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Amour et Chocolat #5.5

Shadowed Heart: A Luc and Summer Novel

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Three words, to shake a man’s existence.

Three words, to call on all a man’s strength, all his courage, all his love, and all his ability to hope and dream…and trust.

Three words, to wake up every fear a man has ever had.

“I’m pregnant, Luc.”

Now how could a man be perfect enough for that?

Author’s This book occurs in the early days of the marriage of Luc and Summer, the couple in THE CHOCOLATE HEART. I recommend reading THE CHOCOLATE HEART first, as the book assumes familiarity with this couple.

183 pages, Kindle Edition

First published November 22, 2014

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About the author

Laura Florand

28 books906 followers
Laura Florand is the international bestselling and award-winning author of fifteen books, including the Vie en Roses series (Once Upon a Rose), the Paris Hearts series (All for You), and the Amour et Chocolat series (The Chocolate Thief). Selected by NPR for their Top 100 Romance list, her books have appeared in ten languages, been nominated for RT Reviewers’ Choice Best Book of the Year, received the RT Seal of Excellence and numerous starred reviews from Publishers Weekly and Library Journal, and been recommended by USA Today and The Wall Street Journal.

She was born in Georgia, but the travel bug bit her early. After a Fulbright year in Tahiti, a semester in Spain, and backpacking everywhere from New Zealand to Greece, she ended up living in Paris, where she met and married her own handsome Frenchman, a story told in her first book Blame It on Paris. Now a lecturer at Duke University, she is very dedicated to her research into French chocolate. For a glimpse behind the scenes of some of that research as well as recommendations for US chocolate, make sure to check out her website: www.lauraflorand.com.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 65 reviews
Profile Image for ♥Rachel♥.
2,081 reviews898 followers
December 5, 2014
Shadowed Heart was a beautiful continuation of Luc and Summer’s story. As usual Laura Florand manages to dig deep into my heart and stir up so many emotions! A definite must for any fan of the Amour et Chocolat series!

Luc and Summer had the happily ever after in The Chocolate Heart when they marry, but Shadowed Heart covers the early months of their marriage before the glorious epilogue contained in the The Chocolate Heart.

I love how Laura Florand captures the realities and ups and downs of a long term romance. The time after “I do” can be a rollercoaster of emotion. One minute you feel as high as a kite thinking there’s no way you could be happier and the next you’re taking a downward plunge into an abyss of hurt. So many insecurities are felt in the beginning years, because you’re just getting to really know each other. For two people riddled with insecurities, like Summer and Luc, these times are even more tumultuous than for ones who come from a settled, loving family home. Both Luc and Summer had an intense need for reassurance, but both were scared to show their vulnerability. It was ironic that when Luc and Summer would let that need show it was such a soothing balm to the other, knowing that they craved the other’s love and affection and yet, years of neglect from their families made both hesitant to show this need for fear of rejection.

A pregnancy, even if planned and wanted can cause all those lurking insecurities to rise to the surface and bubble over. So when Summer announced she’s pregnant, they’re both excited but also so very scared. Summer and Luc worry that they’re inadequate and will be no different from their sorry excuses for parents. I seriously wanted to throttle Summer’s mother! Ugh! They both also worry about not being enough for each other over the long haul.

It’s easy for misunderstandings and misinterpretations of events to cause a deep rift between a couple, but fortunately for Luc and Summer they had a strong love for each other to see things through. Another huge asset was the help and support they received from their friends and relatives: Sylvain and Cade, Dominique and Jaime, Patrick and Sarah, Gabriel and Jolie and even from some of the new hirers at Luc’s restaurant. Having a loyal support system goes a long way in making a marriage last. Friends who look out for your best interests, give good truthful advice, even if it hurts sometimes, and those who can help you take a step back and look at the big picture. Luc and Summer’s support system did all of that and made them laugh in the process. Humor is a must in long-term relationships as well. Ms. Florand depicts all of this vividly!

I empathized with Luc and Summer’s feelings even knowing much of the negative ones were from insecurity and faulty assumptions. No worries, even though they both struggle, they would come back to the truth of the matter: they loved each other intensely and with all their heart! They didn’t allow hurt to fester and poison their relationship.

As usual, I have so many passages highlighted in my e-reader for the sheer beauty of writing or because of the deep feelings it would evoke in me. Every time I pick up one of Ms. Florand’s books I’m in awe of her writing talents. Being able to convey emotions in a way that speaks to a reader so profoundly it’s like she wrote the book especially for you is an amazing talent indeed!

A copy was kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

This review is also posted on The Readers Den.
Profile Image for Keertana.
1,138 reviews2,279 followers
December 2, 2014
I've been stalking NetGalley for months, now, just waiting for the next Florand novel to appear. I've read and re-read Florand's novels so often that to re-visit an old favorite doesn't quite give me the same pleasure as cracking open the spine of a new one. Thus, despite the fact that I've read other Florand novels only earlier this year, and re-read a handful of her books recently, picking up Shadowed Heart felt like coming home after a long, long break.

While the majority of Florand's titles can be read as stand-alones, this is one novella that simply demands that the reader have read The Chocolate Heart. Even though it's been awhile since I perused the volume myself, Luc and Summer's romance is such a strong, visceral, and truly humbling experience. It's full of heartache and strength, both in such equal magnitude, that it's impossible not to become entirely embroiled in their tale and wish, desperately, for the happiest ending possible. Thus, a follow-up novella is both a welcome surprise and a certain dread. I knew, even before opening the PDF of this, that I was going to become an emotional wreck at some point during the story--that's just the type of writer Florand is. Luc and Summer feel fleshly-real, so much so that their very being intertwines with yours until their slightest pain affects you in a physical manner.

It's a sign of Florand's skill that she's able to encompass such a wide range of emotion into such a slim volume. Shadowed Heart follows Luc and Summer as they discover that Summer is pregnant, all while Luc struggles to open his own restaurant and come to terms with what it means to be a father, support a family, and be the type of husband Summer needs him to be. Many of the themes Florand touches upon in this novella are echoes of what we saw in The Chocolate Heart but they feel just as poignant here, if not more. At a time of so much happiness, for this married couple to fall prey to doubt and most importantly, self-doubt, is a terrifying scene to watch unfold. Yet, I appreciate that Shadowed Heart has glimpses of happiness, moments of comic relief, and just the right amount of sugar. We manage to re-visit old favorites (my sweethearts, Sylvain, Dom, and Patrick *swoon*) and the delight of being back in Luc and Summer's minds doesn't wear off as easily as one would imagine. Their thoughts, so similar and yet so different, their new familiarity with one another, all while maintaining a distance still, is all strangely moving and immensely touching. I love this couple. I rooted for this couple. And I root for them still.

Shadowed Heart is a must-read for fans of Florand's work. It's heart-felt and the depth packed into its short pages is unbelievable. Moreover, who wouldn't kill for a chance to lose themselves among Florand's prose, her descriptions of Southern France, or all the delectable chocolate her leading men can make? (Someone, PLEASE, let me know where I can find a French chef of my own!) Without a doubt, Shadowed Heart is yet another incredible novel from Florand--one of her finest yet.
Profile Image for Ellie.
852 reviews189 followers
November 18, 2014
ARC kindly provided by the author in exchange of an honest review

3.5 stars

It is not exactly what expected but I loved the trademark intensity of emotion we get in Ms Florand's stories.

And I just have to give my two cents on the cover. While I appreciate a sexy naked male torso as much as the next girl, I just don't think it fits the story. It reminds me of a much darker, more erotic, even paranormal story and not the contemporary romance that it is.

The blurb is pretty vague so my review might have some spoilers!

I like romances about married couples especially ones involving pregnancy/children and I was excited to read this one. Luc and Summer are one my favourite couples in the series and I was happy the Ms Florand decided to continue their story after the Happily ever after.

We get the typical sensual and beautiful writing which is characteristic of Ms Florand's novels. The story flows gently, a bit slow at times, and it's overflowing with emotions as the characters struggle to keep up with the changes in their lives.

Luc and Summer are trying to set up their new life as a married couple in Provence when an unexpected but very much wanted pregnancy adds yet another level of stress and anxiety to both of them. Both Luc and Summer have far too many issues/insecurities to deal with and as their natural reaction, they withdrew deep into themselves instead of talking. Their confusion, fears and deep desire to be there for each other and to be perfect parents (when neither of them had good role models for parenting) felt authentic and was easy to understand and relate to. Yet, I got frustrated with them for not taking to time to talk to each other.

Even after they began opening more to each other, I felt that the big conflict came about because of a simple misunderstanding that could have been easily avoided.

We see the whole gang of the Cade sisters and their French chocolatiers, Patrick and Sarah and some other chefs as well. A true of support for the new expecting couple. I enjoyed how the seriousness of the concerns of raising a child was coupled with lighthearted humor and sense of silent/unobtrusive camaraderie. Of course, much of the focus was on food which is generally a strong and ever present metaphor in this series.

And the ending was perfect, full of optimism and totally looking forward to the future. I appreciate how Ms Florand didn't belittle or swept away the challenges in a perfect HEA. There will be struggles ahead for Summer and Luc, yet finally they are ready to face them together and to rely on the support of the people who care about them.

I expected the story to cover a longer period and I was surprised that it was condensed in such a short time span. I was looking forward to seeing the couple further along in their family life. After thinking it over I realized that I had started this story with certain fixed assumptions related to the unexpected pregnancy trope in romance and while they were not (fully) met, I found the story enjoyable and refreshing. The depth of feelings and the way the character deal/fail to deal with their complex issues made a very engaging story. A recommended read for fans of the series!
Profile Image for Lynn Latimer.
863 reviews1 follower
November 22, 2014
Laura Florand’s delicious and heartfelt stories told so beautifully in the Chocolate series have given readers several couples whose tales of love thrill the heart and evoke deep, intense emotions. Luc and Summer Leroi are probably the hardest couple to love and the ones who need to learn how to love and be loved more than any of the others. In THE CHOCOLATE HEART, Luc’s dark and difficult childhood gave insight into his need for perfect control whether at work or personally in order to keep his inner demons at bay. Summer Corey’s background may have been one of wealth and beauty externally, but it was shallow and empty where it counts. These two wounded people find love and a completeness in each other; however, “the course of true love never did run smooth” quite aptly applies for this couple. This sequel, SHADOWED HEART, tells the story of the early months of their marriage and Summer’s subsequent pregnancy. In the beauty of the Cote D’Azur, Luc and Summer have started a new life together full of hope and promise. Even though they left their old lives to build a wonderful new one, Luc being Luc, control freak extraordinaire, and Summer, the girl who spent her life trying to please everyone in hopes that she would be deemed good enough, find it hard to get their footing in the difficult and demanding challenges of starting a new restaurant and a pregnancy. Luc was at the pinnacle of his career, but willingly gave it all up for Summer whose own only true happiness had been on her tropical island far from the scrutiny of the world and her parents. They are still groping their way in this new marriage and each has insecurities that threaten to topple this hard won relationship. The event that saves the day and lightens the tone is when the family and friends who care about this couple and want them to succeed show up.

Luc’s brutal and dark early childhood left him indelibly marked with the need to never be abandoned or helpless again. Even in foster care, he had to prove himself worthy through relentless strength of will. Summer’s early life exemplifies clearly that without the attention of loving, caring parents, all that money and a pretty face offer no guarantees for happiness. While Luc has accumulated many accolades, Summer is still marked by the world of celebrity where people are built up only to be torn down. Luc and Summer have both grown up only knowing a kind of conditional love based on their behavior, and as they take the first tentative step towards learning what unconditional love means to them and for their baby, many stumbles occur. Summer feels incredible joy in loving Luc while also being vulnerable, lonely, and terribly frightened at what it takes to be a parent because her role models have been sorely lacking since “…her parents had always insisted they loved her. This beautiful, delicious forbidden dessert of love that was supposed to be hers, if she behaved well enough, and yet somehow, she could never quite taste it.” Luc copes with his own panicky feelings by trying to be even more in control. They both struggle to stifle the inner voices who tell them that they are not good enough, not worthy of being loved. Summer has only known true happiness before falling in love with Luc when she was on her primitive island away from the world, and so she has no real coping strategies for life back under the scrutiny of a world that gives her little credit beyond a pretty face and enormous wealth. Luc only sees his own value in making a perfect restaurant so he has something of worth to offer Summer and their child. On a deep level Summer understands that “…Luc, too, must be bogged down in his own emotions. They packed him so tightly, and he had little idea how to handle them beyond making desserts, and these days, making love to her.” With his crazy schedule and need to be constantly at the helm to insure his standard for absolute perfection, they have little time to sort things out. Summer’s propensity for pretending she is okay and not having anyone else near to help adds to the confusion and hurt since neither of them know quite how to deal with all the stress and strain. Luc loves Summer with every beat of his heart as he tells her, “Soleil. I’ll always love you. No matter how terrible I am at proving it to you, it will always be true.”

When all the painful drama comes to a crescendo, Luke calls in the troops. The fun begins when Cade, Sylvain, Jaime, and Dom descend upon them to offer moral support and companionship plus his former second and brother of the heart, Patrick, with his Sarah. Gabriel and Jolie also join in to welcome them to the neighborhood. Even Luc cannot frown for long around the ebullient Patrick and the other fellow chefs with their beloveds who provide advice and commentary that will please readers immensely to see their favorites from the previous books. After the intensity and pain of watching Luc and Summer hurting alone and wounding each other, it is pure joy and sweet relief to see all the chocolatier/chefs and their strong, supportive women celebrating with Luc and Summer. Luc and Summer are revived by those who love and support them and the grace in and pure joy of their lives becomes abundant again when they realize that they are not defined by “messed-up childhoods” dooming them to failure as a couple and as parents, but by their desire and ability to give love and be loved in return. Laura Florand has once again crafted a finely told tale of love that will leave readers very pleased indeed.
Profile Image for Sania.
917 reviews
June 19, 2022
This book actually broke my heart. I pretty much cried from the beginning to the end, whilst muttering 'I can't do this'.

Luc and Summer just broke my heart. We've got these two broke people who still can't understand how much the others them and constantly push them away and I just can't. Everytime we had a moment were Luc was reflecting on his childhood (especially when he took out his box, especially that) I pretty much wanted to lie on the floor and just grossly sob out loud at 1am. It was pretty heavy in the first half of the book, where we have Summer and Luc both trying to adapt to the South of France. Luc, with his new restaurant and trying to get a star for his baby *sob* and Summer trying to make friends and to fit in, but being cruelly rejected, forever tainted by that party girl image.

However, we got to see some familiar faces but most of all PATRICK! HE WENT AFTER HIS DREAM! I was happy for him and all but Luc and Patrick are just two halves of a whole and the pain Luc felt from being separated, again nearly killed me. We get to see Sylvain and Cade ( I really need a short story where Cade can't stand the smell of Chocolate whilst pregnant, PLEASE MS FLORAND!) Dom and Jaime and a lovely surprise from Gabriel and Jolie!

Ms Florand is a must buy for me. She's one of those authors I can blindly trust. I know she won't put in stupid plot devices such as cheating, ow/om, and just general stupidity. Her prose is just simply beautiful. She could write the iTunes agreement and I would gladly pay and read it. I'm genuinely so glad that I picked up The Chocolate Rose for free those months ago and fell in love with Paris and the lovely French men that live there.

Eagerly awaiting her next releases.
Profile Image for Jess.
3,254 reviews5 followers
December 4, 2014
This was wonderfully achy. And even if I hadn't enjoyed it just for that, the end with Patrick and Luc would have made me love it because, BOYS.

This was great.
Profile Image for Mandi.
2,319 reviews727 followers
December 10, 2014
Gah I love this series! Such a cute/angsty/passionate follow up for Summer and Luc. Adored.

Patrick stole the show at the end.

Review coming
Profile Image for Deborah.
862 reviews18 followers
November 17, 2014
Shadowed Heart is such a perfect title for this book. Both of these characters have shadows on their insecure hearts. Perfectionist Luc, trying to get everything just right to be worthy of his Soliel, self-doubting Summer trying to be enough as she is. I absolutely loved this story. Every single bit of it.

Summer feeling alone and isolated and terrified that being scared and lonely means there is something lacking in her. I wanted to slap her mother repeatedly, even for such a brief appearance in the book, she did a lot of damage to poor Summer.

Luc feeling lost and lonely and never ever wanting to let on that he is anything but strong and perfect.
I even loved that they didn’t share with each other, something that usually really bothers me in books, but for these two, who I loved equally during their courtship in The Chocolate Heart, it was reasonable and even expected. It is so hard for them to expose their vulnerabilities, so gut wrenching to imagine the other seeing them as weak or flawed.

Luc being able to reach out when it was for Summer rather than for himself, was just what I longed for him to do, and the results were amazing. As wonderful as it was to see past characters, and it was totally wonderful, seeing what they gave to both Luc and Summer was even better. I didn’t even realize how much I missed Patrick until he was there, his ability to get to the heart of Luc is amazing.

For Luc and Summer to see that they do have a support system beyond themselves and that their family and friends want to help, want to be there for them was fabulous. When they could finally share their worries and doubts with each other it was heart-meltingly wonderful.

I hope there are more of these novellas following all the wonderful characters that Laura Florand writes.

I was provided an ARC copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for April.
Author 26 books1,119 followers
November 19, 2014
Laura Florand writes as if every novel is a five-course meal, with every flavor, scent and texture to be found in her words. Shadowed Heart is as nuanced and delicate as a perfect dessert, but underneath the beauty and perfection is the pain of two people finding their way through the damage their imperfect lives have wrought.

Luc and Summer's love story suited them perfectly. And now they're navigating the happily ever after exactly as they know how. Their emotions are real and raw and at times, quite agonizing in the face of what the reader feels they're capable.

Shadowed Heart is beautiful and painful, filled with the heat and heartache of a love story that continues past the perfect ending of The Chocolate Heart, into a realm neither Luc nor Summer was prepared to face. The perfection of Shadowed Heart is its truth, which Laura Florand wraps beautifully in the flavors of love, and ties with a satin bow of passion, before presenting the reader with her gift of Luc and Summer's exquisite dessert.
Profile Image for Jordan.
92 reviews2 followers
January 29, 2015
A good 4.5. I'm really into half ratings apparently.

But, Luc and Summer have been my favorites out of this series, and when she said she was doing a follow up sequel, I was so excited. I actually got to see an early draft and it moved me to tears. Which is the strength and point of Florand's writing.

This was a great follow up that realistically portrayed the fact that these two have lots of things to work on both together and separately. That life has treated them unkind, but that going forward they can want and have more. I appreciate that the sequel didn't gloss over those issues. The fighting is real, even if it hurts.

Plus, the addition of all of our favorites coming back and helping out was amazing.
Profile Image for namericanwordcat.
2,438 reviews434 followers
January 3, 2015
This book is a delightful gift for fans of this series. We get a continuing happily ever after for Luc and Summer with the tender reality of what it really means to marry and start a family of your own.

While I really savored the parts of the story focused on Luc's struggles to accept that he was truely loved and Summer's search to find a enriched self, I must confess my favorite parts were the with the other characters coming in to lend support and love to the couple.

Can't wait for new books in this series!
Profile Image for Karen.
1,426 reviews111 followers
January 5, 2015
Originally posted on 12/22/14 on For What It's Worth: http://www.fwiwreviews.net/2014/12/re...

I think I have run out of ways to gush over Laura Florand’s writing. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, there is just something about the way she climbs so deep into a character’s soul that it seems like I inhabit them for the duration of the story.

Florand’s writing is immersive and evocative. After reading the Amour et Chocolate series I’m pretty sure I know everything about living in France, chocolate and living with cranky chefs because I feel like I lived it just by reading the series. (that's not true of course - but that's how I feel)

Shadowed Heart is a sequel/companion to The Chocolate Heart (Amour et Chocolate #5) – Summer and Luc’s story. Out of all the couples they have the most troubled pasts to overcome and were the most prickly of characters. It was hard to break through their armor but they found each other and got their HEA. Or did they?

Well, yeah they did, but there’s nothing like the announcement of a baby arriving to unearth old insecurities and test Summer and Luc’s staying power.

This book is gorgeous! Simply gorgeous, in a painful, raw, and ultimately heart soaring way.

While Summer and Luc have found each other to confide in and feel safe, you can’t live your whole life around one person. It’s a painful lesson for both of them, as they don’t let others in easily. Summer tries desperately to find a way to make friends in a world where women find her beauty and aloof personality off putting and to make her own mark in the world. While Luc fights the seemingly never ending battle (in his own mind) to prove he's good enough for Summer.

For long time fans of the Amour et Chocolat characters, you WILL NOT be disappointed. Past couples are weaved together in one of the most beautiful moments of this series. The bond that these determined, arrogant, perfectionist chefs and their feisty women counterparts have created almost make me tear up.

Despite the sometimes heaviness of the story, there are also many light moments to make you smile. Watching the men try to create something healthy that Summer can keep down, instead of *gasp* American peanut butter and pickles was hilarious.

It’s my opinion that this book can’t really be read as a stand alone. I think it’s important to have at least read The Chocolate Heart first, the whole series (but it's not necessary) – even better so you can squeal over the cameos.

I hope we get more glimpses of the after the Happily Ever After's in the future from Florand. While it’s nice to see the falling in love part, these heroes are too gruff, some too damaged to think that they just fall in love and never relapse into old patterns. This was such a welcome, honest, loving dose of reality.
P.S. Especially if it’s Patrick. Hint…hint…lol

Star A top read for 2014
Profile Image for Holly.
147 reviews1 follower
November 22, 2014
Disclaimer: I won an ARC from the author in exchange for a review.

This review contains spoilers.

Rating: 4.5

If you haven’t read the Chocolate Heart, I recommend you do before reading this follow-up, Shadowed Heart, featuring Luc and Summer. They are now married and Summer has just confirmed that they’re expecting their first baby. The Chocolate Heart took place in Paris, but they’ve moved to the south of France as a compromise and Luc’s opened his own restaurant, working insane hours. It’s amazing how much has changed for the characters in the few months since they first met, and it’s wonderful to catch up with them in Shadowed Heart. Laura Florand’s writing is so good; I love how she can give such strong insight into a person’s character within a few sentences or a few lines of dialogue.

I was a bit wary because in the Chocolate Heart, it really frustrated me that Luc and Summer didn’t just have a direct conversation because it would have cleared up so many things. It was a relief to see that while both characters are still struggling with a lot of self-doubt, they’re getting a lot better at communicating and understanding what each others reactions really mean. They’re both thrown off-kilter by the changes brought by having a baby so soon, which makes sense. Summer is feeling very isolated (and, no surprise, her mother completely undermines her excitement); she struggles without any support as well as with the intense morning sickness and fear of miscarriage. Luc is trying to make his restaurant perfect before the baby comes and not give in to his fears of Summer going back to her island. These struggles and fears compound their issues, but in the end both of them work to give each other what they need, aided by their friends. I loved the conversations between Cade, Jaime and Summer as well as between the men as they worked on figuring out which foods Summer can keep down. The Luc and Patrick scenes are great, Patrick helps Luc sort himself out with gems like this:

Patrick widened his eyes. “What? I hear there are men who talk to their wives about what they want. It’s not a widespread practice or anything yet, don’t worry, but it might have potential.”

By the end of the book, the character and relationship growth was believable - and so sweet. Glad that Luc is finally realizing that he doesn’t have to be perfect, he just has to be there for her and the baby, and relying on others for help is OK. Summer realizes she has support and is able to tell Luc what she needs from him instead of pretending she's fine. I’m so happy that Florand published this; it was great to catch up with many of her characters and I look forward to more of the Chocolate series in the future.
Profile Image for Shannon.
92 reviews3 followers
December 5, 2014
*4.5 Stars*

Only the sun can shine light on this shadowed heart.

Consumed by the desire to be perfect in all things, arrogant chef patissier, Luc Leroi’s fear of failure is crippling him.

Luc needs the light and warmth of his soleil, his wife, Summer Corey Leroi, but the world sees her as a vapid, spoiled billionairess.

With this story, a continuation of Luc and Summer’s story that began with The Chocolate Heart, Florand has created something that veers slightly, not completely, away from not only the formulaic H/h/HEA, but also from tried-and-true, mainstream romance. The result is a gem.

First let me say, I really *like* these two characters. Oy! They are so broken, so emotionally crippled by their respective upbringings, and they need each other so desperately. You can feel their pain leap off the pages . . . as well their love for each other.

I love that there is so much inner monologue in the first half of the story. It really shows each character’s insular way of dealing with life. They are both so emotionally scarred, so afraid to outwardly express themselves to each other, and so used to being alone. In my mind, I try to imagine Luc wandering about in his kitchen mumbling/raging/torturing himself. And Summer, with so many new feelings about being pregnant and nowhere to seek answers/advice . . . these two really break a mother's heart.

Luc is so worried/paranoid Summer will leave him, like HIS mother did (and Patrick, too). With him there is no room for second best, he demands perfection in all things, especially himself. But being a father, he truly wonders *how* he will do that. I remember feeling that there is nothing scarier (and more awesome) than being pregnant. With her body betraying her, Summer is afraid, unsure and really does want to flee back to her island. She masks all her emotions and doubts with the fake persona she shows to the world.

Florand gives this couple the beginning of a much deserved happily ever after, but Mon Dieu, does she make them work for it!

And as a bonus treat, they get by with a little help from their friends! The seamless reintroduction of past, now supporting, characters (one new and a handful of cherished favorites) really helps to facilitate Luc and Summer's growth as individuals and as a couple. It is also a delight to read.
Profile Image for Amy.
95 reviews8 followers
December 4, 2014
This lovely book was extravagantly delicious! I have a special place in my little heart for Luc and Summer. We begin this tale just a few short months after the story closed in The Chocolate Heart (prior to Epilogue). Luc has opened a new restaurant in Provence and our young couple is continuing the whirlwind that is their love story. It is like a perfect storm, let me tell you! Poor Luc is completely flummoxed now that he has left behind the safety and comfort of his carefully built empire in Paris. When you add the new aspect of allowing real vulnerability to another person (Summer)...yikes.
Summer is stretching her new muscles in managing her emotional reflexes. It was so nice to watch her use her new understanding of Luc's vulnerability and be able to use those muscles when he did things that hurt her (untintentionally). There was definitely a lot going on for our young couple to deal with and I thought that Ms. Florand did a wonderful job of drawing these characters within this circumstance. I really appreciated that the author didn't give Luc and Summer some sort of magical leap in emotional maturity just because they fell in love. They have SO much growing to do! It felt so real...so honest. It has been a very long while since I have experienced this particular life-event; but, through the very honest writing about all of the thoughts and emotions that happen, the memory was vivid. Thankfully, events were moving at a fairly quick pace. Also, there was the familiar Florand flair for humor and the beautiful descriptions of setting...Provence, hello! I always adore the return of characters from the other Amour et Chocolat series. Sylvain, oh, Sylvain, my darling! Patrick, too! Luc and Patrick had a couple of very poignant moments in this book. Particularly the very last conversation in the book. That was one of the most touching "man talks" that I have ever read. I cried. I loved this book and I was completely unsurprised. Laura Florand has a gift, as a writer. She totally has game in the word department! She also has just about the most glorious imagination. Most importantly, I have come to suspect that she is absolutely unwilling to sacrifice the quality of her art for anything. Thank you so much, Laura Florand, for sharing your beautiful stories!
Profile Image for Brandy Painter.
1,691 reviews315 followers
December 15, 2015
Those fives stars are completely reflective of how this book reads as a sequel to The Chocolate Heart. Don't read this without reading The Chocolate Heart first. It's not meant to be a stand alone.

BUT OH MY. Laura Florand is so good at writing about marriage and the obstacles that couples often have to face and overcome to make happily ever after a reality: the work that goes into it, the doubts, the fights, the making up, and the compromise. I just love how she does this. It is so nice to have books to read that show that you can be happy, but, yes, it takes work and is not easy. I also love that it highlights how much of a partnership it is and that it isn't about one individual's needs. Just like Turning Up the Heat and Snow-Kissed, The Shadowed Heart has all of this.

I throughly enjoyed the further character development both Luc and Summer get here. They're characters were developed so well already, but this managed to add layers, grow both of them, and make them even more real. Then there's the delightful reunion with the other couples from the rest of the chocolate books who are important to Luc and Summer. (Sylvain! You know, he was far from my favorite hero when I read The Chocolate Thief, but darn if he isn't my favorite recurring character. Possibly of all time.) This book is both heart wrenching and funny, and a great story of making love work in a very real situation.
Profile Image for Karen.
454 reviews71 followers
December 10, 2014
I was relieved when I learned that Luc and Summer were getting another book. Of all Florand's characters, those two were the ones I worried about most in the long run. They both have major issues from their past to deal with, along with an inability to admit any kind of emotional vulnerability.

So despite their happiness at the end of the last book, I wasn't surprised when the first half of this book had them dealing with the same insecurities as before. Only this time they're magnified because Luc and Summer are each equal parts terrified and ecstatic about her pregnancy. And of course, per their modus operandi, they struggle to communicate with each other. So things get pretty bad between them. They love each other, but their inability to have open, honest conversations catches up to them. The first half of the book was kind of hard to read, honestly, because I wanted them to succeed so badly, but it just seemed less and less likely, even though I knew from the epilogue of the previous book that things would be all right eventually.

THEN. Somewhere past halfway, the gang all shows up. Sylvain and Cade. Jaime and Dom. Patrick and Sarah. Gabriel and Jolie. And things got so much brighter. They brought with them hope and friendship and understanding and joy, and I heaved a sigh of relief along with Luc and Summer that their future seemed so much more possible and that they weren't as alone as they thought they were. Their friends' presence made it possible for Luc and Summer to finally breathe, and in that softening find the courage to talk to each other about what they're really feeling.

I'm not always a fan of sequels to happily ever afters, but this one was definitely worth it. Not sure what's up with the giant man-chest on the cover, though.
Profile Image for Maria Rose.
2,557 reviews265 followers
March 31, 2015
What a wonderful treat this story is! It's a continuation of Luc and Summer's story, told to us in The Chocolate Heart, with a smattering of other beloved characters thrown into the mix. Told in alternating viewpoints, Luc and Summer are expecting their first child, an event which brings up insecurities for both of them as they reflect on their own less than ideal childhoods. They love each other, yet are still afraid to reveal these insecurities, and the lack of communication between them is dearly felt as they struggle to find their place together in Provence. Yet the reader still keenly feels the link between them as they endeavor to move forward. Especially for Luc, being willing to accept help from men who have been his business rivals is a step forward, and it was heartwarming to see how the camaraderie has developed between the top chocolatiers of Paris. I loved the scenes between the men and the women alike, as the friends and family come together to support Luc and Summer. The tender love scenes between the couple were also heart wrenchingly real. It was just a delightful read from beginning to end. 5 stars.
Profile Image for Moon .
3,350 reviews230 followers
January 12, 2017
4.5 stars!

Wow. I was afraid to read this book. I knew Luc and Summer hadn't worked all their issues out, and any more story was going to lead to further conflict. That's why I didn't read this book for so long. I loved Luc and Summer and didn't want to see them go through any rough times. I forgot that even though times might get tough and horrible things might happen, Luc and Summer would have to deal with their demons causing all the trouble, eventually leading to a better resolution aka a happy ending.

Really all it took for me to get over the fear was to start reading. Yes, Luc and Summer are better together, but their pasts have made it difficult for them to trust and with new circumstances it becomes even harder for them not to revert to their previous ways of handling things.

This book is so well written. It really drew me in. There are a few things I wish had been expanded on more, but the rest of it is perfection. It's sweet, hot, and has great emotional angst. I LOVED seeing all of my favorite chocolatiers/chefs and their significant others together and happy. It really felt like I was among old friends and it was fabulous!
Profile Image for MB (What she read).
2,423 reviews14 followers
December 6, 2014
Very good -- full of feelings

I reread the last half of Luc and Summer's story in prep for this, and was very glad I had. The epilogue was set after this book, and gave me hope through L&S's hard times. (Pretty dark. But realistic for their characters, and while in such a transitional period?)

That said, I loved the way this book ended happily and inside a community of caring! (Particularly since I'd been snarling and muttering at them to do exactly that all along! (Grin)

Surprise star character = Patrick.

P.S. Please, please, please a book about Luc's chef partner*/peach gleaner?!? Loved the way his character came across...

P.P.S. The way LF writes such lovely and distinct individual characters is truly a joy.

P.P.P.S. HOW am I going to wait for 2015?!? Both book samples are driving me crazy with curiosity and longing. So happy that Dom's chocolatier* gets a book of her own!

* = Argh that I can never remember names when I'm reviewing.
Profile Image for Sonja.
445 reviews34 followers
February 3, 2015


I can't believe I didn't read this the second it came out. To be fair, I think I'd forgotten how much I actually love Luc and Summer. They might be my second favorite pairing after Magalie and Philippe? THEY ARE SO GREAT. I loved the way this story came together, that everything isn't always perfect from day 1, but that they are still so good for each other and know that, deep down. It was just so lovely.

That said, the real highlight of the book for me was ALL OF THE FRIENDSHIPS!!!!!! Luc and Patrick made me bawl. SUCH WONDERFUL FRIENDS!!!! I also love Summer and her cousins and the other ladies that all love her. IT'S ALL JUST SO BEAUTIFUL TO ME.
Profile Image for Kellcifer.
467 reviews13 followers
January 3, 2015
I really enjoyed getting to see Luc and Summer more. While I got a little frustrated with them sometimes, it was pretty realistic to their characters. Also, I loved seeing all of their friends, and characters from previous books, come to their assistance when they were needed. It was especially sweet to see the interaction between Luc and Patrick, because they are both such tough nuts to crack. I really would love to go back and revisit other characters from this series in this way, too—I'm rooting for Jamie and Dom, because they're my favorite couple.
Profile Image for Melinda.
660 reviews
November 13, 2014
I wasn't sure at first what we were getting as Luc and Summer were both living in their head and not really doing much actual living. But then I recalled that is how those characters were in their original stories as well.

Full review to come on the blog closer to pub date but I loved the natural evolution in this book. We also get to see some of the rest of the gang in a way I really enjoyed. Basically loved the whole book.
Profile Image for SaturNalia.
1,210 reviews47 followers
February 6, 2016
Luc and Summer are expecting their first baby, and all the insecurities that come with it. I was happy to revisit this couple and glad to see they were still a relationship in progress. Marriage vows and professions of love didn't magically heal these broken characters. Lucy is scared Summer will leave him if he is nor perfect and Summer thinks she needs to be strong and handle her pregnancy alone. Loved seeing all the other couples come together to help Luc and Summer.
11 reviews1 follower
November 8, 2018
The thing about this book -- I found it deeper and more complex than its predecessor "The Chocolate Heart." It may be a bit more angst-ridden, but I love how the author managed to stretch out, detail, and resolve all of the issues Luc and Summer had left open-ended in "Heart".

Things I liked:

Overall, this is a dark yet a delightful read -- a very nice prequel to that waiting happiness in "Heart's" prologue.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 65 reviews

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