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If is a new adult romance, not erotica.

Someone hadn't scarred my face.
I hadn’t followed my dreams to LA.
That tweaker hadn't attacked that homeless guy.
I hadn't invited a stranger over for Thanksgiving.
I hadn’t fallen in love.

If I hadn’t lost him.
I hadn’t gone for that drive.
I saw the world like everyone else.
My “genius” wasn’t slowly destroying me.
I had just walked away before I could ever know her.
She hadn’t ignited the spark.

If the spark didn’t ignite the madness.

This is a new adult romance. NOT erotica. Standalone novel.

296 pages, Paperback

First published March 1, 2015

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About the author

Nina G. Jones

10 books1,798 followers
By day, Nina G. Jones works for an internet startup and is a freelance copywriter. She lives with her husband and two dogs.

By night, she explores the hidden recesses of the human psyche in her writing.

Nina has a background in Psychology and uses this as a starting point for her writing. She adds depth to her characters by exploring their psychological motivations. Due to the nature of the topics she explores, Nina does not shy away from explicit language, sexuality, or violence. Despite covering some heavy topics, Nina finds a way to infuse humor into her writing as well.

She has a particular fascination with people who appear to be “normal” or “successful” by all outside appearances who are hiding a secret life.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 104 reviews
March 8, 2015

4.25 "What If" stars!

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Wow! What an unconventional NA love story! I really enjoyed If. I'll preface my review with a word of warning...go in blind. This is the type of book that trickle feeds the reader information so it's very easy to give away plot spoilers. Even more so, spoilers on the characters. Let Nina build their story one sad word at a time.

I can tell you that both characters are flawed. Physically, mentally and emotionally. They carry these flaws on their shoulders daily and both decided to withdraw from family influences for their own reasons. They're both living in LA when Bird's work commute causes her to pass by Ash on the street. He rarely makes eye contact- always looking to the ground- but something draws her attention to this lonesome-appearing young man. Until one day, she finds herself interrupting a mugging of this detached man. It's not smart but she can't stand by and watch him be attacked by two street thugs- the man not even trying to defend himself. Until the thugs turn on her and the lonely man saves her from the attackers. He won't save himself but he'll save her? Why? Does he hate himself so much?

Suddenly this man who chooses to hide in the shadows is brought into light. He's not happy about it.

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Ash watches Bird walk by alone, sometimes with her clearly gay friend. She's like light in the darkness for him. She's clearly some sort of dancer. But there's also a sadness about her. Yet her aura is mesmerizing. He see's all sorts of colors in his otherwise gray world when she walks by...

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A muse didn't just inspire, I learned, she rips the art out of you like a predator rips out guts. It's messy, it's brutal, but the artist has no choice in the matter. The muse decides."

As a reader of very limited NA books (I can't deal with immature drama), If was pleasantly mature. Both H/h are in their early twenties but just trying to make it in this world on their own. The subject matter can be a bit heavy and I loved this book for that. It wasn't immature drama we see in some college type reads. It's about life, the what if's that rock our worlds daily. And how we deal with those events. Do we move on or do we shoulder them like a festering wound?

My only issue is I felt it was a bit anti-climatic for a good portion of the book- the day to day slow build of their interactions. But I found in the end, we as readers needed that to truly appreciate the future that be holds them in Part Three of the book- which I devoured, by the way. As a reader that takes NA genre in complete low doses, this is the kind I like to read. I was a auto-buy fan of Ms. Jones when I read Debt earlier this year- which is, in fact, still my favorite read of 2015. Keep in mind though, this is NOTHING like Debt. It's fairly chaste. The sex scenes are almost all fade to black. But the reader doesn't need it with the plot as heavy as it is. It was perfect in that respect and a good call on her part. I think if she would've made it steamier, it would've taken away the emotional side we get.

A solid, enjoyable read I'd highly recommend for readers looking for more than simple NA fluff. It's different, it's emotional. And you'll actually learn something, which is always a bonus. Bravo, Nina G Jones!

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Advanced reader's copy received by author in exchange for an HONEST review. Quotes are taken from pre-published copy and may differ from finished product.

(Thanks Val, for finding me an almost impossible biracial red-headed green-eyed heroine)
Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,178 reviews13.4k followers
July 15, 2015
3.5 Stars

Most people's souls hide inside of their minds and bodies, but Bird is inside out. Her dancing, with the sweeping transparent ribbons of color that followed, was the embodiment of a divine gift. Her dancing was the closest I could get to heaven without dying.

With Debt being the only other book I've read by this author, this book couldn't be more different. So if you're going into this expecting a mindfuck or steam, think again. It's neither of those. It's an emotional and touching story about two broken souls finding some solace in each other. If truly showcased Nina's range as an author for being to give her readers stories that are so different from one another. If is a book unlike any other I've read lately, and kudos to the author for broaching a subject that isn't touched on enough in the romance genre and not only doing it well but truly bringing some light to something that mainly gets glossed over.
Bird was tempting a live wire and she didn't know it. She stood there, her finger on the switch, without even knowing how close she has come every time we met. She's tempting me...she's triggering me...

Bird is a talented young dancer trying to chase her dreams of becoming professional after moving away from her family home and parents that wanted her to have a more suitable career. While her skill as a dancer is unquestionable, her facial scarring prevents her from landing any starring role. It's truly a source of shame for her and something that she has a difficult time living with....the stares, the whispers, the pity. All she wants is to dance and all she needs is a chance...

Ash is a talented young artist that has given up on his dreams and barely keeping his head above water. Leaving behind his career after a terrible tragedy, he lives on the streets and has long since forgotten about his aspirating in the art world. He just wants to disappear. But in the shadows of his street corner, there's a woman whose colorful aura that calls to him and draws his eye like a magnet. He's perfectly content to just watch her, until a night where the brave girl stands up for him while he's being attacked by a tweaker and he's forced to come out of his shadows to save her life.
I knew no one, not even Jordan could understand what Ash and I had going on. People only saw us on the outside. My scars, his situation. We saw each other inside out.

Bird and Ash form an unconventional friendship from that day forward. Ash paints her while Bird dances for him, and their presence seems to soothe the other. But Ash is hiding a secret; a secret about who he is and his past, that just may cost them everything.
You don't want me, Bird. You want the idea of me. The quiet artist. The guy who saved you, painted you. But I am a mystery you don't want to solve. I am a question you don't want to answer. It was simpler when it was just you dancing, and me painting.

This is a slow paced love story about two very unique individuals. I really appreciated how different this was from anything else I've read lately. But at the same time, there was also something missing for me to really make this the captivating read that it could have been. Maybe the fact that I understand that it may have done that way on purpose, but I think having a WHY or WHO to it really would have helped me connect to her more as a character. There was also an event at the very end that seemed to be really unnecessary for the story and was just too much. The book is already emotional enough on it's own, and that particular event didn't seem necessary for the plot or the characters. It was incredibly sad but empty. I really don't understand WHY it needed to happen since it just completely came out of the blue for me.

I did enjoy the story as a whole and the unique situations of both the characters. I didn't even find myself missing the steam since the emotions of it all were perfectly enough on their own, the steam never felt missing. If you're looking for something different from your everyday romance that you find lately, definitely give this one a try. I don't think you'd be disappointed.

ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review

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Profile Image for ~Stéphanie~.
623 reviews360 followers
March 23, 2015
If took me completely by surprise. I didn't expect the kind of book the author wrote.
Yet I knew it wasn't like my typical read,
Yet there's a warning at the beginning of the book
Yet the author made it perfectly clear this is not a usual romance. And that this is not erotica.

To be honest, I applied to receive the book because I was still high after I read her book Debt at the end of last year. I was captivated by her writing and her ability to have my attention on something that was disturbing.

When I saw there was a new release I didn't look more and I applied, I committed.
When the first warning came, I wondered if the book would still appeal to me. The blurb was vague and I think it was wanted by the author.
I was scared before I even began the book and I was a little embarrassed because I had the sensation I wouldn't like the book.


Yeah I know I'm horrible :( but let me tell you I will NEVER feel this way from now on!
Because no matter what you think about a book, don't let your fear rule you!

Now I'm so happy, I stick to my commitment. I read If and once again Ms Jones blew me away!
I don't know what's with her and her writing but from part 2 in this book I was a goner. I couldn't put this book down. Imagine, my boyfriend had to wait to eat because I had lunch to prepare but I couldn't stop reading


As I said, the blurb is vague and I think it's wanted so I'm sorry but you won't have a lot of explanation on my part.


Bird and Ash meets when they are both in a bad place. Their meeting wasn't supposed to happen.
Bird wasn't supposed to interpose between Ash and his aggressors.
Ash wasn't supposed to react when those same aggressors tried to hurt Bird.

But If all this never happened, Bird would have never talked to this stranger she has seen several times at the same spot. A stranger who seemed so lost, so lonely, yet with something that caught her eyes.
If all this never happened, Ash would have never talked to this stranger he has seen several times. He would have never wanted to satisfy his own curiosity because there's something that Bird has and no else :color around her in his grey world

~We can't live our lives with what ifs~

Bird is a 21 years old girl full of dreams. She dance and she is good at it. But in L.A., with the beauty standard you have these day being good is not enough and when you have scars on your face, rejection is a common word for you.

Ash is a 21 years old guy full of regrets and shame. As you can imagine he feels this way because something terrible happened to him but you wouldn't be able to guess what's behind this young man. And I'm afraid if I say a single thing, I'll ruin everything that's beautiful in him and his journey.


Bird is mesmerized by him without really knowing why and I had the same feeling. From the beginning you want to understand why Ash suffers so much, why he seems so off.


Be prepared to be taken in a world full of surprise, full of emotions, full of hurt, full of colors, full of desires.

Nina G. Jones wrote a magnificent book where you can live and feel the emotions. Her writing will carry you away in another place. You will want to look for things that's happening, you will want more information on what she delivers - At least that's what I did while reading.

I don't read those kind of books because I don't deal well with characters who are in pain or who suffer too much. But here you immediately feel there's more to Ash than the guy who wants to stay hidden.


They are several special subjects that are developed and I don't know the extent of the author involvement. I only know what she told on her social media sites (that it was special to her that she felt close to) but she did an outstanding research job. I'm not a specialist but everything is well explained and you won't feel left behind.
She delivers something real, something passionate, something special and you can only let you be taken away with her words

The book is divided in three parts and while part 1 was a little slow for me, when I was in part 2 I understood better why she took her time (nearly 40%) to set down her story, to give us a little background for Bird and Ash.

Throughout the book I smiled, I cried, I was stunned, speechless, surprised. I felt excited, disgusted, in awe, curious, impatient, nervous, sad, and impatient. I had questions, doubts and wishes. And at the end, I was happy. I had a smile on my face for the rest of the day after what I experienced with IF.

~Love is accepting someone, flaws and all~

~ Posted after reading ~
Wow wow wow what did I just read!?? I was not expecting that but this book was totally a magnificent discovery!!


Full review to come but be sure to add this one on your TBR! The books is now live a little early than expected so don't wait to read it ;)

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Profile Image for ~♡AB♡~.
974 reviews691 followers
March 12, 2015
★★★ 3 Stars ★★★

Bird is a dancer who has moved to LA to pursue her dreams. She is determined to catch a break, despite being turned down due to her physical flaws.

Ash is homeless artist and living on Skid Row. He often watches her on her way home and is drawn to her aura and her beauty. He sees things that others cannot see and when he is feeling at his lowest point, Bird wades in and literally makes him see that there is something worth living for again.
_ _ _ _

This was a pleasant mature New Adult story which was quite an emotional and deep read about living with mental illness and how to cope with all that life throws at you and the 'What if's'.

The steam level was very low but the emotional connection between Bird and Ash was very strong and although slow at times, I did feel invested in their journey together.

ARC gratefully received from the author in exchange for an honest review

Profile Image for Aestas Book Blog.
1,059 reviews75.2k followers
Want to read
March 16, 2015
This sounds so UNIQUE!!! Love it!

Someone hadn't scarred my face.
I hadn’t followed my dreams to LA.
That tweaker hadn't attacked that homeless guy.
I hadn't invited a stranger over for Thanksgiving.
I hadn’t fallen in love.

If I hadn’t lost him.
I hadn’t gone for that drive.
I saw the world like everyone else.
My “genius” wasn’t slowly destroying me.
I had just walked away before I could ever know her.
She hadn’t ignited the spark.

Profile Image for ❃**✿【Yasmine】✿**❃.
810 reviews655 followers
March 21, 2015
DNF @ 25%

My DNF isn't because the book was 'bad' in any way. But it was more a case of 'too many books too little time'. I usually give a book to the 25% mark and see how well it's going for me. In this instance, i felt that it wouldn't have been more than a three star read for me due to the fact that it was; very slow starting, and apart from the characters' situations (which felt overblown in the hero's case), they felt bland.
Profile Image for Amanda.
1,392 reviews325 followers
May 5, 2015
5 'What If' stars

In many ways, this book reminds me of Find You in the Dark that touch on the similar theme, but I would say If feels more mature and had more layers and depths to it. Is a story about love, heartbreak, forgiveness and healing.

"'If' is unfulfilled potential. It's dreams that didn't come true."

Bird loves dancing and living with a scarred face. A face that become a major roadblock in her life. But she is tenacious in living up to her dreams to become a successful dancer in LA. A chance encounter with a heroic homeless guy brought on an endless possibilities into her life.

Ash was gifted with an extraordinary talent that make him see the world unlike everybody else. But he is living with a curse. A curse that led to his ultimate downfall. He is homeless. He is a drifter. All he want is to be invisible and to be gone.

"I fight so hard not to exist, but she was forcing me to. She was forcing me to partake in life."

But the girl bursting with the colorful aura beacon him towards her.

"She was a literal star, beaming with light, walking on the earth, gracing it with her presence. She was the light we reached out to grasp, but were never able to touch. That's what Bird was: A fallen star. A dancing star."

Bird and Ash relationship started from her wanting to get to know her homeless savior better and her persistency in engaging him finally wore him out. Their love build from endless hours of dance and paints, they inspire the best in each other.

"You're going to be amazing one day, and I get to watch you grow in front of my eyes."

But what Bird didn't know is her artistic boyfriend is sick. A sickness that is invisible to the naked eye.

"Ash, I just want you to be okay."

Of course, like anybody else, I know Nina G. from her dark erotica Debt. Although If is nothing like Debt, is not even an erotica, there isn't any erotic scene at all, but I love every page. Nina was able to paint a vivid pictures with her words that make me immerse in a pool of emotions and feelings. I can picture Bird dance as if she can float and Ash paint like a manic artist. I can feel their selfless love for each other and the heartache over heartache over heartache. Throughout the journey, I am thinking how many times did Nina wanted to torture me, I felt like my heart getting pummel over and over and over. I confess, a large part of the book was depressing, but that's what make everything much more meaningful towards the end. I truly feel the author versatility by reading two of her books now. She can write a hot as fuck erotica, she can write a tear jerker NA that rip your heart out. What's next Nina?

"Maybe 'If' isn't such a bad word. It's a word that precludes infinite possible."

Profile Image for Dawn.
1,463 reviews284 followers
June 13, 2020
I loved this story..so different from other love stories, raw and emotional. Bravo for taking on love amidst challenges..

Full Review

There are so many words in the English language, some make you feel better, others can crush you to the bone and there are certain words that are so small they seem almost insignificant, but can change the course. Never having really thought much of the small word "if" and the power behind it. If I had not gone to the dance I may never have met my now husband, if I were rich I could..., if I were thin...and so on. If is a dreamers word and can mess with the "what is" of the moment.

Both these characters could live the "if" life, obstacles that stand in their way aren't ones that are easy to ignore, or easily surmountable, but they each live their lives in a way that demands attention. Bird is determined in a way that most only talk about, she has a dream and isn't letting what others think of her decide her destiny. She embodies a strength was easy for me to connect with. Ash is living a life no one wish upon their worst enemy, in a way of punishing himself for things beyond his control. Both these characters are flawed, damaged and beautifully powerful all in one.

When these two notice each other it makes the difference in both of their lives between existing and living. But alas, nothing worth having is ever easy to come by...enter angst stage left. I connected to this story completely. It is different. It is powerful. And it has you taking everything in your life and experiencing it just a little more than you did before. If...no one wants to live an "if" life, make it a did, do, or happened kind of journey.
Profile Image for Rejane.
1,359 reviews63 followers
Shelved as 'nope'
August 26, 2018

What Tynna said

message 1044: by Tynna
1 hour, 30 min ago

Idk about her. I DNF as soon as I read that crap.
Profile Image for Lindz..
1,027 reviews123 followers
March 17, 2015
I don't even know what I was expecting from this book, but it totally threw me into an emotional tailspin that had me crying, laughing, and cheering all the characters on.

This is my first book by Nina G. Jones and I'm really glad that it was. I saw she did some more intense stuff and I felt new adult would be safer turf to tread in. Already being in the mood for it after reading a really good Young Adult I dove right in expecting to only read a few chapters before bed, and then didn't get to bed until 3AM having sobbed my eyes out and I woke up with puffy read eyes with people in my looking at me like I was a little cray-cray.

The gist of the story? It is about a dancer that was attacked at a young age and has scars on half her face and a struggling artist dealing with mental illness. Now, this could go either way really. It could've been done totally unsuccessful like I've seen in other books. Most authors don't research and they just dive in with a preconceived notion of what the disorders are. But, Nina made a clear author note that she did her research and wow. The book, the emotions, they just exploded out of the page. I was so IN it. Do you know what I mean? When you really feel the characters so deeply that every little thing that happens to them seems to stab you right in the heart.

I was there for the ride. I was in so much pain, sorrow, and then just agony at one point. I was crying and I couldn't stop even after the characters seemed to move on and the story jumped five years. I was frantic and itches for them to find one another again. My god this story was so passionate and weaved that I saw all those delicate and vivid colors that Ash would see. I just want to say, thank you for this book. I will be buying a physical copy and giving it to my daughter's dance teacher because I KNOW she would appreciate this story as she is a teacher that believes dance has no limits!

Well done and I highly recommend this one to all fans of new adult fiction!

*I received a copy via Between the Sheets Promotions to review for the blog tour*
Profile Image for Hollie.
1,676 reviews
May 11, 2015
 photo giphy_zpsabnwcnt9.gif

This plot is going to have to pick up - Im going to the 50% mark before deciding if this will be a DNF

Made it to the 50% and just didn't care enough about the characters or plot to keep going. DNF
Profile Image for The Art of Romance Promotions.
56 reviews25 followers
October 18, 2016
If by N.G. Jones

Everyone calls her Bird since she can remember. An aspiring dancer who can’t seem to catch a break. Bird is strong, beautiful inside and out. However, the scars on the outside is what most people see. Bird doesn’t have much, but is happy on what she does have. She has a family but aren’t very close, but she does have her best friend in the world, Jordan. Jordan is also a dancer and there friendship is stellar. One night a stranger and almost tragedy changes Birds life forever!

His name is Ash, once a brilliant artist now living on the streets of Skid Row. He see her smile, her laughter,she so beautiful to him. BUT he is damaged. Having a constant struggle with mental illness.He never looks up he minds his business and tries to go unnoticed. Ash’s doesn’t want to be a burden so when Miller, his brother tries to help Ash cannot allow that. When she interferes and is almost hurt it changes his life.

N.G. Jones novel titled If. I am a big fan of N.G. Jones and If, just left me with the biggest amount of respect for this author not only was the novel a piece of art the message is one of the best stories I ever read. This writer has you involved within the first sentence of the prologue. The way these characters make you feel and want to know with all these trial and tribulations with there love over power these powerful life alter issues? N.G. is a amazing story-teller the plot was so original and I didn’t see anything coming that happened. The reality of the characters lives were believable. This writers writing style is so smooth and descriptive it is like I watching it play out right in front of my face. This novel with top my best reads of 2015. I totally recommend this novel over and over. My message to the author any title your name is on I and reading I am in love with your masterpieces.

If is a 5 star read!
Reviewed by Yolanda Ann
The Art of Romance Promotions

“ Not until we are lost, do we begin to understand ourselves” Henry David Thoreau

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 1 in 10 adults in the United States suffers from depression. And the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) reports that almost 3 percent of the U.S. adult population suffers from bipolar disorder.
- See more at: http://www.healthline.com/health/ment...
Profile Image for Tangerine.
642 reviews1 follower
March 22, 2015


I liked it. I didn't love it but I liked it. I liked the characters and the unique storyline. I found myself doing my own research on Ash's illness because I had never heard of it and I was very intrigued by it and wanted to know more. I really liked that aspect of the story.

The story has three parts. It seemed to drag on a bit and I found myself skimming through some of it. I really enjoyed the first part. There were parts of the story I loved and parts I didn't. Nothing really happens for the first half and then all of a sudden too much is happening and I could never get emotionally involved. There were a lot of grammar errors that threw me off of the story a bit. By the time I finished the book I was just sleepy. The uniqueness of the story kept me going and I liked how it was a mature read and not like most new adult reads.
Profile Image for Karima chermiti.
844 reviews156 followers
January 11, 2018
Of all the writing genres, new adult is my least favorite one. I find it full of tiring cliches, predictable story lines and ridiculous use of stereotypical characters. Every time I read a new adult book, I feel myself extremely dissatisfied and annoyed. For a long time, I steered clear of this genre because I simply wanted to read books that I could enjoy and that feel compelling with a message to send or something important to say. But I could not help but be intrigued by the Goodreads summary of If by Nina G. Jones.

And for the first time ever, I was not disappointed because this book is everything I wanted it to be and more. I still can’t believe how good and different this book is. If you want to restore your faith in the new adult genre, I recommend you to read this book immediately.

Love is accepting someone. Flaws and all.

The two main characters names are bird and ash. They are well developed and honestly written. They are not perfect and their flaws are what make them easy to connect with and relate too. They have their past who weighs down on them. They are scarred emotionally, mentally and physically and because of their imperfection that I loved them so much. They were both in pain and their encounter force them to acknowledge it and to come into the light. They see inside each other and they are not scared by what they find. I envy them their love and acceptance of each other personality, flaws and all.

The relationship between the two main characters is magic. For the first time ever, I demanded a happily ever after. I though these two characters went through hell alone and together and they deserve some piece of happiness in the end.

I wanted to tell her she was beautiful, but it almost seemed like saying that to her would be diminishing it. You don't reassure a rainbow it's colorful, or a star that it shines. Sometimes, not saying something says more than anything else.

It is so refreshing and spectacular how different this book is from the other books of the same genre. It is like the author wrote down everything wrong about the genre in a piece of paper and then set it on fire and that was that. This book is a wonder to me. It is beautiful, sensitive, tender and yet ferocious and daring at the same time. The book deals with sensitive issues and it does it with care and tenderness that’s really endearing and surprisingly new to the genre.

A muse didn't just inspire, I learned, she rips the art out of you like a predator rips out guts. It's messy, it's brutal, but the artist has no choice in the matter. The muse decides.

Art, beauty, acceptance and love, the author blended together all these elements to give us an emotional, unforgettable and mature story about soulmates, their journey to each other and the romantic nature of dreams
Profile Image for Kimberly.
684 reviews35 followers
March 6, 2015
This is a must read for anyone who loves a beautiful and well written story. This is a story of love, pain, and redemption. Love can take you to the highest highs, but then crash and burn and leave you devastated. But, it's what we do after the devastation that shows the measure of a person. Struggle and pain makes us who we are, and this story explores that truth to perfection.

Bird and Ash are both struggling to survive and in each other they find strength. They see in each other what no one else can see. Reading about these two people falling in love is probably one of the most beautiful things I have ever read. I felt it down to my soul. But, love cannot stop life from happening, it cannot stop circumstances, love cannot cure everything. Bird and Ash have to both deal with some devastation to finally see what can be, to finally see how far they can fly.

This story also explores mental illness, something I personally have had to deal with in my life. It also explores how death and guilt can destroy a life and a family. But, even when all seems lost, there is always hope if you choose to walk in the light and forgive. I'm not going to lie, this book made me cry, it made me feel, and it brought back some memories, some good and some bad. But, even though it made me hurt, it left me feeling restored after reading it. It's that powerful of a story.

Nina is one of the best authors out there. She puts a lot of truth into what she writes, she never compromises her characters or her vision. She is one of the most honest writers I have every experienced and her books never fail to make me feel and her stories and characters always stay with me.

I don't do spoilers, but anyone who is a true Nina fan will be pleasantly surprised and delighted while reading this book...that is all I'm going to say about it!

To all who read this review, please read this book. I can't recommend it highly enough. It's simply beautiful, and a must read for anyone with a soul.

Profile Image for CeCe.
3,547 reviews109 followers
March 15, 2015
This was not a bad book at all. First, I really liked Annalise Campbell or better known as Bird. She tells the story of how she got that nickname in the book. *smiley face* Bird is a dancer and even though she is a very talented dance, it is hard for her to get job since part of her face is disfigured but this does not change what a loving and kind person she is.

Bird has friends that usually walk her when she has to pass Skid Row, a very dangerous part of the Los Angeles area. One night after work, her friends are unable to walk her with her so as she is walking home, she sees two men attack a homeless man. Bird is unable to walk away and begins to help the homeless man only to have the two assailants start attacking her. The homeless man ends of rescuing her. Bird finds that the homeless man who saved her is actually a man close to age with the name of Asher Thoreau. Asher had suffered a tragedy and has some other issues he is trying to deal with. Asher is also an artist. A very good artist/painter. Asher and Bird begin a friendship and then much more. This story spans 5 years so you see this couple when they first meet and begin their relationship and then the story moves forward. I loved how this couple met. I love how their friendship and relationship progressed, but I became frustrated with the characters later in the story and I think that is what pulled me away some. I was just disappointed and felt that I could not believe the in the feelings of one of the characters. Reading is subjective, so this is my opinion. Yes, later certain things cleared, but I lost my connection when things came together later in the story.

A copy was provided in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for ★ Belle The Bibliophile ★.
876 reviews268 followers
June 1, 2015

"Love is accepting someone, flaws and all.”

I felt a wide range of emotions while reading this book -- giddiness, madness, frustration, sadness. This book touches on a very sensitive issue which is mental illness, and I'll admit I was skeptical about it. I was scared to go into this one but my curiosity got the best of me. And I must say, Nina didn't disappoint.

This book is very beautifully written. I was very emotionally invested in both of the main characters', Bird's and Ash's world. They weren't any sex scenes in this one, which is appropriate, given the theme of the book -- trust me, the connection, the emotion between them more than made up for that.

This book is about forgiveness, learning to let go and and independency. And also that:

"Maybe “if” isn’t such a bad word. Maybe it’s full of possibility. It’s that word that prefaces taking a chance. It’s a word that precludes infinite possibility. “If” means nothing is certain. And maybe that’s a good thing."

P.S. Totally didn't see that cameo coming. ❤
Profile Image for Talltree.
2,081 reviews25 followers
March 23, 2015
Author killed off a beloved character which for me is a no-no.
Ugh I hate the punched in the stomach feeling I get when stuff like that happens.
Apart from that, it was an okay read about a bipolar guy who's really in trouble and an ambitious hardworking dancer with a big heart.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Madiha J Bookblogger.
150 reviews37 followers
August 10, 2017
May be a person with the extreme love of art will like it better. Story was just common and predictable. Okayish.
Profile Image for Mimiorphee.
619 reviews39 followers
April 3, 2015
One word caught my attention on the first page, and no need to say, it totally scared me. So what? Do I stop here? Oh no, no way!

The way Ash and Bird's creativity is described is completely amazing. Their artistic energy is almost palpable.
Ash's gift is indescribable, and still, I had all those colours and images in mind!

I laughted, I cried, I have been angry, it broke my heart and twisted my gut. But despite the unusual and difficult topic, hope never left me. Thank you so much for that, Nina!!! ♡♡♡
Profile Image for Broon.
138 reviews
May 12, 2018
Uwiodła mnie od pierwszej do ostaniej strony :-)
Profile Image for Deloris.
962 reviews38 followers
March 22, 2017
APB Perspective Review:

This is an excellent story ! They stared out as two damaged an vulnerable young adults and what liked most is they fell in love . The author didn't leave it there though she showed us the characters growth and mature as separate people . So when they meet again , I felt they had a level playing field .
Profile Image for Sandra Shipman ~ Two Book Pushers.
2,037 reviews49 followers
February 27, 2015
6 Hearts!! Damn. Nina has done it again. This is one of the if not the most beautifully written book I have ever read and I read a lot. The only other book by Nina I have read was DEBT and that blew me away. This one is so not like that one so it proves to me how diverse her talent really is. Amazing. I usually write a few paragraphs of a summary of the book but I just can't do that with this one...my mind is all over the place so putting together my notes and hope it makes sense.

Bird was a dancer that wanted to be noticed but not by the scars. Ash was an artist living on the streets that didn't want to be noticed. The difference between these two was that Bird would never give up her dreams and Ash did a few years ago. Something tragic happened to him and his vision was gone. But when he saw Bird walk by his spot on Skid Row, all he saw were colors. She was his light. He didn't think she noticed him but she did and one night everything changed and they saved each other and their lives were never the same.

Ash didn't want to go back to the person he was before, but Bird was not giving up on his talent as an artist. She didn't know the full story but knew there was a missing piece to Ash. She did know that he had Synesthesia. It's when you can see sounds or taste words and other senses overlap. He was unique and she wanted him to shine. But it also bought out other sides of him.

Bird and Ash are a very beautiful young couple that have been going through so much in their whole twenty-one years. They were on their own and figuring out what was next and they were in it together. Ash didn't really know what to do. He felt like a burden because he had issues to work out even when Bird didn't make him feel that way. They were not making much money but they had the passion for their arts and each other. But we're they somehow holding each other back?

There were many reasons why I fell in love with this book so hard. Bird and Ash are both scarred, Bird is on the outside and Ash has his within himself. When they are together they do not see the scars, Ash only sees beauty in Bird and Bird sees the same within Ash. It's magical. Really. And the way Ash describes what he sees, tastes and touches gave me chills! Overall, like I said it was the most beautifully written book I have read...it was a roller coaster of emotions for me and it really got to me. I was attached to all the characters and it felt real. And it also dealt with some serious issues that need more attention in the medical world. Throwing pills around isn't the solution.

Ok. Well...I hope I made some sense. But seriously...it was an amazing story and one I soon won't forgot. I could go on and on about this book.


My world had been colorless and dull for over a year now, like everyone else’s, but she was a walking aurora.

Art was always the center of my fixation, but she was living art, and I feared that, somehow, she could get caught up in my storm.

“I watched you for months thinking any guy would be the luckiest guy in the world to have you. I watched you glow and laugh. I watched your smile and your bright hair that burns red like a wildfire. You are rare, you are beautiful, you are exquisite. You walk around with aura all day and you don’t even fucking know it.”

Profile Image for Zoe and the Edge.
674 reviews69 followers
April 12, 2015
“You have the best looking laughter and voice I have ever seen.”

Oh the sweet surprise of unexpectancy. I loved Bird's bravery. Her scarred face has forced her to get over herself in so many ways.

I know others might call that delusion, but don’t you have to be a little delusional to follow a dream?

“Would you dance?”
“If I am going to paint on command, that’s like showing you my soul. I want you to show me yours. It’s only fair.”

Hum hum hum. *smile. Painting is in no way my thing. I've never really seen a painter in action and I find it hard to appreciate. Still, I loved Ash and Bird's symmetry in their artistic expressions.

Sometimes the book goes into cheesyville but other times it's heartstoppingly aww.
Ash is a sensitive guy. His emotions, and everyone else's are vibrant and alive and that means his experiences can get over the top and out of control. The author captures Ash's mania succinctly.

Food could wait. Art would be my food. Bird would be my food.

I feel like the author wrote Ash and his genius well. He's frustrating but you just can't hate him because he can't help himself.

“No really, I’m sorry. I fucked up. And when I fuck up, I have a tendency to want to disappear. I didn’t give you a choice. I took it away from you. Sometimes, I just think it makes things better if I just go away.”
“That’s not healthy.”
“I know,” he muttered.

I liked how the author progressed the story and how important milestones happened naturally without a lot of fanfare and drama (although she kind of makes up for the lack by the time you get to the end). I can't pinpoint any particular complaints that made me give this 3 stars. I guess it just lacked feeling. Emotion happened to the characters, but not to me.

Cute Epilogue! (spoilerish)

Standard gay bestie who was surprisingly funny.

“Trevor understands you’re my non-sex wife. My mental stability relies on your existence. So he’s in this with me.”

He did wear off his charm eventually, but I was glad for the giggles he did provide.

Between the alcohol consumption and the urgency with which he cleared out the table, I just knew Jordan was planning for us to have what we called Dance Party 2000, which is basically just us dancing like assholes all over my studio.

I really enjoyed their spat. It was perfect.

I flipped Jordan my namesake.

A quote from the awesome Alana:
“That boy is not the only source of love. You may have to collect in pieces from everyone to make it equal to what he gave, but it’s already surrounding you. So it’s time to look away from him and hunt for the pieces.”

Sexual Content: Not shy about getting it on but not graphic either.
Profile Image for TLBC.
540 reviews11 followers
March 31, 2015
My Review: (ARC provided)
4 stars!

1. A condition in which one type of stimulation evokes the sensation of another, as when the hearing of a sound produces the visualization of a color.
2. A sensation felt in one part of the body as a result of stimulus applied to another, as in referred pain.
3. The description of one kind of sense impression by using words that normally describe another.

I love a book about inner beauty and this book gave that to us but we also got a different kind of beauty too, a beauty that surrounds us. Most people aren't fortunate enough to see things that way, but Ash (H) does and he sees so much surrounding Bird (h). He watches her from a far and is mesmerized by her beauty. When one night brings the two together things will never be the same for them. A friendship forms a love blossoms but it's not that easy. Ash has secrets he's too afraid to tell Bird but he may not get a choice; his secret may come out before he is ready. Both scarred by their past, both need to overcome for their futures...but will they be able to?

The first 10-15% of this book started a little slow but then it picked up and I couldn't get enough of their story. It was really sweet but also so very heartbreaking.

I loved Bird she was such a wonderful person, selfless really. Her relationship with Jordan was funny and heartwarming. There is a part in the book that I highlighted because it really showed you the person she is.

"Vengeance always feels good in the abstract, but I didn't want to spread the pain. It felt ugly."

Oh how I wanted her to get revenge but I'm glad she didn't because the way she handled things was so much better.

Ash couldn't escape his head and the only way he knew how was to paint but even that wasn't good for him anymore until Bird came into the picture. She made everything okay again or at least that's what he thought. Both Ash and Bird were special and both had an unbelievable amount of talent but both let their pasts hold them back.

This is a beautiful story about friendship, trust and love; it is about healing from the inside and forgiving yourself.

Favorite quote:

"Of all the things I had created, she was my most beautiful masterpiece. Because my muse had an equal hand in her creation."

I recommend.

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