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Icehome #16

Flor's Fiasco

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I'm not supposed to resonate to him.

It's been a few years since I've landed here on Icehome Beach, and as resonance after resonance dwindled the list of bachelors, I knew who I'd end up with. As soon as we got past our differences, I'd end up as R'jaal's mate.

On an everyday excursion, however, my khui decides otherwise. It sings all right . . . but not to R'jaal. Instead, I resonate to I'rec-the forceful, brash, overly-alpha leader of Shadow Cat. Did I mention he's got a long-distance girlfriend already?

It's a big mess, and it's about to get messier.

But as things get chaotic on the beach and our way of life is threatened with upheaval, it's the small things that end up mattering. Small things like the way I'rec kisses. Or the way we seem to have a lot more in common than we thought. Or the way I'rec can be gentle, but only with me . . .

Contains mature themes.

8 pages, Audible Audio

First published August 28, 2022

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About the author

Ruby Dixon

145 books16.4k followers
Ruby Dixon is an author of Science Fiction Romance. She likes fated mates, baby-filled epilogues, and cinnamon roll heroes. She also likes to write biographies of herself in the third person, because it feels more important that way.

Ruby also loves coffee and dirty books and will probably be a cat lady at some point. :)

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September 3, 2022
I love this series and I'm beginning to think Ruby Dixon can do no wrong. I loved Flor with her independent ass and all her teasing. I really loved I'rec with his sweet thoughtfulness and his dirty dirty DIRTY talk. Followed by his extra dirty deeds. I think almost everything RD writes is gonna be a 5 star for me. I've just become addicted to her sweet, protective, honorable, and usually freaky sex God aliens. I cannot wait to read what happens next with the new clone spin-off. I'm so glad we're not losing Icehome!!

At a horrible time in my life where I'm struggling to read any romance, I really appreciated the distraction this brought me along with the laughs and tears. I'Rec reminded me of my hubby I just lost who used to bring me little treats all the time to let me know he was thinking about me. 💖😓🖤
Profile Image for Stephanie.
769 reviews1,097 followers
August 28, 2022
Aw I really liked this one, and I’m so happy to be back at Icehome!

First of all, Flor is Filipina… cool! It was easy to get into the story and attached to her and I’rec because we’ve seen them in so many books, and they got decent page time in Daisy’s Decision. We get off to a quick start in this book as they resonate quickly (something we knew would happen from the end of Daisy’s Decision).

The problem? Flor figured she would resonate to R’jaal, who she propositioned for a friends with benefits situation years ago. And I’rec has kind of been promised to Tia for years, the two exchanging letters on leather scrolls taken back and forth by Ashtar.

Flor and I’rec are great together. They’re friends, they’re gossips - they like to be involved in clan business and help other people. She makes him lighten up, he makes her laugh. The way they play off one another constantly makes the book genuinely fun.

I wondered how Ruby would play out the drama between the four of them, and how she would close the Icehome series. This book shows her thinking out her future on Not-Hoth - it reminds me of callbacks in Ice Planet Barbarians when as early as Josie’s book we saw hints of “more” out there. I’m super excited to see what happens next though I really don’t know how I’m supposed to like Tia when, after 3 seasons at Croatoan, she’s still insufferable.
June 11, 2024
The end of one series and beginning of another!

The following ratings are out of 5:
Romance: 🖤💙❤️💖
Heat/Steam: 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Story/Plot: 📕📗📘📔📙
World building: 🌏🌍🌎🌍🌏
Character development: 😄🙂🥰☺️😋
Narrator(s): 🎙🎙🎙🎙🎙
Narration type: Dual Narration

The heroine: Flor - She has been on the ice planet for quite some time, when all the other women and alien men have resonated to each other. Flor considers herself to be the unofficial cruise director of their tribes, she tries to keep up the spirits of her fellow human females and alien men. She sees it as her superpower since she has been there for years without resonance. Though she does think that R’jaal and her might resonate at some point as he is the only male Flor can see herself being with, though something is broken between them.

The Hero: L’rec - he is the leader of the Shadow Cat tribe living on the Icehome beach. He wants more babies for the Shadow Cat tribe. He has even encouraged the non resonance mating between O’jek and Daisy to try for a child, to make sure Shadow Cat flourishes. He has made it clear that he is waiting for Tia to resonate with. Though he does spend some time with Flor and is currently helping her make some Croquet mallets.

The Story: Flor goes searching for plants with R’jaal, she remembers when they first met, she asked him to be pleasure mates and he turned her down. He apologizes for hurting her feelings and asks her to ask him again. Though she was very hurt by him wanting to wait for resonance and thinks that if he settles for her without it, that she would be second best. When he says he will kiss her, L’rec overhears and steps in and threatens R’jaal.

The storyline about each of the two main characters basically planning to be with others was a different one to any I have read before about the Ice Planet. I liked the differences in this one. I also loved the fact that there was a mystery about what happened to the fruit in the fruit cave (it wasn’t eaten by fruit bats), and our two main characters found another bunch of cryo-pods that were dropped off on the planet, containing a whole slew of clones, both women and men.

This audiobook was told in dual points of view via dual narration and was narrated by Felicity Munroe and Sean Crisden. These two are both good narrators that I like quite a bit. Felicity is great at showing emotion through her voice and using different voices and accents for different characters. Sean Crisden has a nice deep voice and is great at narrating for these alien romance books.

September 3, 2022
3.5 stars

I really liked this one with Flor and I'rec. Not to rehash the plot too much, but in the past books in this series, we learn that Tia and I'rec have a long-distance flirtation going on (as Tia lives in the Croatoan village where most of the Ice Planet series characters are & I'rec lives on the beach with the Icehome group). When the Icehome group arrived on the scene at the beginning of this series, Tia was quite the flirt - flitting from man to man, kissing on them, batting the lashes, etc. which is why she was sent to Croatoan where the males are mated. Mostly it was just an immaturity thing as she is the youngest of the human females, but she seems to have latched onto I'rec as he is one of the last unmated males, and she writes him regularly but does not really ever tell him that she "likes" him or wants to be with him. I'rec takes her letters to mean she is likely his mate, so he is shocked when he resonates with Flor, a woman that he is friends with, but they are very opposite in personality.

On the flip side, Flor believed she was destined to be with the only other unmated male at Icehome, and she once propositioned him to be a "pleasure mate" since they were both without mates for years. He turned her down, however, and she has not wanted to engaged with him since then out of embarrassment mostly, though he seems to have changed his mind. So when she resonates with I'rec, there are "feelings" to consider on both sides with their now non-mates. That is where the angst largely comes from in this story as they try to sort through the feelings and lightly step around the others to not hurt feelings too much, but it leads to normally confident Flor behaving insecurely for most of the story.

As usual, there is some kind of new development happening and some unexpected twists and turns. I am not sure where things are headed after the way the story ended, but I guess we will see!

Plot --- 3.25/5
Main Characters --- 4/5
Supporting Cast --- 4/5
Steam Level* --- 4.25/5 (LOTS of steam, VERY early and often!)
Violence --- nothing graphic that I can recall
Trigger Warning --- there is a lengthy "trigger warning" at the beginning of this book, but it doesn't apply to these characters; there is an event at the end that the author appears to be referring to, and there are not any real details about it other than a couple of characters are abducted
Language --- yep
POV --- Dual

*Note that steam level is not a rating so much as a how hot was it: 0/5 - clean; 1/5 - mild (nothing descriptive); 2/5 - 3rd base action/1 home run; 3/5 - now we're getting somewhere (a couple of full-on steamy scenes); 4/5 - yes please! (erotica territory); 5/5 - they did EVERYTHING in this one, y'all
Profile Image for Joan.
467 reviews52 followers
December 26, 2022
Well, Ruby Dixon decided to shake things at the last minute to add more people to the story arc by pulling a switch up on established characters/couples in Flor’s Fiasco. I detest luvre triangles because one party is left as a pathetic loser.

It’s sad because Tia is an original Icehome human girl who helped establish the Icehome tribe. She deserved better than being tossed into a love triangle at the last minute, losing out because of pheromones, then relegated to outsider status and tossed into the clone clan hill.

Also, all the virulent hatred for young Tia by so many women readers is disheartening. I wish now that Ruby Dixon had never wrote Tia’s character at all. Ruby usually manages to make reader fall in love with her characters. Bek bought enslaved women but became a beloved character. I guess she just gave up on Tia.

I was really peeved that Niri just dropped her cargo of clones/ragamuffins onto Not-Hoth (this time even a human male).

While I loved Flor, even she couldn’t make I’rec very likable to me. I’rec just wants more babies for Shadow Cat and it doesn’t matter if it’s Flor or any other female. Flor is a wonderful, warm heroine, the glue of the Icehome tribe. But I’rec just remained a surly beast.

The intro of a bunch of clones, just dropped onto Not-Hoth by Niri, was jarring and disappointing. The new characters felt forced into the story to create a new arc. I was very disappointed with pitiful, desperate R’jaal being paired at the last moment with the dull, boring Rosalind, a clone with false memories.

For the last year I was in a Ruby Dixon fever, voraciously reading all her books since the exquisite IPB. Well Flor’s Fiasco broke my Ruby fever. I’m done with IceHome.

I just hate how Tia’s character was so badly treated just to appease readers demands. I have no desire to see were the clone storyline goes or see R’jaal get an HEA at Tia’s expense.

Goodbye Icehome. I wish I never started this series at all.
Profile Image for Hot Mess Sommelière ~ Caro.
1,375 reviews169 followers
September 2, 2022
After DNFing Daisy's book (f*** O'Jek, seriously!), I also couldn't get into this one.

I skipped a lot. Then I skimmed over the end.

I think I'm just over this series. All the things I used to like seem to be there less (alien characters to actually connect to, for one), while the things I don't like (pushy, dumb guys) feel amplified.

IceHome beach has no real tribe, to me, but rather, just a bunch of horny bachelors waiting to get laid. And in my opinion, they could all wait forever!

I am also so, so sick of the women in these books being jealous of each other. It's petty and frankly, pathetic. No one wants to read about adult women having a hissy fit of insecurity and envy.

I hated the last book because Daisy was given such a hard time by everyone around her. In this one, it felt like Tia got the short end of the stick.

11 reviews
August 31, 2022
getting real tired of the misogynoir-laden Tia bashing. why can't the author give the "fast tailed black girl" stuff a rest already. this isn't even getting into how Tia was underaged when she met all of the icehome guys. the fact that I've had to read anti-Tia stuff during smut for TWO separate couples is ridiculous and takes away from their story. I don't need to read about mature heroine's weird complex and insecurity around this girl while they are having sex with their men. I'm not sure if sensitivity readers can save this character when her story comes, I wish she hadn't been written at all. in general I hate OW drama but this is the worst of it I've read
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for ♠ TABI⁷ ♠.
Author 15 books508 followers
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August 2, 2022
AYYYYY YES I KNEW IT WAS GONNA BE FLOR & I'REC this gonna be so good and MESSY as the author said in the note end of Daisy's Decision

well hello there cover
Profile Image for Ta || bookishbluehead.
536 reviews30 followers
June 2, 2023
Flor’s Fiasco centers around I’rec and Flor. Their romance and the corresponding drama was teased in the previous book and I was super excited to read about them.

What I liked were the characters, even though I’rec doesn’t seem to be the most liked Icehome character, I didn’t mind him and his manners. He made a great team with Flor and even before resonance they had a great friendship going.
I also liked Flor, but after a while her superstitions and her insecurity concerning Tia got on my nerves. I’m not a very superstitious person and her seeing bad luck in everything got more and more annoying over time.

In this book we also have an interesting set up for the “new season” of Ice Planet books. We get a bunch of new characters and also a new enemy, which ups the stakes for the group.

I honestly can’t believe that I’m done with the ‘Icehome’ series and that I’ve read 36 books set in that world. I’m nearly caught up with this world as well, there’s only ‘R’Jaal’s Ressonance’, the first book in the Ice Planet Clones series, left and I’m excited for that one as well.
Profile Image for Christi (christireadsalot).
2,309 reviews929 followers
May 31, 2024
This was so cute but I’m so sad Ice Home is finished. I actually waited forever to get to this book until the audio was out because I didn’t want to end this series. But I love the transition into the Ice Planet Clones series, the follow-up series!

Flor and I’rec are friends who are both kind of waiting/holding out for resonance with others (he’s been pen pals of sorts with someone else and kinda “promised” to each other), but then they resonate to one another instead and things get interesting! The romance was fun and they get together super quickly into the book. So I do think it could have been shorter but then it also set up the next spinoff series so well too! Which I did already get to before this so it was fun seeing it start here and knowing there will continue to be more on this Ice Planet world.
Profile Image for Sandra R.
3,151 reviews44 followers
August 29, 2022
Well written as usual, but the first 60% of this book is a detailed sex fest. The last 40% was divided into adventure with lots of other stuff happening, followed by more steamy scenes. I'm sure that many readers will love this, but these days I enjoy the adventure more, after reading almost every book Ruby has written. (I started around 4 years ago). Please don't hate me when I say I skimmed a lot of the steamy scenes.

I was dying to find out the meaning of the spaceship on the cover that's been teasing us on facebook. Now that I've finished the book, I feel a bit flat. On and on and on and on, comes to mind. Something completely new and fresh to read would be perfect for me, though I know many readers want this series to never end. It was entertaining, steamy and fun; though more of the same. So 3.5 stars.

PS - What's with the new gathering of the Khuis... Would have made this process much easier in other books.
Profile Image for Mara.
1,824 reviews4,185 followers
October 3, 2022
That ending took it from a 3.5 star to a 4 star for me - so exciting to see how the macro plot across the Rubyverse is progressing, as well as more info on how past Not Hoth Easter eggs are coming back. I was also impressed on how much Ruby turned me around on I'rec, as he was my least favorite dude in Ice Home
Profile Image for ritika.
472 reviews287 followers
August 28, 2022
nice to see that even after 4 yrs tia is still an entitled bitch.

if you like those stories where both the mc's think the other one doesn't love them/is only with them temporarily, you'll LOVE this book.

uh 2.75/5 i guess
Profile Image for ♛ Garima ♛.
962 reviews183 followers
March 13, 2023
I flew through this over weekend because I forgot what a 'tater' was. And it was always my plans to come back to this after reading #1 of Ice Planet Clones series since I'd appreciate the initial new arrivals more. Flor and I'rec good pairing as any, but frankly I didn't read it for them this time.

This was definitely better than the last one - Daisy's story. Less frustrating and more happy times. I like the pairing, even though, it wasn't the one which was expected!

And with that, this is the end of the Icehome series!

And it was a hell of a ride...I guess I am a little sad to leave the crew behind but we have new series on the horizon so we won't be leaving Ice Planet anytime soon for which I am grateful. Since the beginning, this world is my ultimate comfort, I can read/re-read any book of the series, and quite frankly it provides me the same comfort as putting on warm, fuzzy socks on my cold feet. It is hard to say goodbye to such things. I know it's not top literature to spend time reading, but as I said, comfort and guilty pleasure hardly are one of those things anyway.

So now, I am looking forward to the next on the line. From Author's note:

So the new series will be called ICE PLANET CLONES.
The first book will be called R'JAAL'S RESONANCE.

But it won't be until next year so little bit of a cooling-off period, but still a pretty exciting thing.
Profile Image for BAG.
739 reviews13 followers
September 5, 2022
I just didn't like the whole premise, that Flor & I'rek feel like they are "supposed to" be with other people (R'jaal and Tia), and they are not "supposed to" be with each other. They were never in relationships with these other people, but insist on thinking that resonance with each other is bad, and they are basically cheating on R'jaal and Tia. It's hard to read about them (Flor and I'rek) having sex then feeling guilty and bad about. It's the main conflict in this story and it's just gross.
Profile Image for Emily.
377 reviews25 followers
August 28, 2022
First of all. Fruit bats and taters. These were adorable and Flor is so cute with them - and truly, as Flor mentions, English is a beast of a language and if you have no context for the word you end up saying, you're bound to have similar things happen.

To the rest of the story!

I mean, once more, Ruby Dixon knocked it out the park. Being able to see things from I'rec's POV helped me see how this might have a chance of possibly working out with just the two of them.

Flor has some fantastic scenes and asks good questions along the way. She knows what she'd like, but she also has been there reading Tia's letters over and over to I'rec.

Tia's arrival and I'rec's reaction was so spot-on for his character, too!!

If you notice, the cover has a ship, and with it comes some added chaos to the planet of Not-Hoth. And that chaos also showcased Flor's prior training and gave Flor and I'rec a space to work together in a crisis situation that also allowed for them to see each other's strengths in new ways.

There are two epilogues and the first one has me so stressed out but I'm not giving any spoilers so that's probably all that I can say about that one, BUT, the second one was adorable and I loved it! (Don't get me wrong, the first one has me SO pumped for the next book - the Berry!!!!!)

If you haven't started these books, I highly recommend them.
Profile Image for Angela (Angel's Book Nook).
1,634 reviews926 followers
February 5, 2023
Flor’s Fiasco is book sixteen in the Icehome series by Ruby Dixon. The series is best read in order.

I like returning to the Icehome planet. I also look forward to new books and romantic adventures on this cold and frozen world.

Flor is independent and I liked that about her. She’s one of the last two women and she will either be with I’rec or R’jaal thou she assumed it’d be R’jaal, but their cooties had other ideas.

The story starts off quick and Flor has a dilemma in that she thought R’jaal would be her friend with benefits and I’rec would be with Tia who he has been pinning for years.

I’rec and Flor are great together. They have a great friendship and you see that in the previous book Daisy’s Decision. They complement each other in that she helps him lighten up and he makes her laugh. I enjoyed their romance and how I’rec showed Flor that she is the one for him, not Tia.

Throughout the book I wondered how Dixon would close out the Icehome series. We see that she shows us that there is “more” out there on Not-Hoth then we thought. I’m excited to see what happens next.

Flor’s Fiasco was a nice conclusion to the Icehome series. If your looking for some sexy science fiction romance then I suggest picking up a Ruby Dixon novel.

Rated: 4 Stars

Profile Image for Daria K..
76 reviews2 followers
August 28, 2022
I’m really conflicted about how the series ended. It just feels ridiculous that once this planet runs out of couples, a ship arrives and drops down some more people.

Profile Image for Natasha Books.
1,421 reviews97 followers
December 5, 2022
Impresión cuando se publicó la sinopsis del libro previa a la venta:

Pobre mi lindo R'jaal!!!! Ay, que emoción, necesito ya.
Primeras impresiones de la lectura:

Odié con furia la mitad de la novela. Sufrí e insulté a los personajes.
Pero llegando al final, ocurren hechos para el arco general de la saga que me gustaron mucho. Esperaré ansiosa el próximo libro (de R'jaal porsupollo).

Te perdono, Ruby Dixon.
Profile Image for Amanda books_ergo_sum.
445 reviews60 followers
September 2, 2022
This is going to be super vague because I want to go full non-spoilery with this one…

But this is unironically my Favourite Book of the Year so far!!

This was peak Ruby Dixon. It was so funny, messy, sexy, horny, cheesy, adventurous, and exciting. It’s obvious that she had a blast writing this. And the ‘had a blast’ factor went directly from her brain into mine.

I am so attached to these characters��pick an organ, I would donate it to them. Flor was funny, playful, BA, and caring. And who she resonates to—is he my new favourite blue alien? I freaking loved them together! Yeah, he’s younger. Yes, he’s a virgin. But honestly all those trope-y elements faded to the background because THIS COMPATIBILITY. One of the best grumpy-sunshines I’ve ever read; she loved playing with words, he took everything super literally (aliens not understanding English slang gets me every time); they both had different kinds of mother-hen energy; she loved messing around, he was game for it; he loved being in charge, she loved running things from the sidelines… just. These two!!

And when’s the last time we had a resonance this batshit? This couple banged more in the first 40 pages than most fictional couples do over the whole book—heck, over multiple books 😆 We knew this story was going to be bonkers but everything about it was 100% Nuts.

Okay, I know. It’s the 17th book in a spin-off series of another 20+ book series. And no, you can’t read it as a standalone. But read it! If you haven’t started your Ruby Dixon journey, you need to get in on this!

Also, TATERS 🥳
Profile Image for dany.
675 reviews50 followers
September 1, 2022
Lo que necesitaba ayayayay🤠 repito, regresar al universo de Ruby Dixon y sus aliens azules de creo como 2 metros y medio, siempre es como regresar a casa. Ngl, desde principios de IceHome la idea de la pareja entre Flor y R’Jaal me daba repele, porque los creía algo similares a Bridget y su mate que sé como se llama pero no recuerdo cómo se escribe gg.. y predecibles pero de la forma aburrida, entonces cuando supe que era I’rec y estaba todo ese drama además con Tia, al instante fue de sign me tf up!!!! 🖖😚✌️😻 I’rec me ganó demostrando con palabras algo bizarras y acciones que Flor era para él, además a quién no le gusta un alíen obsesionado con que se sienten en su cara pls y uuuuh esa introducción a la nueva serie de los clones, me emociona. La razón por la cual no pude darle las 5 es porque me he dado cuenta que la falta de comunicación es una trope que he visto en los últimos libros pero creo que está muy presente en general, así que fue de ya thank u next. De ahí en fuera, IceHome necesitaba menear más el tapete y Miss Ruby con Niri no me decepcionó.
Profile Image for Joy Reading.
235 reviews13 followers
June 24, 2023
I absolutely loved it! I absolutely love them! And I absolutely love that we get more stories set up in the universe!
Profile Image for ⇝ b ⇝.
1,394 reviews64 followers
August 29, 2022
i would die for ruby dixon. ice home is my favorite and while i can’t hunt for shit and i’m as clumsy as veronica, i just might be willing to give up earth for not-hoth. irec got me fanning myself. AND RJAAL MANNNNN
Profile Image for Emma.
943 reviews12 followers
September 11, 2022
4.5 stars. TBH I dropped 1/2 a star as I was expecting more drama from Tia’s arrival. It got off to a cracking start and having the resonance at the beginning was such a nice change as I didn’t know were the book was going (all the others, you knew would end with resonance).

I am excited for the new series though. Lots of mysteries to solve on Not Hoth!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for k.
217 reviews
June 10, 2024
Bravely proclaiming that I unapologetically love these blue aliens.
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