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184 pages, Paperback

First published July 4, 2022

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Kōcha Agasawa

21 books6 followers
Koucha Agasawa (Kōcha Agasawa, 阿賀沢 紅茶)

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 55 reviews
Profile Image for Jen (Finally changed her GR pic).
3,047 reviews27 followers
July 20, 2024
Oh my goodness, this was so cute! High school romance without all of the emotional drama. I mean, there IS some, but it isn't OTT and it's really cute and sweet how the two MCs, while being polar opposites, really LIKE one another. It's not just a physical attraction, they like the other's personality and respect on another. They aren't trying to change the other one to be more like them or to change themselves to be more like the other. They communicate and when they do, there may be slight misunderstandings, but no drama-filled misunderstanding that causes emotional pain and a breakup and pining.

The artwork fit for the slightly bubbly, silly feel of the story, but knew when to be serious too. It's so warm and fuzzy and relaxing, this might be my new go-to in order to decompress.

I can't think of anything that would lead me to say it's not good for middle grade readers to higher, but as always, the adult/s should vet as appropriate.

4, highly recommended, stars!

My thanks to NetGalley and VIZ Media LLC for an eARC of this book to read and review.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Mark.
2,313 reviews200 followers
May 8, 2024
Suzuki has enough energy for six people, but the object of her affection is the quiet and taciturn Tani. With surprising ease, the two end up attached, but establishing the relationship and maintaining it are two different things.

Between this, Blue Box, and Akane-banashi I might have to retire my position that Shonen Jump is the bane of my manga existence. I won’t be jumping for joy at whatever action stuff is coming, but this sort of thing is a hoot.

Suzuki continually includes Tani in her inane conversations because she’s showing (or attempting to) that she cares. And he actually recognizes that. And then they start going out in the first chapter. Now that’s progress!

Except, as the title suggests, they are very different people who happen to have an attraction. Now they get the joy of finding out how to navigate coupledom and the prying eyes of classmates. Mistakes are made, but fun is had and love shines through. What more do you want? The central premise of finding that balance between what you both like is really welcome.

Both our leads are pretty solid, though as the firecracker of the two, Suzuki leaves the biggest impact. She’s torn from the exact same cloth as Clara from Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun!, except with a dollop more common sense and boy problems.

Tani is quiet, but observant, and appears blunt but is really quite well aware of his own nature. Both of them are getting used to the idea of their mutual attraction, but even if Suzuki is front and centre, there’s lots of room for Tani.

Even with him being so quiet, the story wisely doesn’t limit this to Suzuki’s viewpoint. There is definitely a tendency in stories like this to leave the more stoic character behind while the manic one gets the focus. The split here isn’t even, but it’s better than other manga I’ve seen.

There’s an especially cute part at the end where Tani and one of Suzuki’s best friends start to get to know one another better and it pretty much nails that great feeling of two people sharing a joke and growing closer because of it.

Not that close, mind, as our leads are absolutely goofy for one another. Relationship-forward stories are always a bit of a treat and, while it remains to be seen how much gas is in this tank, there’s a lot left to be done here that makes me hopeful for a few solid volumes.

And the whole thing is remarkably wholesome; there’s a nice all-ages quality to it. Plus, it has a very noodle-y, cartoony art style that suits it just fine - Suzuki gets some ridiculous poses and actions - but also knows when to go in for the kill too.

Also, Tani has a cat called Tempura, so that’s an automatic win.

4 stars - I wouldn’t reach for this if I wanted something weighty, but it would definitely be on my list if I wanted something light that was also pretty darn good. Definitely coming back for more.
Profile Image for Jessica (Odd and Bookish).
611 reviews815 followers
May 16, 2024
I received a copy of this book for free for promotional purposes.

This was such a joy to read! This manga is seriously the cutest thing ever. I was dying over how adorable it was.

Like the title suggests, the main characters are opposites. Suzuki is outgoing and popular, while Tani is more reserved and keeps to himself. I loved seeing their relationship blossom. In particular, their first date was a standout. Their relationship also felt very relatable, especially when it comes navigating first relationships. I was glad the story did not have any unnecessary drama. It was straightforward and mainly focused on their developing relationship.

As for the art style, it complemented the story perfectly. It was fun, cute, and occasionally silly, just like the story.

Overall, if you are looking for a sweet manga that will bring a smile to your face, consider picking this one up! I can’t wait to continue their story.
Profile Image for Laura Grace.
1,718 reviews221 followers
May 11, 2024
"There's no 'right' way to do things that works for everyone. I was so obsessed with following somebody else's rules that I couldn't even hold a conversation. I wasn't even paying attention to the person right in front of me."

One of the best and most mature Shonen Jump romcoms I have ever read!

Deeply overjoyed to have this volume physically because I read it digitally before it was licensed and it was AMAZING! That definitely continues to be true with rereading this first volume!!

I know a huge part of why I love this series so much is that I find Suzuki VERY relatable! She and Tani both remind me of when my husband started dating and how I overthought EVERYTHING! I really wanted my then-boyfriend to feel he was doing things that were fun to him and talk about his interests too and it wasn't just me hogging the conversation. Like Tani, my husband really doesn't have much to say but is blunt and straightforward when he does.

On the flip side, this story is just so refreshing for a romcom! There is ZERO fan service and a down-to-earth feel where all the characters are relatable in some kind of way. Plus, they feel like fun high schoolers!

The art is a BLAST and is a lot of fun to read for that alone because Suzuki is a hoot! I never get enough of her expressions!

Overall, I would HIGHLY recommend checking out this new series! It's a great fun-filled romcom with a lot of heart! Will be preordering volume two as soon as I can!

"Expressing one's thoughts with words and understanding someone else's thoughts from their words…doing both perfectly is hard."
Profile Image for Sana.
1,292 reviews1,156 followers
August 15, 2024
'Are you two... ...whispering about me?'
'Where does that confidence come from?'

So I was expecting a cute but wholesome story from You and I Are Polar Opposites and that's exactly what I got. Also, it's hilarious which is always a bonus.

Suzuki is so damn energetic that it's hard not to find her antics constantly amusing enough to smile at. She is very obviously an extrovert but does also have some people pleasing tendencies that she's aware of so it's nice to see her struggle with her easygoing behavior sometimes and wanting to take a break. Love that Suzuki is sometimes drawn in an exaggerated cartoony style to properly convey her emotions because valid.

Meanwhile, Tani is as calm and quiet as an early morning breeze that nothing can faze him. Except ofc, Suzuki LOL (the way he ran away ashamed when Suzuki saw his search history aljflsd) but hey, in a good way. He is also pretty blunt which I always appreciate. Tani overanalyzing Suzuki calling him cute from every possible angle, though LOL. I'm glad we also get his POV and thoughts but he clearly has a hang-up about not knowing how to keep a conversation going so I'm hoping there will be a more even split in the future as he opens up more.

It's nice to see that both do actually like each other and it's very much got to do with their respective personalities. So when Suzuki suggests they walk home, Tani agrees pretty readily. Even better that it happens in the first chapter so this manga definitely hits the ground running.

This is a minor thing but I found it very cute that her family let her sleep in on a school day probably because even they knew she needed that after the day she'd had, heh.

My favorite chapter is easily when they go on a date starting from Suzuki having a whole meltdown over what to wear to both of them arriving way early and bumping into each other and that picture at the end had me rolling. Even though they had very different styles of consuming media, I loved that both of them learned something about the movie from each other.

Meanwhile, Suzuki's friends all gradually befriending a-very-clueless-as-to-why LOL Tani was so endearing to see. Taira being the hella confused one and dumping his issues on Suzuki and Tani both was both funny and sad. He really does have some messed up viewpoints about the world that apparently Suzuki and Tani are going to change, heh. Oh and pretty sure Gapacho's identity is very much going to be a running joke and I'm into it haha.
Profile Image for Tyler Mickelson.
157 reviews9 followers
April 7, 2024
My initial thought on this book was not very positive, the artwork was not spectacular and the story was a bit all over the place. However, after the first few chapters the story tightened up and the artwork became smoother.

It's not often that you read a romance manga where the main MCs get together in the first few chapters. Normally, we have several volumes of awkwardness to wade through before the characters finally realize their feelings for one another and then the series concludes.

This series focuses more on the opposites attract aspect and the process of learning about each other's idiosyncrasies, which is a breath of fresh air.

As I have Already stated I'm not a huge fan of the art style. It's a cross between call of the night and don't toy with me Miss Nagatoro but not nearly as polished. But as the series progresses I'm sure the artist will clean things up.
Profile Image for Maya.
206 reviews
April 1, 2024
Complete Review || man I really love this! It's so cute and heartwarming! I love reading such goofy characters and relationships that just feel so natural. I high key got jealous of them too lol. Also tani kun has some serious rizz
Profile Image for Dieuwertje.
30 reviews1 follower
September 24, 2024
DIT IS LEUK☹️ en heet ze nou Toyota…..????

anyways heel leuk, Geen misverstanden of miscommunicatie PRAISE THE LORD
Profile Image for BeckyisBookish.
1,156 reviews32 followers
June 29, 2024
Absolutely adored this! As much as lingo and styles change with teens, some things will always stay the same. This is the perfect cozy romance.
Profile Image for Luka.
324 reviews48 followers
March 2, 2024
Como siempre, lo primero es lo primero: la trama 👉🏻 𝚂𝚞𝚣𝚞𝚔𝚒 es una chica extrovertida e intensa, que se preocupa por la impresión que causa en los demás. 𝚃𝚊𝚗𝚒 es un chico calmado y tranquilo que se relaciona lo justo con los demás, pese a no tener problema en expresar lo que piensa. Lo mejor de todo es que se gustan y, al descubrirlo, se llevan una gran sorpresa, pero mayor sorpresa será para sus propios compañeros de clase y amigos 🫶🏻

Mi opinión👇🏻

☯️ Lo mejor sin duda son los protagonistas que, pese a ser tan diferentes, consiguen conectar genial. Y es que ya lo dicen: los polos opuestos se atraen 🧲 

☯️ Me encanta que se le de tanta importancia a la comunicación en la relación, a conocerse, escucharse, entender a la otra persona y, al mismo tiempo, valorarse a unx mismx 👍🏻

☯️ La narración es inocente, 𝘲𝘶𝘦 𝘯𝘰 𝘱𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘢, natural, con personajes cercanos y grandes dosis de humor 🤲🏻

💬 Y vosotrxs, ¿le habéis dado una oportunidad a esta obra manga? ¿Qué os ha parecido? ¡Os leo!👇🏻
Profile Image for Mary.
452 reviews21 followers
August 9, 2024
I'm a simple girl - if I see a panda on the cover, I read it 🐼

This was cute. Definitely over the top and silly, but it was easy to read and things happened fast. I didn't realize it was published through Shonen Jump.
Profile Image for Kelli.
1,223 reviews16 followers
July 10, 2024
This is SO CUTE!

I love an “opposites attract” story so much—it’s one of my favorite romance tropes. I find it to be a good blend of cute, humorous, and romantic. And, the first volume in this series certainly captures that trope well.

Here, we’re introduced to Miyu Suzuki—an outgoing, stylish, and bubbly young high school student who is friendly and likes to fit in. Suzuki is the polar opposite of her seat mate and crush—Yusuke Tani. He is quiet, level-headed, and not much concerned with what their classmates think. To Suzuki, he’s just so dreamy. But, can two people who are so different get along—let alone fall in love?

This is just such a sweet and charming little story. Suzuki is absolutely adorable and Tani is so unassuming yet attentive to her. I really appreciate their dynamic.

More, I just really appreciate a high school romance where the main characters actually feel and act like teenagers. There’s just so much joy in watching them grow up as they grow together. I find it to be really important that these series reflect their young audiences well. The curiosity, uncertainty, and discovery of youth is so intrinsic to the human experience of growing up.

Anyway, definitely recommend this series to any readers who enjoy a sweet, quirky high school romance or an “opposites attract” story to sink into~
Profile Image for The Book Dragon.
2,249 reviews33 followers
July 27, 2024
Suzuki is super extroverted, peppy, friendly, and has a high social IQ.
Tani is super introverted, quiet, blunt, and has difficulty conveying his true feelings in a way others can understand them.

Turns out they actually really like each other (despite being polar opposites, lol) and once Suzuki is honest about her feelings, the two of them start dating. (This all happens in chapter 1, btw)

I wasn't expecting it to be this fast paced. I was thinking there would be more of a slower burn, where she pined and they kept having slight misunderstandings, but grew closer over the span of a volume or two. Nope. But that's not necessarily a bad thing. So far the story is super cute, you actually root for the protagonists, their friends are super supportive, the drama is focused around them just being awkward, and the art matches the tone perfectly. Suzuki has twin buns on her head make her chibi look like a teddy bear, but they pop off her head when she gets excited. The author even managed to use Google search history in the cutest and funniest way possible. (The only wonky part was Taira's inner monologue.) So far, it's an A+
Profile Image for Total.
63 reviews
August 27, 2024
I'm on my 3rd re-read of this and it gets better each time. With a fun art style and a comedic spin on the typical 'opposites attract' trope, this manga appealed to me, even as a uni student with no patience for teenage shenanigans. The MC's relationship with each other and all their friendships were depicted with the silliness and exuberance that's typical of high school friendships. They poke fun at each other, they get into trouble, they get OUT of trouble, and they frequently embarrass each other in front of their crushes. There was no overwrought drama about bullying or gossiping or stealing anyone's boyfriend. It's about two people trying to understand each other, sometimes missing the mark, sometimes not, and the shenanigans they get into along the way. A cute read!! I'd recommend this to everyone.
Profile Image for K.
265 reviews
May 27, 2024
You and I Are Polar Opposites is a descriptively titled slice of life romcom featuring high school students. What makes this unique is the level of communication that actually occurs among the characters. Not only do they communicate with each other, they continue to exist as part of their peer group. The reader is not strung along for seemingly endless chapters while the couple to be pines at each other and then eventually the relationship is depicted as something that exists in a vacuum. This title manages to depict relationships as a living organism that requires work and a healthy environment, a wonderful trend in Reiwa era manga. (I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for my honest opinion.)
Profile Image for Ren.
704 reviews8 followers
June 20, 2024
This book was received as an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This might be one of the cutest series I've read in a while, and was definitely a phenomenal palette cleanser. I love both Suzuki and Tani, and they're such a good couple! Definitely one I'm going to be following, and I would highly recommend it if you're a fan of Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku, Vol. 1 or ホリミヤ 1, astonishingly wholesome.
Profile Image for Wafflepirates.
369 reviews17 followers
May 19, 2024
*Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for providing an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review*

Suzuki, a bubbly high schooler with a lot of friends, has fallen in love with Tani, the quiet loner that sits next to her. Their differences make her too nervous to confess until things come to a head one day, revealing that Tani also has a crush on Suzuki and the two start dating. This is a really cute and fun series, full of humor and great visuals. I really love when shojos take a humorous track, and this one balances romance and humor really well. Anyone who is a fan of Horimiya needs to check this series out, their setup and brand of humor are very similar.
Profile Image for Zephorah Dove.
156 reviews1 follower
June 2, 2024
It’s so rare for the MCs to get together in the first volume, but I loved that they did. This will open up so much space for cute dates and growth.

Thanks to NetGalley and Viz for the DRC! This was one of my most anticipated reads of 2024 and it didn’t disappoint. I think a reason why I enjoyed it so much was that both characters are self aware and willing to go for what they want, without worrying about others opinions. That paved the way for way less miscommunication and longing chapters. I really hope the upcoming volumes keep the same energy and that we can learn more about the MCs and their friends.
Profile Image for Tib.
741 reviews71 followers
May 3, 2024
This was not what I was expecting, but in a good way. I was expecting an awkward slowburn that took at least several volumes before any sort of confession, but that was not the case here and I kind of really enjoyed it? Suzui is such a little weirdo and I love her for that and I'm very excited to watch her grow and learn about what it really means to like someone and want to learn about their interests and share life together.
Profile Image for Kat.
1,363 reviews10 followers
May 11, 2024
okay this was absolutely charming and adorable!! for some reason I thought the series would be more about them slowly pining from afar/taking a while to get together, but we actually see them connect and begin dating nearly at the beginning! I was not expecting this art style, which was equal parts silly and cute. some of the facial expressions made me crack up! they are very sweet and wholesome together, can't wait to read the next volume.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Alexia.
198 reviews
May 19, 2024
This digital ARC was obtainable via NetGalley for an honest review.

Why was this so cute?? "You and I Are Polar Opposites" is about classmates Suzuki & Tani crushing on each other despite them having different interests and personalities. Suzuki is very loud and bubbly while Tani is quiet and blunt but somehow, they are super cute together. I think this manga does a good job of showing how communication is important when developing relationships.
Profile Image for ℂ ✧.
2,012 reviews
May 22, 2024
Una història d'amor d'institut força divertida en què les aparences enganyen i els protagonistes tenen una personalitat diametralment oposada, però en realitat tots dos són molt corquis i entranyables ♥ Per les recomanacions a xarxes me l'imaginava més graciós i original, així que m'ha decebut un pèl perquè en el primer volum ja descobrim els sentiments que tenen l'un per l'altre i ja comencen a sortir... No m'ha generat prou interès per llegir-ne més per ara, però ha estat entretingut.
Profile Image for Rick Brose.
1,010 reviews24 followers
June 18, 2024
You and I Are Polar Opposites is really cute. The art is great, and the characters have distinct personalities that play well off each other. The romantic elements are endearing. The comedic elements are actually funny. It is not the most original concept for a story, but it is well executed. I am invested in these two and their relationship, and it is fun to spend time with them. In the end, I can't ask for much more than that. I am excited to see what comes next.
Profile Image for marcia.
865 reviews30 followers
June 30, 2024
Solid first volume. While I'm a sucker for slow burn, I'm glad they get together early on because that's when the story actually gets interesting. It's all about navigating their relationship together and dealing with insecurities. It's funny, cute, and surprisingly thoughtful. Both leads are endearing and relatable. The art is too cutesy for my taste, but I like the story so much that I don't really care.
Profile Image for Rebecca.
3,797 reviews71 followers
May 9, 2024
This is the very definition of a light, low-key romance. Suzuki and Tani are immediately accepted as a couple with no nonsense, they work together to figure out their relationship, and there's a cat named Tempura. I don't love the art, but the characters are so wonderful that it barely even matters.
Profile Image for Kait W.
83 reviews22 followers
May 27, 2024
This was a hilariously cute start for a Shoujo romance series. I felt like I got a good grasp on the characterizations of each main character and it really captured that feeling of having a major crush. It was silly, the side characters haven’t been majorly developed so far but I see potential in them, and it was a very light read.
Profile Image for Megan.
6,107 reviews30 followers
June 14, 2024
This was actually surprisingly quite cute and I'm glad I gave it a shot. The opposites attract really came in to play here and it was nice seeing how much they seemed to genuinely like each other despite how little they had in common on the outside, and how they didn't let that stop them developing a relationship.
Profile Image for Erika.
2,560 reviews74 followers
July 16, 2023

Profile Image for Snail.
593 reviews1 follower
September 4, 2024
Cute! This simple and cheerful romcom made me smile. A nice way to unwind after a long day of work.

The art sometimes looked a little rushed, but there were plenty of really adorable and charming moments, too.

Art: ★★★★⭐︎
Plot: ★★★★⭐︎
Characters: ★★★★⭐︎
Displaying 1 - 30 of 55 reviews

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