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The Alpha Part Three

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Seth finally has something to hope for.

Something to live for.

Something to fight for.

Desie, Ben, and Michael are all he's ever needed and he isn't going to allow anyone or anything to threaten his pack or the life they've created together.

But their world is filled with many threats and uncertainties, and every one of them could destroy the hope they've fought so hard for.

243 pages, Kindle Edition

Published June 17, 2024

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About the author

Avanne Michaels

8 books100 followers
I never know what to tell people about myself. I live at home with my handsome bearded half, my brats, and my zoo.

The characters in my stories are very vocal and demanding. They have no problem keeping me up at night until their lives are properly displayed on paper.

I write about everything from alphas to vampires to hockey players, and everything in between. Welcome to chaos!

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Displaying 1 - 19 of 19 reviews
September 8, 2024
I absolutely LOVED this book! Seth has been juggling with becoming a family with his new pack. Adding a new addition to the family, I think, has brought him more meaning. With a new spoiler at the end..... who knows how the next book will look. I'm really excited for this series.

And...... please, more Brandon!! He is such a cute kid and is already showing Alpha material. I hope he and Iris get at least a book(PLEASE 🥰🥰🥰)
Profile Image for Mel B..
412 reviews15 followers
July 2, 2024
Just…not her best…

First off, let me start by saying I ADORE Avanne Michaels, and her The Beta Series (Talia’s story) is the “Omegaverse series” I held all other Omegaverse books up to for a very long time…so much so that - when I heard she was writing Seth’s story I wasn’t exactly thrilled, but knowing that Talia and the gang WOULD be included made me excited. Suffice to say I was disappointed.

OPINIONS on books 1-3:

THESE are important in my opinion to better understand why I gave The Alpha Part Three only 2 stars, I debated 3, but in the end couldn’t

OPINIONS & Spoilers somewhat::

THE ALPHA: Part One. I thought the beginning of The Alpha Part One was good but ONLY because Seth’s life was so entwined With Talia’s Pack. And the beginning of book one had Seth spending a lot of time with Talia and it was heartwarming to see how their relationship moved on and how much he ADORED HER AND HER KIDS! And Corso and Talia had truly helped to make/change Seth into a much better person. But then when the story started just being about Seth meeting his Omega Desiree and her two established (weaker) alphas the book just went to the pits for me.

Despite liking Seth better in “his books” I still just found him to be an inferior Alpha! He’s supposed to be THE LEAD ALPHA because Ben and Michael (the Alpha Twins) of Desiree’s aren’t strong enough to claim her PLUS the stupid rule on the West Coast is that you need 3 Alphas to form a pack to have an Omega! Ben Michael Desiree and another of their great friends grew up together all intending to pack up one day, but he (their third Alpha) was killed and Desiree’s family was about to “sell her off” to a stronger pack because they didn’t quite approve of Ben and Michael. A scheme is hatched on the fly by the twins to tell everyone Seth (who is a visiting representative from the East Coast Council - and important because he’s so close to Talia’s pack now) to “pretend” to pack up with Ben, Michael and Desiree…until it becomes clear that Desiree WANTS Seth and Ben & Michael like and respect him. Here’s where this poly RH relationship took a twisted “didn’t work for me,” turn. Seth has been groomed these years by the best Alpha there is. Corso! There isn’t a doubt that Corso is pretty much THE BEST! And yet in book One of The Alpha Seth (who is on a diplomatic mission and being set up to relieve Corso of the council chair he has been holding for him) is just…he’s just unimpressive! He may no longer be a r*ping, torturing, evil a-hole puppet Alpha, and he may have learned some diplomacy from Corso and has had his heart healed a bit by Talia’s forgiving nature…but he just still comes off weak to me. Avanne Michaels writes him waaay too whiny, unsure, self-deprecating, UNWORTHY…unsure…basically everything a LEAD ALPHA SHOULD BE…he isn’t! And yet somehow he becomes Desiree’s third Aloha her always and she loves him. I think worst of all is that she has bigger b-a-lls then he does. Honestly. She’s sassy, feisty tough and she is CONSTANTLY STANDING UP FOR HIM while he withers away saying no no they’re all right, I’m awful. I’m unworthy! I like that Avanne Michaels writes strong FMC (but 1. No one will ever in my book compare to Talia and 2. This series was called THE ALPHA SERIES not the Omega is more of an Alpha than her Alpha, series). Sooo Seth discovers bad stuff is happening on the West Coast- and yay- hope for the reader- the Rogue storyline from Talia’s books continues in The Alpha books - so Seth catches wind of stuff…but is he strong enough or mentally stable enough to deal with it, or even help his Omega through her heat, uh no…he has to call Talia and her guys to come to the West Coast while she’s wildly pregnant with Corso’s child to help figure out the continuing rogue mess!!

Now I was actually HAPPY HE CALLED THEM BECAUSE HONESTLY THE ONLY TIME THE ALPHA BOOKS WERE ANY GOOD WERE WHEN TALIA, HER GUYS AHD AMAZINGLY AWESOME TRIPLETS WERE INVOLVED! So they all come to the west coast rent a massive place and set about helping Seth figure out what’s happening and just how horribly corrupt the West Coast Council is (much like the East Coast Council was) but still East Coast is a lot more put together than the WC is!


THE ALPHA: Part Two - The Alpha Part two is in my humble opinion the best of the three because it features SO MUCH TALIA AND HER FAMILY. Frankly Desiree might be feisty and smart, she’s an Omega obstetrics nurse, but she’s a plain spoiled debutante Omega, who unlike Talia (who fought for everything she was given and went through so much and survived it all saving herself almost every single time) Desiree is pretty much an annoying “Damsel in distress.” Yes, she sticks up for Seth (she’s supposed to HES her Lead Alpha) but other than having a very “biting tongue” she doesn’t DO ANYTHING, she’s pretty useless! She WANTS TO BE PACKED UP WITH BEN, MICHAEL then SETH, have a zillion babies, and be taken care of much like the guys pampered Jasper in The Beta in the beginning. I find her rather annoying actually. And her sharp tongue and constant “talking for Seth” just seems to showcase how weak he is of a LEAD ALPHA. He just seems soooo insignificant next to Talia’s Alphas, even Devon who I honestly didn’t really like until (book two) of The Alpha because I could see(fast forward) how much he REALLY LOVED TALIA and adored their triplets!! And that he loved Talia as much as Jasper, that she was no longer 2nd like he treated her throughout her series! She always came in last in his opinion, even when he warmed to her he treated Jasper like a gem and Talia like something he HAD to deal with to keep Jasper. It made me really dislike him. Back To The Alpha part two. Talia and co. come you get GREAT SCENES WITH TALIA’S alphas AND Seth taking the kids sightseeing, and showing how much the triplets love “uncle Seth.” I love Talia in book two even insanely heavily pregnant with Corso’s child. She’s still “fighting and feisty” and she questions Desiree and seems even stronger than her even pregnant and tiny and it’s not even HER STORY ANYMORE! Well all this stuff happens. Both Seth’s new pack & Talia and her pack uncover the corruption and rogues plan. It gets really good! Like really good, I began to have hope for Seth his kinda well (wimpy pack imho) and their relationship with Talia and her pack - I was dreaming of future stories that included lots more Talia…she’s just, without Talia I don’t think Avanne Michaels would’ve had nearly the success that she did. — SPOILER- SOMETHING MAJOR OCCURS AT THE VERY END OF THE ALPHA BOOK TWO that is a great but awful cliffhanger and made me wildly impatient for this offering The Alpha Book Three!!

I purchased immediately!! I didn’t even wait to read it free first because I wanted it in my collection that much!!

And so here we are… a sad 2 star review from again. Again please do not think I don’t love love Avanne Michaels, maybe she just relates better to Talia and Jasper or perhaps she got tired of Seth’s story I don’t know… but book three was terribly rushed. EVERYTHING was terribly rushed! The rogue issue with a few exceptions is cleared up!! Talia has 🌟🌟SPOILERS🌟🌟 a beautiful healthy boy named Lucca with Corso. Iris her 4 year old sensitive girl HAS FOUND HER PACK AT FOUR! Now I’m sure she’ll write about it in the future but there were too many loose ends regarding Iris and Brandon, and who just says hey you’re going to be an alpha you’re clearly our 4 yr olds Alpha…just come live with us and train to protect her. It was just tied up sooooo quickly…I’m sure (at least there had better be more books in this universe there is still too much left to be uncovered) but until then (probably another 2-4 years like last time) were left with this neatly tied in a bow HEA where Seth, Ben, Michael and a Desiree basically live with Talia and her family now!! Everyone’s happy! Seth has a family! His mom who had allowed his father to do unspeakable things to him is back snd now that bio dad is dead she’s forgiven and a great grandmother. I just don’t see how a DARK, twisted, complex unique series like The Beta produced such a wimpy series like The alpha.

No epilogues. That made things even worse! No true conclusions except the author thanking us for joining us on her journey.

🌟🌟❤️❤️📚📚I WILL ALWAYS LOVE AVANNE MICHAELS BECAUSE SHE GAVE US THE BETA SERIES ANDCMY BELOVED TALIA!!! - but sadly I WAS AFTER TALIA FOUGHT SO HARD FOR SETH - hoped to find a man years later worthy of his fathers seat, his Pack and Talia’s pack. All I found was a traumatized (and trust Levine had severe severe for real not lying traumas in my life)!i do get that you don’t just get over it! But I’m 3 books, SETH DOES NOT CHANGE! He relies too much on others and his character development is nearly zilch.

I pray in the future we get TALIA and her babies with EACH MEMBER OF HER PACK, perhaps another set of triplets with Jasper. Then maybe their children’s story. Sadly The Alpha part one two three was a severe let down in my opinion…only saving Grace…TALIA ONCE AGAIN!
92 reviews5 followers
June 18, 2024
Part 2 ended with one hell of a cliff hanger. We immediately find out who took Iris and it’s not what anyone thinks! It is fantastic the way that Avanne Micheal’s wrote this. It’s time for Talia to have the baby also. After she does they go home to the east coast. But Seth is an east coast counselor member. What will he do? Avanne writes her magic here and comes up with the perfect solution! This story has it all. From Iris’s kidnapping to Talia’s baby being born to rescuing all of the omegas that were kidnapped. Oh and a secret about Jasper! And all of this will lead us into The Omega part 1! So of course she left us with a cliff hanger til The Omega so I can’t wait! Avanne Michael’s can weave a story like no other. I will be anxiously awaiting the next book. If you haven’t read her books, start with The Beta part 1 and go in order. That’s the only way that they make sense. Plus you will love them all!!!
Profile Image for kimmypins.
67 reviews1 follower
June 27, 2024
Genre: Omegaverse
Tropes: Found Family, Why Choose, Pregnancy

I am a huge fan of Avanne Michaels, especially her Eastverse universe.

While the Eastverse does contain many dark elements, I absolutely loved The Alpha Part Three as it contained all the feels with lots of action. The story is a well written multiple POV story. This was such a heartfelt conclusion to Seth, Desie, Ben and Michael's story. Seth truly found his family, outside of Talia and her alphas. There was so much healing in this story that I could not get enough. There were a couple redemption arcs in this story, but I do not want to spoil it. This one definitely contained spice (cue Desie's heat) but also contained really wonderful intimate pack moments as well. Michael and Ben just really contain something special. They are strong cutthroat twin alphas who are dominant, protective, patient, intuitive and gentle. They are this way not only with their omega Desie, but with Seth as well. It provides Seth a safe place to heal. Since Seth is head Alpha, they are able to execute this without making Seth feel inferior. This pack is truly a cohesive unit, and I feel happy to have followed their journey through all three books.
June 21, 2024
5⭐️ 3🌶️
Gah this book was such a perfect way to end this trilogy!! Avanne has once again exceeded my expectations. I absolutely love how far Seth’s character has come throughout this series. He truly is the best Alpha to his pack. This book immediately picks up where Part 2 ended. Brandon and Iris are the cutest. I was so happy that Seth got his redeemed himself. And proved to everyone around him that he was good. I love how fierce Desi was. And the twins. They definitely make the best pack. I couldn’t get enough of this book!! The ending was perfection. I do hope Desi gets her Ginger haired baby. And I cannot wait for The Omega!! This entire trilogy is a must read!! I highly recommend it!! Start with The Beta first then move to The Alpha. You will not be disappointed!!
Profile Image for Gloria Ramirez Cox.
63 reviews2 followers
July 3, 2024
Such a great ending for this pack! I love this whole idea of taking separate trilogies and interconnecting them so we still get to see our favorite characters. This omegaverse has been such an amazing journey and I love everything this author writes!! My favorite part of this trilogy is my dude Seth, he gets the redemption arc that he has worked so hard for. Seth has gone through so much and has grown from it, and I am so happy that he finds his true pack with Desie and the twins. Not only does Seth grow as a character but all the members of the pack grow together after going through the chaos that is their territory. After everything that happens in this trilogy I’m happy that this pack gets their HEA. I cannot wait to see what Avanne writes next.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Thornback.
48 reviews
June 21, 2024
A little lackluster but somewhat enjoyable

One qualm I have is how stuck in the gender binary this book is particularly when speaking of children. After a while, it got very old hearing how they wanted a boy or a girl so they could plan which societal expectations and gender norms to pin on a baby. This book didn't seem as exciting as others in the series but I did really love how everyone banded together as a family. Poor Elijah, as per usual Avanne makes a seemingly unlikeable and unreedemable character loveable and I had hoped with all my heart he would have ended up with Desi too just as I wished Seth would have ended up with Talia before the alpha books.
Profile Image for Susan Cox.
540 reviews5 followers
June 24, 2024
Seth’s story continues

Some rotten stinks in the WCC. Omegas are still going missing and the rogues are on the loose. Seth has his pack and that’s all he needs or so he thought. Their family is growing by leaps and bounds. While celebrating the rogues interrupt their family cook out and shoot Seth but the fight continues. Can the ECC figure out who all the players are? With the capture of the omega smuggling ringleader and his subsequent interrogation, new plans are formulated and placed into action. This is a great book. I recommend it to all omegaverse readers.
347 reviews3 followers
June 26, 2024
Obsessed! This was a fantastic conclusion to another great trilogy. I will now always be a fan of Seth and I am so happy Seth, Desi and the Twins go the have the happy ending that was much deserved. Avanne left us on a nasty cliffy in part 2 that had my heart breaking. The suspense and chaos throughout this series had me constantly at the edge of my seat. I cannot wait to see how she expands in this crazy world that she has thought up.
39 reviews1 follower
July 2, 2024
I wanted to love this book I really did and I’ve loved the others in the series but this one really didn’t hit the mark for me.

I felt the pace was a lot slower than the others and that more ground could have been covered. For instance I felt there would have been more action in stolen omegas trade in the year the book covered.

That all being said I am gripped enough that I want to see what the conclusion is so I will be reading book 4.
Profile Image for Erica.
101 reviews4 followers
August 4, 2024
I loved this trilogy. I’m a sucker for a good villain redemption arc and I needed this story for Seth so much. I enjoyed the journey to the end and I fell in love with this pack from the beginning. I cried with them, laughed with them, and cheered for them. This story was so good. It had witty banter, action, romance, spice, found family, redemption, forgiveness and so much more. I can’t recommend it enough!
697 reviews4 followers
June 18, 2024
The Alpha Part Three by Avanne Michaels is Seth's conclusion. To say that I was happy about finding out immediately who took Iris and if she was ok was such a relief. Seth, Desi, Michael, and Ben are just the best pack. And pack mates to each other. I am so pleased that Seth got his redemption. He is an amazing Alpha. And friend. Looking forward to where Ms. Michaels takes us next.
Profile Image for Ashley Beasley.
394 reviews1 follower
August 22, 2024
love it!

I read these so fast, I could not put them down. I loveddddd the beta trilogy so I was so excited for Seth’s story and I was not let down. His story is so heartwarming, he has come so far and grows so much in these. I absolutely love Desi, Michael, and Ben. I’m really hoping that eventually we will get a spinoff for the kids! I can’t wait for the next books to come out.
Profile Image for Jen.
254 reviews18 followers
June 18, 2024
This beautiful was the most beautiful and perfect conclusion to the Alpha Trilogy. This women absolutely did justice by Seth. Showed us that he wasn't what we thought and he was an genuine human and a truly good soul. I loved this book so freaking much. Hands down obsessed.
297 reviews1 follower
June 23, 2024
I really liked this series, which surprised me a bit. I was not prepared to actually like Seth. I do think there were some things left unfinished at the end of this trilogy and hope that they are part of the next book (s)
Profile Image for Cherie Suski.
Author 8 books56 followers
July 11, 2024
I loved this book because of all the pregnancy and babies and packs moving in with each other! Thanks for a wild ride! Can’t wait for the next book!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jasmine Hoisington.
795 reviews4 followers
August 11, 2024
good story but I hate the ending

This book doesn’t feel like it is the end. It leaves everything so open with no closure. I do not like it. It also does not tell us if it is going to be a continuation with this group or if it will be a new group.

It was very similar with the ending of The Beta. I’m not sure I will continuing reading anything by this author.
Profile Image for Nrsk8tireads.
172 reviews5 followers
July 25, 2024
Avanne Michaels's omegaverse series will forever be the best in my mind. I love most omegaverse books I read, but hers will always be the best.
The way she ended The Alpha series was so incredibly well done, I absolutely loved it. I love the interconnection with The Beta series and pack dynamics amongst both packs. Seth has truly redeemed himself and I adore him. Much like Avanne did with Devon in The Beta series, she slowly but surely makes us love Seth, when we used to loathe him.
Avanne has woven such a layered world with these characters and an intense overarching plot.
I can't wait for The Omega series!!
39 reviews1 follower
July 21, 2024
More more more

I love these stories. I want them to save the omega.

Will any of the rogue alphas be good? Or redeemable?

Great work Avanne
Displaying 1 - 19 of 19 reviews

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