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Gods and Monsters #3

The Dawn of the Cursed Queen

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Ask her, boy. Ask her what she begged the stars for and what lives now. Ask her what she ripped from the very heavens. And then ask her if she cares. The old blood runs through her veins. Nismera and her legions rule the realms as Samkiel’s power fills the sky. With him gone, she strives to solidify her spot on the throne, no matter the cost.

Dianna struggles beneath the weight of half-truths, lies, and deceptions. After overcoming what she thought was her hardest battle, she soon learns she is at risk of losing everything.

Samkiel strives to heal, but he has more on his plate than ever before. The Hand is dismantled, the realms are in turmoil, and the one person he can trust keeps him at arm’s length. Can the two work out their differences, or will they both fall to the blade of the Goddess of War?

The one true king returns, but is it the king or queen who shall rule them all?

797 pages, Kindle Edition

First published May 28, 2024

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About the author

Amber V. Nicole

6 books3,788 followers
Amber V Nicole is a dark fantasy writer with a touch of horror added into the mix. When she is not writing new and fantastic ways to devastate her readers she is probably playing video games or obsessing over anime. Amber loves morally gray characters with their flaws and all and is always dreaming of far off places with dragons, magic, and swords. She loves a good villain and plans to tell many stories showcasing them in the spotlight.
You can find Amber active the most on her Instagram.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,586 reviews
Profile Image for Clace .
727 reviews455 followers
July 2, 2024

“Perhaps it was truly a funny thing not to realize how broken or damaged you were until someone came along and picked up every single fractured piece and showed you how just being you was enough.”

It's amazing how Amber wrote three 800 paged books and all of them delivered. According to Amber, this is going to be a 7 book series but she is only contracted for five and all of them are going to be around 800 books (hopefully) despite the length, they are so easy to read and so fun because I honestly was savoring everything that I was getting and not once did I feel like I was bored. It was 800 pages but I wanted more. Amber is easily among my auto-buy authors because if there is one thing that she can nail it's writing good books.

The characters had their amazing moments as well. Diana and Samkiel for the first time were together for majority of the book and the development for them was spot on. The patience Samkiel has tbh (I want) because the way Dianna was so insecure??? I didn't like Vincent Idgaf if he was complex or not I just didn’t like it. Cameron was fun to read as well but I feel like Camila was the side character who stole the show because I loved her pov's. We were deprives of Niverra and Logan. Kaden and Isiah were really good antagonists.

The romance and the plot weaved so well together. The plot was mostly dealing with the after effects of book 2 and it was the build up for book 4 and in many cases this can prove to be very boring but it wasn't, I had the most fun with this one and I feel like the way the things were being set up was really well done. The romance was given more screen time and it also because a large chunk of it was dedicated to the character development, especially for Dianna and Samkiel who finally got the time to do so much together and the scenes were actually hot besides them Vincent and Camilla's romance was well done as well and I'm something between Isiah and Imogen 👀

Overall, it was a spectacular addition to the series (sorry for the messy review I had 5 minute to write it)
Sneaking Amber into Arya Starks list because why is my family still not together😭🙏🏻
Profile Image for SK.
486 reviews7,846 followers
June 2, 2024
While the first two books were plot driven, I found this one to be more character driven. It was super amazing in the first half but the second half had some issues for me. It's over 700 pages and it could have easily been 500 pages.

I really enjoyed the action sequences and multi pov. Samkiel, Dianna, Cameron, Camilla and Kaden made the story interesting. I understood how they perceived things and why they did certain things. For some so many pov can be very frustrating to read and that is fine but I personally ate it up 🤭 The world building has always been the author's strongest feat.

Samkiel and Dianna's chemistry has always been amazing. The banter and the delicious spice just makes the romance even greater. I love how patient and understanding Samkiel can be with her. Basically, all of the things that Dianna lacks. Whereas, she provides more of a hands-on approach to things. She is a fighter and protector. The two balance each other out beautifully and truly are the better half of each other 👀

Yet this book won't get a five star from me as there were some issues I found. The second half seemed to drag with fillers, especially with a spice overload. I don't mind the spice but it just became a repetitive pattern. Another thing that irked me was Dianna in the second half. She became so insecure and put up repetitive statements and questions to Samkiel, which imo is very unlike her. The amount of times Samkiel had to reassure her just annoyed me a tad. Like I get that relationships can be like that in reality but bestie chill, what else will a man do to prove you he loves ya?! 😭

The ending again caught me by surprise. I genuinely don't know where the story is heading but am excited to find out. The cliffhangers are so good for this series 🤌

SO EXCITED TO START THIS AHHHHH 🤩🤩🤩 Also, love that it has a recap 🥹🥹
Profile Image for Surajat Debbie.
171 reviews68 followers
June 1, 2024
5 silver light stars ⭐️

“Perhaps it was truly a funny thing not to realize how broken or damaged you were until someone came along and picked up every single fractured piece and showed you how just being you was enough.”

Dianna, you are ENOUGH. I’m afraid you are also the problem 😭. Guys, my initial instincts were right - Dianna remains problematic whilst our good God King Samkiel tries to stop her killing and burning everyone, including himself⤵️
“Get off of me!”
“Promise you won’t try to stab me.” 😂😭

This book was INSANE. Almost too good to put into words so let’s just do some snap opinions:

• Samkiel is still the most gorgeous, purest, perfect fantasy book husband and we don’t deserve him.

• Dianna is still the chaotic Ig’Morruthen we love. And we get to understand her more and more. Her love knows no bounds and I’m not going to judge her anymore for fiercely protecting what she holds close.

• Dianna and Samkiel together are MAGIC. It’s the love story of love stories. More than fated mates, more than anything ⤵️
“He had picked up the pieces, bit by jagged, broken bit, and put them back together. Somehow, he had healed them and made me whole. So even if my love was a dark, powerful, brutal thing, it was still just love.” 🥹😭

•We get new characters, the most amazing one being MISKA 🥹❤️ cannot wait to see how she’s brought into the family more in the next book.

• The developed relationship between Reggie and Dianna is something so precious. I love how Reggie’s character has evolved - he’s not just an emotionless fate anymore and you can see that he loves Dianna and even the jealous Samkiel hahah.

It’s an 800 page book with MULTIPLE POVs. It can feel annoying in the beginning but push through!! Those new POVs we get contribute so much to the story and I got used to it quite quickly.

Excited for book 4, I NEED a family reunion. Don’t know how much of this I can take 😢

Time to read how my problematic fav, Diana, messes everything up just for Samkiel to forgive and stick by her anyway 🙄
Profile Image for toointofiction.
264 reviews354 followers
September 6, 2024
“My akrai. My Dianna. My love.”

Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️

I still remember the day I randomly scrolled through NetGalley and I came across The Book of Azrael. I remember thinking: “Oh, that skull on the cover looks fun.” Then I read the title and the synopsis and I thought: “Oh, even more fun,” so I started reading it immediately, and I’ve been screaming in agony ever since. Obviously, I’m in love with this series.

To begin with, Amber Nicole sure knows how to keep us on our toes. The plot gets better and better with each book. Seriously, how is the story so good? I can’t get enough of it. I’ll need to be admitted if I don’t get book 4 soon. Also, the lore blows my mind the more the story progresses, and don’t even get me started on the plot twists and the devastating cliffhangers. I honestly think Amber Nicole wants to give us all a heart attack or at least drive us insane.

Moreover, I didn’t think I could love Dianna and Samkiel more than I already did, but I was proven wrong yet again. Firstly, nothing I say is enough to describe my love for Dianna. She’s such a complex and amazing character. Her morals are below minimum, she exclusively cares about her loved ones and no one else, and she’s basically a villain on the good guys’ side. She plays the role usually given to the dark and mysterious male love interest and she does it like a pro. She’s exactly what I look for in a female main character, which is why I love her so much and I’m dying to reach the end of her story.

Secondly, Samkiel is the heroic knight in shining golden armor, the one who would sacrifice himself for the greater good (and Dianna), and the king of our hearts. He protects his family as passionately as Dianna, he is righteous and good, a fair and just ruler, forgiving and understanding, and the greenest flag in literature. Seriously, the guy deserves a medal. He would go above and beyond to protect and care for Dianna and see it as the bare minimum. Do I even need to say more?

Furthermore, I particularly love the way Dianna and Samkiel’s relationship develops in this book. They are officially together now, and that would usually mean there’s very little if any development left for them especially when the couple is fated to be together. It’s as if it all comes naturally to them. It’s not that I hate naturally wholesome relationships in my romance books, I actually like them quite a bit but I do appreciate it more when the couple has to keep working on their relationship even after getting together. It feels more real. As in love as Dianna and Samkiel are with each other, there are still things they need to work on. They do so in such a realistic and emotional way, it was amazing seeing them learn how to be together.

In addition, Cameron was once again the highlight of the story. No matter what happens, his sarcasm remains as delightful as it has always been. I love him with my entire heart, and I love his friendship with Dianna even more. Unfortunately, I can’t say more about him or the rest of The Hand to avoid spoilers. They are adorable and menaces to society. Aside from Cameron, I also loved Vincent and Camilla’s storyline. It is as good as the last book promised and I can’t wait to get more of them. Besides, Vincent specifically has a lot to make up for still and I can’t wait to see how his redemption arc will develop in the next book. As for Camilla, she is perfect, loyal to Dianna in spite of everything, and she’s really setting Dumbass Vincent straight which he desperately needs.

Finally, as much as Amber Nicole (and everyone who has read this) tried to convince me, I just can’t bring myself to like Kaden. If I could punch that jerk in the face, I would. At the moment, I just don’t see myself forgiving him or forgetting about everything he’s done. His brother Isaiah, though, is very intriguing. 😙 I didn’t like him either at first but then I got to know him and now I’m kind of in love with him. It’s actually more of a reluctant crush at this point, I still need to see more from him. However, he’s done some pretty nice and considerate things about a character I really, really like, also he’s giving big dick energy and I’m super into it. I’m eager to see what kind of character development he’ll get and how his storyline will progress.

Oh, and as for Nismera, I hope Dianna rips her stupid little head off soon. That bitch is getting on my nerves.
Profile Image for Oz✿ (semi hiatus- dying at work).
108 reviews133 followers
August 6, 2024
3 ⭐️

I loved and rated 4 stars to both book 1 & 2, but this one draggeddddd on for me.
I don't think this book needed to be as long as it is..
There were so many filler chapters in it, it was killing me, it was just too much.

The first half was engaging but once it hit 50% it just slowed right down for me & I couldn't wait to just finish it already.

This authors world building is incredible, her writing style is amazing, her pacing is generally perfect & her plots are action packed with so much happening in terms of multiple different POV's (4-5 characters or so). Which is exactly what this series was.

I genuinely love reading her books (this series was bomb), but book 3 was unnecessarily long, 200 pages longer than book 2.. Like why?
I wouldn't have cared about the length, if the pacing was good.. But it was so off in this book, kinda frustrating - it felt like no matter how much I read, the story wasn't ending.

Dianna is one of my favourite FMC's but she drove me insane in book 3, her character was fkn annoying & hella childish.

Solid 3 stars, was hoping to be blown away with book 3 but it’s all good, I still enjoyed myself.
Profile Image for ⋆ ༻ Rue ༺⋆ .
50 reviews53 followers
July 19, 2024
Daddy- ahem sammy was so hot in this one and Diana was ngl annoying (so much for feminine rage, the only rage was me at her snobby attitude)

my slump was so bad that it took me almost two months to complete this lol but I liked it.
Profile Image for Laura (Hiatus).
42 reviews37 followers
July 8, 2024
“I didn’t worry for myself as darkness crept closer and my body slumped. My last thought was and always would be her. I feared for the world and what they’d unleashed.”

It took me exactly a month, but I did it! I finished this beast, and I loved every minute of it!! I was only reading so slow because I had my final exams but now, I am free. The world building and action sequences are clearly Ambers strongest points, and she did not hesitate to use them because this book though at times read like a filler successfully did its job by building up the things that happen at the end. Samkiel should be applauded for his patience because if it was anyone else, they would have left Diana and Diana?? she got on my nerves, but she made this book so much more enjoyable. I just wish we saw more of the gang and niverra and logan were missing for way too much. I loved the new point of views, and the romance was on spot!!


“Perhaps it was truly a funny thing not to realize how broken or damaged you were until someone came along and picked up every single fractured piece and showed you how just being you was enough.”
Profile Image for Marianna Moore.
235 reviews6,572 followers
June 1, 2024
6⭐️s. Sheer PERFECTION. Amber V. Nicole I am once again sending you my therapy bill because HOLY HELL! My mind is REELING!! This series truly just keeps getting better and better with each book and it is without a doubt one of my favorite series of all time. This world, these characters, hold such a special place in my heart, the emotional attachment probably isn’t healthy at this point and I don’t care. The chokehold Samkiel and Dianna have on me… I would quite literally protect them at all costs if given the chance.

This book was NONSTOP, to say it was an emotional rollercoaster would be an understatement. Even though this is the 3rd book in what’s going to be a 7 book series, it was the further thing from a filler book! The plot pacing was perfection and my eyes were simply glued to every last word. Ambers world building continues to amaze me and I can’t even begin to explain how obsessed I am with this magic system.

On to our morally grey fucking QUEEN who just keeps on serving, Dianna! I will bow down to her every day of the week. By far one of my favorite FMCs of all time. We really got to watch her grow and accept the love she deserves in this book and it made me sob on multiple occasions. But don’t let that fool you, her rage is still at an all time high and she’s more lethal than ever! Her character is undeniably flawed but it the best way possible. Every day is a constant battle between her to inner demon and humanity and boy does she put up a fight in this one. Her possessiveness over Samkiel is everything to me and I adore the way she protects him and will go to the end of the earth to track down anyone that can potentially hurt him.

Don’t even get me started on my baby Samkiel. This man. This man. MUST BE PROTECTED AT ALL COSTS. #2 book boyfriend and inching his way to that #1 spot. He is the standard. He has a heart of pure gold and is the light to Diannas dark. But even with the biggest heart this man is absolutely LETHAL, and will rid the earth of anyone who so much as looks at Dianna wrong or threatens the people he loves. And boy is it HOT. He is loyal, honest, trustworthy, communicative, and is unrelenting in the way he shows Dianna love and ALWAYS puts her first. Even when Dianna loses herself, he is always there to bring her back. I WOULD LITERALLY DIE FOR THESE TWO!!!!

I absolutely LOVED the new POVs and relationships we got in this book. You don’t just fall in love with the main characters, no, each side character is so well flushed out and adds so much value to the story that it’s impossible to not get emotionally attached to them as well. Camilla and Vincent were such a pleasant surprise, I absolutely ADORE them! As much as I hate Kaden and Isaiah, Amber KNOWS how to write a villain, and somehow managed to get me so invested in their stories despite them filling my body with rage. I love to hate them at this point. Don’t even get me started on The Hand, my heart hurts for them and my god are they going through it in this book, I’m so scared for what’s to come… but I cannot wait to see how their stories unfold because I just know we’re in for a wild wide with all of them.

I was in a constant state of “holy shit. what’s going on?! No no no no no. Giggling and kicking my feet. White knuckling my book. Heart falling out of my chest. Choking on my tears” the whole time I was reading and I wouldn’t have it any other way. The action and the battle scenes were perfect and made me feel like I was watching them through the characters eyes. THAT ENDING?!!! My mind is actually blown. I have so many questions!!! I simply don’t know how I can continue living my life as normal until this series is complete. For now I’ll settle with the gaping hole in my heart that no book will fill. But it’s fine. Everything’s fine.
May 7, 2024
“I love you," he whispered.
I smiled up at him, sliding my thumb along his lower lip as if I might touch those words as well as hear them.
"I love you," I said, and even to my own ears, they sounded like a vow.”

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️♾️/5
Angst/Tension: 🔥🔥🔥/5
Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️.75/5

What To Expect:
✔️Multiple first-person POVs
✔️Secrets and betrayals
✔️Dynamic and engrossing world-building
✔️An FMC that will cross any line for her man
✔️A MMC who is desperate to reclaim his throne

Somehow, someway, this book was even better than the first two. I will never, EVER, get enough of this series.


Fk The Consequences FMC

”Ask her what she begged the stars for and what lives now. Ask her what she ripped from the very heavens. And then ask her if she cares.”

Dianna is yet again showing that she will do anything and everything to protect her man and those she loves. She is taking no prisoners in her fight to find and save her family that were cruelly captured and enslaved at the end of book 2. At the start of book 3, Dianna doesn’t know the ramifications of what she’s done by bringing Samkiel back (other than the loss of her amata mark; a secret which she is keeping from Samkiel). She is teetering on a knife’s edge through this book and it’s not long before we learn why…
I literally couldn’t love Dianna more if I tried. She is raw, flawed, vicious, passionate, and rules from her heart and not the head. Our “red-eyed girl” isn’t afraid of being the bad guy if it means protecting those around her and I fucking adore that. Long live the queen 👀

Touch Her And I’ll Destroy You MMC

”I realized what we were dealing with. We had dared to touch her, and now there was no mercy in the creature I faced.”

Samkiel might’ve once been considered the goodie-goodie hero character… but for Dianna? He’s certainly happy to become morally grey and I absolutely love that. Our zappy boy is back but not entirely the same. But, he’s desperate to save his loved ones, his people, and reclaim his throne from Nismera and her cronies.
I won’t give anything major away other than saying that he will certainly go to the same lengths that Dianna does for him, for her. He might not be as unhinged as she is and has a lot more control over his emotional reactions, but he’d burn worlds for her… 👀

"Move your hand and give me what I want," he demanded, the silver swirl of his eyes pinning me in place.
“You’re spoiled." I moaned
He yanked me forward, crushing his lips to mine.
"Spoil me akrai, give me what I want,”

I don’t know how she does it, but I swear to GOD Amber writes the hottest spicy scenes I have ever read in my life. Samkiel is fkn FILTHY in the best way with his words and I am so in love with him 🤭

All The POVs
So many new POVs in this book and I’m so here for it! Camilla is one of my new favs 🥹 I cannot wait to see where her story goes! I actually love Isaiah so much as well despite him being another villain 🙈
I can’t really talk much about the other POVs though without giving things away 👀


I legitimately cannot wait to read this book. This is my most anticipated read of 2024. May 28th cannot come soon enough 🙈!!!!

I have so many questions, and I need to know that my babies Samkiel and Diana are ok 😩🥲🙏🏻🖤
Profile Image for Gry ☾ (Semi-Hiatus).
114 reviews176 followers
June 4, 2024
4 ★'s
This series continues to be one of my favorites.🖤 This book didn't give me that same wow-feeling the previous two books in this series gave however, but don't get me wrong I still loved it and am deeply attached to these characters.

For me this feels like an in-between book where there's a lot of building up for something to happen, but looking at this book in itself there was not much that pushed the storyline along.
It was a broader story in the sense that it introduced more perspectives, new characters as well as new worlds and I think this book set a very solid foundation for the upcoming book(s). I am extremely eager about the ending and setup for the next book.

Dianna did piss me off during a large part of this book though. She went from being my (one of my) favourite bad-ass fmc to just being a heap of insecurities in this book - which I do get to some extent, but also felt uncharacteristic of her.

Personally I had hoped for slightly more action and a bit less unnecessary relationship drama(see rant on Dianna above), but the more I get to experience of this world and Amber's writing the more I want, so countdown to book 4 anyone?
Planned to start this 2 days ago, but then I accidentally re-read the series and now I am even more eager to get into this.🤭 Amber no more pain for my babies tho? Please?
Profile Image for Poppyflowerjj.
255 reviews
July 1, 2024
4/ 5⭐

Amber V. Nicole's "The Dawn of the Cursed Queen" is an enthralling addition to the Gods & Monsters series. Clocking in at over 700 pages, it was too lengthy and could have been a tighter, more impactful read at around 450 pages.

The series excels in delivering elements of dark romance and romantasy crave—secrets, revenge, and intrigue woven into a narrative that keeps you hooked. The enemies-to-lovers trope is executed perfectly, adding depth and tension to the relationships, particularly with the morally grey heroine who steals the show. Oh, Dianna! We LOVE, love you!

Samkiel, the dream man, shines brightly in this installment, embodying the ideal blend of strength and vulnerability. The ending, once again, catches you by surprise, leaving you on the edge of your seat and eager for the next book.

However, a small gripe persists: the nickname SAMI still doesn't sit well.


Sweet baby Jesus - they better be the end game!!
Profile Image for Diana_1.
289 reviews
June 21, 2024
What was that? This book series just experienced the “blood and ash” curse, meaning it was the most horrible third book ever. Like what happened to a good plot? What happened to anything but the miscommunication plot? God and the multiple pov killed me. I just couldn’t read this. And this is coming from someone who absolutely adored the first book. I feel like the whole trajectory of the series was abandoned, trashed even. Why the unnecessary drama? I am so disappointed that I waited a whole entire year for this.
I felt like i was reading a bad soap opera where the characters suffered from a disease that made them undecided and a tiny bit bipolar.
Profile Image for Rayne.
381 reviews117 followers
June 1, 2024
This was clearly a filler book. There wasn’t a lot of progression for the plot. There was a lot more world building and laying foundation for what’s to come but I needed more from this book. It didn’t help that there were over ten POVs. It stunts the story with that many new story lines going on at once that honestly, I didn’t care for as much as I probably should. The parts that were good though, I really liked. This could have been a really good 400 page book but instead it was a boring 800 page book with not enough to keep me excited.

P.s. no one can make me like you Vincent.
Profile Image for Kaven Hirning.
Author 6 books2,607 followers
August 6, 2024

first of all…. I know where you live,
Amber. I’m seeing you at the end of the month Amber.
Cameron and Xavier better be on the beach sipping pina coladas and making love at midnight by then, Amber!!!!!

But seriously, the uptick in the writing. In the story. In the characters. In the plot.
I felt like I have lived a hundred lives through this book alone. I love being friends with geniuses.

I am adopting Reggie as my step dad!!!! Xoxoxoxo
Profile Image for Bailee Latham.
184 reviews1,268 followers
September 26, 2024
4.5 stars


Okay, so that ending was a lot. Let me get the last two brain cells left in my head after that and type this review.

NEARLY perfect. I do think the fact that it wasn’t for me is however my fault though because I waited so long to read this. Totally my fault.

I missed Dianna. Oh, and everyone else. Samkiel reeeeealllllyyyy stepped up his Godly mojo in this one and it had me side eyeing him like that meme of the guy holding this girlfriend’s hand and looking behind him at the other woman. Okkkkkay, World Ender, I see you.

Loved it. Terrified for the next book. Amber, be gentle with us.
Profile Image for Maddie Fisher.
201 reviews3,254 followers
June 19, 2024
3.5⭐️ rounded up

I went into this third installment looking for mainly one thing: Kaden's storyline. I am happy to say we get a lot of his background and character in this book, and then some. I really liked his POV and getting to see what the other characters in the new queen's (ahem King's) court are up to and how they are motivated. Camilla and Vincent are especially fun in this book.

Diana and Samkiel's story progresses in this book, but not by much. After the reveals in Throne of Broken Gods, their story definitely slows down, but you do get some great spice and romantic moments. I understand that Diana has severe trust and protective issues, and Samkiel needs certain assurances, but at this point, assuming they're endgame, I'm ready for their relationship struggles to resolve.

While I love this world and this story, some of my favorite reading is the found family, Samkiel's Court, and the unlikely allies and enemies they've encountered along the way. That said, if you're like me, you will miss some of the crew in this book. I think it's just the nature of this series being a planned seven books, that we won't get every character we know and love in each installment.

Overall, Amber has delivered some juicy and perfect moments here. And I was kicking and screaming and shouting at her in voice memo along the way, so I'm perfectly satisfied. But this one does rely heavily on the first two books and the promise of the rest of the series. On it's own, it is not as strong as the first two books.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Faiza.
213 reviews126 followers
June 2, 2024
have i actually thought a single book in this series was good? not really no. has that stopped me from reading every single one? also no.
Profile Image for Janvi .
71 reviews13 followers
July 29, 2024
This book was one of my top 3 most anticipated reads of 2024, and I'm happy to say it did not disappoint 🙏🏽 In my opinion, Amber V. Nicole is one of the best new romantasy authors. I love the way she writes her morally gray characters. I loved all the multiple POVs. And the battle scenes did not disappoint! I hope I don't have to wait too long for book 4 :((

My only two issues with this book are that it seems to have a lot of filler and that the love triangle isn't really a triangle anymore. Every other page has at least a paragraph of either Samkiel or Dianna talking about how much they love each other.


At the beginning of this book, Vincent hinted that Kaden and Dianna may be mates, which I thought would be a great twist to this series since Dianna and Samkiel could no longer share that title. But it was never brought up again. This is the third book in the series, and I'm not sure how she is going to keep dragging this supposed love triangle.
Profile Image for Emmy Rosam.
133 reviews5,870 followers
June 29, 2024
Oh my god ????? I feel sick. How am I meant to wait patiently for the next book
Profile Image for Aiste Tauras.
45 reviews69 followers
August 8, 2024
Sėdžiu ir negaliu pajudėt, bandau suvirškint viską ką perskaičiau.😶😶😶

Šita dalis!!! Kaip ir tikėjaus, buvo wow. Buvo visko. Ir dar daugiau.


Čia tiek sluoksnių, tiek veikėjuose, tiek siužete, aplamai visa istorija… Aš taip esu įsimylėjus visus veikėjus, kas atrodo beveik neįmanoma 😁

Atrodo net Samkiel su Kaden negalėčiau išskirt 😆
Netikėjau, bet tas multiple POV šitoj istorijoj yra genialus dalykas.

Laukiamiausia knyga / tęsinys 2025 metais 😫😫

Profile Image for Erica.
528 reviews808 followers
May 5, 2024
Ok well I was up way too late absolutely devouring this. I literally could not put it down! Just nonstop action, very on brand angst between Dianna & Samkiel, so much spice, and did I mention non stop action?? Like I was genuinely blown away by this book.

Amber truly excels at balancing the action, tension, and spice between all of our characters. I also really love how unique the world building is in this series. Both of our main characters are morally grey and thousands of years old (although Dianna is def more morally grey than Samkiel haha).

And that ending?? Had me screaming into my pillow at 2am!

I don’t want to spoil anything, but if you haven’t read this series yet, I highly recommend it. It’s everything I want a romantasy to be 😮‍💨

*I received an arc from the publisher in exchange for my honest review*
Profile Image for Samantha.
163 reviews638 followers
July 31, 2024
This series is epic & I love how the world & characters really expanded in this book. We got to understand the Villians more & I think that is something the author does so well! Will they all still be villians by the end of the series???
There was some really beautiful moments between Dianna + Samkiel & the spice was ❤️‍🔥

I listened to the audio for the first time & absolutely loved the narration!

I can’t wait to see where this series goes as it feels like it still has so much left to go, it honestly feels like it’s just getting started!

Overall a 4.5 ⭐️ 3🌶️
Profile Image for Booksblabbering || Cait❣️.
1,220 reviews330 followers
May 20, 2024
The World Ender is dead, and The Hand of Rashearim now walks around blindly, listening to every demand of Nismera who ruthlessly reigns over the realms.
Only, Samkiel isn’t dead and Dianna can’t let anyone know she has brought him back from the dead. Not even Samkiel as she struggles to find the right time as he slowly heals.

There is a lot of POVs in this one which gives you such a sprawling look from so many different places and characters on both sides of ‘good’ and ‘evil’.
How can you start to feel sorry for the bad guys?!!!! Nooooo!

”Since I have a pussy, they prefer queen, but we all know in our world the title of king holds more power."

Dianna is stubborn. Hard-headed. Strong-willed. She is chaos, Samkiel is order. Their souls are literally made for each other. This is the epitome of touch them and you die.

Perhaps it was truly a funny thing not to realize how broken or damaged you were until someone came along and picked up every single fractured piece and showed you how just being you was enough.

It felt like a lot happened but nothing major really did? Like nothing that seriously advanced the plot from where we were left at book two. However, whilst being a filler book to set things up, it really didn’t feel like it. Action, emotions, a lot of spice (I skipped them but there were A LOT)…

Overall, another heart-gripping romantasy from Amber! Heavy emphasis on the romance (and physicality) for this one!

Thank you to Headline for providing the arc in exchange for a review!

Profile Image for ✨Vellichor Reads✨.
70 reviews65 followers
June 24, 2024
Wow, ummm, what was that?

Rating ⭐⭐
Spice 🌶️🌶️🌶️.5

✨ Badass Women
✨ Plot Twists Galore
✨ Multiple POVs
✨ My heart hurts
✨ Fated Mates
✨ Secrets upon secrets
✨ Gods and Monsters
✨ Enemies to Lovers

I am really confused. I would like to preface this by saying that I LOVED the first book in this series - it was AMAZING, which is why now on book three, I'm so confused about what happened.

"Secrets have buried rulers faster than any blade"

It felt like we were watching the same story unfold and the same conflicts that we thought had already been resolved continue to happen again and again for no apparent reason. Seeing how Dianna was acting was difficult to get through and I found myself skimming pages. I felt like this book was a complete assassination of her character and any growth she had shown in past books and it was 600 pages of pain.

"Your lies and secrets will tear us apart far quicker than any force in this world or the next, Dianna"

Another thing I don't understand is how Samkiel can be so good and understanding and literally the perfect book boyfriend. With everything that Dianna continually puts him through, he deserves better. Things do not get better with her until the 70 percent mark, and in a nearly 600 page book, I find that pretty unacceptable.

Some positives were, as the last book, the side characters. Ordinarily so many changing POV's would be aggravating, but in this book it helped to move the focus off of Dianna. There was another enemies to lovers couple that developed in this book and I was eating that up, and I loved seeing how Cameron was adjusting to things in this book. Kadens POVs were also interesting.

Also, I thought this was supposed to be the last in the series, but it's not. It ended on another cliffhanger. So really, I was put through all of that and it was just filler. Nothing all that big really happened. *rips out hair in frustration*

Overall really confused and sad because I remember how this series started and it hurts.
Profile Image for Halcyon.
350 reviews64 followers
June 12, 2024
'The sky no longer held the shimmers of silver. There was nothing but pure open sky, the stars flickering and flashing in celebration of the return of hope and the one true king.'

The Dawn of The Cursed Queen is the third book of a series that has been an experience of its own. A devastating romance, prophesized and feared by the fates, of a disastrous and messed up heroine with strength that could rattle the stars ( ahem, I did that) and a man who's power unto himself.
Did it all make sense? No.
Were there so many things that were just sprung out of nowhere, why yes.
Were my beloved characters given the love and peace that they deserved, absolutely not. Yet, I was still mesmerized by the world and the people, still feeling everything alongside them and damn, I wish it were longer.

I've been trying to put into words everything I felt after I read the last word, after closing the book and just heaving a dramatically long sigh, uttering a simple 'why?'.
Why do you have to put me in so much agony while I wait for the next book? While I wait for all my family to be together again and just find peace finally?!

The stakes are higher, everything more complex and still so much that we do not know. The book started where it left off; Diana and Samkiel on a planet far, far away while he's presumed to be dead. The Hand is separated and not in control of their minds (a desperate petition to leave Cam and Xavi be. Just bring them back together) and it's so heartwrenching to watch as they struggle to find that shred of their selves, and there's a war brewing for which no one's prepared.

As he neared, a familiar swirling mass of dark mist engulfed his form, and I lost my breath, too. Her piercing red eyes stared as if she could see into my soul.
I know that name! I know her! My friend. Our friend. Our queen.
“Are you in there, buddy?” Her words filled the dark, empty expanse of my mind, echoing through my memories.
“Yes!” I screamed. I yelled. I fought, but my mouth did not move. My legs, arms, and body remained still and motionless.

I always knew Unir was going to be a pain in the ass, I just didn't know how but the reveals at the end had me wishing that I was reading a finished series because this is honestly just painful. Characters were introduced - loved and lost, most especially Miska, who I just want to protect from the world because I was her years ago and it's jarring to feel it through someone else.
(However, I couldn't bring myself to care for Vincent and wish he was dead instead of that possible redemption arc and happily-ever-after waiting for him, nor the multiple POVs that seemed unnecessary because knowing what's going on in Nismera's head just made her less scarier. Where's my terrifying, chills-down-my-spine villainous moment?)

The second book remains to be my favorite but I'm going to slowly move through life as I wait for the next book to drop. Bye.
Profile Image for Christi (christireadsalot).
2,312 reviews930 followers
May 3, 2024
“I would burn the world for you,” I whispered, meaning every godsdamn word.

Ok but wait, THAT ENDING!?!? Ahhhh, I know it’s too soon to say this, but I need book 4, like right now. 😂

The Gods and Monsters series has been my obsession this year and I just can’t get enough of Dianna, Samkiel, and the entire crew we’ve met! I love this fantasy series so much, it’s top tier world building, high adventure, high stakes, and just so addictive. The morally grey, villainous, bloodthirsty characters are everything and the romance is perfection too. This series you definitely need to read in order so I can’t say too much about book 3 without giving things away, so go read this series!

“He is order. She is chaos. One cannot exist without the other…”

I will say this book went a lot differently than I thought it would, it surprised me in the best way, and had sooo many POVs. 👀 Being the 3rd book in what is to become a long series, this book does fill in more and push the story forward without feeling like we are in despair or heartbreak if that makes sense. We get some things figured out/resolved from the previous book’s ending, but also we still have a lot to touch on in future books still and learned a lot more here too! Purposefully keeping it vague. 😂

I received an ARC, all thoughts in this review are my own! The Dawn of the Cursed Queen is out May 28, 2024.
Profile Image for Sarah.
1,186 reviews9 followers
August 16, 2024
This has become such a chore to read. It's just so long...............💀
Profile Image for Pia.
266 reviews114 followers
May 24, 2024
Rating: 4.75✨
Spice: 3.25🌶️

Thank you to the author & Rose & Star Publishing for the eARC opportunity. Like always, this review is voluntary & honest.

The first thing I want to start off with saying is that THIS BOOK HAD ME FEELING ALL DIFFERENT TYPES & LEVELS OF EMOTION. A full on emotional rollercoaster. I was kicking my feet in the air & giggling one moment but then I was ready to start throwing kicks & fists around the next. When I tell you I would follow Dianna & Samkiel to the very end, I MEAN IT. Give me a chance to somersault into the book & story & I would protect them both at ALL COSTS.

Let’s start off with the Queen I would bow down to for the rest of my days, Dianna. Dianna in this book was one that struggled between doing what she thought was best, regardless of the consequences, while also attempting not to hurt those she loves & holds close to her heart. Dianna is a character who never knew how much she longed for love & a home, & yet now she loves in such a raw & passionate way. Her character is flawed in the most beautiful of ways, her heart is one with thorns surrounding it, protecting it, but she will grant safe passage for those she loves to keep them safe & sound in that heart of hers that loves deeply.

Samkiel, the love of my life & the most perfect soul mate for the Queen. The way Samkiel is the sunshine everyone needs in their life, but also the most powerful & intimidating being in this world. He is loyalty & devotion incarnate. He is kind & just, but he is Dianna’s mate first & foremost. He prioritizes & loves her so deeply, in all the ways she deserves. But he is the leader his family & his people need. It is surprising how some people would underestimate him based on his kindness & just nature, when he can obliterate anything & anyone in his path. A king through & through.

I loved seeing the way Amber developed the characters & relationships in this book, giving us a peek into the minds & feelings in each of the different POVs. There wasn’t a moment where a POV felt unnecessary, all of them were equally essential to the story & had me fully hooked. I loved being able to see the side characters I hold close to my heart again, all members of The Hand. Cameron (my baby), Logan, Neverra, Xavier & Imogen, all of them deserve the world. Other side characters we were introduced to a bit more, becoming hooked on their own stories as well. I’m so ready to see how their stories continue to unfold.

The events that occurred in this book had me screaming off the rooftops & the ending had me repeating “WHAT IS GOING ON” over & over. But I do know that my heart, the anxiety it felt throughout this whole book aside, continues to hold this story & its characters deeply within it. This book & series as a whole is absolutely incredible. I absolutely, 100%, recommend reading this! 💚
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