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Nick Pagano is a leader in the Pagano Brothers organization. As their head enforcer, it has been his responsibility to mete out justice, to seek retaliation, to uncover the secrets of Pagano enemies by any means necessary, and to sink deep the evidence of those means. It is work that requires keen vision and perfect control. It is work at which Nick excels. It is work that has made him dark.

As the Paganos fight a war against an enemy determined to destroy them and change the landscape of the New English underworld, the boundaries between work and family that Nick’s father and uncle long ago made sacrosanct are crossed, and Nick’s work becomes personal.

Beverly Maddox lives across the hall from Nick. She’s living a life she’s worked hard to build, with a job she likes and friends she loves, content in her surroundings and in her own skin. She thinks the best of people and offers them her trust and friendship without reservation. Though her life hasn’t always been kind, she has not let the troubles of her past weigh her down. Her outlook is light, in both senses of the word.

It’s her light that catches Nick’s eye, and his attention inadvertently causes Beverly to be swept up into his dark world. Thrust together by circumstance, Nick comes to see that Beverly’s light eases his dark soul. But will his darkness douse her light instead?

Note: explicit sex and violence.

354 pages, Kindle Edition

First published December 20, 2014

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About the author

Susan Fanetti

82 books1,409 followers
I was born and raised in the Midwest, but I was transplanted into the dusty soil of Northern California and have apparently taken root there. An inveterate geek and gamer, I am a fan of many things considered pop culture and maybe even lowbrow.

As a reader, my favorite genres are science fiction and fantasy, but as a writer, I've found my home in romance--or perhaps it's better to say simply "love stories." I have a yen to try other genres, too, at some point, but for now my muse wants to tell stories about lovers and families.

I write for the joy of it, and I write stories that I want to read. If others like them, too, that's just the cherry on top. I’m not interested in rules and formulae. I follow my muse and my characters and let them take me where they want to go, wherever that might be. I like big emotions, dark and light.

I like complicated characters with flaws and weaknesses as well as strengths, and I like each character’s strengths and weaknesses to be different from those of other characters. I’m much more concerned that my characters be interesting and diverse than that they be widely considered to be likable. I try to create people, not types.

Likewise, I want my stories each to be distinct from the others. Once I’ve told a story, I don’t want to tell it again. So even within a series, one of my books might be very different from the next. Some might be very dark, others equally mild.

That isn’t to say there aren’t trends and recurrences in my work. I’m drawn to certain themes and settings, and my muse has her favorite toys and tools. But I guard against those tendencies becoming a formula.

Find my blog at www.susanfanetti.com

Find my FB author page: https://www.facebook.com/authorsusanf...

A note: I don't spend much time here on Goodreads. I try not to read any reviews of my own work. Besides, this is a site for readers, but since I write at a fairly manic pace, and read and edit for other writers, I don't have much time to read recreationally. Mainly, I log on to update my info. So if you message me here, it might be a while before I see it.

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Profile Image for Baba  .
858 reviews3,967 followers
December 28, 2014
3 weak stars. Review completed December 28, 2014

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"Really. Come home with me tonight."
Bev nearly choked on her vodka tonic, but she managed to stay fairly cool. "What?"
He didn't answer, except with his eyes.
"Are you looking for a revenge fuck? Or a rebound thing?"
"I don't rebound. And when I seek revenge, this is not how I do it."

Rating clarification
4 stars for the first half
2 weak stars for the second half

When you look at the quotes then you know that I enjoyed the book to some extent. Very much so. The first half was great and sexy and tattooed Nick pretty much made the first 50 % for me. It is unfortunate, however, that Deep tanked pretty deep during the second half. It's funny but if memory serves me right then every book that did not appeal to me in this Pagano Family series started off rather promising, only to take a nosedive later on which I find very frustrating.

This fourth installment is probably the most violent. Just a friendly heads up: Some scenes are pretty gory and not suitable for a queasy stomach. Among other things, the explicit violence includes

The following quote which I did love very much is so Nick, but otherwise everything fell apart for me--I didn't like Nick anymore after the 70 % mark.

Don't act prematurely, Nick. Wasn't it a great opportunity to

He would put regret aside. Uncle Ben was right.

WTH? I could not effin' believe this! What's the Uncertainty is a bitch, isn't it, Nicolo?

Well, Nick is supposed to be this dark, violent and mysterious character. This impeccably dressed creature is always very self-possessed and knows what he wants. Nobody dares to disagree with him and he's definitely not a coward. It's his second nature to be merciless and tough. That's why this self-appointed angel of retribution and destruction totally sucker-punched me with his crucial decision around the 70 % mark which kinda killed the book for me. This dark character turned into a coward, pussy-footing around a very important subject matter. The story turned from engaging and interesting to a total lackluster-let-this-be-over-soon kind of event. Again, Nick was THE man who drew me to this book in the first place. Beverly was too nondescript and pale to keep my interest. In any event, Nick lost all its appeal to me after that cowardly decision which stood in stark contrast to his "dark" character. I'd've expected better of that man. Much better.

Other issues
I really get the appeal of the foreign language. French and Italian are romantic. Yet I'm a strong advocate of less is more. Use a foreign language sparsely for maximum effect. Throwing in all those numerous Italian sentences and sweet nothings as well as 102 x bella, enhanced the cheese factor many times over. 15 x bella would have been more than enough. After a while I just had to roll my eyes ad nauseam. At a certain point the story turned into a sapfest.

Nick practically expecting Bev to accept he acted like an immature, sulky and stupid jerk. She should have bitch-slapped him. UGH. Also, Beverly was so far away from achieving an unforgettable status as a heroine that her weak performance during the second half didn't come as a surprise to me either.

Do you want to guess what had to come eventually? Sheesh.

As I mentioned already the Pagano Family series was either hit or miss for me and I'm sorry to say that Nick Pagano could not even the odds. This series is nowhere as great as Fanetti's Signal Bend stories. Hopefully her new MC series will put me back on a happier track.
Profile Image for Amy | Foxy Blogs.
1,681 reviews1,035 followers
December 22, 2014
Another winner from Ms. Fanetti! You become so deeply immersed in this book that it's hard to put down.

Nick is a Pagano but he's from the other side of the Pagano family...the side that has "wise guys." The side that sits across the isle during Mass. Even though he loves both sides of his family the other Pagano's hold him at distance. Nick lives a dark and complicated life as "The Enforcer" for Pagano Brothers organization.

Beverly is a yoga loving, strong minded woman who lives across the hall from Nick. Beverly lives in the moment never shying away from anything.

When she catches Nick's eye their relationship starts off with a BANG. Beverly becomes immersed in the mafia lifestyle against her will but for her safety.

Nick is enamored with Beverly becomes she is so different from everything that surrounds him. She's the light in his dark world.


I loved Ms. Fanetti's motorcycle series which was written by her muse. I had let my guard down reading this series until I got around 50% when I started to panic. Ms. Fanetti's muse appeared and reminded me of what a dark and wicked mind she has. When I picture her muse I see a wicked smiling devil.

I didn't read book #3 because of time restraints. There was no way I would have been able to finish before this book was released so I made an executive decision to just go straight into DEEP.

I know I've said it before but if you aren't reading Ms. Fanetti's books you are missing out. Good news is she's writing a spin-off series from her Signal Bend series. This series will take place in South California and is being released on Jan. 31, 2015 -> http://bit.ly/1xCXqTH (Strength & Courage: The Night Horde SoCal). I'm EXCITED because I've been missing the Horde world.

Meet the Pagano family:
Carlo, Sr: baby brother to Ben and Lorrie. Ben is the Don of the family; Lorrie is his right hand. He decided not to follow in his brothers' footsteps and instead stay on the right side of the law. Widower. Father to 6 adult children.

Carlo, Jr: (37 years old) responsible. Provider and family man. Does what was expected of him. Single dad.
♥♥Trey♥♥: (3 years old) Carlo's son. Abandoned by his mother.

Carmen: (36 years old) a landscape designer, free spirit, big dreamer.

Luca: (34 years old) rebel, the black sheep. Wrong side of their father. Rogue.

John: (mid 20's) quiet brooder. Quiet and sweet.

Joey: (20ish years old) goofball, the fun one, youthfully bold.

Rosa: (20 years old) spoiled, pampered baby princess of the family

Nick: (45 years old) only child to Lorrie. In control at all times, powerful, mysterious and aloof.

Footsteps (Pagano Family, #1) by Susan Fanetti Touch (Pagano Family, #2) by Susan Fanetti Rooted (Pagano Family, #3) by Susan Fanetti Deep (Pagano Family, #4) by Susan Fanetti

descriptive text here
Profile Image for Wendy'sThoughts.
2,669 reviews3,277 followers
December 28, 2023
Needing some space to regroup, I took a ride back to re-discover books and authors that touched me and wouldn't let go. This is another side of Ms. Fanetti.

4.5 The Deepest of Dark Reaching For the Light Stars
* * * * 1/2 Spoiler Free
This review has taken me a bit to figure out. During the time I was working through my head how to express myself, Eylane DiSano wrote her review. Please read this as hers touches on so much of what I felt but could not express as well. Duh, she is a writer!

Terilyn's review covers another way of seeing this:

So, what is mine... Mine is based on the total acceptance of the premise of this saga... it must be...in order to even approach this book...

The overwhelming question to me was can there be good in people who do very bad things... can there be a code of ethics; a way to balance the actions taken and still have some sweet, some good...

If we are willing to just watch and see all which is presented before us... then Nick, the enforcer, is released from his self imposed prison of isolation and steps into Beverly's light...

This had so many pluses...mature people who, when confronted with personal disagreements, fought to reason them out...Yes, there were things withheld and I sense they may raise their ugly head at another time in the future...but overall I had great respect for the way both in the relationship primarily did not run when things got tough.

The symbolism of the tattoos on each of the characters was beautiful and the description of Nick's was so minute... I felt I was seeing it on his flesh rather than reading it on the page. There were so many moments like that in this book... beauty, emotions and then.... dark, very, very ugly dark... One must be prepared and willing to accept all Ms. Fanetti brings to these books. She does not shy away from the reality of real criminal actions... she does not glamorize the violence which holds hands with the romance of it all. Vengeance is not pretty... it is ruthless, bloody and the degree of ways it is enacted, horrifying... It should be shocking...because to do these things and live this life, people are at risk every day...it is not something to take lightly...

So, there is a perceived balance.... to keep the ugly, the dark in its place... and hopefully allow light and beauty to balance it all out...

Nick and Beverly's romance had an understanding between them... she was made for him... all of her history leading up to her meeting him...created the person who decides, yes... she can accept the good of him...how he presents it to her...knowing full well the dark is always present... there at any time...

This book raced like a speeding bullet for the most part and then simmered towards the end... I know the saga has been left on hold... and that is fine...like wonderful pasta put away for the next day's meal... all that melding of flavors overnight will only enhance the outcome...

I look forward to dining again at the Pagano table.

Footsteps (Pagano Family, #1) by Susan Fanetti Footsteps (Pagano Family, #1)
Touch (Pagano Family, #2) by Susan Fanetti-Touch (Pagano Family, #2)
Rooted (Pagano Family, #3) by Susan Fanetti (Pagano Family, #3)
Deep (Pagano Family, #4) by Susan Fanetti Deep (Pagano Family, #4)
Prayer (Pagano Family, #5) by Susan Fanetti Prayer (Pagano Family, #5)
Miracle (Pagano Family, #6) by Susan Fanetti Miracle (Pagano Family, #6)
The Pagano Family The Complete Series (Pagano Family, #1-6) by Susan Fanetti The Pagano Family: The Complete Series (Pagano Family, #1-6)

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Profile Image for TeriLyn.
1,368 reviews440 followers
July 18, 2022
Re-read July 2022. Still my ultimate fave.

DEEP re-read December 2015

Since Deep published in December of 2014 I've often re-read highlights and specific chapters that are my favorite. This time I read it for the second time in it's entirety. I remember last year feeling an acute anticipation for the story of Nick Pagano. With already enthralled appetite for this man after reading Rooted I HAD to know his story. The second time around was no less enthralling, actually it was more so. Nick Pagano lives up to every expectation of how a dark man such as he would treat the woman who changes a very elemental part of him. The woman who becomes his Queen. With second time around I appreciated more fully how perfectly suited these characters are thanks to Fanetti's perfectly tailored development of their relationship and staying true to exactly how she makes them each to be. This development fulfills all my favorite romance boxes. By no means is Nick and Bev's story an easy journey. However, the violence and seemingly perpetual darkness that cloaks the pages makes the sweetness of their connection that much stronger. Deep one of my ALL-TIME FAVORITE love stories. There is no couple quite like Nick Pagano and Beverly Maddox.

Original review (December 2014):

5+++ MILLION "Tell Me" Stars

There’s nothing that could stop us from reading anything Susan Fanetti writes. I say us because Irene and I have become a Susan Fanetti reading team. In 2014 we’ve read each amazing book this incredible author penned. Through vivid, raw storytelling Susan Fanetti took us on our most favorite book journeys; meeting adored characters, characters whom stay in our minds long past reading. We’ve visited places so real in our heads, visiting in real life would be a dream come true. Likewise some places we abhor because of what went down there.

Each Fanetti book provides a new experience, a new lesson, a new love story. She captured our reading hearts with Isaac and the Horde. But through her beautiful prose she allows Nick Pagano to steal our reading souls in Deep.

This author, this book, this love, this woman, this man – Deep is Fanetti’s best love story yet - reigning supreme in the Fanetti Romance Kingdom. Awestruck. Again.

The story of Nick Pagano juxtaposes itself between good and bad, light and dark. But not in a traditional way, the lines of good and bad are blurred by this man so confident in his life, so content with the man he’s become. He doesn’t realize his ultimate end game until Beverly walks into his life.

Deep strikes us deep. Deeply affected by the story, deeply moved by the connection between Nick and Beverly. The seamless transition between these two moving from neighbors to needing each other means so much to the both of them, it’s instinctual just like the characters who portray it, as if no place exists without the other’s presence. It’s just as instinctual to the reader. A natural progression we believe in because of the thoughts, actions, and dialogue from these characters. No other woman ever belonged with this amazing man.

Diving back into the dark recesses of her muse, Fanetti wrote Nick Pagano as a complicated yet eerily simple man. Deep very much gives us Nick’s story. He’s a character you’ll fall in love with almost instantly. His looks, his personality, his nature. A favorite part about Nick: the man listens. Intently. Implicitly. As though he actually wants to hear what you’re saying. Beverly shines her light on him through acceptance. She’s as confident as he, challenges him, believes in him. Beverly shows Nick the beauty of sharing your life with your soul mate, your counterpoint. She’s the sun shining bright to the shadowed life he lives. Her rays make him shine. His darkness protects her always.

This story reflects the complexities of life, of living a life you believe in and never once selling yourself short of those beliefs. Fanetti perfectly entwines these complexities with the simplicity of being in love with your soul mate even when the relationship proves not simple at all. It’s another Fanetti example of when life creates this complicated web of hardships even in the darkest of hours the sun shines again.

Sadistically poignant and poetic, Deep sears the readers soul. Every word holds a symbol, a meaning, a deeper value. Every single sentence in this story is placed exactly where it should be with a title so accurately describing the entirety of this story. It’s tough, it’s hard, and it’s extremely emotional.

Opening your mind and your heart to the musings of this author will fulfill you. As an avid reader, I’m never more content than when I’m done with a Susan Fanetti story. Deep is real, it’s raw and so directly reflective of this authors staunch stance to write, publish, stand by the beautifully hard love stories she believes in. Love stories with so much feeling and meaning you’re touched every time. Love stories we believe in, too.

Nick Pagano is a hero you must meet. He’ll make your heart ache for the kind of man he portrays, for the kind of love he’s capable of giving. Deep stands in the spotlight as Susan Fanetti’s best work to date. Believe in her, in us, to do yourself a favor and meet THE man, Nick Pagano.

Favorite Quotes:
"He stood on his balcony on a morning like this, with his head dark and his thoughts snarled, and felt an elemental kinship with the ocean. Maybe that was arrogant, maybe it was delusional; maybe it was just absurd. But it was nonetheless true. The ocean was a place of darkness and mystery, full of predators and secrets, and infinitely deep. ... That was what the ocean was to Nick: a place that swallowed secrets and fed beasts."

"There are some clouds now, true. But you are the brightest part of my life. You found something light in me - I think maybe you made whatever's light in me."
Profile Image for Malene.
1,275 reviews723 followers
November 20, 2021
**Reread Nov 2021 - 5 Stars**
I just love Nick and Beverly! My favorite in the series and it’s still as amazing as when I read it in 2018.

**Read Oct 2018 - 5 Stars**

So far Deep is my favorite book of the Pagano series. Wow. Nick and Beverly claimed my heart. Susan Fanetti definitely makes her characters suffer but damn the reward is worth it.
Nick is a good man who does bad things. He works for his uncle and father. Only uncle now since his father gets killed. Nick knows violence. He hurts people to get answers. Despite that he’s a good man. He separates the two. Work and personal life.
Beverly shows him light. He’s his sunshine but she looses her light when Nick’s business interferes.
Beverly’s road back to reclaiming her light was tough but Nick oh Nick showed what kind man he is. He’s patient, kind and loving. These two made my heart ache, hurt and sing.
The epilogue is just icing on the cake. Deep left me happy and satisfied. What a fantastic book. Nick Pagano owns me.

5 Sunshine Stars
Profile Image for S.M. West.
Author 43 books1,221 followers
March 17, 2015
I don`t know what happened but my heartfelt review of this book disappeared off my GR shelves :(

Okay, maybe a tad over dramatic but I invest in my reviews. And I LOVED this book and this series so much and to just lose it is maddening. Anyway, enough with the rant. Here is a short and sweet review, which will not do the original justice by c`est la vie...technology is great until it fucks up!!

5 "Sei il mio sole" STARS

Susan Fanetti is just one of those gifted, special authors that just gets to me with her beautiful storytelling. I can't adequately put into words what I feel when I read her books. When I lose myself in these worlds and families she creates. I won't lie, she certainly can shred me to pieces but through her words, her characters and their stories, I'm put back together again; made whole.

Nick Pagano's story was just perfect. He is like the ocean, "a place of darkness and mystery, full of predators and secrets, and infinitely deep."

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Beverly Maddox was "pure class, substance in a sea of flash." Ms. Fanetti writes awesome, kick ass heroines and Bev was one tough, beautiful lady!

Their story is not easy and it's far from pretty. But there's beauty and love, passion and undeniable strength. Just a spellbinding tale and Nick Pagano is mesmerizing.

"Passion wasn't in the act. It was in the bond."

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"Il vero amore é sneza rimpianti. True love has no regrets."

Profile Image for April.
299 reviews
May 8, 2017
GR needs to add more stars cause this book (IMHO) is a 10* read for me!!
The series itself was brilliant; and to end on this note, well.......I`m just speechless.
This series will be a re-read, again and again and again (well you get my point).

THANK YOU Susan for bringing to life this beloved cast and some of the most memorable characters I have ever read!!!
Profile Image for Kim Bailey.
Author 6 books610 followers
July 25, 2015
6 stars!
I am so in LOVE with this book!!!! I want to call it my favorite Fanetti book ... but it's so hard to pick a fave. This is definitely at the top with a few others. Nick was just ... sigh ... yeah, pretty sure I'm in love with him.
Just like the title of the book & true to the usual writing style of Ms Fanetti ... this book is truly deep ... both in meaning and in emotion.
Profile Image for FMABookReviews.
637 reviews402 followers
June 18, 2015

5 Shining Stars ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

I actually don't know how to start this review. While I loved them all, Deep is my favorite in the Pagano Family series. This book had it all, intensity, romance, steam, engaging characters, emotional and well-developed plot... I could go on and on about the writing. I have lauded Susan Fanetti for her amazing talent and writing within each review I have written for this series, and I am not sure there is anything left unsaid. Except that I believe Fanetti is "the best kept secret" out there and more people need to know about her. She will make your heart race, break it, rip it to shreds and make you love every bit of it. You will adore her heroines, and love her heroes and "live" their stories.


Deep was darker, and grittier than the others in the series, and yet, it had so much heart that I was deeply engrossed in the story. We are introduced to Nick's story at the end of Carmen's book, Rooted . Nick's world is turned upside down and he has vowed revenge. Being the enforcer for the Pagano Brothers, he knows exactly how to mete out his revenge. By his own words he is not a good man. His job has led him to do things that are not good. It isn't until he meets Beverly, "his sun", "his light", that he can even imagine a life with good in it. Life for them is not easy. Tragedy strikes many times. What I found incredibly addicting, was the way Ms. Fanetti balanced the dark with the light. She didn't try to sugar coat who he was, or the things he did. Rather, she reinforced (using Nick's words and POV) his dark side. But she also showed us, his light and his good. Thereby showing us all that there is more than one side to any person. A person's bad acts don't wholly define who they are.
"He wasn't a 'bad boy.' He wasn't a bad man. He was a good man who did dark things."

The character development in this book was simply one of the best I've read. The development of their relationship from friendly neighbors with lust to deeply needing one another for love and support was beautifully written.
"I love you, bella. My life has been dark since I was fifteen. But you're my light, my sun. I will do everything in my power to help you shine again. Anything you need, anything you want. If it's within my power to make it so, it will be so. I love you. Ti amo. Sei il mio sole."

I encourage anyone and everyone to meet Ms. Fanetti. Her stories will forever be imprinted in your heart and your mind.
"Il vero amore e senza rimpianti. True love has no regrets."

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Profile Image for Elfina Renee.
613 reviews222 followers
January 21, 2016
Really liked Deep, Susan Fanetti did an amazing bringing out the darkness and action I've come to crave in her books. Tense at times, Nick Pagano stepped up to the plate being the man his family and Beverly Maddox needed. However I'm not a believer of tiny white lies and the one he tells is a whopper! Five bullet casing read!
Profile Image for Amanda.
1,392 reviews325 followers
January 28, 2015
3.5 stars

I finally blast through the Pagano Family series, except Book 3 Rooted, which featured Carmene Pagano. My favorite of the series is still Luca Pagano in Touch. I think Book 4 Deep left a lot to be desire. The main reason might be due to the too bland heroine. I don't even know what to say about Beverly because she basically did nothing beside surviving an attack by Nick's enemy.

Beverly is a waitress cum yoga instructor, who happened to be Nick's neighbor for years. Her life is pretty norm, until she hooked up with Nick Pagano.

Nick is the mafia underboss, basically a ruthless killer. He dates but never married. I don't even understand the reason he felt so differently towards Beverly all of a sudden. Is not like she did anything out of the ordinary or special to caught his attention. From a man who felt nothing to all his previous mistresses, he seems to change his way pretty fast.

As for Beverly, she basically got bomb on their first night out. And then she got attack just because she got associated with this dangerous man she hardly know. Why isn't she running for the hills, I had no idea. When her best friend, Chris pointed out that she had a bad boy fetish and never learn from her experience, I felt like banging my head on the wall.

But anyway, after I let go of my prior annoyance, I started to enjoy their relationship progression after they are together. Nick's position make everyone around him is susceptible to danger, especially Beverly.

Let me get into the creativity of Susan Fanetti in regards to her torture scene. I keep telling myself "I'm not gonna throw up. I'm not gonna throw up". I felt like she had master the art of medieval torture. "Yucks. Eww. Whatever". Make sure you are not eating while reading.

The aftermath is one of the pivotal moment in Nick and Beverly's relationship. I felt they had come so far, from strangers who were attracted to each other, to a couple who formed a strong trusting bond.

After my experience with Susan Fanetti's Signal Bend series, which I loved whole-heartedly, the Pagano Family series felt short to me. The couples and their love story here are never as epic and unforgettable compare to Isaac/Lilli, Showdown/Shannon and Havoc/Corrinne.
Profile Image for Elayne DiSano.
Author 3 books306 followers
December 23, 2014
Susan Fanetti is a friend and fellow author of The Freak Circle Press

From the moment she published Moved The Sun, I had thought the character of Isaac Lunden was the epitome of what a male lead should be. But after reading Deep, Mr. Lunden has some serious competition in the form of Nicolo Gavino Pagano.

His name alone just stirs the senses. When he was introduced towards the end of 'Touch', he emitted a quiet intrigue with just a glimmer of an appearance. Described as 'mid-forties and not right in the head' because of his role as 'capo' for the side of the Pagano Family that does not earn legitimately, he's the kind of male lead you want to get deeper (no pun intended) inside to see if there's another side to him. One that can feel. One that can show vulnerability. One that can love.

Ms. Fanetti did just that with Nick.

Because of his enforcer-like position in the family, Nick has seen and done some pretty dark things. At one point in the book, he decribes how he sees his world as 'midnight'. He's a picture of calm and control clothed in Armani. The only time he allows himself to let go is during sex and usually with whomever willowy blonde his 'comare' at the time . Until he meets the complete opposite in Beverly Maddox.

The two are neighbors in a condo complex, though their meets have been run-ins and a handful of words. Nick is private, guarded and keeps to himself, whereas Beverly is a free-spirit who sees the world just as it appears in front of her. She doesn't over-think things, enjoys her friends, is comfortable in her own skin and sees nothing wrong with dancing in the middle of a club by herself - which is exactly the moment that intrigues Nick. He makes no bones about what he wants and Beverly doesn't bat an eye. But a potential night of passion comes to a halt when a dangerous situation winds up bringing them together in a different way.

Beverly now finds herself connected to Nick's dark world complete with bodyguards outside her door. But Beverly is no timid female who takes the 180 turn her life has taken lightly - and isn't afraid to call Nick out on it. It's conversations such as these where they really shine as these two 'talk' to each other. So many times in books there are fights and misunderstandings which result in either the male or female lead storming out. Not Nick and Bev, which is a testament to the maturity and respect Ms. Fanetti writes for her two leads. His responsibility towards her for what had happened draws Nick closer to the woman whose very being is the sunlight to his midnight. It is her complete acceptance and understanding of him that slowly allows Nick to let parts of his guard down and show a vulnerable side of him - the Good Nick - that balances the dark and dangerous 'Bad Nick'. Both have pasts that have shaped their present state which - again - come to light during some beautiful scenes these two share together.

But this is a story that centers around the workings of an organized crime family rich with details of their inner workings and hierarchy. Ms. Fanetti leaves no stone unturned and gives you a realistic vision of a tight-knit Italian family and the code they live by. Because of the events that happened in the previous books, we get to see the mention of that Nick from 'Touch' - the 'Bad Nick' who wants vengeance for what happened to his family as well as to Beverly. We see a slow change take place and wonderfully unfold in him because of the light she's brought to his life.

I don't think I could ever find the exact words to do the character of Nick justice. He is described in such vivid detail from the feel of the stubble on his face when Beverly rubs her cheek against it, the smell of the expensive fabric of his designer suits or to the sexy tone of his voice whenever he speaks Italian at very opportune moments. Everything about him is elegant and classic right down to the way he tugs the French cuffs under the sleeve of his suit jacket. When I was done with the story, I read it again. And then, again - heading straight to my favorite parts which were the one-on-one moments between him and Beverly. I truly and madly fell in love with him.

The main story wraps before we are given an epilogue that makes the reader beg for a continuation. I know Ms. Fanetti is putting this series on hold to revisit our favorite MC, but I am one who hopes we get an answer to those final words Nick speaks.

But if I had to choose just one word to describe this story it would be bellisima!
Profile Image for Doris.
838 reviews31 followers
January 10, 2015
Loved it, this whole series has been really good. Susan Fanetti is by far one of the best authors. Have not read any of her books that I have not thoroughly enjoyed. Recommend this on to all.
Profile Image for Gina *loves sunshine*.
2,068 reviews91 followers
November 11, 2022
I fell hard and ~deep~ for this book - wow!!!! This series is older, written in 2014 and have all been on my kindle for years!! I finally got around to reading it and it is pulling me faster and harder with each book!!!!! I was not very impressed with book 1 - but swiftly finishing up book 4...I am smitten with this author and the way she pens her relationships. I have LOVED books 2, 3 and 4. With this last one being my absolute bread and butter!!!!

I am always head over heels for an alpha mafia man who gets blindly cut at the knees by a woman. Follow that up with care, love, tenderness and all the things that made men love to do for their familia!!!! This book was sooooo many things - tragic, beautiful, traditional, Italian - throw in a coastal New England setting and keep delving deeper and deeper into a big family structure and you have me HOOKED! The binge continues....on to book 5!!
Profile Image for Maria.
137 reviews
December 22, 2014
I love Nick, hot damn these Pagano men!!!
41/2 stars. My ultimate favorite is still Luc and Manny.
239 reviews5 followers
January 23, 2015
I appreciate that a lot of people will enjoy this story. The plot was good, there was action and some brutal scenes. However, I just didn't think much of Beverley from the start. She seemed really stupid. She certainly was not loyal to her best friend.
I like alpha males so expected a certain pattern of behaviour from Nick, but, I don't know, I think I always expect more from the females in romances than the men. I found Beverley a wishy washy character for the most part. We do not get much background to Bev. The main info I got was from an argument she had with her 'best friend' a man called Chris Mills. They were arguing about her disastrous relationship. He said "Counting the guy you were getting over when we met, six. I've been there every time to get you back on your feet. Every-fucking-one of them treated you like shit, and you took it, trying to see the good, trying to make that sliver of good the main thing about them. And every-fucking-one of them hurt you. They dumped you, or they cheated on you practically in your face until you finally wised up and left - and shit, then there's Greg."
"Don't Chris ,I get it."
"No, you don't. You wanted me to just say it, so here it is: Greg. He was such a bad boy he beat you up. And even that wasn't enough for you to get it. He had to do it again before you'd leave him..............And now, the next guy you exhibit any interest in is a fucking mobster - who got you blown up before he even banged you. And still you want to be with him. Bevvie, I really love you. But on this point, you are a stupid twat".
That was such good advice from her best friend of over 10 years who had been there for her and picked up the pieces and all she got out of that was that he called her a stupid twat. That was enough for her to turn her back on him, although it gets worse later.
I think that speech summed up Bev as a character and I agreed with Chris.
Poor Chris, he should have run as away from Bev as fast as he could. Out of the story that is my main thought, poor Chris.
Did I like Nick as a hero? To a degree, he was sexy and commanding, the story of him as an enforcer for his family was good, the revenge he sort for those who harmed his family was brutal, but what he did about 70% in , well there was no real excuse. In my mind it came from jealousy and was an awful act done to an undeserving person. Nick says "Fuck, ********** was going to die, and before he did, he would repent of all his sins". What on earth? Sins? The sin of loyalty? the sin of hiding his feelings?
This was a bystander, not in the mob, he owed them no loyalty and the info he gave was not important at all. He had no insider knowledge. Nick, and in fact, the Pagano family had been built up as the good side of organised crime in that they did not deal with drugs, human trafficking etc. But this screwed up all the good PR that was built up.
So Chris still does not give up on trying to save Bev, he is brave enough to go toe to toe with Nick. Bev feels betrayed by Chris because he has secretly loved her all these years. So what?
She thinks this, "At a time when she was reeling from a brutal violation of her person, she'd learned that her best friend had been violating her soul." Please this woman is weird. The person she should be angry at, she forgives because she loves him. She is such a doormat. But she is the perfect mafia wife. I did not think she stood up to Nick, she was just a bit clueless. She was a submissive character. She states clearly to herself that she will turn a blind eye to Nick's other life and pretend it doesn't exist. Nick loves her joyful ,sweet character. It appears to me she copes with life by not thinking too deeply. "Now Nick would live his first lie with Beverley". Note it states First lie. Good luck to her.
Profile Image for Manal.
134 reviews1 follower
July 28, 2020
Fantastic fantastic book! The best in the Pagano series!
I'm happy and thrilled the Susan Fanetti we fell in love with in the signal bend series is back! Can't wait for the The Night Horde SoCal book ❤️
Profile Image for Jan.
991 reviews215 followers
July 13, 2019
This was a reread, and again I would give 4 stars. It's a mafia romance, which is a niche genre I would not think I would ever enjoy. But, oddly, occasionally I do. Susan Fanetti is an excellent writer of fascinating, complex characters and good plots. And this one is the best book in this series IMO.

Nick Pagano has a very unpleasant job, as enforcer for the nasty side of his family's business. He is also a successful business man in his regular job. He usually keeps a mistress, but has never married or been in love, and never sees himself becoming a father. In his mid-forties, he seems set in his ways as a fairly cold and hard man. Though he doesn't recognise it in himself, he is also lonely.

In a neighbouring apartment lives Beverley, who knows nothing at all about the Pagano family and their business, both the legit side and the dodgy side. But she does secretly think her neighbour is HOT. He already seems to have a girlfriend though, and they keep their distance.

Circumstances conspire to bring Beverley and Nick into each other's paths, and they are highly attracted. Nick's girlfriend has dumped him, and to him that's no loss as they weren't really very close. But someone is out to get the Paganos, and Beverley accidentally gets in the way. And in the aftermath, Beverly and Nick get to know and like each other more and more as time passes. They fall in love, and Nick realises he wants something more with Beverley than he's ever wanted with a woman.

But Beverley has her own past issues and vulnerabilities, and the path of love doesn't run that smoothly. Until finally they get their HEA. And there is a truly beautiful epilogue to this book.

I didn't like the violence in this book, and I have to admit I skipped over a couple of scenes this time around when they came up, as I knew what was coming. Like Beverley's character, I avoided thinking too closely about Nick's dark side. But Nick's good side, OMG. Or, 'good Nick' as Beverley refers to it. He is gorgeous. So loving, tender and protective of Beverley. And so sexy too, of course. Their love grows slowly, alongside a series of dramatic events. And it is a beautiful thing.

Both MCs grow and develop during the course of the book, but particularly Nick. He changes from a lonely, morose person to a tender and loving family man who is deeply in love with his wife, even when he fully understands her flaws. And Beverley also loves Nick deeply in return, even with his dark 'midnight' side. But the book is well-crafted and the changes are gradual and believable.

So although I struggle with the violence that is depicted in many of Ms Fanetti's books, I really respect her writing skills and I often love her characters and plotting. And this is definitely one of the better books of hers that I have read.
Profile Image for Sivutha.
634 reviews80 followers
April 7, 2015
5 Perfect stars

Love Nick and Bev's story. It's a beautiful love story of Nick and Bev.

“I wasn’t fishing for another compliment or throwing yours back.” She moved to get off of him, but he held her hips firmly in place. “I like the way I look. It took a lot of soul-searching to get to that place. I made an observation. Since I moved in, I’ve seen you with three different women. They all looked pretty much alike, Nick. The logical observation is that you have a type. And I don’t look like they do.”

“Beverly picked the pendant up from her chest and kissed it, a gesture Nick found powerful and sweet. “It’s beautiful. Thank you.” She looked up at him.”

“Il vero amore è senza rimpianti.”
His eyes widened, and the dark mood between them was broken as he smiled warmly. It wasn’t easy to surprise Nick, but she’d managed it. “Where’d you learn that?”
“The internet. I was trying to look up the thing you say about sunshine and I came across that. I liked it, so I tried to memorize it. How’d I do?”

“You did pretty well. Do you know what it means?”
She’d spent so much time trying to memorize the Italian words that she’d almost forgotten their meaning. “I think…it’s like, ‘love means never having to say you’re sorry.’ Or something like that.”
“Something like that, but not quite. It’s better. It’s ‘true love has no regrets.’ I think it’s more than just not saying you’re sorry.” He laced his fingers with hers. “So tell me, bella. Knowing what you know, experiencing what you’ve experienced, do you regret falling in love with me?”
She gave him the simple truth. “No. I should. I’m probably crazy not to, but I don’t. Do you regret loving me?”

“No. Sei tutto per me. You’re everything to me.” Smiling, he added, “It must be true love, then.” He leaned in, slowly, giving her a chance to turn away. She didn’t.”

“I thought you might need an extra these days. Ti amo, bella. Sei il mio sole.” “It means ‘I love you, beautiful. You are my sun.’”

“She shook her head against his chest. “No. I feel cozy like this. I want to be here for a minute.”
He kissed her temple and slid a hand over her belly, where his tiny child lay growing. “You’re everything to me, bella. I love you.”

“Il vero amore è senza rimpianti. True love has no regrets.”
“She shook her head against his chest. “No. I feel cozy like this. I want to be here for a minute.”
He kissed her temple and slid a hand over her belly, where his tiny child lay growing. “You’re everything to me, bella. I love you.”

Profile Image for Naksed.
2,247 reviews
June 30, 2024
DNF about half-way. The characters were lackluster and the insta-love has always been a pet peeve. I like a slow burn and characters I can root for, even when they are anti-heroes. This book was not for me but it may appeal to fans of mafia romances.

The heroine is a 30 year old woman who acts and thinks likes she is 15. Several abusive relationships with bad boys have apparently left her no wiser. She continues to let her libido make impulsive, life-altering decisions for her. I need for the female character to have some intelligence and integrity to be able to root for her and overlook occasional dumb decisions. As it is, she reminded me of the numerous friends who as teenagers kept making the same mistake over and over, going for the bad boys then coming to cry on my shoulder when the guy inevitably smacked her around if not physically then emotionally. Yet even most of them had wised up by their thirties and made something of their lives. Not the case in this book. I just found no redeeming qualities in her and wondered what someone even as depraved as Nick, the male character, would see in her beyond a one night stand.

Speaking of Nick, the author goes to great length to paint the picture of a brooding anti hero but when he answers the door in nothing but sweatpants and proceeds to show off a completely cheesetastic tattoo of giant angel wings, a sword and barbed wire, I laughed out loud at his Jersey Shore vibe. What next? A giant personalised painting of a centaur over the fireplace? A closet full of Ed Hardy? He was definitely giving me The Situation way more than Michael Corleone. Another case of a guy not acting his age. 45 years old and hanging out at Da Club to pick up chicks, no, just no.

By the way, this is actually a very good writer. I read one of her MC books and it was so gripping, I could not put it down. The female character in that book was the exact opposite of the blandness that I saw here. A real bad ass, smart, intriguing, sexy etc. And the male character was no Mary Sue but an equally bad ass biker who was in no way even close to corny. So I do apologize for this snarky review and will end by recommending that you check out her other books.
Profile Image for Rebecka.
499 reviews
May 12, 2015
In the earlier books of this series Nick was just a take him or leave him character for me. So going into Deep I wasn't sure the characters would grown on me as her others have. I only knew that it was a Susan Fanetti book and I have loved everything she's written to date...so win win...Right??

Well I should have known better, not only did I win I hit the Good man who did dark things lottery!!

What drew me in most was the quality Nick finds most attractive in Beverly. She isn't your usual over the top H with some extreme quality. She is just everyday people who had some rough bouts in life and finds her center full of sunshine.

That is exactly the thing I love about Susan's writing. Her knack of making the characters and situations feel so damn real. It's as if she takes real life and adds a fictional flip.

The horror that Beverly lived through. The patience that Nick showed while she healed. Working it through together for the sake of their relationship.

He tells her..."No,bella. I'm not Good Nick. There is no Good Nick."

I call bullshit!! How can there not be a Good Nick when he does such wonderful things with his mouth the best of which are his words, especially when in Italian.

"I'm not here for that, bella. I'm here for you. Come up I've got you."

"I'll never let you get lost again. I love you, bella."

Another wonderful story!

March 12, 2015
In the first half of the book there was such graphic violence and so little romance I was teetering at 4 stars...

The balance was found in the latter quarter.... Made up for everything!!!

I'm totally pleased with this series! All 5 star reads for totally different reasons. My favorite remains Touch.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 75 reviews

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