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모델 [Model] #7

Model, Vol. 7

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A lifetime of deceit and pain is exposed to Jae! The truth about Adrian is revealed...but what will it mean for Ken? And as for Michael, the years of loneliness and emptiness have taken their toll. Can he allow himself to hope for something more with Jae--or will this truly be the end of it all? The final volume of Model will reveal everything!


First published January 1, 2002

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So-Young Lee

55 books51 followers

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5 stars
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132 (22%)
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41 (7%)
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14 (2%)
Displaying 1 - 23 of 23 reviews
Profile Image for Christina.
459 reviews60 followers
August 25, 2017

Solid conclusion to this series. We got a lot of answers, and I think the way things ended was nice. That being said, I would skip this series. It was very confusing and repetitive. I had no idea what was going on for much of the story! I did enjoy the art, but sometimes the text was difficult to read because the black and white printing was layered. I'm still glad I finished up this series after reading the first volume almost ten years ago!
Profile Image for Grace.
435 reviews15 followers
January 15, 2018
This review originally appeared on my blog, Books Without Any Pictures:

The story concludes with Model, Vol. 7. Ken’s origin and nature are finally in the open. Ken’s very existence has been used thus far as a cautionary tale of what can go wrong when mortals and immortals love one another, but this book brings in a measure of hope. Because of his father’s sacrifice, Ken is not as doomed as was once believed, and has the chance to live a normal life. He prepares to leave Michael’s house, and intends to take Jae with him. Jae intends to go, believing that if Michael does indeed return her feelings, it will doom him to an eternal life of sadness when she inevitably ages and dies. But never fear, Model is the type of lighthearted and fluffy story that ends happily ever after.

Now that I’ve finished the series, some thoughts that jump across all of the volumes…

I enjoyed the bishonen art style tremendously. It’s an aesthetic that works for me. The angular and almost androgynous look that the Michael and Adrian have is beautiful. That said, there were many places in the story where it was a bit ambiguous which characters were involved in a scene. When many of the characters have long flowing hair and clothing, it can be hard to tell who is who. Michael at least had his own font that he used when he spoke, but there were some parts that I had to reread to clarify who was speaking. And some of that is probably the art style, but some is also probably me still getting used to reading manga rather than novels.

Model is the type of series that reminds me of a paranormal soap opera. Every character interaction is filled with drama, and every named character has their fair share of secrets and intrigue. It’s easy to read, and easy to binge. Kind of like the literary version of potato chips. By the time I finished the series, I was invested in the characters, and it mattered to me whether Jae and Michael would end up together or whether she would take the path of least resistance and end up with a mortal (or mortal-ish person) instead.

Overall, I’m glad that I decided to take a chance on this series. It’s not “serious” reading, but it was oddly satisfying.
Profile Image for Pervinca.
205 reviews48 followers
December 23, 2023
Writing this as the review of the whole series
I found this manga by chance and was immediately drawn to it by the drawing style and the supernatural themes. And i quite liked it!

On one hand, i expected this to be a light supernatural romance manga. I was surprised to see it dwells on certain aspects like love, death, religion, family bonds, etc. On the other hand, thought, we don't really get much in depth into those matters. Therefore we are on a weird position: the story could have been told faster, without beating so much around the bush, yet at the same time, I find myself wanting more depth and small plotlines within the story. Perhaps if it consisted of more volumes...

Despite all this, i found myself enjoying the story, the art style and the elements, as well as rooting for the characters and wanting to know what would happen. It was confusing at times, i must admit. It's not the story i expected when i picked this series up, nor the best one out there, but i enjoyed it and it will for sure be a re read. Maybe i would find it lacking if it was a novel, but the art style elevates it to four stars.
Profile Image for Katy.
560 reviews16 followers
December 17, 2016
The final volume in the dramatic love story about a girl and a vampire.

Unfortunately, a lot of this volume is manufactured conflict, again. I never really got the whole "Ken is dying, he and Eva share a soul but it's actually two souls" thing, and it's really hard to care when I know the series isn't going to kill him and anyway I just want to know if Michael and Jae get together.
We get more of Adrian and Eva and Michael's backstory, though it's a little hard to care about at this point. It is nice to see Jae and Michael embracing and actually showing affection for one another.

But, as with many of the volumes in this series, not a lot happens and it's basically just the wrap-up of all the conversations that we've been slogging through. There may be a happy ending, but holy crow it took a long time to get there. Overall, I'd recommend this series to hardcore fans of manhwa and vampire romances. If that's your thing, this will be a good read for you.
Profile Image for Jody Mena.
445 reviews8 followers
June 1, 2015
Wow! This series was rather strange and hard to follow at times, but it was so compelling that somehow I couldn't put it down! The artwork was absolutely beautiful. The characters were a little too angsty for my taste, but they fit well into the story, and the backdrop of the mansion really rounded out the plot and made the whole thing mysterious and beautiful and bittersweet. The ending was a little sudden but it was really perfect in the scope of the story. Everything about this is extremely subtle and extremely dramatic, almost too much so, and so seven volumes was a good length, any more and it would have been overkill. I really enjoyed reading this series, even though it was a tad heavy and more than a little weird. It definitely had a unique feel to it, it's definitely worth reading!
October 24, 2021
What a whirlwind this series was. I love the first 3 volumes, but after that it gets so tangled up in it's own plot threads that it becomes almost impossible to understand. It's like the storyline is too big for 7 volumes, and she started crunching and condensing big ideas and throwing them all in at once. It whips back and forth from the past, to the present, to dream sequences, to sequences I have no idea what they were supposed to be.

There was a scene in vol. 4 where theres 4 versions of the same guy talking to eachother, but they're talking like they're the other characters in the plot? There's so many loose ends, weird moments, and inconsistencies.

I'm glad I've finally finished this series after starting it when I was a kid (I'm in my late 20s now). But sadly this is not what I was hoping for.
Profile Image for Teshii.
48 reviews
January 23, 2012
It's over? My heart could burst from the intensify bittersweet ending. The art was amazing. My few favorite stereotype was there. Eerie. Angst. Haunting. And one yummy yummy vamp and many more sexy sexy hotties. What is there not to love?
Profile Image for Anastasia.
1,040 reviews168 followers
June 30, 2015
Quite predictable, but satisfying ending. I quite liked this manhwa, especially the art style. Can't say it was my favourite in any way, but still worth it's time, considering it didn't take very long to finish it.
Profile Image for Arwen Robertson.
22 reviews1 follower
July 19, 2012
This reviews the series for me. I loved it. In the very beginning, it took me a bit to get used to the art, but you quickly get used to it with the great story.
Profile Image for Rhea.
59 reviews6 followers
June 12, 2018
{4 Stars?} (as a series)

This was an interesting experience rereading this. I'm not sure what to really think of it. I knew some things that were going to happen, but I did forget a good chunk of this book.

Tbh, I'm hesitant to give this four stars.

Like, looking at it critically, it's a very confusing book, especially towards the end. I'm still not sure what exactly happened.

But at the same time, I feel very emotional about this book.

I think it's more on some of the topics they briefed on.
Like religion, faith, death, a mother's love, time, passion for art.

Those are things that I still battle with, and so in that aspect, I feel this book touched me in a certain way. I might have not connected with the characters per say or understood how everything came to be at the end, but I think what the author tried to convey still resonated within me.

Honestly, I think because this is specifically in a manga format that I'm able to do so. The art btw was pretty phenomenal. (Not saying it's the best of the best though) It conveyed what it had to really well. I think in that aspect, it allowed the author to better represent their story. If it was in a novel format, I'm not sure I would hold the same sentiments I do now.

Either way, I'm writing this review with a heavy heart. /Sigh I really need to read something more lighthearted lol.

Overall, a conflicting read and rating.
Profile Image for Katie Umland.
112 reviews28 followers
January 28, 2018
I wasn’t a fan of this series. I was just bored most of the time. I do have to say I liked the ending. But for the most part I never got into the story line. There were too many sudden character switches in the story line with, there was zero transitions. It was hard to follow at times. The art didn’t help much. It wasn’t horrible, but the male characters all looked the same and with some of the shadings it was hard to tell if it was the main male character or a different male character. I’m a fan of supernatural shoujo, but I only finished reading this series was because I had hopes it was just slow and would catch my interest by the end.
Profile Image for ♡Kayla♡.
878 reviews80 followers
May 12, 2020
I'm glad that I've finally reached the end of this drawn out, and strange series. So much of this was either extremely confusing, or insanely irritating. I liked most of the artwork, but the faces were hard to tell apart, especially as the series added more characters, and different timelines, but at least it maintained a nice gothic feel throughout. I didn't really care about any of the characters. They were so frustrating; constantly making decisions that didn't make any sense. At least the ending was nice, I liked that it was overall pretty happy, with the couple I shipped ending up together.
Profile Image for Morpho.
78 reviews
December 14, 2023
I'm pretty sure the low ratings are due to the target audience being missed.

So what is the target audience for this series?

Vampire Art Queers?

Welp, that must be me and the few others that rated it highly, because I loved it.

"Those that get it, get it."

Profile Image for Alexander Adrien Ren Grey.
159 reviews11 followers
August 1, 2020
The whole series has this nice gothic, elegant style. Not just in outfits, but in decor and architecture. This and Vampire Kisses I like a lot for that classically dark style.
Profile Image for VampireNovelFan.
426 reviews221 followers
April 8, 2011
"When I leave, the only think I'll have left are my memories of his place."

All of the lies and deceit are revealed to Jae. Will Ken's transformation be complete? Will the whole truth about Adrian be exposed? Michael's years of loneliness come to a head and this may be his last change.

The final installment solves all questions. Jae completes a painting...and it's more than one! I was quite pleased with how everything wrapped up. There were many sad moments, but you work through it to see the silver lining. Everyone finds their own peace.

The story isn't the most original, and the men are drawn so beautifully to the point of where they look like women, at least if they have long hair. The art style isn't really my favorite as the features are a bit disproportionate for my tastes, but it didn't hinder my enjoyment of the series. Jae's character could be worse. She makes pretty stupid decisions, but I do like that she stands up for herself every so often. And she certainly has her dedication to art. You can't deny that. This being the last volume, she completes her goal in a sense of obtaining Michael's portrait, and not the way you think.

I purchased the whole series at once on Ebay for about $30. It was an excellent deal and I've gladly kept every one. It is FAR from the best series, but I've certainly read worse. It's a satisfying short read.
1,965 reviews17 followers
March 12, 2013
Concluding volume of this drawn out gothic saga. I was pretty disappointed with the ending. It sort of fizzled to a damp squib. I found it very confusing the characters all have practically identical faces and because the hair changes and we are dealing with almost cyphers it's often hard to tell who was who and what exactly was going on. I think Adrian was some kind of Angel of Death, but I have no idea why sometimes he had long black hair and sometimes just looked like Michael with short hair - unless this was when he was posessing his sister.

Still dislike the stylised stick bodies/limbs and found the whole story hard to get a handle on because it was pretty philosophical with sparse dialogue and characters that I think were aspects of other characters.

Profile Image for Anna Rebecca.
89 reviews20 followers
June 25, 2011
The conclusion of the Model manga is every bit as compelling at the last six volumes promised. This last volume simply blows you away. The previous two volumes were emotional, but this last volume is so emotionally intense you actually feel drained at the end. I don’t want to give details and ruin the ending for anyone. All I’m going to say is that you will be extremely happy you read the series. And I have no doubt you’ll read it through a second time almost immediately. I read the series three times, one right after the other, and still re-read the series on a fairly regular basis.
Profile Image for Miss Ryoko.
2,650 reviews166 followers
June 4, 2009
The finale of Model was satisfying! There were a few parts I didn't quite understand, but true to romance, there was a happy, sappy ending! I definitely cried during the book! Although, I was slightly disappointed with Jae's choice, but I enjoyed the whole series and was sad it was so short!
Displaying 1 - 23 of 23 reviews

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