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Texas Cattleman's Club: After the Storm #6

More Than a Convenient Bride

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A story of friends…with marriage benefits, by USA TODAY bestselling author Michelle Celmer

After all they've been through following the tornado that hit their Texas town, there's no way Dr. Lucas Wakefield will let his best friend, Julie Kingston, leave because of a green card mix-up. The only solution is to propose marriage. But what starts as a platonic arrangement quickly blooms into red-hot desire—until Luc's ex-fiancée returns to reclaim her man and Julie questions whether happily-ever-after is in the cards. Good thing Luc has no intention of giving up his passionate new bride without a fight!

192 pages, Paperback

First published February 20, 2015

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About the author

Michelle Celmer

422 books85 followers
Michelle Celmer was born in Detroit, Michigan, USA, where she grew up. She wanted to be cosmetologist, but after three months at cosmetology school, she decided to left it. She married at 19, and within five years had three kids. She read voraciously, and decided writing. She signed up for a composition course at her local community college. After various manuscripts, her mother gave her "Tell Me Lies" by Jennifer Crusie, and she discovered the romance novels. She decided writing her own romance novel and on 2004, her firts book was published.

Michelle continued linving in southeastern Michigan with her husband, their three children, two dogs and two cats. When she's not writing or busy being a mom, you can find her in the garden or curled up with a romance novel. And if you twist her arm real hard you can usually persuade her into a day of power shopping.

She loves to hear from readers. Write her at P.O Box 300, Clawson, MI 48017.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 34 reviews
Profile Image for Geri Reads.
1,232 reviews2,124 followers
January 11, 2015

Another friends-to-lovers story bites the dust.

Julie Kingston's visa is about to expire and if she doesn't do something about it, she will be deported. Enter Dr. Lucas Wakefield, Julie's boss and best friend who offered a marriage of convenience so Julie could stay in the States.

Now here's my problem with this book:I couldn't connect with Julie or with Luc or with their relationship. It seemed forced and contrived. They had zero chemistry. It was really sad. This book had no real conflict. All of it are in Julie's head. It was very weak, in my opinion.

And because there was no real conflict, I felt that their relationship didn't grow and neither did the characters. The prose also meandered. Instead of focusing on Julie and Luc, it goes on and on about cats, about Luc's ex-fiancee, etc.

Overall, this was a disappointment. I wish the author focused more on developing Luc and Julie's relationship but she didn't. And the story lacked an emotional punch because of that.

ARC provided by Harlequin.
Profile Image for Melody Cox.
1,499 reviews169 followers
February 16, 2018
***3.75 Stars***

Let me begin by saying that I have a very difficult time reading any story where an ex-girlfriend, ex-fiance, or ex-wife comes back into the picture.

771 reviews8 followers
March 15, 2015
Two best friend’s end up getting married but those feelings turn to love sooner than what they think but one is in denial.

In this installment of the Texas Cattleman’s Club: After the Storm we have to friends that are going to be married but not because they are in love but because she doesn’t want to get deported back to the South Africa.

Julie Kingston no longer has her parents, her mother passed while having her sister and her father passed away. She only has her sister but they have not spoken for awhile and the only way she won’t get deported is if she could find enough courage to as her best friend to marry her. She doesn’t want anything to change between them just for them to stay married long enough so she is able to at least get her green card.

Dr. Lucas Wakefield knows that there is something going on with Julie but he never would have thought that she was going to get deported. But after speaking with one of the Cattleman’s Club members he had a good plan but could they be able to pull off being husband and wife. The moment that they kiss on their wedding day something happens and before you know it they are doing what newlyweds do and it’s amazing.

There was only one problem Lucas never thought he would be seeing his ex-fiancé ever again much less for her to be spreading rumors about them.

More Than a Convenient Bride was a read that had me in tears but then it had me laughing my buns off because of the one thing that Lucas did for Julie. It was an amazing read that I have to say I wouldn’t mind reading all over again. There was something about these two characters that I loved maybe it was how they just clicked there were just perfect for each other. I love how Julie loved his mother and his mother loved her in return. It was perfect when his mother slapped him over the head for making Julie cry but then again he made it up to her when he got her a precious kitten. Sure that kitten was hell on wheels but I couldn’t believe that he was actually blind oh my the things he would do, the amount of messes he did and the things he climbed. The chemistry between these two is passionate and hot.

I truly recommend this read to those readers that a quick read with lots of romance.

Received ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an Honest Review
Profile Image for Gina.
81 reviews
October 21, 2015
Ugh, what a waste of time!! I really wanted to like this book. The basic plot was promising. But I just... never... cared... at all... about the 2 main characters!

They both had "emotional baggage" that was mentioned and brought up and compared to other situations at the oddest times and it didn't make any sense. Their personalities were so dull, bland, one-dimensional. I didn't feel anything at all for them all the way through. I would say that I was hoping they wouldn't stay together, but I'd have to care even a little bit for that and I truly didn't!

My favourite character was Lucas' mother. And thank god for the kitten! At first I thought the extensively described high jinks of the kitten were unnecessary, but they ended up being one of the reasons I kept reading. Of course, they were completely unconnected to the plot in any way.

I really struggled in the first half and then honestly had to force myself to continue reading past halfway. All the way through I was thinking I might give it 2 stars because there were some (very) brief moments that were (slightly) enjoyable. But then! The last 2 chapters, wtf? Where the hell did all that anger come from, that was ridiculous? Seriously, I wouldn't expect a tantrum that dramatic from a teenager, let alone a full grown adult. It was so ridiculously stupid, and I immediately downgraded to 1 star. It barely deserves that. But I'm determined not to leave a book unfinished if at all possible.

This one was truly painful, gotta say. I'm glad that the other books in the series are written by different authors because I generally like the town and the series.

** To add - I really like the whole "friends to lovers" plot and I've read a ton of them. But this time, I didn't even get why they were such good friends, never mind lovers. Other than a couple of throwaway lines saying how they'd "been through good and bad together", there was nothing to show they had that kind of bond or connection at all.
Profile Image for Janie.
1,434 reviews14 followers
March 6, 2015
"More Than a Convenient Bride" (Texas Cattleman's Club: After the Storm Book 6) by Michelle Celmer is a part of a series but because of the way it is written you can read the book alone and follow along with the story. I love series books so I recommend reading the series, but if you were to pick up this book you'd be able to follow.

Julie Kingston's work Visa is expiring and the government will not issue her a new one. She really doesn't want to go back to South Africa so her best friend Dr. Luk Wakefield decides that they should marry so she can stay in this country. It is supposed to be a marriage of convenience but after their first kiss at the altar things change quickly.

There is quite a bit to this story that I'm not telling because it would give some of the information away. It was an enjoyable, quick read. Not quite for a young adult because of some of the scenes in the book, but it isn't erotic in nature.
Profile Image for Marsha.
Author 2 books35 followers
September 8, 2017
Since this novel is a variation of “let’s get married for the sake of the baby” trope, I breathed a sigh of relief. In this modern day and age, there’s not a good enough reason for people who barely know each other and shared nothing but one steamy night between the sheets to get hitched. If you don’t even know whether the one you’re marrying is a day or night person, there’s bound to be real trouble down the road.

No, the couple in this novel get married because her visa work card has expired and she’s about to be booted out of the United States. Marrying to get a person citizenship is a plausible tactic (although you’d never know it from romance novels). It makes sense, it’s commonly done and it resonates with many immigrants who find themselves in the same boat of imminent expulsion. (Thank you, Donald Trump.)

I was pleased to find this couple was not your traditional romantic duo. Instead, they were best friends, people who shared common interests, tastes, work and their problems with each other. They liked and respected one another and I liked and respected them. While I was peeved at the people who congratulated them on their upcoming nuptials because they figured it was about time (because there’s a natural timetable about getting married, right? That’s small-town minds for you.), I adored this pair. She’s a hard-working assistant and he’s a rich doctor who hates the limelight. Great couple.

What really surprised me was the secondary character of Amelia, Lucas’s ex. I smelled trouble the moment she appeared on the scene and she seemed to be no different from the class-conscious, moneyed, snobbish, scheming, narcissistic girlfriend who’d left him in the dust for a richer man. Stay classy, Amelia. So does she provide a frisson of tension, jealousy, suspicion and trouble for our newlyweds? You bet. Does she break them up? Wellll, I’ll let you find out about that.

This is a novel that cheerily surprises with its central couple and tangential plot threads, including the aforementioned Amelia. For a novel that proves that love can be more than the smoking chemistry you’d find in a meth lab, this is one to value.
1,803 reviews8 followers
May 21, 2024
I didn't like it. The heroine wasn't my favorite, she became friends with heroes ex fiance and kept trying to get them to talk and be friends. When ex fiance first got to town she was trying to make people think there was something going on with him and was following him around somewhat trying to talk to him. Np.

** It was weird to me that the heroes ex fiancées son was 5 years old and they broke up 6 years before. It was not a plot at all, but was odd (after reading so many secret baby books) that he never even questioned that maybe he was the father or something.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
646 reviews1 follower
April 18, 2018
Julie was raised by horrible Father and did not believe in love but she met Lucas while doing good deeds and became instant friends then fell in love with him. So glad she realized this before too late.
Profile Image for Shayla.
35 reviews
April 22, 2021
The whole book can be summed up by one word: Bland. The characters were bland, the whole 3 sex scenes were REALLY bland (this thing and that thing happened, and then we did it for 3 more hours).

Not worth the read, and I had a hard time finishing.
Profile Image for Susan.
4,627 reviews114 followers
March 24, 2015
Good friends to lovers story. Luc and Julie have known each other and worked together for years, and have developed an excellent friendship. Six months after the tornado that hit Royal, Julie has been told that her work visa will not be renewed and she will have to leave the US. Luc doesn't like that idea at all. She has become too important to him and his work. So Luc offers her a marriage of convenience. They will remain friends and coworkers, just with a little bit of show to convince their friends that it's real.

Neither expects the words "you may kiss the bride" to set off uncontrollable fireworks. Suddenly they have trouble keeping their hands off each other. But is this a case of friends with benefits, or is there something more going on?

Julie is cautious about getting involved emotionally with Luc. She doesn't want to ruin their friendship, and lose the home she has found in Royal. She has some trouble believing that someone like Luc could love her, thanks to some issues in her past. His ex-fiancee's arrival in town is a blow to her confidence, especially when it appears that he is spending time with her. So she keeps insisting that all they have is friendship and sex. She can't admit what she has with him until she is helped out by a very unlikely source.

Luc has avoided getting involved with another woman since the end of his engagement six years earlier. His fiancee hadn't liked how involved he was in his work and broke things off. Since his dedication to his work hasn't changed, he doesn't see marriage in his future, until Julie needs his help. He started out just wanting to help her, but that kiss at the wedding really blew him away. Suddenly he was looking at her a whole new way. It still took him awhile to realize that he loved her. He was also kind of oblivious to things that were going on around him. The arrival of his ex-fiancee as the mother of one of his patients threw him for a loop when she first arrived. Fortunately he quickly realized that he had no feelings left for her, but because of that he never thought to mention her arrival to Julie. I loved the way that his mother pointed out the error of his ways to him. Once he knew how he felt, trying to convince Julie became his goal.

I was really unsure about the presence of Luc's ex-fiancee, Amelia. There were times when she really seemed manipulative, and determined to get Luc back for herself, no matter what she had to do. There were other times when she appeared to be a worried mom, just interested in getting the best care possible for her son. And when she was around Julie, she was the sweet woman who knew she had done wrong and learned her lesson. I wasn't sure what effect her presence was going to have until the very end.

There were some pretty funny moments in the books that involved Houdini, the blind kitten that Luc gave to Julie. I loved the way that Luc had picked out the kitty because of what Julie had said about never having had a pet. It was really sweet of him. The kitten's antics were a bit of a mood lightener when things started getting intense.
38 reviews
May 22, 2015
As already stated in another review, I'm a romance junkie, whether in books, movies, tv shows ... so on the books side of things, Harlequin has always been a go-to editor for me. The only problem with the Harlequin books is that the number of pages is really limited and it's difficult to make me believe that the person you met 3 weeks ago is the love of your life and, of course you want to marry the guy. Really?!? After 3 weeks?!? So, anyway, this explains why I find the best friend (or friend, or friend of a friend that you often sees on social settings) to lover stories all the more interesting and why I wanted to read this book. You start the story knowing that the characers have a history, a backgroung that you don't really know about (you'll learn some of it as the book advances) and it makes it believable that they could fall in love with each other.

In this book, you meet Dr Lucas "Luc" Wakefield, a millionaire surgeon, a southern gentleman, a devoted son and citizen, an all-around good-guy. He met Julie Kingston, his best friend, six years before the beginning of the story while they were working for Doctors without borders. He was trying to work his way past a failed engagement, she was trying to overcome an abusing relasionship, they clicked. She's about to be deported after an failed attempt to renew her visa so, in a The Proposal kind of way, they get married.

I tend to like this kind of book a lot, so it's not really a surprise that I gave it a 4 stars rating. Why not 5 then do you ask yourself? The book was going well, the rhythm was slow enough, everything was great! And then, at the end, it's like the autor discovered she had way less pages left to close everything up and the story was finished at light speed... Not really satisfying, in my point of view, but still, 90% of the book is awesome so it deserves 4 stars!

* Sorry for the misspellings, faults, grammatical problems and so on. English being my second language, I'm doing the best I can!!
Profile Image for N Swaffar.
859 reviews26 followers
May 19, 2015
***Copy provided by publisher via Netgalley***

☆☆☆☆☆ 4.5 Stars ☆☆☆☆☆

Luc and Julie have been working together for years and the best of friends. But when immigration denies Julie’s Visa extension request these two scrambled to find the best solution for Julie to be able to stay. Having known each other for years and being around each other almost everyday, meant they trusted each other 100% with their lives. So when the only solution for Julie to stay is to get married, they decided to stay platonic through the whole marriage. But once they both opened their eyes to the person that have been in front of them for years, they both started seeing each other in a new light. Best friends, turned into marriage with benefits and turned into love. Will these these to go on and see where this love will take them or will they stop everything too scared to lose each other’s friendship? Read and find out.

 photo MTACB-Teaser.jpg

More than a Convenient Bride is a very sweet and easy Happily Ever After Story. A short, but very fun read that will give you butterflies from all the sweet and hot moments. A best friend turns lovers story that is very easy to love. Luc being swoon worthy makes everything so much interesting. This is my very first Michelle Celmer book and I so loved and enjoyed it. I can’t wait to read more of her books.

Profile Image for Laura.
376 reviews7 followers
April 25, 2021
More Than a Convenient Bride was given to me for an honest review through Net Galley

Julie is about to deported because the government won’t renew her work visa thanks to some arrest when she was younger. She doesn’t want to leave Royal, Texas and she doesn’t want to leave her best friend and boss. There is a solution but the only person she trusts enough to ask is her best friend Lucas.

Lucas is devastated by the news that his best friend will have to leave the country and he is helpless to stop it. When his friend suggest that he marry Julie to keep her in the country he balks but the next day he goes to her office to talk about it anyway.

This book is one of those ones that nearly landed in the ‘forget it I give up pile’ even after I skipped a head a little, it was close, very close. The first 22 pages were so freaking boring that I can’t even remember them except for the note I wrote about being bored. The characters were mundane and even the potential love triangle thought was a dud. The sex was there but not as earth shattering for me as it seemed to be for Lucas and Julie. Then there was the ending that was as cheesy a cliché as you can get OMG, really? The only really cool thing about the whole book was the blind kitten they named Houdini.

This Review was originally posted here https://laurasbookbinge.wordpress.com...
Profile Image for Jessica.
Author 2 books168 followers
January 26, 2015
See more of my reviews on my blog Thoughts At One In The Morning.

My Thoughts:

I read the first Texas Cattleman's Club: After the Storm novel, Stranded With The Rancher, and thought it was absolutely lovely. I remember this "story" being hinted at and thought, "I'd really like to read more about that," so when this one came my way, BOOM! I was all over it.

Who doesn't love this kind of love story? "I have to get married to [insert whatever it is that's about to ruin their life unless they get married here]." There's just something about it. Put best friends Luc and Julie together and it's an easy fix. Then when it comes time to kiss the bride, they discover they enjoy the kisses... a lot. Well, then, there goes the whole simplicity of this arrangement. Is it possible for two best friends to fall in love after they've already gotten married?

More Than a Convenient Bride was an adorable ride. I loved it more than the first book in the series. Luc and Julie were an amazing pairing. The chemistry from their friendship translated beautifully to their relationship once they married. I will absolutely be reading the rest in this series, AND more by Michelle Celmer.

My Rating: Very Good
Profile Image for Cynthia.
2,095 reviews20 followers
January 27, 2015
This was a slow start but about half way through it got interesting. It does have a few twists and turns to keep it interesting. Julie Kingston finds out that her work visa will not be renewed she turns to her best friend, and boss, Dr Luk Wakefield for help. They decided to get married this way she can stay in the USA. When his ex-finance shows up back in the picture and lets him know she is interested in having him back things get a little interesting. The question is which one will he pick and in doing so will he lose the one thing he loves the most?

I found this to be a nice read it can be read at one setting. Just when I thought things would take a wild turn the author changes it. I kind of expected some hair, teeth and eyeballs which is not the case. This was a pleasant read just not the thrill I was expecting. However it was good enough that I enjoyed it. The words flow is easy and the author does keep you interested. There aren’t that many surprises but a fun read.
Profile Image for Cynthia.
2,095 reviews20 followers
July 29, 2016
This was a slow start but about half way through it got interesting. It does have a few twists and turns to keep it interesting. Julie Kingston finds out that her work visa will not be renewed she turns to her best friend, and boss, Dr Luk Wakefield for help. They decided to get married this way she can stay in the USA. When his ex-finance shows up back in the picture and lets him know she is interested in having him back things get a little interesting. The question is which one will he pick and in doing so will he lose the one thing he loves the most?

I found this to be a nice read it can be read at one setting. Just when I thought things would take a wild turn the author changes it. I kind of expected some hair, teeth and eyeballs which is not the case. This was a pleasant read just not the thrill I was expecting. However it was good enough that I enjoyed it. The words flow is easy and the author does keep you interested. There aren’t that many surprises but a fun read.
Profile Image for Cynthia.
2,095 reviews20 followers
January 27, 2015
This was a slow start but about half way through it got interesting. It does have a few twists and turns to keep it interesting. Julie Kingston finds out that her work visa will not be renewed she turns to her best friend, and boss, Dr Luk Wakefield for help. They decided to get married this way she can stay in the USA. When his ex-finance shows up back in the picture and lets him know she is interested in having him back things get a little interesting. The question is which one will he pick and in doing so will he lose the one thing he loves the most?

I found this to be a nice read it can be read at one setting. Just when I thought things would take a wild turn the author changes it. I kind of expected some hair, teeth and eyeballs which is not the case. This was a pleasant read just not the thrill I was expecting. However it was good enough that I enjoyed it. The words flow is easy and the author does keep you interested. There aren’t that many surprises but a fun read.
Profile Image for Lori.
72 reviews
April 15, 2015
This review first appeared on my blog http://loriscreativity.blogspot.com/2...

What did I think? 5 Stars

Like: HEA!
Dislike: Nothing!

Would I recommend it?
Yes, I would definitely recommend this book. I finished this book in two hours because I couldn't put it down.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm a huge sucker for the friends to lovers trope. With that said I really did love this book, I loved the characters, they really clicked and were a perfect match for each other.

Overall, I really loved this book, it had a lot of funny moments and it ended with a HEA!

Thank you Harlequin via Netgalley for providing me with this book in exchange for an honest review!
Profile Image for Beyond the Pages with Eva K.
2,496 reviews148 followers
January 28, 2015
Friends to lovers is the best way to describe this book.

Julie and Luc were the very best of friends. For years, they had worked together, side by side, and knew each other intimately, excluding any hot and heavy exchanges. When Julie's visa was denied, Luc stepped in to help her out. Little did either of them know that their solution to her problem was the beginning of the rest of their lives.

This story was a quick and easy read. It was simply enjoyable. There was no real conflict, but it did not make the book any less interesting.

As a side note, I must say that I adored Houdini.

Rating: 3/5
Recommend: Yes
Status: Adult

A complimentary copy of this title was made available for review in exchange for an honest critique.
Profile Image for Myra Wardhana.
164 reviews5 followers
February 4, 2015
I like the storyline of friends becoming lovers especially in this book just because Julie will be deported since her visa cannot be extended.

And Lucas dying to make her stay... Added with his ex, Amelia coming back too.

But, from all the Harlequin Desire books that I have read, I have a feeling this book falls in the wrong category, not Desire, to me should be Harlequin Romance, and not so much intense passion that I usually read in Desire category.

And I think I would have given a perfect five or either Julie or Lucas will give in more intense passion or maybe playing a little hard to get or the sneaky staring contest and blush now and then if caught.
Profile Image for N. Kuhn.
Author 44 books411 followers
February 27, 2015
*I received this book free in exchange for an honest review.*
I have to say, I love these new series, where each book is a different author. I love this series! I read Stranded with the Rancher, and it was nice to see some characters make appearances in this book! You get different voices from different authors and it's a great book. This is a sexy romance with lots of western flair!

You can't help but giggle at Houdini. For a minute, I hated Amelia. But, this is a great best friend romance! Julie was stubborn and pig headed, but, can Luc bring her around? You need to read this book! Though a series, you can read these stand alone, but I wouldn't suggest it! Read them all! Now!
Profile Image for Michelle Eriksen.
894 reviews11 followers
January 9, 2015
When research assistant Julie Kingston finds out that her work visa will not be renewed she turns to her best friend, and boss, Dr Luk Wakefield for help. When his ex-finance shows up back in the picture and lets him know she is interested in having him back will hit convenient marriage be strong enough to withstand the pressure.

I found this book to be a very enjoyable read. The chemistry between the Luc and Julie is electric and you will be cheering them on till the very end.
Profile Image for Isha Coleman.
7,885 reviews154 followers
February 7, 2015
Received an ARC of this story for an honest review. More Than a Convenient Bride by Michelle Celmer has all the elements that I look for within a story. It is a Harlequin published book written by an author that I like. It is part of the Texas Cattleman's Club: After the Storm series. Lastly, this book was a good book. I love the concept of not appreciated what you have until it is almost lost. This is an amazing story. My one problem was that the story seemed to falter at times.
Profile Image for L.A. Miller.
Author 9 books16 followers
May 14, 2015
I was given a copy of this book for my honest opinion and once again was reminded why I have graduated from harlequin romances. The stories are too predictable, the characters lack depth and I always walk away frustrated. If you are looking for that quick book on the beach which you can leave behind in the sand once you finish, this is it. If you are looking for that classic romance to add to your shelf, keep looking.
Profile Image for Harlequin Books.
17.5k reviews2,776 followers
January 12, 2016
"A best-friends-to-lovers romance that’s honest, emotional and outrageously sexy! The progression of the relationship is a shock to Lucas and Julie, but needed little encouragement since the lust simmered just beneath the surface, and the love was there all along" (RT Book Reviews, 4 1/2 stars).

Miniseries: Texas Cattleman's Club: After the Storm
Profile Image for Nikka.
115 reviews32 followers
February 19, 2016
I read this because sometimes you just need a light read in between tense, overwhelming books on your Currently Reading shelf. I did think this was okay though. I wasn't as into it as I'd like but I do appreciate the medicine/hospital scenes in this story. I'm not sure if the SOP goes the way it does in the story but kudos for including it anyway. :D
972 reviews
April 6, 2016
D2360 Mar15 TTC: After the Storm #6. r. Lucas Wakefield marries his best friend, Julia Kingston. His ex-fiancé turns up with her son needs surgery, Lucas is the best doctor for the surgery he needs. Julia thinks they are still in love and tries to step out of their way. Lucas will not let Julia go.
Profile Image for Shannon Shields.
112 reviews
March 5, 2015
The storyline was good. I knew eventually the love Lucas and Julie had for each other would come out.
Profile Image for Deborah.
2,679 reviews21 followers
April 10, 2015
There's nothing like a great HEA! Luc and Julie have been colleagues and friends for years. However, deportation is in Julie's future. Unless...they're married?
Displaying 1 - 30 of 34 reviews

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