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A League of Her Own

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He was attractive, talented…and way off limits.

Heather Gadway may have been a world-class college pitcher and a top university coach, but she's a rank amateur when it comes to managing the Falcons, her father's struggling minor league team. And when it comes to managing her aggravating attraction to Garrett Wolf, their talented new pitcher. It's going to be difficult enough to make it as the first female manager in the league and prove to her overly critical father she's worthy. No distractions. No missteps. And certainly no romances with players. Everything stands between them—including their troubled pasts—even as Heather's world falls apart and Garrett's the one who's there to catch her…

Romance, Baseball, Rivals to Lovers, Contemporary Romance

386 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published December 1, 2014

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Karen Rock

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Profile Image for Carol [Goodreads Addict].
2,703 reviews25.1k followers
November 10, 2015

A League of Her Own by Karen Rock, is a Heartwarming Harlequin Romance. I won this book in a give-a-way package.

holly springs nc:

Heather Gadway is twenty seven years old. In college she was an award winning pitcher and now she is a college coach in California. Heather’s dad is the sole owner of a minor league baseball team, The Falcons, in their home town of Holly Springs, North Carolina. Heather has grown up around baseball. It’s all she has ever known. Her mother is an addict and Heather hasn’t seen her since she was thirteen years old. So her dad and baseball are her world.

baseball sexy:

Garrett Wolf is the new pitcher for The Falcons. Mr. Gadway gave him a chance when no one else would. Garrett is a recovering alcoholic but he is clean and sober. Every day is still a struggle but he is determined to stay that way. His dream is to make it to the major leagues and to do that, he has to be at the top of his game with the Falcons. Garrett grew up in foster care with very little memory of his mother. Baseball and staying sober is his only focus. It’s all he wants.

baseball pitcher:

When Heather’s dad suffers a mild heart attack, Heather rushes home to take care of him. It’s then that she discovers that The Falcons are struggling financially. Her dad is considering selling. But she can’t stand the thought of letting this team go, so she convinces her dad to take her on temporarily as a new manager. She would be the very first minor league female manager. He gives her until the end of the season to turn the team around, or he’s selling.

Heather knows as a female manager, she has to always be professional with the players to earn their respect. That becomes a struggle from the start, though, with Garrett. There is something there, a pull, an attraction. But she's the boss and there can be nothing between them. When she learns that he is an alcoholic, that gives her even more reason to stay away. She would never put herself in a position to be hurt by another addict after her experiences with her mother.

“Their childhoods were different, but they’d sustained the same damage. It connected them. Maybe that’s why she was opening up. Still, he sensed she couldn’t ever fully let him in.”

Heather gives the team everything she has, but they are slow to accept her. She also wants to involve her team in the community so she starts a camp for the boys living in foster care group homes. Holly Springs has been struggling and if their team could make a comeback, then the town might as well.

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A bond forms between Heather and Garrett, even with both of their reluctance to accept it. Still, though, Heather knows she can never trust an addict and Garrett is in no position to enter into a relationship. All he wants is to make it to the majors.

“She was getting to him. Big time. Being around her was like riding a carnival Tilt-A-Whirl. She had him spinning. One minute she was a tough spitfire he wished he’d never laid eyes on, and the next she was soft and open, making him want to hold her and never let go. Especially when he glimpsed the same vulnerability in her eyes that consumed and strangled him.”

baseball love:

This is my very first book by Karen Rock. And, I loved it. Her characters are so easy to care about. Both Heather and Garrett were driven professionally. But they had also both been through so much, leaving them vulnerable. You just never know when that one person comes along that can see you as you really are, that can understand you, make you feel comfortable and able to open up to them. Neither Heather or Garrett was looking for a relationship, both with their own agendas, wanting different things. Will these two be able to overcome all there is in their paths and find a way to accept each other? To allow themselves to finally accept love when they have both yearned for it throughout their lives? I truly enjoyed getting to know Heather and Garrett. If you read this book, I hope you’ll love them as well.

Profile Image for Geri Reads.
1,232 reviews2,124 followers
December 12, 2014
3.5 stars!

My first Karen Rock and definitely won't be my last.

I love the idea of two flawed but determined individuals fighting to find their place in the world at the same time being in love with each other. Heather is trying to prove to her father and to everyone that she can handle what is traditionally known as a man's job, which is being a baseball manager. And Garrett is trying to stay sober and outrun his past. Both of them are determined to succeed.

Individually, I loved the characters. Their individual struggles resonated with me especially Heather's. Her struggle not only to make it in a male dominated profession while seeking her father's approval made her a very interesting character.

Garrett also struggles not only with sobriety and his past. He wants to make it to the Majors and this is going to be his last chance. He certainly doesn't need a distraction in his personal and professional life.

While I liked their individual story arcs, I couldn't quite feel the chemistry between the two characters, unfortunately. They had some great banter, and pretty emotional scenes but as a couple, I couldn't connect with them. I just didn't love them as a couple.

Overall, still a good read. This is obviously just my opinion. What I feel for Garrett and Heather might be the opposite of what others would feel. Plus, Karen Rock is an excellent writer. I just wish I connected with the pairing more.

ARC provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for ♥Rachel♥.
2,081 reviews898 followers
November 26, 2014
2.5 Stars

Heather must manage her father's floundering baseball team after he suffers a heart attack. Dealing with doubt from the teammates, as well as her father, makes this a challenge. Can she measure up? Being attracted to Garrett, the wayward pitcher with a chip on his shoulder disturbs her especially since he's a recovering alcoholic. Her mother's addiction nearly killed Heather years ago, so Heather is immediately distrustful.

Great writing made me invested Heather and Garrett and root for their happiness, but I never really felt their romance. Baseball details were a good portion of the story which may appeal to sports fans, but didn't work for me. Also, I would've liked to see more backbone from Heather in her dealings with her overbearing and critical father. A scrapbook didn't excuse his behavior, IMO.

A copy was kindly provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

This review is also posted at The Readers Den.
Profile Image for Carole (Carole's Random Life).
1,920 reviews564 followers
January 20, 2019
This review can also be found at Carole's Random Life.

I received an advanced reader edition of this book from the author for the purpose of providing an honest review.

4 Stars!

I loved this sweet story! I have read a lot of sports romance and have found that the focus is almost always on the romance with just a glimpse of the sport. That is not the case with this novel. This is a true sports story with the sport being just as important as the romance. I love baseball so this story really appealed to me.

Heather is a softball coach after having been a great player herself. When she gets the call that her dad has had a heart attack, she rushes to his side. Soon she finds out that her father is planning to sell his struggling minor league baseball team and she fights to get a chance to manage the team and turn things around. Nothing Heather does ever seems to be good enough for her father but he eventually agrees to the plan.

Garrett is a recovering alcoholic who is trying one last time to fulfill his dreams of making it to the big leagues. When he finds out that his team will now have the first female manager, he is ready to find another team. He soon recognizes that Heather has what it takes to lead this team and gives the team his all.

There is a lot of chemistry between Garrett and Heather from the very beginning but there are also a lot of reasons they should not act on it. When Heather becomes the manager of the Falcons, she also becomes his boss so a relationship is not the best idea. An even bigger problem is that Heather does not feel that she can ever trust anyone who has ever been an addict because she watched her mother relapse too many times when she was younger.

The fact that this book is part of the Harlequin Heartwarming line is perfect! It is most definitely a heartwarming story. Garrett and Heather both have a lot of issues from their past to overcome and watching them do that in this story was wonderful. This story is wonderfully written and the character's emotions really feel authentic. I would definitely recommend this book to others. Baseball fans should find this story particularly appealing. This is the first book by Karen Rock that I have had the chance to read and I plan to look for others in the future.
Profile Image for Kathy.
2,741 reviews5,998 followers
October 13, 2014
This is my 3rd Karen Rock book and it has definitely secured her a place on the short list of authors I can't wait to read. I will definitely bump her upcoming books to the top of my to read list.
As is the case with most romances this had a fairly predictable plot line. Thankfully woven into that predictability was a unique story-line and great characters.

Heather is very strong female lead who happens to be an awesome pitcher. It takes a while but eventually she shows the all male members of the baseball team she has something of value to contribute to the team despite the fact that she is a female.

A sweet romance develops between Heather and Garrett and I appreciate the fact that this book remains clean while portraying an obvious attraction between the characters.

If you enjoy sweet clean romance check out this line of books especially those written by Karen Rock.

Rating 4.5 Stars - Highly Recommend

Content: Clean

Source: Netgalley.com
Profile Image for Lola.
1,753 reviews269 followers
December 1, 2014
My Review:
I received a copy in exchange for an honest review

I have read every book by Karen Rock so far, so when she asked me if I wanted to read and review her upcoming release A League of Her Own I didn't hesitate a moment. A League of Her Own has many elements I've come to expect from karen Rock her books, a slow building heart warming romance, great side characters and some hard or emotional issues woven in between. This book also felt different then her earlier books, but I really enjoyed it.

I've come to like Karen her writing style and how she builds up her books, there are always certain steps and type of scenes I come to expect, but these work. Except for a certain scene towards the end, I could've done without that one. What I liked about A League of Her Own is that it focusses on baseball. I am not a sports fan, but I enjoy learning about topics I know almost nothing about through books and I liked getting to know more about baseball through this book. Granted the baseball wasn't the focus of the story, but it was a very important elements.

Karen always knows how to make you fall in love with her characters. I had a soft spot for Garret and Levi and later for one of Heather's relatives as well. Heather was more difficult to like, I did like her determination to succeed and how she was trying hard and doing her best for the team. But I got a bit annoyed with her trust issues sometimes, there were times were she blatantly told someone she didn't believe him and I just couldn't understand that. maybe that's because I have more the opposite reaction and quickly believe people when they tell me they do something, which can lead to disappointment when they don't though. But beside those parts I did like her overall. And I understood why she reacted the way she did, I just didn't like it.
Levi was the kid who had it hard in this book and I loved seeing how Garret tried to help him. There were some really powerful scenes with the two of them. I would've liked to learn more about a few other side characters, like Dean, one of Garret's friends. It just seemed the other team members stayed a bit shallow compared to the main characters.

The romance was nicely done and I liked how they almost started off as rivals before getting to know each other better and falling in love. The romance was slow building, but there are some really sweet scenes. I just wish heather was able to let go and trust Garret a bit more. I liked seeing how Garret was determined to fight for her even though some of the things Heather said must have really hurt him. There were some rocky parts later on in their relationship that I had some issues with, but I kept routing for them and I was happy with the ending.

To conclude: another great romance novel by Karen Rock! I liked how I learned more about baseball in this book. This book has some great characters, although I had some trouble with Heather in a few situations. The romance builds slow and is heart-warming. And there are some great side characters as well!
Profile Image for Katie (hiding in the pages).
3,239 reviews293 followers
December 22, 2014
I am not an athlete, yet I enjoy a story that revolves around sports. Heather has spent her whole life around baseball and has a deep love for the sport. Not only is she a college champion softball pitcher, but she's a great coach and has a good eye for things not obvious to others. She's had an emotional tough upbringing, due to her mother's addictions, and baseball seems to be a stabilizing force in her life.

Garrett has also had a tough upbringing and just wants to feel successful and accepted. Determined to break out of the cycle, he makes a name for himself, only to lose it all. When he is given a second chance to pitch for the Falcons, he takes it and decides to focus solely on his dreams, but with Heather as his boss, that's pretty hard to do.

I love a good romance and thought this one was very well done. There are a lot of issues that these characters are dealing with, from fears to forgiveness to battling with weaknesses to earning respect. Everything was woven together so well. I especially loved how these characters seemed to jump off the pages. Heather seems so cool, collected, and confident, but she has insecurities that leave her feeling far from perfect. Garrett has a way of drawing her feelings out, even when she has major issues with him. In turn, Heather has a way of reaching Garrett, so that he finds himself doing things that he never thought he would do. Ms. Rock has a way of weaving an enchanting tale and I'm a huge fan!

Content: a few mild expletives; no violence, but brief mentions of neglectful parenting and underage drinking; a couple of romantic kisses. Clean!

*I received a copy in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for Sophia.
Author 5 books374 followers
December 1, 2014
This book was a hit out of the ball park with me. I love rooting for the underdogs and this was a romance of two struggling, but very determined people who just needed a chance to show that the faith placed in them had not been misplaced. Their story is set against the backdrop of a minor league ball club trying to come out of several slumping seasons.

This baseball romance written by a new to me author had a refreshing and intriguing twist to it that caught my eye and made me eager to pick up this story. Yes, there is a handsome, brooding pitcher for the hero with inner demons to fight as he gets a last chance to make good, but the heroine is his team manager- a lady professional ball player and manager. Kathunk! Right? She's talented and skilled to do the job, but has her own demons to slay and she thinks one of those is her unwanted attraction to the team's ace who isn't too keen on a lady boss.

Garrett is a recovering alcoholic who started drinking because of the guilt and burden he carries from his past. His life now is all about redemption and proving himself with this last chance to turn his career around. Unfortunately, he plays on a team that is unmotivated and floundering with the vacuum in leadership and direction. Garrett's got a problem with his pitching and is frustrated that he can't figure out the problem. Then the new manager shows up- a woman that he happens to be strongly attracted too- and she has all the answers. Dare he listen to her when none of the other coaches see what she sees? And while he really should keep his mind firmly on baseball and staying sober, he can't stop thinking about Heather even when she pushes him away hard letting him know that she can't be with a guy like him- a drunk that can't be trusted. It hurts, but he can't deny that its true.

Heather has achieved beyond most people's wildest dreams, but it is never enough for her dad. Her dad's health and finances puts him in a bind with the team he owns and she begs him for a chance to prove that she can handle the team before he gives them up. In doing so, she hopes to finally get his approval. It's just been her and him since her drug-addicted mother finally left them after nearly killing her in a car accident because she was DUI. Her dad agrees to let her finish out the season and then he'll talk to the interested buyers about selling. She has the rest of the season to gain the team's confidence in listening to a woman manager, to fix the problems she sees in the players, and convince her dad to keep her on and not sell. That should be enough to keep her busy, but yet she finds her thoughts drifting to the ace pitcher who makes it clear at the start that he wants out of his contract, then he doesn't trust her opinion about his pitching problem and finally he has a strong aversion to getting involved in her chosen community outreach program for some mysterious reason. When he showed interest in her as a person, she pushed him away knowing that she'll probably never develop the trust necessary for a relationship after all the lying and hurt her mom's addictions caused her and he takes it with a forgiving spirit so why can't she accept her own decision?

The story isn't just a romance with a bit of sports off in the distance to qualify it as a sports romance- no there is lots of baseball for the game lover- neither is is just an isolated romance between two people involved in sports though there is a sweet slow developing romance presence through the story.

This is a heartwarming story of two broken individuals who need to grow and they both have tough paths to get there. Along the way, they come together and support each other though its hard to read when the heroine's insecurities push them apart. It was a sobering reminder of the damage that addiction can do not only to the person addicted, but by their loved ones too. Heather was hard on Garrett, but I can't exactly say that she's way out in left field since she had lived with it. Did I think it was fair to Garrett? No, but unfortunately he is the one who must be strong and prove that he isn't like her mom was. Fortunately, he's a strong guy and cares enough to do just that.

The story isn't all heavy feeling and tension. There is also lightness and hope too. It was so well-rounded in scope, paced well and included such well drawn characters both in the primary and secondary roles that I just kept reading and finished it in two sittings. This is definitely for the Sports Romance lover, but I would broaden my recommendation to also include any Contemporary Romance fans that likes an emotionally challenging sweet romance between characters that make one want to cheer them on for the win.

My thanks to the author and to Net Galley for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Michelle Pickett.
Author 10 books897 followers
December 12, 2014
I was so excited when I was scheduled as a stop on Karen’s blog tour. Not only is she a gifted storyteller, she’s a sweet friend. I was originally supposed to post my review on the 9th, but family problems got in the way. Karen was so gracious and understanding. She told me family, of course, came before book reviews. And, although she is correct, I still want to share some of my thoughts on her newest novel in the “Heartwarming” series by Harlequin, “A League of Her Own.”

“A League of Her Own” is a touching look at the dynamics of human relationships, from family, to romantic. It explores how these relationships mold and shape one’s life and attitudes, all the while entertaining the reader with a well written, thoroughly enjoyable story.

Anyone who reads my blog knows my biggest rule: never, ever, talk about a book’s plot. I don’t give a rehash of the story in my review. You have to read the book yourself to get the full emotional connection the author intended. However, it’s so hard for me to keep my own rule with this review!

There are so many levels in this story, so many different relationships and stages of those relationships. I’d love to outline them all, dissect each, and tell you what I think about the characters’ relationships and how they weave into the fabric of the story, intersecting with the other relationships. It was incredibly well written and thought out and I found myself getting so wrapped up in the dynamics of the story that hours felt like minutes. Before I knew it, my kids were asking about dinner and I thought, “Dinner? It’s only one o’clock.” Um, nope. Try five o’clock and I’d read more than half the book.

The story is full of beautifully, richly written characters, which seemed three dimensional. In other words, not just words on a page. The characters in “A League of Her Own” walked across the pages, playing out the scenes, and the reader isn’t a mere spectator, but an active participant. Writing that pulls the reader so far into a story is rare and a true gift. It is something every author strives for, and this book shows Karen Rock’s talent of taking a reader from their favorite reading chair, to a world of Karen’s creation.

I suppose one reason I was so drawn to “A League of Her Own” is because I could relate to the main character, Heather. Alcohol had always played a part in her life in some way. It was like a living, breathing thing that skulked around corners and darted from bush to bush following her—never leaving her in peace. And with it, it brought its friends: Deceit, Self-doubt, Suspicion, and the meanest of all, the inability to let people in. To truly open yourself up and let them into your life. Because once you did that… you opened yourself up for alcohol’s other friends, Pain and Loss. I could see myself in Heather. I read my life on the pages of the book. And parts made my heart ache, and parts showed me the hope I carry with me now. But all of it was a story that needed to be told. That needs to be told more often.

Deceit. Loss. Pain. Self-doubt. Suspicion. Alone. They are the faces of alcoholism and they touch everyone.

Bottom Line: An engaging story. The plot was well thought out, the pacing was steady throughout the book. The characters were flawed, making them real and likeable. I think this is one of my favorite of Karen’s books. I highly recommend it.

Profile Image for Desere.
758 reviews75 followers
October 29, 2014
Every woman loves a attractive and talented guy, add in a mix of him being off limits and voila, it's an explosive situation bound to be one heck of a fun ride.

Heather Gadway may have been a world-class college pitcher and a top uni coach, but she's ranked as amateur when it comes to managing the Falcons, her father's struggling minor league team.

And when it comes to managing her over the top and very aggravating attraction to Garret Wold, their brand new star pitcher, shouting " time to play ball " is like setting loose the team on a football field!

Aside from her ever growing attraction she knows it 's going to be hard to prove herself as the first ever female manager in the league and prove to her overly critical father that she's worthy.

So no matter what the cost she cannot afford any distractions no matter how tempting or delicious they may be. But soon Heather's world starts to fall apart and Garrett is the only one there to catch her.

If you have read my previous review for books by this author, you will now it's no surprise that am not only addicted to them, but that she is in a league of her own, I am yet to find a HQH author that does it quite the way Karen Rock does.

Deep soul searing emotion , chemistry so hot the pages go up in flames and best of all characters that are so real it's scary!

In this read the heroine, Heather is a strong and independent woman, the best kind of all I always say, she stands her ground as best she can but as we all know when the going get's tough the tough does have a tenancy to want to get going. Understandable, because life does seem to be just a little too hard sometimes and wanting to crumble and surrender when we fall is usually where our mind starts to wonder by the time we hit the ground for the what feels like the hundredth time. Through this author the author showed that everyone needs someone to catch them, even when you think you can beat them all, it simply is not the case. So expect that little helping hand when it comes along.

The character of the perfect troubled past hero, and I adored him to bits! Through this character the author perfectly brought home the message of trust. If someone trusts you enough to risk it all, it's not only common decency to trust them too, but it's also the best way of showing you care. If you have someone's trust but cannot surrender your's to them there really is simply no point in the believe status of the relationship, as they say what's good for the goose is good for the gander.

I highly recommend this read for all fans of that very magical, super romantic, rivals turn lovers reads. It was perfect in each and every single way, sexy, sensual and packed with one heck of a curve-ball emotional punch !

5/5 star review
"He knocks her out of the park, but will she stick around to see the end of the game?"
Profile Image for Cynthia.
2,095 reviews20 followers
November 23, 2014
They definitely got the Heartwarming right, this is the sweetest heartwarming story that will warm your heart and soul. In all of the books I have read of Karen’s she hits on tough issues, she has the talent to pull you in and touch your heart in so many ways. In this it is addiction of pain medication and alcohol, Karen shows you how it rips families apart, how hard it is to fight the battle of not taking the next hit. This is a story of not only one person but two people who have to get their life on track and keep it there to keep their love ones.

How do you learn to trust someone you know you never have been able to? Can you ever trust an addict? These are the questions that Heather will have to ask herself and deal with before she can ever find peace in her life. She has an over bearing father who makes her feel she has never been good enough. Strike 1… She has a mother who left her when she was very young for whatever reason and her addiction. Strike 2… She wants to manage her father’s baseball team he is against it Strike 3….. You add Garrett who is a recovering alcoholic, their star pitcher and off limits, the attraction is powerful could this be strike 4? It looks like Heather is about to strike out in her own life, can she get it together, show her father what she is made of and make him proud? On top of that she has to deal with her mother she hasn’t seen in years, how much can a girl take? Garrett just isn’t taking no for an answer but once an addict always and addict….could he really be clean and can he stay clean? So many question and not enough answers, time is running out can she pull off being the first female manager in the league?

You always fall in love with Karen’s many different characters, each one will hold a place in your heart. She gives such life to them you feel you know them and they become a part of your family. Karen writes strong stand up characters that have been given a bad hand in life. Karen’s writing style flows easy, she keeps you with her as you turn the pages to find out what she has in store for you. I found this story to be very believable, her facts are right on the money. These characters are fighters, the go for what they want in live, strong, caring and human. This is a wonderful clean read with many surprises that holds the reader’s attention. Karen gives you a story of pain, lost, hope, forgiving, peace and love. It was a very touching read that will keep you looking for the next shoe to drop and hoping they can pull it together to find a happy ending.

Karen is one of my favorite authors, I look forward to many more books from her. She has a talent to get right to the heart with her easy style of writing that will leave you at peace as she warms your heart and soul.
Profile Image for Yvonne.
1,219 reviews256 followers
March 25, 2016
When her father suffers a heart attack, he allows Heather Gadway to manage his minor league team, the Falcons. It’s an up hill climb for Heather as she can never do enough to please her father. Nothing is ever good enough for him, but Heather is determined to prove him wrong. It’s not easy for her to prove herself in a primarily male sport.

Garrett Wolf is filled with demons. He is given the chance to pull himself out of his problems and be successful in his beloved sport of baseball. His dream is to pitch in the major leagues, but after dealing with alcohol addiction, he fears it might be too late. He’s already gone through twelve months of sobriety and he vows to continue and turn his life around.

Heather has dealt with her own mother’s addiction to pain killers and has no intentions of getting involved with another addict. However, she can’t help finding herself attracted to the man, but she just can’t get past her trust issues to let down her guard. Then, Heather’s life falls apart and it only draws her closer to Garrett. He’s more than happy to pick up the pieces.

First, I have to start off by saying I’m a huge baseball fan and love baseball romances. I never think there are enough of them so I thought this is the perfect read as the official baseball season is right around the corner. This story has a lot of potential and is very well written.

Heather and Garrett are two flawed characters with pasts they are fighting to overcome. Their struggles are very realistic and portrayed out of the pages of real life. I absolutely adore Garrett, flaws and all. I felt his pain and anxiety throughout the story. I did, however, have more of a problem with the heroine. To me, she felt too unforgiving and too unwilling to give anyone second changes. I wanted her to soften up a bit, especially towards Garrett. She painted everyone with an addiction with one big paint brush. She couldn’t see beyond her own experience.

Although Garrett had wonderful character growth, I thought Heather still had a long way to go. She is getting there, though. As a result, I found myself questioning why Garrett even bothered trying to win her over instead of cheering for their happily-ever-after.

This is certainly an emotional book dealing with many different emotions from betrayal to disappointment to hope and to faith. This book deals with it all. Despite my problems with the heroine, I would definitely continue reading books by this author. She does an excellent job of bringing the reader into the story and making them feel as if they are right beside the characters.

FTC Disclosure: NetGalley provided me with a copy of this book to review. This did not influence my thoughts and opinions in any way. All opinions expressed are my own.
Profile Image for Dale Rogers.
31 reviews3 followers
November 26, 2014
Award-winning author Karen Rock's latest romance, A League of Her Own, gives us a peek into the realm of professional baseball via Heather Gadway, a world-class college pitcher and a top university coach. With her whole existence spinning off the sport, she wonders why her father doesn't give her an opportunity to work with the Falcons--a Minor League team which has been in their family for three generations.

Heather gets her chance, though not in the way she'd hoped, when her father suffers a heart attack. Taking a leave of absence from her position in California, she heads home to Holly Springs, North Carolina. Her father is about to sell the team for an unbelievably low price, since it's been losing money for several years, and it takes some serious negotiating for Heather to convince her father to let her manage the team in an effort to bring them back to a winning status. Her relationship with him has always been strained, and she's tired of his "You-could-do-better" attitude. With a limited amount of time to turn the Falcons around, Heather has her work cut out for her, but first she needs to garner the team's respect.

When Heather meets Garrett, a new starting pitcher struggling to get back into the game after a bout with alcohol, they both realize a relationship would be a mistake, but they're undeniably attracted to each other. He thinks dating the owner's daughter is the last thing he needs, and Heather wonders if Garrett will be an asset or a liability for the Falcons.

Growing up in a foster home was difficult for Garrett, but Heather's home life wasn't much better. With a mother addicted to medications, she found herself walking on eggshells much of the time, and she's not sure she can trust Garrett concerning his alcoholism.

The author's knowledge of baseball is obvious as she deftly intertwines the mechanics of the sport with her story, giving a realistic portrayal of life in a baseball league, as well as relationships and struggles. I highly recommend this well-crafted romance, especially to anyone interested in a heartfelt story.
Profile Image for Liza Wiemer.
Author 5 books695 followers
November 9, 2014
How does the past influence your present? In A League of Her Own Karen Rock brings Heather and Garrett together — two deeply wounded people scarred from their past.

Heather's father owns a minor league team. When he needs Heather (a former superstar pitcher of her own right and a pitching coach at a college), she drops everything to take over for her dad, managing the boys.
Garrett is a potential star pitcher, but his sketchy past haunts him in the present. For Heather, it's a reminder of her worst childhood nightmares. Yet, her attraction to Garrett and vise versa is so palatable that it hurts. On so many levels this relationship is wrong. Heather's Garrett's boss, he has issues that cut her to the core, and she can't move past them, even though he's trying the best he can.

Can they resolve issues from the past and find a way to love and cherish one another?

With baseball as the backdrop, Karen Rock fuels readers attention for America's pastime and interjects sweet, tender romance appropriate for anyone at any age.

Things I loved about this story:

1. The lesson that our past shouldn't always influence our present and future.
2. That we're not all doomed to repeat past mistakes if we work hard to change.
3. That love is the most powerful weapon/gift of all.
4. Sometimes healing the past can be done by helping someone in the present.
5. Personal dreams can change.
6. Appreciate the NOW because in an instant what we know can vanish.
7. What we believe isn't always the truth, so hear others out.

This is a romance novel for anyone who seeks something deeper and more meaningful, for anyone who has experienced difficulties and has had a hard time moving past them. This is a story of love and ultimately hope. Enjoy!

Thank you to the publisher for the NetGalley copy.
Profile Image for Melanie.
748 reviews22 followers
December 12, 2014
(4.5 stars) I love sports so I jumped at the chance to read a romance novel centered around baseball. Heather and Garrett come from two different worlds and each of them originally assume things about the other that they are surprised to learn later aren't true. Heather appears to be rich and privileged and to have led a stress-free life, but her family has secrets that have led her not to trust people. Garrett was raised in foster care so isn't familiar with family life and things he's done in his past make it hard for Heather to completely trust him.

Heather has moved away from home and comes back to town when her father has a heart attack. She convinces her father to give her a chance to manage his minor league baseball team. She works hard to gain the respect of the team members. She and Garrett feel a physical attraction towards each other and Garrett is interested in getting to know her better but Heather holds him at arm's distance since she's his boss. Something tragic happens and someone comes back into Heather's life that reminds her why a relationship with Garrett would be a bad idea.

I loved Heather and Garrett and wanted them to find a way to make their relationship work. Their situation felt realistic to me as they each had flaws and they were working to become better individuals. They had some great scenes together. I especially enjoyed their bet but their kissing scenes were great, too! I enjoyed this book from beginning to end.

I've read a few of these Harlequin Heartwarming books and have enjoyed them all! This is the second book I've read by Karen Rock and I look forward to reading many more of hers in the future!

I received a copy of this book to review. My opinion is 100% my own.

Mel's Shelves
Profile Image for Downward dog.
1,907 reviews13 followers
October 30, 2014

I was given a copy of this book to write an honest review for Netgalley.

A LEAGUE OF HER OWN is a heartwarming baseball romance. Heather Gadway loves the game of baseball and it’s always been the main focus in her life. She was a pitcher in college and now works as a women’s college baseball coach. Her dad owns the Falcons, a Triple-A baseball team and Heather’s goal has always been to manage the team. Sadly, it’s not until her dad has a heart attack, when he reluctantly agrees to let her manage the team for one season. Heather has many obstacles to overcome as the first female manager in the league and unfortunately, the guys on the Falcon’s aren’t happy when they learn she’s their new manager. She’s under a lot of pressure and has to prove herself to her dad, the team and anyone else who doesn’t think a woman can manage a men’s baseball team.
Garrett Wolfe is an accomplished pitcher with an incredible fastball and Heather’s dad decides to take a chance on him as the starting pitcher for the Falcons. Garrett is also a recovering alcoholic with a dream of making it to the big leagues. Garrett and Heather are thrown together because they both have one goal in mind, a winning baseball team, but Heather doesn’t trust Garret because of his alcoholism. They are both trying to deal with some issues in their lives while trying to achieve their dreams. It’s not easy for either one of them to open up and trust someone.
Profile Image for Aimee (Getting Your Read On).
3,041 reviews281 followers
December 3, 2014
First off, I love baseball! And to combine that love with my love of a clean romance is like perfection! Like peanut butter and chocolate. Like dark chocolate and raspberry. :)

So sorry but my love spewing will continue now with my love of Harlequin Heartwarming Line and Karen Rock writing for Harlequin Heartwarming. This is also one of my favorite combinations!

This book had two characters that I fell in love with. Heather and Garrett. Both have faced tremendous difficulty in their lives but both are working so hard to overcome those difficulties. It’s a rough road for them separately and together. As a reader I felt like I had to wait a long time for that first kiss because the tension and build up was killing me! But the kisses were worth waiting for.

I picked this book up on NetGalley and started it the same day even though I shouldn’t have. I just couldn’t help myself. The baseball aspect was a lure I just couldn’t escape. It was the story that kept me there though and I finished this book the same day I started it. Yup. That’s some serious reading right there.
Profile Image for Hsiau Wei.
1,148 reviews4 followers
May 15, 2015
Heather is a baseball coach and is now back in town to help her father to managed his floundering baseball team. It is a hard work for her as she need to prove to everyone that she is equally qualified to be a coach for a traditionally controlled by the male group. Her time to prove is limited now as the father intend to sell off his team. Garrett, a pitcher is recovering alcoholic. Initially he thought he could rebuilt his career with the team, but upon hearing that Heather will be the coach for the rest of the season, he decided that the team is not the team that would help him in the long run and decided to opt out.

This is a heartwarming story of two persons who have flawed but they did not give up trying to find place to belong and being in love with each other. Both Heather and Garrett have issues which they need to overcome in order for them to move on. There are intimacy and chemistry between the characters which make the story interesting.
Profile Image for SuperWendy.
1,025 reviews256 followers
December 31, 2014
If you don't know a darn thing about baseball there's probably a good story here. I'm a huge baseball fan and was too distracted by the utter lack of research to keep trying to read this. I've enjoyed other books by this author (immensely!) but this one was a non-starter for me after the first couple of chapters.
Profile Image for Lonnie.
632 reviews53 followers
November 6, 2015
Classified as a romance, I found this book was more of a sports story... the first female manager of a minor league baseball team, trying to turn things around for them, and a pitcher who's a recovering alcoholic, looking for a second chance. I really liked this book. It had a good storyline that addressed issues dealing with addition, trust and forgiveness.
Profile Image for LoriW.
12 reviews3 followers
June 27, 2021
Good story line, seemed to drag tho. Too much unnecessary information.
Profile Image for Sophie.
566 reviews33 followers
January 27, 2015

Posted originally http://www.reviewedthebook.co.uk/2014...

A League of Her Own is the second book I have read by Karen Rock and both times I’ve loved how she’s built the connection between the love interests, making the development in their relationships natural and paced well. A League of Her Own surrounds the romance of Garrett, the Falcons’ baseball pitcher, and Heather, the Falcons’ new interim manager. The author draws on several sensitive themes throughout this book, such as addiction and foster care, and I love how she epitomises the heart-warming novel. At times I found the story a little sad, and at others brighter and more uplifting, but it was entertaining the whole way through and I was rooting for a happy ending for everyone involved.

A League of Her Own defines the slow-building romance, to the extent that I was almost halfway into the book before I could understand what either character would see in the other one. I struggled to believe that this novel could bring a romance story that I could get behind, because both Heather and Garrett seemed so critical of each other and overly judgmental too. Heather takes the role of interim manager after her father’s health scare, and she becomes the first female manager in the league. She has a strange bond with her dad – though he’s always checking up on her, he never seems to believe in her or be proud of what she achieves, but this only makes her want to prove herself more. Her issues with her mother, who she has no contact with, leads her to struggle to trust anyone and so managing recovering alcoholic Garrett is a problem for her. She doesn’t believe he’ll cut out the alcohol and I didn’t particularly like the way she kept checking up on him. It seemed unfair that she could judge him and come to conclusions without any evidence. Then again, he was just as offhand with her. I liked the banter and interaction between them from the beginning but his initial issues with her seemed purely because she was a female coach and I found that a little annoying. Realistic, but not that great to read.

I was surprised at the way this book was going and I really thought I wasn’t going to enjoy the romance at all. But then we saw the introduction of a foster kid in Levi, and the way Garrett responded to him was beautiful to read. It really helped me connect with his character and I loved Levi’s involvement in the way Garrett’s character developed. Their scenes were, for me, the most powerful and touching in the novel and the way Garrett approached Levi made all his positive traits stand out and I warmed to him very quickly after that. Levi’s story was really moving and though things could have struck a nerve with Garrett, he instead showed such a brave and caring side that it was impossible for me to dislike him. And then we get to see some romance which I could actually believe and I was drawn in to the story, wanting the moment to come when Heather and Garrett could overcome all the obstacles put in front of them and make things work. The twists kept coming towards the end and everything was up in the air, making me even quicker to turn the pages and see how things would play out. I loved how the author built up to the end.

Another highlight of this novel for me was the well-researched portrayal of baseball. I love sport but being in the UK, have little knowledge of baseball but feel like I came out of this novel much more informed, and entertained, by the sport. I liked how the sport didn’t get forgotten for the romance and there were plenty of games mentioned, bringing out how tense it can get when the team is struggling and on the other side of that, how good team spirit can help results. The baseball theme wasn’t overdone but it was just right, and made this book stand out a little from other contemporary romance novels I’ve read. I loved getting to know a little bit about some of Garrett’s teammates and they brought quite a few amusing moments in the book. A League of Her Own kept on getting better and it provided a really captivating story which I’m getting used to from Karen Rock. It’s sweet and emotional and a rewarding read.

*Book received in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Heidi.
Author 36 books437 followers
December 17, 2014
Home » Book Buzz » A League of Her Own + a Giveaway
A League of Her Own + a GiveawayDecember 13.2014. 2 CommentsHeidi
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Karen Rock’s new novel, A League of Her Own, is her latest release from Harlequin Heartwarming, a line of wholesome, tender romances. The blog tour for A League of Her of Own wraps up this weekend. Be sure to enter the tour-wide giveaway for a chance to win paperback copies of FOUR of Karen’s novels in the Heartwarming line (including A League of Her Own), as well as an Amazon gift card. The Rafflecopter at the end of this post has all the details. Thank you, Lola’s Blog Tours, for including me in the tour.

A League of Her Own

A League of Her Own
By Karen Rock
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Age category: Adult
Release Date: December 1, 2014

Book Blurb:

He was attractive, talented … and way off-limits.

Heather Gadway may have been a world-class college pitcher and a top university coach, but she’s a rank amateur when it comes to managing the Falcons, her father’s struggling minor-league team. And when it comes to managing her aggravating attraction, Garrett Wolf, their talented new pitcher. It’s going to be difficult enough to make it as the first female manager in the league and prove to her overly critical father she’s worthy. No distractions. No missteps. And certainly no romances with players. Everything stands between them–including their troubled pasts–even as Heather’s world falls apart and Garrett’s the one who’s there to catch her…

My review:

I’ve really enjoyed reading the Heartwarming line because the romance plays center stage, yet it’s tender and allows the complex themes of the story to carry the tension. Garrett and Heather’s issues are gritty, realistic and do not have simple solutions. I love baseball and a good sports romance and Karen did a fabulous job of writing a novel that made us feel like we were on the field and a part of the struggling Falcons team, without overwhelming the reader with the statistics and details that often come with a novel about baseball. So even if baseball isn’t your favorite sport, you’ll enjoy this novel because it is really about two people struggling with their difficult pasts (addiction, rejection, feeling unworthy, regret … just to name a few). Garrett dreamed of a successful professional baseball career in the Major Leagues, partly to honor the memory of his deceased friend, Manny. But no matter how hard he tries, he can’t seem to move beyond the minor leagues and his attraction toward Heather, his team manager, only grows stronger with each passing day.

Heather wants to succeed as a manager of her father’s losing minor league baseball team, but her actions are never good enough for him. She tries to behave professionally and ignore her romantic feelings toward Garrett, but he is often the one to rescue her when life becomes difficult. Garrett is also a recovering addict, which becomes another stumbling block for Heather and fuels her distrust of him. Although Garrett tries to demonstrate that he’s changed, Heather’s fear of getting hurt again keeps her from choosing to love him.

No spoilers here, so I won’t reveal the conclusion of the novel. But I will say the author delivers a satisfactory conclusion to a very enjoyable read. It made me think a lot about how obstacles in relationships keep us from the joy that could be ours if we would only forgive, accept our past mistakes as learning experiences, and move forward.

Great job, Karen! I’m looking forward to reading your next novel.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this novel via NetGalley and the publisher.
Profile Image for Rhiannon St. Clair.
387 reviews11 followers
December 11, 2014
**I received an e-book ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review**

This book was a lighthearted read, despite the different pieces of angst that were woven in. Karen does a nice job of writing in a way that's easy to follow and that puts the reader right there in the story with the characters. I typically don't read this particular genre of book, because as much of a romantic as I can be I tend to seek it out in New Adult stories versus straight up Romance novels. The story followed a plot that's similar to other Harlequin books I've read, but there were twists and turns added in and some layers of complexity for certain story lines and characters that made it stand alone.

I liked the heroine Heather because she was so eager to defy a lot of the gender roles that have been imposed on females in today's society. Becoming the first female manager for a minor league baseball team couldn't be an easy job, and Heather was so happy to take that role on and to show the team as well as the rest of the league that it could be done. She was sure footed, but still had moments of insecurity that shined through, which made her a bit more real to me than some of the other heroines I've read in romance novels.

Garrett caught my attention immediately because he's your typical bad boy, and what woman doesn't fall for a bad boy? (Ok, I'm sure there are some who don't, but this one did.) He's got a boatload of issues beneath the surface though, and Karen did a great job approaching those issues in a detailed yet realistic manner. I didn't feel that she was embellishing his problems for the sake of creating drama in the book. Instead, his demons reared their ugly heads in ways and at times that I would come to expect of anyone who might be enduring the same struggles as he is. (I'm not going to mention said struggles here because I don't want to spoil this.)

There were two main things that made this a three star book for me instead of a four star. First, I was frustrated by Heather's inability to stand up to her father. She was painted as such a confident character, and she did handle herself with confidence and grace while working with the team itself, but when it came to fielding criticism from her dad (some of which was very unwarranted criticism), it was like her backbone would turn to jelly and she'd melt into a puddle on the floor. I would have liked to have seen her take more of an assertive approach to dealing with him.

Second, I just didn't feel the immediate "spark" between Heather and Garrett that they both said they felt. It was obvious they had some basic physical attraction to one another, but there was none of that pull, that magnetic attraction that it seemed like the author was trying to insinuate they had. Or at least I didn't feel any of it while reading.

Overall this is a well-written and easy to read book with a good storyline and a good cast of characters. Karen's secondary characters are strong and play different roles in the story as well, which was nice to see. If you're a romantic and looking for something that will make you ooh and ahh, but at the same time will provide just enough angst to keep it from being too sugary sweet, this is the book for you.
Profile Image for Camille Flores.
219 reviews18 followers
December 20, 2014
3 1/2 stars!

Why did I want to read this book?

I enjoy reading sports romance. I’ve read romances with football and hockey but I don’t think I’ve read one with baseball yet. This was one of the things that got me interested in the book. I also love that particular bit in the blurb about an off-limits kind of romance.

What worked for me?

I was really pleased with the overall feel of this book. This is the first time I’m reading this author and yet I felt a sense of familiarity to her writing. Her words got through to me and her characters, gosh, Heather and Garrett just killed me not just with the romance aspect but with their individual back stories. Their voices were clear in my head and that made me feel closer to them as I read through the book.

Heather, in all accounts, would be considered an heiress. As the daughter of an owner of a baseball team in the Minor Leagues, she can be seen as one who leads a privileged life. But her life has not been completely perfect, with a mother who had suffered a drug addiction and a father who seems to have never learned to give even the simplest compliments to her daughter’s achievements. But she’s strong and she’s determined. And yet her hurts are very apparent to the reader and her hurts make me hurt as well.

Garrett, on the other hand, is a boy who came from the foster system but who was able to build a new life because of his talent as a baseball pitcher but an alcohol addiction had derailed his life until the day Heather’s father, signed him up for his team. He’s strong and very determined as well and yet his past continues to haunt him and drag him down with guilt.

It was so satisfying to watch these two face the worst of their fears with both trying to become the better versions of themselves as well as helping each other, although inadvertently and sometimes without meaning to. Their tentative relationship and slow burn romance was set in slower pace than I am used to (e.g., they don’t even share more than a kiss even past halfway the story) and yet I can still feel the strength of their emotions for one another.

What did not work for me?

As this was my first Harlequin Heartwarming line, I guess it took a little bit of getting used to since the heat level of the romance is much, much lower than what I am used to reading in my romances. But over-all, it still worked out with the rest of the story.

I also hoped there could have been more rationality when it came to that final conflict in the end. I felt like it was a bit of an overkill and then the characters suddenly came to their realizations and everything was well again. It just felt, for me, a little ragged at the edges.

My over-all take on it?

This was definitely a sweet and endearing story about two people finding their places in the world and learning to trust people again when trust was something that has been absent most their lives or something that has caused them so much hurt in the past. It also sends an inspiring message about learning to trust in yourself first and foremost and about having faith in the things that and the people who matter.
Profile Image for Gaby.
224 reviews
December 2, 2014
I've come to known what to expect from Karen’s books and I really keep enjoying them so much because whatever she writes you can tell she puts her heart into it, and you can’t help but feel for her characters and hope that despite whatever struggles they find they can overcome them in the end.

Despite the achievements she has gained, once Heather has to return to her hometown and help her dad with his minor league baseball team, it seems that for him she still just a little girl; she’s always wanted to get her dad’s approval but no matter what she does is never enough for him, but she’s determined to make him proud of her. But having a woman managing their team isn't taken very good by the players, what could she possibly know of baseball and being in charge of a team? so, they don’t feel very motivated to improve their game.

And then there’s Garrett. He was an alcoholic but has been sober for years now and focused on not letting alcohol destroy his life and his dreams again, make it to the major leagues and he’s not sure Heather is going to help him succeed. Heather on her part, is worried about having a former alcoholic in her team, due to something that happened in her past dealing with people with an addiction, she knows she can never fully trust them and that pretty much just a matter of time before Garrett also slips.

But despite their issues, they find that they have a lot in common too, and in each other they find someone they can talk to and who understands them and then it’ll be up to them to decide if they’re willing to take a risk and go for more.

Like I said at the beginning it’s easy to care for Karen’s characters. Heather is an independent and determined woman, she’s had a tough life that has left her with some issues of her own; like with her dad, she knows he loves her as much as she loves him but he has never really been able to acknowledge her achievements, nothing being good enough in his eyes; that definitely made me feel sorry for her and then there’s her problem with not fully trusting people which did give some problems, because that unwillingness to not give someone a second chance or see how they’re trying to be someone better, is something I want to believe I wouldn't do.

I really liked Garrett, he has his own demons but is doing his best not to fail again, so it’s easy to fall for him right at the start. The romance doesn't happen instantaneously, there is an attraction but their circumstances and their own goals don’t let them focus on love, so it takes some time to develop and it was nice to read how it all comes to pass.
If you like a good written romance and an uplifting story this is definitely the book for you.
Profile Image for Pauline Ang.
115 reviews55 followers
January 6, 2016
Originally posted at Fathomless Reveries

The first time I read a work of Karen Rock's was unbelievable. I had a lot of hesitations and doubts that I would love the book because the characters were older than the ones I usually read. Reading 'Wish Me Tomorrow' made me less hesitant in trying books that aren't in my comfort zone. Still, I wasn't in that phase that I would read any book with older characters. So, I didn't. This time around, I figured I would try again, just because A League of Her Own is also by Karen Rock.

And I was not disappointed. It was unbelievable and unexplainable. The way “A League of Her Own” threw me off was different. It wasn’t in the sense that it made me bawl like a baby or made my heart beat so fast. It wasn’t because there were too much feels, either. It wasn’t anything at all, and it was really incomprehensible for me on why I love this novel, which gave me a hard time writing a review for it. Now, I think what made me love this was because it was heartwarming. Everything was sincere, and it gives the sense of what every day life can be like. No magic, no fairy tales, no alterations, no what-so-ever’s. Whatever life is like, that’s what’s shown, and that’s the thing that I like the most.

Both Garrett and Heather had their own problems to deal with, own goals to achieve, and own expectations to meet. Both were trapped in a sense that only them could help themselves. The things they are both dealing with aren’t large, exaggerated problems. Instead, these are the things that happens anytime, to anyone. No exceptions. And that's what made this novel so real and so relatable. Plus, even at their age, they still endlessly grow up and become better individuals. It just shows that no one can just stop growing. And, they grew together. They were dependent on others. A lot of the lessons in this novel are probably the ones that we know so clearly, and yet, it does not fail to emphasize the importance of these lessons and how much we need the people around us.

I really don't think I can do justice to this novel with my review. But, my thoughts are still muddled, and even up to now, I don't think I still know exactly why I love it, and maybe that's the most amazing of all for me because even though the reason is unclear, I still love it all the same. Although it was mostly about baseball and I had zero background about it, I didn't get lost in reading this one. The writing was just splendid.

I absolutely recommend reading A League of Her Own! And while you're at it, Karen Rock's Wish Me Tomorrow is also a good one! :D Go, go, go! Grab a copy nowwww! :)
Profile Image for Harlie Williams.
8 reviews2 followers
December 6, 2014
As most know, baseball is my all time favorite sport. As a baseball mom, I eat, sleep and breathe it. I have no life from February through June. My husband is our son’s coach, I’m the official scorekeeper and our dog is the mascot. Its been that way for the past 3 years and I don’t see it stopping anytime soon. Do I miss having a life? Not really. I’ve meet some awesome people through baseball and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Okay, now that I’ve sorta set up the story…

What really got me going at the begin of the book was how truly dedicated Heather was to her job at the college. You could feel the ball, were the ball and I wanted her to teach my son how to pitch. I loved her from the beginning, flaws and all. Oh yes, she has flaws, demons and a father to please. Trust me, I felt her pain with her father. I have the same relationship with my own mother. At 47, you’d think she’d let up but sadly no. I’m a wife and mother now and there is still no pleasing her. Same with Heather. Except she had the doozy of a mother that thankful left them when she was a teenager.

Garrett was a completely different story. Orphaned, he found his way through baseball. He was someone and he had his “family” at the orphanage. I wasn’t as fond of Garrett in the beginning. I thought he was a bit selfish and standoffish. I could understand with the drinking and all but he just didn’t gell with me until basically the pitching contest. OMG…that was a funny scene and perfect to set him up with Heather.

Now if you are looking for red hot romance its not there. There romance is a slow build and its not rushed. But what you do get is a story about two people that need each other, understand one another and know each other better than they think. Garrett and Heather have trust issues from their past and their road to happiness isn’t all glitter and roses. Or in this case, strikeouts and no hit games. They have obstacles in their way and mainly its just the stubbornness between them. Both Heather and Garrett have something to prove not only to themselves, to the team but most importantly to one another.

I will say this…I shouldn’t have read the book. ;) It makes me miss baseball, as much as I complain about the no time I have during the season. To me there is nothing better than sitting at a ball field, drinking a Dr. Pepper, eating a hotdog and catching some rays. Oh and men is tight pants is a bonus.

This is not my first book from Ms. Rock nor will it be my last. I love her writing, voice and how she makes me feel after I finish. She makes me feel better about myself and also realize that I’m not alone with some fictional characters. We all have issues, its just how we deal with them that different.
Profile Image for Wennie.
117 reviews12 followers
January 2, 2015
An e-copy was provided in exchange for an honest review.

He was attractive, talented…and way off limits.

Heather Gadway may have been a world-class college pitcher and a top university coach, but she's a rank amateur when it comes to managing the Falcons, her father's struggling minor league team. And when it comes to managing her aggravating attraction to Garrett Wolf, their talented new pitcher. It's going to be difficult enough to make it as the first female manager in the league and prove to her overly critical father she's worthy. No distractions. No missteps. And certainly no romances with players. Everything stands between them—including their troubled pasts—even as Heather's world falls apart and Garrett's the one who's there to catch her…

A League of Her Own is a sweet story about a boy who had little to no familial foundations growing up, and a girl whose own familial foundation was rocked by the physical absence of a parent. Raised around the world of baseball. Heather leaves her job as a top university softball coach to care for her father, owner of the struggling Falcons, a minor league team. She finds that caring for her father may be an easier job than caring for her team. As the first female manager of a minor league team, she needs to earn the trust and respect of the men and lead them to victory, and fight the growing attraction and closeness she feels for their new pitcher, Garrett. Will she succeed on both counts?

A League of Her Own is a very light, easy and a quick read. Karen Rock adeptly navigates through the world of minor league baseball, and manages to make a total non-baseball fan like me, understand how the intricacies of the game contribute to the story. She doesn't get too technical about it, which allowed to enjoy the story, and the game, as it unfolded.

The story may be light and easy, but the underlying themes of survival, forgiveness and acceptance are what truly matter in this story. Complicated relationships such as that of Heather and her mother illustrate with focused devotion, what is complicated can be simplified. Hurtful relationships like that of Heather and her father illuminate that parenting, and communicating, is not an easy feat. Relationships like Heather and her team show that with tenacity and open mindedness, what is impossible could be possible. And relationships like that of Heather and Garrett display that sometimes, the chosen path may not be the correct path to happiness and contentment.

A well written book overall, with a good cast of characters, steady story telling and good pacing. If you are looking for a light read, family drama set against the backdrop of minor league baseball, this is the book for you.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 62 reviews

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