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গুপী গাইন বাঘা বাইন

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44 pages, Hardcover

First published January 2, 2004

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About the author

Upendrakishore Ray Chowdhury

43 books75 followers
Upendrakishore Ray Chowdhury (Bangla: উপেন্দ্রকিশোর রায়চৌধুরী), also known as Upendrokishore Ray (উপেন্দ্রকিশোর রায়) was a famous writer, painter, violin player and composer, technologist and entrepreneur.

He was the father of the famous writer Sukumar Ray and grandfather of the renowned film-maker Satyajit Ray. Upendrakishore Ray Chowdhury was a product and leading member of the Brahmo Movement that spearheaded the cultural rejuvenation of Bengal. As a writer he is best known for his collection of folklore; as a printer he pioneered in India in the art of engraving and was the first to attempt color printing at the time when engraving and color printing were also being pioneered in the West.

Upendrakishore was born on 12 May 1863 in a little village called Moshua in Mymensingh District in Bengal, now in Bangladesh. He spent most of his adult life in Kolkata, where he died on 20 December 1915, aged only fifty-two. He was born Kamadaranjan Ray, to Kalinath Ray, a scholar in Sanskrit, Arabic and Persian. At the age of five, Kamadaranjan was adopted by Harikishore, a relative who was a zamindar in Mymensingh (now in Bangladesh). Harikishore renamed his adopted son Upendrakishore, and added the honorific ‘Raychaudhuri’ as a surname. Upendra passed the Entrance examination in 1880 with scholarship from Mymensingh Zilla School. He studied for a while at Presidency College, then affiliated with the University of Calcutta but passed BA examination in 1884 from the Calcutta Metropolitan Institution (now Vidyasagar College). Upendra took to drawing while in school. He published his first literary work in the magazine Sakha in 1883.

Upendrakishore first introduced modern blockmaking, including half-tone and colour block making, in South Asia. In 1913 he founded what was then probably the finest printing press in South Asia, U. Ray and Sons at 100 Garpar Road. Even the building plans were designed by him. He quickly earned recognition in India and abroad for the new methods he developed for printing both black & white and color photographs with great accuracy of detail.

Upendrakishore's greatest contribution was in the field of children's literature in Bengali. He did most of the illustrations of his books himself. In April 1913, Upendrakishore started the magazine Sandesh, a popular children's magazine in Bengali that is still published today. It was the first magazine for children in India that had coloured pictures, and it became an institution in Bengal.

Upendrakishore embraced the liberal religious movement of Brahmo Samaj in 1883, after the death of his foster-father and he was a deeply religious man. But his scientific bent of mind is reflected in the numerous science articles he wrote for children. He published two remarkable books on popular science. His scientific interests were further nurtured by his close friendship to the scientists Jagadishchandra Bose and Prafullachandra Ray, all of whom lived and worked very close to each other. Also a musician, Upendrakishore wrote two books about music.

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Profile Image for Rubell.
167 reviews24 followers
February 2, 2022
অর্ধেক রাজ্য এবং রাজকন্যার সাথে বিয়ে; তারপর সুখে-শান্তিতে নবাবের ব্যাটার মত রাজপ্রাসাদে চিরদিন বসবাস...
ছোটবেলায় যখন রূপকথার গল্প শুনতাম/পড়তাম, সমস্ত শঙ্কা কেটে গিয়ে শেষমেশ সুখে শান্তিতে বসবাসের অংশটা ছিল সেরা।
গুপি গাইন বাঘা বাইনের মজাটা আরও গভীরে, ভূতের দেওয়া জাদুর থলের মধ্যে। যেখানে হাত দিলে মিলবে শাহী খানাপিনা।

সে সেই ভূতের দেওয়া থলির ভিতরে হাত দিয়ে বলল, ‘দাও ত দেখি, এক হাঁড়ি পোলাও।’ অমনি একটা সুগন্ধ যে বেরুল! তেমন পোলাও রাজারাও সচরাচর খেতে পান না। আর সে কি বিশাল হাঁড়ি! গুপি কি সেটা থলির ভিতর থেকে তুলে আনতে পারে? যা হোক, কোনমতে সেটাকে বার করে এনে তারপর থলিকে বলল, ‘ভাজা, ব্যঞ্জন, চাটনি, মিঠাই, দই, রাবড়ি, শরবত।—শিগ্‌গির শিগ্‌গির দাও।’ দেখতে দেখতে খাবার জিনিসে আর সোনারূপোর বাসনে ঘর ভরে গেল।
Profile Image for Vikas Singh.
Author 4 books316 followers
November 29, 2021
A collection of stories by Upendrakishore including the popular fantasy story of Goopy and Bagha. Oher stories in this anthology are those of Tuntuni, the intelligent little bird, Matanjali Sarkar, the clever cat and Ghangosaur, the frightening beast. The stories are a brilliant flight into a fantasy world, away from the daily rigmarole of life. The translation by Swagata Deb is brilliant and captures even the fine nuances of the original.
Profile Image for Madhurima Nayek.
361 reviews132 followers
April 1, 2019
উপেন্দ্রকিশোর রায় চৌধুরীর কাহিনি "গুপী গাইন" প্রথম প্রকাশিত হয় সন্দেশ পত্রিকায়। মোট ৬ কিস্তিতে ধারাবাহিক ভাবে বের হয়। পরে সত্যজিৎ রায় সম্পাদিত সন্দেশ পত্রিকায় গল্পটি পূনর্মুদ্রিত হয়,যদিও তখন গল্পের নাম পরিবর্তন করে রাখা হয়েছিল "গুপী গাইন ও বাঘা বাইন।"

"গুপী গাইন ও বাঘা বাইন" এর কথা সকলেরই জানা।গল্পটি নিয়ে সিনেমাও হয়েছে,কিন্তু পুরোনো দিনের সিনেমা বলে আমার কোনোদিনই ইচ্ছা হয়নি দেখার। তাই গল্পটা হাতের কাছে পেয়ে পড়ে নিলাম।সত্যিই যদি না পড়তাম এত ভালো একটা গল্প miss করে যেতাম।

গল্পটা পড়ার পর আর একটা জিনিস জানতে পারলাম যে, গুপী গাইন আসল নাম নয়,তার আসল নাম - গুপী কাইন।সে একটা গান গাইতো ( খুবই বাজখাঁই গলা😄😄) আর ওই গ্রামের কেউ গান গাইতে জানত না,তাই সবাই তাকে খ্যাতির করে গুপী 'গাইন' বলে ডাকতো।
আর গুপীদের গ্রামের কাছেই আরেকটা গ্রামে থাকতো পাঁচু পাইন। সে ঢোল বাজাতো(গ্রামের লোক অস্থির হয়ে যেত😂😂)। তার বাজনা শুনে গ্রামের লোকেরা যখন "আহা ! অ- অ- অ- হ- হ- হ !!!" করতো শেষে সে " হাঃ, হাঃ, হা হা !" করে বাঘের মতো খেঁকিয়ে উঠতো তাই তখন থেকে তাকে সবাই 'বাঘা' পাইন নামে ডাকতো।

আর ওই ভূতের রাজা তাদের যে বর দিল আহাহাহা হা.... আমাকেও যদি দিত আমি যে কত কি করতাম,কত কি খেতাম, কত জায়গায় যে ঘুরে বেড়াতাম !! সত্যিই খুব মজার একটা গল্প এটা। কমবয়সে পড়লে আরো ভালো লাগবে। আর একটা কথা বলতে চাই যে, সিনেমাটা না দেখলেও কয়েকটা দৃশ্য দেখেছিলাম সেখান থেকে আমার মনে হয় সিনেমার থেকে আসল গল্পটা better.
Profile Image for Farhana Sufi.
478 reviews
August 17, 2019
Gupee Bagha and Hirak Rajar Deshe are probably my most favourite movies of all time. Maybe because they were the the first childhood movies that captivated my heart, maybe it was only the songs, Hirak Rajar "Aha ki anondo" was a favourite to sing after the last school final exams each year.

This book is a great collection of the original "Gupee Bagha" story by Upendrakishore and also the screenplay for the 1969 movie by Satyajit, with photos from the movie and the set.

I realized that this was the first time I read the original story! The movie deviates from the story quite a bit, with Gupee and Bagha's characters and with the Shundi kingdom's stance. But I liked both.

The book also contains interviews and articles from Gupee and Bagha's actors Tapen Chattopadhyay and Rabi Ghosh respectively, as well as Sandip Ray (Satyajit's son and the director of the third movie in the trilogy). Also interviews from singer Anup Ghoshal, cameraman Soumendu Roy, an excerpt on the songs from Sudhir Chakrabarty and also details on the hypnotic "Bhooter Raja" dance sequence written by Dilipkumar Bose, and an interview of Photographer Nimai Ghosh.

The "Bhooter Raja" ghost sequence is something I always end up reading anything I find on it. From Satyajit's own "Ekei Bole Shooting" to his interviews, this still keeps fascinating me. The idea of four types of ghosts - the kings and landlords, the farmers and commoners, the foreign occupation like the Brits, the missionaries and the religious heads... and accompanying each group's dance, the use of separate interesting instruments of the Indian sub-continent. This article has Satyajit's rough drawings, but Satyajit's last interview has more details on how he decided upon and shot the dance. Satyajit had said there, that to save money, instead of making a huge 4 storey stage for the 4 lined group dance shot, he had to shoot each group's dance on the same masked film over and over. I found that really innovative.

But the whole idea of getting 4 different groups of ghosts for the region, then having them fight among themselves, not with one of the other classes was ingenious as well.

I loved reading this book. It was just wonderful! Filled with Satyajit's sketches, his cover from the original 1963 re-publication of Upendrakishore Ray's stories, the size and format and glossy pages of this book, everything was perfect. ❤

I thank Sandip Ray and the Shishu Kishore Academy and the West Bengal Government for publishing this book on the 50th anniversary year of Satyajit Ray's masterpiece.


Book: গুপি গাইন ও বাঘা বাইন ৫০
Gupee Gayen and Bagha Bayen 50

- Published in January 2019 to commemorate the 8th Kolkata Intl. Children's Film Festival.
- Published by the Shishu Kishore Academy, WB Government.
- Published on the 50th anniversary year of Satyajit Ray's movie.
Profile Image for Ram.
41 reviews
June 3, 2012
This is a wonderful selection of stories for children, though adults will enjoy it in equal measure. The author – Upendrakishore Roychoudhury – is a well-known Bengali author and will be easier to identify as the grandfather of film-maker Satyajit Ray. He wrote a lot of stories for children, of which some of the best has been brought together in this translated collection.

The title story is the tale of two people – Goopy the singer (“gyne” in Bengali) and Panchu the drummer (who would occasionally roar like a tiger, hence his nickname “Bagha” meaning tiger and “byne” meaning drummer). Goopy could sing only one song and Bagha could drum only one tune. When their folks could no longer bear their music, Goopy & Bagha are sent into the forest where they meet up. This tale tells us how they manage to win the favour of the king of the ghosts in the forest, get boons for their “musical abilities” and eventually end up marrying the local king’s daughters.

The stories in this book are grouped in five categories – tales of men, of grandmothers, of birds, of foxes and a lone story of a cat. All of them are told in language that will appeal to both young & old alike. I actually bought it for myself but both my kids loved the stories when I read it out to them.

Anyone who enjoys a good fairy-tale will love this collection of light feel-good tales.

Profile Image for Rohini Murugan.
144 reviews24 followers
September 20, 2022
It was beautiful. It is a children’s story book and had its own little trinkets of talking animals, scheming animals and lots and lots of poetry.

And, all of that, with the charming imagery that it produced, took me to a time and place when my dad used to entertain the two year old me with talking elephant families.

And for a moment there, I had this weird impulse of wanting to read this book to my future kids, whom I’d sworn I’m never gonna have.

In a world where I’m 26, with a host of issues and problems, this really opened majestic magical doors to a far more simpler time and made me yearn to just stay in and not come out.

I’m truly in love with it.
4 reviews1 follower
February 16, 2023
গুপি গাইন বাঘা বাইন বাংলা শিশু সাহিত্যের এক অন্যতম সৃষ্টি। উপেন্দ্রকিশোর রায় চৌধুরী লেখা বই ছোট থেকে বড় সকলে পড়ে বড় হয়েছি আমরা। বোধ হয় তিনিই প্রথম সাহিত্যিক যিনি ভুতের রাজাকে ভয়ের দুনিয়া থেকে সরিয়ে নিয়ে এসে একটা মজার ফ্যান্টাসির মধ্যে তুলে ধরেছেন। তাছাড়া ও গুপি ও বাঘার মধ্যে দিয়ে সেই সময়ের সমাজ ব্যবস্থাকে তুলে ধরেছে। ক্ষমতাবান রা স্বার্থের জন্য কি কি করতে পারে। ব্যক্তিগত স্বার্থের জন্য যুদ্ধ করতেও প্রস্তুত। যাই হোক আর কিছু বললাম না পড়ার আনন্দ যাতে মাটি না হয়। বইটি দেখে খুব ভালো লাগল��। এখন কার শিশুদের সঙ্গীও করে ফেলতে পারেন সহজেই।

বইটি পড়ে ফেলুন https://bonglib.in/book/0820233461
58 reviews7 followers
November 28, 2020
Okay, so obviously, I've watched the movie a million times before and it was only today that I read the book!

I must say that this was one of the few instances wherein the movie Version seems way better than the book, probably because the book is aimed at very young kids. While the movie is ageless, timeless, courtesy of the genius Satyajit Ray!
Profile Image for Israt Jahan.
40 reviews1 follower
December 19, 2022
গপ্পো শেষে অর্ধেক রাজ্য ও রাজকুমারী জয়। কি সুন্দর হ্যাপি ওয়ালা এন্ডিং! এজন্যই বোধহয় রূপকথার গপ্পো সুন্দর। আর কাছে তো বেশ ঠেকেছে।
Profile Image for Talkbookish.
44 reviews
September 17, 2023
Sing aloud, play your drums, and drive people mad. You'll get half the kingdom and one of the princesses nonetheless.
Profile Image for Arun Rajappa.
63 reviews9 followers
May 3, 2020
Good stories for kids. Translating these stories to English is difficult because the sound of the verse is gone, which makes the stories less enjoyable...
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