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Very Good Copy: 207 Micro-Lessons on Thinking and Writing Like a Copywriter

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“This book gives you more sound, simple copywriting advice per page than anything I have read.”
— DRAYTON BIRD, Ogilvy Creative Director

Based on one of the copywriting industry’s most unique and celebrated newsletters, VeryGoodCopy distills over a decade of Eddie Shleyner’s absorbing writing about creativity, storytelling, and persuasion into 207 remarkably entertaining and absolutely addictive “micro-lessons”

THINKING like a 110 lessons on mindset.
These principles and concepts will help you think concretely about big things, including creativity, productivity, storytelling, influence, success and failure, research, ideation, AI, ethics, and many other concepts copywriters must understand to do their best work.

WRITING like a 97 lessons on execution.
These techniques, tactics, exercises, habits, and axioms will help you write clearly, concisely, vividly, and with emotion, the cornerstone of persuasion.

“Eddie Shleyner is a fantastic copywriter. Read this book.”
—ANN HANDLEY, author of Everybody Writes

“Eddie’s been selflessly demonstrating his boundless marketing knowledge for the last decade. VeryGoodCopy represents his collective wisdom in one handy package. Do yourself a favor and devour every word.”
—BRIAN CLARK, founder of Copyblogger

“Eddie Shleyner is a voice that copywriting needs more than ever.”
—KEVIN ROGERS, founder of Copy Chief

“Reading this book is like getting a PhD in advertising in one sitting.”
—KIM KRAUSE SCHWALM, A-List Copywriter

481 pages, Kindle Edition

Published July 31, 2024

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About the author

Eddie Shleyner

1 book7 followers
EDDIE SHLEYNER is a freelance copywriter, content marketer, and the founder of VeryGoodCopy.com, where he publishes essays on copywriting, storytelling, and creativity read by millions of people each year.

He lives in Chicago with his family.

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August 20, 2024
The moment I saw Eddie's announcement about The Book, I added myself to the waitlist.

The second I got the email that it was live on Amazon, I ordered it.

No exaggeration.

That's how much I trust and rely on Eddie's advice and tips. I started following VGC when I first started in marketing, nearly a decade ago. I was looking for industry pubs and trying to figure out just what the heck it meant to be a copywriter. I'd seen Mad Men, became instantly infatuated with it, and I was already in marketing as a part-time side job in college. Eddie's micro-lessons and interviews accelerated that learning, and did so in the most concise, yet impactful, totally human way.

And you can see it in every single one of the lessons in The Book. It's relatable, easily understandable, and so interwoven with heart and charm that I read it all in one sitting, in the middle of a city-wide power outage. Yes, really.

I didn't have an internet connection, or even basic AC in the 100+ heat of a Nebraska August. So, I sat in a lounge chair in my driveway, and I read this thing cover to cover, all 207 lessons, in one afternoon.

The funny thing was, even while I couldn't put it down, just because I love Eddie's words THAT much, I did slow down. Or at least, the world slowed down around me. And I noticed things, so many things. About writing. About love. About life. All because of this book.

That's what Eddie can do for you. He won't just make you a better copywriter. He won't just tell you how to be more creative or more personal. He won't just tell you how to push past self-doubt. Of course, he does.

But what he really does best? He shows you the way to be a better person.

I know this went on way longer than it was supposed to, but Eddie, if you're reading this, I just want to thank you for sharing your words with the world. They've helped shape my life and my career, in no small way, and it's no exaggeration when I say that you are one of the best writers, and the best people, on this planet. Well done on The Book, man.
1 review
August 21, 2024
“Very Good Copy” is an indispensable resource for anyone looking to hone their copywriting skills.

This book, authored by Eddie Shleyner distills the art and science of persuasive writing into digestible, actionable lessons that can benefit both novice and experienced copywriters alike.

One of the standout features of this book is its structure.

Shleyner breaks down complex concepts into micro-lessons, making the material easy to understand and apply.

Each lesson is packed with practical advice, real-world examples, and clear, concise explanations that demystify the nuances of effective copywriting.

The content is not only informative but also engaging. Shleyner’s writing style is lively and conversational, making the learning process enjoyable. He effectively uses humor and personal anecdotes to illustrate points, keeping readers hooked from start to finish.

Moreover, the book covers a wide range of topics crucial for any copywriter. From crafting compelling headlines to mastering the art of storytelling, "Very Good Copy" provides a comprehensive toolkit for creating copy that not only grabs attention but also drives action.

Shleyner’s emphasis on understanding the psychology of the reader is particularly insightful, offering valuable techniques to connect with and persuade audiences on a deeper level.

In summary, "Very Good Copy" is a must-read for anyone serious about mastering the craft of copywriting.

Its practical approach, engaging style, and wealth of knowledge make it a valuable addition to any writer’s library. Whether you're writing for marketing, advertising, or content creation, this book will equip you with the skills needed to produce copy that stands out and sells.

Thank you Eddie Shleyner
1 review
August 21, 2024
Content is King—but not all content reigns supreme.

In the past twelve months at ChatMetrics, I've ventured deep into the vast, and often overwhelming yet consistently amazing world of marketing.

It's a challenging landscape; I've found mastery elusive, so I focused on one particular aspect to start.

Effective copy seemed the hardest part, especially for a non-seasoned copywriter like me.

I knew I had to sharpen this skill.

That’s when I stumbled upon Eddie Shleyner’s work—a name synonymous with captivating, educational copy.

When Eddie announced the pre-launch of his latest book, I jumped on the waitlist with great anticipation.

And let me tell you, this book is a goldmine.

Eddie’s writing doesn’t just share tips—it delivers transformative insights.

Each story, every example, they all work together to make his advice truly sink in.

It’s like a masterclass in copywriting, one that leaves you both enlightened and eager to apply what you've learned.

I’ve filled pages upon pages of my yellow legal pad with notes, not because I fear forgetting, but because the wisdom in this book is worth capturing.

It’s an enjoyable, highly informative read that I can’t recommend enough to anyone thirsty for copywriting knowledge.

So, if you're serious about mastering the art of copy, Eddie’s book is a must-read.

Don’t just take my word for it—dive in and experience the shift for yourself.
Author 2 books2 followers
August 20, 2024
I like reading physical books to highlight, write notes, and dog-ear pages. I’ve marked up almost all pages in my copy—it’s that good.

Very Good Copy has 207 micro-lessons (think short chapters) from Eddie Shelyner on copywriting—110 on thinking like a copywriter and 97 on writing like one.

Here are three of my favorite micro-lessons from the book.

1. Incubation:

Great copywriters take breaks. If stuck, they get up and do something else to distract themselves.


One word: incubation.

It’s our brain’s ability to subconsciously process information and make connections.

When stuck, take a break. Go for a walk, take a shower, or cook. Let your brain incubate the ideas.

2. Contrast:

Great creative work often happens when opposite things and concepts intersect:

Loooooong + shrt

Clean + diRtY

BIG + small

Use contrast in your copy to create interest and intrigue. Combine opposing elements to make your writing more engaging and memorable.

3. Benefits:

If your copy feels generic and flat, use the “So what?” exercise. It’ll help you uncover a feature’s core benefit.

Write down the benefit of a feature.

Then ask yourself, “So what? What is the benefit of that benefit?”

Repeat until you arrive at what the prospect truly desires, consciously or otherwise.

What are you waiting? Go get this book now!
2 reviews
August 21, 2024
When asked, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" my answers would invariably include "writer" and "teacher" ...

Later I got interested in psychology, specifically in the context of learning, creating and decision-making.

I guess, it doesn't come as a surprise then that I'm fascinated by the art of copywriting and consider myself a passionate and eternal student - for the benefit of my own business AND to support my clients.

It's a valuable craft to cultivate for anyone in business. After all, it doesn't matter how good your product or service is if you can't communicate its value to the right people, and inspire them to take action.

So I pay attention to copywriters who manage to catch and hold my attention, whose words I gobble up like a kid a cone of ice cream on the beach.

🇺🇦 Eddie Shleyner falls into that category for me.

His writing sparked my curiosity on LinkedIn, I subscribed to his blog and grabbed a copy of his new book the moment it came out (I got the Kindle version so I had to get a bit creative for the pic 😛)

It's everything I hoped it to be and more.

If you enjoy the kind of writing that hooks you in and breaks your mind open in unexpected ways, you'll love "Very Good Copy".
Profile Image for Stephanie Laforest.
4 reviews13 followers
August 20, 2024
As a long-time follower of the Eddie’s newsletters and micro-articles, I couldn't wait to get my hands on "verygoodcopy." This book didn't just meet my expectations - it blew them out of the water.

I've read more books, blogs, and bios than I can count, all in the name of figuring out this whole copywriter and creative game. Most of them were fine—some even had good advice—but very few really stuck with me.

Then came VeryGoodCopy. I kid you not, I bought it so fast my credit card got whiplash.

I didn't just read it once. I dove in three times. First to absorb. Then to reflect. And finally to annotate.

Now, it’s a permanent fixture on my desk. Something I reach for when I need a bit of inspiration or a practical tip because it offers advice I can actually USE, not just muse on (which I did plenty of too, to be sure).

Every copywriter should read this book before they read any others.

If Goodreads would let me give 10 stars I would
August 21, 2024
I didn't know much about Eddie Shleyner before reading this book.

But I admire Drayton Bird and he said many kind things about Eddie.

He told me I should order the book.

And when it finally launched, I did.

And I am grateful for it.

I expected a book on how to write better copy.

But it had given me so much more.

Each micro lesson gives you something to think about.

Sometimes it's about copy.

Often, broader reflections on life.

It has made me think a lot more (for instance) about my relationship with my son.

And how I can be a better dad.

Something I did not expect.

I don't think it is the best book on copy I have read this year.

I think it may be the BEST book I have read this year.

From cover to cover it is a glorious read.

Perhaps you'll experience something different than me.

But I would take the time to find out.

Thank you Eddie.
9 reviews
August 23, 2024
I have a lot of books. I have a lot of COPYWRITING books. A lot of them are good. but honestly, this is one of the best.


Because Eddie Schleyner.

His writing is beautiful. He is deeply talented. But he's a deeply talented teacher, not just a deeply talented copywriter.

If you're anything like me, you'll devour this book cover to cover making copious notes about how you can be better. And because there are hundreds of tiny, bite-sized nuggets of learning, you'll find yourself doing the things Eddie suggests without even realising.

You'll get better without even trying.

But then, you'll keep the book by your desk. When you're feeling uninspired, you'll pick it up and open it at a random page. And, more often than not, that page will help you get over the hump you're stuck on.

And if it doesn't? Try another page.

So go on. Pick up a copy. Support the nicest man in copywriting, and make yourself a better copywriter. It's a win-win.
1 review1 follower
August 22, 2024
Though I read obsessively, I rarely leave reviews. This is not because I do not love much of what I read, it's just never been a priority for me. This time, however, I feel compelled to share my feedback on Very Good Copy.

I am a subscriber to the VGC newsletter and have benefited greatly from the wisdom contained therein. When news of THE BOOK arrived, it seemed the least I could do in return for all the complimentary wisdom was support the author through the purchase.

I am happy I did. This book is an instant classic, and has had an immediate impact on my own creative pursuits. It is destined to become one of the most dog-eared, yellow-highlighted in my collection.

If you write, if you create art, or simply love artistic expression and want to explore the creative process, this book will be a gift to you.
August 23, 2024
“Years ago, I didn't understand.
"I like it," said the creative director.
"Yeah?" I said, pleased, relieved.
"Yes," he said. "It makes me vibrate."
"Yes," he said. "It's a feeling."
"A feeling?"
Today, I understand.”

This is one of my favorite quotes from the book so far. Why? Because it truly makes you feel the power of writing.

There’s so much to say about this book, but these lines, to me, perfectly exemplify what “very good copy” is. The entire book is a goldmine of incredibly powerful copy that I believe can truly help aspiring copywriters like me develop the right mindset for improving writing skills.

Thank you, Eddie, for this!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
1 review
August 27, 2024
This book has some great ideas and foundational principles as well as some very good copy. You learn the lesson in each easy to read short section and then you go back and learn form the way it was written in the first place, because you realize there's a lesson and then there's the analysis of the copy itself. It's very different from other copy writing books and that is why it's so great. I highly recommend this book. I can see myself goign back to it for years and just jumping in randomly because that's the way the book was designed. I plan to read it through and then dip back in often when I need to refill the well of creativity for copy.
1 review
August 20, 2024
Very Good Copy is a must-read for anyone who writes. Whether you're writing website copy, marketing collateral, social media posts, landing pages, or blogs - this book has valuable information about thinking, learning, and writing.

I've read a lot of books about writing. This one is the very best.

Written with short to-the-point chapters in engaging language, this book is highly readable and educational.

Eddie shares his life experiences, giving you context on how to think and write like a copywriter.
August 20, 2024
Having been a subscriber to Eddie's newsletter, it was a no brainer to not pick the book (or shall I say my iPad - as its only available as Kindle edition yet in India). And having read 50% till now, it has just reinforced the fact that I was right.

Amazing read, not ony for the copywriters out there or however, also for anyone who want to read to see how you can write a book, 9 words to 200+ ones yet they all make them a full 'chapter'.

Thank you Eddie! This has made me respect all the copywriters out in the world.
1 review
August 21, 2024
I've followed Eddie for years. Ever since I started copywriting. His blog, VeryGoodCopy.com, is one of my go-to resources as a copywriter. I search the site, click on an article with an interesting title and in minutes (usually less than that) I've learned something new. Something that genuinely helps me think, or write, better. A new technique, a new way of thinking. I come away feeling like a better writer. This book is a cleverly organised collection of Eddie's best work over the last 10 years. Having this at your bedside to flick through is honestly a gift. Thanks for making it man! :)
August 20, 2024
Today we quote Schwartz, Sugerman, and Ogilvy. In 30 years, they’ll be quoting Eddie Freakin’ Shleyner. I’ve been subscribed to the VGC newsletter for 6 years. Eddie has been my number 1 source of copywriting inspiration in that time. I’ve taken and implemented every course, read almost every post, and now, will read every page of his book. You cannot call yourself a serious copywriter in 2024 and beyond if you don’t learn from Eddie. It’s irresponsible and straight up false to do so.
95 reviews1 follower
August 20, 2024
f you're looking for a copywriting how-to book, this isn't it. But if you're looking for a fun book to read and inspire you to be a better writer at the same time, VERY GOOD COPY is the book for you.

It's like chatting with a wise uncle who is passing gold nuggets to you in every story he tells. Uncle Eddie has a backpack filled with gold and if you're prepared to take it, he'll gladly give it to you.
Profile Image for Kyle Holden.
1 review
August 27, 2024
The format of this book is perfect. The bane of most books — whether on copywriting or any other topic — is how long winded they are to get to the point.

This book, even over 400 pages, is the antithesis of that sentiment.

All the wisdom without all the bloat.

It’s actually helped me with my own book. I’m writing with a similar style (lessons without bloat) and this book has helped with my confidence to do it and my writing techniques
Profile Image for Veronika Stetska.
Author 1 book
August 27, 2024
Best Copywriting Book. Hands Down.

I subscribed to Eddie’s newsletters a year ago after researching on ways to improve my copy. I’m so glad I found VeryGoodCopy. This book was easy to read and taught me so much about how to enhance my craft. I read this book in just a couple of days—not because I knew I had to finish it, but because I genuinely wanted to keep learning more. Patiently waiting for a part 2. 😬
1 review
August 13, 2024
I'm about a quarter of the way through this and am thoroughly enjoying it. The lessons are easy to digest and offer fresh perspectives, making it one of my daily go-to's to read. I've even shared some insights with friends who aren't in the copywriting space. I anticipate returning to this book often for new insights I may have missed the first time around.

Profile Image for Cameron Robertson.
Author 20 books
August 20, 2024
Excellent. Accessible. Useful.

Thoroughly enjoyable. This book delivers on the promise of the title. Eddie makes good use of both popculture references and powerful anecdotes. A tour de force of the copywriting craft.

If you have an interest in marketing, advertising, or anything to do with written content creation, this is a must-read.
August 20, 2024
Spectacular resource on how to think and write like a copywriter. So good you won't put it down.

Short, sweet, and concise.

It's one of those books I must limit my time with; otherwise, I will spend all day reading it. Then, start again from the beginning. There are so many great inspirational stories to use as a starting point for your own.
1 review
August 21, 2024
Eddie is not just a copywriter but an effective artist.

I've always enjoyed his content because it's beautiful. Specific. And actionable.

Like a true veteran whispering in your ear.

Give it a read. Thumb through different chapters.

Inspiring, actionable, thoughtful. And Very Stylish.
Profile Image for Maria.
115 reviews6 followers
September 14, 2024
I think it’s a great refresher book. Eddie takes us through different learnings via stories - moments from his life or moments he’s seen or heard about - and it immerses us. Just enough that it doesn’t feel like we’re reading about a learning.

It’s genuinely very good. Some parts drag but it merits a 5 star.
August 20, 2024
It really isn't a book about copy.

Well, it is. But it's so well crafted you'll just feel yourself rolling into the lessons and soaking up every page.

It's got everything.

Go buy it, you'll thank me.
August 20, 2024
I would highly recommend this book for anyone looking to get better at copywriting, writing in general, or simply looking for a few good stories. This is a true treasure of knowledge from one of the most talented writers I follow.
Profile Image for Dmitry Shamis.
1 review1 follower
August 20, 2024
What an amazing book! If you're looking to write better and think clearer, this is a must have. Eddie's writing is fantastic. He will teach you so many different lessons on writing that are immediately actionable and highly entertaining. Stop scrolling this is the real copywriting Bible!
1 review
August 21, 2024
I'm amazed at how open and vulnerable Eddie is and how he exposes so much of his interior to teach us about what he does. He could have just written about copywriting but i feel like i've also learned a lot about him and a bit about myself in the process.
1 review
August 25, 2024
One of the best books on writing I've ever read. There's more useful information in 10 pages than in most other related books with hundreds of pages. I'll be re-reading parts of this book for the rest of my career.
1 review
August 27, 2024
I love this book. I have learnt so much about writing in general. I have been inspired not just to write copy, but to write. The lessons about copy , mindset, hell, you got the whole kitchen sink in this gem of book. Pure class
Displaying 1 - 30 of 42 reviews

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