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Going to the Fae plane against Jared’s orders has cost Mina dearly. Her decision continues to haunt her as a new danger surfaces. The Grimms are fading.
To save her family’s future, Mina Grime will have to travel to the past with the help of her Fae Godmother and a magic pair of shoes.
She must go to where the Story first began, to the beginning of the dark prince’s reign. But can she finish her quest before her time runs out or will she be trapped in the past forever?

315 pages, ebook

First published October 30, 2014

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About the author

Chanda Hahn

38 books3,872 followers
Chanda Hahn is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of Reign An Unfortunate Fairy Tale. She was born in Seattle, WA, grew up in Nebraska and currently resides in Portland, Oregon with her husband and their twin children. She attended North Central University in Minneapolis Minnesota for Childrens Ministry. She was also a children's pastor, bookseller and children's librarian.

Books published by Chanda include the UnEnchanted series a.k.a. (Unfortunate Fairy Tale Series) and The Iron Butterfly series.

Chanda is represented by Mark Gottlieb at Trident Media Group. You can direct any inquiries regarding foreign, film, audio and translation rights to him. www.tridentmediagroup.com

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1 review
February 24, 2014
OMG I REALLY hope it comes out soon I got all 3 of them so far and re-read them so I'm like OMG OMG OMG okay also that would totally suck if Jared died :o He's like my favorite character along with Mina and Nan!
1 review
February 24, 2014
oh my god im totally freaking out does anyone know when this comes out. I so hope Jared doesn't die I fell in love with his character.. but I cant wait im seriously freaking out
Profile Image for Norah Una Sumner.
869 reviews511 followers
January 3, 2016
“One day her Prince will come, and it will be her worst nightmare.”

I knew it.I just knew it.But holy macaroni,Chanda Hahn is a freaking master of creativity.I love that Mina develops a lot as a character and I love that we find out more about Teague & the origin of the Grimm curse.The dialogues felt a little bit rough sometimes and the story was maybe just a bit too fast paced for my taste.However,I love Ever and I'm glad that we also got to find out more about her.Forever better be epic.

Profile Image for Lulu Arias.
31 reviews
January 28, 2020
Minor Spoilers

This book was twisting and surprising. I did feel that it was a bit too short but probably because it ended in a cliffhanger. I love how we find out the origins of the Grimm's and how Mina's character develop. Teague makes my heart burst in all kinds of feelings. Seeing the young and slightly more innocent version of him was strange, I still imagined him with gray eyes as Jared not Teague. I would never imagined that he had been so in love with Mina (Eh- Elle).
Can't wait for the next book, i don't think i can wait for the next honestly.
Profile Image for Jenna.
159 reviews21 followers
November 19, 2014
I love this series but there are some things I didn't like about this book. First off I just want to mention that there still needs to be a lot of editing done to this book. Also the language is awkward at times and I can't imagine anyone speaking like that.

Second, I felt like nothing happened or was accomplished in this book really. She just realized how the curse came to be which is good and all but doesn't really help move along the story too much. Everything just fell apart more in Mina's world but she really did nothing. I didn't like that.

I do love the storyline for this series though. It's really unique and I love the Grimm fairy tales. The characters are fun and there is enough action in the book to be entertaining. I did enjoy the book even with its faults. I'll still read the next book which is the last one because I really want to find out how it ends.
Profile Image for Kelsey.
210 reviews35 followers
December 1, 2014
WHAAAAATTT!?!?!? No no no no no NO!!!.... NO! Why??? Why??? WHY do I do this to myself?!?!?!? I know Hahn's books end in MAJOR cliffhangers so WHY do I pre order them?!?!? Good gosh and this was the best one yet! I've tried to figure out Hahn's patterns but I can't ever figure out what she'll do next- all I know is that it's totally unexpected and absolutely amazing!!! I'm LOVING where this plot is going! And I know it's totally cliche but I want her with Jared! I know, I know, but I just can't help myself, I love badboys- at least in books. ^_^ Now I just have to sit quietly and patiently wait another year to figure out what's going to happen.... Yeah, no. I'm just gonna go hyperventilate now..... <3<3<3<3 5 stars!
Profile Image for Hannah Stevenson.
25 reviews2 followers
December 10, 2014
This is the BEST book yet in the series! When I finished this book I would have squealed with giddiness at how excited I was about it but it was at 2 a.m. in the morning and my light-sleeper of a husband would not have appreciated that. Needless to say, I fell asleep with a smug smile on my face.
So, my prediction did not come true in this book (I was thinking that there would be a Beauty in the Beast plot between Mina and Jared) but there is still a possibility of this happening in the next book because there is going to be another one! YAY! I thought this would be the last.
This book was a little heavy on the love triangle, as all of the other books in these series were but I actually didn't mind it like I do in other books, maybe because there are other things to love about this book besides the love triangle thing perhaps (ahem, Twilight). And mostly because it is not too sappy and has a good pace and is not insta-ish (ahem, Twilight). There are plenty of foreshadowing who Mina will end up with but like I said there are other things to keep me interested about this book, although, I have to admit I want to know how the romance will all unfold with the next book (ahem, not like Twilight).

Profile Image for Jessica.
252 reviews8 followers
November 8, 2014
I don't know why I am so addicted to these books...I love the premise and the storyline, but the writing is terrible. And yet, I will continue the series.
Profile Image for Pam Eller.
204 reviews21 followers
July 29, 2015
argh... just finished Reign and I cannot wait til the next one. This book went a different direction than expected and I loved every minute, even when I was wishing that I could punch characters in the face.. If it makes me feel that strongly about something then you know it's great!
Profile Image for Kaixin F..
3 reviews29 followers
Want to read
March 3, 2014
I cannot wait for this to come out!!! Crying inside...oh the feels. Have reread the series and the excitement is just building up. Hope this comes out soon!
Profile Image for Mad about.
275 reviews8 followers
November 15, 2014
Love this Series and i'm seriously loving Teague even though he's evil as sin. What a shocker about her connection to Teague!
Hoped the recollection of who she was to him would have been abit happier but he's not exactly a good guy.
I almost wish Jared wouldnt come back and she would accept Teague as being who she was attracted to.

Fair to say I loved this book and can't wait for the next one
Profile Image for Maddie’s Book Corner.
146 reviews9 followers
February 11, 2020
This book ripped my heart out, stomped on it, then tore it into tiny pieces and burned it alive.
You should totally read it.
Profile Image for Elizabeth (Elzburg).
354 reviews948 followers
March 3, 2019
This review looks really big but it’s mostly small paragraphs and quotes so don’t be scared! LOVEME

It felt weird and exciting to be finally reading a new book in this series. As you (of course) know, I read the first three books in the Unenchanted/Unfortunate Fairy Tale series a few years back, and now I’ve been re-reading the series to finish it up. This fourth book was all new territory.

It started out kindaaaa… Slowww…ish? It was like the last book in that it was basically a contemporary novel with what was going on. Brody’s noggin has been messed with so many times that he’s crazy enough to think he actually likes Mina, and he invites her to a ball. And we all know the thing about balls

Balls were full of fairy tale possibility.

Heheheheh. Nice.

So the beginning of the book is just kinda about that and what ensues. A cool thing was that I actually learned something at this part. I present: Chanda Hahn’s Guild to the Waltz:
“ Right foot forward, to the side, and feet together.” Her partner continued to give her tips. “Now left foot back, move to the side, feet together. Imagine an invisible box and your feet can only move along the outline of this box. Do you see it? Now listen to the orchestra. Do you hear it? Can you feel it?”
I feel like this is some good information to know.

Since Nix and Brody are both on the water polo team they’re buddies, and I liked this dynamic. It made it so whenever Brody was around, Nix was too.

Nix flung his arm out toward the classroom they’d just left and almost clotheslined a poor unsuspecting student.

I love Nix. He’s kind of the opposite of Jared. He’s really nice. SPEAKING OF—

WHERE THE HELL WAS MY JARED!??!?! The reason I stopped reading this series all those years ago was because I didn’t want to read this if there wasn’t going to be any Jared in it. Well, uh, I was right in my assumption. There are definitely mentions of him, but he’s never actually in it. Just… Teague.

It wasn’t fear that caused the single tear to cascade down her cheek, but sadness—at the loss of Jared. Looking into Jared’s face and seeing someone else’s hate-filled gaze was almost her undoing.
I feel you, sister.

Teague was a butt. I mean, he’s always been an asshole, but in this book he goes next level asshole. He was never really that bad in past books, just an inconvenience really. In this book he’s really evil. He actually physically attacks and harms Mina, and for once you really believe him when he threatens her loved ones.

This wasn’t a case of Jekyll and Hyde. This was Hyde on steroids.

But Teague wasn’t the only bad-bitch fairy in town. Nah blood, that title belongs to Ever. I feel like it was kind of irrational how much I hated her my first time through this series. The reasons were because she was mean and because she was a love rival in regards to Jared. I was basically Juvia from Fairy Tail.
I love Ever now. She’s usually pretty cool and funny. She’s not even that mean anymore.

Mina looked to Ever, and the girl shrugged her shoulders before answering. “You kinda stink.”

There were a lot of points like this in the book that amused me. I’ve scattered a lot of the quotes that made me chuckle throughout this review. But you know what didn’t make me chuckle?!??! The fact that Mina is actually pretty smart.

It’s kinda weird, you know? Having a heroine that isn’t a complete dumb-ass. It was nice, and Mina would figure things out before I would which usually doesn’t happen. Usually the author fills the book up with a million clues so by the time the character figures it out the reader already knew for half the book. I feel like it kept things moving.

While Mina was busy getting shit done, I was busy making false accusations. There were a couple parts where it felt like Hahn was hinting at something that was going to happen and I was like “OMG NOOOO OMG THIS IS TOTALLY GOING TO HAPPEN I KNOW IT 100%” But then… it didn’t happen. And it was awesome. This is also something that I like a lot about Gravity Falls. The episode starts and you’re like, “Oh, it’s going to be THAT kind of episode…” BUT THEN IT’S NOT AND IT’S AWESOME. I ALREADY SAID THAT BUT IT’S OKAY. WE’RE ALL FRIENDS HERE.

Unlike the last book (which only got fantastical towards the end of the book), Reign got busy quick and a lot went down. So much was going down that I actually thought to myself, “Everything’s happening! Nothing’s going to be left for the last book!” We find out a lot of much needed backstory which was awesome, and it wasn’t like just info dumps either. It was really unique with what went down, and heart breaking.

Can’t wait to read the last book, but at the same time I don’t want the story to end. I love these characters and have loved them for a long time.

Here’s this fun thing I found, I’ll play for shits and giggles. My answer is below.


Kill: Brody, I don’t even have to contemplate that one. Well, except for the guy in the picture is the actor who played John Smith in the I Am Number Four movie, which did give me slight pause because Four is bae. Well, Nine and Adam are bae, but whatever.
Kiss: Jared. Although I love him, he’s not really for mee. He’s for Mina.
Marry: Nix!! That cutie patootie will be mine forevaarr!

Feel free to comment your answer below if you want! :)

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Click these links to go read my other reviews for the Unenchanted Fairytale series!
Book 1: Unenchanted
Book 2: Fairest
Book 3: Fable
Book 4: Reign <--You are here.
Book 1.5: Jared’s Quest
Book 5: Forever
Profile Image for J. Kwong.
Author 1 book3 followers
December 12, 2014
When I first started reading this series, I couldn't get over the awkwardness and choppiness of the writing style. However, I continued to read the series just because I love stories based on fairy tales and I have to say the premise of the series is quite unique and creative. I'm happy to say that the author has improved her writing style significantly and it really came through in the most recent book of this series (Reign). I was also worried that her creativity would wane by this 4th book but I really enjoyed the story and thought that this was probably one of the best books in this series. I can't wait for the next book and highly recommend anyone following this series to read this 4th book.

Writing style continues to need improvement but the author has truly come a long way.
Profile Image for Adalinda Gonzales.
108 reviews4 followers
November 4, 2014
I preordered this book awhile back because my kids and I really enjoy Chanda Hahn's books. I was not disappointed. Since I started it I could not put it down. Now I know how it all started and all I can say is I was not expecting what I read. I loved it and I can't wait for book five, 2015 can't get here soon enough...lol. In this book we find out why the curse what really made Teague as bad as he is and we see more of Nix and Brody..but all I can think about is Jared. and if you've read the other books in this series than you'll love to hear about Ever before she turned to a Goth Pixie. I absolutely loved this book :)
Profile Image for EmmiK.
268 reviews
November 7, 2014
Great story again. By now, in the 4th book I thought there would be no errors but there still were, it's okay though.
I loved this book too but the part where Mina had to compete for the Prince's hand seemed familiar - The Selection by Kiera Cass. I'm not saying it's a rip-off, Oh no. I quite enjoyed that part, reading about Mina and Teague's past. I still have hope for them though. Patiently waiting for the 5th book and yes, I will keep reading even though there'll be 20 books in the series.

What I didn't like was Nan. She's way too perky and childish even when she sees the danger that Mina is in and her lack of understanding of the severity of the situation pisses me off.
Profile Image for Nikki ☾.
52 reviews5 followers
November 25, 2014
This book was really entertaining, my favorite of the series so far. I at first found it a bit difficult to get into, a bit repetitive. It started to pick up once Mina gets sent to Fae plain. A friend mentioned that some of it was similar to the Selection books, which I agree with. I really enjoyed this book and I am excited for the last one. I can't wait to see what happens.
Profile Image for Rose.
2 reviews1 follower
Shelved as 'can-t-wait-to-come-out'
January 19, 2014
Don't know when it comes out or when the cover does but I can't wait (I wonder who's on the cover?) (maybe Brody? Or Jarod if the last one was Brody.)
122 reviews1 follower
May 27, 2022
This series has me captive at this point. Not that it is complex - These characters have just become my “friends”. I love it when that happens in a story! I would have given more stars- but the main character is too clueless. I guess she has to be for the plot to carry on - but really? THAT clueless? I am looking forward to the last book!
Profile Image for Fatema .
29 reviews1 follower
August 25, 2023
GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I WANT TO STRANGLE MINA. AND WRAP TEAGUE/JARED IN AN EVERLASTING EMBRACE FULL OF LOVE AND WARMTH AND COMPASSION BECAUSE THAT IS ALL THIS POOR BOY NEEDS, PEOPLE. . . . . Oh, and perhaps a tad bit of common sense and a bit less of that disastrous temper of his. Things heat up very quickly and intensely in this fourth installment of Hahn's 'Unenchanted' series and, just as before, Miss Hahn definitely does not disappoint in giving equal parts action, suspense and swoon-worthy moments for Mina. Nix seems to be adapting quite nicely to being a human (albeit a very awkward one, or rather, as Nan put it so nicely, a "dork" thank you Nan), and tries his best to help Mina in whatever way possible in her quests to defeat the dark Fae Prince Teague. But secrets will be revealed here, shocking truths that prevented me from getting anything else done today until I finished this book. Oh, and does Brody Carmichael make an appearance back into Mina's life? Yes. Omigosh what happens, what happens what happenssss??? Well, what are you still doing here reading this for? Go on and read the actual book to find out, silly!
Profile Image for Leidy.
48 reviews17 followers
November 23, 2014
I do not know how to feel about this book I will sit, re-analyze and come back to it because at the moment I'm too upset to write anything coherent about what happen in it.

Is been almost 3 weeks since I read this book and I still have issues with it. I mean if Mina wouldn't be so judgmental about a person that wasn't bad yet or the fairy godmother would have open their mouths, story could have been rewritten and this would have being a good trilogy.Instead this book fell like fluff,something to keep us entertain and satisfied our curiosity until the next book comes out. There was no much progress made towards the story actually it felt more like we were going backwards instead
December 30, 2014
Don't know why - but love this series. 4 stars instead of 5 because there are some editing issues and a few parts that just seem unnecessary to the story and a few things that could have been described in more detail.

Without too many spoilers - can there please be a book from Teague's point of view and please please please I beg you - can we please have a Mina and Teague ending and not Brody somewhere down the line. He's the high school jock that you out grow as soon as you get to college and have that Palm slap - what was I thinking moment. I need some redemption in the books I've read lately because something needs to restore my faith in humanity and it is not coming from the real world. And can Ever find someone that appreciates her - I actually started it understand her more in this book and not hate her and now I just feel really bad for her. And also - can the faery godmothers get what they deserve cause they started this whole mess and they kind of deserve a beat down.
Profile Image for Abby Shepard.
24 reviews4 followers
December 7, 2014
After making a decision that cost her one of the only people she cares about, Mina Grimm is left with nothing but a boatload of grief, lots of guilt, and an otherworldly prince who wants her dead. The fairytale curse that has been destroying her family for centuries has been the las thing in her mind, that is until the unthinkable happens. Mina's distant family members begin to fade from existence. It is clear that Mina will be next if she can't find a way to stop her relatives from disappearing, and fast. But, when this task proves to involve her going back in time, and facing her most deadly enemy in his youth, will she be able to make it back alive? I recommend this book to anyone who likes the other books in this series, or who has read "The Grimm Legacy".
Profile Image for Lex Walker.
1 review20 followers
December 17, 2014
I finished reading this book last night and all I can say is: oh. my. GOD.
First of all, the quest was easy to guess. Cinderella. But it was so interesting because the whole time I was thinking that Brody was the prince. Then I kept reading and it turned out that Teague was the prince! It was so good I couldn't put it down, and now that I REALLY know what happened to Teague, I feel so bad. I don't know if I like Mina & Brody or Mina & Jared/Teague better. Young Teague was so cute though omfg O u O I'm so ready for June
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Asura.
83 reviews29 followers
December 31, 2014
Oh my gosh... I have no words to describe everything that just happened. I feel so lost and worried and excited. I think this is the best book in the series so far! But,man, I can't wait for the last book!! I'm so worried as to how Chanda is going to end this. I hope it's a happy ending, but considering all that's happened I'm in doubt. I still can't believe everything that happened!... I feel so bad for Teague... I can't wait for the last book!
Profile Image for Aleks.
21 reviews3 followers
November 9, 2014
Just ordered the ebook, cant wait to read it!!!!!!

You find out so much in this book, there is so much to take in. So much happens and you live through it all alongside Mina. Once again, Chanda managed to write an amazing novel. I can't believe the next book is the last one, the thought makes me want to cry! But the wait makes me sadder!! But I know it will be worth it!
Profile Image for Alice.
29 reviews
March 13, 2015
OMGOMG I CAN'T WAIT!!! I KNOW THE TITLE!!! CHECK OUT THE AUTHOR'S WEBSITE! But, seriously, I expected people to find out really quickly. Logically, wouldn't you first check the website???

Profile Image for Abida Mim.
111 reviews
November 14, 2014
That cliffhanger! Why?! I just wanted a happily ever after for Jared and Mina, but noooo, I have to wait till the last book for that (hopefully). Still, this book was actually very good (a bit short...). I love Chanda Hahn's writing! It's just so addicting!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 496 reviews

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