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Blood Bonds #1

Bleeds My Desire

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EVELYN FONTAINE - She was forced to choose between two paths, and both of them led to death.

ADRAMELECH KHAAVEDRA - The cruel vampire lord who sought to use her in his sinister plotting.

CORBIN LIANDRALL - He started out as her victim; and now, he might just prove to be her savior...if she doesn't kill him first.

DESIREE LEVINE - The woman who changed everything.

Warnings: Dub-con, gore, violence, content not appropriate for those under 18.

310 pages, ebook

First published March 1, 2014

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About the author

Nenia Campbell

57 books20.4k followers

Hi there. I'm Nenia! I'm an author of several villain romances, and creator and moderator of Unapologetic Romance Readers.

I read a lot of amazingly trashy books that I would be happy to rec you. Coffee flows through my veins like ichor. Also, check out what I've written sometime!

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Nenia-Campbell/...

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aficionenias

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 46 reviews
March 5, 2014

You think that human screams have never echoed within these walls before? No help is coming, Silent one. N o help will ever come."

19 year old Evie, is living in a world terrorised by vampires, living is a daily struggle. All she's ever known is hunger and the oppression meted out by the vampires. When she and a group of other youth's from her village are given a chance to fight back, she isn't one to look a gift horse in the mouth.

But when push comes to shove, and she and her friends finally have the confrontation they've been looking for. They realise just how out of depth they are. No one told them how strong and cunning the vampires would be, how seductive they are.

Evie kept under lock and key by Lord Adram, a powerful and sadistic vampire. He amuses himself by making her life a misery, until he reveals that he does in fact have a purpose for keeping her (besides making her miserable that is) He has a much sinister and dangerous future planned for her...

What is this place?" I ask him hoarsely. He doesn't answer, but in a way, I already have one. This is the place where hope comes to die.

I really enjoyed Bleeds My Desire, Nenia is great at building a dark and creepy environment. I don't think I've ever mentioned this before but I really enjoy reading about a heroine having to survive oppression, or deal with matters of class even if it is a PNR/fantasy lol! Evie was obstinate to a fault, luckily for her this amused Adram, but I think had it been any other vampire she would have found herself lying in a pool of her own blood.

Don't get me wrong this was quite refreshing, since I prefer the heroines in the books I read to be docile lol! Another thing that was a bit of a shocker for me was that this is a bit of a triangle, now if you didn't no this I hate triangle! But I have to say this was sneakily done, I found myself loving both male characters, I mean yes I read the blurb but I wasn't expecting my reaction. Now I'll be honest and say that I am rooting for a particular sadistic vampire, but I'd also like to see his nemesis lose control for once. He seemed so in control of his actions, and so untouchable that I can't wait to see when something breaks through his calm demeanor.

Profile Image for Melissa ♥ Dog/Wolf Lover ♥ Martin.
3,601 reviews11k followers
February 5, 2016
MY BLOG: Melissa Martin's Reading List

Nenia created a world with an evil vampire, well there is more than one, but an evil vampire named Lord Khaavedra or just Adram, it's easier. He is one of the brutal vampires of the world that treats humans as slaves, although, when he was talking about how humans treat animals for their breeding and feeding stock.. I had to agree with him. He did have a good point!

Evelyn Fontaine is a vampire hunter and unsuccessfully goes out with a few people from her village to hunt them down. Well, she took one out, but still... she got captured by the evil one's minions and brought back to be tortured and trained on how to kill another vampire that Adram doesn't like.

Adram is very brutal to Evie.


He gives Evie some trade secrets on how to kill a vampire. He then gives her to Lord Liandrall or Corbin. This is the vampire she's supposed to try to kill. BUT, guess what? He's really nice to his humans. I like him, I like him a lot so far.


Evie seems to like him too, even though she keeps telling herself to stop thinking those things.



NOOOOOoooooooooooo......... That was an echo from the cliffhanger. I want to know what happens. Where is the other book? I must say that is one of the best cliffhangers, I mean if your going to rate a cliffhanger it got a solid 5! :-)
February 26, 2016
3 Stars

The Good

I love this cover so much. The sinister, dark but eerily beautiful face on it is absolutely perfect for the vampires depicted in this novel. I found the harken back to monstrous creatures of the night (as opposed to the brooding romantics of much of today’s stories) delightful.

The main character, Evelyn, was raised in a small village where the threat of vampires is taught to their children from a young age. She has trained her whole life as a defender of her people, little knowing that when the time came she would be virtually helpless in the face of their violence and disregard for human life.

When Evelyn finds herself the captive of a vampire, all of her previous knowledge becomes useless. Though strong, Evelyn is unprepared for the vampires’ merciless feelings towards humans. They regard them as vermin and/or food, and feel no need to pamper or coddle same. I really enjoyed the parallels that gleamed between the way that the vampires treated their captives and the way some farmers treat our animal sustenance.

The gore is handled incredibly well here. I could all but feel my own stomach clenching in some of the more descriptive sections.

The Bad

I found it very bizarre and off-putting that Evelyn thought of the vampires in capitalization. When you capitalize a pronoun it is generally a deference to them, especially used when referencing a deity or god. I could not for the life of me devise why Evelyn would think of them this way. This is a girl who has been, however ineffectually, trained to protect her people from vampires and yet she affords them such a high level of respect? I simply don’t buy this. And this use made me question her belief system quite frequently.

Also, the sexual scenes were bizarre. Leaving aside how I feel about dub-con which I already went into here the wording was a bit strange and questionable. I found the whole thing not cringe-worthy (which should have been the case) but side-eye worthy. Alas, we are all familiar with how weird I can get about this so I won’t elaborate further.


The editing in this story is at times questionable, and then at other times absolutely ATROCIOUS. Normally I would wrap this comment up in a single sentence and simply say that editing can get tricky with self-pubbed books, however, it was a serious problem here. Aside from the, relatively expected, small errors of misused or missing words, there was:

- Half of a page which was repeated.
- TONES of switching back and forth from first person to third person (especially in the last few chapters, which caused a lot of confusion about who was doing what and also what exactly was going on.)
- Word missuses that elicited humour from me at times which were supposed to be dramatic and compassion inspiring. (The most prevalent being the use of “brothers” rather than “broths”)
- Inconsistent capitalization when referencing the vampires Their and Them. (Which I personally feel just should not have been used at all.)

Overall this was a decent read, a compelling and interesting take on vampirism that I can completely appreciate. Now, when is the next one coming out….. because that cliffhanger is INTENSE.

Profile Image for Didi.
865 reviews286 followers
March 19, 2014

What a fantastic PNR! I loved it. The whole thing is shrouded in mystery. And by whole thing, I mean everything: the plot, the human survivors, the ruling vampires, the decimation of humans and life as they know it....everything. From the first page I was hooked. The pacing was great, and the way the book weaved between past and present made everything so much more acute.

Evie is a 19 year old woman that has lived and trained to be a vampire Hunter. Living in a small settlement referred to as the 'wilds', she survives in a harsh and unforgiving world where food is foraged and life is restrained. Until she's captured by the one thing she was supposed to know how to kill: a vampire.

Taken in as a slave to vampire lord Adram, she suffers through terrifying experiences that make her hope for death while at the same time praying for life. There were so many scenes that finally gave vampires justice. They are not glow-in-the-dark, sensitive creatures looking for redemption. They are cruel, terrifyingly seductive and devious. They see humans as prey, treating them as we treat cattle, but much, much worse. Many scenes were violent and unforgiving...AND I LOVED IT.
I'm not interested in creatures that are sold as amped up humans, because vamps are NOT Human. They are other. A very callous and dangerous other.

Evie's life is no longer hers, and to survive, she must do something for lord Adram. But executing her plans for him involves another vampire, lord Corbin. And what begins as a mission soon turns into something else, something potentially unexpected. Lord Corbin is different somehow, but he's still a mystery. And before I could understand any further, A CLIFFHANGER! Ah man!!

Aside from some editing issues, this was a fantastic and entertaining book. I loved the prose, the descriptions and how fluidly everything came together. I'm desperate for book 2 and highly recommend this book to any PNR lovers! Oh, and did you see the cover? WOW.
Profile Image for Louisa.
497 reviews394 followers
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February 1, 2014
I made a bodice ripper cover! It was hard. HARD. If you get what I mean. ;) But in all honesty, it was great fun to make. Contemporary covers are so different. And this looks like a great book already. AW YEAH.
Profile Image for Ivie dan Glokta.
311 reviews223 followers
June 26, 2014

If you are looking for a thousand year old, brooding 'dark' lord that get's captivated at the first sight at the sheer awesomeness of the heroine, by all means, carry on looking...this novel is NOT for you.

Welcome to the chilling world of Nenia Campbell! I cannot believe i haven't read her work sooner.

The scene is set in an dystopian world, where things go thump in the night! We follow Evie, a young girl sent on a wild goose chase with three of her friends by the elders of her village. They were sent off to the unknown to be vampire slayers, the protectors of the village from an ancient and powerful threat. However, the very first encounter with the vampires leaves Evie as the sole survivor, realizing for the first time in her life the true meaning of the word vampire as she is presented to one of their Lords named Adram.

This would be the part when shit gets real.

Campbell invites us to view the vampire world viewed trough the eyes of a mere human, witch in their world means as little as cattle. Adram embodies the true vampire from the old days, witch means he doesn't sparkle or whispers sweet nothings in your ear, and he manages to keep his shirt on... The author presents him in a true form of a predator, the kind that you are constantly aware of in the back of your mind, the kind you know will hurt you. It's chilling and inviting at the same time. His actions are unpredictable and explosive, keeping you constantly on your toes. Even as he controls Evie's life trough pain and cruelty, you could see signs of obsession tough his dark veneer and you can only grip your reader closer, waiting for what comes next.

The cliche lover in us wants nothing then to see him re-discover his humanity and spare Evie from his evil, while the story lover in us wants to witness the power struggle between a titan and a mere mortal continue. Campbell doesn't disappoint. Page after page I was left in suspense, not knowing what will come after the next corner.

Evie as a heroine rings true, and I loved her for it. Why? First, she's not a badass that always lands on her feet, no matter what, spewing dry sarcastic one liners on her way to glory. Second, she is not a delicate maiden whose beauty launches a thousand ships, and who constantly needs rescue from a valiant knight on his noble steed. In a world such as this, the knights are all dead, and the noble steed was most probably eaten.

No, Evie is a regular girl, with normal thoughts and normal human limitations. She is left to try and survive her captivity with nothing but her mind. This is where Campbell's writing takes the crown. She relays the subtle nuances of conversations and situations in a way that you can literally feel. There are no info-dumps, there is no time wasted on stating the obvious. The entire execution is flawless.

This was a fantastic read, filled all my criteria for an excellent PNR/UF. I won't spend any more time waxing poetic or giving out any spoilers, simply said this book is for lovers of a PNR that is slightly dark and different.

Nenia Campbell knows her shit!! And judging by the mother of all cliffhangers, knows how to make you salivate for more.

Can't wait for the next novel!
Profile Image for Heather ~*dread mushrooms*~.
Author 20 books546 followers
August 4, 2015
I liked a lot of things about this book.

I'll start with the writing. The story is told in alternating chapters of present and past tense. Present tense writing is tough to pull off, and so many authors do it seemingly for the novelty factor, or I don't know why. Most of them don't do it very well. There's an art to it, really. Present tense can be difficult to read, but I was glad to find that wasn't the case with Bleeds My Desire.

Next, the heroine, Evie. I appreciated that she was strong-willed without being stupidly willful. She's also a feminist. I liked her. I also liked that Campbell wasn't afraid to have Evie debased, just a little. So many authors just won't GO THERE with their heroines. Heroines (I'm talking mainly about those in YA books or romance, I guess) are often one of two things: 1) too freaking pure for anyone to want to "damage" them, except a bad guy, who never gets to because the hero saves her just in time; or 2) raped and exploited by every random guy who happens along so that believability is completely lost. So, yeah, I like when authors let their heroines get down and dirty in a realistic way.

Oh, and another note on Evie. I can't tell you how much I love that she has bad teeth. Is that weird? Well, I don't think so. I mean, teeth just don't take care of themselves when you're living in a less-than-modern village, and if there's a dentist at all he probably just pulls out the bad ones. I am so sick and tired of heroines with no real physical flaws. Give me scars, give me pimples, give me glasses that don't mysteriously disappear, give me bad teeth, give me body hair, for crying out loud. Just give me imperfection, damn it!

I hope her teeth stay bad throughout the series. Seriously.

The flashbacks were well done also, letting us see Evie's life leading up to her capture. I felt I got to know the secondary characters well enough. I liked the dynamic with Evie's younger sister.

Now, onto the lead vampire guys. Unfortunately, we don't get to know Corbin very well, since he appears pretty late in the game. So maybe that's why I'm kind of lukewarm about him. But I liked the bad guy, Adram. I'm not sure if we're supposed to. But I do.

While the ending did leave me wanting more (what will Corbin DO???), I feel the story could have been carried out a little further in this installment. It made the book feel slightly uneven, because there was all this buildup and then it just ... ended.

In short ... I'm looking forward to the next book!
Profile Image for Imy♥♥.
181 reviews94 followers
March 17, 2014
Now can I just say in my rush to read this book, I was unaware that it was only just released. The second book is non-existent on GR at the moment.

I'm annoyed with myself for not noticing this earlier. If I had of known, I would of probably waited. Because now...I have to wait, for the second book.

Moving on....

The ending...Exciting!!

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Evie's world is a mess. Struggling to live day by day, a father who doesn't seem to care, an unwanted admirer and judging eyes everywhere. You'd think things couldn't get worse.

Oh, but they can.

Her world and people are being frightened by vampires - Though not many have encountered them. Assuming and undermining the vampires abilities.
In a desperate rush to fight back, the village in which Evie lives, send's her and a handful of teens on their way to scout the perimeter of the village through the woods.

Things don't go according to plan, and Evie ends up in the hands of Lord Adram - A vampire with a plan.

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I've read another series by Nenia Campbell previously (the HorrorScape Series) and that was an AMAZING series! Different and intriguing. So my expectations are significantly high with this author.

It was FAB!
The only thing that frustrated me -The tiniest bit- was the back and forth from past to present every chapter. Though it was necessary, it still annoyed me, to an extent.

Great work Nenia! Cant wait for the second book!!
Profile Image for Alisa.
244 reviews196 followers
May 4, 2014
This might actually be my favorite NC book, which is saying something. Status updates to come later... Maybe.

Also, Nenia, if you have any mercy in your soul, you'll give me the next book.
Profile Image for Discordia Dieux.
38 reviews
April 16, 2014
That I'm a huge fan of Nenia Campbell's male leads was never to doubt, but what I can say is that her male characters (ALPHA-males, I mean, with capital letters)are getting better and better ... As in, it's not possible for her to write as fast as I feel like reading about them!

Thank you, Nenia, for writing a true bodice ripper in this day and age, when though reality is gruesome, people write about flowers and roses! I haven't read a satisfying bodice ripper since Stormfire, and I've read all the bodice rippers I could find from the 70s-80s period! And yes, I do like my water sparkling and my vampires nasty!

I hope it's a long series, because the book seemed rather short and at times Adram did not seem very deeply developed as character, but knowing Ms. Campbell's other works, I'm suspecting it's one of the writing techniques, to gradually develop him and reveal him to the public.

I'm not a big fan of love triangles and I, of course, do not like Corbin, given that I'm in camp Adram, but I guess there's more to Corbin than meets the eye. He might surprise me yet.

What can I say, I WHOLEHEARTEDLY recommend this book to those who like the old b-r genre, but also new adult and paranormal genre, though it's not a traditional romance, and that's why I love it! It's not boring and not predictable! It's like a breath of air! And believe me, for 2$ on Smashwords, you're going to get a very satisfying read!

Profile Image for Selena.
102 reviews9 followers
October 28, 2015
I just re read this book and thought I'd review it again. This has become one of my all time favorite vampire books. It hits on all the points that I personally love in a vampire story. Something I can't stand in many urban fantasy/paranormal romance is that you are told that the creatures are badass, dark and terrifying. But what you see is a love sick puppy that falls in love at first sight with some perfect flawless heroine. Nothing scary or even sexy there. Boring and sappy. This is not one of those stories and I'll be forever comparing anything else in the genre I read to it. You've ruined me Nenia, please come out with the rest of the story :)

Profile Image for Hallie.
27 reviews4 followers
June 2, 2014
did this book blow my cotton socks away?

finally vampires that don't sparkle and are actually badass!! eagerly waiting for the next book :)
Profile Image for Arlene.
34 reviews12 followers
November 6, 2020
Of course I made the mistake of reading this book even though my friend explicitly told me not to, because it's not finished yet and it ends with a massive cliffhanger. But I'm kinda stupid and couldn't resist. She also sent me this gif after I told her :D
It is alright though, because now we can at least suffer together while waiting for book #2.
I loved this book so much! The dystopian world full of sinister vampires and human captives? It's a yes from me.
Finished this one in one sitting, I was that hooked. I don't know how Nenia does it, but the way she writes her villains is just so good. And they were on point as usual. It also made me want to read more vampire themed books in the near future.
Profile Image for Mara.
44 reviews
March 17, 2014
When I found out Nenia Campbell wrote a vampire book I was like.

I downloaded this to my kindle the second it was released because I was more than curious as to how Nenia would tackle vampires. She seems to do it all; I swear this woman is a writing machine.

However, although I read this in one sitting I was a little disappointed maybe because I had such high hopes for this book. It’s not a bad book; I just felt that it lacked some things which could have made it so much more engrossing.

Evelyn is our human heroine, who is living in a world where vampires have taken over; in her small village she is the daughter of the head of the village. It is not as glamorous as it sounds; they are starving for basic necessities. Her dad is an ignorant prick, and her sister was a spoilt brat who needed to be given a good slap. The way the village worked and how it was closed off from the over taken society sort of reminded me of The Holy Trinity by Madeline Sheehan, but that’s where the similarities end.

The problem I had with the book is that I felt it was void of something the heroine felt very bleak to me and reading from her perspective I got a very black and white picture of the world she lived in. Maybe the author did that on purpose, because of the circumstances but it didn’t allow me to get into the story I felt it I was looking through a window and watching the events play out instead of being there with the characters.

Adram oh Jesus, I don’t see any redemption for him. He is as cold, dark and twisted as they come. And completely sexy.


This is what vampires are meant to be like, it was quite refreshing form the rest of the books where vampires hide from humans. The next character we are introduced to is Corbin, who isn’t really present much like most of the vampires. We only ever really got to see Adram; I hope the next book has more interactions between Evie and Corbin, and the reason why Adram sent Evie there. I’m excited to see how this love/hate triangle will play out in the next book.
Profile Image for Anna Kļaviņa.
804 reviews202 followers
December 15, 2015

I would say what happened between Eve and Adram. And I hope he dies, not only because of that but because how he treats "his" humans.

Here vampires are ruthless and Eve is intelligent enough to understand that Adram doesn't have a tortured soul/past who just waits for the right woman to save him and turn him into ideal lover. Corbin, it seems, is better (more human friendly) than Adram or others vampires. However there is very little known about him.

Anyway, I'm shipping Eve/Desiree.

I liked reading about Eves's life in the village and her family so I hope we're going to see them in the second book too.
Profile Image for Cat The Curious.
126 reviews53 followers
February 8, 2021
I have been waiting for an ending to this one too for far too long. I doubt there ever will be one. I've decided to stop with these type works as the last one (Carolyn Faulker's Tribute) sent me on a rant. I won't start anymore cliffhangers that do not have the sequels in place.
Profile Image for Cassandra Mello.
290 reviews18 followers
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August 3, 2016
I honestly have no idea what this one is about - besides the obvious, vampires, and though I thought I was done with those guys, I'm sure I'll read it at some point, haha
Profile Image for Maxi.
31 reviews4 followers
December 19, 2014
This book has stayed in my mind since I read a sample of it on Kindle, and eventually purchased it to finish it. The story has left me feeling... exhausted. It is definitely not for the faint of heart, and it is not a romance; I have no idea why it is labeled as such. The story centers around a girl named Evelyn Fontaine, who grew up in a village that is hidden from a dystopian, post-apocalyptic world ruled by vampires who have enslaved humans. The village has a population of about ninety people who are all forced to live frugally to survive. Evelyn and a handful of others are chosen to investigate potential danger beyond the safe limits of their hideaway after her brother finds a dead vampire. They are trained beforehand, but are unaware of what they are up against and that their mission is a death sentence. A group of vampires finds them and kills a couple, while others run or disappear. Evelyn manages to kill one vampire during the fight, but is still outnumbered and taken to be presented before the vampire lord Adram, who wants to use her as a weapon to kill a rival vampire. This is where the story begins.

I would like to start off by mentioning that the story is told through chapters alternating from past to present. The chapters of the past are chapters that describe Evelyn's life in the village leading up to her capture. The present tells the story of her imprisonment. I understand that the alternating chapters were necessary to the plot, but I still found myself rushing through them.

Then there are the characters.

eyeroll-glee photo Eyeroll_zps49c67fd0.gif

Specifically, the vampires. The vampires have taken over, turned all the powerful people, and killed those that opposed them. Now, the world in the book seems to have been set back a few centuries and is comprised of lords, peasant vampires, human slavery, and a blatant patriarchy. This story seems to skim the surface of issues of class and vampire politics, which is executed in a very clever and delightfully revolting way. The vampires are not at all romanticized, but, just as the author herself promised, nasty. While reading this, you think you've seen everything there is to the fucked up-ness of the vampires, but then there is more. There's always more.

They treat humans merely as cattle, right down to, in some cases, putting collars on them and other times caging and breeding them.

fuck balls-dexter/debra photo orig-21214172_zpsf0bad659.gif

Yeah, it's exactly how it sounds.

Evelyn, thankfully, is likeable as a character given the context of the dystopian world she is forced to live in. She is not inhumanly special or beautiful, but what's important is that she is still able to manage a few "fuck you's" to the ruthless vampires where they are due. She has little more than her wit at her disposal, and that's what makes this book very intriguing. And needless to say, it's what makes Evelyn a badass.

I think I'm clever photo anigif_enhanced-30220-1406146555-10_zps7afdfa28.gif

The lord Adram, bent on "training" Evelyn to kill, uses and toys with her to such a fucked up extent throughout the book that all I was thinking was:

die die die-pew pew pew photo 600full_zps13a081a2.gif

And Evelyn doesn't disappoint. She saves the text by being a perfect underdog–case in point, my favorite line from her was: "Milord can go fuck himself." Priceless.

Oh and also, I think that since this book is technically labeled as a paranormal romance, Adram and Corbin are likely to become love interests. And what's great about this story is that it's interesting enough for me to not care. I'm here for the story; fuck Adram, fuck Corbin, fuck the vampires.

You can all just die photo anigif_enhanced-30860-1406144157-1_zps4f9665ef.gif

Needless to say, this book has stirred very passionate emotions in me and I will have no choice but to read the next one.

Profile Image for Joi Worwood.
84 reviews
March 20, 2021
I suuuuper loved this book, I read it almost 2 years ago, and now just recently again, I forgot how much it gives me all the feels. lol.
Primarily because I love a charismatic villain, who is ACTUALLY a villain. Where they are terrifying, and you can see them killing the protagonist without a second thought buuuut you could see them maybe doing something gentile as well.

The only hiccup for me was the back and forth of her past and the present. I found it a bit jarring to be reading along, really in the moment, then suddenly, we're back in her village pre vampire capture.
Although her background does add some substance, I didn't find it extremely crucial to the story, and there was no connection felt between people in her past...I would have preferred it interwoven with the present moment somehow. In truth my 2nd and 3rd times reading it I just skip the chapters that don't have vampires in them altogether haha.

𝐀𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐦 & 𝐄𝐯𝐢𝐞: I love the dynamic between Evie and Adram. There is no strong underlying "romance" between them, (although his feelings for her do grow, "love" is a little strong, he takes a liking to her.... "𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝓵𝓾𝓬𝓴𝔂, 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓪𝓶𝓾𝓼𝓮 𝓶𝓮 𝓼𝓸." ) but her spunky defiant character and his charismatic cruelty with a charming flare really works.

𝘾𝙤𝙧𝙗𝙞𝙣: I usually get frustrated when a character I like no longer appears on the pages, but that didn't bother me this time. Evi is sold to Lord Corbin (as part of Adram's plot to use her), and I actually liked Evi & Corbin moments just as much as Evi and Adram. He's not evil like Adram, but there is still this sleeping danger beneath the surface about him.

All in all, I LOVE this book and cannot wait for the 2nd!

***Some things to know:
-there are a few F bombs, (I personally get annoyed with this in books that take place in different worlds, it taints the illusion for me...but that's just me)

-There is a dubious consent sex scene.

on a graphic scale from 1-10 I'd say it's a 6. Less graphic than CoTR.

-The "gore" as I've seen in some reviews was just the right level for me, I didn't find it super graphic (and i'm pretty cringy with gore). I'd say it was Pg 13 level. But again this is relative to what you have more trouble with.
There is no torture, or cutting off limbs type stuff. There is a lot of vimpire biting (obviously) but even that is fade out quality.

-It has a major cliff hanger that will drive you crazy! If you don't do well with that then I'd suggest waiting until the 2nd one is out lol
Profile Image for Simmie.
199 reviews5 followers
July 11, 2015
FIRST OF ALL…..How could you do that to us Nenia Campbell???

OMG that CLIFFHANGER was everything (in my Alyssa Edwards accent)……"BE CAREFULL MAY HAVE SPOILERS"

Please please book two right now. I'm so I don't know right now how to describe it in words……

Let me put you guys on. So here we have our protagonist Evie she's a head strong girl coming of age. In her village she's known as the Tomboy, the ugly duckling, but the most talented of all fighter's. On a mission conceived by the village elder's. Evie and three others are thrust into and illy planned mission of obtaining vital intel against the vampires. As we move forward into the story we learn that things are not as they seem. The small group is then attacked and poor Evie is now captured and forced into slavery by the evil vampire lord Adram. The relationship of Adram and Evie has a slow progression as the ever headstrong Evie denies Adram the power to break her. But he has something sinister up his sleeve and is patient as he trains her to do his bidding.

Fast forward Corbin the mysteriously charming and respected lord of a vampire estate receives Evie. Poor Evie she's been abandoned and tossed around like a rag doll but somehow she still manages to stay headstrong. She is now placed under his charge and is forced to adapt to a new environment. Corbin's treatment from her perspective is one of cunning and manipulation. And she can't understand, how he gains the loyalty and respect of his "slaves" vs Adram whom uses fear and intimidation. She is so blinded in my opinion by her ignorance and stubbornness. She has this concept of how things are suppose to be, from her up bringing that she can't see what dangers and possibilites present themselves.

This book is clever, while some parts are long winded. Nenia Campbell is a smart writer. She gives her characters true depth. They all had something so unique about them. Not one detail gets ignored or lost in the background. You have a true idea of the characters. I just can't wait to read the next book. I can't say what Corbin's true motivations are just yet the verdict is still not out yet. If you guys are into reading something one dimensional don't pick up this book. If you want something FLUFFY go reread twilight but if your into something mature and thought provoking I say this was a good read.

Profile Image for Rae M.
85 reviews148 followers
October 9, 2017
I made a Smashwords account just to buy this book, ngl.


Review when I'm feeling better, but for now, where is the next book? too short, Nenia, too short.


Whoops, I waited a little too long to write a review on this book. A month later, my mind is not that fresh on the details.

HOWEVER. You have got to read this book if you love vampire romances but you are sick of the vampires being so damn nice. Honestly, this world makes Julie Kagawa's Immortal Rules vampires far less fierce. Nenia manages to make them ruthless without making them into mindless killers, and I give major props for that.

One of the main scenes that sticks out to me now as I look back on it is the scene with Corbin and Evelyn in the artificial garden. The description was absolutely lovely and I just went back and read some of it again.

I'm not going to lie though. Like the other books by Nenia Campbell I've read, this is not going to be the book for everyone. Violence, rape, slavery... You might have to be a little twisted to enjoy it. Maybe.
Profile Image for Johanna Sawyer.
3,462 reviews41 followers
August 13, 2016
It says 310 pages....Nenia I think my book is missing pages because it didn't come with an ending...pout! I am truly amazed, your books are all over the place as far as genre but you definitely know what you're doing. Book was written well, my copy had a paragraph repeated, but for the most part I was able to get through it without flaws. The title wasn't really great, but the cover is gorgeous! World building is very strong, I could see exactly what I needed to see to get an overall idea of the situation. The storyline was great, staggering past and present isn't easy but I felt it was a good job. Overall entertainment value exceeded my expectations especially at the end. I kept seeing my kindle percent dwindle down, so I suspect there is another book coming. Hopefully soon. Evie is such a fighter, I can't wait to see what happened to Brahm, and to see if Abram, or Corbin will conquer Evie. Lovely book!
Profile Image for Tara.
290 reviews26 followers
August 10, 2016
Love these Vampires. They are somewhere between Lindsay J. Pryor's and Bianca Sommerland's Vamps. Powerful, arrogant and seductive. Loved the "free range" comment! These are beings superior either by design or evolution and view us as food and amusement. Why wouldn't we be treated like we treat dogs, cows and sheep? However, Lord Khaavedra knows some animal husbandry if he has horses. He should know you can't keep animals/humans healthy and breeding if they're kept in dark dungeons. Maybe he can borrow some cages from "The Planet of the Apes" and keep them in a barn?
Had troubles with Evelyn though and I felt uncomfortable in her head, which was were the story was told from. She seemed quick to anger and condemn. However, think the author has a very good spring board from which to jump into a wonderful series and am looking forward to the next one.... which I hope will be soon :)

Displaying 1 - 30 of 46 reviews

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