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Mason Kade is not known to be nice. He is ruthless, manipulative, and unforgiving. Most will say that he is a jerk and he is to those that cross him or cross his loved ones. However, he does not want to be who he is. He does not enjoy hurting others, but there is no limit to the lengths he will go to protect himself and his brother. This is the story of how he came to be and this is why so many love Mason Kade.

This is a story of a destroyed family and the effects it had on a son.

185 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 13, 2014

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Profile Image for SueBee★bring me an alpha!★.
2,417 reviews15k followers
August 15, 2017
 photo Tijan Fallen Crest high half Title by SueBee_zpseamyzec0.jpg
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★★★★1/2! Mason, book 0.5 of 7. Heartthrob Mason Kade’s life, in his own words, leading up to book 1 & him meeting Sam!

“I was beginning to believe no girl was trustworthy.”

Books in Fallen Crest High series should be read in order:
Book 0.5: Mason- can be read after book 1.
Book 1: Fallen Crest High
Book 2: Fallen Crest Family
Book 3: Fallen Crest Public
Book 4: Fallen Fourth Down
Book 5: Fallen Crest University
Book 5.5: Logan Kade
Book 6: Untitled
Book 7: Untitled

I held off reading Mason (Prequel, book 0.5) in Mason Kade’s POV until after I read book 1. My reasoning was that I wanted a (re-read) of book 1’s slow brewing lustful attraction between Sam and Mason from Sam’s POV with Mason remaining an enigma. And I am happy I did.

Story picks up as 16-year old high school student, star athlete, heartthrob; heir and town bad boy Mason Kade is forced to grow up overnight. It follows him for a couple of years until his first meeting with Samantha Stratton, Sam and the opening of book 1.

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Eleven words to describe Mason James Kade: Captivating, private, reflective, smart, enigmatic, fierce, loyal, observant, noble, focused and cocky.

Mason, told from Mason’s POV, is a glimpse into an enigma, the boy maturing into one of the best young ALPHA heroes I have ever had the pleasure of reading. Mason is my Kryptonite and getting into his head was priceless!

Unforgettable, swoon-worthy and captivating Mason Kade!

Hero rating: 5++ stars
Plot rating: 4 stars
Dialogue rating: 4.5 stars
Storytelling rating: 4.5 stars
Story ending rating: N/A
Book editing rating (5 = no edits spotted): 4.5 stars
Overall rating: 4.5 stars

Would I recommend this series: Yes.
Would I re-read this series: Yes.
Would I read future books by this author: Yes.

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Profile Image for Kellie Maddox-Ward.
746 reviews519 followers
June 19, 2014

I love Mason Kade.
Always have always will..

But this? To be in his head in the early years.

Finding out the reasons he did the things he has done.
How he did them. What he was thinking while he did them.
His love for Logan.
His hatred for James.
The party scene. So much hurt!
His bond with Nate.
The first meeting with Analise.
The first sighting of Sam.

I just seriously epicly loved this book and it makes me so happy it was written!
Profile Image for Jen.
1,655 reviews1,117 followers
July 30, 2015
This book is a prequel to the "Fallen Crest High" series by Tijan. I am thinking that I should have read book one first; but in true "Jen style" I didn't! Always have to be different I suppose! I haven't read book one yet, but so far I don't think I will enjoy it less since I read Mason's book first. This prequel is written in Mason's POV, and it gives great insight into who he is as a person. I feel that I will have tons more compassion for him now that I know why he is the way he is.

This novella shows us the bond that the brothers have, and what exactly their home life was like before and after their parents divorce. I loved how Mason looked out for his brother Logan, and sadly because both their mom and dad were absentee parents; Mason truly raised Logan on his own. I felt the author did a bang on job depicting the emotions that teens go through when their parents do divorce. Coming from a broken home myself, I was able to identify with both Logan and Mason's anger, frustration, and sadness. I have to add that I think their father is scum, and I don't like his cheating ways at all. (no, I don't have issues! LOL) I had a hard time identifying with the brother's mom, as I felt she only really thought of her own emotional pain when she up and left. I realize when a person goes through something hard like a divorce, it is hard to look outside of your own pain; but she is a mother and in my opinion the kids always come before ourselves. She lost my respect when she didn't put her boys first.

I could go on all day about my opinions; but I won't!! (surprise!!) I will say though that this looks like a promising series. I can tell this is going to be full of drama, laughter, and tears! I can't wait to sink my teeth into it, as I really am a fan of Tijan's writing.
IF you are like me, and enjoy getting a glimpse of what high school life was like, and also what goes on in different family dynamics; then this is the series for you. I can tell it is going to be a roller coaster ride. This kind of series is an indulgence of mine that I can't truly explain. I just like being able to go back to high school life once in awhile, and maybe it is because I remember what it was like way back when..(not THAT long ago...no really!!!LOL)I do enjoy being in the middle of the drama, and dating scene...but only if I'm in the mood.
Profile Image for Christy.
4,234 reviews35.1k followers
July 13, 2022
4 stars

I remember reading 'Fallen Crest High' almost a decade ago. It was my first Tijan book and one of the first of it's kind. You know, the high school bully-ish romances. It was addictive and I'm honestly not sure why I never continued on with the series but I think I'll be rectifying that now.

As I read Mason, I loved getting to see more of the why. Why he was the way he was and what was going through his mind. This was a prequel but reading after the first Fallen Crest book is great because you actually know these characters.
Audio book source: Audible
Story Rating: 4 stars
Narrators: Graham Halstead
Narration Rating: 4 stars
Genre: Contemporary
Length: 4h 36m
Profile Image for NiCoLeTa E. {Addicted To Books}.
1,464 reviews85 followers
August 27, 2016
Well, that was sooooo... much interesting!!! And even more...

I understand so many things about Mason and eventually...Logan.

All this badass attitude was explaining pretty much in this book. Everything is more understandable right now!!! When i finshed Fallen Crest High, i was wondering for so many things, but now it's all clear to me!!!

I liked this book very much, because it wasn't the same story from Mason's pont of view, but it was the story of his life before Sam jump in... Imagine that the last chapter of this story was the first time that he saw her and recognizer her as the daughter of his father's mistress!!!

My conclusions for Mason????
He had every right to be that asshole to everybody...
His parents was lost in their own world and their children seems that they're not having a part into that!!! Mason forced to grow old faster annd to take care his little brother, when noone cares for none of the two of them... He was hurting and that went off of of him with angry and violent way...

He was a good brother to Logan!!!
And thank God he was having a good friend by his side (Nate!!!)...
He was a big asshole to the girls because he was aware of what did his father to his family...
All his actions was reaction to the actions of his shitty father...

He tried to be a different man from him... He was determined not to lie, cheat or decive ever... and when he was loving or caring enough for other people, he would make anything to protect them!!! Everybody thought that his heart was cold but something change when his eyes met Sam's eyes...

That book, if it's ever possible, it makes me love Mason even more than before!!!!!
Profile Image for Mindy Lou's Book Review.
2,829 reviews745 followers
October 21, 2017
This book was great for insights into Mason and even Logan. What started their anger and everything that led up to meeting Sam. The drama with all the girls is borderline psycho. The adults aren’t much better. Mason, Logan and Nate are the only sane ones and make this series what it is.
Profile Image for Anna.
484 reviews370 followers
October 25, 2014
I seriously cannot get enough Tijan

I've been Tijaned ❤️
Profile Image for H..
563 reviews1 follower
June 15, 2014
If I could give Mason more than 5 stars I would. From the minute I started, I couldn't put it down. I loved reading and learning what made Mason Kade who he is. Along the way, I think I fell in love with him more. If that was even possible. With this being a prequel to all the Fallen Crest books you get to read the actual accounts of things that happened to Mason and his younger brother Logan. You have gotten glimpses or read parts of the stories in Fallen Crest High, Fallen Crest Family and Fallen a Crest Public. You will finally realize that Mason and Logan had a very privileged but very sad youth. Things weren't always as they would seem in the Kade household. You get to see why Mason loves Logan so fiercely and why he's so protective of him. One of my favorite parts of Mason is you finally get the full story on what actually went down between Logan, Mason and Tate. I absolutely loved Mason. It warmed my heart getting to know Mason through his pov. I feel like I have a better understanding for him, which only makes me love this whole series even more. Tijan is an amazing author, I love all her books. I have read and reread pretty much all of them. I can't wait for the releases of her future books. Thank you for writing such an amazing book.
Profile Image for Cristina.
514 reviews465 followers
February 10, 2019
I really hope that the first book in the series will have more action than this one. I know that Mason’s book was an introduction to the series, but I felt like it had no connection between the chapters. It was like jumping from one time to another, without any explanation. However I hope the next one will be better.
Profile Image for Ginette.
848 reviews69 followers
October 15, 2016

June 2014 - He's the best bad boy....lol, loved to read about how he became what he is..good story
Profile Image for Nancy❤The❤Bookaholic.
1,141 reviews141 followers
March 2, 2016
I had one big issue with this book that I just couldn't get pass. When you first met Logan, Mason's little brother, I had the sense that he was much younger than15. What 15 year old hides their big brother's school books and plays hide and go seek?

And then later on in the book still at the age of 15 talks about shagging girls in high school, drinking, and parties? It seemed like they were two different characters. I thought early Logan was around the age of 10 and with a snap of a finger the latter Logan, is in high school acting his real age.
Profile Image for Reese.
251 reviews6 followers
December 20, 2014
Well... Yes this is a novella. But it kinda just seemed like a compilation of her teasers she posts all the time. And I'll admit I am disappointed with this. I didn't really care for the time jumps much. I love love the fallen crest series. I really do. But this wasn't that great, and maybe if it was free or cheaper I would feel better about it. But overall I'm just disappointed. Nothing new came out of this. Nothing. It was better than fallen crest alternative which I actually regret reading altogether. This I don't regret necessarily but I'm starting to feel a bit burned by these books. I'd rather tijan focused on the series and stopped wasting her talents and efforts on these side projects that really fall short and leave the readers feeling like ????
Profile Image for Amy | Foxy Blogs.
1,681 reviews1,035 followers
July 13, 2022
Mason is the pov of Mason who is 15 -almost 16 - years old. He has been raising his younger brother (14 almost 15 years old) while their parents are ignoring the boys as they deal with their marital issues.

This book sets up the other books and I'm assuming shows why Mason comes off as an *sshole.

● Mason / Logan - brothers
● high schoolers
● football star
● parents breaking up
● living with their dad who is arrogant
● young adult
Audiobook source: Audible
Narrator: Graham Halstead
Length: 4H 36M
June 26, 2015

I loved, loved getting into Mason's head, and this is the first book you should read before reading the Fallen Crest high because it begins with Mason being younger, his dad cheating, mom crying, the divorce, the scandals, all the trouble he gets into it..
I loved reading and learning what made Mason Kade who he is.
This novella was perfect. It explained a lot of things we'd only read about in passing.

Profile Image for Cindy.
816 reviews48 followers
October 6, 2014
I really like Mason, and he is an awesome big brother. His parents are terrible. Loving this series so far.
Profile Image for book bruin.
1,341 reviews346 followers
June 10, 2017
This was a nice prequel to the Fallen Crest series from the point of view of Mason Kade. While it's not necessary to read this to enjoy the series, it does provide some nice (and not so nice) details that enhance the journey. I read this after reading the first 3 books and I think readers might not get as much out of it if they start with this first.

Mason takes place a few years before Sam comes into the picture and ends with their first meeting at Quickie's (which is the opening of Fallen Crest High). I loved being inside Mason's mind and this novella definitely gives readers a lot of insight into the how and why Mason is the way he is. It was really nice to find out more about what life was like for Logan and Mason as their family fell apart and also how Analise entered their lives and what their first thoughts about Sam were. The details about Tate's betrayal of Logan, the backstory about Marissa, and Nate's unwavering support and friendship were nice additions as well. Yes, it was hard to read about Mason with other girls (especially Kate), but we all know he wasn't a saint and had plenty of girls prior to Sam.

I think all fans of the Fallen Crest series will always wish that we could get a novella or companion book to Fallen Crest High in Mason's point of view, but I'm happy to have this glimpse and enjoyed finding out more of the backstory.
Profile Image for Jac K.
2,329 reviews357 followers
June 24, 2021
I’m going to leave this as a 3, because I skimmed it. The problem with this book is that is was placed as .5 which would make it the first book, but it was written somewhere around the 4th book. This creates a few problems.

It reads like we’ve already read the first four books, (know what’s going on) and I imagine it would feel very choppy/random/confusing for a reader choosing this as the first book to read from the series. Yes, it provides Mason’s backstory, but it just assumes the reader will understand the dynamic. Those of us that read it when it came out were already invested into his character, so his douchey ways weren’t as off-putting. Although, reading about him with OW after 3 books of him and Sam wasn’t awesome.

Bottom line- I just don’t feel like there was a need for this book. We already understood who Mason was; we didn’t need it. If you do want to read it, I would suggest to at least read Fallen Crest High first, so you have some general idea of the plot.
Profile Image for Stephanie.
1,488 reviews116 followers
January 13, 2020
I liked seeing how much Mason and Logan care about each other, but I didn't find this novella as addicting as Book 1. I'm still planning on reading Book 2 next, though.

And thanks to Deanna for lending me this copy!
Profile Image for Caitlin Turner.
14 reviews
August 23, 2016

I wanted to like this... I really did.

I've been wanting to read this series for a while now, it's come highly recommended by quite a few people in my book groups...but I have no idea why.

The plot was terrible.
The writing was terrible.
I literally felt like the entire thing was written by a 12 year old.

This book is about Mason's life. His cheating father, his mother who lived with it until Mason's father decided to love someone else, his brother who is spiralling out of control, and Mason figuring out how to protect him. It all sounds good...in theory.

There is A LOT of angst. A LOT of drama. A lot of pointless conversations. I feel like this book served no real purpose.

Bullying, inappropriate comments from teachers, dialogue that's unrealistic. These boys need a slap upside the head. In the beginning I though that maybe Logan was a small 8 year old, not a 15 year old... The way the characters acted lacked maturity and responsibility was unbelievable.

As if that wasn't enough... the amount of underage drinking and sex had me rolling. I totally understand, I was a teenager once... Hormones, peer pressure, all of it, I understand. However, this was completely blown out... Probably would have been suited for new adult and not YA.

The amount of time jumps in the book were so hard to follow... At the end I though only a year passed, but apparently it had been "years". I couldn't follow the story.

This was the first book I've read by Tijan, and it will likely be the last. I was looking forward to Fallen Crest High because it was so highly recommended, yeah...not looking forward to it now.
Profile Image for Sweets Books.
671 reviews64 followers
December 10, 2015
Wow..........I've been waiting on this book ever since Tijan mentioned it, it couldn't get here fast enough! But damn it was worth the wait! It was nice to see everything from the beginning and from Masons POV and how much everything effected him. And how cause everything affected him made his and Logan's relationship grow closer. I really and truly still dislike Kate, but I think everyone will agree on that in the end! But also I don't know what it is, but I seriously don't like or trust Marissa. It was like she tried to hard to be a goody to shoes! You know what I mean? She had some underlining going on that no one picked up on. Makes me curious, I see her trying to cause problems in FFD or hell she may succeed in causing problems for all I know. But overall I loved this book! I love the whole series and recommend them all!

Till next time - Sweets Books
Profile Image for hugsandcookies.
978 reviews76 followers
June 19, 2014
All I can say in two words, Mason is...

Tijan really nailed Mason's character. You get to know and why he is the way he is. You will not be disappointed and it deserves the solid 5STARS. Hopefully we will get more Mason POV's and more Logan time with his POV as well. Chapter 20 and the bonus scene made me smile.

FFD Book 4 cannot get here fast enough.
Profile Image for Nikki Van Horn.
155 reviews1 follower
September 29, 2018
If you want to know what is going on with Mason and Logan you definitely need to read this book. This book shows you how their attitudes and anger toward their mom and dad got started. Gives insight on why the bond of the brothers became. Love reading about Mason and Logan. It also shows how good of a friend Nate really is. Love it!
Profile Image for Tzelina.
502 reviews130 followers
July 14, 2018
4 🌟🌟🌟🌟!! I really liked it ....
Displaying 1 - 30 of 612 reviews

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