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When Ever Jackson came to Arcadia to find her missing sister, she certainly didn’t expect the close-minded response by residents of the small town. Nobody, it seemed, wanted to speak with or help her in any way, but she was determined to figure out her sister’s whereabouts. Too bad the pesky sheriff decided to stick his nose where it didn’t belong but, lawman or not, Ever wasn’t giving up and leaving Arcadia without a fight.

Sheriff Aidan Tucker preferred it when the human world stayed out of his Shifter town. He has a low opinion of humans to begin with, and having one poking around does nothing to endear himself to them. That is, until he gets a whiff of her, and realizes with a shock that the little spitfire who won’t back down from a fight is human, and his mate.

Well, hell.

The human could get herself killed without his help, so Aidan decides to tag along whether she wants it or not. But there are secrets in his town that go beyond mere shapeshifting, some even the Sheriff doesn't know, and Ever Jackson may be right in the middle of it all...

289 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 27, 2015

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Olivia Gayle

7 books56 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 181 reviews
Profile Image for Hollie.
1,676 reviews
April 7, 2015
A fun shifter romance

This made for a quick and enjoyable shifter read. The character depth was good. A lot of times when you read a book and a shifter finds his "mate" the insta-love is just done to an overkill and you really have no sense of them as a couple. Im happy to report that wasn’t the case here. Even though their relationship was fast, it still felt genuine. The story had plenty of action and made for a fast paced shifter read. I will definitely check out the next book in this series. This did not end on a cliffhanger (thankfully), but it does leave you eager to hear the story of some of the other shifters introduced in this read.

I received this book in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Scarolet Ellis.
7,444 reviews50 followers
March 30, 2015
WOW!!!! This book was amazing I love it so much. I never thought all shifters could get along like that. I love that you don't always turn into what bit you but that it goes by what is in your heart. I am so looking forward to reading more book like this one I so loved it. I highly recommend this book to everyone it so well written I loved I couldn't put it down till I was done with it.
Profile Image for JKAF.
566 reviews4 followers
March 29, 2015
I got this book originally in Feb and I loved it so much that I just reread it!
Profile Image for ⚓ Basil ⚓.
211 reviews
May 30, 2015
This was a freebie gamble that paid off - I enjoyed it. Looking forward to the next one.
Profile Image for Roxie's Reviews.
1,039 reviews23 followers
April 6, 2015
"Wow Hot and Steamy Shifter Romance!"
Totally amazing book!. Right first off it is interesting!. The characters are amazing!. And the story line is compelling!. Ever gets a voice call from her sister asking for help. When Ever tries to call her back several times she gets no answer. Ever loads up everything she owns and sets off to find her sister. When she gets to the town her sister mentioned in the voice call she tries to find somewhere to stay. But no one will let her rent any thing until a little old lady rents to her , only the lady asks her something odd she wants to know if she had got permission from the Sheriff to stay in town. Ever lies and says yes. Ever goes to the address her sister gave her only to find the house demolished. While there the Sheriff shows up Jackson is in charge of checking out new people to town. Jackson is also a werebear Ever does not know she has just moved to a town full of shapeshifters lol. Jackson can not believe it when he checks Ever out he finds she is his fated mate ,but she is a curvy spunky human?. Jackson sets out to help Ever find her sister plus woo his fated mate. Only the shifters have more then a missing girl to worry about some thing odd is happening around Evers sisters disappearance. This book has amazing suspense,action,humor and really steamy romance!. The story line is so compelling you will love it!
Profile Image for Melody.
270 reviews2 followers
April 9, 2015
Ever is on a mission to find her missing sister. After her family was torn apart as a child she was separated from her sister. As a result they do not have a close relationship but when her sister needs her she calls Ever for help. However upon entering the quaint town Ever realizes something is different about this town, she just can't put her finger on what.

Right after Ever gets into town Sheriff Aidan is there to make sure that this human doesn't stumble across the town secret. But in meeting Ever he realizes she is not only a human but his mate. Aidan doesn't put his best foot forward with Ever and it causes a few challenges for the stoic bear to win over his mate.

Aidan and Ever work together to try to find what her sister got herself into and how she disappeared. Things aren't what they seem in this town to even those who know its secrets. There is an evil force trying to accumulate women and Ever's sister is one of these women. They won't hesitate to get their hands on Ever as well.

I found this a refreshing change from most shifter romances out there. It had an original storyline for the shifter secret, mates, and changing humans into shifters. The characters were funny and the obstacles the H/h had to overcome were reasonable and worked out well. I am looking forward to the next story in the series.

ARC was provided by Olivia Gayle for an honest review.
Profile Image for iliana G.
1,587 reviews26 followers
March 30, 2015
I was given an ARC by the author for an honest review.

Ever arrives to Arcadia to look for her sister after she recieved a very weird phone call from her.

Aiden in the Sheriff of this town and not many people come and go as they please if he doesn't say so...after all he has a shifter town to protect.

Things get more weird when strange things start happening when they look into her sisters disappearance and things get more difficult when Aiden figures out Ever is his mate.

Now he has either to trust her with his secrets and try to persuade her to stay.
Or help her find her sister and let her go.

Can they find her sister and they Happy Ever After?

A nicely written story with some really intresting characters .
At points it got a bit dragging but other parts where really awesome.
A few gramatical errors but ok.
Exitment and action and some really funny and really scary and upsetting parts where you wanted to slap the characters.

Not a story that will blow you mind but definetely a story that will help you pass you time ,will keep your interest and will make you want to read more about the characters.

I really do want to see what will happen next.
Profile Image for Ana.
2,031 reviews6 followers
April 28, 2015
Ever is a girl that has been shuffled around foster homes and has lost touch with her sister who was adopted by her first foster family. Now she receives a very mysterious call from her sister whom she hasn't seen in years.

This takes Ever to the town of Arcadia a town of shifters, but she doesn't know that....Until she meets a very hot looking sheriff while searching for her sister Sonya that is no where to be found.

Aiden is taken aback when he sees Ever, he had lost hope of ever finding his one true mate. He cannot accept the fact that she is a human though and is afraid to even talk to her, humans are so fragile, but he must convince this feisty girl to accept him and their mating. The problem is telling her that he is a bear shifter first.

And so the hunt goes on for Sonya and the mystery surrounding her disappearance.

I love that these shifters can take the form of any animal, not because of their lineage, but because of their inner strength.

I can't wait to read more of this series and what awaits Sonya and Marshall and Anna and Julian.

I was gifted this book by the author for an honest review.
Profile Image for Heather.
1,406 reviews24 followers
March 29, 2015
I received an ARC of this title in exchange for an honest review.

This is the first in the Werebear series and I think it has the makings of a great series if this first book is any indication. After receiving a desperate call for help from her sister, Ever finds herself in the mysterious town of Arcadia. Little does she know, the town is a haven for shifters or even that shifters exist. Boy is she in for a few surprises! Aiden is the town sheriff, a shifter and the son of a very powerful shifter. And also Ever's mate.
I liked the idea that Gayle introduced the concept of free will to her characters. In her shifter society, mates do exist but that does not mean the couple has to go along with the mating. However, I have to wonder if some of the couple's avoiding the mating call will fare later in the series. Will they give into destiny after all? I am definitely looking forward to more in this series. Especially since the secondary characters in this book NEED to have their story written. Hint, Hint - Sonya and Anna.
Profile Image for Bella Doerres.
395 reviews10 followers
April 18, 2015
Bearly Ever (Arcadia Series) by Olivia Gayle
Ever Jackson comes into the little town of Arcadia looking for her sister. The last message from her told Ever that her sister needed help. They were not really close but her sister was the only family Ever had and she wasn’t going to loose her. Arcadia is a cute little town and Ever couldn’t under stand why she got a hard refusal of help let alone a place to rent until she finds one charming little old lady. Now with a home she can start looking and the trail leads her right into the path of the local Sheriff. That meeting sets off a chain of events that take Ever into a world that she never knew existed and a relationship with one overbearing Sheriff. Olivia Gayle has written a mystery/ bear romance that is an enjoyable read and the little surprises along the way only add to the story. If you like shifters, romance and a bit of a mystery this is one for you.
Bella Doerres 04/01/15

Profile Image for Fizza.
Author 31 books39 followers
April 12, 2015
I loved this book. It is a fun shifter romance, full of suspense as well. The whole mystery around the small town of Arcadia was very intriguing. I was fully engrossed wight from the first page and until the last. There were some well-timed twists and turns as well. That made this book even more interesting, not to forget some pretty steamy-romantic scenes.
Ever is in this strange town to find her sister. What she doesn't understand is that why people are treating her like some kind of disease. Soon she finds out why....
Aidan is Sheriff of the Town. The moment he meets new-comer woman he knows that she is special to him. But first he must gain her trust, help her find her sister and solve the mystery revolving around two sisters which has connected them to their remote town...
It is immensely enjoyable novel. I am glad that i could get a complementary copy, thanks to the author.
Profile Image for Chianti Summers.
Author 11 books42 followers
April 10, 2015
Have you ever received a call that you knew you needed to act on? Ever Jackson received that call. Ever arrived in Arcadia with a mission to find her sister. What she didn't expect was the attraction she would have for the sheriff Aiden. This book gives you twists, turns and suspense. Ever is very strong willed and Aiden is alpha in all sense of the word. No spoilers here! Have you found "the one" and if you have was it when you least expected it? Did it knock you backwards? Characters are well developed, story line is wonderful and a fantastic start to a series. Looking forward to the next installment of this refreshing series. Shifter suspense and worth the rollercoaster ride. Find out more of Ever and Aiden by picking up this book. Do you shift and change in life?
Profile Image for Rashida.
311 reviews
April 7, 2015
First I want to thank the author for choosing me to read an ARC of her book. I was quite surprised and pleased!!

This was an interesting take on the subject of shape-shifters. I enjoyed Ever's witty banter and her inner monologues. She was very comical and easy to like. Aidan was also likable and the instant attraction between him and Ever was believable.

Ms. Gayle provided a nice background for the story to grow and the sub characters were as interesting has the main characters and I can not wait to find out what happens with Aidan's sister and Ever's sister and their mates!!!

Excellent story - keep them coming.
Profile Image for Slipperyvowels.
746 reviews
August 5, 2015
description description description

It was ok but nothing to really write home about. I would recommend for a light read.

621 reviews6 followers
April 8, 2015
I received a ARC copy of this book for a review. This is the first book in this series and I cannot wait for the next one to come out. It was so good. I have found a new author, it was a pleasure to read. Highly recommend this book.
Profile Image for Debrac2014.
2,152 reviews19 followers
May 29, 2015
Cute Shifter story! Ever, a human, is looking for her sister, Sonya, and finds a Shifter town! Got it free from BookBub!
Profile Image for Jennifer.
96 reviews4 followers
May 29, 2015

It's nice stumbling upon something different after reading the same type of books over and over. I quite enjoyed this, wouldn't mind reading the others in the series.
April 17, 2020
I was expecting the typical paranormal romance story with a splash of mystery to it without it getting too dark. So the sister went missing and I assumed the story would be she met her mate and lost track of time. Or maybe had been kidnapped, but would be saved and be relatively unharmed. However, that was not what I got. Spoiler warning.

The sister was kidnapped and repeatedly rapped. I was not expecting that. Also, our heroine was attacked and nearly killed from her injuries. Also, the dad recognised the hero as his son and tried to kill him anyway. These very dark element are then not explored because they come up at the very end of the book. The sister didn't seem traumatised while held captive, but does seem a bit as she is leaving to heal in a haven. Ok so maybe she was the kind of character who held it together while the horror happened and fell apart the moment she was safe. I can believe that. I saw a few episodes of very dark shows like Criminal Minds were the victims did the same thing so it has credibility. Plus we only get a glimpse of her sitting in a helicopter with a blanket before she flies away. So we don't know if she has PTSD or any real reaction to it. This was clearly a set up for another book, so maybe this will be explored then.

But the dad trying to kill his son and there just isn't any comment on this. The son doesn't react, the dad doesn't. The mum didn't know, but what would happen if she did? How does this not impact on the hero. Ok, he grew up with the guy and knew what his dad was like. But it is one thing to 'know' your dad is willing to kill you and another to know because he actively tried to do it. I really would have wanted to see some reaction to this.

Finally the heroine doesn't seem to have any PTSD from what happened to her. She was attacked and nearly died, she found her missing sister and learned the horror she went though. And in under two weeks she is just living happily with her man having fantastic sex? Excuse me. Ok her physical wounds healed due to magic, but where is the phycological fall out? Where are the nightmares and the fear? The trauma from what she went through?

The book tries to be mid-way between light and fluffy and really dark. If you are going to have kidnaping, torture, rape and other extremely dark elements in the book then you need to deal with them properly and that includes what comes after and this book just really fails to do that.

Also, the hero panicked when he found his mate was human and when she refused to get in his car he arrested her. Now he immediately realised this was a stupid thing to do. Ok. However, what I didn't understand was what trigger this reaction. He asked if she wanted to find her sister and she said she'd look into it on her own so he arrested her. Illegally, as he didn't read her her rights and then never took her to the station, etc. It just comes across as very odd. Although, I did like that he admitted he messed up and panicked about it and how to deal with him.

However, even with all this I didn't hate the book. Some of the reactions and things were very well done and realistic. Her reaction of freaking out and running like hell when she saw him shift. I bought that. The jaguar who held a grudge and let slip about the mate thing in purpose to get back at the hero. I liked that. It can be annoying and lazy in these kind of books where the guy who is a jerk or doesn't like the main characters is obviously going to be a villain later on. I find it refreshing that the hero isn't perfect and that the town jerk character can just be a jerk and not the out right villain.

So overall, I found this book to be average. I don't plan on continuing the series though, but I have read worse and just because it wasn't my type of book doesn't mean others wont like it. I would say read the sample chapters and see if it is yours.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Liz.
655 reviews13 followers
July 2, 2018
Wow this is probably my favorite indie shifter book ever! I thought it was very well written although there were a few times I noticed a missing word in a sentence. I don't have the best grammar ever so I don't judge this at all and it didn't take away from my enjoyment of the book

I thought the story was gripping and it kept my attention all the way through. I finished the book in about 24-36 hours. My one complaint is that the author doesn't seem to be writing/publishing anymore and I was really hoping to read about Aidan's father The Brahm and his mate. About halfway through the book I was thinking that he would be an excellent MC for the next book in the Arcadia series. Once I finished, I was disappointed to learn that instead, the author wrote about two entirely new characters who weren't introduced in the this first book. I'm really hoping that if there is ever a third book in the series, the author will write about The Brahm.

If anyone knows anything about the author and whether she's in the process or planning to write a third book, hopefully about The Brahm, please let me know!
Profile Image for Cristy McCormick.
147 reviews3 followers
September 10, 2018
I liked the way this book was written. It was an easy, fun read. Normally I would read the next book in the series, but in this case the next book doesn't follow the same story so I will be passing and moving onto another book or another series.
864 reviews2 followers
November 19, 2018
Interesting take on shifters

Enjoyed this fast paced book. Interesting characters plenty of heat and a little different keeping it fresh. Good writing style easy to read and follow.
Profile Image for Christal Manuli.
15 reviews
July 21, 2019
Love it

Absolutely loved the story and can’t wait to read about more of the Arcadia Knights. This isn’t the first time I’ve heard of Arcadia being tied to a shifter community as a safe haven but it was in a completely different book.
Profile Image for Jeanne.
8 reviews
March 20, 2021
Unique read

Unique approach to shifter life. Refreshing to read something so different. I enjoyed finding this new interpretation on a common theme. The back story kept me captivated until the end.
Profile Image for A.M..
Author 7 books56 followers
June 10, 2016
Ever Jackson’s sister is missing. Sonya left her a strange message and then… nothing. Ever shows up in the small town of Arcadia and asks around but she gets a lot of doors slammed in her face. Then she gets handcuffed and thrown in the back of the cop car by Aidan Tucker.
Her day just gets weirder from then on.
The heroine’s name is Ever - get it…Bearly Ever. Aidan is the local sheriff and he’s the bear part of the title.
Wait up… how can a bull shifter have a were rabbit daughter? Weird.
Okay… then the creepy overlord father who lives in the dark Gothic house (the Brahm? what like the cow? I know… joking) has a video camera on every street for security, but didn’t know her sister even lived in the town and didn’t know she had been kidnapped weeks ago and then her house was demolished, until he watches the tapes. That’s a really useful system… NOT. It’s also weird that in this small intense community, nobody even knew her sister. She’s got a house. She rented it from someone. She had a car, and maybe a job and she bought groceries and takeout - you know?
Ever just rented a room but they don’t go there; they go to a hotel instead. Huh? Oh, boy, now Aidan is watching Ever sleep. Ugh *shudders*. Now, he’s crawling into bed with her. Not cool, she’s asleep, dude.
The ‘mine’ word pops up everywhere. Sighs… I swear people just think they can write that and voila - they have a shifter romance.
They just had a motor accident - the old truck ran them off the road, truck disappears (what?) and then car bursts into flames (no - that doesn't happen) and Ever has a head injury that has disappeared after the accident. Or at least, no one seems to care about it or that she was knocked unconscious. Ever isn’t a shifter. She’s human. Take her to the hospital - assuming this weird town even has one.
I guess the camera system missed that accident, too - eh?
Now someone has torched her car with all her belongings still packed inside.
Looks like security missed that one again. That’s a great camera system.
Ever actually wished that the old lady’s home burnt down, too - so that someone could share her pain - nice, Ever…
There is a heap of handwavium here. Shifters are magic; no it’s science - but then you become the shifter you are inside so genetics doesn’t play a part… oookay. *whispers - make up your mind* you can even be super made up animals like a chimera. Neat, can I be a unicorn, no a gryphon… no, a dragon?
The shifters get all the super senses plus extreme long life. Aidan is eighty-seven. This doesn’t seem to be an issue for Ever once it’s mentioned. And all shifters are really good looking *face palms*
Aidan forgets to tell her that she can refuse him *before* they have sex. Whoops.
I HATE that in a relationship. You are supposed to be with this guy forever and he’s leaving out pretty important info. She CAN’T refuse after they have sex.
One computer geek guy manages to keep all mentions of shifters off the web. ONE. Uh, huh. In a town where a kid shifts in full daylight in the car park of the hotel? In a town where Aidan runs through town as a bear. Where the head shifter can tell the BANK to let go the fact that a guy has defaulted on his loan.
… uh, huh.
There are ancient super old ones, like Aidan’s father who have other secret abilities.
*it makes no sense*
I guess you have to think this up because normal pack or herd dynamics don’t work if everyone is the special animal they want to be. But it just doesn’t work for me.
And yet
There are just too many things that are suddenly plonked down in the story from out of nowhere.
2 stars

794 reviews2 followers
March 15, 2017
I was surprised how much I enjoyed this book. Read it straight through.
Profile Image for Sarah G.
650 reviews7 followers
April 1, 2016
Goes down as another off my 2016 Bookworm Bingo Challenge – a book with an animal on the cover. Interesting mix with how the story flows as it switches between Ever and Aiden, following each individually on their journeys and then together when they meet.

Ever is in Arcadia for one reason only, to find her missing sister. After being in the small town for less than a day she is starting to get a bit of a complex. The first four apartments she visited to rent were a complete miss as every person who saw her took one look, sniffed and told her the place was already taken. Fifth times the charm it seems as it goes by without an issue, well she told a little white lie about already having permission to move in from Sheriff Tucker but she knows she wont be there long so isn’t too worried.

Aiden is the Sheriff of his small town, which he loves. Being a shifter town he needs to keep the peace between the locals and keep outsiders away. Something he finds hard to do when he is face to face with Ever for the first time. Especially after getting a good sniff and realising she is his mate, a human of all things. He could have handled it a bit better though. He sees her on a demolition site where a house was, which she says was her sisters, and after getting her scent his first point of action is to get her somewhere safe. When she refuses to come quietly he arrests her. Yep definitely a bad mood when you read her reaction. She might want Mr Tall-Dark-and-Yummy, to the point of calling herself Ms. McHussypants later in the book but she doesn’t go quietly. Only calms down when Aiden admits to messing up and agreeing to help her find her sister.

After getting called to his father Marshall’s house they find some video footage showing Sonya was kidnapped. It’s now a race against time to try and find her when its clear there are people out there that want to keep her and what they have been doing hidden.

Loved the moment when Ever sees Aiden shift for the first time. Shell shocked would cover it when seeing a big bear, one that helped you escape a crumpled car crash mind you, turn back into a human. But she can’t deny the pull she feels when she is near him. Even in her sleep she wants to only get closer to him as he calms her down. She opens up to him about her past. Accepting him as he is, knowing that he accepts her too. She is very interested in his kind. Asking all kinds of questions about them and how a human can be turned. When he mentions a mate something stirs inside her. She hopes he will find her soon even though in thinking that she feels her heart break. When they finally come together though – fan me down – they are hot. Connection straight off the bat but with clues to finding her sister bringing more mayhem its a wonder if they will get their HEA.

Interesting mix of characters and I liked the dynamics of the town. Always interesting reading new authors perspectives on a shifter world. Story goes a bit dark with what her sister Sonya goes through but hopefully she will pull through it. Great start to the series though. Leaving you with just enough intrigue to keep you hooked to want to read what might happen next and with whom.

Displaying 1 - 30 of 181 reviews

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