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Das Lachen der Täter: Breivik u.a.: Psychogramm der Tötungslust (Unruhe bewahren)

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Vom Lachen der Killer wird in zahlreichen Fällen erzählt, auch die deutschen Wehrmachtssoldaten sollen einander in englischer Kriegsgefangenschaft ihre Gräueltaten mit großer Heiterkeit berichtet haben. Hinter dem Lachen verbirgt sich aber auch die andere Seite der Tö die kalte Rationalität der Rede, wenn die Täter ihre Taten öffentlich begründen. So kommt Anders Breiviks Verteidigung vor Gericht dem Text eines Statistikseminars über Einwandererzahlen in Norwegen nahe. Theweleits Essay entlarvt die Begründungssprache als Deckmantel der Tötungslust, denn, so die provokante Kritik des Autors, "begründen" lässt sich alles, doch glauben sollte man davon eher nichts.

247 pages, Kindle Edition

First published March 24, 2015

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About the author

Klaus Theweleit

55 books28 followers
Klaus Theweleit is a German sociologist and writer.

Theweleit studied German studies and English studies in Kiel and Freiburg. From 1969-1972, he worked as a freelancer for a public radio station (Südwestfunk).

His book Männerphantasien (1977); translated as Male Fantasies (1987), a study of the fascist consciousness in general and the bodily experience of these former soldiers in particular, easily detected in their hatefilled, near-illiterate books, was well received and much discussed.

Theweleit writes in a non orthodox, highly personal and associative style. His book are heavily illustrated with cartoons, advertisements, engravings, posters and artwork.

Theweleit lives in Freiburg, he teaches in Germany, the United States, Switzerland, and Austria. He was a lecturer at the Institute of Sociology at the University of Freiburg and lecturer at the film academy in Berlin. From 1998 until retirement he was a professor for "art and theory" at the Staatlichen Akademie für Bildende Künste, the art college, at Karlsruhe.

Source: Wikipedia

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Profile Image for Ezgi.
331 reviews22 followers
October 5, 2023
İşkence ve haz üzerine bir psikoloji/sosyoloji çalışması. Yakın dönemden olayları analiz ederek ilerliyor. Ama epey sorunlu bir çalışma. Gazete ya da dergide bir yazı dizisi olacak yazılar var içinde. Yazar sosyolog ama artık fevkalade çağdışı bulunan yöntemlerle olaylara yaklaşıyor. Tarih okumaları ile bilimselden ziyade edebiyata daha çok benzeyen bir yöntemle çalışıyor. Haliyle bahsettiği olaylar çok çarpıcı olsa da -Işid, Endonezya’daki darbe, Breivik- buna getirdiği açıklamaların mantıksal bir düzlemi yok. Okununca çok mantıklı bulunacak ama herhangi bir istatistiksel çalışmada çökecek tezler gibi göründü bana. Olayları hatırlamak, öğrenmek için hafif sıklet bir sosyoloji kitabı olarak okunabilir.
Profile Image for Schopfi.
73 reviews
November 18, 2015
not quite sure what to think. on the one hand teweleit manages to cover a large ground, from breivik to the charlie hebdo killers, from kambodia to ruanda, from the military junta in south america to the killing squats behind the eastern front of ww2, and he does it in a way that seems to clarify the commonalities in the killer's psyches. what irritated me was his dismissal of situational and institutional factors, of frames of reference, which for him seem to me to be just manifestation of the fascist male mind. on the other hand his presentation is not ahistoric, more hyper-historic, he moves through time in a stream of consciousness fashion that makes it possible to spot the similarities, makes patterns visible. but it also detracts from the fact that the killings occur under specific circumstances that are not psychological but historical. he also tends to be morally charged, and he denounces different approaches as not only wrong but immoral. this i find higly annoying. for a fair evaluation i will have to read his "male fantasies", the foundation of his theories.
Profile Image for Dariusz Płochocki.
444 reviews24 followers
August 7, 2018
Stawanie sam na sam z uśmiechniętym, dążącym do homeostazy człowiekiem, chcącym nas zabić, pozbawić życia dla seksualnego spełnienia, dla zrozumienia świata.
Theweleit jak dawniej H. Arendt pokazuje nam, że zbrodniarze to normalni ludzie, których pełno wśród nas, kształtowani przez środowisko, niesieni chwilą, czasem marzeniami, których łatwo zepchnąć do poziomu bestii, a jeśli nie łatwo to chociaż bezpieczniej oddalić od naszej idealistycznej wizji człowieczeństwa.
Może za dużo w tym babrania się w niepewnych teoriach Damasio, ale i tak warto sięgnąć.
3 reviews
May 31, 2020
Cinayet (ekseriyetle katliam ve bazen de soykırım) üzerine, katilin psikolojik yapısının temellerini açıklayıp bunu farklı kaynaklar kullanarak da temellendiren güzel bir eser. Ayrıca IŞİD gibi radikal dinci örgütlerin propaganda ve Avrupa'dan cihatçı devşirmesi durumuna da değinip tatmin eden bir sosyolojik analizle okura bu durumu açıklıyor. Ayrıca Breivik ve diğer aşırı-muhafazakar "Tapınak Şövalye'lerinin" bu cihatçılardan çok farklı olmadığını da yapılan araştırmalar ve veriler ışığında açıklıyor. Öldürmenin ve özellikle siyasi yahut dini emellerle bunu yapmanın psikolojisi, işkence ve gülme içgüdüsünün temeli üzerine çok güzel bir eser. Dili görece olarak gayet anlaşılır ve sade.
Profile Image for Christina Dongowski.
221 reviews63 followers
September 29, 2018
Eine Weiterführung von Theweleits "Männerphantasien" in die jüngere Gegenwart. Der essayistische Stil & die Kürze verhindert an manchen Stellen, konkreter auf die jeweiligen Bedingungen des Mörder werdens einzugehen, außerdem scheint mir die Parallelisierung von kongolesischen Kindersoldaten & Breivik zu freihändig. Der größte Gewinn der Lektüre ist sicherlich die Erkenntnis, dass die Säuberungs- & Vernichtungsphantasien keine Phantasien in einem psychologischen Sinne sind (Die Leute sind im klassischen Sinn NICHT psychisch krank), sondern Pläne, politisches Programm. Und schon gar kein Diskussionsangebot.
28 reviews
March 31, 2022
Theweleit geht hier auf modernere Auswüchse "soldatischer Männlichkeit" ein. Er beschreibt literarisch, psychoanalytisch Massenmorde und Terrorakte. Gut lesbar als eine Art Zusatzkapitel seiner "Männerphantasien"
Profile Image for Sultana.
2 reviews
December 13, 2019
Gülmek, kahkaha ve psikopatlık. Muhteşem sarsıcı bir kitap. Günümüz aşırı sağcılığını daha iyi anlayabilmeniz için mutlaka okuyun
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