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My Three Dogs

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My Three Dogs is a charming and heartfelt new novel from the #1 bestselling author of A Dog's Purpose, about humankind's best, most loyal friend, and a wonderful adventure of love and finding home.

When a tragic accident separates three dogs from their human, they find themselves up for adoption -- separately. But Riggs, an Australian Shepherd with a heart of gold, refuses to see his family torn apart. After the exuberant and fun-loving doodle Archie and quick-witted Jack Russell Luna are taken to new homes, Riggs' powerful herding instincts send him on a journey to bring his pack back together again. Cameron's signature style shines in this whirlwind of a novel that showcases how determination, instinct, and love can make a family whole once more.

288 pages, Hardcover

Expected publication October 29, 2024

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About the author

W. Bruce Cameron

89 books4,341 followers
I’ve always loved dogs, which puts me in a unique category along with what, maybe two or three billion people?

What’s not to love about an animal who will sit in your living room all day long, waiting for you to get home, and even if you need to work late and then stop for a stress-relieving beverage on your way home, when you unlock that front door, is absolutely overjoyed to see you? How could you not adore an animal who senses when your day is not going well and tries to cheer you up by dumping a sodden tennis ball in your lap?

I was probably 8 years old, playing in the back yard of our house in Prairie Village, KS, when my dad opened the gate and in rushed a 9-week-old Labrador puppy. I fell to my knees and spread my arms and that dog leaped into them as if we had loved each other our whole lives. It’s a scene that shows up in A Dog’s Purpose—a puppy and a boy meeting each other the very first time, both of them full of unrestrained joy.

We named the dog Cammie. She arrived in my life when I was just beginning to connect some of the dots in my memory to make a picture of who I was, forming my identity as a child. I remember every skinned knee and bicycle ride in the context of Cammie, who was always there for me. And I lost her just as I was starting to leave childhood behind, passing on after I’d spent a year in college. That’s Cammie, the dog of my childhood.

Years later I was riding my bicycle in the mountains outside of Pine, CO. A chance decision to bounce down a dirt road led me past a few scattered ranches and one small house near a creek, set back from the road at least 50 yards. A single “woof” from a dog caught my attention, and I braked and stood in the dry, clear air, regarding the dog who had called out to me.

She was on a chain by the house, and a fence stood between us, so I remained on the road even though I could see that the dog, a black lab mix with a crazily active tail, was clearly friendly. I gazed at her and the dog sat, attentive, staring into my eyes exactly the way my first dog, Cammie, used to look at me, really seeing into me.

And that’s when the thought hit me. What if this wonderful dog was Cammie? What if dogs live over and over again, and always remember us?

I dismissed the thought, waved at the dog, and rode away, but days later the idea came back to me. What if?

I’ve been a writer my whole life, but never have I ever written anything as important as A Dog’s Purpose.

I can’t promise you that A Dog’s Purpose will make you love your dog more—how could it do that? But I’ll tell you what a lot of people have told me: after reading A Dog’s Purpose, you’ll never look at your dog the same way again.

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Displaying 1 - 28 of 28 reviews
Profile Image for Casey Reads ✨.
293 reviews161 followers
April 25, 2024

3 dogs get separated from their owner due to a tragic accident. Then they all get separated from each other. This begins their adventure of finding their way back to each other.

There were some very heartbreaking parts of this story that will have you tearing up. These poor dogs go through it from encountering bad people to street life battling hunger and danger.

I really liked how each dog’s breed characteristics were on display. The Aussie dog, a herding breed, describes his need to herd things and it was so spot on. The Jack Russell’s personality was spot on too. And when the Labradoodle was described as loving anybody, SPOT ON. 😂 Just really great descriptions consistently of their behavior that were spot on for each breed.

There were also street dogs that play a role and we get some of their stories too. The epilogue was one of the BEST epilogues I have ever read - had me grinning from ear to ear.

I was so excited to get this book, because I LOVE this author and it did not disappoint.

Thank you to Netgalley and Tor Publishing Group for this free advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

Also so excited to have the very first review, 1st time ever for me!
Profile Image for *TUDOR^QUEEN* .
541 reviews616 followers
August 27, 2024
4.5 Stars

As a dog lover/owner for the last five decades, I gravitated towards this book. Also, the author is quite famous for his books involving dogs- many having been made into movies.

This book has a formula that grabs you by the heartstrings involving a romance, tragedy, and the dissolution of a happy pack of three dogs from their loving home. The author has a knack of getting inside the minds of dogs, where the reader gets the unique perspective of how dogs think and what's important to them: their "person", food/water, and their "pack". I found myself compulsively turning the pages in the hopes that by some miracle all would turn out well in the end and the people and dogs that loved each other so fiercely would be reunited. It was a charming, poignant, and satisfying read...and yes...I sincerely hope that it is made into a movie!

Thank you to the publisher Forge Books for providing an advance reader copy via NetGalley.
Profile Image for Rachel.
2,260 reviews89 followers
June 3, 2024
My Three Dogs by W. Bruce Cameron is a wonderful, entertaining, and heartfelt novel that endears me to my four-legged, furry family members even the more.

I have always loved dogs, have had a best friend for 12 years now, and have enjoyed nooks by Mr. Cameron in the past, so I really wanted to read this one. The trilogy of A Dog’s Purpose brought many a tear…so so many…so I was almost afraid to tackle this one. I am glad I did. Yes, my eyes brimmed with tears a few times, but they dried up as quickly with reading through the personalities if the three dogs and their adventures (good and bad). Harrowing, sad, and heartwarming all rolled in together. And the Epilogue is just perfect.

5/5 stars

Thank you NG and Tor Publishing Group | Forge Books for this wonderful arc and in return I am submitting my unbiased and voluntary review and opinion.

I am posting this review to my GR and Bookbub accounts immediately and will post it to my Amazon, Instagram, and B&N accounts upon publication on 10/29/24.
Profile Image for Elizabeth Kennedy.
52 reviews13 followers
July 2, 2024
W. Bruce Cameron does it yet again — and by “it,” I mean he knocks it right out of the park / hits a home run / scores all of the sports metaphor points (Go Chiefs!) that one could ever aspire to achieve in the course of one’s lifetime — with his latest heartwarming and exciting novel, My Three Dogs.

What is so extraordinary about the aforementioned feat is: yes, it is true, Cameron has written, oh, I don’t know, a few other books about dogs — and by “a few,” I mean 30+. His other, non-dog-themed books are about remodeling men (not gonna happen); simple rules for dating teenage daughters (good luck with that); and my personal favorites, the trilogy of books in the very sexy Repo Man series (can we please get another installment of the one and only delicious Ruddy McCann?!). Uplifting, thought-provoking, and profound in equal measures, this brand-new W. Bruce Cameron dog book is fresh and innovative, shiny and new, and truly distinctive from its predecessors.

The structure of My Three Dogs incorporates third person narrative, thereby giving the reader an intimate and vulnerable glimpse into the unique perspectives of three very unique dogs, all of them belonging to the same eclectic pack that gets unexpectedly torn apart by a tragedy that strikes in the blink of an eye. What ensues is an adventure for the reader that is dramatic, relatable, engaging, thrilling, touching, hopeful, and sweet.

**WARNING** This is the part where I interject my disclaimer: consider yourself forewarned if you continue to read this review, as there are MAJOR SPOILERS ahead.

Perhaps the most delightful departure from Cameron’s previous beloved dog books is that in this one, none of the dogs die. Despite enduring multiple harrowing, near-miss occurrences, all three of Liam and Sabrina’s dogs are happy and well, alive, and joyously, miraculously reunited with their people at the novel’s conclusion. And what a spectacular, applause-worthy conclusion it is!

This is a breathtaking adventure tale, one with the kind of real-life challenges faced by everyday people like you and me. A hardworking, genuinely good man named Liam loves a beautiful, intelligent, warm woman named Sabrina, and one night when he is planning to propose to her, a drunk driver hits him on the highway, and it’s lights out. (Or so we think.) When Liam is rushed to the hospital and placed into intensive care, in a coma from the head injuries he sustained in the accident, Sabrina thinks he just isn’t returning her calls, and Liam’s well-meaning but overbearing brother unintentionally ends up adding unnecessary complications to the mix by cherry-picking the pieces of truth he reveals, thus wreaking havoc upon the human as well as the canine characters.

The stakes throughout the story remain elevated to the highest degree, and there are twists and turns to keep the reader guessing — but in the end, against all odds, true love and the ties that bind ultimately prevail over all obstacles and adversities that threaten to stand in their way.

There are lots of edge-of-your-seat suspenseful moments where dogs and humans alike face violence, random tragedy, misfortune, and danger. I also spent like 150 pages being so mad at Bruce (because I thought Liam was actually dead), I found myself wanting to speak to him in-person right then and there so I could demand answers face-to-face. (How could you do that to us, make us care so much about this character and then kill him off? His last moments of consciousness were contemplating his final embrace with Sabrina and then realizing he forgot to feed his dogs? I am literally sobbing right now, WTAF?!)

Thankfully, after all sorts of drama ensues, Liam does finally emerge from his coma, so Bruce can breathe a sigh of relief, knowing he escaped the infamous wrath of my Irish-Italian temperament. (I’m joking, of course; I am as demure as can be.)

The individual perspectives of the three dogs collectively represent a rather motley crew of diverse canine voices: Riggs, the naturally in-charge Aussie, is a meticulous and orderly Alpha male who craves routine and compartmentalization, and sees Liam as the center of their pack; Luna is a spirited, spunky female, the clever and highly instinctive Jack Russell terrier (like my own fur-baby Dexter!) who is hopelessly devoted to Sabrina; and Archie is an impromptu rescue from a neglectful owner who charges into the nice, neat, initial setup with a hefty dose of upending chaos.

Each character contributes to the plot in a deeply meaningful way, and this story is such a delightful and emotionally fulfilling journey to take, you truly will not want to miss out.

Thanks to the publishers at Tor/Forge for providing me with an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for KB.
116 reviews1 follower
September 12, 2024
I received an ARC by Tor/Forge in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts expressed are my own.

I love W. Bruce Cameron's writing. He's become an instant read. His books are written through the point of view of the dogs and always manage to make me cry in both sad and happy tears. My Three Dogs is no exception.

My Three Dogs is about a man, a woman, and their three dogs. Liam works in construction and buys and sells houses, which means he moves around a lot. Sabrina is a teacher who craves stability, making her the opposite of Liam. At the beginning, there's already a bit of tension between the couple. And then... a third dog is thrown into the mix tipping the scales. Relationship troubles happen, but with a healthy relationship things start getting worked out through communication and understanding. A car accident changes everything. Suddenly, life is in disarray for everyone and the dogs end up separated and not understanding why. Riggs, Luna, and Archie, the small pack, end up in multiple places, sometimes with people, and sometimes surviving on their own. Riggs' sole focus is to find his person, Liam. Luna craves being back with Sabrina. And Archie...well, Archie is just happy with human attention. As with W. Bruce Cameron's dog books, this book is a rollercoaster of emotion and adventure that has you cheering the dogs on to achieve their goals.

I swear I have had dogs with the personalities Cameron describes. I currently have a Riggs and an Archie in my two Shepherds. One we call "Officer Reina" as she keeps our Archie-dog, Nyx, - and even the cat - in line. Sadly, we lost our Luna-dog, Mishka (a husky), 2 months ago. She loved her people and insisted on staying close for physical touch, especially in her later years.

I highly recommend My Three Dogs for anyone blessed to have a dog in their life, and for fans of A Dog's Purpose.
Profile Image for Suzanne.
1,740 reviews
September 18, 2024
As a dog lover, I was so excited to read this book. The story tracks three dogs in their journeys after losing their beloved owner. The author clearly understands dog behavior, and I loved how he described the different breeds spot on - from the goofy labradoodle to the intense Australian shepherd.

I was super worried about the dogs through much of the book, and I loved the portrayal of rescues - they are true heroes. I'd recommend this book to everyone who loves their dogs.
1 review
July 21, 2024
Thanks to Tor/Forge for providing me with an advance reader copy in exchange for an honest review. I own and have read all of The Dogs Purpose books and The Dogs Christmas books, and I have also seen the movies, so of course I was very anxious to read My Three Dogs. All I can say it did not disappoint. I thought I would sit down and read a few chapters, but that didn't happen. I sat down and didn't stop until I finished the book. Reading is so much better than household chores on a Saturday morning. Each dog had their own personality and I couldn't wait to find out what would happen to them, though from reading his other books I could guess the ending. I always love reading books from the dogs perspective. My husband and I have adopted many dogs from shelters and I volunteered for many years as a dog walker at a local shelter and now volunteer with a non profit rescue and pet pantry organization locally. You see and hear all kinds of reasons why animals end up at a shelter. So reading from the dogs point of view but a different perspective of those reasons of surrender as well as what the dogs experience while at a shelter. I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves dogs or who has a rescue dog in their life. You won't be disappointed. I can definitely see this book being made into a movie...and of course I will have to see it. Great job with another book, W. Bruce Cameron!
3 reviews
July 24, 2024
I loved reading W. Bruce Cameron newest novel “My Three Dogs”. I felt instantly connected to all the characters (humans and dogs alike) in this simply wonderful book. The heartwarming story made me smile at every turn of the page. If you love dogs this is a must read. I believe readers of all ages will enjoy it. Once you start reading this book, it is nearly impossible to put down. I always feel more connected to my dogs after finishing one of W. Bruce Cameron's many books. I believe I understand them better and love them even more, if that is even possible. I have been collecting and reading all his novels since "A Dog's Purpose" was released over 14 years ago. I want to thank Tor/Forge Publishing for providing me with an advance copy of "My Three Dogs" in exchange for my honest review.
10 reviews2 followers
July 5, 2024
An overwhelming and memorable theme of many of W. Bruce Cameron’s dog-related books is that of dogs and their person being reunited after loss. The loss may be a physical one in which death separates us as in “A Dog’s Purpose” which is the story of Bailey and his many lives as he struggles to find his way back to his person in unexpected ways. “A Dog’s Way Home” is about pup Bella losing her way and making the long journey to find her person. In Cameron’s latest book, “My Three Dogs”, we meet Riggs, Luna, and Archie, the much-beloved canines of Liam and follow their individual stories when an unintended separation pulls them from their person.

The beauty of “My Three Dogs” initially lies in how quickly the reader is enveloped in the characters and the storyline. W. Bruce Cameron is a master in character development and dramatic stories which celebrate the dog-human connection. We meet Liam early on and learn how dedicated he is to his three dogs. When a series of events leads Liam to be unintentionally separated from Riggs, Luna, and Archie, the book focuses on the power of love between human and canine and they work their way back towards each other.

Throughout the book, dramatic turns take the three canines in different directions and the reader follows their adventures individually and, sometimes, jointly. While the book is not told from the dogs’ point of view, we are privy to their inner thoughts, confusion, and deep love for their person. Like Cameron’s other books, we’re introduced to people who can’t imagine life without their dogs and those who should never be granted that great gift. Although this is a stand-alone novel, there are little Easter Eggs throughout the book that tie into Cameron’s other books. And, much like his other novels, as we read, we’re pulling for the pups and their person to find their way home to each other.

“My Three Dogs” is filled with roller coaster runs of excited highs, dramatic scenes, and a trilogy of entertaining sub-stories. Each dog has his or her share of ups and downs and differing interludes. Cameron travels between storylines effortlessly and gives each dog the right amount of attention and drama. While the reader hopes for a satisfying conclusion for each of them, Cameron makes sure to keep their stories intriguing and unpredictable. The Epilogue neatly, and creatively ties up a storyline and gives the reader a bonus ending.

Thanks to Tor/Forge for providing me with an advance copy in exchange for an honest review. It was my pleasure to read and review “My Three Dogs”. I look forward to each new Cameron release (especially the dog-related books) because I know I’ll enter into a world I never want to leave. True dog lovers would love to know what their dog is thinking and understand the reasons they behave certain ways. The heartfelt craftsmanship of Cameron’s writing suggests he has inner knowledge of the minds of dogs and I choose to believe he truly understands what they say and what they mean. When I’ve finished one of his books, I always feel like I’ve lost a friend (the canine variety) because I’m now left to try to figure out my own dog on my own, without W. Bruce Cameron’s road map. Those who are not pet parents may not understand this but that’s okay. My dog does.
Profile Image for Cheri.
1,969 reviews2,818 followers
August 17, 2024

This is a different kind of love story, of a man who builds houses and a woman who has had several diverse occupations over the years. This begins with him bringing home yet another dog, and her needing a break, so she goes to stay at her sister’s house for what is intended to be a brief stay. Only…it doesn’t turn out that way, as there is an accident, and his brother is determined to keep her away from him. Permanently.

Meanwhile, the dogs are left in an animal shelter, at first temporarily, but the shelter can only keep them for so long. A little at a time each dog is ‘tried on’ by someone, some with a family with younger children, but the families seem to find fault in each of them over a relatively brief period of time. Over time, the dogs seem to take it upon themselves to leave, knowing they aren’t wanted, and wanting to return to their person - only he is no longer in the place they called home. Each of them attempts to find him, searching the places they used to go, and occasionally finding a human who offers them food.

Theirs is a long and winding journey, but ultimately one that is worthwhile when they find the place they can finally call home.

Pub Date: 29 Oct 2024

Many thanks for the ARC provided by Tor Publishing Group / Forge Books
94 reviews
July 26, 2024
This story starts with Liam and Sabrina. There are also 3 dogs. And - there's Brad, Liam's brother who is quite simply, a jerk. Liam is involved in a car crash and Sabrina isn't allowed to visit and believes Liam is dead. The three dogs are taken to the shelter. And that's about half way through the book. I had to get up and do laundry, vacuum the house - I couldn't handle what was happening. My fear was that one of the dogs would be killed - because there are books like that.
You'll have to read this yourself to see what happens to the 2 humans (minus jerk Brad) and the 3 dogs but I'll tell ya - I was pretty upset as the turn of events wound its way through the book. I actually scanned a few pages - desperate to see what would happen.
This book is best read with some beer - maybe some calming tea.
Right now I've got to put some meds on my fingers where I've chewed the nails off.
5 reviews2 followers
August 13, 2024
Another great read by W. Bruce Cameron! I took the book with me on vacation and couldn’t put it down. Since there was a huge time difference I spent the first 2 nights reading and finished it on the third night. Like all of Mr. Cameron’s books, I didn’t want it to end.

You will LOVE the story about Archie, Luna and Riggs & their adventures; some sad, some funny. You will wish these fur babies were yours. I loved how they look after each other and their humans! It makes me wonder what my four legged baby is thinking!

Don’t want to spoil the book by saying more. Trust me you will won’t want to put it down. Looking forward to getting the audio narrated by Mr. Cameron himself 10-29-24!

Thank you NG and Tor Publishing Group | Forge Books for this wonderful arc and in return I am submitting my unbiased and voluntary review and opinion.
Profile Image for Therearenobadbooks.
1,152 reviews37 followers
July 21, 2024
I was curious and excited to read a novel like this, and it didn't disappoint. It's not usually my usual genre to read, but I am now a super fan of this niche. I had such a great time. I am a huge fan of animal characters and wanted to see how it works in realiatic fiction. Why was I crying in several moments of this novel? So good. 

This is a great way to intertwine the dogs personality, actions, their loyalty to their person with all the couple's emotions in the daily lives, the hardships, the ignorance and violence of others, the love of their family. It was very emotional and wonderful. 

I will definitely pick up a book like this again. Every pet lover will relate to and love this story. Made it a perfect beach day. 

Thank you, Netgalley and Publisger, for this e-arc.
175 reviews
August 1, 2024
Meeting new dog characters through W. Bruce Cameron is always a delightful way to spend my reading time. Not only are these stories entertainingly heartfelt, but also so very insightful. Like all of his novels, we hear about dog behaviors, but I think we learn more about human behaviors in these books.
I am a dog lover, and my dog makes me a better human. These books also make me a better human, a more caring person. This story of three dogs (the pack) is packed with determination, humor, and love. It's a pretty good way to take a look at our own priorities in our relationships whether it be our relationship with our pet or with another human.
Thank you, Mr. Cameron, for writing this wonderful story.
Profile Image for Jean  Mader.
62 reviews2 followers
August 21, 2024
I have always had a loving doggie in my family. I have seen the movie, “A Dog’s Purpose”. I know that author W. Bruce Cameron is a prolific and very popular author. But “My Three Dogs” is just way too saccharine for me.

The book is an easy and fast read and there are many charming scenes with the doggies. Riggs is a small Australian shepherd and the boss of the pack. Luna is loving, devoted to her owners, and is the smart dog. Archie is a labradoodle, need we say more? When their kind owner has a terrible accident, the doggies face a sad summer, as they go through a “Lassie Come Home” experience.

Any animal lover will adore this book. 5 stars to the author and Tor Publishing Group / Forge Books. Thanks to Net Galley for an advance digital review copy.
Profile Image for Amanda Smith.
3 reviews
August 22, 2024
Thank you to Tor/Forge for providing me with an advance reader copy of this book! I must say, I thoroughly enjoyed this book and would definitely recommend it to others! It was well written and thought out. Once I got to a certain point in the book, I was on the edge of my seat reading well into the early morning hours (I think I finished it at 2 a.m.?). The way the story came together was beautiful. Reading from a dog's point of view was pretty cool, because I actually *felt* as if I were right there in that moment. So much so, that it made me feel more connected to my own dogs. Another thing I loved was how the story tugged at my heartstrings; it made me feel some real emotion. Great job W. Bruce Cameron!
Profile Image for Nicole Wagner.
377 reviews14 followers
August 27, 2024
This novel was not a super heavy literary lift. Nothing shocking or surprising here, but dog people will smile. If you're not a dog person, it's probably safe to skip this one.

Dogs are simple and guileless, so on one hand this story's progression is straightforward and shallow. The story is told by the dogs, mostly, and their motivations are uncomplicated.

On the other hand, this gives the plot a bit of the "unreliable narrator" trope, meaning the reader is aware of many insights the dogs can't deduce.

On the whole this was an entertaining and sentimental story about the loyalty of companion dogs and holding true to what's most important to us in life. This fellow's books are a nice snack between the meatier novels, and I'll definitely read more from this author sometime.
Profile Image for Robin.
1,123 reviews6 followers
August 26, 2024
Thanks to NetGalley for providing me with this ARC. I have read a couple of the author’s books before and enjoyed them. He seems able to get inside a dog’s brain and translate what’s going on. In this story, three different breed dogs live with Liam, a commitment phobic man who lives with his unhappy girlfriend Sabrina. The pack is separated by a tragic accident and it is Riggs, the Australian shepherd who determines to get the pack (a Jack Russell and a very young labradoodle) together and find Liam. The author seems to capture the breed characteristics in their separate personalities. It’s the first book in a while that I read in one sitting!
1 review
July 12, 2024
Thanks to the publisher for an advance reader copy. I don’t read a lot these days but I could not put down My Three Dogs. It made me want to read everything Cameron writes. The dogs each had their own personality and i cared about what happened to them. It made me think of dogs differently. I recommend this book to anyone in your life who is a reluctant reader or who loves dogs and stories with heart. The action keeps you engaged from the start to the great ending.
Profile Image for Megan.
387 reviews8 followers
August 6, 2024
W. Bruce Cameron has done it again, tugging at the heartstrings of dog lovers everywhere. Reading along while the 3 dogs lived through adventures both good and bad was an adventure in itself. There were several points that had me tearing up, as most of his books do. Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the ARC.
160 reviews5 followers
August 20, 2024
My Three Dogs is one of the most fun books I have read in some time. I wasn't sure when I started reading and saw the book was written from the dogs' point of view; but it was really fun and I would love to read other books by this author. Thanks to Goodreads for giving me the chance to enjoy a new-to-me author. I plan to look for some of his other books.
6 reviews2 followers
July 1, 2024
Absolutely LOVED this book. Bruce draws you into this story and makes you feel as though you're actually there with these dogs and characters. It will have you rooting for everyone to find their best lives!!
Profile Image for Karen.
3 reviews1 follower
July 20, 2024
WOW! W. Bruce Cameron has done it again! I couldn't put it down. My Three Dogs is such a feel good story with lots of twists and turns. Thanks to Tor/Forge for providing me with an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.
10 reviews1 follower
July 30, 2024
I was lucky enough to receive an advance readers copy from the editor. What can I say? I knew I'd love it because so far I've enjoyed all of Mr. Camerons books, but this was exceptional! It's funny, uplifting and keeps you turning those pages to find out what comes next. I highly recommend!
Profile Image for Nicole.
332 reviews17 followers
May 27, 2024
I really loved this book. It had me on an emotional rollercoaster. I adored the dogs and their personalities.. I can't wait to read more by W. Bruce Cameron!
Profile Image for Milly Virus.
197 reviews2 followers
July 8, 2024
This was so sweet and sad and funny all in one spectacular book! Now I look at my dog and wonder "what is he thinking about"? Any dog lover will fall in love with this book and will stay with the reader for a long time!!!
Profile Image for KP.
242 reviews17 followers
August 19, 2024
Okay, this was totally different from any of the genres I usually read…but I really enjoyed this, the journey these dogs go through to find each other will pull at your heart strings.
Profile Image for Heidi Brydon.
43 reviews3 followers
August 4, 2024
It won't come as a surprise to anyone who knows me that I FREAKING LOVED THIS BOOK. Look, I'm a lifer when it comes to W. Bruce Cameron, and that's not just for his dog books, his book Emory's Gift is a masterpiece, and I might even love it more than the book that hooked me into his cult in the first place, A Dog's Purpose, which I got as an ARC from my friend, not long after the death of my beloved pug.

But this book rates right up there in the Cameron Pantheon of great books. He's back to his sweet spot of writing better than any living author from the point of view of a dog.

Except this time he's upped the game, because he's writing from the point of view of three VERY DIFFERENT dogs. And the insight that gives you into how a pack works is so delightful, and heartwarming, and in the case of this book with its many plot twists, suspenseful.

I love a book that keeps you guessing, and boy did this one ever do that. And honestly, the way a book ends is everything for me, and this one has one of the best, most heart-meltingly satisfying endings ever.

It also has one superiorly hate-able villain, which is another element I love.

I'm blessed that I'm enough in the loop that I was able to download a digital ARC from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review of this book.

One word of advice: Don't start it late at night if you expect to be able to function the next day. A 3:00 a.m. bedtime is so not my friend, but I HAD TO FINISH THIS AMAZING BOOK.

Treat yourself, seriously.
Displaying 1 - 28 of 28 reviews

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