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Pregnant. Homeless. Broke. Not what I’d expected for my senior year in college. Neither was Rush Ramsey.

We met the day I went camping and got stranded on the side of a gravel road. I didn’t believe in white knights who freed damsels in distress. Life had taught me that if something bad could happen, it probably would. The only person who would save me was me.

But Rush Ramsey rescued me that day. He was sweet and kind and charming. He made a dark, starry night a little less lonely.

I should have realized it was too good to be true. That an incredible night of passion would come with consequences. That the bad luck rollercoaster I’d been riding for twenty-one years wasn’t ready to stop.

Because Rush Ramsey, Treasure State University’s most eligible bachelor and quarterback extraordinaire, just got me pregnant.

374 pages, Kindle Edition

First published August 6, 2024

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About the author

Devney Perry

71 books17.7k followers
Devney is a Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestselling author who lives in Washington with her husband and two sons. Born and raised in Montana, she loves writing books set in her treasured home state. After working in the technology industry for nearly a decade, she abandoned conference calls and project schedules to enjoy a slower pace at home with her family. Writing one book, let alone many, was not something she ever expected to do. But now that she’s discovered her true passion for writing romance, she has no plans to ever stop.

Visit Devney's website to sign up for her newsletters and learn more about upcoming books.


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,310 reviews
Profile Image for Vivian Diaz (semi hiatus).
622 reviews112 followers
August 9, 2024
5/5 ⭐️ I hadn’t enjoyed a romance book in such a long time, until I read this book! I personally love the accidental pregnancy trope so I was really excited to read this and it did not disappoint!

I loved Faye and Rush together so much! Rush was a sweetheart and I just loved how into Faye he was. How he was constantly just staring at her. And the scene where he just kissed her cheek out of nowhere had me with butterflies in my stomach 🥹. And when he brushed her hair??? That gets me in my feels every time 😭❤️.

Also, one of my other favorite things about this book was Faye’s relationship with Dusty. I loved that she treated her like a daughter. It was really beautiful how Dusty was always there for her 🥹. My heart broke for Faye’s childhood and how her mom treated her 😔.

Faye was such a closed off and guarded person but Rush knocked down her walls and it was beautiful 🥹❤️.

My only complaint is the unnecessary drama with Rush’s ex girlfriend 😑 good thing it didn’t last long. But overall, this was such an amazing read for me and I loved it so much!

”Faye was gorgeous. Completely, intoxicatingly gorgeous. I hadn't really let myself look, truly look, at her these past few weeks. Mostly because I was worried I wouldn't be able to stop staring.”
Profile Image for Jamie.
940 reviews196 followers
August 8, 2024
I wanted to love this, but I didn’t unfortunately. There was so much pushing away and so many fights and miscommunications. And I HATED the H’s friend Maverick, so note to self to never read his book. He was an absolute asshole and he never properly apologized. Couldn’t stand him. And why did the H’s ex get away with calling the h both a slut and a whore??? He should’ve confronted her and it ticked me off that he didn’t.
***EDIT**** I went back and read the scene and she never actually tells him that the ex called her a slut. She had a nightmare reliving the situation and she only tells him about the dream and never tells him about the actual situation (she sees his ex at a football game and the ex and her friend talk shit about the h and call her names)! I’m not sure why she didn’t tell him🙄 Sorry about misunderstanding this situation, I thought she had told him what had happened and he laughed at that and dint confront the ex. Turns out he just didn’t know

The h in this was so annoying though. So freaking stubborn.

And there were basically no cute pregnancy moments between them, which was a big disappointment. And my last complaint is I can’t stand the nickname he called her
Profile Image for ✮.
262 reviews
August 8, 2024
4.5 stars!!!
devney perry you have done so much for us pregnancy trope truthers 🫡
Profile Image for glavreads.
420 reviews6,772 followers
August 11, 2024

it’s a one night stand turned more, surprise pregnancy book between the star football player on campus and a girl who couldn’t be more his opposite.

i feel like this was actually such a unique surprise pregnancy book because the spotlight was really on the main characters and less on the pregnancy. i love cute pregnancy moments and we did get those but i LOVED the angsty back and forth between rush and faye and how we got such a deep understanding of both of them and all they overcame for their hea.

faye is a girl after my own heart and the way rush took care of her and tried to be there for her within her boundaries just tugged on my heart strings. i’m so picky with angst because i’m a baby when it comes to drama but this was so raw, so real, and so so good!
Profile Image for Vee.
310 reviews58 followers
August 30, 2024
I instantly related to the FMCs level of anxiety and her ability to imagine the worst outcome of any situation 😅. This woman is me, I am this woman.

She was shy and relatable, but also very resilient when it came to her family situation. In comparison, Ramsey was much more ‘all-American’. To me, he appeared like the stereotypical ‘perfect’ sports guy, down to his crooked smile. This was up until he found out she was pregnant …that was a train wreck 💥 However that kind of panic was much more believable. I didn’t expect that reaction from this ‘clean-cut’ MMC.

The two lead characters weren’t (initially) in a relationship, so the miscommunication was rife. These situations did drag slightly for me. I understand the FMC's reluctance and apprehension to commit based on her upbringing, but her stubbornness was a little annoying. She would give a little and then snatch it back. No wonder this man was confused.

I also think more could have been done with Halsey (the ex-girlfriend). I know she was a mean girl and I didn't need a retribution plot twist for her, but the boy she loved (or loved the idea of) got a girl pregnant a month after they broke up... that would be difficult for anyone to deal with. I think she loved the clout Ramsey brought, but she shouldn't have been painted as the big bad villain, it seemed a little unjustified. One situation that was frequently brought up involved poor decisions on Ramsey's side as well.

Maybe I just wanted the FMC and her to have a conversation. I think that would have resolved this storyline more, as it felt like it was just dropped.

I did like how aspects of the book's title were mentioned throughout the plot and the importance that the word ‘Rally’ ultimately held. Also, when they actually started working as a team and shared a lot of tender moments, I really enjoyed it.

Now the ending...I don't want to spoil it, but it wouldn't have been my choice. I'm a big accidental pregnancy trope fan (The Goal ♥️), so I like to see how characters handle new parenthood and interact with their baby. I think having the FMC give birth and then going straight to an epilogue 6 years in the future was an interesting decision. I was way too invested to have it finished this way.

Solid 3 ✨
Profile Image for Alexandra.
519 reviews1,006 followers
August 6, 2024
whatever devney writes just inject it into my veins. please and thank you. rally was such a fun time, it was sweet and romantic the perfect accidental pregnancy romance. rush was such a GOOD MAN, i loved him from the start. and my sweets faye..i adored her.

not to mention the baby’s nickname being squish had me dying 😭😭😭 too cute.

overall the perfect book - did this one on audio too and it was so good.

thank you devney for the ALC and ARC!🩵
Profile Image for Jen ♥.
1,202 reviews459 followers
August 9, 2024
This was okay, I guess, and I wish they communicated more. There would've been fewer frustrations had they only talked more about how they actually feel.

Also, Faye had a lot of issues she needed to work through. Good thing for her, though, because Rush was all in and didn't give up on her.

I also hoped there were more pregnancy moments, because, after all, this has the surprise pregnancy trope. But there's only a little of those scenes—few and far between, if I'm being honest. 
Anyway, it was still an okay read. Though I feel like this could've been a few pages shorter, Idk, some parts felt dragging and only seemed more like a filler. But overall, it was still an okay read.
Profile Image for Kayla Hewett.
269 reviews21 followers
August 19, 2024
Ugh the way I loved Faye and Rush! I felt their connection immediately. I loved the accidental pregnancy trope. It was done so so well! There is just something about Devney’s writing that I just cannot get enough of. I simply could not put it down and never wanted it to end! This was absolute perfection!
Profile Image for emmareads.
119 reviews
August 30, 2024
Devney Perry sparkles best when writing small town romances. She has managed to conjure pure magic in the Edens series and I always get a fuzzy warm feeling reading every single one. Visualizing myself hiding in a cozy cottage, in front of a fireplace with a mug of hot tea, book and blanket.

Rally is a decent read, but it could pass off as any other author’s sports romance though. Not sure if anyone agrees? The plot felt a little choppy in places esp the first third of the book, from Rush & Faye meeting each other, to a month later and then presto, she was pregnant. Felt like something was missing.

But I do like Rush as a character. He isn’t arrogant, he is honest and he loves his parents. He is a planner and he works hard. Faye does come across as a little too fragile and broke, although the author did write about her past. The last part of the book was sweet and i love how Rush planned for their future 💕

But i need another Edens series badly! more small town romances with thrill and mystery please…
Profile Image for Jenn (The Book Refuge).
2,290 reviews3,552 followers
August 2, 2024
I stayed up way too late sucking up every moment of this story. It was one of the most real and raw stories with an accidental pregnancy that I've read in a long time. It was so real and it HURT. I felt for Rush and Faye so much. It really was very heartwarming but we are put through the gambit of emotions.

I'll be honest, while I was excited for the pregnancy trope, which I myself am a big fan of, I was not too excited that these were both college students. I'm not the biggest fan of New Adult/College age characters these days. Yet I have really loved how this series was set at a college and WASN'T only about students. It's been more focused on faculty or faculty/student relationships. However, Devney Perry has me hooked on the Treasure State Wildcats, so I was in.

I loved the realness of Faye's situation and I really felt it in the gut as she struggles to keep her head above water. She feels the need to be independent and based on her upbringing, I don't fault her at all. No matter what pretty words Rush might speak, she doesn't have much in her past to make her believe it. It doesn't help that Rush isn't always saying the right things.

While miscommunication can break a story for me... I don't know how you go about this story any differently. This is the situation they find themselves in and this is who they are. It's gonna take some work. They'll have to block out other voices and other's judgements. It's a lot to handle. But what wins the day is that they are both good people and they both want their little "squish" to have everything.

There wasn't much romance in this one til about 70% in. I was never bored, I just want to warn everyone that this is a slow burn. It starts with a one-night stand, so we know they are into one about her. But the pregnancy takes center stage for a good part of it.

I loved Rush and Faye. They made my heart ache and their love, while quiet at times was so beautiful.

Who's ready for Maverick?

5 Stars
2.5 on the spice scale

CW: terminal illness, sick parents

*Thank you to Valentine PR and the author for an eARC of this title.*
August 15, 2024
”the nfl draft is all about picks. you’re my pick.”

⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪ 4.25⭐️

since i’ve loved coach and blitz, i was really looking forward to reading this book. accidental pregnancy trope isn’t as bad as some of you make it out to be!! i really enjoyed it. it may not hit me as hard as other two books in this series, but it was still an enjoyable read.

”maybe i should have just asked her out, put myself out there and gone for it. maybe she needed to know that i thought about her more than was healthy.”

rushxfaye💌 i loved their meet cute. it was so adorable. they were both so intrigued by one another for different reasons. not going to lie, there were a lot of angsty moments that irritated me, plus add miscommunication to that mix. while it is realistic to argue with person you don’t know and not see eye to eye, have insecurities of your own, in my humble opinion, i don’t think they were necessary that much. but i really liked how their relationship progressed nonetheless. they both were slowly opening to each other and choosing themselves, choosing their future together and squish.🥹

“what if squish wants to go to u of m someday?” “don’t even put that into the universe.” she laughed and pretended to zip her lips closed. that laugh was music to my ears. it was better than a stadium full of cheering fans. better than the cannons that went off whenever the wildcats scored a touchdown. better than my name chanted over and over and over again in a parade.”

last few chapters and epilogue made me so emotional. by the end of the book we really got a deep understaning of them and they really overcame everything and got their happily ever after.💌 merit is about maverick, who isn’t the best role play in this book but reedemed himself a little bit by the end. not the biggest fan of enemies to lovers, especially in contemporary romance but we’ll see. i trust devney.🤭

”no matter how hard we’d resisted—Iid resisted—it had been futile. there was no extinguishing the fire between us. every touch, every shift of his hands, and i melted.”

”we’ll figure this out. we’ll rally.”🗝️
34 reviews1 follower
August 7, 2024
Generally, this was an okay book, but Mav ruined it for me.

Even though both Faye and Rush insisted that their relationship is not based solely on the pregnancy, to be honest, it felt shallow enough that I believe they wouldn’t have lasted if it wasn’t for the baby.

It’s almost like they’re always on the edge of connecting with each other on a deeper level, yet they never quite make it there.

Rush is great, he stepped up big time when it comes to the baby. I wish we found out more about him as a person, removed from his role as a soon to be father. He checks all the boxes of a good male lead, but there is nothing unique about him. Give it a week and I’ll completely forget him. He frustrated me to no end by being a doormat around Mav and refusing to defend the mother of his child. Honestly found it pretty pathetic.

Faye is a quite endearing character, her personality flaws make her seem very human, which I really appreciate. She doesn’t come off as a carbon copy of every other romance heroine.

My biggest frustration was Maverick.
He was awful to Faye:
- Rubbing her face in the fact she has less money than him.
- Making her feel uncomfortable and unwelcome in her new home… for MONTHS
- Accusing her of baby trapping Rush
- Getting a naked girl into Rush’s room, likely in hopes Faye catches her
- Being incredibly petty - eating her dinner (whilst knowing she can only eat 5 foods atm because of the pregnancy), fighting with her because she used ONE of his laundry pods etc 🙄

As someone who has a sister who went through an unexpected pregnancy in college, he should’ve had more sympathy for the situation Faye was in. Instead he made her life hell, to the point where she would fall asleep crying.

If his asshole behaviour only lasted a little bit, I could’ve understood, but it lasted MONTHS. I think he is a bad person, nothing I’ve read in the book justified his behaviour and frankly I find it pathetic that it was all forgiven so quickly. Mav’s awful behaviour continued until 80% so like I said, no excuses.
Profile Image for CassDamm.
616 reviews96 followers
August 9, 2024
It started off really strong. Then as soon as the female mc moved in with him she became an ungrateful entitled turd. Literally acted like a child. Fighting with his roommate(who wasn’t asked if she could move in and paid significantly more in rent) over the tv and using the roommates stuff and getting mad when being told no.
Crazy to watch Devney Perry literally ruin a main character.

The relationship was rushed, no pun intended since that was the male mcs name. They had zero chemistry once she moved in. There was just no story. There was no purpose of this book, it was just organized words.

I also hated the abortion comments. It gave off stinky girl vibes.
1 review1 follower
August 8, 2024
Book started out so strong but like always Devney Perry ruins her FMC. Faye was insufferable and picked fights for no reason. Rush was a saint idk how he put up with her. Like we get it girl you’re poor but it’s almost like she got off on being miserable and wanted everyone else around her to feel the same way. She got a little better at the end but this was such a missed opportunity for a found family trope instead of a pick me FMC. This was easily a 5 star read the first 20% but the author ruined Faye’s character.
Profile Image for Laura.
260 reviews1 follower
August 20, 2024
4/5 ✨️ 2/5🌶

This was such a sweet story and gave me out on a limb vibes with football. Faye and Rush were adorable. 🥹🫶I loved Dolly's, and the diner aspect made this book so heartwarming. 
Profile Image for Madison.
9 reviews
August 7, 2024
Overall the story was cute and I liked the book and will continue to read all of Devney Perry’s new releases, but this one just fell so flat for me. Honestly it seemed like lazy writing …there was no substance to the characters or the scenes between them. No funny moments, no chemistry, no unique situations. It was always the diner, the house or the campus. No cute pregnancy moments. We don’t even get a written scene of the baby’s birth! It seemed hastily written and it left me wanting so much more between these characters that could’ve been great, but we’re just meh.
Profile Image for Kseniia ✨️.
108 reviews1 follower
September 20, 2024
Перша книга мені не дуже сподобалась, але я дала цій серії другий шанс і не пошкодувала.  Чудова, мила та солодка історія  яка викликає і посмішку, і сльози. Не хотіла відриватися, а вона ще й маленька, тож проковтнула книгу за день. Окреме задоволення для мене, що не було в кінці драми і розставання. Герої просто бусінки❤️
Profile Image for Mindy Lou's Book Review.
2,829 reviews745 followers
August 19, 2024
I think this might be my favorite of the series so far. I think Rally and Faye's story is much more emotional and it really pulls you in wanting them to have their happily ever after. I was very pleased by how everything ended.
Profile Image for Megan Coggins.
386 reviews56 followers
August 7, 2024
What protein powder has Devney Perry been drinking? Because holy heck this was a banger.

I don’t cry but that baby naming gave me the feels.
Accidental pregnancy done top notch.

I feel like I’ve morphed out of college age kids but I loved this. It didn’t feel “young” while still being relative kids.

God I loved them.
Favorite book of the series by far.
Profile Image for dee&#x1f9da;&#x1f3fd;.
66 reviews4 followers
August 6, 2024
DNF at 36%

Okay this was so boring I just can’t finish it . I love surprise pregnancy trope but this didn’t work for me , maybe it’s my mood idk.
Profile Image for abby :).
458 reviews20 followers
August 7, 2024
omg two hits in a row for miss devney perry!!!!

so i did read this book in four hours… it was so addicting and i was reading on my kindle so it really felt like no time at all. i have been awaiting this release because i really enjoyed blitz and that was a shock. this series is just different from the usual books by devney perry and they feel different than other sports romances i’ve read! i love the little small town of mission and all the couples that come from their football team!

rush and faye really stole my heart. like if i change this book to a five star rating no one be shocked. ( i just changed it to a five star…) their whole story just felt so quiet and beautiful. it was simple love and i loved it. rush isn’t some athlete who is portrayed as bigger than and i really appreciated that. he was normal, she was normal, and together they’ve built a lovely life. this story has a great cast of side characters who feel so real because you don’t always love them. you know that they care deeply for rush and faye and their decisions reflect that. faye is a girl who has my whole heart. seeing her let her guard down and allow herself love had me grinning from ear to ear. i just loved this story and can tell it’s gonna be underrated so please please please pick this up!!!

when talking about characters who you love to hate and hate to love, i was talking about mav. he’s really annoying but really sweet and i am shockingly excited to read his story. i do fear it will be sad based on what we learned in this book so i’m nervous but excited! this series is one of devney’s best so if you read other books by her and haven’t picked this up, do yourself a favor and start reading them now!!!
Profile Image for crystal.
618 reviews697 followers
September 4, 2024
I have no words other than absolutely screaming at the top of my lungs how much I love faye and rush 😭😭😭😭😭😭

I literally teared up reading this book just because of how much I love these characters and when they were hurting, I WAS HURTING. I related sooo much to faye on a whole other level! I love my hard working girl so much <3333 and rush!!! a SIMPPPPP!! A LOVE SICK PUPPPYYYY! he was the absolute cutest AND hottest like??!! these two seriously made me so emo because of how much they showed up for each other and loved each other fr. this book has become a new favorite of the year!
Profile Image for Sandy O'Brien.
539 reviews242 followers
August 7, 2024

Devney Perry does it again.
Unexpected pregnancy is a trope that can be hit or miss for me but I was invested in this one.
Also, love the found family side of the story.

Profile Image for Mira.
116 reviews
August 13, 2024
They are so sweet😍 The best book in the series so far, and one of my favorite books by Devney!
And I absolutely love the bonus epilogues, it's so nice to see all the main characters together with their kids.
Profile Image for hala.
185 reviews
August 13, 2024
you’re telling me i’m supposed to wait till 2025 to get maverick’s book?! in. what. world.
Profile Image for Hey Lin.
663 reviews
August 8, 2024
Im......going to dnf this for now. I've read one other book by this author which was a stand out, five star read and I loved it! This one.....maybe it's my mood or how he's reacting to the pregnancy but this isn't working for me right now.

She is stuck on the side of the road because she decided to go on a spur of the moment camping trip with a shitty car with shitty tires, one of which got shredded. He comes along and helps her get a new tire. He fixes it but then just leaves. Probably from all the serial killer accusations she keeps throwing out (which was pretty funny tho and facts!!!) She didn't say thank you to him so instead of going home like she was planning on and was on her way, she goes back to say thank you and shares a hot dog and a camp site area and sleeps in her car but leaves the next morning. The bear spray she was holding and his constant asking of her if she really didn't know who he was was fun....I guess? 😂 she was avoiding going home because her bf was very lovey dovey with his girl best friend and she didn't like how her bf treated his best friend. HE was out on the camp site to avoid HIS gf who was a stage five clinger and drama llama and gf kept calling him the whole time. She leaves the camp site in the morning.

They see each other again a month later during a bachelorette party she's at and a bar gathering foe him before football practices start.

They have sex out of nowhere. She assumes ( and you know what happens when we assume!!!!!!!) that her bp shot will be a-ok.....but it fails and he never wears a condom, where she later says that she didn't want anything between them 😳🙈🙈 you are fucking poor, in college with only a waitressing job and you wanna risk a pregnancy with some BASICALLY stranger you met once before? Okur. Dumb nut. but okur.

She is at her waitressing job puking and her boss person texts "I'm pregnant" to him for her and he reacts.....not in the way I want. I know they're almost strangers. I just said that. BUT......


In my books? When I read about pregnancies?! I want the guy to be so fucking happy, amazed and relieved that he got his girl pregnant because he switched out her bcp to make it happen or just wants to breed the duck outta her ya know? I want him so over the moon about his new baby boy or girl may it be his or not 👀🤔🤔🤔 and rush sees the baby as the end of his budding career and life that when his coach asks out of a scale of 1-10, how bad is it? He responds with 11, well..........that makes me not like this book.

Nome of the arc readers are saying how it ends up working out or anything else.....and when the ex he of the guy calls her a whore or any other names and the man doesn't defend her? Mmmm, yeah, I'm out. I'm here for romance, not an angst filled drama read

Unless someone can spoil the rest of this? Does he change?
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Christi (christireadsalot).
2,309 reviews929 followers
September 8, 2024
Rally is book 3 in the Treasure State Wildcats series of interconnected standalones. This is a college sports romance where an accidental pregnancy leads to more!

Faye first meets Rush Ramsey during a camping trip, her tire is flat and he ends up helping her out and offering her a place to camp out at his family’s property. They end up chatting all night and realize they both go to Treasure State and both need to ditch their respective partners. They go their separate ways and a month later run into one another again at a bar where the night leads to more this time! It’s after this hookup that she realizes she’s pregnant and they figure out where to go from there!

It was sweet how he and his parents were all-in. Faye really only ever had her younger sister who she takes care of and her relationship with their mother is estranged and complicated. Rush moves Faye in with him and I liked seeing them get to know one another while she’s pregnant. They both are there for one another and super sweet together. Solid addition to the series and the audiobook in particular was so good (Jason Clarke and Vanessa Edwin are always a hit)!
Profile Image for soph.
430 reviews34 followers
August 15, 2024
4.5 stars!!!

my new favorite in the series!! rush & faye are so perfect for each other and the journey they go through during their relationship was everything to me

here’s what i love:
🏕️ their meet cute was everything to me and you’re able to see their instant connection & understanding of each other
🥞 dolly’s diner being the perfect small town setting
🏕️ accidental pregnancy will always do it for me
🥞 rush is so gentle with faye and respects her independence while still wanting to support her
🏕️ rush’s family is everything
🥞 forced proximity & roommates, yes please!!!
🏕️ faye’s sister gloria is so funny!! i love her relationship with rush
🥞 dolly’s tough love mentality
🏕️ ford being the best coach
🥞 rush is so protective — i love him
🏕️ faye’s independence and want to support herself is so admirable
🥞 their love confessions😭
🏕️ all the special pregnancy moments they share on their journey
🥞 found family is the best for a reason!!!

literally loved this book so much i can’t put it into words!! they are just so perfect for eachother and share such special, tender moments!!
Profile Image for Kateryna.
128 reviews3 followers
August 24, 2024
ще одна прекрасна історія. такі чудові герої. просто котики. дуже сподобалось їх "ми команда". це було красиво та зворушливо. 5/5 🥹
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,310 reviews

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