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Honour, Decorum & Prudence: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

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What if there was a previous connection between Mr Bennet and the Darcy family through Mr Darcy’s uncle, the widower Lord Matlock?
Fitzwilliam Darcy has always been a man of self-control who has always tried to keep his weaknesses under good regulation. His main concern in life is the care of his sister and his duty towards Pemberley, his family’s legacy, and his name.
Part of this duty is to find a wife — someone to fulfil the responsibilities attached to the name of Mrs Darcy — the most difficult of all his tasks.
His beliefs and principles are called into question when he joins his friend Mr Bingley in Hertfordshire and meets a young woman with a quick mind, unrestrained manners, a strong character, and a pair of the most beautiful eyes in a pretty face. A woman who enchants and charms him as nobody else ever has — especially when she spends a few days at Netherfield, nursing her sister — and attracts him so strongly.
Towards the end of November, a week before the Netherfield ball, three gentlemen arrive in Hertfordshire to disrupt the peace and to alter Darcy’s Mr Collins, a cousin of Mr Bennet’s who is visiting Longbourn; George Wickham, a former acquaintance who is joining the militia regiment encamped nearby; and Lord Matlock, the brother of Mr Darcy’s late mother.
Several years after losing his wife, Lord Matlock is enjoying life to the fullest and is determined that his too-serious nephew Fitzwilliam Darcy do the same.
What nobody in Meryton knows is that Lord Matlock has a previous acquaintance with Mr Bennet, and the two were friends in their youth.
Furthermore, there is a dramatic secret that has bound the two former friends through the decades, which, once revealed, could significantly harm Lord Matlock’s family.
The unexpected reunion between Mr Bennet and Lord Matlock will bring some disruption to the people of Meryton, Longbourn, and Netherfield and will change the course of events as we know it from canon.
Will this change be for the better or worse? Will Mr Bingley and Jane’s and Mr Darcy and Elizabeth’s journeys towards happiness be shorter or longer than those we already know?
We shall find out together in this romantic, witty story, recommended for readers of all ages.

232 pages, Kindle Edition

Published August 21, 2024

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About the author

Lory Lilian

41 books194 followers

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Displaying 1 - 20 of 20 reviews
Profile Image for Sheila Majczan.
2,514 reviews182 followers
September 11, 2024
3.5 rounded up to 4 stars.

The most unusual thread of this variation is the fact that Mr. Bennet was friends, back in university days and some time after that, with Lord Matlock. When Matlock comes looking for Bennet, it is a surprise to his family and the community. Matlock even invites and hosts the Bennets at his house in town during part of this tale.

Of course, Darcy (Matlock's nephew) is part of the events. He has already insulted Elizabeth but quickly changed his opinion after getting to know her as the two families intermingle. We read as ODC find themselves attracted to each other; but both with reasons to hold back.

Collins enters our story and quickly shares the information that Darcy is engaged to Anne. And, of course, we have Lady C. entering the story at some point. Lord Matlock is there to contradict her story about the engagement.

When Wickham joins the militia in Meryton, Lord Matlock adds his words of warning to Darcy's as to the character of that man. Wickham's story deviates from canon.

The "secret" Bennet knows about Lord Matlock is kept until near the end and was not a surprise to me, knowing the habits of some in those long ago days.

This story had no angst for me but I was determined to finish it. The language, at times, was not flowing. I found I could not read as quickly as I usually do.
Profile Image for J. W. Garrett.
1,641 reviews116 followers
September 8, 2024
“Be strong. Live honorably and with dignity. When you don’t think you can, hold on.” –James Frey, A Million Little Pieces

SPOILER ALERT: This review may contain *** SPOILERS ***

>>Rating: Mature teen: discussions of adultery, mistresses, and adult themes
>>Angst Level: medium
>>Source: I Borrowed this from KU [8-31-24] and volunteered to leave a review.
>>Trope: Bennet had connections no one knew about

“Friendship – my definition – is built on two things. Respect and trust. Both elements have to be there. And it has to be mutual. You can have respect for someone, but if you don’t have trust, the friendship will crumble.” –Stieg Larsson, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Lord Matlock had arrived in Meryton and, shock of all shocks, he was looking for Mr. Thomas Bennet his old friend. They had attended university together and had been the best of friends. Imagine Mrs. Bennet’s shock to discover her husband knew an earl. There was a great secret regarding the breach between Matlock and Bennet. It would take some time before it was revealed and I am somewhat ambivalent about the shock factor among the characters of that era. I can’t explain due to spoilers but it seemed exaggerated on one hand and yet, on the other hand, it was a horrible situation.

“It is not titles that honour men, but men that honour titles.” –Niccolò Machiavelli

The fact Thomas Bennet knew the Earl of Matlock changed the attitude of those at Netherfield considerably. Darcy was in shock that his uncle knew Thomas Bennet while Caroline Bingley nearly swooned with the discovery. Oh, what fun.

“You should not honor men more than truth.” –Plato
162 reviews3 followers
September 11, 2024
The secrets we keep

3.5* rounded down. *SPOILERS AHEAD*

As a fan of this author's books, I found this one somewhat disappointing. It could have benefited from an additional edit to eliminate repetition and errors. At one point, Charlotte talked with Elizabeth "as they had done since they were young children." In my opinion, that scenario would not likely have happened with the 7-year age gap. Later in the story, guests at Netherfield, having already taken their seats and finished the first course, receive a call to dinner.

And the shades of Longbourn! I find it difficult to understand how Elizabeth can be sanguine about the inheritance lineage, knowing and despising the father as she does. With her knowledge of Charlotte's actions and immoral behaviour, I'm surprised that Elizabeth kept up a correspondence with her.

Elizabeth's character seems to have similar nerves as her mother, but the expression of them is more subtle—she has an excessive number of headaches and deals with any trouble by going to bed. Darcy doesn't correct himself until his uncle questions him. Despite these criticisms, I did enjoy this fairly low-angst story with this version of Lord Matlock and his relationship with Mr. Bennet.
Profile Image for Julia.
51 reviews2 followers
August 27, 2024

I have read better from this author so this offering is quite a disappointment. The premise of the Earl of Matlock being friendly with the Bennets is a good one but it was wasted on a lackluster story and one-dimensional portrayal of Darcy’s widowed uncle. The secret he kept was ultimately anticlimactic when revealed and had not the least impact on anyone in the story so it felt pointless. Also pointless was the major deviation in Charlotte’s character as that thread was dropped almost instantly and went no where. The characterizations overall, especially of ODC, lack their usual brilliancy. The ‘falling in love’ part is told much more than shown and felt. A rushed, “tacked on” HEA in literally the very last few pages is always unsatisfying.
Profile Image for Celeste.
849 reviews128 followers
September 12, 2024
Some really strange and genuinely poor characterization choices aside, the writing is just not fluid. It’s clunky, reads in a very disjointed manner and lacks much of the charm I expect in a P&P variation that aims to capture some of Austen’s magic.

And that’s entirely aside from the plot itself, which was lacklustre at best.

Not a variation I can in good conscience recommend when there is so much better out there.
Profile Image for James S.
1,347 reviews
August 27, 2024
nice read

Nice read but the author’s nice easily understood patter was missing. The emotions seemed muted. Worse, after 24 hours I can’t remember any event I’ll be able to use to make look forward to a second reading of the book.
33 reviews
September 6, 2024
A couple of Mrs Lilian variations are among my favourites. This particular variation is disappointing. It felt like the author had lost her spark. The writing felt wooden. I also failed to appreciate the new take on Charlotte : It could have been interesting but it only felt gratuitous. I didn't get the title either.
Profile Image for Chiwei.
37 reviews2 followers
September 3, 2024
Holy geez, I only finished to see if anything would actually happen. Nope. Other than Lord Matlock knowing Mr. Bennet, there was nothing of interest, and even that wasn't anything interesting. The secret had nothing to do with anything either.
2 reviews
August 26, 2024
Another winner!

Lory Lilian is an automatic buy for me and, as usual, she did not disappoint with this one. She said that this novel doubled in length and it still wasn’t enough for me.
Even though much of the drama revolves around other characters, the romance between Darcy and Elizabeth didn’t feel rushed or forced.
Characters were in character, except for one but I found that it fit well in the context of the story.
Overall, definitely one to add to the “reread” list!
153 reviews1 follower
August 25, 2024
Very cute story

I enjoyed the story. Low angst. The ending seemed a bit rushed, though. There was a part, about 37% into the story, that had me laughing out loud! There was a part, in the end, I would of added a twist to. I didn't want to give any spoilers away, so I will leave it at that. I'd recommend this to all P&P variation enthusiasts.
2,732 reviews39 followers
September 6, 2024
This is a low angst story in which Mr. Bennet knows Darcy's widowed uncle from their youth, and their interactions shape Bingley's and Darcy's courtships into more amicable, quick resolutions. There are plenty of hints that the earl harbours some kind of a family secret that Mr. Bennet was aware of, but when it was revealed it was sort of anticlimactic because while painful to the earl, it was really rather inconsequential as far as Darcy and Elizabeth were concerned.

Steam level: ODC behaves although we know not everyone does.
29 reviews
September 15, 2024
very nice

I love when Darcy and Elizabeth sort their misunderstandings early. I love their relationship and their slow burn love.
In this story Lord Matlock is the deciding factor. Had it not been for him, Darcy would have again gone down the same rabbit hole as usual.
Wickham hardly features and Miss Bingley is, as usual, pathetic in her jealousy and mistaken sense of superiority.
A very satisfying story with a happy ending all round.
Profile Image for J.C. Plummer.
Author 3 books22 followers
August 31, 2024
A nice story, but too many editing and proofreading errors. Too many of these errors interrupted my reading, and I had to figure out what was meant, including a paragraph about the characters talking through the dinner bell, when the previous paragraphs had them sitting around the table talking about the excellence of Bingley’s cook. 3.5-stars rounded up.
258 reviews1 follower
September 23, 2024

An interesting relationship between Lord Matlock and Mr Bennet from their years in Cambridge adds a very strange twist to the love story we always expect in these P&P variations. The lack of 'honor, decorum, or even prudence' of Charlotte Lucas is also a strange twist. Well done and quite different!
Profile Image for Kim Power.
Author 4 books9 followers
September 1, 2024
Intriguing plot variation

Lord Matlock finds his old bosom friend, Thomas Bennet, and everything changes for the Bennet family. Characters are true to canon and the dialogue is quite good. Editing and spell-checking need attention.
132 reviews
September 4, 2024
Good for charlotte

Good book until around 90% when you discover matlocks secret. But enjoyable again at the epilogue. And Good for Charlotte. I would have too if I had to marry Collins.
57 reviews
September 13, 2024
The Secret

This was a joy to read! Some parts very unpredictable, it was intriguing so you had to read on! It has Lady Catherine Debourg's drama, Charlotte's unexpected scandal, Lord Matlock and Mr Bennett's secret. Page turner!
59 reviews
August 24, 2024
I thought of twists!

I love the surprising twists, particularly for Charlotte and the earl of Matlock. This reader could have enjoyed a worse comeuppance for the Bingley sisters.
Profile Image for Michelle David.
2,292 reviews11 followers
August 25, 2024

Another absolutely delightful and entertaining variation inspired by Jane Austen’s classic novel Pride and Prejudice by Lory Lillian. I enjoyed it.
Profile Image for Sam H..
1,034 reviews46 followers
August 27, 2024
I enjoyed reading this book.

It had a few surprising scenes which greatly enhanced the entertainment factor.
Displaying 1 - 20 of 20 reviews

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