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Boundary Magic #1

Boundary Crossed

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Goodreads Choice Award
Nominee for Best Fantasy (2015)

After her twin sister’s brutal murder, former US Army Sergeant Allison “Lex” Luther vowed to protect her niece, Charlie. So when two vampires try to kidnap the baby, it quickly turns into a fight to the death—Lex’s death, that is.

She wakes up to two shocking discoveries: she has miraculously survived the fight, and baby Charlie is a “null,” gifted with the ability to weaken supernatural forces...and a target for creatures who want to control that power. Determined to guarantee her niece’s safety, Lex makes a deal with the local vampires. She sets out with the mysterious—and undead—“fixer” Quinn to track down whoever’s responsible for the kidnapping, sharpening her newfound magic skills along the way. But the closer she gets to the truth, the more dangerous her powers become.

Boundary Crossed is a dark, thrilling journey into a world where the line between living and dead isn’t nearly as solid as it appears...

302 pages, Kindle Edition

First published May 1, 2015

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About the author

Melissa F. Olson

28 books1,737 followers
Melissa Olson was born and raised in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, and studied film and literature at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. After graduation, and a brief stint bouncing around the Hollywood studio system, Melissa landed in Madison, WI, where she eventually acquired a master's degree from UW-Milwaukee, a husband, a mortgage, a teaching gig, two kids, and two comically oversized dogs, not at all in that order. She loves Madison, but still dreams of the food in LA. Literally. There are dreams. Learn more about Melissa, her work, and her dog at www.MelissaFOlson.com.

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151 (1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 995 reviews
Profile Image for Montzalee Wittmann.
4,863 reviews2,300 followers
February 10, 2019
Boundary Crossed by F. Olson and narrated by Kate Rudd is a fabulous witch and vampire story with a very unique story line! I had hooked right away as our gal is working in a store when two people come in to buy diaper but don't know anything about it. When she goes over to help, she sees her niece in the stroller! They where kidnapping her. That's when they kill our hero. But that doesn't stop her. It is a great story with strange magic, action, and a touch of possible romance.
The narration was spot on!
Profile Image for Mike (the Paladin).
3,147 reviews1,974 followers
September 29, 2016
Okay just so you know why...I didn't rate this as I realize what I hate and the reason i laid the book aside will be something others will "just love". So as it's very subjective I don't rate the book I simply say why I laid it aside (and returned it to Audible).

First, it was a little slow and "chatty". That in itself however wouldn't have caused my immediate, "oh good grief" and laying aside the book.

Let us have something I've stated before clear... I HATE FRIENDLY OR CUTE OR ROMANTIC OR HELPFUL OR SPARKLY VAMPIRES.

Am I clear on this? Fine. When she found the "helpful vamp" sitting by her hospital bed I hung it up...or put it down whichever you prefer. I did not finish the book. I don't plan to follow the series. For you who like to imagine romantic undead guys who are "cute"enjoy. Personally I fail to see how an animated corpse can be cute, romantic or sparkly but there you go. As I said enjoy. I'm more a "vampires are monsters" kind of guy. You know..."stake 'em and move on".
Profile Image for Ellen Gail.
868 reviews407 followers
May 2, 2015
4 & 1/2 beautiful exciting paranormal stars!

Do you see that woman on the cover? The hot chick in the leather jacket, wind blowing through her hair? That's not Lex. Allison Luther aka Lex, an Army vet who served in Iraq, is a massive animal lover with a herd of rescue pets. She works nights at a convenience store, babysits her baby niece Charlie, and lives a fairly normal life.

Until she dies.

Boundary Crossed is a super fun and inventive paranormal novel. Vampires, witches, (and possibly werewolves?) revolve around a kidnapping plot in Colorado. Our protagonist finds herself thrown into this, and then the fun begins. Lex is funny, resilient, loving, and capable. Her army training certainly qualifies her for badass status.

The supporting characters are equally great. Quinn, Simon, Lily, John, even little Charlie were all developed & interesting. Especially Lily, she's the tits.

I wasn't really feeling the romantic chemistry / sexual tension. It's not a big element of the story, so it's not a huge detriment.

The magic elements were very cool. I liked the social structure that was set up among the Old World as well. There's a lot of new info that gets dumped onto Lex, but it's woven in pretty well.

I'm already looking forward to the sequel! That epilogue tease was just mean!

In summary:

Profile Image for Ian.
1,397 reviews185 followers
May 27, 2021
While saving her niece from a kidnapping attempt Lex is stabbed multiple times. She shouldn't be alive. Her heart stopped on the operating table. Then just as the doctor is about to call time of death, it starts beating again.

That's Lex's introduction into the supernatural world of vampires and witches. As a boundary witch, a witch who has power over life and death she has never received any training and the leader of the local coven wants to keep it that way. She's just too dangerous. But she will do anything to protect her niece, even enter into a partnership with the vampires, the vampires who want to see just how powerful she is.

Such a great book. I picked it up expecting to kill some time, I wasn't expecting to be completely sucked into Lex's world. Melissa F. Olsen can hold her head high in the company of writers like Patricia Briggs, Faith Hunter and Jennifer Estep. She's well and truly an equal.
Profile Image for Khurram.
2,004 reviews6,674 followers
June 9, 2021
The thin line

A good story. Good characters. This is more setting the stage, Lex is really establishing her self and learning about the "Old World".

I like Lex's character stubborn and tough what you would expect from a soldier, also a bit of a loner as people can't relate to what she has been through as as soldier expect of course other soldiers.

There are a lot of way the routes story can take. I am interest to see where the series goes. Also Lex has a lot of personal business to settle. I can see this becoming her new priority.
Profile Image for Dave.
24 reviews39 followers
April 23, 2021
This was a good read. Kept my interest throughout.
An interesting system of magic is being developed in this book and I hope will be expanded on.
Profile Image for Mara.
2,508 reviews254 followers
April 5, 2015
3 1/2

It seems to me Melisa Olson will never be an author with too much appeal (for me). I liked (a couple of) her books enough, but I end up picking at them.

Boundary Crossed is set in the same world of Dead Spot, simply in an other city. Again I found plot and world-building interesting, but had a problem with some characters. Or facets of them.

Lex could have been way more interesting, still it's a female character I can root for (even with some of the cliche). But Ms Olson made her a bit flat and a bit stupid. Flat for me because she realizes an entire world of Others is out there and it doesn't make in impact. WTH. A bit stupid as she rushes in to things without any planning or thoughts. I know a soldier isn't necessarily a tactician, but hey, ask before what the rules of engagement are. Shop around, rather than trust a single faction. Yes, I can understand some hectic choices, as a toddler life is on the line. Still.

Unfortunately Lex isn't the only flat character, Quin is too. I guess he is supposed to be the Tragic Hero, it ends up simply boring and totally one dimensional to me. Plus, the romantic thread in this book sounds completely f* up (again to me). Unnecessary, unbelievable, completely lacking in chemistry. I watch those two and the only thing that comes into my mind is "uh??"
There's not much of a romance, thank God, more of a hint. It still out of place IMHO.

I realize it seems I didn't enjoy the book. Not at all. It's a nice UF, and above all it broke the slump I was in (where I have been re-reading some old romances for the last two month, unwilling to open up a new book. Don't ask me why. I don't know.)
It simply never going to be a great UF, simply a nice one to pass the time. I did love the opening lines, though. :)
Profile Image for Simply Sam.
850 reviews99 followers
February 8, 2017
***3.5 Stars***

I liked this one. Maybe it's because I listened to the audio? I don't know. Whatever the reason, I was never bored and I was genuinely interested in the story. Granted, it's really not the most exciting of books. It introduces the reader to the "Old World" of vampires and witches (there are werewolves too, just not in this book) but on a really mundane level, if that makes sense. We learn a little bit about the vampires, a little bit about witches and how their magic works. But there are still a lot of unanswered questions, specifically about Lex and her family. I kind of liked that slow burn. It made it really easy to listen to and follow, which is why I ultimately rounded up to 4 stars on my rating.

HOWEVER, it was also a 3 star book for the same reason it was a 4 star for me: it lacked substance. We learn a little bit about this, a little bit about that, but there were quite a few things that were just given a cursory glance in this book. And there was nothing that made it really stand out in the already overcrowded UF market. There were no double take moments, no laugh out louds, no "I can't believe that just happened!"s. But even considering that, I think there may be a good series lurking under the surface of this one, just waiting to be exposed. It's just a feeling I have.

If you are looking for an UF that feels a little more "homey" AND you have KU, I'd say why not try this one a shot. I'm definitely continuing with the next book. Hopefully it proves me right!
Profile Image for Melissa ♥ Dog/Wolf Lover ♥ Martin.
3,601 reviews11k followers
May 15, 2015
I won this is a GoodReads first reads giveaway!

A few mild *SPOILERS*

I really enjoyed this book. I loved the character Lex. She is a former US Army Sergeant and a boundary witch. She has no idea she is a witch until she is attacked by a couple of vampires that are trying to kidnap her little niece. This attack led her to be in the hospital where she meets another witch and a vampire who start filling her in on what she is, of course blowing her away.

She has to go and meet with the head vampire and make a deal to keep her niece safe as there will be more beings trying to kidnap her because she is a null. They explain to her that a null is someone that can drain power. Example: If a vamp is close to her, well carrying her since she's only one, they can actually walk in the sunlight, wolves wouldn't have to change on the full moon, etc.

So with the help of some other witches they start training her on how to use her powers. She also has a great vampire friend she meets because of this named Quinn. He is a love interest, but that isn't really dwelled upon in this book.

They have a few good battles and learn some really cool things.

I think Lex is awesome. She has a menagerie of adopted animals, she's bad to the bone and she has a little snark and don't put up with much from anyone. She doesn't whine or go on about things, she just gets it done.

A great book and I hope there is going to be more because I want to see what could happen next!

Profile Image for Runningrabbit.
1,385 reviews97 followers
March 11, 2018
Crossing Over

KU 3.5
I struggled between giving this a three or four star rating, so have settled on 3.5.

I would have appreciated a faster pace on this and am hoping, now that a lot of background has been established, that the next novel will ramp it up. The plotline could have been more complex to make the story more intriguing and maybe a bit of a touch of humour(?) to lift portions of the tone.

I am looking forward to see where the following book goes.
Profile Image for Emma.
2,621 reviews1,037 followers
April 12, 2019
This was a new to me author. I enjoyed the world created here where witches and vampires co exist and where minds can be ‘pressed’ to forget what has happened. I am very pleased to discover not only the series but the author too.
Profile Image for Gergana.
227 reviews426 followers
Shelved as 'zzz-books-not-for-me'
July 6, 2016

Boundary Crossed has one of the best, most exciting beginnings I've ever read in the Urban Fantasy genre. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough to keep my interest for the rest of the book. In the end, I just lost interest, which is not to say that this book isn't worth checking out.

What do we have:
- Awesome start - action-packed, horrifying, original.
-Protagonist who is new to the supernatural world in her city. I admit, it's sometimes better to have the MC already aware and involved in the supernatural going-ons, but other times, it's better to have the world introduced to you along with the character. You relate better.
-A kick-ass protagonist - Lex is not one of those characters who is kick-ass for the sake of being a kick-ass. Lex is grounded, strong, reserved, mentally scarred from her past serving in the army in Iraq, able to take orders and with a strong sense for justice.
-Only three supernatural species - Vampires, Werewolves and Witches.
-Interesting side-characters, but not interesting enough for me.
-Slightly repetitive around the middle.

Not a bad book, just not my cup of tea at the moment.

Read in July, 2016
Profile Image for Treece.
521 reviews145 followers
March 19, 2019
Fast paced and plot shadp

With fantastic dialogue, well padded world building, an interesting plot and most importantly, Allison Alexandra Luther, a tough and smart, lovable veteran heroine, Boundary Crossed is an original, quirky joy ride of a book. Once I started reading,it was difficult to stop. The supporting characters comprised of friends, family and furries - " the herd" as they are lovingly called by Allie/Lex- added extra luster to the story . The fact it's set in Boulder, CO adds all the right subtle ,and not so subtle, nuances to this paranormal novel, where nothing is as it seems.
Profile Image for Alaina.
6,682 reviews213 followers
December 28, 2018
Super quick audio.

Boundary Magic kind of reminded me of the first book from Scarlett Bernard series. Mostly because of all the supernatural stuff and the information about nulls. It also doesn't hurt that this is the spin-off series either. So, after realizing that I was kind of intrigued to see how this book was going to go.

Lex was interesting character. I was really liking her and Quinn, who just happened to be a vampire. So, naturally I was shipping them together. Besides all of that though, I wanted to know more about her and her twin sister. Now we know that she died but I kept asking why and how. We got little glimpses of her here and there, so now I'm hoping that we find more information about Sam in the next book. Please say it happens!

Other than that, Lex and her dark powers were another interesting twist. So if she had the dark magic.. does that mean Sam had the light? Is that why she was killed? AGAIN, I have so many questions!!

Overall, I need some more Lex and Quinn moments and I can't wait to see where this series takes them.

Profile Image for Jeanny.
1,968 reviews164 followers
October 20, 2015
I keep going from a 3.5 rating to a four star rating for this book. I'm not sure what I'll decide & being I round up my GR stars I guess it hardly matters. What I am sure of is I'll be reading book 2 in this series.
Profile Image for Caden.
45 reviews8 followers
December 19, 2015
For more reviews like this check out Weezled.

“The third time I died was early on a Monday morning, a week after Labor Day.”

The opening line of Boundary Crossed is, by far, the high point of the novel. Olson does a great job of capturing your attention in the first chapter, but I found my interest waning in chapter two. From there it plateaus into a flawed but easy read, allowing you to relax and enjoy the Benny Hill sketch that is Boundary Crossed complete with vampires, secret witches and whispers of werewolves.

The character of Lex Luther has so much potential. Unfortunately, she fails to live up to her borrowed name. Olson could have told the story of a troubled character struggling to deal with the ghosts of her past as well as the vampires of her present. Instead, we read the tale of a woman who seems to be awfully well adjusted for having died three times and served two terms in the US Army.

I expected a character who was still trying to hold her life together only to have it thrown back into chaos when her niece it kidnapped. Olson delivers on the chaos, but from the point of view of a character who barely reacts to being thrown into a car by a person she just met. It seems to me that that author was too caught up in writing a strong heroine that she failed to make the character feel whole.

Unfortunately, Lex is not the only character who feels underdeveloped. The entire roster of supporting characters suffer a similar fate. Though, I must admit that supporting characters in a series may develop more over time. The main character, on the other hand, should have felt more complete from the start.

But the book wasn't all bad; the fast paced plot is often fun and engaging, with few lulls, and there is a bit of romance that I suspect will progress further as the series continues. If you are looking for something fun and fast, this new series might just be right up your alley, but remember, don’t look at the first installment with too much scrutiny, or you might be disappointed.
Profile Image for Melindeeloo.
3,209 reviews158 followers
October 17, 2015
3.5 stars- I enjoyed this foray to another corner of the Old World of Olson's Scarlet Bernard series, with Boundaries Crossed we get to see a bit more of the witchy part of that world and meet a new set of characters. I liked the army vet leading lady, Lex, who discovers her magic along with the hidden Old World filled with witches, were's and vamps, when she foils her toddler niece's kidnapping.

The story moves along well as Lex commits her services and her new magic to the local vamp boss in exchange for her niece's safety. There's the barest promise of romance for Lex with the vamp who is trying to help her find out who is behind the kidnapping attempts. He's a sympathetic character, and I liked him but I'm really an not wanting a relationship between them since he has two major strikes that go with his 'vamp-ness': he has no choice except to obey the vamp he's pledged to -which makes him someone who Lex really just can't rely on - and he finds her blood way too tempting.

All in all I liked Boundary Crossed and am looking forward to more, though I'll probably hold out for the audio version next time - Olson's stories translate well to that format.
Profile Image for Lena.
1,191 reviews325 followers
November 28, 2019
Reread: I enjoyed this story substantially more when I quit the audiobook and picked up the kindle.

A boundary witch is sometimes called a black witch by unPC Wiccan trades witches because they are necromancers (though that word is never used, too Anita Blake lol).

But Lex Luther is not interested in being the villain of this story. Her goals are to protect her null niece, and maybe score with her hot vampire coworker, Quinn.

“...sometimes protecting the greater good means being the lesser evil.”

You go girl!


Three stars for the story, two stars for the narration - it was bad. The female narrator was just awful at male voices, it was more like frog impersonations. This is a different narrator from the previous novels.
Profile Image for Ami.
6,041 reviews491 followers
November 20, 2015
I enjoyed Olson's previous urban fantasy series, Scarlett Bernard, so when I saw her releasing a new one I jumped on it. But of course I forgot about it, piled it up under so many to-read books. Until yesterday when on a whim (plus I was in my urban fantasy mood) I decided to finally pick this up. Well, Olson surely knew how to begin the first chapter, that's for sure...

The third time I died was early on a Monday morning, a week after Labor Day.

How could I NOT get intrigued??

The story opened with quite a bang. Allison Alexandra Luther (call her "Lex" not Allie) was working her third shift in a convenience store when she encountered a couple trying to buy baby diapers... and found out that the baby was her own niece, Charlie. Realizing that the couple has kidnapped Charlie, Lex tried to stop them, even got stabbed for her attempt. She succeeded but it also opened her self to a whole new world. Apparently the couple was vampires who wanted Charlie because she was a null (human who nullifies the magic within a certain space around them) and Lex herself was a witch.

For readers who read Scarlett Bernard would already be familiar with the null concept (Scarlet was a null herself). With additional witches and vampires, the world building was not exactly complicated. Having said that, Olson was still able to offer a new concept of witch: a boundary witch. I'm not going to spoil much, but it's a new type of witch with affinity for death essence ... and since Lex has only discovered her power, I can see her grown more ease and control over it. I seriously cannot wait to see more things that she can do with it. She already showed the potential of her power (one scene just creep the hell out of me) and I thought it would bring complications to her life, for sure.

I definitely thought that Olson had improved her writing skill. She paced the plot really well, combining the action-thrill of the threat towards Charlie's life, Lex learning about her magic (with the help of two witches from Clan Peller), Lex finding out more about the Old World rules, Lex teaming out with Vampire Quinn to find out who was responsible for Charlie's kidnapping attempt, with a little touch of budding romance near the end.

I liked that Olson kept that future romantic entanglement near the end because for me, Lex is not exactly at the place in her life to deal with it in the beginning. She still suffered from her time being out of the army, added with the death of her twin sister, Sam. Plus having a knowledge that she was a witch with dead blood was probably too much for one to take. I just hope that Olson doesn't fall to the trap of love-triangle for the next book though, since that what she did with Scarlet (despite the fact that I liked Scarlet's choice).

There might be a hint of a cross-over plot, since one character's name from Scarlet Bernard series was mentioned here (Jesse Cruz, a.k.a. Scarlet's detective partner). I'm quite intrigued to see how that plays out. All in all, this is a really good start of a new series in a familiar universe. I already have book two with me, and I might gobble it up this weekend ...
Profile Image for Kathleen Minde.
Author 1 book44 followers
November 19, 2015



US Army Sargeant Allison "Lex" Luther was honorably discharged after almost dying in the field in Iraq. Anger management issues, possible PTSD issues, and family tragedy turned Lex into a hermit living in a cabin in the Colorado wilderness with her horde of rescue animals and working nights at the Flatiron Depot.

A boring night at the Depot and a fortuitous incident changes everything in Lex’s life. Everything. Now there are witches and vampires and boundaries that Lex never knew existed and are now forever part of her life.

This was a fast paced, fun read from Kindle First. I’ve never heard of the author before but I’m glad I took the time to read her latest book and newest series. An urban fantasy thriller, Boundary Crossed explains the world of supernatural beings to the reader as Lex herself is learning. There are hierarchies, vampires, hot vampires, enclaves, covens, and BAD witches.

Where Lex fits into this Old World is interesting and should make for a fun series. The characters are appealing. We don’t learn their entire story in this first installment. There are questions left wide open at the end of the book, especially ones concerning the vampire, Quinn. And, bigger question how is Lex who she is?

I'm going to find out because I love kickass heroines who can poke out a vampire’s eyes, break another’s nose, manage recon and surveillance, and not only geek out on but expertly handle weaponry.

Profile Image for Carol.
800 reviews62 followers
September 25, 2019
Wow great first book couldn't put it down gets you hooked from the very first page love to see how it's going to be entwined with the Scarlett Barnard characters as she and Jessie have already been mentioned.
Profile Image for Cathy.
1,808 reviews276 followers
June 17, 2020
New to me author. I liked it. Fairly typical UF without any great revelations. Mundane person discovering that she is in fact someone with supernatural talents. Not just that, she is extra special.

Lex is a likeable and tough character, with an army background and two tours abroad, a boisterous and supportive family and a baby niece in danger. Her history makes her kick-ass demeanor and fight scenes believable, although there are fewer fights than I would have expect from this type of UF.

I like the setting and place descriptions. The magic system could have done with more—Lex’s magic was explained nicely, but the rest not at all. Some of the supporting characters were a bit flat, but good for the first book of a series. My only serious grievance—these were probably the most uninteresting and unscary vampires I have ever encountered.

Loved the herd and my favourite tool were the shredders.

This has potential and when I feel like reading UF again, I will probably pick up the sequel to this.
Profile Image for Anita.
26 reviews3 followers
March 27, 2016
YAY! Finally a fantasy book I'm able to enjoy! That is mainly because of its strong lead character. Unlike the usual trope for this kind of books, the female lead character (Lex) isn't a wide-eyed teenager or a slightly older young woman with a bitter look on life. Lex is a 30 y.o. well adjusted and mainly happy except for a tragic episode in her recent past. And... gasp! She's not alone in the world either! She has a nice loving family that cares for her: father, mother (not divorced), a lot of cousins, a brother in law and a litte niece. Regarding her looks, Lex is not self-demeaning or extremely aware of her charms and thank all the deities she doesn't spend long paragraphs describing her appeareance or that of her love interest's.
And that's other refreshing aspect that I enjoyed in this book. The romance isn't the center of the plot and our heroine doesn't spend long hours swooning for him. She's more focused in protecting her niece and she's well prepared to do so, even without magic: she's an ex soldier, an interesting past that isn't a sicological burden for her (she doesn't have PTSD), but it works very well in explaining her physical abilities.
In other words, Lex's truly a regular woman living her life, when the supernatural falls all over her. She accepts it rather quickly to be believable, but if I wanted realism I wouldn't be reading a book about vampires and witches in the first place!
The pace of the plot is quick, doesn't stall unnecesarily and is written in a style that can seem perhaps a little too simple (not overly detailed descriptions, for example) but that I think goes very well with the first person POV.
Is this a masterpiece of literature? No. But I am a 30-something and I enjoy fantasy books, and it's inmensely gratifying to find one that seems targeted at me, not at teenage girls with a penchat for broody guys and impossible romances. I''ll be waiting for the second book in the series!
Profile Image for Jennifer.
1,277 reviews57 followers
December 5, 2018
Lex seems to have a talent for surviving impossible injuries. When she is stabbed several times while trying to save her niece from a kidnapping attempt, she learns her talent might have something to do with magic. Since the kidnappers were vampires, she is introduced to the Old World and discovers that she is a witch. Her niece is still a target, so she teams up with a vampire (Quinn) to find out who is trying to kidnap her and why. By night, she investigates with Quinn, by day she learns how to use her magic.

This is a spinoff series from the Scarlett Bernard stories - which I loved. Lex is a completely different type of character compared to Scarlett, but I think I will love her too. I like where the author is going with this series, especially humanizing Quinn's character more than she has other vampires in her other books. I'm interested to see what happens with him and Lex in the future.
Profile Image for Rob Blackwell.
Author 15 books115 followers
April 29, 2015
"The third time I died was early on a Monday morning, a week after Labor Day."
So begins another terrific urban fantasy novel by Melissa Olson, whose Scarlett Bernard books I've also greatly enjoyed.
It's a great opener and the book never slows down from there. It's an origin story of Allison "Lex" Luthor, who discovers she's unable to die because she's a witch. Olson has explored witches before in her other books, but what makes this one special is the kind of witch Lex is -- and the abilities she develops. Olson has crafted something unique here (which I'm not going to spoil by explaining) and I look forward to seeing it further explored in later books.
The pacing is perfect, the characters interesting and the mystery is intriguing. "Boundary Crossed" is highly recommended for any fan of urban fantasy.
Profile Image for Terri ♥ (aka Mrs. Christian Grey).
1,490 reviews474 followers
August 26, 2015
Quick review:

Cover: Fitting
Rating: PG-13
Thumbs Up: 3.5
Overall: Pretty Good
Characters: Well Written
Plot: Saving her niece the null
Page Turner: Yes
Series Cont.? Yes
Recommend: Yes
Book Boyfriend: Quinn

SUMMARY (50 words or less)
I went in with an open mind and I’ll continue with the series. I can’t say I was jumping up and down for joy, but I did find the book entertaining.

For a full review and yummy pic, see my blog post at:

Audio Review
Kate Rudd does a good job. Her separation of voices was pretty easy to follow.
41 reviews15 followers
April 9, 2015
Very unique

I loved this story. It's very unique in terms of using a female veteran as the hero in a paranormal book. This story doesn't seem to pull from other books, it's unique and creative. I'm happy to see the potential for a little romance, too, but the suspense is enough to drag you in completely. Lots of unanswered questions here and I hate having to wait for the next book!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 995 reviews

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