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This Land Is Our Land: A Blue Beetle Story

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Writer Julio Anta and artist Jacoby Salcedo take readers on a gripping and inspiring journey filled with both high stakes and heart as Jaime embraces his new calling as Blue Beetle!

Jaime Reyes is an ordinary high school student in El Paso, Texas, with a deep love for his family, culture, and home. Whether it’s working with his dad at the auto shop or a multi-generational barbecue filled with music and dance, Jaime loves nothing more than his neighborhood’s spontaneous gatherings that go late into the night. But lately he’s begun to realize that he and his border community are being used as pawns in an increasingly toxic immigration debate.

The last few months have seen armed troops deployed along the U.S. and Mexico border, manufactured crackdowns at official border crossings, and now at the community level, a mounting resentment amongst a group of disaffected and reactionary youth who believe they’re being “replaced” by El Paso’s growing immigrant population. And to make matters worse, one of Jaime’s oldest friends, Riley, has bought into the propaganda. What started off as innocent web searches has now led Riley down a path to joining an unabashed hate group with a chapter in El Paso looking to cause some real-world violence.

But Jaime’s problems get even more complicated when he finds an odd bug-like artifact while stargazing. He starts feeling a little different—like there’s another voice in his head pushing him towards his most base instincts. And to make matters worse, he’s been having surreal dreams that show him that the true threat El Paso faces isn’t “illegal aliens,” but actual aliens known as the Reach. In fact, according to his dreams, Jaime is meant to pave the way for the Reach’s impending invasion!

208 pages, Paperback

Expected publication October 1, 2024

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About the author

Julio Anta

14 books57 followers
Julio Anta is the author of many graphic novels and comic books for young readers and adults including Frontera, his young adult debut illustrated by frequent collaborator Jacoby Salcedo, and Sí, Se Puede: The Latino Heroes Who Changed the United States, a non-fiction graphic novel illustrated by Yasmín Flores Montañez.

Julio was born and raised in Miami, Florida, and currently resides in New York City where he works to tell narratively rich stories about a diverse range of Latinx characters for readers of all ages. Forthcoming work includes a slate of graphic novels for HarperAlley, Random House Graphic, First Second and DC Comics.

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Displaying 1 - 17 of 17 reviews
Profile Image for TheNextGenLibrarian.
2,471 reviews56 followers
July 23, 2024
“…we’re stronger together than apart.”
Jaime Reyes lives in El Paso and spends most of his time with his friends, at his dad’s auto shop and stargazing. When his friend, Brenda, keeps bringing up the increasingly tense relations regarding the immigration debate, Jaime isn’t as invested as she is. But it’s hard to ignore the armed troops lining the U.S./Mexico border and Jaime’s dad’s struggling auto shop due to his inability to get his parts from Mexico. When Jamie finds an ancient bug that attaches itself to him, it’s like there’s a voice inside his head pushing him to his more basic instincts. Everything comes to a head when a protest led by Brenda gets infiltrated by Neo-Nazis and Jamie must stop it from escalating.
I love a good origin story—it’s my favorite superhero comic book to read and @julioanta & @jacobysalcedo nailed this one. As someone from Texas who has seen the xenophobia, racism and hate first hand I can tell you that I wish we had a Blue Beetle to help stop the awful rhetoric and promote peace and understanding. I can’t wait for my students to read this @dcofficial graphic novel when it releases October 1!

CW: violence, racism, nazism, hate crime, vandalism
Profile Image for ezrabella 2.0.
256 reviews39 followers
July 21, 2024
Shout out to NetGalley for giving me an Arc of this amazing graphic novel.

I assure you it is better than the movie.
Profile Image for Benjamin A.
339 reviews8 followers
June 20, 2024
Another excellent entry in the line of DC Graphic Novels for Young Adults. This one does an amazing job of blending together multiple storylines, tackles social issues without feeling preachy and sets up a future that I really hope we get to see. I always feel the need to write that I know I am not the target demographic for this line, but every time I read one, I love it and this one is no exception. I really hope we can see another volume soon.

Special Thanks to DC Comics and Netgalley for the digital ARC. This was given to me for an honest review.
Profile Image for TJ.
746 reviews56 followers
August 24, 2024
DC's YA graphic novels have really stepped it up in the last few years! This is a great retelling of Blue Beetle's origin for a generation of new fans, and this one does a seamless job of also commenting on the timely border crisis/racism we're currently seeing in Texas. This would be a great story to expand on someone's understanding of that social issue and become more empathetic, all the while getting a fun superhero origin story as well. My favorite part of this book was the (shockingly well done) parallels drawn between Blue Beetle/his scarab and his old friend who is sucked into a hate group. Check it out! 5/5 stars.
Profile Image for mad mags.
1,230 reviews92 followers
August 6, 2024
(Full disclosure: I received a free e-ARC for review through Netgalley. Content warning for racism.)

High schooler Jaime Reyes has his head in the clouds. An astronomy geek, he'd rather focus on meteor showers and spinning stars than what's going on around him. Not that anyone can blame him (well, except for his more politically active besties, Brenda and Paco) - as a border town, El Paso is the epicenter of anti-immigrant rhetoric and racist violence. With the US president shutting down the border for the third time in four years, and deploying the National Guard to keep both people and goods out, the situation is only escalating.

When an old childhood "army brat" friend returns to town, it soon becomes apparent that he's been radicalized. Riley's gotten himself wrapped up with a right wing, white nationalist militia known as the Legion of Patriots, who may or may not be responsible for the recent wave of violence targeting nonwhite El Pasoans. As Brenda organizes a march in support of immigrants and asylum seekers, Paco discovers that the Legion is organizing a "counter-protest" - really code for a violent attack, in hopes of sparking additional racist attacks across the country.

Jaime may feel powerless, but he'll soon learn that he's anything but: a fossil he discovered turns out to be a scarab sent to earth by a group of mysterious aliens known as The Reach. They're planning to save (conquer?) earth, and they want Jaime to pave the way for their arrival. But Jaime has other ideas than being used as a weapon.

Full disclosure: I knew nothing about the DC character Blue Beetle going into this. I love comics but mostly shy away from DC and Marvel - their catalogs are so huge that it's hard to find a good entry point. As it stands, THIS LAND IS OUR LAND works pretty well for the Blue Beetle character, and as a standalone story.

Anta updates the story to make it more relevant to current events: the increased militarization along the US-Mexico border; the proliferation of white supremacist, Neo-Nazi groups; the radicalization of young white men online; and the scapegoating of immigrants at the expense of working-class solidarity - you don't have to look far to see examples of these playing out today.

The characters are all fairly engaging. I especially love Brenda, because she's a badass, but the character of Riley also resonated with me, since I have family members who have gone down the far right QAnon conspiracy theory wormhole. (Don't get me wrong, I don't feel especially sorry for him, just sad about the state of things in general.) Jaime's evolution is a great thing to witness, and I love his transformation from a fairly disengaged citizen to someone who's using his powers to help those most in need. The progressive politics coupled with the inspirational ending really make THIS LAND IS OUR LAND a must read.

The artwork is also stellar and I especially appreciated the use of color to convey various emotions.
Profile Image for Mikayla Young.
Author 1 book2 followers
June 19, 2024
Thank you to Netgalley, the publisher, and author for an E-ARC of this book to read in exchange for an honest review.

The novel includes many subtle details in each scene that, if not carefully observed, might be overlooked but contribute interesting nuances to the characters, setting, and storyline. The illustrations are well-executed, vibrant, and effectively convey the narrative and events. The writing is clear, engaging, and descriptive. The characters are relatable and well-developed, offering ample room for future growth. The plot skillfully combines elements of fantasy, contemporary themes, and mystery to create a captivating and enjoyable story. The integration of text and artwork results in a vivid, engaging, informative, and concise reading experience. Minor elements like specific clothing worn by characters, highlighted words, and the use of colors like red in text boxes enhance the reader's connection to the characters, setting, and plot. While the graphic novel may center around superheroes, it also touches on significant contemporary issues such as violence, discrimination, social justice, self-discovery, relationships, and family dynamics. The portrayal of navigating morality through online influences is realistic, relatable, and particularly relevant in today's digital age with the prevalence of social media and other forms of media. The piece showcases a diverse range of characters from different cultures and races, each with distinct personalities, hobbies, and opinions. While the graphic novel's brevity and dramatic nature might not suit all readers, it opens up opportunities for the development, evolution, and further storytelling of the Blue Beetle character and the overarching narrative. This Land is Our Land: A Blue Beetle Story is a concise, engaging, educational, approachable, and authentic contemporary superhero graphic novel that will resonate with readers aged 14 and older who appreciate ordinary superheroes and beetles.
Profile Image for Tabrizia.
726 reviews8 followers
June 4, 2024
The amazing duo Julio Anta and Jacoby Salcedo return to bring not only another great coming-of-age comic with a relatable teen character but also an origin story for a teenage superhero. Who wouldn't want to read that? What I love about “This Is Our Land", except for it's amazing story and captivating illustrations, for someone tired of reading superhero stories, the superhero element is just a bonus. You are not bogged down by the superhero elements but as the reader, you can appreciate the important themes that it conveys, particularly the sentiment of staying true to your instincts, no matter what the world around you tells you. All I know is, the world could use Jamie as the voice of reason and a voice of bringing unity to our communities.

Another winner by Anta and Salcedo! Truly, a great and inspiring superhero origin story that readers will have no problem identifying with the characters and being engrossed in the comic's thought-provoking, inspiring storytelling. A must-read when it comes out in the Fall!

Thank you to NetGalley and DC Comics for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Vanessa.
768 reviews33 followers
June 10, 2024
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an eARC!

I went into this knowing absolutely nothing about Blue Beetle other than... aliens? So that my color my review. Or lack there of?

The story is alright; it's not bad, but its not something I see myself super remembering and raving about. I've read a few superhero comics lately that have touch on how/why people become radicalized. I appreciate the humanization, especially since we're dealing with youth. Smarter teens will infer how to NOT let this happen to themselves and their peers, but I feel like a direct PSA would not have been out of place or unwelcome.

Because of my proximity to the border, and the demographics of my area, I see my readers connecting with this material. I am excited for them to see themselves in a superhero.

The artwork is great! I love a good dessert scene.
Profile Image for Caylie Ratzlaff.
724 reviews33 followers
September 30, 2024
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC of this graphic novel. 4/5 stars.

Honestly, I only put it at 4 stars instead of 5 because I do not know nearly enough about DC and Blue Beetle to read this without needing at least a little more context. It is made for the beginning of the story arc e.g. you don't need to know anything, but it also needed more context for some of the world building parts.

Overall though, I'm a big fan of graphic novels since they're quick reads. This one also has a lot of sociopolitical elements such as conversations about migrants and the right's rhetoric -- along with references to hate groups and neo nazis.

I think this would be a great graphic novel for Latinx students, which makes sense since the author is also the author of Frontera.
Profile Image for Katharine.
423 reviews9 followers
July 29, 2024
The focus of this story was primarily about what it is like to live as a Mexican immigrant or a child of immigrant parents in America. The entire sci-fi element that makes this a "Blue Beetle" is a bit of a side note. This story is also a great way to understand what the Alt-Right pipeline is and what it does to people as well as how easy it is to fall down it. The story was well written and I did enjoy it. It managed to be succinct in its portrayal of anti-immigrant hatred and how it destroys local communities, but it never gets preachy. I also really enjoyed the art!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for an advanced copy in exchange for my honest review!
Profile Image for Justine Korson.
300 reviews6 followers
September 2, 2024
Thank you to Netgalley for proividng me with an ARC of this story.

One of my favorite DC characters has always been Blue Beetle (Specifically Jamie Reyes although Dan and Ted are both really awesome in their own ways too!) This graphic novel was exactly what I expected form a Jamie story. Teenage Jamie doing what he can to fight against racism and protect his people while also fighting against The Reach and everything they stand for. I've always enjoyed seeing Jamie's struggle with his scarb/The Reach and how he eventually bonds with Khaji Da. This was a great story with an even better message and. really enjoyed seeing the P, B and J group + Riley come together!!!
Profile Image for Gretchen.
1,205 reviews27 followers
July 9, 2024
Thank you to the publisher for this free eARC! All opinions are my own.

Jaime Reyes is a teenager with his head in the stars, more interested in space than in current events. But when the U.S.-Mexico border is closed and some racist groups start making threats, Jaime is thrust into the middle. This is a new take on the Blue Beetle origin story with a focus on immigration and immigrant issues. I like it. #ThisLandIsOurLandABlueBeetleStory #NetGalley
Profile Image for Rebecca.
547 reviews6 followers
July 14, 2024
Thank you to DC Comics and NetGalley of this eARC!

I enjoyed this book! I love graphic novels, and this was no exception. The social conflicts within it are great to be talking about as well. I want to watch the movie that recently came out now as well. I had never heard of it before requesting this book. If you’re interested in Blue Beetle or liked the Teen Titans graphic novels, I’m sure you’d enjoy this. As well as if you enjoy books that tackle adventure and social issues.
Profile Image for Sophy.
295 reviews3 followers
June 26, 2024
This story is about a kid who becomes a superhero, while struggling to control the thing that has attached itself to him and sometimes controls him. While he is dealing with this new power things are not going so well in his home due to hate groups. While both sides are protesting they get a visit from aliens from outer space trying to kill people. This has some really good points in it.
Profile Image for Matthew Noe.
773 reviews51 followers
September 29, 2024
I love Blue Bettle and I love a superhero book that cares about community level issues.

This does both. And does it well.
211 reviews
September 7, 2024
A well done story that uses Blue Beetle Jamie Reyes to tell a superhero origine that feels very poignant for this time in are history. This is a book that I could see sparking many good discussions and debates amongst its readers. Thank you netgalley for the advanced readers copy.
Displaying 1 - 17 of 17 reviews

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