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Fractured Lives #1

A Shattered Moment

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In the new series by Tiffany King, the USA Today bestselling author of the Woodfalls Girls novels, six friends—fresh from high school graduation—discover that the future can come at you from out of nowhere.

This is Mackenzie’s story…

Mackenzie Wilson once had hope for what life had to offer, but everything changed on the night of her graduation. A year later, the only way she can find comfort is by keeping her head down and hoping she remains unnoticed at college.

When Bentley James discovered Mac in that twisted SUV, he was just a newbie EMT on his first call. It was a gut-wrenching moment that made him realize not everyone can be saved—and sometimes they don’t want to be.

A chance encounter on campus brings Bentley back into Mac’s life. Despite her initial resistance, he sets out to discover the girl hiding beneath a shield of seclusion. He evokes painful memories in Mac—but also feelings. As the spark between them grows, Mac must decide if she can let go of the past and believe in something as fragile as love…

304 pages, Paperback

First published May 5, 2015

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About the author

Tiffany King

38 books1,808 followers
USA Today Bestselling author Tiffany King is a lifelong reading fanatic who is now living her dream as a writer, weaving Young Adult and New Adult romance tales for others to enjoy. She has a loving husband and two wonderful kids. (Five, if you count her three spoiled cats). Her addictions include: Her iphone and ipad, chocolate, Diet Coke, chocolate, Harry Potter, chocolate, zombies and her favorite TV shows. Want to know what they are? Just ask.

You can connect with Tiffany on her webpage at authortiffanyjking.blogspot.com
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Profile Image for Michelle.
2,102 reviews1,360 followers
September 28, 2015
ARC provided by author/publisher in exchange for an honest review

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Shattered. To be broken into many pieces. That simple definition has one key word that stands out. Broken. What happens when the future seems so bright and full of endless possibilities, and then suddenly your world is ripped apart. The friends you love. Gone. The light and hope that once existed. Dimmed. What happens when memories are blurred with regret and what ifs. And what happens when your life is forever changed leaving you broken. Shattered. Can that one shattered moment be pieced back together or are the shards of glass better left broken?


A Shattered Moment by Tiffany King was simply beautiful. When I say this book is beautiful, I truly mean it. This book was one of the most touching, endearing, heartfelt, and raw New Adult books that I have read. I love a book that can make you FEEL the raw and vulnerable aspect of loss, grief, regret, and emptiness. Ms. King did an amazing job with this book as she was able to juxtapose and weave into this story with themes of love, forgiveness, second chances, and acceptance. A Shattered Moment is just not an ordinary love story but a book that inspires hope. Hope that light can shine through in our darkest hour and that love truly heals.

When Mackenzie Robinson life went from bubbling high school graduate to suddenly a broken shell of a woman when a tragic accident ripped her life apart, how does one go on living? How does one move on when not only your life is broken but as well as your five friends. Not just one life was shattered but five others. Six shattered and broken lives. Their hope and dreams gone. So how does one cope? Well for Mackenzie, she just exists. Exists in a world where she feels numb and the light has dimmed with loneliness. So what happens when fate had a different plan for her and when love comes knocking on her door? Can you love someone who is broken?

Bentley James never expected that he would see Mackenzie again after he rescued her from that tragic accident. But a chance encounter in a college library a year later only encouraged him to continue in his pursuit of getting to know Mac. He does not see Mac as a broken girl but as a woman who is strong and resilient. No matter of her disabilities, he saw a woman who just needed tender loving care. A woman who just needed to be reminded of her true beauty inside and out. Bentley was the perfect man to bring back the light into Mac's eyes. He was the only to break down the walls that surrounded her heart and allowed her to see that her life did not end that fatal day but just a beginning of second chances. So can Bentley heal her broken her heart and make her see she is worthy of love and new beginnings?


I absolutely loved this book. A Shattered Moment was a gripping, emotional, and beautiful tale that I will hold dear to my heart. I love that Ms. King was able to showcase a book that reminds us all that nothing is truly shattered. A broken piece can be glued and pieced back together. Light can shine through the darkness. And most importantly, that through time the heart can heal. And the biggest glue to piece back the shattered pieces is LOVE. Love can truly heal and Ms. King reminded us all to not lose sight of hope. A hope that second chances and new beginnings exists. This book was written so raw that you could feel every emotion brimming off each page. There is no hurt so great that love can't heal it. Eventually, Bentley was able to show Mackenzie that love heals everything even the shattered and broken hearts. So if you are looking for a book full of hope, love, second chances, and healing then I highly recommend you to read A Shattered Moment by Tiffany King.

Tiffany King

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Review can also be found on Four Chicks Flipping Pages
Profile Image for Jacqueline's Reads.
2,950 reviews1,523 followers
July 22, 2015
5 Life-Changing Stars

A Shattered Moment is a standalone and is the first book in the Fractured Lives Series. This is a new Tiffany King series and I’m completely in love with it!

Mackenzie, Mac was in a horrific accident on graduation night. She has never been the same since. It’s a year later and she’s in college. She’s recluse, antisocial and has a slight limp. She doesn’t want anyone in her life and she doesn’t have anyone in her life.

Bentley was on call during the night of Mac’s accident. He helped her arrive safely to the hospital. A year later, he sees Mac again at the same college he is attending. He wants to forge a relationship with this girl, but she doesn’t make it easy.

Mac has pretty tough walls built around her and Bentley is determined to break them.

The more time I spent with her, the more I wanted to show her how wrong she was.

I love the college setting and I love the “innocence” of the book. It read to me as sweet and completely adorable.

Mac is a tough cookie, as she should be. She had the perfect life and it all came crashing down in a few seconds. She’s bitter, angry and she is kind of stuck. I also liked that she has a limp. I felt like it was a constant reminder of the accident. This is her first year not living with her parents and she finds refuge at the library. Every day she walks to the library, despite the ache in her leg and one day she runs into Bentley.

I loved Bentley. If you ever had to love the good-guy, it’s him. I loved when they first meet, there’s no question to how they know each other. It’s out there in the open. He sees something in Mac and even though he has no problems getting girls, he wants to get to know her. I loved reading his inner monologue. I loved how nervous he was around her and how he really cared for Mac. It was so sweet!

I’m as broken as the window you found me behind the night of the accident.

Mac is very standoffish and Bentley decides to show up at the library every day. He doesn’t talk to her, but kind of worms his way into her life. It’s super cute. The angst level is low and I really liked it. This was simply a story about past pains and finding something new. Bentley tries to help Mac works on her issues, like overcoming fears, regrets and trying to accept her new life.

I was completely absorbed with the storyline. There were tiny flash-backs, but I liked reading them because it gave me a better glimpse on what actually happened and it kind of explains why Mac is why she is the way she is.

The chemistry and dynamics between Mac and Bentley is like I said, super cute. I love it when the Hero pursues the girl and I love that she is kind of broken. Sometimes it’s so nice to swoon over the good guy.

A Shattered Moment (Fractured Lives, #1) by Tiffany King AMAZON
Profile Image for ♥Rachel♥.
2,081 reviews898 followers
May 1, 2015
3.5 Stars

Mac’s life after accident made it so she climbed into a shell of isolation, which was understandable because she lost all her closest friends in the accident, whether emotionally or by death. Mac’s also permanently injured and has to deal with walking with a cane probably for the rest of her life. Just getting around at her college campus is a huge feat.

There are short flashbacks giving a glimpse into Mac’s relationship with her then boyfriend, Zach, and her friends before the accident. You can see why guilt, grief, and low self-image, would cause her shut herself off from any possible new friends. When she meets Bentley, he pushes for a way in, chipping away at her armor. Slowly, Mac starts to come back to the land of the living, falling for Bentley in the process.

Bentley was a complete sweetheart with a carefree and happy demeanor that’s infectious. It’s impossible to be miserable around this guy. As the EMT who was there at Mac’s darkest hour, he remembers Mac and that night vividly. There’s something special about Mac to Bentley that draws him in, over and over to her, even with the resistance she puts up. He doesn’t see her as damaged goods, but rather a strong survivor, which goes a long way in healing Mac’s self-image.

Mac and Bentley’s romance felt like it could’ve been taken from real life, just a sweet, slow and steady progression instead of rooted in fiction or fantasy. I appreciated the low level of angst, never any huge blowups or setbacks. While A Shattered Moment does seem to follow the same recipe for a lot of New Adult reads out there (the main character reeling after a tragic event), Tiffany King wrote and engrossing story without it feeling overly dramatic.

A copy was kindly provided by Berkley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Krista.
1,075 reviews84 followers
May 5, 2015
Seriously, Tiffany King. The tears. I had lots of them. Well done, my friend.

Mac was in a tragic accident that killed her best friends and left her forever changed, both physically and mentally. She's trying to move on with her life as best she can in college, but she's really not doing well with that plan. Until she meets Bentley - for the second time - and he forces her to face things she'd rather just stay hidden.

So, I mentioned tears, right. Well, let's talk about the fact that six friends, as close to each other as blood, are in a horrific car accident because of a drunk driver. On graduation day. If that doesn't just punch you right in the feels, I don't know what will. The details of the crash and what happened to these kids immediately before and after the accident are revealed slowly throughout the book in the form of Mac's flashbacks. They're all from her POV, and all heartbreaking, knowing what happened to all of them eventually. And there were a lot of unresolved things between these friends that didn't get a chance to work out, which heaped a lot of guilt on Mac's shoulders, in addition to her injuries.

My hesitation that night still festered like an open wound, leaving me to forever deal with if only. Two words that should be stricken from the English language. If only we would've stayed at the beach a little longer, or if only we would've left just a few seconds earlier... The thought of it keeps me up at night in a cold sweat, haunted by the rattling chains of guilt that bind me.

I've seen Tiffany King use this way of extracting the whole story before, and I have to say, I kind of love it. The book bounces back and forth between present day and the past as we slowly uncover the reasons why our characters are the way they are today. Nothing is revealed too quickly, which ensures that the questions we have aren't answered too quickly either. It drives you through the story, in search of those answers.

Not that the drive through the story is hard or anything. I read A Shattered Moment in one day. I was completely caught up in Mac and her struggle to become alive again. I can't even imagine what she went through. Not only did she lose her friends, but she has a physical disability now that makes walking difficult. Her own view of herself is severely skewed - she thinks no one could want or love her anymore. And, to make matters worse, her parents are smothering her.

Bentley comes on the scene unexpectedly. He was the EMT who saved her life at the accident, and then all of a sudden, he's there on campus at her school too. They remember each other, and Bentley has enough tact to know to tread lightly. She fascinates him and he petrifies her. Bentley was sorta awesome. He was so, so patient with Mac. He watched over her without causing her to lose her pride. He lifted her up when she needed it. And, he caused her to see that her self-imposed prison was shutting her off from all the wonderful new friends she could be making, but had been scared to, in case she lost them too.

"You changed me, Bentley. I don't know if you know that, but you helped me believe I could live again and be happy. For a long time I didn't think that was possible. And even if it were possible. I thought it would be unfair to the memory of my friends, so I kept throwing up walls. Most of all, I was terrified my heart wouldn't be able to handle another loss."

I think the thing I liked best about Bentley was that he never coddled Mac. When she was being a jerk, he called her on it. When she was being irrationally afraid, he made her face her fears. And, he didn't shy away from his feelings, even though Mac made it really hard for him sometimes. I also loved how Bentley's own inner circle of dorky friends accepted her without question, and stood in for him as her protector whenever Bentley couldn't be there. They are completely awesome guys, and I sincerely hope that we see more of them in future books.

This is a spectacular start to a new series. It ends with questions still to be answered, but not about Bentley and Mac. Their ending is everything I needed it to be. I can't wait to see what comes next.
Profile Image for Jessica .
844 reviews166 followers
May 23, 2015
I am always eager to read another Tiffany King book, so when I heard about this series, I knew I had to read it. Tiffany does emotional so well and as difficult as this book was to read on my poor heart, it was such a beautiful story at the same time. This is a very character driven novel with a sweet romance that completely captured my heart.

"This was the curse of surviving. You're left to pick up the pieces of your broken, shattered, decimated life. I couldn't remember what it felt like to be whole."

Mac's character has gone through a traumatic event that no person should ever have to endure in their lifetime. Having been involved in a fatal accident on graduation night, Mac has not been the same ever since. She is a shell of a girl, merely existing at college. She is not personable and she shuts the world out, hiding behind her grief, anger, and shame. It was truly heartbreaking to see her living this way and it was hard to like her at first because of the wall she has erected. However, as Bentley reemerges into her life, things start looking up for her. In him, she finds a friend who cares enough to work past her surly attitude and dismissive nature. That's not to say Bentley 'cures' her by any means. It's a battle for her to start seeing herself as he does, an incredibly strong girl who has been dealt a tragic hand and still has her pride, despite her disability.

I loved Bentley. He was such a great guy and truly the person Mac needed to help bring her out of her self-imposed prison. Saving people is not only his job, but it's in his nature. There are times when he forgets about Mac's limitations and feels bad, but Mac likes that he doesn't treat her as this breakable, fragile girl. She has come to terms with her disability and she tries not to let her affect her. Bentley is still new at their relationship and his protective nature makes him want to throttle people for being so heartless when it comes to pushing her along, etc. Mac doesn't particularly care for that, as she is used to it. It takes a bit to find the balance in their relationship, but once they do, it really works.

I really liked these two's chemistry. It's a slower burn for sure, as Mac blows him off for a good bit in the beginning. However, the attraction is definitely there and I really enjoyed seeing them form an actual romantic relationship. Being a New Adult read, King does not overdo their sexy times together, but the ones she does include are so well placed and delivered.

Mac not only opens up with Bentley, but she also starts to let others into her life as well. I loved seeing her relationship with her parents reinforced, as well as her open up to her roommate Trina. Mac has felt guilty for too long and she shouldn't be afraid to make new friends and let herself be happy again. It's a part of her healing process and while it's not easy, it's a step in the right direction.

This is a part of a series and I definitely do not want to spoil anything, but I will say I am looking forward to seeing where King will take these books next. It's going to be an emotional journey for sure, but it's one I'm happy to take with her. Her characters are so real and engaging, that I couldn't help but fall in love with them. This book will really tug at your heartstrings, but it will also fill you with hope, especially after seeing Mac's journey.

*Received a copy of this book via the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review.*

Profile Image for ☕️Kimberly  (Caffeinated Reviewer).
3,293 reviews734 followers
May 11, 2015
My truffle induced coffee dates with A Shattered Moment

First date: Our date begins with a prologue of Mackenzie Wilson’s graduation night. She is with her best friends, Zack, Kathleen, Dan, Jessica and Tracey. Their parents refer to this group of levelheaded kids as the “Brat Pack.” King immediately grabbed me and I knew instantly I would need those truffles. The scene fades as EMT Bentley James speaks to her, as she lay trapped in a twisted SUV.
Second date: A year has passed and Mackenzie has changed. She is enrolled in college and living on campus. She prefers to be called Mac now. She moves about trying to be invisible. She spends her days at the library, avoiding her parent’s concerned calls and feigning sleep at night to avoid talking to her roommate. Bentley James also a college student begins to utilize the library as a quiet place to study away from his loud roommates. The two accidentally meet and immediately recognize the other. For Mac he brings back painful memories but she also remembers how he made her feel safe. Bentley is curious and sweetly attempts to get to know her. There is a spark and watching these two create a slow-building relationship was delightful. King does not rush things and allows us to experience it all. Along the way, we learn about Graduation Night and the rest of the Brat Pack. King introduces us to friends on campus and I loved that even the secondary characters were unique and fleshed out.
Third date: Who says “good guys” cannot be totally swoon-worthy. I am in love with Bentley. Sometimes he is adorkably awkward but he makes up for it with his wonderful patience. Mac is scared. Scared of her developing feelings for Bentley and even more scared of beginning to live again. She is taking chances and making friends but can she risk her heart again. AS much as this is a romance, it also delves into Mac’s healing process as she mends relationships and deals with guilt. A Shattered Moment is low on heat and high on kisses, but the tension and slow-building romance, heated the pages and was laced with humor and sweetness. I am enjoying the slow progression but anxious for the final dance. I really do not want this last date to end.

Copy provided by publisher. Full review @ Caffeinated. This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Book Reviewer
Profile Image for Jen.
1,080 reviews92 followers
April 29, 2015
I liked this one a lot; the characters, the romance, the healing--both physically and emotionally--all of it.
Profile Image for Sarah (Head Stuck In A Book).
166 reviews158 followers
May 4, 2015
Just from reading the synopsis of A Shattered Moment I knew I was going to love this book, having previously read and thoroughly enjoyed Tiffany's Woodfalls Girls series, I knew I was going to in for a treat.

What I find refreshing about this new adult book was that there were no secrets between our two main protagonists, usually we have to wait to discover the big reveal but not in this story, after a car accident that killed her friends and left her with a crippling leg injury that leaves her dependant on a cane, Mackenzie 'Mac' has shut herself off from interaction from everyone besides her parents, spending her time alone in her dorm room or venturing out to the campus library, that's where she runs into Bentley, but you see Bentley is no stranger to Mac, on his first job as a EMT he responded to the car acident that Mac was involved in, staying with her while she was trapped in the wreckage never leaving her side until she arrived at the hospital.

While initially shocked and taken aback by being face to face with a reminder of that tragic night where she lost so much and desperately wants to forget, Mac will find that Bentley will her bring her back to life, to start living again, and to help her come to terms with the accident that destroyed so many lives.

I liked the snippets of the night of the car accident interspersed throughot the story, as well as the alternate POV's of Mac and Bentley.

After the ending in this book I'm desperate for the second one, talk about leaving a person hanging.

Tiffany has written an enotionally heartbreaking yet uplifting story that is sure to touch you and leave an impact, well after you've turned the last page.

Another great addition to the new adult genre.
Profile Image for Tanya.
722 reviews15 followers
July 11, 2015
This author does regular romance, but this one definitely is solidly in the New Adult or older YA arena. Mac is 19 is 1-1/2 years post a horrible accident graduation night, left with a permanent limp and cane. College is okay but not what she dreamed of prior to the accident. She is left with a lot of baggage, physical and emotional, given all 5 of her closest friends were in that accident with her. On campus she suddenly encounters a familiar face, the EMT who assisted her the night of the accident, Brentley, age 22. They begin a slow-build romance that is pretty drama free except the heroine's issues related to her accident. It had some serious topics of friendship, love and loss. I loved the writing and can't wait to get more of the backstory of this group of friends in the next of series.
Profile Image for Jacqueline J.
3,534 reviews348 followers
May 19, 2015
Rather a low key book. I expected it to be more dramatic. I liked both the hero and the heroine. I appreciated that Mac, the heroine, didn't linger in the whole 'woe is me' thing. This book was about healing and she got on with it. The hero was a sweetheart, the kind of guy that every girl deserves. I liked the balance of flashbacks and present happenings. You didn't find out everything at once but the explanations of what had happened were spread out over the book. I would be interested in reading the stories of the other survivors of the tragedy.
Profile Image for Brianna bribookish.
1,817 reviews360 followers
October 31, 2015
oh my goodness. perfection! I was not expecting it to be this heavy of a book. it doesn't start out good. your immediately thrown into the story and honestly I just wanted to start sobbing. I just finished this so I can't even grasp my feelings at the moment. I'll have more concrete thoughts later. BUT READ THIS BOOK!
Profile Image for Lauren at Live Read and Breathe Reviews.
2,364 reviews180 followers
May 26, 2015

4.5 Heartbreakingly Sweet Stars!

Source: eARC For Honest Review Courtesy of Penguin Group

Dear Tiffany ...

Thank you for such a great story. There was no woe is me, no pushing away, no miscommunications, no being a martyr. It was just a beautiful heartbreaking story about a broken yet strong girl who starts to heal and move forward with the help of a beautiful sweet loving boy.

Mackenzie Wilson was on top of the world. Especially after graduation and hanging out with her 5 best friends. Then a tragic moment changes everything.

Bentley James has always wanted to help people, so being a EMT is right up his alley. He however didn't know the reality or hardship of his job until his first shift, and realizing how sad and tragic life is and what difference could he can make in the scheme of things.

Mackenzie who now goes by Mac is still broken and a bit bitter but she's trying to survive day by day. Even though she's haunted with her memories and is stuck in between the past, present and future. Bumping into Bentley is the last thing she needs as he's an instant reminder of everything that she's lost.

The moment Bentley came across Mac he was drawn to her so to be able to have a second chance in a better environment he jumps on it and takes a chance. But Mac's a tough nut to crack with her very thick armor but Bentley's the right man for the job.

"Oh, shit. My bad. Look, I was just trying to be charmingly mysterious, but it's not what you think. I promise."

Bentley is so sweet and loving and he slowly chips away at Mac's exterior until she start to live again and moves forward. Her journey is a tough one but their relationship was sweet and heartbreaking as they find their way together.

I adored it and I can't wait to read more from this potentially great NA series.

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Profile Image for Take Me Away To A Great Read.
502 reviews2 followers
May 5, 2015
4 out of 5 Stars

A Shattered Moment by Tiffany King
Fractured Lives, #1
Publisher: Berkley
Publication Date: May 5, 2015
Rating: 4 stars
Source: Paperback provided by publisher

Tiffany King is an amazing writer who has a unique way of writing. She has a way of making everything so real, raw and emotional. You definitely will, or should walk away evaluating your own life. I know I was shattered by this book, it was appropriately titled! This is a book about loosing so much and finding what is worth living for when you think there is nothing. This book will grab you by the heart and tug on it, and not let go until you finish, even then you will be thinking about it.

This book starts with six friends on their graduation day. This book is Mackenzie Wilson aka Mac's story. The six friends are inseparable and enjoying their special day together before everything changes and they all go their separate ways. They leave the beach and are on the road when a truck hits them. It changes everything in Mac's life, she will never be the same. She is scared and feels so alone. She knows nothing that the life she once had is gone.

Then in walks Bentley James a confident, witty, EMT. Who helped Mac the night of the accident. He now is going to the same college as her. He could sees her in the library and instantly remembers her. Mac tries to push him away, like she does everyone. She is scared to get close or let anyone in, but Bentley sees something different in her and thinks she might be worth the extra effort.

Mac is soon scared of the feelings she is starting to have for Bentley. She doesn't think anyone can understand what she has been through and she doesn't know is she wants to let anyone in. When Bentley kisses her though she has feelings that she has never had before.

Even though Bentley and Mac get close and share so much. Mac always has insecurities that keep her fearing the worst. She thinks Bentley is judging her. Can she change her thinking to save herself from a life of loneliness? Will she be able to move forward and be happy? Will Bentley be the one to help her to move past all her fears, and how long will he be willing to wait?

I really enjoyed this read by Tiffany King. I liked how it went back to the day Mac graduated and gave you insight into what happened that day. I really liked that we got some information about her friends from the accident but I wanted a little more about them. I wanted more of Mac's past experiences with them, not just that day. I loved the epilogue, but now I am dying for more. I hope at some point Tiffany gives us more from this world. I am giving A Shattered Moment 4 out of 5 stars.
Profile Image for Wanda.
253 reviews57 followers
May 6, 2015
I absolutely LOVE Tiffany King. I finally had the pleasure of meeting her at ApollyCon. And I seriously "Fangirled" over her. I had to have someone introduce me to her and I swore I was a blabbering mess. LOL. But she was so sweet. Tiffany is on my "Must Buy" list. I have enjoyed everything she's written so I know she won't disappoint.

A Shattered Moment, to me was a bit different from her other stories. The name character Mackenzie was in such a dark place through a large portion of the book, that it was really sad to read. Usually her characters are upbeat and bubbly. But Mac was so hurt and damaged. She's definitely a unique character out of all the books I've read by Tiffany. But regardless of how different she is, she's a strong girl. And it was great to see her progress throughout the book.

First Tiffany gives you Mac, who you want to protect then she gives you Bentley. I absolutely LOVE him. He shows so much maturity for being a young college student. But the way him and Mac met was just so sad. He was one of the first responders when Mac and her friends got into a car accident. Then they bump into each other a year later and he just can't get enough of her. Though she wasn't having it at all with him, he didn't give up. The way Bentley handled Mac and everything that came with her made me wish he was a real person. He was so patient with her and so loving. So I was rooting for him.

Mac struggled a lot in this novel. But my god, poor girl went through hell. So I wanted to cut her some slack. But overall, she grew throughout the book and that made me happy for her. Tiffany threw in some twists from the beginning of the book that made me root for Mac right away. And then she threw some twists that made my jaw drop. I didn't see them coming and now I can't wait to read her next novel in this series.

As with every book I've read by Tiffany King. This book is an enjoyable read. Who doesn't want to read about a girl overcoming all odds and a guy that wants to take each step with her.

A Shattered Moment is a definite Good Choice for Reading!!

Profile Image for Danielle.
354 reviews247 followers
September 11, 2015
As soon as I read the blurb for A Shattered Moment I knew I was going to love it and I was not disappointed. To be honest, I had been putting it off for a while because I was expecting an angsty read and I just wasn't in the mood for that but instead of being angsty like I had anticipated, A Shattered Moment is a sweet and fairly easy romance about learning to heal after an unexpected tragedy.

Mackenzie and her five best friends were out celebrating on graduation night when they were in a horrible accident that changed all of their lives forever. A year later, Mac is trying to get through college by going unnoticed. Of course, all that changes when she meets, or should I say becomes reacquainted, with Bentley.

Bentley has wanted to help people his whole life, and unfortunately on his first call as an EMT he realizes that you can't save everyone. He's intrigued by Mac as soon as he sees her again and continually pursues her even though she brushes him off time and again.

I just have to say that I absolutely loved Bentley. I love the way he pursues Mac and continually pushes her out of her comfort zone... Not to mention his protectiveness when it comes to her. It was hilarious watching him navigate the friendship/relationship with Mac and how he would berate himself whenever something didn't go according to plan... Which happened a lot to the poor guy.

Mac wasn't quite as easy to like as Bentley but I couldn't help but love her anyway. She went from being inseparable with the group of friends that she grew up with to having no one... I could only imagine how hard that must be. But once she started opening up to Bentley and really pushing herself to move on with her life I really started to root for her.

Like I said, if you're looking for your typical angsty new adult romance this book isn't for you... But if you're looking for a beautiful romance full of ups and downs and the struggles that people go though to find their HEA after tragedy strikes, then A Shattered Moment should definitely be your next read.

*ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Book Binge.
838 reviews155 followers
May 15, 2015
Mackenzie was a group of friends that were inseparable. They were together all the time and from a very young age have spent all of their time together. On the night of their high school graduation their lives fall apart in a vicious car accident and Mackenzie is one that is left to figure out who she is on her own.

Bentley is an EMT who was the first one on the scene the night of the accident. Now at college he runs in to Mac and starts falling for her but Mac is standoffish and he’s not quite sure how to handle the situation. He ends up just being himself and that seems to work.

Mac starts to loosen up and trust Bentley more each day. He helps her see what a sheltered life she’s been living and this help Mac deal with not only her college roommate but with the ghosts from the past that she has never dealt with.

A Shattered Moment is an moving story but one with the rays of hope shining through for Mac. I loved seeing her persevering through her struggles with her leg injury and coming to terms with it. Bentley was a great character and I loved that he was there for her. He also was the type of person to look inside and not take things at face value. If he had done that then he and Mac would have never gotten together.

There was a romance in this book but I felt that it was mostly focused on Mac’s issues and dealing with the fallout from the accident. I did wish at times that we had seen more during the immediate aftermath of the accident. The story goes from the epilogue/accident on high school graduation night to Mac as a sophomore in college. While we were told some of the things that happened I would have loved to have been shown those things instead. It was still heart wrenching at times but certainly not as emotional as I thought it would be. I admit that I wanted to see more of the romance between Mac and Bentley as well. While it got page time I would have liked it more interwoven with the other parts of the story.

I’m looking forward to reading the next book in the series to see what happens next.

Rating: 3.5 out of 5

This review was originally posted on Book Binge by Tracy.
Profile Image for Crystal.
237 reviews18 followers
September 1, 2015
Mac has been through so much in the past year. She has closed herself off for the majority of that time, but she has now started her sophmore year of college and is hoping that moving from home into the dorms will help her venture out a bit more. It hasn't been going too well until she crosses paths with Bentley. With his open demeanor and charming personality, Bentley is bound to make friends, so why would he want to befriend Mac? Is it because he feels sorry for her? He was there on the night that changed Mac's life forever, he helped rescue her a year ago. Now he's trying to do it again.
This being my first Tiffany King book I didn't know what to expect. I love how she pieced together the story and when I thought I had everything from Mac's tragic night figured out I was delivered with a new blow. I loved seeing Mac come out of her shell after being closed off for such a long time. I adore Bentley! He was so patient and kind throughout the entire story. Knowing that Mac went through a traumatic experience he helped ease her out of her shell. He was complete perfection.
I'm very excited to continue on with his series.
Profile Image for Laura.
425 reviews16 followers
May 25, 2015
**happy sigh**
I've said it before and I'll keep saying it until I'm blue in the face. I freaking love Tiffany King's writing. She's my happy place. I know when I pick up a book of hers, I'll walk away feeling better and just...satisfied. "A Shattered Moment," definitely did not disappoint.

I am always amazed at the way an author can almost change their writing style for different books. "A Shattered Moment" had all the makings of a good ol' Tiffany King book but it was so much more, too! Seeing the transformation that Mac makes, her relationship with Bentley (sawooooooon), and even the way she forms new relationships made me fall in love with Ms. King's writing all over again.

Definitely one of my favorites of hers (so far....).
Profile Image for Taylor.
344 reviews18 followers
August 22, 2015
I really loved this book!! Mac and Bentley were so sweet but had their sexy moments too. I loved the story line of this book. The journey that these two characters took were absolutely beautiful. There wasn't one thing that I would change about this book. Mac was so brave and strong, especially with everything that had happened. Seeing her grow in the book was so heart warming. And Bentley was so sexy. Who doesn't like a sexy EMT? (; I loved him and his stupid quirky jokes! I loved that he never left Mac's side and was always watching her, and was there whenever she would need him, even though he knew how strong she really was. I could rant about this book forever. If you haven't read it, it's a must and now I'm DYING for the next book!!!
Profile Image for Bibliojunkies.
579 reviews8 followers
June 3, 2015
A Shattered Moment is a beautifully tragic story about grief, survival, and love. Mac is recovering from a nightmare. Unfortunately, Bentley was there and reminds her of the horror she faced - at least at first. As Mac learns to live again, if Bentley truly wants her, he will have to put his exceptional patience to the test. Mac and Bentley's journey is touching and a little bit heartbreaking.

ASM was my first Tiffany King and I'm hooked. The emotional books aren't really my thing, but King may have converted me with this wonderful book. I really cannot recommend this book enough and it may make an appearance on my Top Ten of 2015 list. :-)
May 5, 2015
Blog Banner photo banner2_zps0a9ef8c3.jpg
Wow… the latest new series by Tiffany King, Fractured Lives series, is going to be an emotional and powerful series that readers are going to love. The first book, A Shattered Moment blew me away. This book had my stomach in knots at times, tears in my eyes at other times, and pure joy at the triumphs. It was an unforgettable story.

MacKenzie Wilson had the world in her hands. She had just graduated from high school, she had the perfect boyfriend, she was going to college with her best friends, and a shiny bright future in her perfect world. Life was a celebration. On their graduation day, MacKenzie and her 5 friends had a special celebration planned. What started out as a celebration of their future life ended up being a nightmare that would forever affect MacKenzie’s life. She no longer has a bright shiny future. She no longer has the perfect boyfriend. She no longer has five best friends. What she has is constant pain both physical and emotional. Every task in her life is difficult. Her world is haunted by her past and her future will always carry the horrific memories of graduation night. No one saw the semi truck coming. No one knew that this would be their last moments together.

One year later MacKenzie is trying to move forward with her life one baby step at a time. She is now handicapped after sustaining serious injuries in the accident. She is lucky to be alive all though she doesn’t feel like she is. She has survivors guilt to go along with her permanent injuries. She no longer has close friends she can confide in. Some are dead and some are just as damaged as she is. But MacKenzie is a survivor. She is determined to move forward in her life even though it is not the life she envisioned.

Attending college is difficult when you are physically challenged. Making new friends is difficult when you are hurting and grieving your old friends. MacKenzie is focusing on surviving school and keeping her academics up. When she meets Bentley James her life is about to take another unpredicted turn. Bentley James is the EMT that saved her life and gave her a second chance. Now he is going to save her life once again and give her another chance at life. A chance to find real friendship. A chance to find love. A chance to love the person she has become.

A Shattered Moment was an emotional story of second chances. I loved both of the characters. MacKenzie was a brave and resilient young woman. Bentley was a very special person that not only had the knowledge of saving the physical body but also the insight of saving a soul with unconditional understanding and friendship. This book has quite a few surprises that will floor the readers and have them anxious for the next book.

Read A Shattered Moment. It will touch your heart.

Profile Image for OpenBookSociety.com .
3,979 reviews122 followers
June 18, 2015

Review brought to you by OBS reviewer Andra

Wow, Wow, WOW!!! A very riveting read. The prologue is SO intense. Once I got through that….I did not want to put the book down. So literally… 24 hours later …I had finished the book. WOW!!!

The storyline is the recovery process of Mac from a fatal car crash with 4 of her life long buddies from high school on their graduation night (the brat pack as the parents referred to the 5 kids). This process is multifaceted, not just physical but also emotional as well. During the graduation night, Mackenzie learns of a secret between a couple of her buddies (hard to say anything without leaving spoilers…but I am trying). This takes a toll on Mac as she is plagued with more guilt over and above her survivor’s guilt. The process also includes many people in Mac’s life – the other survivors, her parents, parents of the deceased and those people who Mac meets during her year at college.

I was struck by the sheer depth of the emotional aspect of the story. It was at times difficult to read (but in a good way). I certainly cannot imagine having to live through this tragedy while not all of the ‘brat pack’ survived. This of course added survivor guilt on top of the physical and emotional scarring that took place. Being immersed in Mac’s recovery and return to her previous zest for life (and sense of humor) was both awe-inspiring and engaging. Often I rooted for Mac to see her way clear of self-pity, etc. But of course, the journey is different for every person.

Bentley was the EMT at the scene of the accident (this accident was in fact his first call out in his then new job). Now, a year and a half later, they meet up again in the university library. He is intrigued by Mac. I loved that he was able to be patient and adjust how he approached the friendship (in the beginning) and then the emerging deeper relationship with Mac is such a sensitive way. He never seemed pushy and gave Mac the space to figure herself out. The romance was delightful to read.

The switch from present day back to the day of the accident and back again was very powerful and thought provoking. I felt this added depth to what could have been just a romance. I thoroughly enjoyed the journey that, as a reader, I was taken on. Not indicating who survived the crash right at the beginning was also an ingenious story telling twist. We discovered the survivors throughout the story, when the storyline dictated their introduction (one survivor was actually a surprise to me).

As this is just the first in the series, I must say…I am hooked and can hardly wait for the next book in the series. Well done, Tiffany King. You have a new fan. Thank you for writing such an engaging, entertaining book.

*OBS would like to thank the publisher for supplying a free copy of this title in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for RO Mejia.
118 reviews97 followers
May 16, 2015
Ro's Take on this Journey:

A Shattered Moment, by Tiffany King, was a journey of a lifetime. A lifetime that not too many people would want to travel. It was an emotionally charged, tearful, devastating story. A story filled with friendship, love, loss, and mending. A Shattered Moment made me feel every emotion possible for this broken girl, Mac. Mac was filled with so much survivor's guilt, painful memories, PTSD, physical scars and limitations that mentality paralyzed her with uncontrollable fear.

One year after the horrific car accident, that occurred on graduation night with her 5 best friends since elementary school, Mac has finally decided to go off to college to escape her parents and her now non-existent life. Her parents put her up in the dorm. What they don't realize is that she won't communicate with her roommate, other students, or anyone else. She is a shell of the person she once was. Every day is spent hiding her face and scars from the public.

Mac spends her time in the library studying, hiding in a corner where she is hopeful that no one will notice her. One day she makes eye contact with a gorgeous guy in the library, and there is instant recognition on her part. Mac is hopeful that the guy doesn't recognize her. Unfortunately, he does. His name is Bentley, and he was the EMT that helped her get through the devastating crash one year ago.

Mac has been pushing people away since her survival from the devastating accident. Her rude disposition is thrown in Bentley's face, but he doesn't see anything but the beauty of this wonderful girl. Bentley is drawn to Mac like a magnet, and he isn't going anywhere, till he can make her realize that she still has something to live for. Though Mac has scattered feelings about this guy who just doesn't take a hint, she really is intrigued by him.

A Shattered Moment is full of life lessons! I loved this story. It was heart wrenching, and at the same time filled with compassion, beauty, empathy, patience, and hope. Ms. King has written a beautiful and tender love story. Mac grows exponentially in this story. Bentley is a wonderful, caring, considerate character. Reader's will fall for him head over heals.

My Rating:

I give, A Shattered Moment, by Tiffany King, 4 Emotionally Charged, Full Circle, Life Changing, Second Chance At Love Stars! This book was a tear jerker. Get your kleenex ready ladies, I couldn't stop crying or reading. The sequel promises to be unforgettable!

Profile Image for Lindy.
798 reviews199 followers
May 16, 2015
Lindy's Thoughts:

A Shattered Moment is a tender and touchingly bittersweet story. At it's heart, are themes of loss, strength, resilience, perseverance, new beginnings, and a journey of self-discovery. This story and it's characters are real and relatable.

One night shattered Mackenzie's happy and carefree life forever. It was the day of her high school graduation, a time for celebration with her 5 best friends, that ended in tragedy. Now, Mackenzie "Mac" is left to pick up the broken pieces of her injured body and devastated psyche. After one year of living with her parents, Mac decides that it is best to move away for her second year of college and live in the dorms. However, she doesn't know how to begin anew. She is living with survivor's guilt, and emotional scars, which result in her social isolation.

Mac finds solace in going to her college library, sitting in the same comfortable chair, and keeping to herself on a daily basis. One day, she see's "Hunk Worthy" Bentley James, and they recognize each other immediately. He was the EMT who helped rescue her the day of the tragic car wreck. Bentley is intrigued by Mac. He becomes determined to get her out of her shell. Little by little, with Bentley's charismatic charm, patience, compassion, and sensitivity, he strikes up a friendship with Mac. However, the more he gets to know Mac and see how special she is, the more he wants a relationship with her. Is Mac ready for a new beginning?

A Shattered Moment hurt my heart to read. I empathized with all that Mac had to endure, and more than anything, I wanted her to find a way to be happy living again. Bentley's character touched me deeply. He was such an amazing individual, and exactly what Mac needed in her life. As closed off as Mac was, it took someone special to get her to let her walls down, and Bentley was that person.

For anyone that has endured painful loss, a debilitating physical injury, and has been in an emotionally dark place, this story will resonate deeply within you. There was a beautiful romance that slowly unfurled between Mac and Bentley, but more than anything, this story centered on Mac's journey, fortitude, healing, and finding the strength to live her life again.

My Rating:

I give, A Shattered Moment, by Tiffany King, 4 Touching, Romantic, Raw, Emotion Filled Stars. This was truly a beautiful story...

*To Read More Book Reviews, Visit A Bookish Escape at http://www.abookishescape.com
Profile Image for Jenn.
1,886 reviews316 followers
March 1, 2017
Heartbreaking, heart-stopping, emotional rollercoaster - and that's just the prologue. A Shattered Moment starts off on a very painful note and over the course of the book manages to break through that pain into a book about learning to live again.

On what should have been one of the happiest nights of her life, Mackenzie Robinson's life changes in the most unexpected way. Loss like she has never known now plagues her everyday. In order to try to shed the pain, she in turn sheds her own identity, now only answering to Mac. But Mac's not really living, she's just going through the motions. Wake up, go to class, study in the library, avoid roommate, sleep, repeat. That is until she meets Bentley James.

Bentley was the EMT on duty that night when Mac's life changed. It's a night he also will never forget. When Bentley sees Mac in their school library, he makes it his mission to get to know her - even if she's resistant. Something about her pulls him in, he knows what happened to her and he wants to help. Only he doesn't see that when Mac sees Bentley, she also sees that night.

King's writing is so raw that it just demands to be felt. Bentley is so full of light and warmth, which is the opposite of Mac's darkness and cold attitude toward the world. I mean, he fights with his roommates iguana. How adorable is that? He's also the only person who doesn't make Mac feel...wait, no, scratch that, he is the only person to make Mac feel. And she's not sure how to deal with that. Having been in her own personal bubble, she doesn't realize that she was missing human interaction until he wakes that up in her.

Mac was a complicated little cookie. She wanted to be left alone, for people not to notice her disability, to just get through the day. Over the course of the book, she starts to come alive again. And as she faces the past, we learn more about what happened that fateful night. And when she finally grieves and forgives, the anger she felt starts to disappear.

I loved this book much more than I thought I would. King has become one of those authors where I will just read anything she publishes. I cannot wait to see where the next book takes us. I have a feeling it will be just as hard to get through as this one.

Profile Image for Haley.
236 reviews32 followers
May 19, 2015

“He’s dead. They’re all dead. We’re all going to die.”

The words rang through the vehicle in a wail that pierced my tender head. I wanted to cover my eyes or yell at her to stop, but I couldn’t do either. Fear and grief were living, breathing beasts in an emergency situation, feeding off panic and threatening to consume you.

What an amazingly emotional story. From the very beginning my heart was in my throat and the tears were falling.

Mac was on top of the world the day she graduated. It was the day she and her best friends have waited for. Little did she know that that day would change her life more than anyone expected.

Bentley works as an EMT and is going to college to be a paramedic. He’s studying at the library one day when Mac walks in and he instantly recognizes her. He tries to start up a conversation her but Mac wants nothing to do with him. After a couple weeks Mac begins opening up. Will she be able to forgive herself for the past and start living again, or will she continue to just go through the motions?


Before reading A SHATTERED MOMENT I was in a bit of a book slump. I have these slumps sometimes and it seems that no matter what I read it just doesn’t make me “feel”. But man, this book made me feel everything. A SHATTERED MOMENT broke my heart and beautifully put it back together.

Tiffany King wove a story so complex and heartbreaking that once I started reading I couldn’t stop, no matter how much I wanted to. Mac was a shell of a person when I started the book, but watching her slowly open up and face her demons was magic. I literally saw her anger dissipate with each page I read.

And Bentley… Bentley. Was. Perfect. Seriously. His patient and kind personality was exactly what Mac needed. He was there for her without pushing her to change or hide everything under the rug.

“Sometimes it may not seem like you’re helping, but in reality, you’re the difference between darkness and light,” she said quietly. “You were for me.”

Now this book does NOT have a cliffhanger, but it does have an opening for the second book and I am so, so excited for it!
Profile Image for Celeste.
690 reviews44 followers
May 6, 2015
This book was originally reviewed on The Book Hookup.

**I received an advance copy from the publisher,but that did not influence the review**

I love me some damaged goods, you know, stories that rip my heart out…so when I read this synopsis it sounded like this one had some serious emotional trauma. Mac had been through the unspeakable when she was in a car accident. While she could never forget what happened and all she lost, she did keep going. Even as she tried to get better her road to recovery was so hard because she was plagued with an injury that was a constant reminder of all she lost that night. Bentley was the first person in over a year to start to break down her walls, and hopefully convince her to love again.

Mac had experienced a horrible life changing situation, and I could appreciate how absolutely impossible it would be to attempt to emotionally recover. But honestly, it took until the last 20% or so for the pain to really resonate with me and mean something that gripped my heart. Yes, the words on the pages made me feel badly and I could understand her pain, but her loss, the deepness of it, and her loneliness were a bit on the surface for me. However, it did happen and I loved that. It was totally worth waiting for.

Bentley was swoony and he felt a draw to Mac right away when he ran into her at the library. He was persistent, and was really good at reading what she needed and knew how to take it slow. The romance was very sweet and lovely.

The writing was easy, and this is just my personal preference, but the story was just a bit shy of going to that raw place I love to go in a book…the place that is a bit emotionally deeper. I know, I know, I love to torture myself. There was one scene that absolutely gripped me though, one where Mac starts to move on and visits someone..I just wish more of them had been like that.

Rec this? Sure, if you love sweet stories about healing but don’t want to ugly cry while doing it this is a very nice addition for you TBR.

Happy reading!
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