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Zero’s foolish mistake could get them all killed. Ten years ago, Zero tortured a man for killing his friend. Then Zero set the building on fire, to kill the man and torch the evidence. When he left the burning building, he thought the man was dead—but he wasn’t. Now, Zero’s enemy is back, and the game of cat and mouse is about to start. Prue has loved Zero for a long time. He was her brother’s best friend, and he’s protected her through thick and thin. After she got shot by his enemy, he’s there to save her life. The ghost of his enemy lurks everywhere, hitting out when they least expect it. No one can stop him, and no one can save them. One by one, Zero’s friends fall, and he’s helpless to stop it. His enemy has all the control, and there’s nothing he can do. The only one he can trust is Prue. She’s been with him through everything, and now it’s time for them to take the man responsible for tearing their lives apart and put him in the ground. How much can Zero sacrifice before it’s too late?

200 pages, ebook

First published May 19, 2014

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About the author

Sam Crescent

522 books5,326 followers
Sam Crescent is passionate about fiction. She loves a good erotic romance and so it only made sense for her to spread her wings and start writing. She began writing in 2009 and finally got that first acceptance in 2011 by Total-E-Bound.
She loved creating new characters and delving into the worlds that she creates. When she’s not panicking about a story or arguing with a character, she can be found in her kitchen creating all kinds of havoc. Like her stories the creations in the kitchen can be just as dubious but sometimes things turn out great.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 77 reviews
Profile Image for Jen.
1,655 reviews1,117 followers
May 29, 2014
This installment of the Skulls MC series was about Zero and Prue. These two have a long history together; but have lived apart for several years. This duo used to be a trio in the past, until Prue's brother was murdered when she was just a teenager. Zero took it upon himself to extract revenge on the person who killed Trevor, and he severely tortured and supposedly killed him. Zero had made a promise to Trevor to always protect Prue, and he stood by that vow even though he lived far away. As we know from past books, Zero was carrying a torch for one of his MC brothers wife. This obsession that Zero had with Sophia, was not welcomed and he was being watched closely by several of the other members in his club. The only one that seemed unaware of his infactuation was Sophia herself.

All of that changes though, when Prue shows up out of nowhere and ends up shot before Zero's eyes. Suddenly he realizes that his feelings for Prue run alot deeper than a sisterly affection. In fact, his lust for Sophia had been severely misplaced. The past has come back to haunt both Zero and Prue, and the player in this deadly game will not stop until he wins. Unfortunately, others are dragged into this game, and when all is said and done, The Skulls will never be the same again.

This was another action packed installment with the Skulls. I have grown to love this series more and more. Although, this was not my favorite out of the other books; it still had me on edge at several points during this story. As far as the relationship between Zero and Prue went though, I wasn't totally "wowed" by it. At one point, when Zero was hurt; Prue seemed more worried about someone else than him. The extreme passion that some of the other couples share, just didn't seem present between these two. They still had love for each other, and of course; steamy sex! It just fell kind of flat in certain points of their story.

In saying all of that though, there were other things that happened in this book that had me biting my nails! This time, some of the other members of the Skulls were put through the ringer! My heart was breaking for more than a few, and the outcome is still up in the air for a few. I am extremely eager for Butch's book, and it can't get here fast enough! It is a darn good thing that Sam Crescent is a fast writer! I have faith that she will have a masterpiece written for her fans in no time at all. Believe me, I am eagerly awaiting it! Also, my heart bleeds for Whizz, and I am dying to know what will become of him.
This series is heating up to a level that most others would be fizzling out by now. We are up to book six and still going strong! I am more and more in love with it as time goes on. I love how each installment gives us a glimpse at the past couples and their families! This is just a wonderful find for me, and I am very glad to have come across the work of Sam Crescent! Each book of hers is a real treat, and better yet, I usually don't have to wait long before the next story comes out to fulfill my craving! Keep writing Ms. Crescent..and I most definitely will keep reading!
Profile Image for Vashti.
1,195 reviews29 followers
May 27, 2014
Not my favorite of this series,I really did not feel the connection between the two main characters Prue and Zero.Still,a good addition to the series and great to see the other members with their wives and kiddies.
Profile Image for Brandi .
1,682 reviews4 followers
September 20, 2015
3.5 stars

All I can think about after reading this book is, "If Angel gets hurt one more time, I am going to blow a gasket!" I don't think I've ever read a series where the women are hurt so often. Geesh. Other than that...

I liked this one. It definitely had a "good" bad guy in it. He wasn't just in one scene here or there which was cool... even if he was a crazy-a** killer. I was anxious at every turn, hoping he'd get caught but still wanting to see how out of control he could get. Being how smart he supposedly was, I can't believe how stupid he was with that gun game he participated in at the end. I guess by that point he didn't really even care about anything but still... Gotta give him props though for sneaking into the hospital multiple times. It really makes you doubt that whole" Skulls protect what's theirs" mentality again. (See first statement at top of page.)

I was very happy that Zero was able to move on from Sophia and that things eventually smoothed over between him and Nash. Nash had been a pretty patient man thus far... Loved seeing Zero's flashes of jealousy when Steven sat with Prue. Ha ha... Eat that Zero!

Prue, your Annie Oakley skills reign supreme! Hats off to you girl!!

As always, this author gives great epilogue. Can't believe Butch did what he did in the end! Looking forward to his book next!!
Profile Image for Reader.
1,195 reviews89 followers
May 25, 2014

This time it's Zero's story. Those familiar with this series will know that Zero had a thing for Sophia who is married to Nash. So I wondered how the author would persuade me that he could be turned away from her. When Zero's old friends sister comes to the Skulls compound looking for help, it's just the start of a chain of events that will touch every member of the club and their loved ones.

Years ago Prue's brother Trevor had got himself into trouble, Zero had been a prospect at the time and had taken action to revenge Trevor and keep Prue safe. Now that person wants his own revenge on Zero and everyone close to him.

With never a dull moment in this story it's a great read. But I still love Tiny's book which is my own personal favourite. I liked Zero and Prue together. Prue was a great character she's strong and knows what she wants and is not afraid to say so. Zero's character showed a lot of growth in this story I liked him a lot more than I did previously. With really hot sex scenes as well this is another great book in this series. For those of you who have not read any of the Skulls books please note they are not stand alone stories.
Profile Image for  Joyce .
991 reviews28 followers
November 16, 2015
Zero, Prue and her brother were best friends growing up. Prue's brother never made the best choices but Zero always had his back. When one of those choices took his life Zero vowed revenge. But that revenge comes back to find him and harms Prue. Zero learns the lessons of a lifetime, learns he has feelings for Prue and vows to protect her and finish off what he's started.

Loved this book, but then I think that about each one.
Profile Image for Flavs is Mrs David Gandy♥~♥’.
3,219 reviews2 followers
February 18, 2015
Sam Crescent you are awesome

I loved Zero's story! I loved that Prue was such a feisty heroine and didn't let him walk all over her.

I can't wait to start Butch's story...

Sam Crescent don't stop writing EVER!!! :-)
Profile Image for Jan.
1,831 reviews9 followers
December 29, 2022
The past should stay buried. Ten years ago Lucas had to bury his best friend Trevor. The killer, Alan Lynch. But he wasn’t going to let his friend’s death not be avenged. He evened the score. And now it’s over. Prue and he are safe. Or so they thought.

When Prue is shot, the past comes crawling back. Zero thought he took down the evil but Alan is back to play a game. It’s time for a little payback and a game of cat and mouse. As a lowly prospect, 10 years ago, Zero didn’t want to bring the Skulls into this but now he needs their help. TO not only protect Prue but to put Alan in the ground once and for all. I have to say Zero should have told the club from the very beginning. Now things are crazy. Ok, the crush he had on Sophia is over. He finally realizes he had the woman he loved all along. Alan is a crazy, twist man. He even creeped me out. He was defiantly a crazy man that needed to be put done. We watch as those that meant something to Zero were hurt. I don’t want to say how but, OMG. And then Whizz. I don’t know what happened to him and honestly I am afraid to find out in the following series. And what a surprise at the end with Butch. Really??!!
Profile Image for Lauren.
6,131 reviews56 followers
June 24, 2017
Zero is book six in the skulls mc series. I enjoyed this book and was entertained throughout.
This book is action packed. The danger in this book had me on the edge of my seat in anticipation. I was rooting for Zero and Prue to get their happily ever after. The chemistry and passion between them was clear to see and undeniable. I am glad that Zero moved on from his obsession/love for Sophia. My heart hurt for all of the characters and what they were going through. I was satisfied with the ending of this book and cannot wait to read more from this series.
The storyline for this book is easy to follow and a gripping read.
Profile Image for Monique.
713 reviews52 followers
September 4, 2016
Rating: 3 Stars

The Skulls Motorcycle Club series continues with Zero (Skulls member, BFF to Prue and Trevor) and Prue (School teacher, sister of Trevor and BFF to Zero). Zero's best friend is murdered and he attempts to kill the murderer. However, the guy did not die and now he is out to seek revenge on Zero and everyone he cares about, including Prue.

It was interesting getting to know Zero. He valued all of his friendships and the way he felt about Prue was endearing. The banter between the two of them was so funny. They seemed to really click with each other. Prue proved to be a very strong heroine. Because she spent so much time with Zero growing up, she was well seasoned to deal with The Skulls MC. Actually, I found this concept refreshing. Zero did not have to sell the club or lifestyle on Prue. He did not have to keep her in the dark about the threat. He felt that she could handle any and everything that came up and he shared all of the information to help keep her safe. They were a team, reminding me of Mr. and Mrs. Smith. I LOVED when Prue stood up to She held her own with everyone in the MC and they respected her for it. The dominant sex between Zero and Prue was hot, hot, hot. Zero was the man inside the bedroom and Prue let him.

Once again, the drama/action in this book was exciting! The level of violence and pain administered was very high. I found myself cringing at some of it, which kept me interested in reading this story. As always, all of The Skulls appeared in the book, where we were able to catch-up with their life. Devil and Chaos Bleeds also makes an appearance. This is one of the many things I like about this series. While a main character's book maybe over, they continue to appear in future installments, making their book life last longer.

While this was not one of my favorite books in the series, I enjoyed the series, but think I'm more hooked on the Chaos Bleeds series. It's good that these MC series are very different. I think the Skulls are more mild mannered while Chaos Bleeds are really dominant and hardcore bikers. I enjoy reading both of these biker series. Another plus...I do not have to wait 6 months to get future books. I love Sam Crescent for it! Butch's story is up next and I can't wait!!

Why Not 5 Stars?

I could not connect with Zero and Prue. I was surprised by this because they already had a previous relationship, which I liked. Meaning, they did not just meet and were going through the getting to know you stage. They already knew each other very well. I'm thinking I was not given enough information about their previous relationship for me to get behind the couple.

It dragged for me. The dialogue between Prue and Zero centered around their love of Trevor. I became tired of reading the Trevor commentary, when very little time was invested in developing his character. Also, everyone seemed to dwell on the fact that Zero botched killing the threat. This was constantly mentioned and contributed to the story dragging. Ugh, I hate to say it, but when Zero and Prue finally hooked up, it went on, and on, and on. It was hot and exciting, but it lasted forever! I think I would have preferred if they hooked up sooner and the sex scenes were spread out throughout the story instead of all at once. Just my two cents.

Profile Image for Mysti.
1,648 reviews123 followers
November 20, 2023

This is not a standalone. Read the books in the author’s suggested order. Also, remember I warned y’all way back in the beginning that this series gets dark… well the time has arrived.

Zero (biker) was just a prospect for The Skulls MC when his best friend was murdered and he was tasked with taking care of his BFF’s sister, Prue (teacher). Without confiding in The Skulls, Zero took off on his own to get revenge. He found the guy, Alan, and tortured and killed him. Then Zero went back to his life with The Skulls and basically forgot all about Prue. It’s now 10 years later and Zero is finally about to cross that line with Sophia (Nash’s wife), when a shot rings out and Prue is standing there all bloody. Turns out, Zero didn’t do such a good job at killing Alan. Now he’s back seeking his own revenge against Zero and everyone he cares about. NOBODY IS SAFE

There is murder, torture, and rape in this one. Even though the rape isn’t in detail, it’s enough that I was upset by it. The minor squabbles that the two MCs have encountered until now were pretty minor. The books from now on don’t joke around. They’ve got legit bad guys coming out of the woodworks now. I was really surprised the first time I read this series that it took such a dark turn. This is one of the older series by SC where she still had drama and the characters still had sex. Her books now kinda suck.

Again, this series has a lot of issues with the writing and consistencies. For example, back in Tiny’s book, the bad guys just rolled up into town and started killing cops. They’ve said repeatedly that the cops in the town are just there for decoration and it’s actually The Skulls that keep the town safe. In this book, Zero has to answer to the law and they hold him overnight. They’re concerned about charges against him. How the heck did they go from owning the town to being forced to abide by the law?? They also keep going back and forth with Sandy and in the past several books she’s quit and stopped being a nurse, and then she’s a nurse again, then she’s not a nurse. Then – Zero repeated the line “I f*cked up ten years ago” no less than 50 times. It’s ridiculous.

All of that said – it’s still one of my favorite series . I love the characters so much.

This epilogue is about Butch and the crazy decision he’s about to make.
Profile Image for LaBlue.
954 reviews10 followers
January 12, 2020
This MC club series is the most incompetent group I’ve ever read about.

I don’t know why the author wrote this series. Every story is the same. Some mysterious villain(s) is threatening the club/individual member, the women always are the targets, this club always calls for help from another MC series club, the conflict is over hyped only to fizzle during the confrontation, that other MC group never does anything to actually help except lite housekeeping (a.k.a. mopping and sweeping, literally), and then the un-earned HEA begins.

The club never solves any of their problems. The author writes the conflict resolution in such a way that it mostly resolves itself. This is the dumbest club ever. The computer genius in the club is also another stupidity. They have cameras everywhere but never look at the cameras or find anything when deep diving on the internet. They always go on lock down but yet they always leave one or more women alone. The club men and the women of this series are all victims. They NEVER over come their problems on their own.

I was so looking forward to Zero’s story but he turned out to be a flip flopping waste of a character. In the previous 2-3 books he practically stalked one women and then al of a sudden he is described as always being in love with a childhood friend. What. Ever. Smdh.

The female lead was no better. She was described as being almost virginal and then in the next chapter she’s an experienced freak in the bedroom. How do you go from having had only two past lovers that were described as simply scratching an itch and gone too fast to count as actual bed buddies to the last lover liking to do freaky things in public all the time. That’s nowhere near a virginal personality type!

Make up your mind author? What are you trying to describe your characters as?? Tough or dumb? Bold or innocent? If you are trying to write a mixed complex character then you are failing miserably!

I want to still find out about a couple of the characters in their stories but honestly I’m struggling to get through each book, because they are so bad in so many ways. I’ve only liked part of Killers book so far and that’s not enough to keep me going. I’ve enjoyed next to nothing in this series so far. If I hadn’t bought the whole series at once months ago I would simply quit it and never look back.
Profile Image for Neringa Neringiukas.
1,205 reviews85 followers
October 25, 2014
Just ended reading. What can I say? LOVED LOVED LOVED.
Loved that Prue was so tough. That she has a very strong personality.
Loved Zero. I just though that before reading that he don't really have romantic feelings for Sophia. She just was a good way to hide his true feeling's because she belonged to brother and in club what's belong's to brother no one can't take no mater what that would be. And I really don't understand why brother's should look different toward Zero. Ok the monster hurt Angel&Lash, Sophia&Nash and Whizz but they all have past. They all on some point in life made a bad decision's. Like Tiny, he too should killed his own monster in the past when he has a chance. So like I sayd they all have the past that could destroy the present. So on those times they should be more thick than ever. Thats what club is. Your back always is wached. Family.
Loved how Zeros & Prues connection grow.
Because I got a thing for Devil from the start loved his appearance ;)
Now I'm very curious about Butch and Whizz. Hope there would be Whizz because now I really want so see how he heal's and who goind to help him to do that.
Butch...He now makes me so sad because of his choice. You can leave a family like that. No No No. Well ok. The last years really was bad for The Skulls. But life sometimes is such a...Well you know. And bad things happens no mater where you be and whatever way you live your life. So isn't better when life throws your way hardships to have a family who watch your back all the time? Well I hope we will see soon how thats going to play for him.
Sam, Zero was so great read. So cried, so was annoyed (by Alan not you ;)) and so happy at the end (Not so much happy with the Butchs choice though). Thanks again and looking forward for Butch (and hope in the future for Whizz ;)).
Profile Image for Rhonda.
89 reviews2 followers
May 22, 2014
I have read all of the books from this series. For me, I usually find that books that are in a series are never as good as the first one. However, I loved Zero. Although Lash is still my favorite, this one comes in second. We've read about Zero quite a bit starting with Nash's story. His feelings for Sophia have progressed throughout each book until he hits rock bottom and makes a move on her. As he has been struggling with his feelings, he has confided in his best friend Prue. The beginning of Zero gives us the background on who Prue is and a mess he has created many years ago that is now coming back to bite him in the a!#. This story is packed with action, some angst, and some hot alpha bikers trying to protect their family. This book seemed a bit longer than the others, but I could not put it down. It held my attention from start to finish. There is a villian who is determined to hurt Zero and everyone he holds dear. We also get to see all the guys we have come to love from all of the other stories. This is a book I will be reading again. Read the book, you won't be disappointed.
Profile Image for Shaly.
1,197 reviews
August 10, 2014
Damn, the bad guy in this book...was very sadistic but then again so was Zero because the torture Zero put him through...YIKES!

I didn't think I would find a female lead that I would like better than Tate but I was totally wrong, Prue beat her by a long ass mile! Tate was tough but in an bitchy, get in your face, snide way. Prue was tough in a 'i'll just kick your ass from here to Kingdom come if you get up in my face' type of way. I liked her brand of tough, she was bad ass without the bitch, I think that's why all the guys warmed up to her but still sort of hated Tate, even if she is Tiny's daughter. I'm glad Zero got over his infatuation with Sophia, I really don't see what was it about her seeing as her and Prue were so different and he went from crushing on Sophia one minute to loving Prue the next...weird.

Overall, very good story...but the grammatical errors...they hurt the ratings every time...

I look forward to Butch's story, I quite frankly didn't see his defection coming, I wonder if its temporary..
Profile Image for Vampress Bathory.
468 reviews90 followers
May 25, 2014
Oh my God i loooove this series soo much!!! 5 Big, Juicy, Beautiful, Golden stars! I've read every single book from this series! I can still remember how i found out about the first one. So one Friday night i was bored and even if i already had couple of books to read, i was clicking my boredom through an online book shop and i found this book named 'Lash' and i told myself 'why not?' so i bought it even though i wasn't expecting much and yes i was blown away and i read it in one sitting. I am so glad i've found this series, because the books get better and better
I am soooo waiting for Butch's story ! I want it like yesterday! Also i want Whyzz's story but i guess that will be in the Chaos Bleeds series.
I love Zero sooo much and i love Prue. They are perfect for each other! The action was sooo good and the bad guy was a really nasty one.
God i love this series, i do, i really, really do!
Profile Image for Lee-anna Dunk.
1,270 reviews54 followers
January 18, 2023
Wow this book was so full on .

Revenge is the word of the day and what Alan had done to Zero, Prue and the skulls went well above revenge.

Ten years ago zero was a prospect for the Skulls his best friend Trevor got himself mixed up with a known criminal and lost his life because of it. Trevor and his sister Prue were his family and no one hurts his family.

When Trevor was murdered by Alan Zero became enraged and tortured and then killed Alan or so he thought.

Ten years have come and gone giving Alan the time he needed to heal and exact his revenge. No one in the skulls were safe especially Prue and Zero.

This book was action packed and strategic. Being taken out by a ghost one by one no one knew who the next target would be .
I'm really enjoying rereading the Skulls MC series and catching up on the books I've yet to read .
Profile Image for Tiffany.
1,810 reviews65 followers
June 23, 2017
Zero is wrecked with a lot of guilt over childhood friend Trevor's death-not being able to save him, and the way he gets revenge on Alan(Trevor's killer). Zero grew up with Trevor and Trevor's sister Prue, who Zero has promised to take care of. It's now ten years later, and the past comes back up. Prue,Zero, and the Skulls are targeted by the demented Alan who's come back for one thing-to destroy Zero slowly. Alan picks off everyone who means anything to Zero-hurting them to get to Zero. The" romance" happens by surprise (for Zero especially). He's had a forbidden "crush" on Nash's wife Sophia, but when Prue comes back into his life he realizes she's his best friend, and that he's in love with her. It takes a while to convince Prue, as she thinks she's just a rebound for Zero. Once she realizes he truly loves her, she embraces life with him.
Profile Image for Christina Lyn.
543 reviews
May 23, 2014
I'm done with Zero's story for the night. I have to admit I shed few tears to what happen to Trevor,Angel,Lash,Sophia,Nash,Prue,Zero and to Tiny and of course the rest of the gang. I was deeply hurt for what happen to them.

And I'm so fucking mad to Allan. He's really a monster. Each series has move me in so many ways that in the end my hunger for the upcoming new story becomes more intense.

Now Butch story is another exciting story that I definitely looking forward too. For him wanting to be out in the club is very intriguing.

Sam Crescent you did a marvelous job for Zero and Prue's story. You put justice in every series that you create. I'm a huge fan of your MC's series and I'm so looking forward what you have in store for your avid readers. Job well done.
Profile Image for Karen Roma.
2,761 reviews33 followers
May 22, 2014
I started this series unsure whether the whole Biker Gang genre was for me; and while I enjoyed the early books, the author’s growth and story development definitely shines through with each new novel.

Obviously this type of series is not for the faint hearted, as violence, promiscuity and crude language are ever present in the everyday life of The Skulls.

But these men aren’t without their weaknesses; and those weaknesses are their women. For when a Skull falls, he falls completely; and no man or god will save the person who harms what is his.

Zero is by far the best of this series, providing the fiercest heroine yet and a psychologically deranged foe, intent on revenge.

Life is never predictable when you love a man in leather.
Profile Image for Renata.
22 reviews
October 1, 2014
With each book I find myself in love over and over again!
Zero was my favorite trough the previous books and after reading his story I know exactly why.
At one point or another our past always finds a way to bite us. It was the same for Zero. He made a mistake when he left the murderer of his best friend alive. That's why after ten years the ugly monster came crawling from the past looking for revenge.
There was a time when I simply couldn't stand a scene or two, but at the end it was worth it.
We have another woman on board in the Skulls MC, her name is Prue and she is Zero's woman. She is brave, she has a dirty mouth and she is the only one who stood up to the biker princess bitch Tate :)
Five stars, all well deserved ...
436 reviews
July 30, 2014
I thought Snitch was evil but Alan made Snitch look like child's play. When one mistake by Zero be the end of not the skulls but also the love of his life?

This is my Prue
This is my Zero

Zero who thought he killed an old enemy Alan waited 10 years for revenge to destroy all of what Zero holds dear from his club to Prue. That is all I'm going to say for I refuse to give up the plot. So Crescent fans be ready when one is reading to sit back and relax and enjoy the ride in the thrill of the mystery of the cold evil Alan and watch the Skulls fight to save the day again.
Profile Image for Laurie Gyd.
1,847 reviews8 followers
September 25, 2015
Awesome hot & riveting.

Wowed! There's so much happening in this story but it makes it more impactful. Zero thinks he loves Sophia which is Lash's woman, but when Prue-his buddy Trevor's sister is attacked he realizes he has deep feeling for Prue and had been denying them for some time. Trevor died a violent death over ten years ago and he swore to keep his sister safe. The man who killed Trevor has gone back for vengeance swearing to hurt everyone in Zeros life. Zero had thought the man was dead having tortured and leaving him to burn in the building he left him in. So much suspense, emotions, hurt, torture, threats, with a big showdown and surprise at the end make this a great story.
Profile Image for Sheridan.
363 reviews41 followers
May 20, 2014

Man, I loved it. I was on the edge of my seat. I wanted to skip towards the end, but I stuck with it and read it all of the way through.



I loved Prue's character. She was fun-loving, sexy, charismatic, no nonsense and most importantly - Zero's best friend. :sighs: L'amour

When it was all over and the dust settled I was more than ready for a huge Skulls party.
Profile Image for Kimberly Howe.
1,078 reviews31 followers
September 21, 2015
Oh my nelly!!!

Wow! What a brutal book!! I think the majority of the book was spent in a hospital! I am sooooo happy that Zero and Prue where able to find their closure on the past and get their happy. I am a little discouraged about Butch and Whizz. I am looking forward to more!!!

Merged review:

Oh my nelly!!!

Wow! What a brutal book!! I think the majority of the book was spent in a hospital! I am sooooo happy that Zero and Prue where able to find their closure on the past and get their happy. I am a little discouraged about Butch and Whizz. I am looking forward to more!!!
Profile Image for Connie.
1,121 reviews28 followers
June 17, 2014
Excellent! Loved it! Loved it! You can never go wrong with a Sam Crescent book. Love this series and how their MC is a family. Storyline was hot, steamy, intense and action packed. Loved Zero and Pru's story and their discovery of love while everything around them is going to hell in a handbasket. At times, I was chewing my lip and sitting on pins and needles. Nothing like sexy bikers protecting their women and children. Loved the raw and gritty characters. Definitely a must read book and would recommend. Can't wait for the next one.
Profile Image for Barbara.
386 reviews10 followers
June 4, 2014
This is my ZON Review.....
The Epilogue .... Blew me Away.. I was like ,Really! Really! Could totally sort of understand but, Really ... No No he can't do that, With what happened to the women of the Sculls .. ie:Prue, Angel ,Sophia I do get it... In the Book there is Action Gallore lots of Oh No's & Oh My Gods, I hope! ......Always Aways HOT Hot S€x ... Bullets are Flying, there's a Stabbing, people in Hospital, Surgery... you name it, there was action to cover it... So Get One Clicking People So You to can find out what Happened... & Then There's the Epilogue!!!!!!!!!!

Profile Image for Amber "Epp".
1,134 reviews63 followers
May 25, 2014
Another great book in the Skulls series I am so relieved that everyone survived they might have been hurt but they are all still alive and kicking .. :) I was in shock at the ending of the book though I never "NEVER" thought anyone would want to leave the MC I am still pretty much in shock over that I can't wait to read the next book when it comes out I really just adore this series and I have also been enjoying the Chaos Bleeds MC novels as well ... :)
Profile Image for Nicole Bell.
321 reviews4 followers
August 13, 2016
this book was exciting. keeping you on your toes. i read it very fast. i didnt want to put down. so much drama but everyone had each others back. gosh i kept thinking the drama would slow down and then it wouldnt. i loved it. some of the stuff i wouldnt guess which always makes me happy. i hate to read books that are the same over and over. i loved these characters. they were strong and there for everyone and held it together. the ending i loved!!!!! she is bad ass!!
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