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The Light in Your Eyes #1

Pick Up the Pieces

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The Light in Your Book One
A Spy vs Spook Novel

Fifteen-year-old Theo Bascopolis longs for the man of his dreams. But his dreams are dashed when his conservative Greek father discovers Theo is gay and throws him out. Hopeless, he falls in with Fast Franky, a pimp who seduces Theo with the nickname “Sweetcheeks,” but abuses him and wants Theo to hustle. A bloody fight with Franky forces Sweetcheeks to run. Winding up in Washington, DC, he meets a group of rent boys who take care of each other. While he may not have the man of his dreams, Theo finally has a home and family of his own making.

When the boys take in mysterious tenant Mark Vincent, he seems a solid protector, until one of Sweetcheeks’s boys suffers a savage beating in his name. Vincent visits the boy in the hospital and introduces his equally enigmatic trainee, William Matheson. The instant attraction blindsides Sweetcheeks. In spite of knowing love isn’t for rent boys, Sweetcheeks hopes Matheson sees beyond the body he’s offered to so many. But Matheson has secrets of his own, and both will have to tear down their walls to find enduring love.

324 pages, ebook

First published February 21, 2014

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 97 reviews
Profile Image for Barbara.
433 reviews86 followers
March 27, 2014
LOVE this beautiful and romantic story…

Pick Up the Pieces is a story of a boy who loss everything when is father found out he was gay… and how he fought to survive on the streets through a hard life he gets back on his feet, and we see a boy turn into a man who doesn´t quit and with a help of other friends he became a leader, but with a past that haunts him is afraid of giving is heart to another man until he meets …

Wills, who is wonderful… Theo finally gets what he deserves. Someone who appreciates him, and makes him feel good about himself. He's almost afraid to really believe in it, afraid to lose what he loves more than anything.

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They are definitely a couple worth rooting for.

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To know more of their story, we have to wait for the second book.

Another fab BR with my BF Isabel and Marte!!

Profile Image for Eva.
363 reviews178 followers
June 18, 2014
Refreshing and sweet story


New family





The life story of one Theo Bascopolis, from the time he was 15 and gets kicked out of the house for being gay, to the time where he is 27 and seems settled with a first real love, William Matheson. But the romance doesn't develop until pretty late in the book.

"This time, when he fell asleep, I did something I hadn’t done in twelve years. I whispered, "I love you, Wills."

We see how Theo fought to gain his identity, his survival on the streets and eventually run a stable of boys, and his recognition of a love in a man who may not be at all what he pretends to be. We see a young boy turn into a man who reinvented himself and knew when to quit.

As for Wills, he is a mystery and we will never really know who and what he is... but he story continues in Foolish Me

Really excited for the sequel.
Profile Image for Mandy*reads obsessively* .
2,192 reviews332 followers
April 4, 2014

I read this back in 2011 as a free online story The Light in Your Eyes and LOVED it.
I always hoped it would be cleaned up and published and was thrilled when I saw it was being released.
This is set mostly in the 1990s, so some of it feels a bit 'dated' like the VCR and no gay marriage anywhere in the US.

Theo Bascopolis stopped existing for over a decade. He became Sweetcheeks after his father threw him out at 15 and he fell in to the hands of a unscrupulous user that made him turn tricks.
And poor Theo thought it was love.

He got away and eventually with the help of Tim and his gang of boys became a very sought after and well paid rentboy.
“You never were as young as you looked. I wish….” He sighed.
“Me too, but things are the way they are, and wishing isn’t going to change them.”

He and Paul (Prettyboy) are the last of the original group of boys but they have made a pretty good life for themselves.
Mark Vincent ( all of you who have read the Spy Vs Spook series will know him) has to help them out of a bind or two. That's what brought William Matheson in to Sweetcheeks' life.
Wills, there is just something about the man in the boring suit and bland haircut that catches and holds Theo's attention and his affection.
“For the first time in my life—for the very first time in my life—I felt like someone considered me his… boyfriend.”

Despite this being told solely from Theo's POV I still felt like I knew Wills' heart too.
Theo is still insecure in a lot of ways, always fearing his past will eventually drive Wills away or he will push to hard for answers and Wills will leave him. He is also very used to discretion from his previous profession.That's the only real explanation for Theo not questioning Wills more about his job. Like when he asks Wills why he carries a gun :
“You know I troubleshoot computers, right?” he’d said. “Well, it’s to shoot the trouble right out of the computers.”
“Geez, Wills,” I’d complained. “If you didn’t want to tell me, all you had to say was you didn’t want to tell me.”

Wills is such a paradox. Although we don't see it in this book, he's cold, calculating and ruthless in his job, but what we do see is how wonderful, loving and sweet he is to Theo.
“You take good care of me.”
“It’s what I live for, babe.” He winked at me, and I bumped my shoulder against his.

Giving him all the love he's been missing and taking care of him, although Theo takes very good care of Wills too.
I love rentboy stories and here Theo finally, finally gets what he deserves. Someone who loves him and appreciates him, who gives him a family and makes him feel good about himself. He's almost afraid to really believe in it, afraid to lose what he loves more than anything.
“All those years… I thought briefly about them. They had brought me to this time, to this place, to this man.

Even though I have read this story before and I knew what was going to happen I still was riveted and totally immersed in this romantic tale. And even though I know what's going to happen next I absolutely CAN NOT wait for the sequel Foolish Me.

For all fans of Tinnean's Spy Vs Spook series, fans of rentboy stories and fans of sweet romance stories this is definitely one you don't want to miss.
It's a favorite of mine and I know I will be rereading Theo and Wills story again and again.

Profile Image for Isabel.
562 reviews106 followers
March 26, 2014
Pick Up the Pieces is a great book, written by Tinnean, an author that I didn't knew, but that I am a fan now! I love her style, I love the plot and most of all, I love the characters!

I am surrendered to Theo! At the age of fifteen he found out what it is to be homeless, abused, and a rent boy! What he suffered and what he became, shows how strong he is! For twelve years he created a wall to protect himself from one of his biggest fears... to fall in love! Until the day that he met the mysterious Wills... Love at first sight for both of them! They form a beautiful, caring, tender and hot couple! I love them, I can't get enough of them...

There are other characters that I love as well, like Paul and Vince... without them Theo wouldn't have met Wills...

There will be a sequel, and I anxious for it!

I also want to read Tinnean's series Spy vs. Spook because I really want to know Mark Vincent better! He looks to be a fabulous guy!!!

This was a fabulous BR with my friends Bárbara and Marte, here!!!

Profile Image for Gerbera_Reads.
1,513 reviews145 followers
August 13, 2019
I enjoyed this story primarily because after reading Spy Vs. Spook I kind of knew the sequence of the events but this time they were narrated from the perspective of another person, Theo Bascopolis. His journey was quite remarkable. He got really lucky when he joined the group of rent boys in Washington, DC. The smart way they went about earning the living was what got them to the point in life when Theo "Sweetcheeks" met Mark Vincent and later William Matheson.

I got to see a lot of Theo and his relationships with boys that came to him and either stayed or left. The first part of the book described his growing up fast and getting on his feet. The various people he met, the connections he forged and the ins of the tough professional rent boys world he was forced to become a part of shaped his mind and personality in a special sort of way, made him cynic and hard to accept he was worthy of affection and love. The second part of the book was where he slowly started to accept Wills love and devotion. He learned to trust that Wills will come back to him every time, that his past does not matter. It's the man that he is now that matters. Wills family was something else - loud, boisterous and very accepting. There were hiccups in their relationship but they always managed to straighten things between them. And one of the things I loved was Theo's friendship with Mark. Wills was always so guarded, and yet even he saw his boss in a different light.

But my enjoyment of the story was tempered by the lack of Wills POV and complete mystery about his job. I thought that this book will show his side of things since I only saw him as sometimes bashful and sweet boyfriend and never a cold troubleshooter. Plus the book seemed overly long by the time I reached the end simply because not much was going on but Theo's everyday life and how he found love with Wills and found his way home. But I still recommend it for the fans of Mark and Quinn!
Profile Image for AliciaJ.
1,329 reviews107 followers
April 15, 2021
Oh wow, I totally fell in love with Theo and Wills. It was so great to see their story told in full, especially from Theo's pov. I had no idea he was Greek! As usual, Tinnean's words kept me glued to the page until the end. I'm sooo looking forward to the sequel.
Profile Image for Mandy*reads obsessively* .
2,192 reviews332 followers
December 11, 2013
This is a great free online read!
Theo ( Sweetcheeks) is kicked out by his father for being gay. He's 15 and all alone and gets caught up with the wrong guy and ends up being a pretty successful rent boy.
He meets Wills (Matheson) an assassin for a secret government agency.......
Both of the MCs have selfworth issues they need to work through, and Theo especially has trouble trusting Wills and believing that he is loved and worthy of Wills' love!
Read this story!!!
Profile Image for Bitchie.
1,464 reviews76 followers
May 28, 2015
Straight up, these books are the most unrealistic, Disney Fairytale hooker stories that I have ever read. That being said, I ate it up and loved every bit.

I loved reading about Theo/Sweetcheeks, and how he got to where he was. Kicked out at 15 for being gay, found by a jerk who pimps him out and abuses him, and then, when he runs, he just falls right in with a group of Happy Hookers, who take him in and treat him right. After just a few years, Sweetcheeks is running their stable of boys, they buy what must have been a VERY expensive house in DC and spend tons of money fixing it up, and really, everything just seems golden for Sweetcheeks. He's pretty much given up on love, but then he meets Wills, and his happy fairytale is complete!

I liked the little glimpses we got of Mark Vincent, and kind of want to reread the Spy Vs Spook series when I get the time.

I can't believe that Theo never even questioned Wills about his job. Sure, a rentboy doesn't question his clients, but once they became more, I expected Theo to at least wonder to himself, even if he never came out and asked Wills.

But all in all, this was just lovely and fun, and really, not particularly angsty.
Profile Image for Macky.
1,949 reviews230 followers
August 3, 2013
If you've read Tinneans Spy V Spooks series then you'll know the character of Sweetcheeks ( Theo ) and Wills Matheson. This is their love story beginning with Sweets aged 15 when he's thrown out by his dad for being gay, ending up on the streets as a rent boy, up to his meeting Wills who works with Mark Vincent, then charts their growing romance and the relationship problems they have to overcome because of Theo's past and Wills career that is of course officially secret. It was great to have a more in-depth look into both characters lives because they are really endearing and I adored them both.

It nearly bypassed me completely and I can't believe that it's a free read. This lovely story is a fabulous addition to the series and hopefully it'll be published someday. The day it is I'm adding it ASAP to join the rest of my Tinnean collection which I love... And I'll be very happy to pay for it.

If you're a Tinnean fan and you've not read this then you're missing out. Loved it.

Profile Image for Trisha Harrington.
Author 3 books138 followers
June 6, 2013
I loved this. Most people who love Spy Vs. Spook will know the characters. I wasn't expecting to love this as much as I did. It was definitely sweeter than I had expected.

Highly recommend it!
Profile Image for Marte - Thunderella.
782 reviews103 followers
March 27, 2014
Annnnd I'm done!

I Buddy Read this book with Barbara and Isabel. Here's the discussion thread (spoiler free)

So, what did I think of it?

The book is about Theo. The first half of the book is about his life from he was thrown out by his father at 15 for being gay, until he meets Wills at age 27. The other half was of Theo and Wills' romance.

Although their romance was sweet, I felt something was... missing. I kept waiting for something to happen, thinking about the cover. Guy with a gun, all sneaky looking. But it didn't. Nothing really happened after Theo and Wills got together. For example since Theo and Wills met at the hospital after a friend was brutally beaten to an inch of his life, I expected a follow up on the aftermath of that. But no. It was just mention in passing that the perpetator was dead. Huh? Just like that. In passing.

The meeting between Theo and Wills at the hospital was hot. And afterwards in Theo's appartment. That was really beautiful. Theo and Wills were so good together, their reactions, and everything was written so well. This was my favorite part of the book. I hoped the rest was going to be like that, but I never felt that connection again. Sorry. The rest of the book consisted of Theo making dinner, preparing to make dinner or redecorating, kissing Wills goodbye, Wills going to work, coming home, kissing Theo, them kissing some more and then the books says "they had sex". After the beautiful scene when they first met? I wanted more of that! After the misunderstanding I would have thought they making up would been sweet and beautiful, like the first scene. But no.

"Wills had given me a blow job to top all blow jobs, attempting to suck my brains out through my dick."

"Wills hadn’t come, though. He’d turned me around, careful not to upset my stomach, bent me over, and fucked me until we’d actually run out of hot water."

That's is. The whole make up scene. Oh no wait, there's a bit more..

"Vince had been pleased with the job Wills had done, and as a reward, he’d given him the day off. We took advantage of it to have lots of make-up sex. But we knew Wills had work the next day. I’d have to make him a quick breakfast in order for him to go home, change into one of his nothing-special suits, and get to work."

So, "they had lots of make up sex", Theo cooks and Wills goes to work. Wash, rinse, repeat.

Ugh, I sound really negative and cynical aren't I? Sorry, I'm really not. So why did I rate it 3 stars=I liked it? First, the first part with Theo's life was a great read, although uncomfortable sometimes. He had a tough life, but he made the most of it. And what an accomplishment going so far even though he had to lead a life like he did. Very strong indeed. Reading about Paul, Tim and the rest of the boys was really good. The meeting between Theo and Wills was hot and the rest of the story is about their romance which was sweet. It felt good that Theo found Wills and love. Go, Theo! *huge smile*

But the BIG shocker was that this book is actually a spin off from the series Spy vs Spook where Theo and Wills is secondary characters. So Pick up the Pieces is telling the story where they meet. Whaaat?! I didn't know this before I read some of the reviews before starting my own. The Spy vs Spook is a serie with Marc Vincent as the MC. Whaaat?! Knowing this, it shed a whole new light on this book. Pick up the pieces is a "backstory" book. Now I get the book. If I had read the Spy vs Spook series first and got to know the characters I think I would have enjoyed this book more. I will recommend reading the series first and then this book. Is says it's a stand alond, but I think you will care more for the characters knowing where they come from.
Profile Image for Skye Blue ☆*~゚ლ(´ڡ`ლ)~*☆.
2,573 reviews28 followers
September 26, 2019
First off, I loved this.

But I did love some parts more than others. The beginning was great. Theo/Sweets getting kicked out, and hooking up with Frank...had me on the edge of my seat.
Finding a new family of new friends/co-workers....loved it.
Turning tricks, into serious money...unrealistic, but loved it. I mean come on...Sweets would completely redecorate on a whim. He was throwing money around...even after he stopped working, he had money to burn. But I don't care, the first part might have been unrealistic...but who cares, I loved the hell out of it.

Then the romance started up. Oh, I loved Wills. The relationship built up. I wished for more Vincent. But waiting for Theo to learn what a "troubleshooter" does...killing me.
Then things started getting a little domestic...and all of the boys moved away. Oh they didn't desert Theo, they just moved physically away. So, thing slow down.

But, I'd look at that cover Pick Up the Pieces (The Light in Your Eye #1) by Tinnean ...and think, SHITS GONNA GO DOWN!

More domestic. Some more romance. Slowing down.

No..Look at that cover Pick Up the Pieces (The Light in Your Eye #1) by Tinnean and all the gun references, and Wills going out of town....any minute...SHITS GONNA GO DOWN!!!!

Did shit go down???? NOOOOOOO!

Theo gets a BIG hint...but that's it. It doesn't go down until next book. AHHHHHHH!

Okay, enough grumbling.

The book was excellent. I wasn't screaming WTF until the last page....and that only because I didn't realize what I was waiting for, wouldn't happen this book.

So...READ this...just make sure you have book 2 on hand to start afterwards.
reread 9/25/19
Well, I didn't go it with the cover deceiving me this time. I still wished for some action with Wills, but at least I wasn't waiting for it to go down every moment.

All the money that Theo ends up with is still unrealistic, but I loved it almost as much as the first time.
Profile Image for Deja Dei.
125 reviews22 followers
March 1, 2014
I loved the book. 5+ stars. Can't remember when I gave one of those last, if ever. And I don't usually prefer contemporary.

First, the author handled some sensitive content really well. Its uncomfortable at times, but I would expect to be uncomfortable at a 15 year old resorting to prostitution. There is just the right amount of detail to demonstrate the pain Theo endured with out it venturing into squicky or vulgar. Man what a couple of well placed details can convey without it being graphic or off putting. And then there's Theo's strength. He goes through a lot, but he's determined to make it on his own and be his own man, which he does. Unlike some of the other escorts, he isn't looking for a sugar daddy, and I respect him for that. Even though he is an escort, he lives by his own terms. He does the best he can with what he's been given, and becomes pretty financially secure, though he never expects to find love, except the platonic love he has for the other rent boys. I enjoyed their relationship and how they supported each other. The prostitution aspect is another delicate balance the author handled beautifully. It isn't sugar coated ala Pretty Woman, but it isn't sheer despair either, especially when they can work at a higher level.

Theo's lifes story would have made a good story in itself, and the romance doesn't develop until pretty late in the book, which I found a refreshing change from insta-love. I liked that Theo had to reach a point in his life where he could focus on love before he accepted it. He needed some degree of security and control over his future first. Even then, it wasn't easy for him, and he still has a lot of doubts. It hurts to see him think he isn't worthy of love, but it is certainly understandable.

Wills is wonderful, such a nice shift from the growly bossy "alpha male" some readers enjoy but I really don't. He could kick your ass before you could blink, but he doesn't flaunt it and is sweet, courteous, and compassionate. Basically he was raised right, and he's proud of that. Quiet and unassuming even. Well, except in the case of one person who deserved it. The violent aspect of his work doesn't carry over to his relationship with Theo, which is a wonderfully equal relationship sexually and otherwise. He doesn't treat Theo as less because of his past, and Theo doesn't lose his strength and independence when he starts seeing Wills. The dynamic between the two of them felt natural, mutually beneficial, like they found each other just when they needed each other and worked together so well.

Add to that compelling supporting characters (I have to go and find and read everything about Mark Vincent, cause holy crap i was intrigued by him even by his brief appearances) a nice mix of action, some mystery, friendship, romance, internal and external conflict, some understandable miscommunication, and it just is a completely satisfying read. What the author does so well is balance everything, I think. Theo's self doubt and his strength. Horrible experiences and good times with friends. Loss of family but gaining independence. Outside conflict and self induced conflict. Wanting a partner and love but doubting and being scared. And a character in Wills who can be deadly but is also sweet and romantic. There's violence, pain, and loss, and then there's picking out furniture and blueberry pancakes. I really felt immersed in Theo's life.

I have probably gushed enough, but I really did love the book, and I can't wait to read the next one.
Profile Image for Meep.
2,162 reviews215 followers
July 28, 2022

There is the need for suspension of disbelief, but it's an engaging read, I didn't recall the story and it kept me absorbed for a few days which is all I ask of a book. Not sure why I never continued the series originally but trying to figure out where to go next, 'Vince' and friend have me curious.
It's not perfect but I really enjoyed it and would like to continue.
(this is a free version from way back when, I gather it's been published since)

-- --

This is completely unrealistic on every count, yet the characters are engaging and the writing was enough to keep me reading.

I don't think 'don't fall in love' is the most likely catch-phrase for rentboys but this is a fairy-tale world where homeless no-hopers end up owning property, servicing useful people they like and finding love, all while remaining sweetly naive. If only.

Seriously though, Theo is a very naive character, towards the end he also gets over emotional at times.

His family make brief appearance but bugged me.

The VHS - Oh technology how you change and age us! Tapes! Rewinding!
I'd have thought Theo would have been the one called in to see that originally, not Wills. And seriously Wills pulls a gun on their first meeting and Theo still sees him as your quintessential computer geek?

Still I like these characters coming together and how they both idealise the other to the point of not understanding how anyone else can not,

Suprisingly little kink considering this is a rentboy story. It calls for a big suspension of disbelief and yet is an enjoyable read. I'd not mind reading more of any of these characters. Also this is a really long story and currently free to read online, which is reason enough to give it ago.
Profile Image for Td.
690 reviews
February 24, 2014
There was no need to worry about flashbacks or repetition here, something I had problems with in the first two Spy Vs. Spook books, never made it to the third. Straightforward writing that allowed me to fully immerse myself in the characters and their story.

I felt a little uncomfortable at the beginning. The journey for Theo after he's thrown out of the house by his father for being gay begins at the age of 15, but thankfully Theo narrated his story in a way I could handle. I got the whole picture of his experiences without the overly explicit details until after he turned 18. I expected a little more action (there's a gun on the cover!) but maybe in the sequel? Take a look at Mandy's Review for more details. Thanks Mandy for the review and reassurance. A lovely story at the heart of it all. I'm so glad I went for it and I'm so looking forward to the next one.

To Ami - Just in case this book is ever in your radar and you happen to come across this review
Profile Image for Julia.
408 reviews10 followers
December 5, 2014
I have a soft spot for wounded rentboys. *sigh* I loved Theo, but I think he has a serious blind spot in regards to Wills (who I also love). There are so many clues and NOTHING gets answered in this book, which left it feeling a little incomplete to me. I'm diving right into book two...I'm hoping it has the missing pieces. I'm not buying the car accident story. (This is not a spoiler.)
Profile Image for Anke.
2,490 reviews98 followers
April 25, 2012
Very nice story, enjoyed the writing, but from chapter 18 on I wanted to slap Theo and tell him: Open your eyes already! Computer tech, my a..
Additionally the VCR-part didn't work for me, but Theo and Wills were a great match. Now off to reading Vince's story.
Profile Image for LiveYourLife BuyTheBook.
616 reviews58 followers
February 26, 2014
4 Stars
A "Live Your Life, Buy The Book" Review

I’m a huge fan of the Spy vs Spook series. If you haven’t read it, I recommend reading it. Theo aka Sweetcheeks and Will are secondary characters in the that series.This is essentially a spin off telling their story. I guess it’s not necessary to read that series before this book but I think the crossover was my favorite part of this book. Either way you’re going to have some revelations about these characters no matter the order you read them in. I feel like there were three distinct parts to this story.

Part one of this book is finding out just how Sweetcheeks ended up being a rent boy. This part of the book was just as crushing as you’d think. A sweet teenage boy goes from a family life to being disowned because he admits he’s gay. From there he gets hooked up with the worst kind of man, forcing him into prostitution and then eventually fleeing his hometown. He hitches a ride to DC and that’s how he ends up with the group of teenage prostitutes. I thought this portion was a little tough to read but not as gut wrenching as it could have been thank goodness. It still had an impact without making me sick to my stomach.

Part two was the everyday life of teenage prostitutes and how they make it in the big bad city. You’d think this part would be disturbing but the guys just went about tricking like it was just the way it was. I guess you could say they were resolved to their lives. Parts of this section even made it sound almost cool which I DID find disturbing. There was even a rent boy year ball where they crowned a king! The way they made some of their Johns out to be such nice guys and yet they paid boys for sex? Really squicked me out honestly. I guess it’s nice somebody cared for them enough to help them. I was happy when Sweetcheeks finally started to realize prostitution wasn’t something he’d like to do forever.

Finally we get to the love story. This part was sweet and super angsty. Will has a secretive job that he never really tells Sweetcheeks, now known as Theo since he stops prostituting once he hooks up with Will. This coupled with Theo’s insecurities really created most of the tension this book had to offer. Their relationship ups and downs were frustrating but kept me interested. I think the insta lust and then love worked well here. Things were just so intense and new between the guys. Theo never really thought he’d find love. Especially not with a guy that knew he was a rent boy. Theo is Will’s first with a man. He’s fooled around but never taken it to the level he experiences with Theo. This makes for some really hot sex scenes. I mean a rent boy and a gay virgin?

I did think this book was too long. There were a few scenes that played out that never really went anywhere. Like they were just thrown in. Such as a family kitten being killed by a vicious Pit Bull? Personally I thought that part was a little cliché and served no purpose what so ever. AND I don’t agree with the stereotyping of the breed. The gay uncle stopping by to freak Theo out? Why? These scenes really slow the pace of the story for me and pulled me out because I couldn’t understand what the purpose was.

So if you’re a fan of the Spy v Spook series you will want to read this. I absolutely LOVED seeing Mark and how his actions were seen through Theo’s eyes. The entire book is from Theo’s POV. I think I would have enjoyed Will’s POV and what he does when he goes away. Maybe a short? It’s possible that may have changed the tone of the book because we know what Will does isn’t hearts and flowers. Again, my favorite part was how the stories overlap. I caught myself smiling and thinking of what was going on in those books, while everything played out from a different perspective in this book. If I had to compare the two series I’d say S.v.S is grittier and has more clever dialogue. The characters in that series demand it! These guys are spies after all. This book was more of a tragedy turned love story. I’m guessing by the #1 behind this book we’ll be getting more from these characters. Maybe even get to see Paul again soon?
Profile Image for Bookwatcher .
746 reviews118 followers
February 23, 2014
Oh... I'm sooooooooooo curious and need to read more! This is the first book of a series I certainly will read more!

Some information about this book
Pick up the pieces is a spinoff of a spy series, called Spy Vs Spook. It's a standalone, you don't need to read Spy vs Spook to understand it!
It may help you, to know what is this mysterious job Wills have, and who is his mysterious boss, Mark (SQUEEEEEE... hummm, sorry, fan *squee* scream was unnecessary.. I know, but I love Mark!). So as I was saying, it may help you do understand some things, but it's also cool read it don't knowing a everything... because it's ok, so be unaware of facts, as the protagonist and only narrator is... Theo.

The narrator, Theo Bascopolis
How can I describe him in just few words!!! I can't!!!!! He is... fantastic.
Alone, at the young age of 15 years old, his story is heartbreaking. Kick our, after coming out to his family, Theo will end on the streets... as many gay teens kick out from their houses. His only way to go on, stay alive and survive is... sell himself. I was sick... angry... thinking of a 15 years old boy, alone, selling his body to make money.
It's really amazing he survived... and became the man he is, Sweetcheeks, the rent boy, when he meet the mysterious Matheson.

Theo's lover... Matheson, also called Wills
This book will not tell how is really is. I liked it! Because it's from Theo's POV everything is a mystery. But Theo had enough of pain and loneness, and he trust Mark (Matheson's boss), so all the mystery will not be a problem.
I was surprise, knowing so much about Wills personal live. His family, his behave outside of work. Reading the Spy Vs Spook series I would NEVER imagine he was so... lovely. It's weird, she him so sweet and the best partner Theo could need. I LOVED IT! Really LOVED IT.

Last thing to say is...
This book show me something... how the writer skills improved with time and pratice.
I will not lie to you. I had serious problems with the first book of Spy Vs Spook series (Houseboat on the Nile). It was an original online fiction and you can see it reading that book. All the repetition of scenes (everything is told twice, from both Mark and Quinn POV). I didn't give up because a friend keep pushing me saying I should go on because it was just one book written like that. I'm glad Trisha pushed me, because it REALLY got better and better, up to the BRILLIANT last book, Forever, that amazed me. All the humor, the action, the.. romance.
ALL THE GOOD QUALITIES is in this book too! It's funny, romantic, heartbreaking and mysterious.

Pick Up the Pieces may be the story of a lost boy... but it's also a strong love story, of how a teen can kill his old self, Theo Bascopolis, transform to Sweetcheeks the best payed rent boy in DC, to the man, Theo Bascopolis again... it's a painful transition, but love can do it. Read to know how.

4 stars

P.S: the only reason it's not a 5 stars is for a personal reason. I can't forgive Theo's father.
Profile Image for Didi.
1,535 reviews86 followers
June 14, 2015
I'm not sure what to think of this book - chosen as book the month for Indonesian MM Reader. This story was part of Spy vs Spook series's universe - which I haven't had the pleasure to read yet (as usual, they're already in my TBR pile...). For me, though started interesting enough, it was lacking in Bang! and unsatisfying finish.

Reading a story where the MC was one very young underage rent boy was not my choice of entertainment. The amount of abuse and duplicity alone upset me. Even when these boys showed brave front and being very matter-of-fact about it.

And this is one quite long book, for an MM book at least. It was 324 pages long, which span the time from when Teodore Bascopolis disowned by his Poppa, acquired "new name" Sweetcheeks, and 12 years of his life after.

One of the good thing about the story was the brotherhood developed among these rent boys. They took care of each other, depending on one another.

Still, I got impatient following Theo's life account. When he met and started seeing William Matheson (part of Mark Vincent's Spy vs Spook's team), I thought the story would go interesting. Well, in a way it was. At least for Theo it was, considering how more heartfelt his sex life became. As for me, I didn't really get their attractions. And the amount of endearments (baby and babe to be exact) started to get me nauseated.

And then it seemed the plot tried to fix Theo's life. All shaping perfect life for Theo and Wills.

A couple of things that bugged me was how "oblivious" Theo seemed to Wills's line of work, even with so many hints thrown under his nose (he was either in denial or totally clueless about it); and how the book ended. To be honest, I didn't think it's proper ending at all. While I understand there's second book of this couple, and quite a few of things in their life had been resolved, I would expect more - closing paragraph, scenes, whatever - rather than what I read, to consider it a proper closure.

I still want to read Spy vs Spook series though. I hope it was much more exciting than this one!
Profile Image for Gina.
753 reviews110 followers
May 1, 2014
This was a winner!! I love the Spy V Spook series, and getting to know these characters from that series is just as fun! This book is about Theo and William. You don’t have to read Spy V Spook series first, but if you love this one you have to read that series!

When Theo comes out to his family his father throws him out and tells him never to come back. A fifteen year old boy on the streets doesn’t have many options, so circumstances force Theo to become “sweet cheeks” a rent boy. So the story takes you through Theo’s journey, how he goes from bad to worse, and eventually finds some fellow rent boys who become his friends and family.

Eventually Theo meets William, and the two hit it off right away. I loved their story, their chemistry. William never looked down on or treated Theo differently because he was a rent boy. And I loved how Theo soon decided he didn’t want to live the his life the way he had been. Theo soon finds hope start to blossom in his heart and he hangs onto it.

This story moved along well, it kept my attention. Theo and Wills had chemistry and heat, and I enjoyed being in their head.

I am becoming a real fan of Tinnean books and her writing style, and i can’t for book 2 in this series! i am so going to read it!
Profile Image for Paris.
176 reviews12 followers
September 11, 2012
I completely lost interest on chapter 16. It all looked unrealistic after few first chapters. And nothing was happening. And I don't care who ate what and how great the sex was.
Profile Image for Barb ~rede-2-read~.
3,472 reviews107 followers
August 18, 2014
This is a very nice accompaniment to the Spy vs Spook novels because this story runs parallel to the others, at least to Forever, if not to all of them.

This is the story of Sweetcheeks the rentboy landlord who Mark Vincent rents from in the other books. Sweetcheeks is really Theo, a young man who ran away from Florida when he killed the man who took him in after his father kicked him out. The story evolves over twelve years as Theo becomes Sweetcheeks the rent boy, to Sweetcheeks the pimp, to Theo, the young man who Mark Vincent's work associate, Wills Matheson, falls in love with.

There's plenty of angst for Theo who can't believe someone as remarkable as Wills would fall in love with him, but there's also plenty of just plain sweet romance and yes, lots of hot sex scenes. The story ends with a kickoff to the next book in the series, Foolish Me, which I plan to jump into right away!

If you've read the Spy vs Spook series, then definitely pick this up. If you haven't, I'd recommend you do so before reading this, although strictly speaking, it can be a standalone.
Profile Image for 315.
692 reviews27 followers
July 16, 2014
I really enjoyed Theo and Wills together. Maybe not as much as the couple from the Spy vs Spook Novels but still a lot of fun.

I will say you MUST read books 1-3 of the Spy vs Spook series. I can't see how one would enjoy this one as much. You could go without, but you'd miss a lot more of the story that the author never gets into and is VERY relative to this story.

Unlike in the Spy vs Spook books you don't swap perspectives at all. This one is told completely from Theo's POV. II felt that the story would be more enriching if you could get Wills' POV. Good thing I read the other series first so I know more than what this book tells me from Wills POV. Hell, you don't even know what Wills really DOES!!!! HUGE freaking lost not knowing that!

Because I feel there is a loss from not getting Wills' POV and that some things are lost if you haven't read the previous series I can't give this 5 stars. I'd give this 3 stars because of this, but it was a great book and I did read the others so it did help.
Profile Image for Ali.
Author 5 books25 followers
November 10, 2014
Oh goodness... this book was really good... probably a 4.5, but it just felt like it was missing something. Admittedly, I have not read the Spy vs. Spook series, but I pretty much got the gist of Wills deal. But I didn't get why Theo didn't question it more. Maybe it was just carry over from being a rent boy... don't question things too much, so he never really thought about it... I don't know...

That being said, the story sucked me in... I wish there'd been a bit more action - I was kind of expecting it with there being a man with a gun on the cover... but this story definitely focused more on the characters than the action. It was a bit steamy; the characters were likeable... I even got a bit teary a couple times...

Now I REALLY need to read the second one... and probably the S vs S series too...cause this story was definitely not over, and I want to know the rest of it.
Profile Image for Kitten ~♥️ MM series ~.
104 reviews43 followers
October 1, 2014
The Hard Knock Life

This is my first book by this author. I truly enjoyed this. The ratio of good to bad times felt balanced to me. It is rare for a book to read through the calm times. That is usually done in a summary form.

I read my GR friends review after the fact and am now wandering if the Spy v Spook series would address the elephant in the book. I was left w/alot of questions by the end and no inference of them getting answered by book 2.


I can't wait to read the story of the other characters from Tims House, hopefully.
Profile Image for Jo * Smut-Dickted *.
2,038 reviews500 followers
November 19, 2016
In the beginning this read in a very strange way - I'm not sure I can even describe it. Very wooden - and awkward. It wasn't until about 20% in that this really gets going fully - and you embrace it and start to understand the flow of the story and how it is being uncovered. It feels ensemble even though there are MC's. I've not read the Spy Vs. Spook series but now I want too - as I'm curious about Mitch of the white knight flavor. In spite of its length I feel like I am still missing pieces of the story and there is a suspension of belief that's pretty strong you have to hold...but I love rent boy themes and how people persevere against odds - and how a little luck and a lot of work can make a difference.
Profile Image for Paisley.
467 reviews2 followers
February 20, 2014

Wills Matheson is my new book boyfriend.

I have a lot to say about this story but I will try to keep it brief. After I finished reading it this morning I spent most of the day preoccupied with thoughts of Theo and Wills. I thought about how the two of them are quite an interesting couple, and how they have some secrets that will need to be handled before they are able to ride off into the sunset together.

Read my complete review at: Prism Book Alliance
Profile Image for Debby.
121 reviews3 followers
June 12, 2015
akhirnyaaaaaa selesai juga.
yang disuka : daku suka cerita tentang bangkit kembali dari keterpurukan, dan Theo sebenarnya merupakan materi yang bagus, dia cukup pintar untuk tidak jatuh ke dalam lubang obat2an juga oke banget.
tapi..... yah ampun gaya ceritanyaaaa bertele tele, terus lompat2nya itu loh enggak nahan. dia (pengarangnya) butuh story line yang bagus. padahal materi cerita nya sudah cukup bagus, dengan karakter yang lumayan, tapi kayanya banyak lah bagian yang enggak perlu sepanjang itu.

ini semua dijembreng. penerimaan keluarga lah, misteri lah, mafia lah. kurasa mending dia fokus deh ke 1 tema.

yah gitu deh. tapi lumayan kok. 2 bintang dari ku.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 97 reviews

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