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The Sacrificers

The Sacrificers, Vol. 1

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Tomorrow is a harmonious paradise thanks to five families who make everything perfect…for the price of one child per household. Now, as that bill comes due, a son expected to give everything for a family that never loved him and an affluent daughter determined to destroy utopia must unite to end one generation’s unnaturally protracted reign.

The first chapter of the new hit series by superstar creators RICK REMENDER and MAX FIUMARA!


187 pages, Kindle Edition

First published April 2, 2024

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About the author

Rick Remender

1,174 books1,346 followers
Rick Remender is an American comic book writer and artist who resides in Los Angeles, California. He is the writer/co-creator of many independent comic books like Black Science, Deadly Class, LOW, Fear Agent and Seven to Eternity. Previously, he wrote The Punisher, Uncanny X-Force, Captain America and Uncanny Avengers for Marvel Comics.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 56 reviews
Profile Image for Alexander Peterhans.
Author 2 books267 followers
September 9, 2024
A couple of thoughts.

1. Max Fiumara's art is uniformly excellent. The world and its inhabitants are designed beautifully.

2. Remender certainly knows how to tell a story. Good characters, good pacing.

3. The story itself is okay. It's a bit derivative. There are several stories that it more or less copies; the one it reminds me the most of is The Dark Crystal.

4. Remender explains that he won't be explaining anything. He mentions David Lynch as his favourite storyteller. Lynch is one of my favourites too. That Lynch doesn't explain much in his work, seems to me one of the lesser interesting things about him. Lots of storytellers do this, explaining too much is bad writing. To me Lynch is great because his storytelling is intuitive, he plows the furrows of the subconscious. That's why his work can be so affecting, it bypasses the rational, hits you right in your subconscious fears. I don't see any of that in this book, which isn't what Remender is trying to do of course, it just feels like he's taking the less interesting things from Lynch.

5. The title is terrible. It's clunky and kind of childish, especially for dark fantasy like this.

6. Remender is quite ruthless with his characters, but he's not cruel to them. That's important; characters die, but not so much for shock.

7. I hate letter pages. They never fail to be self-indulgent. I understand Remender wanting to communicate with his readers, but publishing that communication feels performative. It ends up being pages and pages of arselicking. (I am guessing these letter pages won't be in the trade, though.)

8. I have some questions about the setup (I know, they won't be explained). It feels like that's purely happening for storytelling purposes, and it' feels inconsistent with the world building.

9. Not bad, overall.

(Picked up a review copy through Edelweiss)
Profile Image for Drew Canole.
2,521 reviews13 followers
September 15, 2024
The opening issue reminded me of the first Conan movie! Kids getting hauled away over dangerous landscapes with the destination unknown. Eventually the scope of the story pulls back and we get to see the leaders of this land. The motivation for the leaders is a bit generic. Parts had me feeling like this is could be a demented Pixar movie (not a bad thing).

Pretty standard fantasy stuff throughout, but I enjoyed the world-building enough to continue with the series.

Also Max Fiumara the artist. I've read a few of his Hellboy universe comics, but this was a huge step up for him. Incredible work. I feel like the colorist Dave McCaig is a much better match for him with his vibrant colors than the somber palette of Hellboy
Profile Image for Valéria..
967 reviews34 followers
June 9, 2024
One of the best stuff Remender came up with. Extraordinary, worldbuilding is interesting and everything is even better when brought to life by Fiumara’s hand. Can’t wait to read more of this story.
Profile Image for Maia.
Author 28 books3,213 followers
June 27, 2024
The art is absolutely stunning, but the story is a bit too cruel and dark for me to really enjoy. This book takes the concept of the child sacrifice of Omelas and expands it out into a whole fantasy world, in which gods maintain their power through the consumption of innocents. The stunning color panel carried me though the first volume but I'm unlikely to pick up a second book.
Profile Image for Leanne.
189 reviews12 followers
April 24, 2024
This is a very interesting, if not completely original concept. What really makes this comic remarkable, however, is the absolutely STUNNING art of Max Fiumara and Dave McCaig. The character designs are gorgeous and really carried me through the whole book.
Profile Image for Emmy.
2,155 reviews50 followers
April 20, 2024
Bleak, depressing, and full of ugly characters (both inside and out). Not sure why I bothered finishing. I guess I kept hoping it would get better.
Profile Image for Sara.
1,121 reviews30 followers
May 20, 2024
Read more graphic novel reviews at The Graphic Library.

In a near utopia, the gods are about to come together for The Harvest Festival, which takes place only every twenty years. At that time, they demand a seemingly small price from the beings who enjoy the peace and prosperity of the world below. We follow Pigeon, one of those souls as he goes off to pay that price, not entirely certain what the gods will demand of him and the others who are with him. Within the castle of the gods is Soluna, young the daughter of the powerful sun and moon deities, who is eager to defy her father and eavesdrop on the business of the divine at her first Harvest Festival. However, she finds herself helplessly entwined in a much bigger power struggle between several gods and the souls from below.

This story is engrossing and emotional -- there are a couple of moments that will really tore my heart out, and I couldn't believe the cruelty or lack of compassion even though I knew it was coming. Remender lets the reader know that not everything is as it seems, but we still can't believe it when the shoe drops, and it's satisfying when everything starts to crumble around us. I found the animal-based characters to be beautifully imagined and the humanoid ones to be a little weird or haunting at times. Volume one leaves off in a decent cliffhanger, so I'm highly anticipating the long-off volume two.

The illustrations are beautifully colored and realized. I instantly felt myself whisked away to this fantasy world and unquestioningly part of this cast of characters, regardless of how fantastical some of them seemed. Fiumata has expertly crafted some wonderful characters and set them in a beautiful scene that makes me want to be part of this hauntingly stunning world.

Image rates this as Teen+, owing most likely to the violence and the suggested nudity of the moon goddess. This would be a great addition to most high school collections.

Sara's Rating: 10/10
Suitability Level: Grades 9-12
Profile Image for Rick Ray.
2,804 reviews15 followers
April 5, 2024
The Sacrificers is set in an intriguing dark sci-fi/fantasy world where the elite social classes live as gods amongst the peasants who make up their fiefs. The story follows Pigeon, a humble lad from a salt-of-the-earth working class family of birdlike humanoids who is offered up as the annual sacrifice for some unknown ritual. The story unfolds slowly at first, methodically building up the tension as to what Pidgeon's fate is to be. The tension is palpable in the first half of this volume, with the horrific truth behind the fate of the sacrificers being a significant gut punch. The story also follows the perspective of a spoiled, bratty princess named Soluna, who offers a much more exploratory view of the fantasy setting.

The world of The Sacrificers is just as imaginative as Remender's previous fantasy series, Seven to Eternity, though the worldbuilding is much more subdued. Remender defers a lot to artist Max Fiumara to flesh out the fantastical setting, though this might be a case where a bit more exposition would have helped to understand some of the secondary characters a bit more. There's a lot accomplished by Fiumara's alluring designs, though I do hope future issues spend some time developing the setting and secondary characters further. The colors by Dave McCaig are sublime as well, and Rus Wooton as the letterer is reliable as always.
Profile Image for Štěpán.
413 reviews34 followers
June 9, 2024
Rick Remender's fantasy comics from Image are my jam. I love the artists he chooses and what he does with them. Usually, there is some spin on the fantasy trope and it doesn't feel so generic, even though the tropes may be a little bit generic. He can subvert expectations and deliver a proper gut punch. And The Sacrificers are no exception from this. The story is intriguing, the setting is original and fantastic and the art is simply breathtaking. Max Fumiara is a beast. I will definitely get this book in Remender's large hardcover format, once it is finished because the first six issues were a good ride. One thing, which drags it a little bit down to me, is that we do not know much about the characters. Because of Remender's approach and inspiration in Lynch, which he says in the first issue, I think he shuffled some traditional story approaches to try something new. And so far, it works wonders.
Profile Image for Ryan T.
5 reviews
June 4, 2024
I breezed through this volume on Hoopla. The art, including the character design, is marvelous. Every character is extremely unique and well thought out. The story, while not so unique in its premise, seems to have been perfectly set up by this first volume. There are several characters, locations, and story arcs that could sprout from this very book. It's an impressive showing, in my opinion. All in all, if you have that extra library slot, I'd recommend giving The Sacrificers a solid shot. If you are the type to buy volumes outright, check out the amazing art - I'm sure most comic enthusiasts will be dazzled by it alone.
Profile Image for John Bryant.
177 reviews
April 11, 2024
Very interesting world building and the end of this volume seems to set up what the rest of the series will be. Very excited for the next volume which I feel will bring the world building from this volume properly into play.
Profile Image for Thom.
167 reviews3 followers
March 10, 2024
Note: I received access to read this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

The story thus far is brutal and depressing but it sets up some interesting story threads that I want to see followed up on in volume 2. The artwork is very good, particularly the character designs but dialogue leaves a little to be desired.
1,073 reviews4 followers
September 7, 2024
POPKulturowy Kociołek:
Rick Remender znany jest ze swoich mocnych, wciągających i prowokujących do myślenia historii. Teraz za sprawą wydawnictwa Lost in Time mamy okazję sprawdzić kolejne jego dzieło, którym jest seria Ofiarnicy. Jest to tytuł, który łączy w sobie elementy kilku gatunków, tworząc unikalny, mroczny świat pełen symboliki.

Rick Remender w Ofiarnicy tom 1 zabiera nas do fantazyjnego świata zwanego Jutro. Jest to kraina żyjąca w wielkiej harmonii, o którą dba pięć rodzin. Utrzymanie takiego porządku wymaga jednak naprawdę wielkiego poświęcenia. Każda z rodzin musi bowiem składać ofiarę, którą jest jedno z dzieci. Kiedy nadchodzi czas kolejnej zapłaty, dwójka młodych ludzi – syn, który ma zostać ofiarowany, oraz córka zamożnej rodziny – postanawiają przeciwstawić się temu porządkowi. Ich kruchy sojusz staje się iskrą buntu, który może zmienić oblicze świata i panujących w nim praw.

Remender znany jest z umiejętności tworzenia złożonych ciekawych światów, wielowymiarowych postaci, a także z budowania intensywnej atmosfery. Wszystko to można znaleźć w albumie Ofiarnicy tom 1, który mocno wciąga czytelnika już od pierwszych swoich kadrów. Zasługą tego jest nie tylko ciekawy pomysł na fabułę, ale również przemyślana narracja, w której nie brakuje momentów dramatycznych oraz wartkiej akcji.

Ofiarnicy to nie tylko widowiskowa dawka fantastyki, ale również głęboka refleksja nad naturą ofiary, poświęcenia i ludzkiej moralności. Remender stawia pytania o granice, do których jesteśmy w stanie się posunąć, aby chronić swoich bliskich, oraz o cenę, jaką jesteśmy gotowi zapłacić za przetrwanie. W opowieści tej można dostrzec echa mitów, religii oraz współczesnych problemów społecznych, co czyni ją niezwykle uniwersalną i ponadczasową....

Profile Image for Cornerofmadness.
1,819 reviews17 followers
September 19, 2024
I struggled to rate this one a 3.5 for me but I rounded down but maybe I shouldn't have. It's a grimdark setting and I've been losing my taste for this. The back cover is covered with accolades so it's a me thing I'm sure. I didn't find it beautiful. I didn't find the art that beautiful either, intriguing yes, beautiful, not really.

The titular Sacrificers are children so there's your content warning: child abuse, child sacrifice, kidnapping, gore.

Families of the realm have to give up a child, their Sacrificer to keep the gods happy. THe story opens with Pigeon (if he has a name I don't remember, but his race look like humanoid pigeons) being beat by his father the day before he's taken away for sacrifice and the point of view bounces between three main contingents, Pigeon, Soluna who is the daughter of the Sun and Moon gods and all pov of all the gods.

It is time for the yearly sacrifice which renews the gods and ensures a good year for the people. Pigeon is resigned to his fate, assuming he'll die. He meets another sacrificer, a young woman who believes in her role, relishes it and tries to assure the rest of them that it will be all right. Soluna on the other hand is entirely affluent and spoiled, saying often that she always gets what she wants.

And she forces that at the festival of the gods, putting her on a collision course with the sacrifices and what is really going on with the gods. It's creepy. I don't particularly like seeing young people gas lighted and harmed.

The story, however is well paced and well told. Would I read more? Well I got this from the library so if they had more then yes. If I had to buy it, then probably not.
Profile Image for Jonah.
63 reviews
May 8, 2024
This series caught my eye when it was first announced that a preview first issue would be released for free comic book day almost a year ago to the day. The art looked phenomenal and the concept, a world of peace held together by the sacrifice of a child from each family, felt very intriguing. Finally getting to sit down with the first volume, I can’t say I was disappointed, but it feels like just the beginning of a long adventure. Pros here are the incredible artwork and character design, as well as some interesting world building. Unfortunately in as few as six issues, I found myself confused over a few choices the characters made that seemed inconsistent with their established personalities. The concept is well delivered on so far and shows lots of promise, we can only wait to see if it will come to fruition.
Profile Image for Rahul Nadella.
519 reviews1 follower
May 12, 2024
I've always appreciated the way Remender goes about building the worlds in his stories. They always feel fully fleshed out, wildly unique, and populated with characters that make you want to care about what you're reading. The Sacrificers, while very deliberately paced, does not let down in that regard in the slightest, particularly when it comes to the character designs. I loved the way Fiumara drew the people who were made out of fire and Rokos was the standout. The art immediately let you know that this is an imposing, godlike and dutiful character and the conversation between him and his mistress hinted at so much more to come. The writing is engaging and intense. This book legitimately surprises me at least 3 times in the fifth issue, my well read mind making assumptions and predictions of where the story will go, that are proven dead wrong upon the page turn. Classic.
Profile Image for David Goldman.
267 reviews6 followers
June 16, 2024
This novel uses the Shirely Jackson the Lighthouse idea and expands on it with great worldThis novel uses Shirley Jackson the Lighthouse idea and expands on it with great world-building. Each family must give up one person as a sacrifice. They become a source of energy for society's "gods". The elixir maker tries to turn the t They become a source of energy for society's "gods." The elixir maker tries to turn the t They become a source of energy for society's "gods." The elixir maker tries to turn the tables but is stopped by a sacrifice who accidentally gets the main god's powers go beyond its idea.
36 reviews
May 24, 2024
Rick Reminded is in an elite class of modern comic writers that I will read anything non superhero from them. This volume showcases his strengths quite well. In this volume we have a story about a young pigeon who is offered as a sacrifice by his family. The revelations in the latter issues of what this sacrifice entails gives us hints of how morally bankrupt this society is and gives us an heroine and hero to root for. I loved the art by Max Fiumara and the color palate used by Dave MCaig both enhances the art and gives the book a nice vibrant look.
Profile Image for Charles-Louis.
95 reviews1 follower
August 19, 2024
Univers de fantasy franchement original, très sombre et oppressant, mais néanmoins fascinant. On sent la production value d’une grosse prod américaine dans le design, les « set pieces », les costumes, les décors, etc. C’est big and bold et ça fonctionne. Le récit se concentre toutefois sur l’humanité des personnages, ou leur manque de, pour nous raconter une tragédie grecque et mettre en place une confrontation entre des dieux tout puissants et les simples mortels qu’il gouverne et abusent. Captivant !
Profile Image for Chad Cunningham.
422 reviews5 followers
August 24, 2024
This is a 4 star review, but three of those stars are for the art. Max Fiumara and Dave McCaig's work on this title is stunning. The character designs and page composition are wonderful. I loved every panel of the art.

The story is good. The world building is good. The pacing was a little off for me. And I felt like the characters were hitting marks more than really being developed.

I read this on Hoopla, and it's a good Hoopla read. I will most likely check out the next volume. For the stunning artwork if nothing else. Damn, the art was great on this book.
2,789 reviews
September 2, 2024
When a pigeon boy is demanded as a sacrifice to keep gods young and energetic, he ultimately refuses.

This was an interesting set up and I definitely want to read more in the world. I like that it doesn't just tease that bad things might happen to the young group of sacrificers but also has them happen. It gives the story a sense of high stakes. The people on this world include bird people, orcas, just humans, and reptile people. It reminds me of The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas on a different world.
Profile Image for Gancu.
229 reviews4 followers
September 23, 2024
"Ofiarnicy" to mroczna opowieść fantasy, w której elity żyją jak bogowie, a chłopi składają im ofiary. Głównym bohaterem jest Gołąb, młody chłopak, który zostaje wybrany na ofiarę, choć nie zna swojego przeznaczenia. Historia stopniowo buduje napięcie, prowadząc do wstrząsającego ujawnienia prawdy o losie ofiar. Równolegle śledzimy Solunę, księżniczkę bogów, która wpada w konflikt podczas święta żniw. Komiks wyróżnia się pięknymi, mrocznymi ilustracjami Maxa Fiumary i doskonałą kolorystyką. To klimatyczna, emocjonalna opowieść o władzy, ofierze i tajemnicach.
Profile Image for Braulio Valenzuela.
204 reviews2 followers
May 11, 2024
Me gusta leer los primeros volúmenes de cualquier comic de Image porque me encuentro sorpresas.

En esta ocasión es una sorpresa muy positiva. La historia está muy bien escrita contando dos aventuras en paralelo que se cruzan de forma muy natural. Por otro lado, las ilustraciones son provocadoras y la violencia incómoda.

Los primeros 6 números son básicamente setup, pero leeré el segundo volumen para saber cómo avanza la historia.
Profile Image for Travis Duke.
1,030 reviews14 followers
May 11, 2024
Another amazing creative effort from Remender and team. This has a mythology feel and it really works with the storytelling from Remender. The writing is great and after a few issues the story really ramps up. I have patiently waited for this book and it did not disappoint.

The book follows a couple characters, opposite sides of a story. The poor vs rich is a way, but it is super creative with animal humanoids. The art is top tier 5 stars, just awesome.
Profile Image for Wolky.
26 reviews1 follower
June 6, 2024
The art is gorgeous. Incredible diversity of kinds of people and places, gods and forces!
The metaphors for class and labor are baked in, and the ways in which people cope and fail to cope through family and religion are cool. I'm worried the literalness of sipping the essence of these sacrifices to maintain the paradigm is a little too close to blood libel. Like the gods literally regain their youth. So that's uncomfy. Otherwise great stuff.
Profile Image for John Wojciechowski.
6 reviews1 follower
July 15, 2024
What a surprise! I read the entire volume in a single sitting. This is one of the best starts to a comic series that I’ve ever read. Remender and team have done something special here in both world-building and character development. The protagonists are instantly relatable and I couldn’t help but keep reading to find out their fate. More, please.
Profile Image for Ernesto.
256 reviews16 followers
July 18, 2024
MA-RA-VI-LLO-SO. Una vuelta de tuerca a Omelas de Ursula K. LeGuin en donde vemos cómo funciona el pacto y qué posibilidades tiene(n) la(s) criatura(s) para arrasar la ciudad y regar de sal los cimientos. Esto último es solo mi deseo, porque este el primer volumen y, como es de imaginar, termina en un hermoso cliffhanger. Pero vamos, que aquí va a haber hostias como motores de avión.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 56 reviews

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