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A Road Through the Mountains

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An accident victim desperate to return to her family, a child with Asperger’s syndrome, and a man discovering the daughter he never knew are brought together by love in this suspenseful, moving novel by acclaimed author Elizabeth Cooke

After a car accident, single mother and painter Anna Russell lies in a coma in a Boston hospital. Her ten-year-old daughter, Rachel, who has Asperger’s syndrome, a mild form of autism, is in the next room with a fractured arm.
Botanist David Mortimer can name any tree or form of plant life, but he can’t commit to anything—not even to writing his masterpiece about the rare flowers that fascinate him in the mountains of China. But almost as soon as he gets the call from Anna’s mother, he’s flying across the Atlantic to meet the daughter he never knew he had. Anna left him eleven years ago when he was mapping out an exotic journey for them, but David has never forgotten her. With help from Rachel, he comes up with a plan that might help Anna find her way back to them.

349 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 1, 2002

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About the author

Elizabeth McGregor

14 books17 followers
Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the GoodReads database with this name.

Elizabeth McGregor is a pseudonym for Elizabeth Cooke. She also writes as Holly Fox.

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Displaying 1 - 19 of 19 reviews
Profile Image for Noella.
1,115 reviews66 followers
April 12, 2024
Heel mooi verhaal over een alleenstaande moeder met haar dochter met Asperger syndroom.
Als Anna en haar dochter Rachel een auto-ongeluk krijgen, belandt Anna in een coma. Haar moeder, Grace, besluit dan contact op te nemen met David, de vader van Rachel. Anna heeft hem echter nooit verteld dat ze zwanger was. 11 Jaar geleden hadden Anna en David een relatie toen ze voor haar studie een tijdje in Engeland verbleef. Toen ze wist dat ze zwanger was, is Anna terug naar de VS gereisd, zonder afscheid te nemen van David, of een reden voor haar plotse vertrek te geven.

Na de telefoon van Grace, komt David naar Boston, en leert Grace en Rachel kennen. Hij wil er alles aan doen om Anna uit haar coma te helpen, maar Anna had ondertussen al enkele jaren een relatie met een zekere James, en die wil David niet in het leven van Anna en Rachel, maar zijn motieven zijn helemaal niet zuiver..

Zal David, geholpen door het verhaal van de botanicus Wilson, waarover ze zoveel gesproken hebben tijdens hun relatie, tot de comateuze Anna kunnen doordringen?

Heerlijk boek!
Profile Image for Connie53.
1,105 reviews3 followers
July 16, 2021
Ondanks de overvloed aan informatie over allerlei soorten uitheemse bomen, heb ik wel genoten van dit verhaal. David en Anna hebben een bijzondere relatie als ze beiden studeren in Oxford. Maar dan vertrekt Anna plotseling en blijft David verbijsterd achter. Anna is teruggegaan naar Boston waar ze weer bij haar moeder gaat wonen. David schrijft brief na brief maar krijgt nooit antwoord. 10 Jaar later wordt hij gebeld door Grace, Anna's moeder. Zij vraagt hem om naar Boston te komen omdat Anna een ernstig ongeluk heeft gehad en in coma in het ziekenhuis ligt en omdat zij hem nodig heeft om voor Rachel, zijn dochter te zorgen. Totaal in de war reist David af naar Amerika. Hij heeft nooit geweten dat hij een dochter had. Rachel blijkt een meisje te zijn dat aan autisme (Asperger) leidt en een passie heeft voor landkaarten en bruggen. Door het navertellen van het reisverhaal van de botanicus Ernest Wilson, dat hij eerder aan Anna had verteld vlak voor zij vertrok, probeert hij tot haar door te dringen en haar uit haar coma te halen, geholpen door de tekeningen van Rachel. Ik vond het wel een mooi verhaal.
Profile Image for Marija Simić.
34 reviews32 followers
November 22, 2020
Approximately ten years ago, I read this book...

I vaguely remember myself, holding tight to this book, it was one of the first ones I read in high school library (I begun reading quite late in my life, although I remember myself being all curious about my dad's little library, his words that it's too early and that I need to be older so that I can understand those books. I waited, and later, I inherited them) -
It made a already forgotten, huge impact on me.

Now that I read it for the second time...
I still love it.
At first, it seemed like I won't even enjoy it, and I must admit, I kinda dislike the pages where the writer goes in describing the woods and plants, but again, I can't possibly imagine it would be a better story without it!

By the time I was coming to the end of the book, it hit me hard. How lovely it ended.

David and Anna, the strange but beautifully unique couple, and their child, together at last. Just beautiful.

The memory of Anna's mum, it got me all emotional... I can hardly remember mine. But in a way, it helped me a bit.

And, overall, I'm so so glad I found this book online and bought it.

I should keep my tradition, and read it again, for the 3rd time, in ten years... I bet I will live it all over, in a bit different way.
75 reviews
July 16, 2009
I wanted to like this book a lot more than I did. I found myself skimming through the long descriptions of flowers and plants. It became tedious with too much description and not enough action.
Profile Image for Moonlight.
112 reviews3 followers
May 13, 2022
Se la trama e gli eventi relativi ai vari personaggi non hanno alcunché di nuovo o di speciale, ho trovato questo romanzo "particolare" e consigliabile per vari motivi.
1° L'aver inserito il tema della diversità nel personaggio della piccola Rachel, bambina con sindrome di Asperger e che è un invito al lettore ad approfondire tale tema.
2° L'aver fatto della botanica la vera protagonista del libro, con riferimenti ai viaggi in Cina dello studioso ed "esploratore" Henry Wilson, grazie al quale oltre 2000 specie di piante (tra cui la rara Davidia) sono ora anche in Occidente.
3° L'aver introdotto anche il tema dell'arte, in particolare della pittura, che per motivi prettamente economici può portare a censurare l'animo dell'artista per soddisfare i desideri degli acquirenti.
4° Quest'ultimo punto lo lascerei "velato" per non togliere il piacere di leggere il libro; aggiungo solo che ho trovato bella tutta la narrazione relativa all'esperienza "immaginaria" di Anna, in un momento delicatissimo della sua vita.
7 reviews
October 13, 2020
Too many botanical terms and descriptions of China! I wanted to know more about the characters and why they did what they did.
January 8, 2022
The baseline of this book is good but too many flora-discriptions that take you out of the story every time. For flora-lovers a must read I think.
Profile Image for Moira.
219 reviews
May 12, 2020

Dies ist meine persönliche Meinung. Meine Meinung wurde nicht gefälscht. Alles was ich schreibe kommt von mir. Falls Du das Buch lesen möchtest, bitte ich dich, bei den Buchhandlungen deines Vertrauens oder bei den kleineren zu kaufen. Sie brauchen unsere Unterstützung. Dieses Buch habe ich auf Youtube im Gelesene Bücher Januar 2020 vorgestellt. Schaut gerne darin vorbei. Freue mich auf Euren Besuch

Was für eine schöne Geschichte es ist, aber dennoch hat es gehappert. Ich kam nicht wirklich in die Geschichte hinein. Die ganzen „Zeiten“wechsel von „Heut „ dann damals“ und die verschiedenen Sichten brachten die Geschichte ein Kuddelmuddel, dass mich immer mehr und mehr die Geschichte mich entfremdet hat. Ich hatte ehrlich gesagt keine Lust gehabt weiter zu lesen. Es war alles ein bisschen zu viel des ganzen. Ich war verwirrt und wusste zudem nicht mehr, wer der gute und wer der böse war.

Aber nun mal zum Anfang

Irgend wann vor Jahren mal habe ich dieses Buch bei meiner Oma gekauft. Die Bücher verkauften sie teilweise für 50 Cent oder 1 Euro. Ich habe ehrlich gesagt keine Ahnung was mich da geritten hat, dieses Buch zu kaufen. Ob es mir damals gefallen hat, das weiß ich leider nicht.

Anna lernte den Oxforder David Mortimer kennen und lieben. Und David hatte einen Traum – mit ihr nach Asien zu reisen oder nach China. Allerdings wurde Anna schwanger von ihm und haute ab. 11 Jahre später, erfolgreiche Künstlerin mit einem andere Mann vergeben, der nicht wirklich die nette Art hat,

Anna hatte mit ihrer Tochter einen Autounfall und hat seit 10 Jahren keinen Kontakt mit David Mortimer. Sie liegt im Kino und man vermutet, dass sie sterben wird. Obwohl sie eigentlich keine Zeit hat zum sterben und obwohl ihr toller Freund weiß dass seine Freundin im Krankenhaus liegt und schwer verletzt ist, wird die Vernissage von Anna nicht abgesagt. Ihre Bilder verkaufen sich. David wird von Annas Mutter angerufen. David ahnt nicht, dass er Vater einer Tochter ist, die sehr anders ist als sonst. Er will gar nicht zu Anna fahren, weil er „keinen Grund“ sieht, und erfährt „Er ist Vater“ Er lernt Annas Mutter und ihr Freund kennen. Und was dann passiert ….

Die Idee zu dieser Geschichte klingt echt gut und macht eigentlich sehr neugierig. Dennoch ich kam nicht mit den Personen warm. Für mich hat das ganze ein Chaos hinterlassen. Es gibt drei Sichten, die eine Sicht von Anna, aus damals, die andere Sicht mit David der heutigen Zeit und vielleicht noch eine andere, die Mutter von Anna. Es war alles irgend wie verwirrend. Man hätte die ganzen „Vorgeschichten“ wie sie sich kennen gelernt haben, schon vor dem zusammenstoßt“ zeigen sollen und es so machen, das es nicht so verwirrend rüber kam.

Auch als David James eine reinhaute, weil James ein mieser Charakter war, hat es mich nicht sonderlich „begeistert“ Erst auf der letzten Seite wacht Anna vom Koma auf, was ich sehr schade fand, denn damit machte sie die Geschichte noch mehr kaputt. Ich fände es schöner gefunden, wenn Anna 3 Monate später aufwacht und was dann passiert, erfährt. Denn danach weiß man nicht, was mit Annas Mutter los ist. Geht es ihr gut? Ist sie krank

Das Buchcover ist ein anderes. Man sieht nur einen „Taubenbaum“ mehr aber auch nicht. Der Schreibstil ist ok.
Profile Image for Connie G.
1,896 reviews633 followers
June 5, 2012
A car accident leaves the beautiful artist Anna Russell in a coma. Her mother, Grace, calls botanist David Mortimer to fly from England to Boston. She informs him that Anna's child, Rachel, is his daughter from a university relationship. Ten-year-old Rachel, who has Asperger's syndrome, is gifted but finds it difficult to relate to other people. She is fascinated by maps and bridges.

When they were students and lovers, David told Anna of his dreams of going on a trip to China following the route of the famous botanist Ernest Wilson. He attempts to reach Anna, who lies in a coma, by telling her again about Wilson's journey along with tactile devices, and Rachel makes large maps of the trek.

The book had beautiful lyrical writing, and engaging characters. But far too much of the book was spent on Wilson's story in China which slowed down the plot. Since there are many botanical descriptions and historical accounts in this book, I would recommend it only for readers who enjoy nature and gardening.
Profile Image for Alison.
2,428 reviews43 followers
August 18, 2014
From the book description: Anna Russell is a talented painter and single mother. Her daughter, Rachel, is a ten-year-old whose undoubtedly gifted mind is trapped by a form of autism known as Asperger Syndrome. When a car accident leaves Anna in a coma, both their lives—and the lives of all those around them—are changed forever. Across the Atlantic, David Mortimer receives an unexpected phone call from Anna’s mother. The scientist is stunned to learn that he’s a father. His long-ago affair with Anna was short and intense; when she suddenly returned home to the States, David slipped into a reclusive life of research, haunted by memories of the girl who’d left him without explanation. Now he knows he must break his self-imposed isolation, go to Boston and the woman he’s always loved, meet the child he never knew he had—and perhaps coax them both out of their silence.
1 review1 follower
May 2, 2009
I read it to learn more about Asperger's syndrome, which my 6 year old daughter was recently diagnosed with. It was good for this, but it was a bit of a cheesy romantic tale. It did involve a 10 year old girl with Aspergers, the mother in a coma, and the father never having been told he was her father being called in by the grandmother. It might appeal more to someone liking romances and definitely soap operas!! Still, it is light entertaining fare, and that is sometimes what is needed by anyone, particularly those dealing with the stresses of having their children diagnosed with autism.
Profile Image for Dora Okeyo.
Author 25 books197 followers
January 20, 2016
A story about time, fears and a tragedy that forces David Mortimer to go back in time in search of answers while hoping to revive his love.
I did love the flow and details especially in the middle of the story as it built up to David understanding why Anna did what she did back then and how she carried on eleven years after having their daughter, Rachel.
Profile Image for Sue.
7 reviews
November 25, 2011
I liked the back story of botanist Ernest Wilson who went to China and brought back all kinds of plants that are in our gardens today. It would be nice to think we might be related since there are Wilsons in our family tree.
493 reviews2 followers
August 14, 2012
The story started well and commentated on a mixture of two interesting and challenging topics but somewhere about 2 thirds of the way through the story fizzled away into nothing for me, loosing the thread and giving a weak ending.
Profile Image for Rosi.
1,015 reviews
April 22, 2016
I loved the characters in this book - one (or possibly more) being a young girl with Aspergers Syndrome. The story was wobbly: good in parts; not so good in others. I am torn about whether I liked it or not.
Profile Image for Vikki.
825 reviews51 followers
April 6, 2010
This is a new British author. A child has Aspergers. The mother is an artist and is in a car accident and coma. The girl's father is from England. Great story.
Profile Image for Jill.
10 reviews
August 23, 2015
I found it a bit slow to get into the story, then had to skim through parts of it to get back into it again.
Displaying 1 - 19 of 19 reviews

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