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Mortal Machine #1

Darkside Sun

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A new adult novel from Entangled's Embrace imprint...

The dead have been waiting for her...

Addison Beckett tries hard to pretend she’s normal, but she’s far from it. Since she was six years old, she’s seen the world around her unraveling, as if someone is pulling a thread from a sweater and it’s all slowly coming undone. When she ignores it, it goes away, so that’s what she does.

Enter her arrogant-but-hot professor Asher Green. He knows all about her special brand of crazy. In fact, he might be just as nuts as she is. Asher insists that the dead from a parallel dimension are trying to possess the living in this one. And since Addison seems to be the only one who can see these “wraiths,” she just might be the key to saving the world.

Addison wants nothing to do with Asher or his secret society, The Mortal Machine. But as their animosity grows, she finds it harder and harder to ignore the chemistry between them. And when she discovers that Machine laws forbid her from touching him, she realizes that’s all she wants to do.

Stop the wraiths. Break the rules. Save the world. All in a day’s work.

Normal was overrated, anyway.

291 pages, ebook

First published March 10, 2014

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About the author

Jocelyn Adams

14 books422 followers
Jocelyn is an office grunt by day and creator of romance and adventure by night. Born a farmer’s daughter with a vivid imagination, she spent her childhood dreaming up stories that remained untold until 2010.

With no formal training, she relied on the honest feedback of her writing group to take her from that first short story all the way to THE END of her first novel. She now has ten published novels and is working on two more for Entangled Publishing.

When she isn’t slinging words, you can find her kayaking or enjoying the serenity of family life in her little house in the woods.

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Profile Image for Magen Corrie.
293 reviews
August 9, 2016
4.5 stars!

*eARC received from NetGalley/Entangled in exchange for an honest review*

My Thoughts:

I’m going to be totally honest. I had my doubts about this one. I was back and forth if I should read this one when I was offered the chance. And you know what, I’m so flipping happy I took that chance! I love New Adult books, and it’s so hard to find New Adult reads that deal with the more paranormal world. So this one was right up my alley!

First of all, Darkside Sun deals with some amazing elements. It deals with the dead, wraiths, ancient civilizations, parallel worlds, and a hidden society of people who fight against the dead. As I said, right up my alley! The world is complex and deals with a lot of elements, but I really enjoyed getting wrapped up in those elements!

I really liked the main character Addison. At first, she comes off as a dorky, shy unconfident mess. For a long time she has been dealing with these strange events. Events like random darks holes that materialize out of nowhere that bring about a biting cold and scary creatures. Her life has never been normal and she always thought she wasn’t the most stable person. That made me really feel for her. I instantly started rooting for her and wanted to see where her story would go.

What I loved about Addison is this girl’s determination. When she gets thrown into this freaky world she acts like, to me, how I normal person would act. Yes, she accepted everything quite easily, but she’s been dealing with the paranormal since she was a little girl. So that made all the supernatural elements believable and her reactions believable as well. And she definitely developed so much throughout the book. By the end, she wasn’t that unconfident girl anymore; she was really strong and ready to fight.

Now, Asher Green really came off as this big freaking ass! And just, wow, I really wanted to hit him. But like Addison, my emotions for this character were conflicting. I enjoyed him, hell, I really loved his character (he be sexy man). But how he acted throughout most of the book pissed me off. However, when I learned about his past, his demons, and his fears, I did understand his character better. That made me realize he wasn’t that bad of a guy, just has some issues. And like Addison he did develop a bit in the story, though not as much as her. And what he did at the end, well, it made me cry. I cannot wait to see where his character will go.

The pacing does start out a bit fast and Addison is instantly thrown into the more paranormal world right away. But that didn’t feel forced or unnatural, as I mentioned before. I do wish Asher’s character got a bit more development, but I understand him a lot better now. The world the author created is really complex and deals with so many aspects, and though a lot was thrown at me, it didn’t leave me too confused. I did figure out a few plot twists, but that didn’t take away my joy of reading the book. I actually read this one in one day. Once I started it, I couldn’t put it down. And I loved that this book didn’t focus all its attention on romance, it focused more on the world and the plot of the series.

All in all, I adored Darkside Sun. It was filled with action, a really interesting paranormal twist, a sweet romance I can’t wait to see bloom, and a cast of interesting characters. And the ending left me craving for the next book! I definitely recommend this one to those who love New Adult paranormal reads.
Profile Image for Amaleen Ison.
Author 3 books23 followers
March 10, 2014
Aside from the incredible storyline, the wonderful world building, the walk-off-the-page characters, and the incredibly sexy Asher Green, one of my favourite things about this novel is the protagonist Addison Beckett.


She's a down to earth, relatable, plaid-wearing heroine who evolves during the course of the novel into a strong and empowered young woman. Despite her misgivings about the devastatingly handsome Asher and the Mortal Machine, she gives up everything to protect her father...and the world.

And did I mention Asher Green? Well, not enough, and that's for sure. Here's a leading man who takes the definition of brooding and tortured to a whole new level. Cold and aloof with an ever present five o'clock shadow, he's apparently unaffected by anything—including Addison. But of course, we all know that's not true, and doesn't he go and prove us right in the final scene with his tear-jerking decision.

This is what I think about Asher Green by the end of the book:


So, in summary, this book is AWESOME! I give it a massive thumbs up.


Five stars. Read it!

Profile Image for Pam C.
998 reviews16 followers
March 9, 2014
*Received ARC from publisher via NetGalley

I absolutely loved this book, it has all the feels. A unique and interesting premise with wraiths from parallel dimensions coming into our world and taking over humans and a secret society tasked with stopping them. Addison suddenly finds herself thrust into the middle of this and training with a very dysfunctional group of people.

Addison is a great character, her voice is fresh and funny, I found myself laughing quite a bit. And Asher...he's gorgeous (of course) and acts like a complete jerk for quite awhile, but the more I found out about him, his past, etc, the more I fell in love (I do have to point out that it was unrealistic for him to be a believable college professor if he only looked twenty). I adored their relationship, it was the best part of the book. There's great chemistry between them and I became so emotionally invested. And that ending...gah! I was pretty much screaming noooooo! Just heart wrenching and it just makes me want to read the next one right now.

I would recommend this book to anyone who loves Jennifer Armentrout. It definitely reminded me of her books (great characters, humor, amazing sexual tension). She is one of my favorite authors so that is about the highest compliment I can give. Just read it!

For more reviews see (YA) Escape from Reality
Profile Image for Gabbie (Rampant Readers).
303 reviews63 followers
March 12, 2014
Favorite Quotes

“Denial was a wonderful thing, like a rain slicker to keep the deluge of crazy from soaking too deep into my skin.”

“‘And I’m really not going to hurt you the way you think I am.’ ‘You don’t pick up a dagger like that near a runecovered altar with shackles on it unless you intend to carve me up like a sacrificial lamb, so cut the crap, Asher.’”

Why I picked It Up

I'm not exactly sure. I just sounded like something unlike anything I've ever read.


“The room had sacrificial chamber written all over it, with ancient carved circular rock walls, a stone floor with a drain in the center, shelves upon shelves heavy with old things I had no name for, and the last, a stone object I could only call an altar. Honest to goodness shackles hung from either end of it. A freakin’ altar, and me in my virgin sacrifice outfit.”

The plot of this novel was the hitter. Adams crafted an intricate sequence of events that started on the first page of the novel. Addison can see thing, things that other people can't, and for years has been pretending that she was normal. But when one of her episodes leads to her being late to Professor Asher Green's class, things take a turn. Asher turns out being part of the Mortal Machine--a group of immortals that protect the world from wraiths that want to take over. Soon, Addison is sucked into Asher's world, whether she wants to become part of it or not. And to add a bit of a twist, Addison is someone that the wraiths want...and will do anything to have.

This novel never got boring. That was what I loved about it. It kept building and building and building, even when I thought it couldn't anymore. There were so many surprising events that I didn't see coming, and I loved that element of surprise, seeing as many novels have become predictable.

Leading Lady

“How had I gone from invisible nobody to having the two most attractive men I’d ever met fighting over me? Oh right. It had nothing to do with me and everything to do with some sort of power trip to own the freak who could see dead things from an alternate reality. Silly me for forgetting.”

“‘What do you see?’ I asked. ‘The pure heart and determination of a warrior, the soul of a lover, and a foundation made of unquestionable loyalty. You are the one who will never be corrupted my the power you wield.’”

Two words come to mind when I think of Addison Beckett: Determined and selfless. Addison was not the one to let people walk over her or belittle her. She stood up for herself, even against oppressors that could crush her. She didn't whimper, she didn't hide. She stood tall. In addition to that, she was selfless. She gave up her life and her friends and her family to do what would help the world. She was a very likable character for me.

Leading Male

“Leaning down to my right ear, he whispered, ‘Go. Read. Keep it out of sight. Come back when you’re done. Have I put it in simple enough terms for you, Plaid?’ Caught in a shiver he induced in me, I threw my elbow sideways. He grunted and stepped back. ‘Fine, I’ve got it. You don’t have to be such a giant prick.’”

“‘I bet you’re a real hit with the ladies…before you open your mouth.’”

Similarly, two words come to mind when I think of Asher Green: Complicated Jerk. Asher, unfortunately, was one of those unlikable likable characters. The one where, if you met them in life you'd slap them and run, but as a character can't help but sympathize with. For the majority of the novel, I hated him. He was rude, arrogant, mean, and thought he had the right to threaten and control Addison. But the more I read, the more I realized that maybe something else was going on. We just barely scratch the surface that is the psyche of Asher Green in this novel, and I can't wait to see what else we learn about him in the upcoming novels.


“‘Hush now,’ he whispered against my ear in a voice full of some thick emotion that slide over me like a kind hand against bruised flesh. ‘Don’t fear me. Never me. I’ve got you.’”

The romance in this novel was pretty subdued, but you could always feel the tension. Asher was, well, Asher, and there were some rules that prohibited things like, well, touching. And those made things difficult. Romance wasn't exactly a main driver in this novel. As I said, there wasn't really much outright romance, more like a weird tension that is present throughout the novel that has you screaming at the characters who obviously belong together. And then there was the ending...and I just don't know what to expect from this not-couple in the next novel. And surprisingly, I love it.

World Building

I enjoyed the mythical world that Adams created. I have never read anything like it, and it was like a breath of fresh air. Paranormal is a genre that can easily become repetitive, and this was a novelty. And it was very well done. The world that she created was obviously well thought out, and all open ends were securely tied. I can't wait to see more of it, and see what else is involved in this world with the Mortal Machine.


Darkside Sun was a refreshing paranormal novel that was unlike anything I've seen. Complete with a whole new type of paranormal society, a barely there romance, and a plot to-die-for, it's definitely a novel you don't want to miss.
Profile Image for J. Ford.
Author 7 books137 followers
March 16, 2014
Entangled Embrace Publishing found a gem when they signed Jocelyn Adams to their lineup of authors.

I've been a fan of Ms. Adams for some time now. It all started with THE GLASS MAN and my addiction to her writing grew from there. After reading all of her works, I have to say DARKSIDE SUN is her best novel by far!

Wow, what a ride. I bought this e-book the day it came out and completed it in 24 hours. I simply could not put it down. Ms. Adams' writing style had me hooked from Page 1. I've never read anyone like her. She has a unique way with words. She has a tone, pizzazz and umph that follows her throughout her books. When you pick up a Jocelyn Adams book, you know it, and it's refreshing because you know you can expect well-written, thought-provoking prose that will grip you from beginning to end.

Her two main characters in DARKSIDE SUN had me wrapped around their little fingers from the moment I met them. Addison has been dealing with a terrifying paranormal activity for twelve years, since she was 6 years old. Now that she is older and in college, the activities are increasing. The reader becomes Addison. We experience everything with her as it happens to her, including seeing her hot professor, Asher Green, for the first time. OMGosh, my heart be still. Talk about a yummylicious heart throb you love to hate to love. Even when he's being a douchebag, you, like Addison, can't help but be majorily attracted to him. There is so much tantalizing heat between these two that will make all the women readers out there swoon, yet Ms. Adams treats the sexual tension with respect and dignity, giving only enough away to keep us wishing for more. In between all that hotness, however, is a vulnerability in both Addison and Asher. They are incredibly flawed in so many ways, yet Ms. Adams geniously intertwines their strengths and vulnerabilities, neither outweighing the other. Brilliant.

The plot had me engrossed from the beginning. Ms. Adams has a unique way to weave the reader in and out of this creepy, wraith-filled world, taking them through the mulitiple layers and dimensions she created for this paranormal masterpiece. It was a non-stop journey for 302 pages and the last paragraph is a doozie. It left me spell-bound and breathless. I wanted more. I always do from this author. DARKSIDE SUN didn't disappoint.

I give this novel 5 stars for originality, complexity, gravitational pull, sexual tension and just downright honest to goodness solid writing. The story flowed so well I forgot I was reading. It will be interesting to see how Ms. Adams tops this novel.

My only complaint with DARKSIDE SUN is in its cover. It does not convey the intensity of this story or the powerful paranormality of it. This is no fault of the author's. If I was not a fan of Ms. Adams, I don't think I would have picked this one up because the cover is so plain, unenticing. Entangled Publishing, please consider a more intense cover with the next book in the series, one that reflects the fierceness, the magnitude that is DARKSIDE SUN and its heroine, Addison. Speaking of which, there is a 'next', right? I rub my hands together in anticipation.
Profile Image for naz.
380 reviews368 followers
November 3, 2016


I knew this book was going to be awesome, the originality of the paranormal world of wraiths is completely refreshing, i'm so happy it exceeded my expectations. The last chapter just crushed me to smithereens with Asher's tear jerking decision that reminded me so much of my all time favourite book boyfriend, Aiden St. Delphi. They're both fiercely protective and passionate over their girl, the love they have for them leaves me breathless and spellbound.

I love love/hate relationships, period.

“You are my safe place, Asher.” A growl rumbled from him. “Don’t say that. You’re a pure soul, like your father, and that’s what the Machine needs to undo what Marcus has done to us. It’s my duty to keep you that way.” Holding a finger over my lips that had parted to argue, he let out a shaking breath and swung his leg over to straddle my hips. “And now I’m going to kiss you once more, and then you’ll forget that I adore you and every moment I let slip that showed you I do. And since all pretenses are off, you have the most incredible eyes I’ve ever seen. Every time I see them, I’ll remember this moment when there was nothing but truth between us.” His next kiss was savage in its need, deep and desperate as he moaned. I spread my fingers into his hair, held his shaking body as he held mine.

i wanted to copy and paste that whole section but i stopped myself.. just barely. See how beautiful Asher is even with his arrogance and hot and cold behaviour. My emotions are on overload, I can't deal with that heart-wrenching confession/cliffhanger. I want to squeeeeeze Asher in a warm, naked hug and never let go.

I neeeeeeeeeeeed the next book NOW!
4.5 rating!

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Gabby (What's Beyond Forks?).
1,221 reviews71 followers
March 14, 2014

Full Review at: What's Beyond Forks?

Darkside Sun is the first book in the Mortal Machine series by Jocelyn Adams. This novel was stuffed to the brim with everything I like to find in a story, and I simply couldn't get enough of it. The premise and paranormal aspects were unique. I can't say I've ever read anything like it, and I loved that. I ate up the originality! The characters were so real. Even though I mentally argued with both Addison and Asher several times, I grew to really love them. The mental arguments added to the charm of this book. Addison wants nothing more than to be normal, unfortunately that's far from what she is. Her character growth through this story was pretty dramatic. In the beginning, I wanted to slap her around, but when it was all said and done, she really impressed me. I loved to hate Asher. Oh my goodness! He could have me drooling one moment and wanting to kick him in the boy parts the next moment. He was fierce and passionate about his purpose or what he thinks his purpose is. He has a definite force all his own that you can feel through the pages. He is the King of hot and cold. What is it about love/hate relationships that make me weak in the knees? I don't know, but this one was like a drug. It gave you tastes. It got you all good and teased. Then yanked it away. Again and again. Each time more intense than the last. I'm excited beyond words about this series.

Holy cow! That ending? Will I be able to wait until the sequel for more? Not likely.

With its unique look at the paranormal, Darkside Sun brings us something different, not only in the New Adult genre, but to fiction as a whole. This story has me by the heart.

The ARC of Darkside Sun by Jocelyn Adams was kindly provided to me by the publisher for review. The opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Rebecca Hart.
Author 19 books128 followers
March 20, 2014
I thought I loved The Glass Man and Lila Gray ... but that was before I read about Addison. Yes, Ms. Adams has grabbed hold of my imagination again with her new Mortal Machine series. Darkside Sun's cover may look familiar, but I can tell you the story inside is different from anything else you've read.

The world building and descriptions are stellar, and Ms. Adams uncanny knack for creating interesting, diverse, likable characters really shines through in this piece. All of the characters come across as authentic and flawed, just as you would expect "real" people to be. I hate NA titles where everyone is perfect and perky. I like raw and real, and Addison really delivers in spades. There were some shades of the familiar with some of her personality, places where I almost thought I was reading about Lila Gray again, but as the story progresses, you get a much better feel for Addison, and by the middle of the novel, I had pretty much forgotten I'd ever read about another of Ms. Adams characters.

I don't do spoilers in my reviews, so I will stay away from the plot and story points, but I will say if you are looking for a New Adult paranormal title to dig into, one that's not only unique, but expertly written, then Darkside Sun is a MUST READ.

I can't wait to read what's coming next!
Profile Image for Terri Rochenski.
Author 13 books173 followers
April 1, 2014
Ever been thrust into a funk because of an incredibly written story???

Ugh. A tortured soul. A swoon-worthy jerk (Don't judge! Read the book!!)A fresh, new world. Unique beyond anything I've read.

While I've always been a huge fan of Ms. Adams, she's found another way to unhinge my jaw and leave me gasping - pleading - for more. This stay-at-home mom of three stayed up THREE hours past her bedtime to devour this puppy. Couldn't sleep afterward.

Image how the following day went for me!

Ironhill Jinn fans - prepare your love for Isaac to be challenged by Mr. Green!
Profile Image for Rachmi .
929 reviews76 followers
March 17, 2014
2.5 stars

ARC was provided by the author/publisher via NetGalley in exchange for honest review.

To be honest it's quite hard for me to rate this book. In some part I enjoyed it but another part not so much. There are things I liked while there are also things I disliked. Just like my feeling of like and dislike in this book, I find that things in the story, the characters and the plot are quite the opposite and sometimes inconsistent in each other.

The characters
Addison Beckett. An eighteen years old college student whose can see “things” since she was six years old. Since she doesn't want anyone think that she's crazy, she keeps he ability to herself and makes her invisible and undesirable. But just like most of YA/NA books nowadays, she doesn't realize that she's pretty, desirable and able to do most everything other characters can't do. Although it is clear from the beginning she's attracted to her professor, I liked that she doesn't let her attraction give herself up to him easily. And once she knows what she keeps seeing and who she can be, it doesn't lure her in the first place. In fact she keeps fighting it and refuses to become one of them. She feels like she isn't herself if she's one of them. I liked these things about her because to me she can see beyond that pretty face, immortal life and all those talk that they are good-guys-lets-be-hero-for-our-world. On the other hand, she sometimes annoyed me. Asher treats her badly most of the time, she doesn't like it and angry at him but one smile from him makes her forget about it.

I laughed, a sharp, frantic sound that shredded my sanity a little more

She's also moody, indifference and inconsistent, and is annoying especially when she starts wandering in her head, giggling and laughing because something stress or freak her out and overanalyzing things. Reading from her POV can be exhausting. It's like her mind is a web that intertwine each other.

Asher Green. An ancient civilization professor who also is a guardian who responsible to keeps the creatures that Addison keeps seeing at bay. He has to avoid them enter our world. As a guardian who called Sentinel, he along with other characters is immortal. Most of the time, I really didn't like the way he treats Addison. I can see that he does it because he wants to protect her, but still he's an ass especially when he keeps hot and cold to Addison. I understand that hot and cold attitude can make the story interesting but if it happens more than third times, it doesn't that interesting anymore to me.

I thought it would be easier on you if you knew less, so you wouldn’t worry about it until the time came.

I also can't understand why he doesn't tell and explain Addison directly of what she sees and who they are, instead he makes her read a book about it which leads something happens and a lot of conversation about it. Those conversations are kinda frustrating me because it's frustrating Addison, makes her unclear about things she has to deal. I’m also questioning his physical appearance. He said that he is twenty years old and he must be look like in early twenty, just like Addison said but I can’t believe there is no one who realize it aside her. I mean, don’t his students and other professor wondering about it? In this case, I’m not buying it. Yet I liked the idea that he keeps his eyes on her and put his jobs first than his feeling to her.

The story
First few chapters are so confusing. I couldn't point out whether the bad creatures in this story are aliens as in ET kind of things or ghosts. Asher says they are ghosts but somehow I picture them like aliens who want to conquer the earth. The "other dimension" or Shift as he called is also confusing and in some part kind of unclear to me. Addison says that she lost time because of it. I understand it all right but then every time they and other characters are in and out of the Shift I didn't feel that they lost time anymore. There aren't things that describe that it's different between the time in the Shift and in our normal world.

However, I think the story is quite good and refreshing. Well...I'm sure I never read any story like this before. With so many books out there about aliens and ghosts, this combo between sci-fi and paranormal is kind of interesting to read.

The Plot.
Just like Addison wandering mind and Asher hot and cold attitude. I think the plot is kind of overlapping. In some part I understand what the characters have to do and where the story goes but another part is like the story doesn't know its priority, it loose track of what the story main focus and how the characters supposed to act. One time Addison and Asher do or speak about something but then it changes into something different without warning that it happens in different time. But other time, I enjoyed the flow of the story. One time it's quite boring and predictable yet another time there are surprises in the story.

This book has really an interesting idea, I just wish the flow of the story and other aspects are better. It’s more than an okay, I really like the ending. It makes me want to read the sequel. Hope it has more focus on sci-fi/paranormal than the romance between Asher and Addison.
Profile Image for Gigi staub.
942 reviews18 followers
March 14, 2014
Addison Beckett tries hard to pretend she’s normal, but she’s far from it. Since she was six years old, she’s seen the world around her unraveling, as if someone is pulling a thread from a sweater and it’s all slowly coming undone. When she ignores it, it goes away, so that’s what she does.
Enter her arrogant-but-hot professor Asher Green. He knows all about her special brand of crazy. In fact, he might be just as nuts as she is. Asher insists that the dead from a parallel dimension are trying to possess the living in this one. And since Addison seems to be the only one who can see these “wraiths,” she just might be the key to saving the world.
Addison wants nothing to do with Asher or his secret society, The Mortal Machine. But as their animosity grows, she finds it harder and harder to ignore the chemistry between them. And when she discovers that Machine laws forbid her from touching him, she realizes that’s all she wants to do.
Stop the wraiths. Break the rules. Save the world. All in a day’s work.
Normal was overrated, anyway.


WOW! was that a Great book!!

I am going to try to be as vague as possible with this review as to not give away one moment of this awesome story's plot twists and turns. Even though I am going to be vague, in no way should it deter anyone from reading this book!!

I know I am going on about this, but I have to say I am not a big fan of New Adult and tend to not pay much attention to them, but I am glad I did with this one. Honestly, the characters are so well written, I tended to forget they were so young. I thought the concept was fresh and not something I had seen a dozen times before. The Author takes the time to build a world that is attention getting and keeps you wanting to learn more about the world and its characters. I had so many emotions reading this book, I cannot begin to describe everything, lets just say this story is well rounded. The mystery of who the traitor is, is so well done that I could not figure out who it was. The story is jammed packed with action, especially when we find out who the traitor really is, but the mystery does not end there with not knowing, who or where Addison's mother is and what part of the Mortal Machine means to her life from here on out. I have to say I was crying and mad at the end of the book at a certain person. Have I been vague enough...lol. It really is an awesome book and well work reading.

If you love paranormal books, like I like them, then this book is for you!

Take the time and get to know Addison, Asher and learn about the Mortal Machine.

I am glad I took a chance on reading this book! And cannot wait to see what happens in the next book.

5 Stars
Profile Image for Lynsey is Reading.
702 reviews235 followers
December 17, 2023
Come over to the dark side.

This was soooo much fun! It's got to be one of the most entertaining YA/NAs I've read in a long time. It had a heroine I loved who managed to find her inner badass, even surrounded by people who were determined to bring her down. It had a new supernatural twist with wraiths being enemy number one, and a league of enforcers called The Mortal Machine tasked with keeping them under control. It had a forbidden and complicated romance that was just gah! *dies* Seriously, if you're looking to escape into a book for a few hours, one that will put a grin on your face and entertain the heck out of you, this might just be it!

I really loved the worldbuilding used in Darkside Sun. It's always nice to see new ideas being used instead of the same old same old, and wraiths coming from an alternate dimension attempting to posses human hosts is definitely a new spin for me! One I really enjoyed. Another really great aspect was the interplay between all the members of The Machine. There were some twisty, untrustworthy ones in there, some blatantly bitchy ones, but also a few who were kind of adorable. But the best part of all has to be main characters (and love interests) Addison and Asher!

Addison's personality jumps right off the page. She's just so endearing and likeable. Asher is a little more complicated and closed off, but I absolutely loved the snippets of his back story that we got which showed some of the reasons why he is the way he is. Of course, Asher is also a bit of a butthead for much of the book, and continually makes bad decisions, ignoring all advice to the contrary. Never more so than at the end! I guarantee, the ending of this book will have you SCREAMING for more! I need need need need need need to know what's going to happen next!

A highly recommended, highly entertaining read. - 5 Stars ★★★★★

A copy of this book was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Denise.
335 reviews105 followers
April 7, 2014
Darkside Sun begins with Addison, a young 18-year-old college student, in her dorm room watching the walls unravel loosing the darkness, losing time, and in a panic about being late for class with an enigmatic and terror inspiring hotty professor. I have to admit that the beginning of this book made me nervous. The constant anxiety Addison experiences was very skillfully reflected in the writing and can in my opinion be attributed to the well executed world building and fleshing out of the characters by the author. This is a whole new world where nightmare wraiths are attempting to escape and take over the world and the secret society in place to keep these creatures contained is not working as it should. Addison has magic that is now coming to maturity and she must quickly learn to be part of the world of warriors against the darkness and as a first installment, The Mortal Machine promises to be a very intriguing and fun series. The world building was well done and the characters were relatable, although I did have to keep reminding myself that Addison is so young that a great deal of her reaction to situations, primarily at the beginning of the book, were believable. At times the story is heartbreaking and brutal, but once Addison gets her gumption there is no stopping her and the baddies better watch out. There are surprises and mysteries that are unraveled and I definitely recommend this read to urban fantasy fans, as well as strongly suggest you not let the anxiety in the beginning of the read dissuade you from continuing the book to the very end, which left this reader eager to find out what happens next in this series. I received this book with a request for my honest review without any compensation whatsoever, other than the joy of reading a new book.
Profile Image for Nicci.
713 reviews228 followers
March 11, 2014
HOLY CRAP! Where to begin?! Oh, how about I begin with the fact that this book is New Adult and it's paranormal New Adult?

Now, I know that other genres beyond contemporary romance exist in the new adult category but as things stand - at the moment - other genres are few and far between.
I love the New Adult category, I love contemporary romance, but I'm one of the ones who believe that NA has to branch out into other genres for the category to survive as a category and not just a genre of romance.
Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy were my go to genres before New Adult emerged.
Over the last year NA has dominated my reading and therefore finding a book that combines my fav reading genres?
Fan-girly happiness.
But also nerve wracking. The disappointment I would have felt it this book was bad would have been crushing.
Thankfully, it wasn't bad. It. Was. AWESOME!

I inhaled it in under a day. It was so engrossing.

It's a fantastic world, really original with not a vampire/werewolf in sight. The characters were interesting. There is a nice, angsty, will they/wont they romance that doesn't dominate everything that goes on in the story but still sinks it's claws deep into your emotions and takes you on a ride... And to top it off there's an ending that punches you right in the gut. Just wow.

I'm seriously buzzing right now and cannot wait for book 2!

Highly recommend to NA contemporary fan looking to branch out and PNR/Urban Fantasy fans looking for a new series to lose themselves in!

Profile Image for Sharon Hughson.
Author 31 books61 followers
March 28, 2014
I'm the first to admit that paranormal isn't the first type of book I will grab. I never swooned over the vampire/werewolf fad. I am learning to like urban fantasy, however, and this book is a paranormal romance/urban fantasy.
From the first line, I was hooked. I had a difficult time putting this book down even though I wasn't sure I liked the main characters. Addison grew on me even though I found her cowardice in the face of all her secrecy difficult to buy into. She overcame it once her family was threatened, so it turned out fine for her character arc in the end.
Speaking of the end, I'm not a huge fan of unrequited love. The tension in this story came mostly from attraction between the two main characters. Yes, there were wraiths and a traitor and fights, but the relationship was central to the story. When that is the case, we expect the two people to be together in the end.
The plot moved along with continued tension and raised stakes. Even though I wasn't a fan of the ending (it's a series so not really THE END), I kept thinking about it and arguing with myself if it met all the requirements of a satisfying ending. I think the answer is yes.
I recommend this for anyone who loves paranormal or romance. I could have used less swearing from the female protagonist, but it was part of her personality from early in the story. That is the biggest weakness I found in her voice.
Profile Image for Jennifer Eaton.
Author 26 books239 followers
July 26, 2014
Strap yourself in for the ride of your life.
This story starts with a bang and keeps you ducking until the very last sentence. Loved the creative world and the complex story and characters.

A must-read for paranormal and action junkies.

Rubbing my hands together and salivating at the thought of book #2!
Profile Image for Sera.
717 reviews
March 9, 2014
* ARC kindly provided by Entangled Publishing, LLC/Netgalley in exchange for an honest review *

4/5 shifting stars
"Curiosity killed the cat and, maybe soon, the Addison"

The blurb of the book interested me a lot since it's very different from other PNR books I've read so far. This is the first book I've read by author Jocelyn Adams and it's the first book of a trilogy with the next book - Midnight Dawn - being published in September 2014.

It took me a little while to get into the book in the beginning. This was mainly due to the fact that you get thrown into the story right away and I found it a tad difficult to get a feel for Addison - the main character in the book - and what exactly 'it' was that was happening to her. It felt a little bit ADDish, since it felt very rushed, hyperactive and jumpy. But once everything was a little clearer I was mostly hooked.

Addison - the heroine - is a timid girl who remains mostly unseen by everyone around her. She has always been drawn to old things and has seen the world literally unravel around her. For a large part, I really liked Addison. The only thing that bothered me a little bit about her, was the inconsisentency with her character. She is described throughout the book as a timid little rabbit who has to grow some balls and man up. But I didn't really see that in her. Yes, she grows into her powers and gets more secure, but she never let them walk all over her to begin with - so that didn't make much sense to me.

" What would Green have done if he'd discovered something had invaded his lecture hall from a black hole in his wall? Find some way to insult it, no doubt"

Enter the hot arrogant professor - Asher Green. I wondered if I would like him, since he really was an a-hole in the beginning. But he's interesting enough and eases up on her a little eventually. He's very closed off and a mystery to Addison - who he not so lovingly calls 'plaid'. Asher is an interesting character and I'm excited to read more about him in the next book. He's arrogant, cruel, mean, hot, sexy, sweet when he absolutely has to be and swoon worthy.

" "You're not weak, and I don't.... why do you have to be so ... so ... goddammit, I'm going straight to hell if I ever die." His lips covered mine before I even saw him coming."

The book also envolves several secondary characters - some of which get more 'screen time' than others. I really liked Sophia and Remy. They were sweet and funny and a great asset to the story. Sophia is a very colorful, honest and good friend to Addison and I created Remy in my mind as a big, sweet and funny huge teddy bear. I wasn't a fan of some of the others, such as Kat - whom I hated. But I'm pretty sure you're supposed to hate her for now.

I think the writing itself was a lot better in the second half of the book. The beginning was very rushed and jumpy and also a tad too descriptive for my taste.But the writing gradually improved and by the last 40% my rating went up from a 3.5 to 4 stars out of 5.

"Back there in the woods, I actually started to imagine we could have a life together while we fight this war. Once I finally had you within reach, it became so much harder to keep my hands off you."

Overall, I ended up really enjoying this book and I really liked the original take on the genre. It managed to suprised me at certain points and the ending - which is absolutely devastating - left me wanting more. It's not easy to suprise me with plot twist, but this book succeeded where others have failed - which is a major plus for me.
I'm sad that it's a cliffhanger and that I have to wait several months to find out how the story continues. I am planning to read the next book in the series and I'm curious to see where Jocelyn Adams will take this adventure, as it seems like it's only beginning.

I won't give anything away about the rest the plot, so if you want to find out what exactly is happening to Addison, who she turns out to be and the role of Asher in her story, you should really read the book - which is out tomorrow March 10 2014.

I'd recommend this book to readers who enjoy NA/PNR and are looking for a fresh take on the genre and don't mind and a cliffhanger.

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Profile Image for Anna McC.
42 reviews3 followers
March 21, 2014
*Thank you to Rockstar Book Tours for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*

I must admit I was not expecting this book to be as good as it was but I found myself being sucked into this amazing book. Once you start this novel it is impossible to put its down. Although this is a paranormal romance you will not find another book on the shelve like it. The author has created an interesting and unique novel which has the reader hooked from start to finish. This bool dives straight into the plot and the pace never slows. Jocelyn Adams has given her readers a brilliant book with an original plot that captivates them till the very end.

Addison has never had a normal life no matter how hard she pretends, she can see things know one else can. An outcast who is simply trying to do something with her life, the last thing she needed was an arrogant but hot professor who hates her. But things may not always be as they seem and her professor might be just as crazy as her. Addison’s world is turned upside down within the space of a day and the only person who has answers is Asher her unwilling professor. Jocelyn Adams is a fantastic author who has managed to develop an original paranormal world full of wraiths. The reader has to pay close attention during this novel as the world and its creatures are quite complicated at times. Despite this the author cleverly gives the reader small pieces of information at a time and explains it beautifully. This makes it easy for you to understand and also keeps them interested. From start to finish the reader is hooked and can’t seem to put the book down. You are left up late at night desperate to find out what will happen next. As well as creating a phenomenal plot the author also added brilliant characters into the novel as well.

This book jumps straight into both the plot and the characters lives. The author has allowed her readers to quickly connect with her great characters. Both of the main characters developed throughout the course of the book which allowed the reader to experience events right along side them. Addison was a brilliant well rounded character who was easy to relate to. By adding small details such as her mum leaving her as soon as she was born the author made you sympathise with Addison. Although in the beginning she came across as shy and timid we soon discover that she had some fire inside of her. She was very determined and fiercely protective of her dad which made her an extremely likeable character. Asher was another fantastic character even though the reader did want to hit him at times. He was an arrogant, intimidating man at the start but as Addison begins to break down his walls we see another side to him. Apart from the fact he is incredibly sexy we also start to see his protective dude as his love for Addison grows. If this side of him wasn’t enough to make the reader connect with him then the heartbreaking decision he must make at the end of the book certainly will.

Overall this was a phenomenal book that I couldn’t put down. Jocelyn Adams is a fantastic author who captivates her audience throughout the course of the novel. I really enjoyed this book and I can’t wait to see what will happen next to these characters. I would definitely recommend lovers of unique paranormal romances read this book as soon as possible.
Profile Image for T.A. Moorman.
Author 24 books627 followers
March 13, 2014
This review and more can be seen at http://gothicmoms.blogspot.com/

The first several chapters, while extremely detailed were also extremely long and unnecessarily drawn out. CFBS, Classic First Book Syndrome, where the author is trying to balance the scales between enough information to form the plot, and too much. This one tipped towards too much, almost to the point of making readers feel as though they are forcing themselves to keep going, not to mention a triple dose of teenage hormones. But when the actions does begin readers will be more than pleased they decided to continue on.

The Mortal Machine is a group of individuals with extrasensory skills and abilities. Skills they use to keep this world from being overrun by the dead; wraiths, dead beings able to take over human bodies with a weak link in the mind. Each having his/her own function within the Machine; Outfitters, Soldiers and Sentinel, only what their functions may nothing more than a lie. They have been lead to believe that their soul purpose in life was to destroy Wraith's, even if that meant killing the host in the process. And not being able to touch one another without risking death. Going through life by doing just that, getting through it and not actually living it. The very laws meant to keep them safe may have been twisted by one of their own to instead keep them weak. Until a eighteen year old redneck comes in and flips all of their lives, and the Machine itself, upside down, Addison. Not only has she been seeing the rifts within the veil since she was no more than six years old, but she can also see the Wraith's true form, something that has been unheard of, until now.

Addison was abandoned by her mother the very day she was born. Never knowing there may very well have been a true reason for her doing what she did, all she knew was how much it broke her Father's heart. So she vowed to never to to him what her Mother did to the both of them. Which makes her decision of entering into the Machine that much harder. Though the choice may not be hers to make. And to make matters worst, the person destined to train her, and maybe more, has too much fear in him to do either. Even though the two of them are quite literally stronger together than they could ever dream to be apart; their minds, bodies and powers calling to one another.

Though in the beginning it appears to be one of those books that will be a struggle to get through, it turns out to be truly a worthwhile read. Once you get past all the hormones that Addison has going on, I do believe there may be a tie between her amount of hormones and powers; and all the power within her packs a huge punch. After the rough bump in the first few chapters, it is non-stop action from the middle to the end. So much so that it will become harder and harder to even put the book down. Adams does know how to make characters readers will wonder what will happen next for them, or to them and feel there emotional breakthroughs as they go through them. Not to mention wondering when Book 2 is due to come out.

There is no hot sex, only some heavy petting, and a lot of fantasizing. And the person who turned out to be the traitor, of Misgiver, shocked even me.
Profile Image for Ann.
37 reviews4 followers
May 10, 2014
Addison Beckett/Addy is a college student taking up Accountancy at Waterloo University. Her life is anything but normal, when she is in her own bedroom or familiar places, the walls come to life and wraiths show up. She tries her best to run away from them and didn’t tell anyone, not even her father.

For the longest time she was able to keep her sanity at bay but when deliriously hot professor Asher Green asked her when she began seeing the rifts she really didn’t know how to answer. He scares the bejeezus out of her but she can’t deny the sexual attraction either. He wanted her to find out who she really is and how crucial she is to this thing he called Mortal Machine but with that attitude of his and her lingering desire to rip his shirt apart she reluctantly agrees.

From that day on, her life will begin to change from glowing skin tattoos only they’re kind can see, moving from one alternate universe to another and that absurd law “NO TOUCHING” among others. She also learns about the ranking in the machine like the sentinels who have bright blue eyes, soldiers who do the cleansing rituals which they do when they extract the wraiths from infected humans and erasing of memory. She undergoes a lot of training pushing her to the edge but she tries her best to overcome it with the help of her newfound best friend Sophia and a kind and lovable ally, Remy.

But aside from her aching body so hot for Asher, she finds out there is a traitor who is waiting for the right time to carry out his/her plans. She knew there are only a few she can trust and even if Asher is giving her a hard time, he is one of them she is sure but the following events that will happen is something that both of them will never be ready for.

Darkside Sun is one of the hardest stories I ever read and I mean that in a good way. Many times in the book I stopped breathing whenever Addy and Asher get close together or almost because after a little while Asher gets cold again and he dismisses her. At times when I think about how easy their memories can be wiped out, I feel quite sad especially if it means forgetting about the memories of families, friends and loved ones which are full of love and tenderness.

Jocelyn delivered the plot effectively and in every page, I tried to decipher all the things that should and shouldn’t happen. I fell so helplessly in love with the characters, Addison for being the way she is and coming out of everything only stronger and Asher, God what do I say about him? He seems to be a bad boy and that is attractive enough but beneath that is something so “him’, caring and affectionate and yes in love with her.

As with the alternate universe, wraiths and all those stuffs, I think it’s pretty cool how our author told the story in such a way it is believable. I actually love how they have glowing tattoos which only shows when they are touching or doing some kind of ritual, it’s fascinating.

For me, Jocelyn’s talent is in born. The characters, the settings and the emotion will surely evoke some primal awakening within the body, heart and soul of whoever reads it. It’s quite intense you will definitely love it so be sure to give this book the time of day because you won’t regret it.
Profile Image for Ruth B.
676 reviews37 followers
March 8, 2014
Darkside Sun presents us a world where other realities exist and a secret society fights a threat from another dimension. Addison is introduced to The Mortal Machine to discover that she has a special role and the easy task of saving the world. With a lot of action, a bit of romance and more bruises than a normal person could handle, we see Addison embracing her destiny and her role in this society.

Fast and easy to follow the story is refreshing. Despite it might seem difficult to follow the world is explained step by step allowing the reader and the character to comprehend a complex and intriguing structure to support the story. The author creates a solid, believable and fantastic plot without overwhelm us with information. The Shift and how they move in it was one of those things that could have gone wrong but it didn’t.

Addison is one of those characters you learn to love. She is self-critic, strong, loyal and honest. Her humanity is really authentic and it’s amazing to see her worry and devotion to those she loves and for what she thinks is right. However, she also has flaws and moments of weakness, which makes her more real. Whenever her hormones get in the way, she is the first to point the irony of the situation. And then we have Asher, the sexy, mysterious professor. The supposed to be guide and mentor has a strong temper and acts like he has no decent bone in his body. They fight a mutual attraction for most of the book mainly because this rule of no touching. There are fireworks every time they have a close encounter and they share an intense relationship. He is cruel at her for moments and she does her best trying to stay sane in this love-hate situation.

Another great character is Sophia, who is a sweet, shy but really brave woman, a great rock for Addison and a loyal companion. Also we have Marcus, Kat and others, each one with a defined role in the story.

The story mixes a lot of different cultures and their mythology creating a unique setting. The author describes perfectly the clothing, the architecture of places and the accents. All of this creates a complete and richer world.

I have to mention the way feelings are portrayed because is so easy to get immerse in the moment and feel what they are feeling. There are heart breaking moments and also others that angry me because of someone behavior. When a story touches you that way it means it’s a good one.

Overall, Darkside Sun is a paranormal NA story with an original premise, an excellent writing style, a fast and constant rhythm, great characters and a lot of adrenaline. Just so you know, I can’t wait to read book two.

*** I received an ecopy from the publisher in exchange of an honest review. ***
Profile Image for La_Revenant.
12 reviews20 followers
March 17, 2014
This book sucked me in quickly and, shortly thereafter, it captivated my attention with its unique story line.

“Alternate realities? Multiple universes potentially containing other Earths? People tracking and destroying alien-ghost-thingies that could somehow make holes between our worlds to climb through? What would be next? I wasn’t sure I wanted to know, but my curiosity overrode my fear as questions piled up.” Addison, Darkside Sun

Basically the world is under attack from the dead (wraiths) of a parallel dimension. There is a machine, The Mortal Machine (ooh-wee-ooh), that is the center of a secret society, which is fighting to protect humanity from the wraiths that are attempting to take over the world thus destroying life, as humanity knows it.

Enter Addison Beckett, college student, plaid wearing, history enjoying girl who just happens to be able to see rifts in space and time. She has learned to ignore the rifts because, first and foremost she knows she is not crazy and seeing these rifts definitely rings the crazy bell and, secondly the rifts go away when she ignores them; it is just easier that way.

“Denial was a wonderful thing, like a rain slicker to keep the deluge of crazy from soaking too deep into my skin.” Addison, Darkside Sun

Enter Asher Green, her professor who is quite irritating, overbearing, arrogant, and sexy as hell. I totally disliked him when I met him, but never mind that, he did have a few redeeming qualities (imagines a mute Asher, yup, that would do it).

“God, why did it seem like the hotter the guy, the bigger the douche? “ Addison, Darkside Sun

Asher is part of the secret society that works for/with(?) The Mortal Machine. He realizes Addison can see the rifts and proceeds to recruit her without giving her a choice in the matter. From there all sorts of fun stuff ensues. The end of the book was an ending I enjoyed, it made me smile :D *that is a warning to those of you who like things neatly tied up and happily ever after at the close of the book.

I absolutely enjoyed Jocelyn Adams’ writing style and her characters were definitely not flat and boring. I like books where I get to know a bit about the peripheral characters, thus capturing my attention and making me hope that there will be more stories to follow, which I am led to believe there will be more stories to follow because on the front of this book it states it is Darkside Sun: The Mortal Machine #1. All that being said, I would highly recommend taking this book to bed with you, or the couch, if that is where you prefer to read. It was worth my time (and yours!) to delve into this world that Jocelyn has created.

This was a complimentary book, gifted to me from the publisher, for an honest review.

Delightfully Devoured,

La Revenant
Profile Image for Elle (Lost in Wonderland).
144 reviews209 followers
March 18, 2014
* Many thanks to Entangled Publishing for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review. *

Sexual Tension, Sexual Tension! SEXUAL TENSION.

...Would be my word of choice to describe this book. Although there is a lot more to the book, including weird bug men, shifting dimensions, and pulling wraiths out of humans. But the sexual tension in this book, seriously, almost killed me. The book focuses on Addison, who has been able to see between dimensions, and the things that are trying escape into ‘our’ world from other places, since she was 6. Fast forward, Addison is in college and has learnt to block out the weird things she see’s, that is until her professor (her very hot, professor!) clues in to what she is seeing and initiates her into his secret society, the Mortal Machine.

The Mortal Machine works to make sure that nothing gets through the ‘shift’ into our dimension, and that if it does, it is dealt with swiftly. But a traiter among the group may be their downfall, and Addison is the only one who can save them by harnessing her new powers and kicking some ass.

So, Addison is a pretty kickass heroine. She’s a bit of a smart mouth, and tends to have some pretty witty retorts for her oh so hot, but definitely high and mighty professor, Asher. As for Asher, he’s a pretty complex character. Most of the time he acts like a complete jerk, with his cold and calculating manner, but then there are moments that make your heart melt....and then he ruins it by acting like an ass again. But once you get to see into his past you can understand why he is the way he is and especially why he’s trying to keep Addison at a distance despite the electric chemistry between the two.
The story line, at times was a little confusing. But parallel universes, and multiple dimensions have never been easy for me to get my head around, and the way the author explained everything, actually gave me a pretty good understanding of it all. Jocelyn Adams, creates such a vivid picture of the Mortal Machine, and everything that encompasses it.

Overall I immensely enjoyed this book. The writing was superb, and kept me turning page after page long after I should have been asleep. Even though the story didn’t leave on a cliff-hanger and everything was more or less resolved, I still can’t wait to know where the story goes next, and I will be waiting patiently for the next one!
Profile Image for Heather.
90 reviews28 followers
March 7, 2014
Book Title: Darkside Sun (Mortal Machine #1) by Jocelyn Adams
Rating: 4 stars
Darkside Sun is the first in what will assuredly become a series of books that follows Addison Beckett, a new adult who has been watching the world literally come apart at the seams since she was six. Now that she’s in college, what’s on the other side of those seams is about to crawl out and change Addison’s life forever.
This book has a very interesting and unique premise. The world building is expansive, as the reader must learn about alternate realities, the things that exist in them, and who the gatekeepers of those realities are. It was done in a way that I could follow, although the beginning was a bit abrupt. One finds oneself at times as excited, bewildered, and worried as Addison does herself as she navigates her new world.
Addison’s ability to see the rifts in the world and the creatures that come out of it is a unique skill - one that separates her from the other guardians. We go through the book unsure if this is an asset or a liability until nearly the end of the book. It also serves to confuse things between Addison and her hunky professor-turned-sensei Archer Green, our troubled hero. I wasn’t sure if I liked Archer or not until the end, which I think was deliberate on the author’s part.
In addition to multiple realities and dangerous otherworldly creatures, this book also has a mystery to solve. This was, to my mind, the one weakness of the book. I enjoyed the mystery of what was wrong with the Mortal Machine and how it got that way; I hated the whodoneit aspect since the bad guy was exactly who you knew it was the entire time. The reveal of the antagonist was anticlimactic, and his explanation of motive was underwhelming. I’m much more interested in seeing how the Machine gets fixed in future books than in discovering how it was broken to begin with.
The best part of this book, to me, was the relationship between Addison and Archer. There was a metric ton of push-pull between the two, of them denying what was there while being unable to stop themselves the next moment. This serves to make the final scene in the book absolutely heart wrenching and has me eagerly anticipating book two.
Favorite Quote: “So you’re going to pass your energy into me so you can take inventory of what’s in my mind?” It was hard to be skeptical of mystical crap while tied to an altar with a man glowing at my side, so I decided just to go with it. My weird-shit-o-meter just found a new notch, that’s all.
Profile Image for El.
198 reviews
March 19, 2014
This review and more on So Bookalicious

Right from the start we were pulled into the craziness that is Addison’s life. The world crumbles down around her and she truly believes she’s crazy since she’s the only one who can see it happening. And then she has an encounter with her professor Asher Green and everything gets even weirder than before. Addison doesn’t know what to believe anymore is she, and Asher, crazy or is their truly a parallel world with creatures in it who try to take over the human world?

The paranormal aspects were very well done and they had me hooked. The whole Mortal Machine was intriguing with its many rules and strange aspect. The author did a great job of giving up pieces of information throughout the book. That way I could discover all the mysteries of this world right along with Addison. And there were a lot of twists and turns that I didn’t see coming, I can promise you that much.

Addison was easy to like. She was fun, sometimes sarcastic, a bit shy and she knew exactly what she wanted. And she would do anything to achieve that and to protect the people she cares about, especially her dad. She might look like a rabbit at first, but she’s a fox with very sharp little teeth when backed into a corner. And she doesn’t let go easily when she gets a hold of you. She really grew a lot throughout the book, she became more confident even though all she ever knew turned out to be false. And I can’t wait to see where she goes next.
Asher on the other hand is completely different than Addison. He was arrogant, harsh, irritating… he was a real douch. And he got on my nerves a lot. But as the story progressed we got to see some glimpses of him that were completely different. And we got to know his background story, after that I could understand why he was so harsh at times. And when I was half through the book I actually liked him. He has a good side too, true it doesn’t come out often but it was there and I loved to see how he tried to be a better person for some people. Asher turned out to be a really interesting character and I can’t wait to see how he will develop further.

I might have had my doubts when starting this book but after a couple of chapters it blew me away. Definitely a great, clean, sci-fi paranormal new adult book. I can’t wait till the next book comes out.

*Note: I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for DelAnne Frazee.
2,027 reviews21 followers
April 27, 2014
Title: Darkside Sun - Mortal Machine Trilogy Book 1
Author: Jocelyn Adams
Publisher: Entangled Embrace
Published: 3-10-2014
Pages: 291
Genre: Romance
Tags: Contemporary Fiction, Series, Fantasy
Sensual Level: very low
Overall Rating: excellent
Reviewed For: Entangled Romance
Reviewer: DelAnne

There is place that is just beyond our senses. Not to mention a group of people that are all that stand between us and beings that will gladly take your soul and destroy you, laughing the entire time. Now imagine you are taken from your life and told that you are a part of the group of people that protect the world and have to give up everyone and everything you ever loved. What would you do? This is eighteen year old Addison's world. Since she was six she has seen things no one else has, but even that was nothing compared what she now must deal with.

Darkside Sun took me completely by surprise. I expected to enjoy it, but I didn't expect that I would become so involved that everything else would fall to the wayside until I finished. Starting in Chapter one with a "Now that is interesting, maybe Addison is crazy." to "What an egotistical bully." when Jocelyn Adams introduced Asher. After that it became, there are left overs in the fridge and you know how to work the microwave until the last page was turned and I was screaming at Ms. Addison wondering where the rest of the story was. Then I remembered that this was only the first in the trilogy and was relieved. I may have to wait but maybe I will get lucky and it will be soon. Something like the next month or two? Maybe Ms. Adams, PLEASE.

I absolutely fell in love with this story and am waiting with baited breath for the next segment. I found it so absorbing that I become a watcher in the Machine learning each character personally until I could tell them apart just from the sound of their footsteps. I watched as Addison matured into a strong woman as she learned more about herself, powers and where she belongs at the Machine. Archer shows himself to be so much more than we first perceive. As for the answers Addison seeks you will be blown away at the unveiling. I had my heart set on one character being the villainous vile being needing extermination and was shocked at how wrong I was.

A story that will keep you guessing till the end. What more could ask for?
Profile Image for Julie Reece.
Author 6 books374 followers
March 28, 2014

I always struggle to write a review without giving too much away. I’ll do my best.

Since she was a kid, Addison Beckett has questioned (and lived with) the idea she might be a little insane. After all, she experiences unexplained lapses in time, often watching the corner of rooms unravel like a thread pulled from a sweater. Addison keeps her visions to herself until she meets up with handsome, but brooding, Professor Asher Green. Apparently, she hasn’t cornered the market on crazy, because after an ‘incident’ in class, Asher admits he knows all about the world she sees on the other side of our reality—and the danger that lies beyond.

Unable to pretend her visions are a figment of her imagination anymore, Asher introduces her to a secret society called The Mortal Machine. Strong-armed by Asher into induction, she learns about alternate realities and layers of consciousness called the Shift, followed by warrior hierarchy, self-defense, and the importance of discovering her role in the Machine. Though frankly confusing at first, I caught on to these 'other world' explanations after a while and loved the concepts. I enjoyed all the different personalities of the supporting characters Addy meets along the way. The premise of the Machine, and the threat of another world bleeding into ours (at our peril), is intriguing. It’s an intricate plot line that I imagine will bloom into a trilogy or more to explore. And that’s a good thing.

Adams keeps the pace moving well throughout the story. She has a distinctive voice that I enjoyed, and her heroine is likable and smart. There’s a lot of heat and great tension between the hero and heroine. My one balk, I suppose, is that the heroine has an overwhelming, and fairly inexplicable draw toward the hero from the get-go, despite the fact he was as nasty as possible to her much of the time.

My favorite part was watching Addison come into her own power and dig into the mysteries surrounding the Machine and its creator. Awesomeness.

While the end wasn’t a surprise, the very end was! How’s that for cryptic? The final scene is fantastic and, YES! scream worthy. Loved that. I highly recommend this read and look forward with great anticipation to the next book.

I hope you’re writing, Ms. Adams. Hurry, hurry! :)
Profile Image for Tash.
1,273 reviews106 followers
July 22, 2017
Reviewed for Confessions From Romaholics

It been a few months since Entangled Embrace line was started and I been wanting to check out some of the offering they had. So when I was offered the chance to review this book , I accepted and was hoping this book would live up to the expectations I have for this line.

Darkside Sun is an interesting book, it full of paranormal elements. It deals death, wraiths, ancient civilizations, parallel worlds and a hidden society tasked with keeping it a secret and protecting everyone.

Our heroine Addison I didn't know what to make of her. Originally she comes of as a nerd who has problems. She lived with this events that shape her life for years and when one happens in a place she doesn't except it throws her off. She never been the normal girl and when she questioned by her Professor Green about these events. She becomes a new person, it like she grew a backbone out of know where as she discover the truth about her events . Then her the part I don't get. She accepts the reasons and the society with no problem. But then starting to fight with Ash about the workings of the society instead. Make up you mind!! But then she isn't fully to blame
Asher Green thrown me off, he comes off as an ass to you and he doesn't seem to fit in place. His interactions with Addison only seem to fulfill this persona and you can't make your mind about his place in Addison's life like her. It takes most of the book to finally get a true and clear picture of him and only then you can probably make a decision about him as the book moves fast.

For my first book by this author . It was enjoyable book overall. There somethings I didn't enjoy like be thrust in the paranormal world as soon it was plausible due to the pacing and Asher's character not being develop as fast as Addison. I get the reasoning but I like to know more earlier in the book . This world she created is complex and well thought out and I look forward to future installments.

I give it 4 couples

For more of my reviews, visit Confessions From Romaholics.And drop by the blog's Facebook page
Profile Image for Katherine Paschal.
2,235 reviews60 followers
October 28, 2014
Addison has seen strange things since she was little. The walls have a tendency to rip apart at the seams and creatures roam free that nobody else sees. She is pretty convinced that she just might be crazy and mentions it to no one. While trying to go to college and pretend to be normal, her scary yet attractive teacher Asher Green knows there is something off about her and tries to bring her into the Machine, for better or worse.
This was a very unique concept for a book. The entire world building was great, with different dimensions interlocking allowing people to move freely to a new place. The machine itself was pretty intense, with the isolation and hard core rules. There is so much detailed history and back story that the author created to go along with this book, that I see the series having the potential to go on forever, be it with these characters or a spin-off.
I really liked Addison and her spunk. She is this freaked out timid creature that has aspirations to live the dullest life possible. And BAM, she is thrown into this world of dimensions, monsters and warriors that she would prefer to ignore. She has no desire to be a Somebody, yet now she is told they need her and she might be the weapon to stop the war. Talk about pressure. I loved her hate/crazy attraction to Asher regardless of his jerkiness and good looks. And her tactile fetish came at the worst times. I liked that she was a hugger/toucher and they were all so horrified by it.
Oh my God, the truth that is revealed about Asher was shocking. After his attitude and neglect, I never saw the truth coming, but I can’t say too much more without fear or spoilers. I could not believe what he did at the end. His actions remind me of that old saying “the path to hell is paved with good intentions”, nothing good will come from this.
Let me just warn you, this book does not have a happily ever after! I can’t say too much, but I was really sad and can’t wait to get my hands on the next book in the series. I have grown to have a love/hate relationship of my own with Asher and of course I enjoyed Addison and I need to see what will happen next.
I received this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Mishma.
375 reviews73 followers
December 29, 2015
There were a two reasons why I was so anxious to read this book.First that it was a book about wraiths.It's a genre I've never read before,so I was quite curious.The other was that it had a romantic relationship between a teacher and a student.I love these kind of romance,as they are one of those forbidden romances that are so thrilling in fiction.From Vampire Academy to Slammed,I never get tired of these type of romances.

Darkside Sun was a story of a girl who suddenly finds herself in a world of paranormalcy-a group of wraith hunters-through a professor who claims that she now belongs to the new strange world called the Mortal Machine.She is pushed into the spotlight,confused,reluctant and desperate to escape along with her battles with her discoveries and her insane attraction towards the said professor.

I loved Addison as a heroine.She was so much like me-a bit immature,clueless and childish.She had so much going on with her life,but I loved how she didn't whine or complain about it but was determined to fight back and prove herself to the ones who try to make her life hell.

It was impossible not to fall in love with Asher.At first he was an arrogant.hot,rude and hot tempered professor who literally turns Addison's life upside down.But then he becomes this overprotective,caring,mysterious,broken guy who tries to act tough-my favourite type of characters-and I couldn't help but fall in love with him along with Addison.

To top it off,the romance between these two was so hot and spicy that I was shipping these two really hard.It's been some time since I read a romance between two characters who fight a lot.Those banters between these two was so interesting and funny and the chemistry was just amazing.

Overall,it was an amazing paranormal read,filled with action,adventure,twists,great characters,a spicy romance and a cliffhanger which had me sit there with my mouth hanging open.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 71 reviews

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