nicht so eine gute Menschenkenntnis besitzt, wie ihr Freund. Sie ist mir mit ihrer blauäugigen Art manchmal sehr auf den Zeiger gegangen. In ihrem Alter sollte man echt schon ein bisschen mehr Verstand haben und auch mal auf seinen Kopf, anstatt auf das Herz zu hören.
An einer bestimmten Stelle war es mir ein bisschen zu viel Drama. Das hätte meiner Meinung nach nicht sein müssen: Weniger ist mehr.

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Profile Image for Ivana.
862 reviews8 followers
January 21, 2018
Hm, an interesting book to read, especially when you are indeed pregnant ... I haven't read the first book, so that might have been a slight mistake, but I could still get into this book quite easily.

Viv was not my favorite character ever, some of her actions annoyed me, but ... I think she's portrayed pretty human, because we all have those people in our life that we should kick to the curb, but find it very hard to, so I could relate to that and to her ...
Profile Image for Agi.
1,623 reviews100 followers
June 5, 2014
OMG, what a brilliant book it was! I have started to laugh on the first page and stopped only after the last one, although then I found myself still laughing, only thinking about this story. My husband looked at me very strangely a few times, when totally out of the blue I giggled, laughed, and also cried.
I would say that if you haven't read Never Google Heartbreak before, do this now, it will be much easier to understand OMG Baby!

OMG Baby! follows a story of our two old friends that we know from Never Google Heartbreak, Viv and Max. Viv discovers that she's pregnant and follows Max to Spain to tell him about this fact. They used to be best friends and lovers and then well, something went wrong and they split up. But now, are they going to stay together again and if so, only because of the baby or do they still have feelings for each other?
And then, out of the blue, when everything looks so promising, Viv's missing mother enters the scene. Playing with her daughter's feelings and conscience, she moves in with the couple, in the small flat and makes the cat to immediately move out. But, is the cat the only one who's going to move out?
Viv and Max really have no idea what the future brings. They don't know how they are going to provide for the baby when the money is so short and work isn't so optimal, and with the Mother Dear at home who's only stirring between the two of them, and with some lies and hidden facts...

I had no idea that it will be so great to meet Viv and Max again and I really hope that we'll get again a chance to read about them. I would love a next part of this story, this time with a baby.

Viv didn't change at all. She's still crazy, warm, prone to the accident woman with a girl's soul, a little lost in this world and with her feelings. You can't not like her, doesn't matter how often you want to punch her or shake her and tell her hey girl, open your eyes. She's a normal, witty character who makes you laugh and doesn't matter what she does, you sympathize with her. She loves her Nana so much, and she feels guilty that her mother left her, although she's absolutely not to blame. She loves Max and she lies to him because she, well, loves him, but she also wants to make her mother love her. I love the way she was balancing between her job, her private life and her family. The relationship between her and her mother was so sad but written in such a witty, funny, warm way.
Max is also a brilliant character. Larger than life, loyal, wants to be responsible for Viv and the baby, and I could see that he loves Viv so much! The feeling was palpable through the pages of the book, I guess that if Max could, he would embrace Viv and never let her go.
In this book we get to know Mummy Dear much better. Oh my, what an manipulative person she is. But the strength of Emma's writing lies in creating a negative characters that we can also like. Because yes, apart all of her faults, she was one of the funniest characters, the things she said and she believed in, oh my gosh, you must read it for yourself:)
There were not a lot of characters in this book, and almost all of them we know from Never Google Heartbreak, all but Damon who was more than ridiculous with his obsession with Lady Di, and it was a real, real joy to see them all again. All brilliantly written, just popping out of the pages, felt like real people.

There were moments that I wanted to shake Viv so hard, when I saw how naive she is and that she allows her mother to play with her feelings again and that she risks her relationship with Max, but altogether I loved her. There were moments that I couldn't believe what she's doing, you know what I mean, when I wanted to say "no way, she didn't do this!", and there were moments that I nodded with understanding. She could be my new best friend and Lucy can be very thankful for having Viv in her life, especially with the crackers Viv organized for her wedding. I also loved the way Viv took to motherhood. Easy, calm but also with her characteristic dose of humour. I can guess she's going to be a great mum and I really, really wouldn't say no to the next book in the series (I think I have said that already. I hope the author took the hint).

The titles of each chapter are fabulously funny and there is also a small note at the beginning, usually dealing with something related to this particular chapter, and these had me in giggles as well. It really makes the book to stand out, as it is not as common in the books as I'd like it to be.

Altogether, it is a story that will have you laughing out loud, but also let all kinds of emotions free. It is wonderfully well - paced and it makes a great, fast read that I didn't want to put down. Emma also smuggles some messages about family values in a very subtle and accessible way. Her writing style is one of the best ever, light, fluffy, easy to follow and she had me hooked to every single page of the book. It's a brilliant read, no matter where you are - go and grab your copy, you will not regret it!

Copy received from publisher in exchange for a review.
Profile Image for Jo.
44 reviews5 followers
July 12, 2018
Breezy beach read, summer 2018 edition, part 3.
Profile Image for sónia.
29 reviews
October 3, 2022
bought this at the Madrid Airport 6 years ago on my trip back home. very entertaining and funny but not as light-hearted as the cover.
Profile Image for A Page of  Fictional Love .
159 reviews19 followers
October 4, 2014
To say that this book was eagerly awaited is an absolute understatement. Following on from NEVER GOOGLE HEARTBREAK, OMG Baby reconnects us with Viv and Max in all their fabulously sarcastic glory. The chemistry between these two characters is not only believable but so captivating. Viv and Max have the makings of a married couple but will they ever get that far?

The arrival of Viv's mother (and her drama) certainly send ripples through their lives and as a reader, you can't help but feel torn between both Viv and Max as they share the effects of this new arrival in their lives - and I'm not talking about the 'maybe baby'. You can see both sides to the situation, and you sympathise with both characters at the same time, yet find yourself banging your head against the paperback cover as you want to literally yell at them and state the obvious. (This is what a good book does to you!)

Emma Garcia, has approached a subject that many people face in their lives - estranged, selfish parents who seem to just not be cut out for parenthood, and she has spun the effects of having such a parent in your life. Viv shares her intimate fears and dreams as both a 7 year old girl watching her mother leave, and also as a 30 year old woman eager to have her mum in her life.

As well as facing the 'maybe baby' situation in their lives, they also are trying to build up their own businesses: Viv's Transition Crackers & Max's art gallery showcases, along with a friend who is eager to get pregnant and then unfortunately faces sadness, and with Viv's hormones all over the place, it's only natural that a huge argument will ensue along with separation and possible infidelity - is it just hormones again?

Emma keeps the reader entertained throughout the entire 423 page book with each scene a page turner. As with all romantic fairytales, the course of true love never does run smooth, and happy endings are really sometimes only just the beginning....

This was originally posted on my blog at www.apageoffictionallove.blogspot.co.uk
Profile Image for Rea Cobb.
431 reviews701 followers
June 6, 2014
I love reading sequels because it is great to see what the characters we already know and love are upto next and so this was why I was looking forward to reading OMG Baby which follows Viv from Never Google Heartbreak.

Viv and Max are now reunited but they have some unexpected news…… Viv is pregnant ! With both of them not in a job where they have a regular wage they begin to worry how on earth they are going to cope, as if the worry of bringing a child into the world isn’t enough then through Viv’s unreliable and useless mother into the mix and things are really starting to get too much. Will Viv and Max’s relationship be able to stand the test of time?

If you liked Never Google Heartbreak then you will love this one. The same down to earth humour is back in this book which makes this an entertaining read. Although it is a light plot the storyline does contain some more emotional parts to it from miscarriage to fertility and financial pressure and family problems so there is a deeper side to the humorous storyline.

I love Viv she is such a witty and fun character. In some ways she is a very strong woman but she is equally just as ditsy! I did find myself wanting to bang her head against a brick wall when it came to her mother Rainey that woman is just unbelievable.

I fully expect there to be another book for Viv as although we wasn’t left on a cliff hanger there is still more that can be done with her character and some lose ends that have been left so I am putting my bets on another release next year!

I do think it is best for you to read Never Google Heartbreak before you read this one, I think you would still enjoy the book and understand it without but it is nice to have the background on the characters so you have a familiar feel when reading this one. So treat yourself and add both of these books to your To Be Read Piles.
Profile Image for Carlin.
1,572 reviews11 followers
September 7, 2014
This book is the sequel to Never Google Heartbreak. I strongly recommend you read the first one before OMG baby, otherwise you wouldn't understand the real heartbreak of the Main character, Vivienne, and how she has ended up in a relationship with Max (and pregnant with his baby).

Poor Vivienne! Abandoned by her mother (Rainey) at 7, she allows Rainey back in her life (and home) during her pregnancy almost losing Max as a consequence. Rainey is one of the most despicable characters ever, lying, manipulative, demeaning, and downright mean to Vivienne, doing everything in her power to drive a wedge between Vivienne and Max. But Vivienne wants to have a real mother-daughter relationship with Rainey that makes up for the years of feeling not quite good enough to deserve that love.

As with the prior book, Vivienne is a frustrating but loveable character. Fortunately Max sticks with her in spite of Rainey's efforts to doom their relationship, and he and Vivienne end up together with their baby (and no Rainey!).

I wonder if there will be a sequel to this book? I would love to see what comes next!
Profile Image for karmaforlifechick.
122 reviews17 followers
August 6, 2014
I received a copy of OMG Baby! by Emma Garcia in exchange for an honest review.

Max and Viv were best friends who became more than friends in Never Google Heartbreak whose relationship did not work through a series of mishaps. Now they are back together in OMG Baby! with a totally different dilemma - Viv discovers she's pregnant and they can barely look after themselves - how will they take care of a baby! Then to make matters worse, Viv's mother turns up and manipulates her way into staying with them and straining everyone's nerves to breaking point. What does she really want? This book was so funny, I think my hubby thought I was losing it. I spite of the frustration of Viv's mom, who was seriously pathetic, I could not help but love this follow up to Never Google Heartbreak! How could anyone not love Max, such a sweetheart and in spite of the mess ups who could not help but root for them. Great characters, great follow up book.
Profile Image for Erica.
24 reviews1 follower
July 1, 2014
I finished this about a week ago, so I finally feel adept to write a review. I had to think in it because I was so annoyed when I first finished it. First and most obvious is that her mother is the most horrible person alive. obviously she was written that way on purpose, but as a reader we keep forgetting that the main character has horrible abandonment issues, so we're just thinking "get away from her!!!" But she just keeps going back.....I just feel like her emotional problems could've been expanded on so we have more empathy for her (main character, I forgot her name). there is so much about her that is not said regarding her emotions that all you get is her surface behavior and it ends up feeling very shallow. ok, fine. this is not supposed to be a deep book. but it could've been, and why not take that extra leap as an author?
33 reviews2 followers
September 3, 2015
I only realised about 60% through the book that this was a sequel... no where in descriptions did I see that this was #2. So o was blooming furious! I did think why have I been thrown into this relationship and random parts made no sense, I should have guessed sooner... I finished it anyway, Viv is a bit of a d*ck, Max sounded like an absolute Tosser and her Nana, just doesn't come back, what a silly way to not include someone in your book. she did write Rainey well, even I wanted to hit her! Poor Damon as well, it was just mean how she described him and Mike seemed like a creepy leech, I'm assuming I'd have a better opinion of them all if I'd read the first one, but for now I'll leave it! would definitely read another of her books again though, she doesn't try too hard or add in ridiculous similes, just make sure it's not a sequel!!
Profile Image for Katie.
19 reviews1 follower
March 11, 2015
If you're looking for an easy read this is definitely it. I really enjoyed "Never Google Heartbreak," Emma Garcia's first novel that introduces us to the loveable Vivienne Summers.
Following on from the last book, this story focuses on exploring the long lost relationship with Viv's mother who has reappeared for the first time in Viv's adult life.

There are some genuine laugh out loud moments and you can't help but fall in love with most of the characters. A modern day Bridget Jones!

I would recommend, particularly to people wanting some light hearted reading. I couldn't put it down towards the end as it was so easy to read! Touches upon some serious topics too, so not the usual chick lit.
Profile Image for D. Thrush.
Author 11 books146 followers
November 28, 2017
I loved the first book. This book continues the story of Viv, who is a bit of a trainwreck. She finds herself pregnant with devoted Max’s baby but then the mother who abandoned her at age seven turns up and tears through her life like a hurricane. Viv attempts to get to know her while acting as referee between her and Max and managing a fledgling business with former co-workers, Christie and Michael. Viv continues to make the wrong decisions and is maddeningly stubborn. Her best friend, Lucy is back and clueless Christie is always funny. Emma Garcia is a great Chick Lit writer and I hope she writes more books. This one was enjoyable and funny, though not as good as the first.
Profile Image for Mina Singh.
137 reviews
September 10, 2014
Another fantastic read by author. Possible Spoilers: This book picks up where "Never Google Heartbreak" left off with Viv trying to contact Max who has taken off to explore Spain. Viv finds out she is pregnant and is looking to tell Max both this as well as that she loves him. Misunderstandings and circumstances lead to their separation in the last book. However, they do meet again in this book and go through the ups and downs and trials of pregnancy. However, at the end all is well.
Profile Image for Hana.
37 reviews37 followers
September 26, 2015
Fantasic! I needed a light, funny read after reading a book about drug addiction. I have never laughed as loud. The main character is completely relatable, although she's also funny. I fell madly in love with her boyfriend, Max too.

Even though the book is brilliant, I gave it four stars because it lacked depth. There was just something missing in the book. But overall, you've earned yourself a new reader, Emma Garcia.
Profile Image for Sian Roullier.
67 reviews9 followers
September 25, 2018
It was nice to have the characters back and see what has happened since the last book.

I love viv as a character, she says and does what she wants without thinking and it doesn't always turn out right. there are moments where you laugh to yourself reading the next thing viv gets upto.

a light hearted, funny read and a nice conclusion to the story
Profile Image for Natalie Martin.
563 reviews12 followers
June 22, 2016
I loved the first installment of this series but this one disappointed me. When I thought Viv was weird and cute in Never Google Heartbreak I found annoying in this installment. However I was invested in these characters and wanted to find out what happened to them. My favourite part of the entire book is when Viv is in labour. That chapter alone is hilarious and worth the read...
Profile Image for Crystal Royall.
27 reviews
January 19, 2015
Just as good

Viv is still as crazed as ever only this time she is pregnant as well. In this book she has a whole new set of problems to deal with. Some how, as we all do, she gets through them and is a better, stronger woman in the end.
February 4, 2016
For a chick lit book which I normally wouldn't touch with a bargepole I did enjoy this and it made me laugh out loud quite a few times.I would probably read other books by this author as she has got a good sense of humour.Recommended if your brain needs some light relief!
Profile Image for Prim.
232 reviews48 followers
Want to read
April 23, 2014
Oh no. The first one was a cliffy and now you're giving me this? Just a title with no cover or even a blurb? :(
Profile Image for ALittleBrittofFun.
884 reviews165 followers
June 12, 2014
*3.5 stars*
This was cute and I was quite happy to have a follow up to this story. I found certain parts to be a bit tedious because I was annoyed by Rainey but overall it was good.
Displaying 1 - 28 of 28 reviews

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