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Storm Siren #3

Siren's Song

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Nym and Draewulf prepare to face off in a battle destined to destroy more lives than it saves.

With the loss of Tulla still fresh in mind, Rasha’s fate unknown, and Lord Myles taken over by the dark ability, Nym and the few Bron soldiers rush to warn Cashlin’s queen. Only to discover it may already be too late for the monarch and her eerie kingdom. As the Luminescents are sifting through Nym’s past memories and the queen is reading into her future, Nym is given a choice of how to defeat Draewulf, but the cost may be more than she can bear. And even then there are no guarantees.

With that reality burrowing into her bones—along with the guilt of the lives she will sacrifice—Nym returns to her homeland of Faelen to raise an army of peasants through promises of freedom. But when the few friends she has left, along with the world and citizens she loves, are staring down the face of a monster and his undead army, will Nym summon every element her blood is capable of controlling . . . or surrender to a different strength—one of sacrifice?

Because in the end, death may be more merciful for them all.

360 pages, Hardcover

First published March 1, 2016

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About the author

Mary Weber

10 books1,557 followers
Hi. I write books. I eat things. I kiss things. I believe in mermaids.

I'm also the author of the Storm Siren Trilogy, The Evaporation of Sofi Snow series, and the March 2019 release, To Best the Boys. When not working, I sing 80’s hairband songs to my three muggle children, and ogle my husband who looks strikingly like Wolverine. We live in California, which is perfect for stalking aging movie stars while wearing fanny packs and sweatpants.

For those who like to know such things (mainly my mom), Storm Siren was featured in the Scholastic Book Fair and my novels have been endorsed by such nice humans as Marissa Meyer, CJ Redwine, Shannon Messenger, and Jonathan Maberry (in fact, Marissa Meyer and I have a fun interview in the paperback of her book, CRESS). Also, Boba tea & sweatpants are life. {We can chat about life (in sweatpants over tea, obviously) in my Newsletter.

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Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the Goodreads database with this name.

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Profile Image for Danielle (Love at First Page).
726 reviews695 followers
April 1, 2016

4 stars!

Not only is Siren's Song a wholly satisfying conclusion to The Storm Siren Trilogy, it's also my favorite book of the three! We see more of the world Mary Weber has created, including a deeper look at the different types of Uathúils and how their blood and the land are connected, and it's these fantasy elements that come together to create one epic conclusion. With beautiful writing, swift pacing, a war on the horizon that leads to a scene any Lord of the Rings fan will appreciate, and a swoon-worthy romance, Siren's Song is a series end you do not want to miss!

Nym is a heroine I have loved from the very beginning. She has all of these amazing qualities without being unrealistically flawless or an annoying Mary Sue. As it turns out, there is a fated prophecy surrounding her birth, as she is the only female Elemental, but she's the type of courageous, selfless, and passionate person you can't help but to root for. She grows so much over the course of the series, having very little self confidence in the beginning due to neglect and abuse, but by the end she is spirited and fierce. She finally realizes her own self-worth, one that is not victim to her dangerous powers but neither is it tied to her abilities. She will do whatever it takes to help her people, but at the same time she remains true to herself and to her passions.

The romance is finally at its strongest in this book. Though Eogan does pull away at points, his feelings for Nym are always clear and always present. Because of what happened to him when he was younger, it makes his love for her all the more vulnerable and precious. I like that we get to see them together a lot in this book. They may butt heads and disagree, but it's that banter I've always found endearing, and they share quite a few passionate kisses that left me breathless. There's another romance here as well that completely surprised me, but I found myself enjoying it very much. I wish there could be a novella about them now!

Even with the character development and romance, there's plenty going on plot-wise as well. The Draewulf will stop at nothing to conquer the five kingdoms, doing so in a truly horrific way. I wasn't sure who was going to be sacrificed along the way or which characters, if any, would redeem themselves, as Nym, Eogan, and their allies plot against him. It all culminates into a final scene worthy of a fantasy series. Mary Weber has clicked everything into place in surprising and creative ways, and now it's just a matter of how things will end. I was on the edge of my seat until that very last page!

I've said this twice already, but if you're looking for your next fantasy series, definitely pick up The Storm Siren Trilogy. The story, the characters, and the writing style impressed me so much, and I can't wait to see what the author has in store for her readers next!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for approving my request in exchange for my honest review.

This review can also be found at Love at First Page.
Profile Image for Sara Ella.
Author 7 books1,194 followers
February 17, 2016
It's REALLY hard for me to say anything about this epically fabulous conclusion to this stellar series without giving spoilers. And I totally know I CAN give spoilers if I warn you ahead of time, but I'm not gonna do it. Because I don't want you to even be tempted to peek at what the ending is. I will not be responsible for ruining what is one of the best, jaw-dropping endings I have ever read in the history of YA fantasy. But I will say this: If you love suspense, romance, diversity, gorgeous world building, strong female heroines, and swoony male leads, "Siren's Song" (the entire trilogy, actually) is for you. Not only does Mary Weber deliver a satisfying (and possible twisty, *wink, wink*) conclusion, but she does it in such a way that leaves you wanting more. Don't ask me how in the world you could be satisfied AND want more in the same breath, but that's Mary Weber for you. Her books are magic.
Profile Image for Mlpmom (Book Reviewer).
3,098 reviews396 followers
February 9, 2016
4.5 Stars!
Weber created a world completely futuristic, fantastic, and so out there that is was hard not to get swept up in the realism that manages to both be believable and unbelievable at the same time.

With a cast of strong characters and a fast moving plot, this series is something to stand up and take notice of.

This truly is one of those rare series that not only grabs you and holds you from the first page but each consecutive book, only gets better.

And this last book truly was unbelievable and by far, my favorite of the series.

Fast paced, plot driven and with a swoon worthy romance that gets better with time, this was an outstanding conclusion to what has become a favorite series for me and one I won't be forgetting soon.

*ARC copy provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.*
Profile Image for nick (the infinite limits of love).
2,120 reviews1,532 followers
May 6, 2016
**ARC received for review purposes in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.**

sirens song banner

Dear Siren's Song

Writing this letter is a very bittersweet experience for me because it means I have to say goodbye to your world, to your characters and to the emotions you and your predecessors have given me. I have nothing but love for you, so while I'm beyond happy with the way you ended, part of me is also sad because I could have read on and on. Both your predecessors, Storm Siren and Siren's Fury, were fantastic, but with Siren's Song, you surpassed them both and not to mention, surpassed my expectations, which admittedly were sky high. I was a tiny bit worried that you wouldn't live up them, but obviously it was silly of me to even doubt you just for a second.

There are many reasons why you were a stellar book, but my personal favorite reason is your protagonist, Nym. Nym is the kind of heroine that I wish every YA fantasy book would have, the kind of heroine that I secretly want to be like in real life, with the strength, determination and intelligence she exhibited through the entirety of this series. In you, Nym was fiercer than ever, but I loved that she also let us take a peek into her vulnerability. I have always loved Nym, but in Siren's Song, she became a character that I connected with on many emotional levels. She one of the most memorable heroines that I've ever come across and one that I will always love.

Your secondary characters were also outstanding, Siren's Song, and I grew to appreciate them so much more. I was especially excited to see more of Eogan, who is easily one of my top book boyfriends with his kind heart, loyalty and incredible bravery. Not to forget, some of the words that came out of this boy's mouth had me melting into a puddle of goo, clutching my heart. We learn more about his heartbreaking past in you, and how it shaped him as a person. He and Nym made a great team and even though they frequently butted heads, they were respectful of each other. Their banter and romantic moments were a highlight of the story for me. You just convinced me that Nym and Eogan were a solid couple who were perfect for each other.

One character that surprised the heck out of me was Myles. He was always such a shady character. He battled with his own issues in this book, and much to my surprise, by the end, I was a huge Myles fan.  The friendship between Nym and Rasha too strengthened in this book and I loved just how determined Nym was to save her friend, despite it meaning she had to put herself in the path of danger. Female friendship is always a delight to read and you certainly had an excellent one. I also can't forget to mention Draewulf, your despicable villain, who I have only grown to hate more  and more. Despite my hatred for him, he continued to be a complex, fascinating and power-thirsty tyrant who lit up a scene whenever he was in it.

The world building and plot set up in your predecessors also finally came to a full circle, especially when it came to the Kingdoms and the history behind the world. I will admit that many times in fantasy books, I don't get the full picture, but with you, I had no such issues. Your plot made me nervous, especially as to how the book would end because of the prophecy, but all throughout you were able to keep me captivated, and swept me off my feet and ultimately, made my heart explode with happiness. Your author's writing was as always stunning, vibrant, and beautiful in every way and made the reading experience a million times better.

Siren's Song, thank YOU for ending the way you did. Thank you for giving me a series that I will not hesitate to re-read over and over again, for being one of the best YA fantasy series out there with your beautifully complex characters that were strong and real, action-packed story line and dynamic world building and for being a series that I will look back with nothing but warmth and fondness.

Lots of love


Profile Image for Beth.
3,135 reviews288 followers
February 29, 2016
Are you willing to die to save everything you’ve come to hold dear? It might just come down to that in Siren’s Song. The choices are few and the cost high!

Great cities have fallen, friends have been taken and Nym is racing against the clock in an air ship to warn all about Draewulf’s plans. Can she raise an army, control her power and destroy Draewulf or will he take her and make her is means to destroy the world she is fighting to protect.

This being the third book in this series, I find it difficult to go into much detail without providing spoilers so I’m going to head more toward my thoughts and not much more plot.

Nym is strong, faithful and although she takes a licking, she keeps on going. She is the rock that will have to hold them all together. I truly admired her as heroine in this tale. Who doesn't love a kick butt heroine with magical powers.

Eogan is a great and loyal romantic interest who has been scarred by his encounter with Draewulf. He is more withdraw and I found the walls he’s constructed for protection disheartening. More secretive and less open, Eogan must face the demon's of his past encounter with Draewulf if he wants to survive the next.

Bottomline, this young adult story has strong characters that you can really get behind. The pace and action kept me reading till the wee hours. I really enjoyed reading Siren Song and would recommend this series to any young adult romantic fantasy fans.

I received this ARC copy of Siren's Song from Thomas Nelson in exchange for a honest review. This book is set for publication March 1, 2016.

My Rating: 4 stars
Written by: Mary Weber
Series: The Storm Siren Trilogy
Sequence in Series: 3
Hardcover: 384 pages
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Publication Date: March 1, 2016
ISBN-10: 1401690408
ISBN-13: 978-1401690403
Genre: Young Adult | Romantic Fantasy

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Sirens-Song-Sto...

Barnes & Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/siren...

Profile Image for Tracey Dyck.
Author 3 books87 followers
June 24, 2018
My thoughts are all incoherent after that heart wrenching ending. So suffice it to say that:

A) Nym has come so far!
B) I love Kel and Eogan and Rasha and Tannin and Gilford and even Myles (who reminded me of Loki just a little bit)
C) there were some seriously intense moments here
D) my heart is still beating harder
E) in true Mary Weber style, that ending was thematically magnificent

Great trilogy!
Profile Image for Carrie.
3,440 reviews1,636 followers
February 26, 2016
Siren's Song is the third book in the Storm Siren Trilogy. Since this is the last in the series I won't go too much into the detail of this book so as not to include spoilers. Siren's Song does pick up right after the ending of Siren's Fury. The trilogy is about Nym who is a female elemental in a world where there has never been a female elemental before. She has hid her entire life because elemental are considered dangerous and if found they would be killed. Nym is bought in a slave auction and trained to use her powers to hopefully save her world. All three books in the series are a continuation of the story of Nym trying to do just that.

I have to say there are some things I really loved about this series but also some things that I didn't. One thing that I found was that for me the books would start to drag a bit in each. Siren's Song was not exception to this which brought my rating down a bit. Also, I think a part of what I missed while reading was an earlier character that didn't continue on in the story, it kind of left out a bit of a spark I felt earlier in the series.

For the things I really like though, one would be the covers of the series. Another round of applause to whoever designed these as they are certainly beautiful. With Siren's Song I would like to say great job on the flashbacks, loved reading that bit of information being given and it was nice that the font would change so I would easily recognize it was starting another flashback/memory at that point. Also, the entire series had wonderful world building, intriguing characters, action and plot.

Overall, a good ending to an intriguing series.

I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

For more reviews please visit https://carriesbookreviews.wordpress....

Profile Image for Dominique.
351 reviews62 followers
August 2, 2016
So...where do I begin?
Well I guess first off...I LOVE THIS BOOK!!!
It was an amazing way to end the series, even though I REALLY DON'T WANT IT TO BE OVER! IT CAN'T BE OVER!!! :,,,,,(
Things I liked:
The whole book...

Things I didn't like:
Oh wait there was one thing I didn't like, and that was

So I don't know what else to say without spoiling it...so go read the book then come back here and fangirl with me XD

Favorite quotes:
The whole book....lol XD

I received a free book from Thomas Nelson/Zondervan Fiction Guild in return for a honest review.

Profile Image for Shantelle.
Author 2 books372 followers
March 15, 2017
Okay, I don't even know what to rate this book. So in the beginning, I was having a hard time connecting, for some reason or another. At one point in the end, I was internally screaming and promising myself I would sell my copy of Siren's Fury because I hate this ending! Now ... I just don't know.

Siren's Song is the third book in this series, concluding the STORM SIREN TRILOGY by Mary Weber. It starts off with Nymia still battered from the events of the last book ... and planning a showdown with the monster who has taken so much from her.
Amidst action, suspense, and great, dark battles, this book ties up the story along with a big dose of shock and craziness. Like usual. *wink*

So, as I mentioned above, I had a hard time getting into this book. Maybe it was because I read Storm Siren and Siren's Fury quite awhile ago. I was a tad lost, and just not feeling the story. There wasn't much for action in the beginning either ... lots of conversation mainly that I didn't entirely care about. (It could have certainly been my mood as well!) I don't know about anyone else, but I'm really missing the details of the fantasy world that the first book seemed so rich in! Siren's Song got a little of that back, but not enough for my taste! I wanted to immerse myself in this world, and I just couldn't quite do it. All in all, I was over fifty percent through when I finally started really getting into the story and enjoying it. After I got to that point, I was eager to pick up this book again and again.

I forget his name (shame on me!!), but I love the seven-year-old boy that Nym meets in Siren's Fury. He's still ever present in Siren's Song, and I just ... *hugs him* He was so fun, and sweet, and made me laugh! Favorite character for sure! *grins*

And though I can't quite reconcile myself with a meat-eating horse, I do have a sort of soft side for Haven. Haha. *wrinkles nose* She simply inspires this odd urge to chuckle at times.

I miss Colin soooooo much!!!!!! *tears*

I do appreciate the journey Nym went through too, and how it wraps up in this book. It's a pretty powerful message! "Hold it all lightly." The light spiritual aspect is a little more clear in this book than the other two. The Creator is mentioned more, though the characters have yet to develop any kind of deep relationship with Him. Heaven is talked about briefly. And Nym does seem on the verge of a spiritual break-through. So that I thought was very touching. It was only a few paragraphs perhaps, but a powerful bit.

The romance was a little iffy to me. Young adult can generally be that way, in my opinion. I felt there was too much physical stuff without any commitment. But their devotion to each other is clear. I do wish happiness for this couple! *smiles*
Note: There are mentions of lust, hunger, and "gazing at her form". Some heated scenes. A lot of it I just didn't prefer. The ending sentence of the book was a little edgy, but it did make me laugh!

Oh, another few warning. Lots of "swearing". It's made-up swear words of a fantasy world, as I gather, but still. And, as the books before it, a lot of violence/gruesomeness as well. Caution to younger and sensitive readers. Many parts are not for the faint of heart!

Especially near the end. OH!!! I was so sickened and enraged and sorrowed and just ... it was awful. But what does one expect from a monster bent on consuming evil and destroying the world? O_O

Some mysteries and answers coming to light in this book. I enjoyed seeing Nym's backstory. Draewulf's horrible plan. All that. It certainly was interesting!

Oh yes, and then the part where I nearly lost it and sold Siren's Fury. Um ... it was intense. I could hardly bear it. Just wait until you read it.

That all being said, I think I'm going to settle with 3.5 stars for Siren's Song. It was a powerful conclusion ... I just wasn't all the way there for a lot of the time. However, fans of this series will love it, I'm sure! Get ready for some craziness and emotion, my devoted friends. *smiles and winks*

Thanks to the publishers and Netgalley for providing me with a copy of Siren's Song by Mary Weber.
Profile Image for Alyssa.
571 reviews239 followers
March 1, 2016
About the Book

Nym and Draewulf prepare to face off in a battle destined to destroy more lives than it saves.

With the loss of Tulla still fresh in mind, Rasha’s fate unknown, and Lord Myles taken over by the dark ability, Nym and the few Bron soldiers rush to warn Cashlin’s queen. Only to discover it may already be too late for the monarch and her eerie kingdom. As the Luminescents are sifting through Nym’s past memories and the queen is reading into her future, Nym is given a choice of how to defeat Draewulf, but the cost may be more than she can bear. And even then there are no guarantees.

With that reality burrowing into her bones—along with the guilt of the lives she will sacrifice—Nym returns to her homeland of Faelen to raise an army of peasants through promises of freedom. But when the few friends she has left, along with the world and citizens she loves, are staring down the face of a monster and his undead army, will Nym summon every element her blood is capable of controlling . . . or surrender to a different strength—one of sacrifice?

Because in the end, death may be more merciful for them all.

My Review

Here we are, at the end of a long three year journey through Nym's story. It's been wild Nym. Siren's Song is the third and final installment of Mary Weber's fantasy trilogy. There is so much I want to talk about but I won't because...SPOILERS! This trilogy is probably one of the best I have ever read and if you haven't started this series yet I recommend that you do. Amazing world building, romance, and suspense flood these pages. I found myself while reading Siren's Song laughing, crying, and my heart pounding in my chest.

Note::: I received this book for free from the publisher in exchange for a review.
Profile Image for Kirsty (Amethyst Bookwyrm).
627 reviews81 followers
February 3, 2016
Thanks to Netgalley and Thomas Nelson for giving me this book to review.

With Tulla under siege from Draewulf’s army, Nym, Eogan and a handful of others rush to warn Cashlin’s queen, only to discover that it may be too late to for this eerie kingdom. With the Luminescents searching through Nym’s past, the queen is looking into her future and Nym is given 3 choices to defeat Draewulf, but none of them are guaranteed and the costs might be great. Nym is raising an army of peasants but will this along with her elemental powers be enough to stop Draewulf and his dark plans?

Siren’s Song is the enjoyable concluding book in the Storm Siren trilogy. It is action-packed, romantic and fast paced but I did not feel like it was as good as the first novel. As I had not read the first two books in a while I found it hard to remember what was happening and who everyone is.

Nym is resilient, stubborn and is determined to stop Draewulf, but she is also compassionate, selfless and wants to protect people. Eogan is brave and is still affected by being possessed by Draewulf, however, I did get annoyed at him keeping things to himself and not talking to Nym. I also like Kel as he was sweet and cute and behaved just like most 7 year olds in that situation would do.

This is a good ending to the series and I look forward to reading more books from Mary Weber. I would recommend Siren’s Song to fans of the first two novels in this series.

This and my other reviews can be found at Amethyst Bookwyrm
Profile Image for Jaye Knight.
Author 10 books608 followers
April 25, 2016
I finished this days ago, but kept forgetting to get a review written! But here it is finally! :)

Wow, what a ride this series has taken me on! I don’t think I’ve ever read anything quite like it. This book picks up pretty much where book two left off. Things are pretty dire, and you really wonder how it’s going to be resolved in the end. I can’t say too much without spoiling the book, but I’m satisfied with how the trilogy wrapped up. What I can say is that I think Mary Weber is fantastic at writing first person point of view. That’s one of the things I particularly loved about this series, especially since I haven’t read much for first person fantasy.

Of course, this series might not be for everyone. There was a lot of violence and, especially in book two, things felt pretty dark at depressing at times. The romance might be a bit over the top for some readers too. That said, I very much enjoyed the series. It felt very unique to me—kind of a cross between fantasy, steampunk, and X-Men. And it ends on a lighter note that makes up for the darkness that was present in parts of it. Actually, the very last line had me laughing out loud. I think it was a fantastic way to bring it to a close.

I received a copy of this book free from BookLook Bloggers in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Nemo (The ☾Moonlight☾ Library).
696 reviews317 followers
June 7, 2018
I absolutely adored the first book in this series, Storm Siren.

I found Siren's Fury, the second book, to be largely a waste of time.

However, I had faith that the third book, Siren’s Song, wouldn’t let me down, and I was right.
Siren’s Song has a plot that sends Nym and her cohorts all the way around the world in an attempt to warn her fellow kingdoms and raise an army against the unstoppable might that is the evil Draewulf. There’s not as much training and failed attempts repeating themselves over and over in this book, in fact it’s pretty linear in plot although I sometimes did have a hard time remembering who was doing what. This isn’t the fault of the author, more of the fact that there are many characters with their own agendas going off and doing their own thing, and often not telling Nym, our first-person limited narrator, the truth. We only know what Nym knows, so if she’s being tricked, so are we.

What I liked about this book was the relationship with Nym and Eogan. I don’t really remember seeing such a loving relationship that borderlined on abuse but it really fits in with Nym still being a teenager and brings back memories of my high school friends hitting their boyfriends for whatever reason. Nym’s a teenager and she still acts like it, so even if she loves Eagon she’s still tempted to lash out on occasion. I think this is also the result of her terrible upbringing and violent history, and the fact that she’s a super-powered storm siren who could eliminate anyone who so much as looked at her strangely.

I also liked how complicated this novel’s plot developed. While it’s simple to say that Nym’s preparing for war against Draewulf, not everyone wants to be involved. I loved the worldbuilding, especially seeing the incredible beauty of the city of Cashlin made almost entirely out of glass. I bet that’s an awesome sight to behold. I loved how the other characters had their own ideas of what should be happening. No one really fell at Nym’s feet (except her own people) and she had to fight for every bit of respect she gained. She went from being a slave to being her country’s saviour, but it wasn’t an easy, Mary-Sue journey. She fought for everything she ever received, and for that she has my respect.

While this is generally a positive review I do have to mention the one recurring element from the second book that lessened my enjoyment. It seems that in the middle of a battle or some other high-paced scene, I get confused by the actions of what’s actually going on because out of nowhere Nym suddenly becomes this super-powered deux ex machina type being who is still somewhat helpless when it comes to defeating the villain. She gets powers out of seemingly nowhere – it’s not explained and it doesn’t fit in with the magical rules already established that should, in all logical sense of the story and the worldbuilding, allow her to defeat the villain. But it doesn’t work, for whatever reason that’s also not explained.

Now, I understand conflict. I studied storytelling at a tertiary level and I know that conflict is the basis of all stories. But to create a super-powered heroine who is still a damsel in distress is a cheap, nasty, juvenile way out of creating real conflict. Now, while Nym doesn’t need to be rescued, I have to confess that in the heat of these scenes where the pace is rocketing along at breakneck speed and I’m trying not to skip ahead because I’m already confused enough by what’s going on, I just can’t grasp what is actually happening. The deus ex machina strikes and fails. Nym basically becomes this goddess of power and still can’t defeat the bad guy.

That being said, apart from that little hiccup, I really enjoyed Siren’s Song, especially the flashbacks that answered some questions I’m sure a lot of readers have had since the first book such as, if Nym’s so special/dangerous, how did she survive childhood, and whatever happened to her real parents?

My faith is restored in Weber. I love the trilogy as whole and this is a really great book to wrap up the series. The covers are, of course, breathless and strikingly accurate, and luckily for me, the insides match the outsides.

I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
Profile Image for gabi.
1,007 reviews28 followers
May 2, 2016
Oh dear. What do I say? What an spectacular ending to an amazing trilogy! This was better than Siren’s Fury, but I still think Storm Siren might be the best one out of the whole trilogy. But they’re all great, let’s just say. I’m glad and sad at the same time. It was so good, but now it is over.

Now that Draewulf’s plan has been revealed, Eogan and Nym must race across the nations to warn them of the danger they’re in and the need for everyone to unite. They prepare to gather together an army to fight Draewulf’s ever increasing army, but it will be of no use unless they can discover the secret to defeating Draewulf for good. And they are running out of time…

It was so great to have the real Eogan back. I missed him badly in the last book. He’s tough. He worries way too much about the safety of others. And he is very protective of Nym which is perfect because she needs someone like that. This book displays her willingness to make sacrificial decisions. She is always getting herself in life threatening situations. Just because she has powers, doesn’t mean that she is invincible. Her past has broken her in a way. She needs someone who cares for her life, and Eogan fulfills that role. Rasha and Myles are growing characters in this book. They hold a lot of intrigue for me. Kel is a great fun addition to this story. He adds some humor to the story. Draewulf is so so so evil. He is quite a complicated character in and of himself.

In this book, Nym and Eogan’s relationship gets much more intense. So there was quite a few kisses shared or at least they say they want to kiss, but don’t. I feel like there is more to their relationship than physical attraction, but it is barely mentioned. Meanwhile the physical attraction is said every time they are together. That got a bit annoying at times.

There was so much action and anxiety. The battles kept you on the edge of your seat. You never knew when something was going to go wrong. It was bloody at times, but I don’t think it was too bad. The plot twists were great and terrible. There was a moment when I thought this trilogy was going to end worse than the ending of Storm Siren, but thankfully there were some more pages. It ended in a perfect way (Even though I’m still a bit confused about how it all worked out.), full with hope and tragedy.

I just love this writing style people. It is georgous! So raw and heart wrenching and beautiful. The breathtaking similes that can literally pull tears from your eyes. It is incredible first person. I need more books by this author.

This is an amazing! I’m recommending this to all fantasy lovers. Go read it! Don’t think twice, just read it!

You can check out this review on my blog too, at: https://aheartredeemed.wordpress.com/... Thanks!
Profile Image for Tessa.
513 reviews41 followers
May 4, 2017
4 stars - I feel like just saying, it was good, and leaving the review like that. Every once in a while, a book will finish and leave you happy, but when it comes to reviewing, you can't pin point why.

Maybe it was the unexpected things, one which really almost surprised me. (It gave a tiny clue right before, alerting me to how it was going to happen). That was a VERY interesting twist. Maybe it was seeing yet more parts of the world. Maybe it was going back "home" or I just love Lord Myles' snippy attitude that much. Maybe it's just an accumulation of all of those things. One thing I do know is, it truly ended well.

Then why four stars? A few things. It didn't "go there". It played safe a few times when it could be something that really hurt. The first book did go there and it HURT. I wanted that, because it drives the story to be strong and realistic. Second, that last fight, it could have been stronger. More dark and less gore. Yes, bodies fly, but make me feel it with descriptions of the person, maybe someone who shouldn't be there. Take that initiative and really make the pain of two armies fighting be felt.

This is Ms. Weber's first series so I've no doubt that the rest of her books will just get better. I only ask her not to be afraid of making us readers feel when the time comes to really cause pain or angst. The first book did it, and I hope she didn't get too scared to make her readers continue to feel that pain.
Profile Image for Grace Mullins.
Author 3 books82 followers
April 1, 2016
Almost two years ago, I first started this series about a girl who could control weather, and my emotions for the first two books in the series have been up and down. Yet, overall, I liked these two books. In fact, I feel the series just got better with the sequel. So, as I do with most books that are in series, I was hoping that book three would be the best, and that it would elicit more love from my heart.
It did.
If I could describe this book in one word, I think powerful is the best one. The emotions this story of fighting to survive in a world of growing darkness was more than many books have pulled out of me. I literally had tears in my eyes at one point, and almost threw the book in frustration at the other. Now, I know, throwing a book can just mean the book was a bad read. However, in this case it was simply because I could not bear what was happening to a fictional character. When I come to like a character enough to want to throw a book, it means the author did a such an excellent job of characterization that it made me feel as if I was losing a friend if something happened to said character.
And what a cast of characters! I've felt from book one that Nym is a uniquely awesome character. She's not perfect. She makes mistakes, and has done things that have caused herself and others pain... Plus her speech and manners are a bit out there, but I think they just make known who she is, where she came from, and that you better not mess with her... Hm, maybe it was that she was flawed that made me cheer her on? That made me want to see her find happiness and a better way of life? Probably was.
Then there's Eogan, the hero. My adoration for this guy has grown slowly with each book, and now I can say he's one of my favorite heroes. Yeah, he can get cocky, but I think we all know he does it to illicit a rise of temper from a certain heroine...
I was also surprised by the turn of another character. I won't say who, because that's be a spoiler. But it really made me happy, because I really grew attached to this character even if they were a bit... well, just not always holding a large amount of "likable character" qualities.
In the end, this book left me in awe, and it really made me want to go back and re-read this series one day. At the beginning, it took me some to remember stuff that had happened in the previous two books, and so I felt a little distanced for awhile. But it had nothing to do with the writing (just my apparent memory loss), so I'll go ahead and give "Siren's Song" by Mary Weber a rating of five, and recommend to mature teens and adults who like fantasy. However, I do think you need to read the first two books in the series to get the full enjoyment of this one.

You may want to know- There is kissing, magic, violence, and use of the word he**ish.

*Thanks to the Booklook Bloggers program for a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review.
Profile Image for Serena Chase.
Author 6 books174 followers
March 22, 2016
Why you should read it: This romantic fantasy Storm Siren Trilogy has magic, zombie-like wraiths, some steampunk-ish transportation, aromas of fae lore and subtle faith elements that combine beautifully to defy any possibility of a one-subgenre label. Siren’s Song is the action-packed series finale that barely gives readers time to breathe while Nym is forced from one battle to the next, counting down to the dreaded-but-necessary confrontation with Draewulf, the shapeshifter who is only steps away from world domination.


After all that action, you may be unprepared for the emotionally charged final chapters. In fact, you may want to have tissues on hand … and privacy … just in case the near-end of the book wrecks you for a little bit, as it did me. A perfect conclusion to this delightfully brave trilogy, Siren’s Song will leave you eager to read whatever falls from the pen of talented author Mary Weber next. (from my recommendation at USA TODAY's Happy Ever After blog
Profile Image for Hannah Marie.
44 reviews47 followers
April 11, 2018
*flails violently* WHAT ARE WORDSSS??? What a heart-wrenching/beautiful/satisfying ending to a splendid series... The symbolism & lovely undertones just made it all the more fabulous.
Profile Image for Lovely Day.
866 reviews135 followers
July 16, 2020
2.5 ⭐️

This trilogy had sooooo much potential in the idea, however, I feel that the author made the romance way too seductive and descriptive of physical attraction as well as the use of the made-up swears was extremely cringy and annoying.

Profile Image for E.A..
Author 10 books135 followers
March 17, 2017
Siren's Song is a story that will encompass you in its creative telling and leave you satisfied at the end. This is a story you don't want to miss!

I thoroughly enjoyed Nym's story through the last two books and this third and final installment was no different. Filled with fast-paced action, dire circumstances, and romance, Mary Weber creates a stunning ending to this thrilling fantasy trilogy.

The weight of her peoples future rests on Nym's shoulders. Filled with this sense of purpose and the release (kind of) from the dark power that consumed her in book 2, she is set on a course to save the kingdom, or die trying.

I found Nym's journey in this book to be intriguing. Aside from one "battle" (not really a battle) that she doesn't get to fight herself, she is in the midst of the activity and fighting to make things right. She's suborn, but smarter in her actions (to me at least) than she was in previous books--I attribute that to her growth as a character. The romance is also there, but stilted (not in a bad way) and filled with tension, which I tend to like. There were a few times I wished that Eogan was more communicative, and his silence just seemed silly. Like...say what you're thinking. Then again, guys don't always do that, so I get it (hehe).

Then there was the ending...I just...I loved it. *sigh* I won't go into details here, but it was just what I wanted. Filled with hopes, fears, excitement, twists, happiness, and so much more. I will say I wished some of it had been a bit more drawn out, but I am still completely satisfied with how it ended so it wasn't a "big" deal.

As a theme, I really liked how Mary incorporated the issues of slavery and cutting into this YA series. These are such important topics and very relevant to today's youth. I won't spoil the ending, but I love what happens regarding Nym's scars. Just beautiful!

I definitely recommend this whole series to lovers of fantasy (YA or not)! You'll find yourself swept up in the imaginative world Mary has created with its crazy animals, genuine characters, and vivid fantasy elements. (Oh! see what I did there? Elements! Anyway...) Go read this if you haven't already, friends!

P.S. I think Lord Myles is one of my favorite characters...Just saying!

My Rating: 5*

Originally posted on my blog: http://eahendryx.blogspot.com/2016/09...
I received a free copy of this book for review purposes but was under no obligation to read the book or post a review. I do so under my own motivation and the opinions I have expressed in this review are honest and entirely my own.
Profile Image for Vanessa Gayle ⚔️ Fangirl Faction.
1,062 reviews826 followers
March 31, 2016
I just loved this! It was exactly the ending that I was hoping for in this amazing series. There is just so much to love about this book!

What I liked
The closing of this story comes together nicely. Most loose ends are tied up (with the exception of one thing mentioned below) and the story flows quite nicely.

I love the relationships that Nym has with some of the other characters. Her relationship with Rasha is heartwarming. Her relationship with Kel makes me giggle. I just love that little turd. Her relationship with Myles is endearing. I love how he gets redemption from her at the end. My heart swelled.

I loved Nym's sacrifice. It was so touching and I was on the edge of my seat with the end scenes. Nym shows who she truly is, and I am glad that in the end things worked out the way that they did.

The ending was so satisfying. Some books leave you hanging wondering what in the stars happens to your beloved characters. This ending was in between, and really quite perfect. While we don't get a glimpse into the future with the characters, there is enough there to make you feel comfort in your chest. You can rest easy knowing that your favorite characters are going to be all right. It is really bittersweet. I loved it.

What I didn't like
The source of power is still not thoroughly explained in this one either. Since the source of power wasn't really explained in Storm Siren or Siren's Fury, I thought that things would be laid out in Siren's Song. There really isn't an explanation at all. There are vague mentionings about the Valley and then she sings and things happen, but the source of it is still up in the air. I wish that the siren aspect would have been explored more. Other than her song, there isn't really much about it. My nerdy brain is itching for more information! Gah! I think that this is the only thing that I truly dislike about the series. Everything else is solid.

Would I Recommend It
Yes. This is by far the best book of the series! There is action, redemption, sacrifice, friendship, love, strength - just so much to love about this book!
Profile Image for Hannah Rodriguez.
90 reviews35 followers
August 26, 2016
This book killed me. Inside and out.
Like man.
I will write something longer when I can gather my thoughts.
But gahhhhhh. The ending spilt me in two.
Profile Image for Resch Reads.
1,157 reviews36 followers
December 6, 2018
An epic, enchanting conclusion to an enthralling series. I am having all the feels right now. I was so nervous to start this book as so much was at risk and I was very fearful of the consequences of how things were going to play out. It actually took me 3 days to finish this book because I had to read in small doses so my heart wouldn't break too much. Spoiler alert, my heart broke anyways.

This book is action packed from start to finish. One adventure and mission flows seamlessly into the next, with a show-down between Nym and Draewulf in the end. Nym and Eogan finally got back together and though they each had some kinks to work out, their kissy scenes had me swooning. They deserved this so much! Rasha and Myles are back and I really love how they balance the story with banter and light-heartedness even amongst the tense war-time setting. Isobel is back and to me, she redeemed herself a little in this story; not completely, but I think there is some good in her, maybe like 1/5000 but still.

So the majority of the book centers around preparing for the battle to take place between good versus evil and when things finally start, it is a whirl wind. I spent the last 5 chapters sobbing, a mix of sadness and a mix of happiness. It was truly a thing of beauty to watch play out. I was transfixed, and each scene gutted me a little bit more. From the sacrifices to the deaths, I was in a state of awe. I am not going to spoiler anything but I will say that this series will be one I definitely re-read in the future. A fantastic conclusion that left me smiling as I dab tears away from my eyes.
Profile Image for Syazana Syed.
382 reviews36 followers
December 14, 2017
Wow! Just wow!

The last book of the trilogy is absolutely mind blowing! I play too many emotions in both my heart and brain while reading. There's certain scenes makes my heart pounding and feels curious to the max! I was like what's gonna happen next and every night, before I slept, I stopped reading at a suspense scenes. Why? Why? I have no idea. Can you imagine how I actually felt in those moment?

It's terrible! I'm struggling to control myself. I need to avoid my feelings to pick the book up once again by going through my Instgram or Goodreads. Yeah, that how good the book is!

Gonna hunt for Mary Weber's books soon - next year!
Profile Image for Erin Arkin.
1,782 reviews367 followers
February 28, 2016
4.5 stars

Siren’s Song by Mary Weber is the third book in The Storm Siren trilogy and if you haven’t started this series yet you need to remedy this immediately. First, these covers are gorgeous and some of my favorites…ever. Second, the story that Weber has developed over the course of these three books had me on the edge of my seat and just waiting for the next book so I could find out what was going to happen next. If you haven’t read these books yet, you might want to hold off on reading my review further. I will do my best not to give anything away but can’t promise anything.

This book picks up shortly after Siren’s Fury ends. Now that Nym has faced off with Draewulf she and Eogan know they need to warn Cashlin’s queen about what is going on. As Weber sets this story up for the final face off to determine who will come out on top in the end, we get a lot more information on the Uathúils and we also get to see Nym jump into her role as a leader…and do well.

Nym continues to grow throughout this series and the thing that stood out for me the most in this book is the way she flourishes in her role as someone who can lead her people. As she comes face to face with her past (literally) she realizes she has the strength inside herself to be what her people needs and this isn’t just because of her power.

The relationship between Nym and Eogan takes some steps forward which I have been waiting for. Nym knows that Eogan is what she wants but there is still some hesitation on Eogan’s part. At times he pulls back which was frustrating but it’s always to protect Nym and doesn’t have anything to do with his feelings for her. He truly does love and care about her and I loved the way this was tied into the overall story because although the relationship is a big part of who these characters are, it doesn’t become the whole story.

As the cast of supporting characters help to move the story along, there are a few that stand out as my favorites. Kel is definitely one of them and of course there are Myles and Rasha. I can’t say much about what happens with them but this story wouldn’t be the same if they weren’t included. There are others as well and admittedly, the entire cast of characters help to push the story forward but these three have a special place in Nym’s heart and my head.

The last few chapters of this book had me turning the pages to see what was going to happen and I have to say, I was not disappointed. Weber ties this story together really well and as a series, while I will miss the characters, everything felt right. I’m not going to say anything about anything but trust me, if you love this series, you won’t be disappointed by what happens.

Hopefully this wasn’t too vague for anyone wondering what happens. If you know my reviews, you know I don’t like to spoil anything so apologies if this didn’t provide enough detail for anyone. With that said, take my word for it that if you are looking for a great YA fantasy, you should be reading this series. It has something for everyone and will take you on a ride you might not expect. I look forward to whatever Mary Weber has in store for us next and will be recommending this series to anyone and everyone.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the review copy!
Profile Image for Anthea.
474 reviews
June 13, 2018
Well I’m glad I stuck with the series. I enjoyed this book more than the previous 2.
Profile Image for Jen.
1,080 reviews92 followers
February 29, 2016

I don't know how I'm supposed to review that in an intelligent, coherent way, but I'll try...

I'm always nervous going into final books, thanks so much for that permanent scar on my soul, Book That Shall Not Be Named, that starts with A, ends with T, but was written by Veronica Roth.

I started SIREN'S SONG, made it a few chapters in and had to set it aside. Because stress. I repeated this cycle several times over the course of a week, until finally, finally, I put my big girl booknerd socks on (you know, the ones that look like old school library cards) and made myself finish it. I'm SO GLAD I did.

SIREN'S SONG had everything I was looking for in a final installment: action, adventure, romance and swoon. It also held a few surprises that I REALLY COULD HAVE DONE WITHOUT, LIKE CHAPTER 41 OKAY, MARY WEBER? *sighs* Okay, so I kindofsortaknew something was going to happen, but still. I don't like pain.

I loved that Nym and Eogan got to spend the bulk of the book together, instead of only the last few chapters. It made their relationship believable. NGL, I really enjoyed the kissing scenes. As with the two previous books, the side characters were a lot of fun too. Except for Isobel. That girl and her father made me stabby.

It's always nice to come to the end of a series and feel a mix of satisfaction and longing. I'm satisfied with how this ended, but I could always read more. I'm looking forward to what Mary Weber comes up with next!
Profile Image for Kendall Berg.
217 reviews17 followers
March 28, 2016
I wanted to want to rate this book higher.

Because a lot of the things that went wrong in book two for me were fixed in this book.

1. Eogan and nym are battling head on
2. Nym starts trying to be a better version of herself for herself (no more boy obsession)
3. There is all kinds of plot revealing and deepening of character relationships
4.I love Kel. So much.


However, I didn't feel the love story in this one.

I know what you're thinking: "Gosh Kendall - first there is too much about Eogan now not enough? Make up your mind!"

But here is the deal - in book one Eogan & Nym's emotions were palpable. I felt their draw to one another and the darkness of their pasts pulling them apart.

then in book two I understood Eogan wanting to sacrifice himself for the greater good and the wedge that it drove between them.

But in book three - Eogan clearly loves her and vice versa - but they spend the ENTIRE BOOK pushing one another away and then in the end he chalks it up to "I wanted you to have the freedom of choice if you didn't want me." Seriously?

THATS BULL! He should've fought for her. Stupid men.

She took on dark powers and almost got herself killed (repeatedly) for you - ya big oaf.


alright I've calmed down. But yah - thats why I am struggling to love this book. Save for 2 chapters towards the end of the book from Eogan's perspective I didn't feel his love for her.

It was still a great series, still a great read, and still gorgeous cover art on my book case but I felt books 2 & 3 could've been a bit better.

Book type: YA Paranormal Romance
Book rating: 3/5
Read time: 3 hours

For more reviews check out my blog: www.booksandchai.com
With love, parchment, and freshly mowed grass,
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