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The Heart Knows What the Heart Wants

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Estelle "Star" Falconé, a thirty-year-old tattooed bartender, was once a free-spirited dreamer who dabbled in astrology for fun and secretly dreamed of becoming a rock-star some day.

Twenty-one-year-old Shane Harper was once the star of his high school basketball team. With a full ride scholarship, his dream was to play college basketball and study astronomy. When a tragic car accident permanently sidelines his basketball career, college is out of the question.

Sparks fly when their two worlds collide.

Can a relationship survive between a thirty-year-old starry-eyed woman who's on the run from an extremely dangerous man, and a twenty-one-year-old science guy who's hell-bent on protecting her at all cost?

The Heart Knows What the Heart Wants is a 61k word standalone with no cliffhangers.

***Caution*** This book is not suitable for young readers. It is intended for mature adults only (18+) containing adult situations, non-consensual sex and violence. This is a complete, standalone novel. Coming March 6th, 2014!


First published March 4, 2014

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About the author

Lori L. Clark

18 books327 followers
Lori L. Clark currently resides in Hazelwood, MO with her fur kids... a two-year-old Min Pin mix named Rubble, a 5-year-old Min Pin named Mini, and an owner surrender affectionately known as Lacey the Biting Min Pin.

When Lori isn't listening to the voices in her head, waiting for the next creative inspiration to hit, she also loves to read, run, paint pet portraits and rescue dogs.

Email Lori at [email protected]

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Profile Image for Patrycja.
639 reviews4,057 followers
Want to read
January 24, 2014
I love the idea of older woman with younger sexy science geek! Am I the only one who thinks geeks are HOT? I hope not.

Estelle "Star" Falconé, a thirty-year-old tattooed bartender, was once a free-spirited dreamer who dabbled in astrology for fun and secretly dreamed of becoming a rock-star some day.

One night, when she's five minutes late getting home from work, her boyfriend decides to teach her a lesson with his fists. The beating serves as her wake-up call. She plots her escape from the man who swore if he can't have her, no one will.

Star's not sure where she's going, but she knows she has to leave while she's able to walk out on her own two feet -- rather than get carried out in a body bag. She runs away, driving until her old car dies, and leaves her stranded near a small town north of St. Louis. While waiting for the car to be repaired, she takes a part-time job and rents a room, believing it's only temporary -- that as soon as her car is fixed, she'll move on...

Until she meets twenty-one-year-old Shane Harper.

Shane was once the star of the local high school basketball team. With a full ride scholarship, his dream was to play college basketball and study planetary science. When a tragic car accident permanently sidelines his basketball career, college is out of the question.

Sparks fly when their two worlds collide.

Can a relationship between a thirty-year-old starry-eyed woman who's on the run from an extremely dangerous man, and a twenty-one-year-old science geek who's hell-bent on protecting her at all costs survive?

***Caution*** for mature readers. Contains graphic violence including rape. This is a complete, standalone novel. Coming March 6th, 2014!
Profile Image for TeriLyn.
1,368 reviews440 followers
March 3, 2014
**ARC generously provided in exchange for an honest review**

The Heart Knows What the Heart Wants is a story of a woman re-discovering what her journey is in life all the while helping a man heal from his painful past. Ms. Clark's writing is engaging and easy to read. I sat down for a relaxing evening and this book was the right story to lose yourself in for a few hours. I enjoyed the setting of this book and the camaraderie of the people in Red Vale. The friendly nature of all the characters except the villain. We meet Estelle 'Star' at the beginning and she's lost. I don't want to say broken because Star is the type of heroine who just continues to overcome and grow stronger. She doesn't see it immediately, of course, it takes the help of a certain man for her recognize the change in herself. I enjoyed her character; smart, beautiful, witty, and charming. She meets Shane Harper who, despite his younger age, is an old soul. Throughout their story he is reflective, funny, and compassionate. The bond starts with a friendship where each find comfort and peace with each other. Their commonalities surprise them both and their relationship blooms from the solid foundation they've formed. The only thing I would have liked more was a little more romance in their story. I liked how the relationship ultimately developed, but a bit more time with them in a romantic capacity would have made a bigger impact. This is a great story of fighting for what you believe and living for you. I love the epilogue and hope we get another look into the lives of Shane and Star.
Profile Image for ✿kawehi.reviews.
1,453 reviews420 followers
March 2, 2014
First off...


But to be quite honest, The Heart Knows What the Heart Wants really didn't do it for me.

Take a battered and broken woman: Estelle "Star" Falconé, who is physically, mentally, and emotionally abused by her boyfriend. Not to mention, who’s also had to put aside her dreams to working at a bar as a bartender.

Deciding that she’s had enough of the abuse, she decides to run away to a relative’s house in Iowa.

That is, until her car breaks down in the middle of nowhere and fate brings her to Shane Harper.

Shane Harper, is young, charming, and nine years younger than Star’s 30 years of age. He also happens to be the nephew of her new employer.

But like Star, Shane has his own tragic past which like her has stunted his own personal ambitions.

Can these two heal old wounds and reawaken old lost aspirations? What about Star’s vexed ex boyfriend who’s hell bent on seeking revenge? Can Shane protect her and regain redemption for what he lost?

Read and you will find out!

My thoughts: This book fell into the okay zone for me. It just didn’t stand out.

I think what initially brought me to read this was the whole proxy of two lost souls, one marginally older while the other younger, coming together and giving and taking from one another to make their HEA.

Sadly, that just did not happen. Star, acted much less than her years and at times kind of reminded me of a lovesick teenager. Shane, too!

While I do get their physical attraction for one another, I did not feel any sort of chemistry. Sure, both are good looking individuals so there's a feeling of lust there but as far as meshing together I did not feel it at all.

I know that in the synopsis, Star is an astrology whiz whereas Shane likes astrology but when you really think about it both share some similar common ground despite their integral differences. I guess what I mean to say by bringing this up is that I felt that it was too much of a coincidence from two individuals out of nowhere to share such a unique hobby. I mean, astrology and astronomy aren’t your everyday loves. They’re more like fascinations.

And plus, wasn’t it kind of weird when Star would use planets “Saturn, Pluto, and Mars, you scared me to death” instead of “Jesus, Mary, and Joseph”? Random, I know but I thought it to be so strange. Talk about “astro” obsessed! Lol

LAST BUT NOT LEAST, I did not dig the constant shift in POV’s. It would go from Star, Shane, and to the other characters in the book. Why do I need to know what’s going on in all of their heads? I mean, some insight at times is nice but for the most part it was not needed.

Anyways, a decent read that I’m sure you others will love but I just couldn't connect with it. :'(

*I was provided an ARC from Love Between the Sheets via the author for an honest review.*
Profile Image for SamJ ★Needs a HEA★.
609 reviews906 followers
March 4, 2014
Copy received in exchange for an honest review

There was something about this book that I rather liked!

Maybe it was the older woman/younger man. Something I admit I do not read all that often.

At first, I was worried that Star and her interest in Astrology, and star signs etc, may start to annoy me and "take over" the story. Luckily it did not happen...and it was all kept rather subtle and just part of who she was.

I loved Star and Shane together. And their story and how they both ended up where they were was lovely.

But, in saying that, I somehow wanted more. Which says a lot for the author to a certain extent, I loved her two main characters so much I wanted more from them. I feel too much time was given to the ex...and it took away from the development of Star and Shane's relationship. I felt this keenly at the end, which felt a bit rushed. After what happened, I wanted to read about how they moved on as a couple and recovered.

Oh and Star is only 30! Her insistence she was over the hill and too old, and even at one point checked for wrinkles and grey hairs, threw me. Now, I am older than 30, and I just kept thinking "woman, you are not that old" then I went and checked for grey hairs and wrinkles! But, then again, Star had a very poor opinion of herself at this point, and it was all tied into that!

Also, I struggled sometimes with the constant POV changes. I personally prefer it chapter by chapter, or at least made more obvious a shift in POV has happened. Here it was short paragraph by short paragraph. But, I did enjoy having both Star and Shane's POV, it added something certainly, just I wish it had been done a different way.

All in, was a decent 3.5 (rounded up to 4) and I would read more from this author in the future.

Profile Image for ❥ KAT ❥ Kitty Kats Crazy About Books.
2,414 reviews9,955 followers
March 1, 2014
4 Saturn, Pluto and Mars Stars

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ARC Provided by the author, "Lori L. Clark" in exchange for an honest review (Thank you)

I actually really enjoyed this, but why am I only giving it 4 stars and not 5 the reason behind that is that towards the end I found it a bit too rushed, it's like it all had to be wrapped up within the last 10% of the book..

I've not read anything from this author before, love her style of writing, A refreshing, easy flowing story line that grabbed me from the very first page..

We first meet "Estelle" when she's worried about arriving home late after a shift where she bartended, living with an unstable boyfriend she never knew what to expect when she walked through that door each night..But a drunken Derek was a ticking time bomb ready to go off..And that's what she encountered that night..

After one hit too many she planned and executed her escape..

"No more Estelle Falcone, from this moment forward she'll be Star Lambert."

Changing her name was her assurance of re-inventing herself..

When her car breaks down I'd say that was her saving grace, the stars were aligned right that day..

Loved everything about Shane "Mr Tall, Blond and Gorgeous."

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I want to know what love is

I think I connected with this story on an emotional level some aspects it could've been written about me, I was emotionally abused for years, estranged from my family, until one day I got that courage to leave, months down the track I also encountered a much younger man than myself, 6 years to be exact and 17 years later we're still together..

Profile Image for Stephanie.
245 reviews12 followers
March 15, 2014
I loved this book! It pulls you in immediately when you meet 31 year old Estelle and see what she is dealing with in her everyday life with her abusive, controlling boyfriend. She plots her getaway and succeeds, but fate intervenes when her car dies in the small town of Red Vale and she is forced to stay there for a while.

I loved the small town people of Red Vale who accepted her so readily, took her in and became her family. It is here we meet 21 year old Shane, the young man who works at his aunt’s general store. He is making an attempt to get his life back on track after some tumultuous events that upended his dreams. He is 9 years younger than Star, and she fights the mutual attraction because of that.

“He slowly shook his head and said, ‘Friends it is. But don’t blame me when you wind up falling hopelessly in love with me.’”

Despite Shane’s age, he is an old soul because of his past and how it shaped him. He is funny, caring and very protective of Star. But Star’s abusive ex doesn’t give her up that easily. His thinking is if he can’t have her then no one can.

"I'd like to tell you I'm not afraid of Derek. But that would be a lie. Truth is, he still scares the hell out of me."

This is a story of re-discovery for both Shane and Star. Both share a past that has damaged them, but together they learn to fight for what they believe in and achieve what they both deserve. This story shows us that love knows no bounds.
Profile Image for Jacqueline.
1,693 reviews153 followers
October 21, 2014
3.5 stars

***I received an ARC via Fiona's Book Reviews in return for my honest opinion***

Cougar alert! She's 30, he's 21. Oh my....

This is a sweet story about a woman who really deserves a happy ever after. Estelle flees her vile and abusive boyfriend and becomes stranded in a small town. Her natural beauty, interests and personality had been suppressed and stamped all over - literally - by the guy she left so at the beginning of the story she's feeling emotionally as well as physically battered and bruised.

She soon finds herself somewhere to live and somewhere to work...oh and someone she is really attracted to - 21-year-old hot astrology nerd Shane. Lacking in confidence, she's reluctant to act on the obvious chemistry between them because of the nine year age gap.

I enjoyed the way that Estelle gradually blossomed into Starr - her new identity - rediscovering her true identity through her appearance, her hobbies, her career and becoming the person she was always destined to be. Meanwhile Shane - who I thought was mature for 21 - also began to spread his wings a little further and let go of some of the demons from his past that were holding him back. I love a sweet love story and this was just that.

I had a bit of an issue towards the end of the story when Starr became a little TSTL (too stupid to live) for my liking. I don't want to spoil the story, but it's pretty obvious from the start that her ex is not going to stay away from her for long. Given that she was in fear for her life, I was kind of irritated with her when her dumb actions put her in danger and made her so vulnerable. Yes it was important to the story, but I have a particular loathing for daft heroines. *shrugs* But don't let that put you off, it's probably just me.

A sweet, easy read that will appeal to your inner cougar.
Profile Image for Philomena Callan Cheekypee.
3,929 reviews414 followers
March 28, 2014
I loved this book. I literally sat and didn't move until I'd finished it. The storyline flowed at a steady pace from beginning to end.

I loved all the characters (except her ex... I really wanted to smack him).
Star is running for her life. When her car breaks down she meets the slightly younger fit Shane. I loved how Star coped with finding herself through this book. Sometimes we all forget who we are deep down and we need a little nudge. Shane acted older than his age... Maybe that's because life didn't deal him many good cards to date.

I really enjoyed this story. It's a nice easy read. Although there are some 'yikes' moments this book wasn't angsty.
Will certainly be recommending this.
Profile Image for Michelle ♥ The Romance Vault ♥ .
1,165 reviews94 followers
September 9, 2016
I received an ARC in return for an honest review. My reviews are my own and are 100% honest.

Hmmm I have to say I neither liked nor disliked this book, neither loved nor hated it. I am completely on the fence about Star and Shane's story.

Star was ok I couldn't get my head around why she had stayed with Derek for so long after the way he treated her and I was especially shocked after the second revelation that happened between Derek and Star that she HAD stayed. Considering how she then left him I could not settle as to why she hadn't done it sooner. And what was with Star's swearing or should I say lack of swearing - using planets instead of Jesus, Mary, Joseph..... seemed a bit astrologically fanatical in my honest opinion.

Shane, now, ah Shane, I really loved him. Now I don't normally read books where the woman is older than the man and sometimes Shane did indeed come over a bit juvenile but I have to say I loved his personality. His 'lad' ways and his sexy references all the time were fun, easy and pleasant to read. He definitely brought lightness to the story.

Derek, oh my what an unpleasant man he is, I liked that he is so dislikable - does that make sense :) - he's a baddie you love to hate. There are several characters in the book that are likeable like that, you'll hate Star's mum too but you'll enjoy the fact that these characters evoke feelings from you as in love to hate.

What I didn't enjoy so much was the predictable storyline, everything just fell into place too smoothly to feel true. There is no real OMG moments in the book as everything pans out exactly as you're expecting. I wish there had been some quirks thrown in to make it more guess work or throw us through some loops.

So to sum it up the storyline is OK and very readable it's just a tad bleh in as much as it could have been a lot juicier. I wasn't keen on all the astrology and oh so 'too good to be true' connections with others over it, that seemed a little too planned in my eyes. I also got drawn to this because of the warning about the content of the book and wonder now at how bad I can take shocking content as this didn't seem all that shocking, yes definitely nasty in places but for me it wasn't that shocking! I wasn't keen on the dual point of views and how they switched too, it didn't flow easily, one paragraph you're reading Star's POV and then the very next paragraph it switched to Shanes. It also happens with other characters too. A little sub-heading between switches would be better to keep the flow going and easier to follow.

So if you want to wile away an afternoon with a story that you don't have to think much with, that contains characters that are goodies and baddies and rolls along at a gentle pace with a plot that doesn't veer off the course it's on, then you will like this. It is visual in as much as you can see yourself in the apartment, the B & B, the store and the bar and carpark. I just wish it had been less predictable, more meatier and more shocking, even the bit towards the end with Derek seemed too clean cut and not how I would have wanted it to go. But hey, like I say I did enjoy it but I can't say I REALLY enjoyed it.
March 5, 2014
3.5 Stars


Estelle "Star" Falconé, a thirty-year-old tattooed bartender, was once a free-spirited dreamer who dabbled in astrology for fun and secretly dreamed of becoming a rock-star some day.

Twenty-one-year-old Shane Harper was once the star of his high school basketball team. With a full ride scholarship, his dream was to play college basketball and study astronomy. When a tragic car accident permanently sidelines his basketball career, college is out of the question.

Sparks fly when their two worlds collide.

Can a relationship survive between a thirty-year-old starry-eyed woman who's on the run from an extremely dangerous man, and a twenty-one-year-old science guy who's hell-bent on protecting her at all cost?

The Heart Knows What the Heart Wants is a 61k word standalone with no cliffhangers.

***Caution*** This book is not suitable for young readers. It is intended for mature adults only (18+) containing adult situations, non-consensual sex and violence. This is a complete, standalone novel.

The beginning of this book is strong and to the point - it gives us a harsh insight into Star's life with her husband.

"Sensing her movement, he spun around and stalked after her, his reflexes were dulled from drinking, and he was unsteady on his feet. She managed to evade him long enough to get out of the kitchen. Just as she made it to the dining room, she felt him grab the back of her shirt; he yanked so hard she heard the material rip at the seams(...) She stiffened when she heard him undo his belt buckle, then the zipper on his pants"

The rest of this quote will be excluded from reviews as it deals with rape but you can guess where it is going.

The rest of the book - whilst it has its darker moments - is easy to read and has some serious sweet instances.

Shane is a 21 year old boy with s tough background, he is recovering from an injury that has marred his late teens. He meets Star and there is an instant attraction between them.

How was it even possible for him to put her at ease while at the same time twisting her insides into pretzel like knots?

I loved all the characters and admired Star's strength.

The thing that brought it down for me was the pacing of the book - it seemed to go slowly until the last chapter then the ending just kind of hit you.

Epilouge was brilliant though, sweet and made me smile.

The heart knows what the heart wants, Blue. Mine wants you

*ARC provided by the author in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for Lustful Literature.
1,822 reviews334 followers
March 6, 2014

“You were right, you know. When you asked me what I was running from? I am running…only thing is, I don’t know if I’m running from something or running to something.”

“Something or someone?”

“Both, I guess.”

Estelle aka Star has been living with her extremely abusive boyfriend, Derek, for the past three years. Every time she’s even thought about leaving him she talks herself out of it because she’s scared. Her own mother basically tells her that if she acted right he wouldn’t treat her that way. (WHO SAYS THAT?!) After another night of abuse Estelle has had it and decides to flee. Estelle ends up stuck in the small town of Red Vale and there she meets Shane Harper.

Shane’s dream was to be a basketball player. One drunken night pulled that dream right out from under him.

Estelle and Shane instantly connect, even though Estelle thinks she isn’t good enough for him. She even uses their age difference as an excuse (she’s 30, he’s 21). But Shane isn’t hearing it and it’s only a matter of time before they give into temptation.

In the meanwhile, Derek has been trying to find his girl. His motto is if he can’t have her no one can.

Will Derek give up the chase and let Estelle go? Or will he find her? And if he does, will she end up dead or alive?

Unfortunately, I could not connect to this story. When I first read the blurb, it had me intrigued so I wanted to give it a go but it ended up falling short for me. I definitely needed more character connection and growth between Estelle and Shane. It was a fast read but I’m giving a warning and letting you know that some scenes are not for the faint of heart. There is physical and sexual abuse so proceed with caution.

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Gwen ~the Book Diva.
376 reviews117 followers
March 19, 2014
This book started out with so much potential. Star is running from a twisted sick f*ck of a boyfriend. I mean he really made my skin crawl...what a creep!

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So far, so good right? Well...then Star ends up in a small town in Missouri where she happens upon some super nice people. One of whom owns the general store and gives Star a job and a place to stay. The store owner's nephew, Shane, is immediately attracted to Star. The problem is that Star is 30 and Shane is 21 but the age difference only seems to bother Star. Shane is sexy and adorable, he doesn't stop pursuing Star. Soon she can't resist.

My issue is that the premise and set up were all fine but somehow there wasn't much depth to the story and it was a bit anti-climatic.
 photo giphy10_zpsc9d36f1e.gif
Womp Wooomp...

Or perhaps, I've read one too many sick and twisted books that it takes a lot to phase me.

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Either way, it wasn't my jam but it could work some. This doesn't happen often but I will always give my honest opinion.
Profile Image for Donna.
685 reviews5 followers
March 18, 2014
“It took running away for me to find myself.”

Let me start by saying there is some disturbing material in the beginning and the end of this book, specifically domestic violence and rape. Estelle (Star) has been involved in an abusive relationship for a number of years. Every time she thinks about leaving, she talks herself out of it. Finally she is ready to take that step and, of course, it changes her life.

“beautifully fragile.”

When her car breaks down in a small town, she’s disappointed because this is not what she had planned. When the town’s people take her in and treat her like family, she realizes that things happen for a reason.

“The only comfort he knew to give her was to just hold her while she cried.”

I always say that a book written from different points of view adds so much to the story and Lori L. Clark has such a way with writing that simply amazes me. This book moves from one POV to another’s almost with each paragraph. I would think that this would be confusing but it’s not. The story flows seamlessly and the character switch is not only done beautifully but adds so much to the story. I love the small town setting. I lived in a small town for many years and I miss that closeness in the community. Most of the characters in this book are wonderful people that I would be happy to call friend. The villain however is truly detestable, a real love to hate person. I almost cheered when karma caught up to him. There are some sexy scenes as well as some hold your breath ones. All in all I enjoyed this book and give it 4 stars.

“You’ve got such a one track mind.” - Star
Profile Image for Anne Parks.
Author 31 books148 followers
March 6, 2014
I loved this book! The transition of Estelle, the abused, broken woman into flirty, fun Star was wonderful. After so many years of being controlled, beaten, and made to feel worthless, Star finally finds people that lift her up, make her feel worthy of praise, and treat her like family. But I loved how she came alive around Shane - and thought it was hysterical that she was so adamant that nothing could happen because of his age. In the end, Shane provided Star with an outlet to be herself, let loose and have fun, and she was finally able to NOT act her age.
I loved Shane - a young man that had already experienced so much of life. Unlike Star, he had an excellent support system and was able to deal with his problems and addictions without it destroying him. He was changed - but he was not broken, and that enabled him to help Star move past her own traumatic past.
Proof that love knows no bounds, and that age is just a number. This book takes the notion that older means more mature, and turns it on its head. I loved that Shane gave Star a safe place, and that she was the one who learned how to truly live and love - from a younger guy.
Profile Image for Lori.
132 reviews
March 17, 2014
I was provided a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Can a relationship survive between a thirty-year-old starry-eyed woman who's on the run from an extremely dangerous man, and a twenty-one-year-old science guy who's hell-bent on protecting her at all cost? I was not familiar with this author or book, but the description above sounded good, so I thought I would give it a try. I am really glad I did.

What I liked - I really felt for Star and the horrible things she had been through in her life. I wanted to see her find happiness. Shane was kind and funny and had been through his own heartaches. I thought Shane and all of the people of Red Vale were pretty great and I liked how they accepted Star into their lives.

What I didn’t like –Just Derek who was kind of evil incarnate. I do think the author could have spent more time on Shane’s nightmares and if they continued or how they stopped. Things were kind of implied, but not really spoken.

The chemistry between Star and Shane was great and believable. I loved how caring he was with Star.

I am really glad I had the chance to read this and I will certainly look for more from this author.
Profile Image for ReadAlongWithSue ★⋆. ࿐࿔.
2,838 reviews402 followers
September 8, 2014
I was given this book to read as part of a blog tour.

This storyline I enjoyed. I can't say it was fantastic, as I read so many book's and I try not to make comparisons, but there are some really good contenders out there.

It may be my humble opinion but the POV chapters these days are getting so popular or it may be me getting old! but I much prefer to just READ and not know what one person is thinking and then the other persons point of view on the same matter in the next chapter, that was the ONLY thing that put me off and get me frustrated.

Apart from that, I enjoyed the story. Nicely written, nicely rounded out, bit of a hurried ending. But Lori L Clark has a good way of writing, just needs to round things out a bit.

Star was a great character, bit OTT at times about her age and grey hair and wrinkles [wait until she reaches my age then moan!!] but that could be attributed to the ex and her lack of self esteem.

I really got peed off with that ex. I would have loved to have had Star and and her fella rounded off a little more. But that's just my take on it.
Profile Image for Patricia.
340 reviews47 followers
March 18, 2014
I started this with no small amount of trepidation having been through abusive relationships in the past. I was struck by how sympathetically the heroine was presented throughout the book and not just shoved out there as some stupid spineless idiot who had no mind of her own. I spent the whole book filled with abject hatred of the "man" Derek, who is portrayed excellently by Lori, as he wove his evil web around himself and everyone else in his mistaken belief that he was totally invincible and unaccountable for his deeds. Trying to second guess every twist in the tale I totally fell in love with Shane - the undeniably drop dead gorgeous hunk we all dream of finding. I couldn't put the book down and really struggled with the time I had to spend away from the smoldering tension brewing between the characters. A definite must read!
Profile Image for Renee.
1,213 reviews24 followers
April 11, 2014
I so enjoyed the book. The characters were good but what was GREAT was the small town feel. (I want a Red Vale series PLEASE)It was like a small town cozy love story made a baby with an erotic thriller. The main character Estelle aka Star was really well put together. I enjoyed her story with Derrick because she was a victim that took control. Meeting the Sheriff Michael was a chance meet that really changed her life. He brought her to Neona and eventually Shane, her nephew.

If you like a book with the naughty bits, a romance, and a tragedy then this is for you. I was not thrilled with the last 20% it could have been EPIC. It was a little rushed. What was pleasant was the NO CLIFFHANGER part. I really want to read more from the author and would love more in this as a series
Profile Image for Jeanie V..
706 reviews26 followers
August 2, 2014
"The heart knows what the heart wants, Blue. Mine wants you." She gave him a chaste kiss and said, "Me too, you."

I loved that this book had an older woman and young man romance angle but most of all I loved that these characters were both geekily attractive to me the reader and to each other as characters. I liked their chemistry and the banter they exchanged. I really enjoyed this book.
Profile Image for Jody.
2,080 reviews57 followers
March 30, 2014
As a child the future seems full of possibilities, but as we grow up things happen that derail those dreams. For Star and Shane those things were tragic and life-altering and left both emotional and physical scars behind. It's this mutual pain that brings them together while their age difference (and her fear of opening up) have her fighting their obvious attraction. With her past getting closer to her everyday it's Shane and her newfound circle of friends that will stand beside her and help her acheive the new dreams Shane's love and support has fostered in her.

Star never knew her father and her mother cared more about men than her daughter. Looking for love in all the wrong places led her to Derek who abused her mentally and physically. He took away her self-esteem, her trust in others, and turned her into a scared mouse who hated herself for being unable to leave. Realizing that it was only a matter of time before he kills her has her running for her life and into a small town where she finds an unexpected sense of family and a young man who truly understands her and gives her back everything Derek beat out of her. Slowly Star regains her self-esteem, becomes more outspoken and vocal, and starts dreaming of the future instead of just existing. I admired this new Star and applauded her picking herself up and dusting herself off. Though the age difference between her and Shane bothered her, she needed him to heal and I'm glad she finally allowed herself the happiness of being with him.

Shane once had dreams too, as the star basketball player with a scholarship that was going to get him out of his small town. But one bad decision resulted in a car accident that killed his girlfriend and his future because of a permanently damaged knee. Between that and his mother's death life felt as if it stopped and to find anything worth feeling led him to drugs, drinking, and sex. He's put all that behind him though the emotional pain still haunts him at night. He hides his pain well though behind an infectious grin, a charming nature, and being boyishly sexy. I absolutely adored him and his interactions with Star! He could sense her trepidation and bonded with her as a friend first before letting her know he wanted more. All their scenes oozed sexual tension as evidenced by the witty dialogue and playful sexual innuendoes and these interactions put a smile on my face. Shane is exactly what Star needed and he needed her as well to get him out of his rut and make something of himself to be the kind of man she deserved.

This was a hard story to read early on as Derek's abuse was vividly depicted with each blow being felt by us readers. Knowing Derek wasn't going to give up on Star kept me on edge and added a layer of foreboding to the story as his rage escalated. Star's evolution from meek to strong-willed though was richly rewarding and cheer-inducing. Shane was utterly charming and he won me over even more by being open with his feelings and is still in my dreams as he represents the quintessential hero in my mind. Throw in a delightful cast of secondary characters who help Star resurrect her dreams and you have a powerful and ultimately heartwarming story. Though the ending felt a bit rushed with Derek's comeuppance not as rewarding as I'd hoped, I still found myself clapping at the end for all the possibilities laid out for Shane and Star. This was my first book by Ms. Clark but won't be my last as she crafted a compelling story highlighting what draws me to the NA genre and I highly recommend it!
Profile Image for Southern Belle Book Blog.
259 reviews20 followers
August 31, 2016
This book is a very sweet, but semi-dark tale of a girl running from her current life and finding something so much better where she least expects it. The writing was great. The character development was good. The problem is, I just didn’t LOVE the story. I liked it. I didn’t dislike it at all or otherwise I wouldn’t have finished it. But I just didn’t fall head over heels in love with it, and I really wanted to.

Estelle/Star is in an abusive relationship. Her boyfriend, Derek, is an alcoholic who makes her life a living hell. She wants out but has always come back. Her mother supports the relationship. It’s just…not a great life. And that’s awful for a woman who deserves a great life. Estelle is sweet, but witty. Fun, but can’t express herself like she wants because of Derek. She finally makes a break for it and gets out. When her car breaks down, she didn’t expect to find a whole new family that would love and protect her. But that’s exactly what she found, plus a new love interest, Shane. Shane also has a past. A scarred, tragic past that still haunts him. They end up working and spending a lot of time together. Through this, as you can imagine, they fall in love. Her past comes back to find her, and you get to experience all of those twists and turns with them.

For me, their relationship seemed too quick. Star didn’t want to tie him down because of their age difference of 9 years. She felt he had more life to live before he would need to settle. He wants her, she wants him but won’t let it progress, so she suggests being friends. It felt like a few pages later, they were in a full blown relationship. It seemed like the transition just happened too suddenly for my taste. It wasn’t instalove which is very nice, but it was close.

It felt very predictable to me. Even without the mystery of what will happen, it’s still an interesting story. I just couldn’t get 100% into it. It also felt like the ending was much too rushed. Through all of the battles she endures, I wish it had drawn out more on the epilogue.

That’s not to say that you, as a reader, won’t disagree with me entirely. I liked it. I didn’t love it. I didn’t feel drawn in or connected with the characters, and it didn’t really pull out the emotions like I usually expect a book should. I do want to point out that the writing itself is great. Lori is obviously talented. I would be more than happy to read anything else by Lori, because I really feel like she is a great writer. This story in particular just didn’t really do it for me. I hope you do go pick it up and give it a try though.

<3 Erin
Profile Image for Sofía.
128 reviews
May 5, 2014
2.5 stars
Free ebook in exchange for an honest review.


I think I could have given this book more stars... if it wasn't for the ending.

I really liked the story, Star is a broken girl that doesn't know who she is anymore and lives her life in a haze produced by her abusive boyfriend and her "man-dependant" mother. Until one day she snaps out of it and runs away.
Shane is a kid that had to grow up way too fast and, of course, made a hell of a mess trying to do it. He finally puts his life together but he's still a bit lost... until he meets Star.
Up until here, good.

Now, at the begining Star is portrayed as someone who's been through a whole lot and has a few cross wires in her head --like -- but as soon as she leaves town she seems someone entirely different. When she starts her new life she's suddenly more shy, less sexual or aggresive... she's kind of a lamb... and someone in that position should be more guarded and suspicious, shouldn't it? Or at least not capable of trusting complete strangers from day one, no matter how good those people are. I just didn't get exactly who she was.

Still, I liked the story and I was about to give it 4 or maybe 4.5 stars... until I read the last 3 chapters :S

That was no way to end a book that was going pretty well, all things considered. I'm just saying.
Profile Image for Lucinda Claire.
Author 1 book28 followers
April 2, 2014
I received this book as a requested review by Lori L. Clark; it is the first book I have read from this author.

The Heart Knows What the Heart Wants is not a typical contemporary romance. In fact, the author calls it Romantic Suspense, and I suppose that’s a good description, because there are elements of both – romance and suspense – with some sizzle thrown in for good measure

The heroine in this story, Estelle (Star) is caught in an abusive relationship with her boyfriend Derek. After enduring yet one more severe beating from a drunken Derek, something final clicks, and Star makes the courageous decision to leave. Knowing that Derek will never allow her to just walk away, thirty-year-old Star realizes that in order for her to truly be free, she’ll have to disappear, leaving behind her job and her friends for the promise of a life free from fear and pain.

She meets some great friends along the way, including Shane, a twenty-something young man with his own painful past. The real story of What the Heart Wants is Star’s journey to re-discover who she is, what she wants in life and what will make her truly happy. It is also Shane’s journey and the two of them discover together that despite their difference in age, their hearts want the same thing.

As a word of caution, there are some disturbing scenes of violence in this story, and they were troubling to read, and even more troubling to realize that every day there are women – real women, not just characters in books – who live the very nightmare Star had the courage to overcome. It’s a lesson for all of us in the resiliency of the human spirit and, of course, the human heart.

Four inspiring stars.
Profile Image for Shannon.
2,544 reviews219 followers
February 10, 2015
I snagged this book up right away because I love books with older women/younger men, plus it was free on Amazon, so win/win for me!
The cover is kind of deceiving- I went in thinking the book was going to be a lot sexier than it really is. It's more of a sweet story, with a dark undertone of abuse and
Estelle "Star" Falcone finally has had enough of her abusive asshole boyfriend, thank God, and summons the courage to leave him. As she's making her way to family out of town her car dies and she ends up stranded in a small town. What I wouldn't give to be stranded there! Everyone is so nice and accommodating, taking her in, helping with her car...if she had to have been stranded somewhere this was the place!
Shane was such a sweetie! He seemed older and more mature than Star, I had to keep reminding myself she was 9 years older than him. He sets his sights on Star the minute he sees her, as she with him. But of course she's got a bit of a hang-up because of the age difference- what's up with these gals?!? Just go with it!
We see the struggle Star deals with, trying to find herself again after living under Derek's influence for so long. She finally is coming into her own, happy with Shane, finding something to do with her life. When bam, asshole pulls a stunt that she falls for- so frustrating!
The ending was a little disjointed from the rest of the book, especially how Derek gets his just desserts.
Overall it's a decent book, I didn't love it, but it was an easy, quick read.
Profile Image for Holly Ann.
74 reviews2 followers
April 15, 2014
*** 3.5 Stars for The Heart Knows What the Heart Wants***

Estelle is running from her past. An abusive boyfriend, a mother who thinks she's to blame. When her car dies on the way to Iowa and she finds herself in Red Vale, love was the last thing she could picture in her stars.

Shane Harper works in his Aunts convenience store. Once the star of his high school basketball team, someone with a full ride scholarship, now living with memories of his mistakes. When Estelle stumbles into town his universe shifts and he sees stars.

Estelle is ten years older than Shane. Will their age difference keep them apart? Will Estelle's past come beating it's way back into her life? You need to read it to find out!!!

I mean this in a nice way when I say that The Heart Knows What the Heart Wants is an easy beach read. It's a book that you can easily put down and then pick back up without feeling like you forgot what's going on. Estelle's past has your rooting in her corner for her to fall for Shane! They're very cute together despite their age difference. The reason I didn't give this book four stars is because I felt at points it was a little cheesy. I like that they're both into astronomy and star gazing but the whole "Saturn Pluto and Mars" instead of "Jesus, Mary and Joseph" just got old and annoying. It wasn't cute or funny to me. Just like nails on a chalkboard. Other than that I liked the book. It was an easy read.
Profile Image for Kara.
762 reviews30 followers
April 28, 2014
Rating: 3.5 stars
This is my first read by Lori and her story line as well as the main characters pasts had me intrigued from the first meeting. Estelle/Star is either running from a horrid, abusive past or towards a healthy, positive future where she can focus on herself and not someone else. Shane also has a past he's ashamed and holding himself guilty for. The suspense kept me on my toes and my mind would be screaming "oh no, oh no, oh no" fearful of the outcome based on certain decisions. Observing Star's formation of beautiful, healthy, supportive relationships assisted in putting me at ease regarding her safety. These relationships with Ami, Michael, Shane, & Neona have become her family. Shane & Star have a common appreciation for stars, astronomy, planets and constellations. Their connection and banter over these elements brought them closer together as they could share their joy in the peace it brought them through star-gazing. The ending came up quickly for me and was wrapped up more rapid than my liking. But giving that, I got all the questions answered I speculated about and I wasn't left with a crazy book hangover from a cliffhanger. Give this a try and get "crushed"! Review posted at: http://bookcrushbookreviews.com/2014/...
Profile Image for Lisa Hoft.
3 reviews
April 14, 2014
WOW this book was crazy and scary and wonderful all at once! I did not put this book down once I started reading it. I loved the strength that Star pulls out of herself. I can’t imagine being in that situation, but for her to get out with zero support was AMAZING!

I wasn’t sure what to think of Shane at first. I’m glad I wasn’t left wondering about him for long. Yes he was a good chunk younger than Star, but that boy created disaster and emerged an amazing human being!

What I loved about this book was that all the things that make us sort of squeamish when looking at a nontraditional relationship were completely obliterated by the end. What I mean is that while I would think I would have the same fears Star does about a younger man, we get to see them both overcome each and every one of those issues. So by the end of the book there is no other alternative. If fact if they had not ended up together I would have probably gone a little nuts….LOL

You need to pick up this book; it does contain some abuse so you need to be able to handle that as well. I guarantee you will not be sorry you did!!
Profile Image for Sherry.
590 reviews33 followers
August 12, 2016
Honestly, I wasn’t sure about this story when I picked it up. Older woman, younger man…but really, she’s 30 and he’s 21. It REALLY isn’t that much of a stretch. If it was an older male to younger female I may not have thought twice about picking it up.

So, where was I? Oh, let me tell you about Shane. 1. He’s a sweetheart. 2. He can play guitar. 3. He loves his family. 4. He’s loyal. Oh, and sexy in a former athlete, figuring out where he belongs in this world kind of way. Star (Estelle) is trying to find her place in this world by running from a bad situation, which is how she meets our leading man, Shane.

The family that she makes in Red Vale are what make the book come to life. It’s the small town vibe, where everyone knows everyone else and they are an extended family. Lori L. Clark’s writing kept me reading and her characters came to life on the page. I definitely want to read more of her stories.

There are some dark moments in the book, but it really was a solid read for a lazy Sunday afternoon.
Profile Image for Deb.
1,060 reviews
May 18, 2014
Wow! What a pleasant surprise this book was! ... I am always skeptical when I know there is abuse in a story, but this author kept it brief, only happened a few times and didn't drag out the violence, then followed it up with good things & happy scenes :)... I loved the story line where 'Star’ finally leaves the dirt bag boyfriend, moves away to a small town & makes new friends... Along the way she regains her self-esteem and finds true love with a younger man!
This book kept me turning page after page (when I should have been sleeping) and for once, I actually loved the twist close to the end & the surprise ending! ... So if you're like me & normally try to avoid a book with domestic abuse, don't miss out on this one!...Grab this awesome book & enjoy Ms. Clark’s fantastic writing style coz you won't be sorry!! ... I was given this book in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Kristin Heller.
93 reviews
December 7, 2014
This was an amazing book about second chances at life. I loved the development of Star's "re-birth" and the courage she showed at making the biggest move of her life. The character development was great, the main characters were developed as well as the rest, but nothing was overdone. Wonderfully written as all her books are, Lori did it again with this book. I started reading this book on Wednesday and finished it by Friday, while working and going to school. I could not put this book down!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 37 reviews

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