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I needed someone to save me.
I found an alien alpha to breed me.

227 pages, Kindle Edition

Published May 7, 2024

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About the author

Loki Renard

235 books1,015 followers
Amazon Top 100, USA Today bestselling, and #1 bestselling author in multiple Amazon categories, Loki Renard writes sizzling hot, occasionally dark and twisted stories of dominance, submission and discipline.

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Displaying 1 - 29 of 29 reviews
Profile Image for Kate V.
1,557 reviews236 followers
June 5, 2024
3 smut-scale stars!

Alien dinos, breeding and spankings O MY!

Seriously though....

Not much though provoking elements in here. A male dominated alien society that sees their female human mates as submissives to their dominants...with or without their consent.

Profile Image for Angela.
309 reviews4 followers
August 13, 2024
I found this triggering and don’t really consider myself that sensitive. To be fair, I think it is categorized as a dark alien romance. It pulls some punches though and what was done to Lettie came off a little nightmarish to me. Couple laughs but needed a more balance.

Masochists would likely delight in this one. This series might he a little too heavy for my tolerance though. Keep in mind I am reading them out of order, maybe the experience is better if you start from the beginning.

I did like how the characters had flashbacks to their youth to show some of their early memories and childhoods. I feel like not enough romance books flashback to childhood memories and it was a good way to character build.

I liked what happened at the end, it was exciting and cool. It almost tempts me into reading the next book. I am on the fence.
Profile Image for Yeri (yeriwithaj_).
1,379 reviews75 followers
September 14, 2024
yeah, no.

The idea of this book was great. The execution? A fail.

The length of the books was a no for me.
The writing style, I tried to enjoy it but found myself skimming to get to the point, a no for me.
The characters, a no for me.
The use of primal, breeding, brat tamer, was poorly done.

This was just bad. I’m glad that the girlies that liked it liked it.
Profile Image for Imara219.
464 reviews16 followers
June 27, 2024
A good egg

Book had a lot of good tropes going for it:
😌 spanking
😌 breeding
😌 dominance
😌 good BJ scene
😌 filthy good breeding dirty talk 😝
😌 body betrayal
😌 dubcon
😌 thicker than a snicker FMC
😌 mine
😌 domestic discipline

"You're a bad girl, Lettie, but I'm going to make you good for me,"

What icked me from this being 5 stars egg laying (yeah, she popped out an egg) and lack of communication. It's long enough to have solid conversation and dialogue to help the readers see the romance. We didn't get that. We got a scene towards the end.

"Getting captured and having one's 😺 fu*ked is starting to be a rite of passage on this planet."

The ultimate message was very, "I am woman hear me roar." I like quiet mouse FMC stories. It's not a character flaw. Also, it's not a character flaw if the FMC enjoys being saved by an MMC. But even with the odd turn of events at the end. I'm intrigued by this universe.
Profile Image for Joni (livebythemoon7).
302 reviews7 followers
July 6, 2024
Dark Alien Romance with heavy triggers. Proceed with caution and check the warnings. I really enjoyed it. It was a fairly short book that I read in 1 sitting.

This book contains content not suitable for all readers.
Profile Image for エリン.
22 reviews
September 18, 2024
230 reviews4 followers
May 9, 2024
3.5 ⭐

PLOT: Lettie is a human, scouting an alien planet to find and save her missing captains. Her ship is on the verge of mutiny and restoring order is her main priority Shan is an alien warrior with a secret double life who finds and claims her, this is their story.

- This is a male dominant society. The men are crude and sexually aggressive and the women are being used for their wombs. This can be a lil "ick" at first BUT as we get to see how the characters think it gets less barf inducing. There are still parts where I rolled my eyes hard.
- there's no rape but there is dubious consent because Lettie doesn't really have a choice and is being affected by "pheromones" at first and Shan needs to follow an order.
- the plot is a lot! There's a bunch of stuff that happens but the whole book is like 10 chapters-ish chapters and it could have been longer to help the pacing plus the end gets WILD fast.
- SO MUCH SPANKING... I get it she was "naughty" like it just gets to be too much. If you like that whole alpha-punishing-her-with-love thing you'll love this.
- Lettie gets kind of annoying after a while.

🌶️ I KNOW you read for the smut and it's pretty good and really picks up towards the end.
Profile Image for Parker.
4 reviews
June 4, 2024
Book Review: Breed by Loki Renard


Today I'm going to talk about Breed by Loki Renard book review. It's a dark alien romance and I read it in one day. Spoiler alert: I loved it. Don't worry, there won't be other spoilers though.

Plot Overview

Lettie is a pirate from the Mare and this ship has had their two captains stolen by aliens, saurions, and Lettie is trying to keep the Mare from total riot by trying to go and save the girls from their captors. However, she's captured by Shan, an alien alpha. Lettie keeps trying to escape and continuing her plans of rescuing her captains, however, every time she does, she's captured back, punished, and bred.

Personal Opinion

Ugh, I loved it so much.

First of all, it's hot, with loads of spankings and BDSM, which, if you read my own books, you know it's my favorite. I love how Lettie is very relatable. She's plus-size and insecure about her body but she's badass and she's not the type of heroine who will sit and wait to be saved. She goes after what she wants and she's very smart and doesn't let anyone tell her the opposite.

Shan is caring, loyal, and protective. He's definitely not an asshole, which I love - because I hate when the MMC is an asshole to the FMC - and he always thinks about her well-being, even after she screwed up, which she does, several times.

There are some very hot dialogues. I highlighted so many passages. He's ruthless and doesn't hesitate to punish her when she deserves it but he's also so protective and has that "touch her and you die" type of vibe.

I wish there were more hot scenes. I learned from reading it that it was interconnected with the other books. I liked the other aliens that are mentioned, Wrath and Thorn, who are the mates of the female captains Lettie is trying to save. I think there should be more exploration of the other passengers of the Mare, as they seem crucial for the story - Lettie is always going on about how they're family but I don't even know their names and who they are. The worldbuilding is solid and there's loads of action.

Overall, I loved it so much, and I definitely want to read the other books.

Rating: 5/5

If you want to read more reviews, check https://phoenixparkerauthor.com/
Profile Image for Moldy Bread.
55 reviews
June 5, 2024
Yikes…All kinds of bad.

There’s a great deal of careless, thoughtless writing going on here. I used to like Renard’s work, but lately I can’t make it through more than a couple of chapters.

The following two passages just about sums up the quality and depth of this book (and some of her other more recent works as well):
“I am picked up and put over Shan’s shoulder. I feel his scaled shoulder pressing into my soft belly, the blood rushing to my head as I am carried what feels like down a deep and winding ramp.”

“I am guessing that I am being taken to Shan’s room. And I am also guessing that Shan’s room is underground, along with all the other outlaw saurians.”

The lack of contractions add an unnecessarily formal and stilted cadence to the narration and dialogue. It’s a big no-no, even in historical settings and especially in sci-fi or paranormal.

Also, I’m not sure why the author is no longer able to “show” feelings and actions. It’s all “I feel myself…”, “I hear myself…”, “I am starting to wonder…”
This sort of amateur writing leaves readers with half-a$$ed descriptions of thoughts, people and places we’ll struggle to visualize and will never connect with. And the awkward syntax just makes it confusing to read.

Instead of an interesting erotic tale, she’s created a straight-up unpleasant reading experience. I’m not exaggerating. The mistakes Renard is making are the kind every skilled writer tries to avoid when they’re working on a manuscript. They’re what every other fiction reference book tries to teach writers NOT to do.

What the heII happened to Loki Renard’s writing skills? Because they’re MIA. It’s disappointing, frustrating and appalling. She had so much potential.

She’s gone downhill fast. I know she can do better than what she’s been throwing at us. Quality over quantity would make a huge difference in the feedback she’s getting. I don’t understand why she’s not taking a bit more time to publish something worthwhile. Readers like me who know literature and want well-written work, aren’t going to stick around. I’m certainly not. I’ve unfollowed her and won’t download one of her books again. My time is valuable.

Good luck to you in your subpar-at-best writing career, Renard.
416 reviews1 follower
May 25, 2024
This was…pretty bad.

I almost DNF’d multiple times (and considering this is only 222 pages, that’s saying something).

The writing style feels extremely juvenile and inconsistent, and all of the characters are spineless doormats. I couldn’t figure out if this story was trying to be funny or serious, so it fell somewhere in between where nothing made sense.

The first few pages of the book felt so promising. The FMC claims to be a stealthy badass who was on a reconnaissance mission to rescue her abducted ship captains. Said captains had been filmed having sex with their alien captors and the FMC is full of contempt for their inability to resist the alien males. Approximately 2.4 seconds later she is discovered and captured, and 10 minutes later she’s whining like a 5 year old, apologizing for being a naughty girl, then taking alien cock like she was born to. This is followed by 100 pages of her whining some more about how she just wants to “escape back to her crew and have a happily ever after” (quite literally her words, page 60) and then nothing at all happens.

I came here for the breeding, and while that IS a huge part of the plot, believe me when I say that the rest of the story just isn’t with it.

There’s also plenty of non-con in case that’s your trigger, and at one point after being repeatedly SA’s the FMC says, “we do not make love that night.”

I read plenty of dark romances and have no issue with non-con when done right, but this whole book felt like the author was trying too hard to play into popular tropes and the result is that it’s just cringy, inconsistent, and poorly executed.

I would not recommend and I will not be reading any other books by this author.
Profile Image for Mom2three.
1,930 reviews14 followers
May 10, 2024
I love Ms. Renard and enjoy everything she writes so I'm not surprised I loved this one. It did take some twists I wasn't expecting, and that makes me more excited to read the next one. So, without giving away the plot, I can only tell you that Shan and Lettie are so perfect together. Their beginnings aren't conventional, and while she comes across as a bit of a brat I don't think that's how I'd categorize her. She's direct, literal, and determined. She puts everyone before herself, and acts out of a selflessness I can only admire. Her self worth may be lacking, but I don't believe those around her see her as she sees herself. This added a depth to her character that I really appreciated. Shan is a lot like Lettie, but he has brute strength to fall back on. I enjoyed reading a book that has main characters that aren't complete opposites. Their story is spicy and action-packed. There are moments of humor, some suspense, and twists. I can't forget the twists. It's also a quick read so it's perfect for a weekend or even an afternoon escape.
264 reviews3 followers
May 28, 2024
Alien Baby!

What I like about this book is that there is an actual alien hybrid birth and baby in this book the other two in the series had birth control and no pregnancies - What a bummer definitely a minus. This book had a dominant alpha and a likable heroine A++++. I hope the author makes more books about alien hybrids
Profile Image for LizKat.
603 reviews4 followers
August 14, 2024
I need to just give up on this author. She has such interesting covers that I find myself clicking and reading the blurb and thinking maybe it will be good. Thank goodness for KU! I can read, DNF, and happily return the book and move on.
This one was all sorts of blah. The writing was very off-putting as the author told us everything, forget showing, nope it's all tell.
Profile Image for Jay G.
162 reviews1 follower
September 9, 2024

The book was good. It was not what I expected at all though. The criticism I have is the FL practically losing all her back bone within the first 100 pages. There was spurts of it coming back but it was quickly dismissed by the ML. That may not be my cup of tea but, it could be yours. Overall the book was fine.
Profile Image for Ashley Marvel.
60 reviews
May 8, 2024
Another banger

Following this series for a while and I'm so interested in the next installment after that cliffhangerrrrrr.... very happy to see ppd talked about in this book as a lot of people can relate. Happy surprise to say the least.
Profile Image for DemetraP.
4,925 reviews
May 10, 2024
There were twists and turns. The outlaw leader tells Shan since Shan captured a human, he needs to breed her. Shan is a dinosaur alien. He spanks her when she disobey his orders.

They fall in love and have a baby.
1,351 reviews1 follower
June 24, 2024

Um... What? This was actually the oddest book I have read from Renard, and she has some pretty warped stories. I'm assuming there is another book coming in this series because this plot is definitely left hanging.
46 reviews
June 26, 2024
DNF at 33%

Dark? HAHAHA… no. It must be written for teenagers, or people who don’t appreciate good writing, because it’s jut NOT good. I love the genre, but dislike the way this author writes. I mean, I know it’s fiction, but this is too “fictional”. Like, eye-rolling lame.
June 29, 2024
There is a HEA!

For anyone that does not like to read books that have a cliffhanger, the couple get their HEA, the cliffhanger is more related to the development of the overall story!
222 reviews3 followers
May 13, 2024

I enjoyed the story but I hated the ending it seemed so rushed I hate when it is almost like a continuation 🙃
Profile Image for Cristi.
162 reviews
July 3, 2024
I didn’t get past the first few chapters; I wasn't intrigued enough to continue reading this book.
Profile Image for Madison.
57 reviews
July 14, 2024
Welp…that’s something I can never unread.
Dinosaurs? 🤔 Octopus; yes. Spiders; also yes. Literal shadows?; definitely yes. But dinosaurs??? Not for me.
Profile Image for Lindsey.
6 reviews
September 20, 2024
It’s a no for me dawg. The writing is just bad. FMC is annoying. I’m a fan of the genre and the story had potential… but the writing… ugh. Bad. I’m not quite sure how this got published.
Displaying 1 - 29 of 29 reviews

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