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Dreamweaver #1

Night Shade

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"I have special coping mechanisms for the times I need to open the front door. They’re even often successful..."

Zoe Lydon knows there's often nothing logical or rational about fear. It doesn't change the fact that she's too terrified to step outside her own house, however.

What Zoe doesn't realise is that she's also a dreamweaver - able to access other people's subconscious minds. When she finds herself in the Dreamlands and up against its sinister Mayor, she'll need to use all of her wits - and overcome all of her fears - if she's ever going to come out alive.

246 pages, Kindle Edition

First published March 31, 2015

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Helen Harper

80 books3,349 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 72 reviews
Profile Image for Carol.
800 reviews62 followers
December 21, 2016
I really enjoy this book like any well thought out series sometimes it can take a bit more ground work on the first book so the fist half is a good read and the second part is a total page turner bought the second book same day I finished this one.
Profile Image for Nancy.
853 reviews24 followers
February 17, 2016
Although I only gave 3 stars to this book, it was actually more like 3.5. The story is of Zoe, an agoraphobic for the past 18 months, who is startled by an old man whom she has never met before collapsing and dying on her front step. Soon afterwards, she notices some very strange, eerily realistic dreams. Before long she realises that she's actually entering other people's dreams, although most of the time when she sleeps she finds herself in a strange dreamland where there is unrest, and corruption. She realises that she is the only one to do something about it and she needs to make use of her gift to do it.

The book started out strongly, both in terms of plot and character, but unfortunately it weakened somewhat towards the end. Zoe was entertaining and courageous, but I found her solution to the problem didn't feel plausible. This is despite the fact that the whole premise itself was plausible and really well imagined. I did enjoy the book and I would like to read on as the author writes well, but I was disappointed with the conclusion.
Profile Image for ROMEOISNOTFUNNY.
535 reviews5 followers
July 1, 2024
Good solid overcoming fear and facing problems, paranormal book, with love interests.

Coming out of some heavy action-packed dark fantasy, high steam, and smex type reads. This is a light change, and I know this author gets mid streamy with kisses here and talk of action here. But that's usually it before the chapter or scene closes behind closed door type description.

This book was witty, and the character in her rambling finding way is an interesting one. The world build is simple but effective.

I found I enjoyed it. It's a light paranormal, fun, witty read.

3.6 stars
Profile Image for Tracy.
492 reviews
April 13, 2018
This book was a fresh idea. And I particularly found it very intriguing as someone who always remember their dreams, always dreams in color and has lucid dreams on a regular basis. The Dreamlands world that has been created was interesting with all the different characters and the mares. I enjoyed it.
Profile Image for Cristina.
124 reviews7 followers
May 28, 2022
What a great book. Every chapter keeps you interested and connected to the story because you learn so much about it. I wish I could go into more details but that would have spoilers.
All I will say is: I haven’t read a book this good in long time. A book that got me truly excited about the story.
So I recommend to any lovers of dreams and other realities.
387 reviews15 followers
November 22, 2018
I haven’t had nothing but good things to say about a book in awhile, and it’s refreshing to be in that position again. Original concept, well written - I thoroughly enjoyed it and can recommend this one to others.
Profile Image for Meera.
1,320 reviews14 followers
November 7, 2021
This has a different vibe than any of her other series. I do like the uniqueness of it . I liked it but it didn’t really grab me as her other books.
Profile Image for Sara Secora.
Author 7 books180 followers
February 5, 2017
An agoraphobic woman unknowingly treks into the role of a dreamweaver, and embarks on a heroine filled adventure in the Dreamland's. What a fantastic read! I really enjoyed Zoe's personal growth and the interesting mix of characters; from Esme to Lilith to Dante - they each had something unique about their story that I enjoyed.

One of the moments that held the most impact for me was the truth behind the Castle - what a heart-wrenching twist that was. The overall pacing of the story was great and kept me interested all the way through. I've already purchased book 2 and will be getting right back into Zoe's story to uncover what lies ahead in her struggle to take down the Department.
Profile Image for Anna.
Author 51 books104 followers
December 3, 2015
This is my favorite book of the month so far! Okay, yes, so it's only December 3. But I just finished a novella by Ilona Andrews, and this book trumped it by a long shot.

Why? First of all, the protagonist was so delightfully broken. I was intrigued from the first chapter, when we learn that she's such a supreme agoraphobic that she has problems even opening the front door to let her mother in.

Next, we enter a dream world, an idea that is pretty overdone in fiction. But Harper managed to put such an amazing spin on it that I was thoroughly sucked in and even dreamed about her book. (Is it lucid dreaming if you know that you're in *someone else's* dream?)

And then there's the love interest. Subtle but completely enticing. I was so glad this is the first book in a series when I finished because I didn't want to see the last of any of these characters!

Moral of the story: Read it!
Profile Image for JadeShea.
3,161 reviews61 followers
November 19, 2018
Night Shade is about Zoe finding a dead man at her front door. Not only that, but she is also having very strange dreams, that at first she thinks are just normal dreams, then she comes to realize that they aren't normal at all.

She enters a new world and uncovers a lot of secrets she never knew about until now. And things aren't looking so good for her when she knows she is in danger.

This book was a great start to this series. It had very interesting characters, and a very intriguing story line. I'm very much interested in reading more in this series now.
Profile Image for Katrina Bowlin-MacKenzie.
Author 89 books12 followers
December 23, 2016
I thought this book started out a bit slow, but once I got into it I couldn't put it down. I have enjoyed some of Helen's other series very much and decided to try her older books. I love this book, the whole idea of the Dreamweaver is great and I just started on the second book in the series.
I often have strange, lucid, dreams so this book really hit home for me. I absolutely loved it.
Profile Image for Ramona Lazar.
214 reviews11 followers
June 19, 2016
I love Helen Harper, I really do. I think she doesn't receive the praise she should but I hope things will change for her. She is very good. And this is by far her best book. Amazing!
Profile Image for Relina Skye.
Author 10 books46 followers
September 29, 2017
"Night Shade" is the first book in the "Dreamweaver" trilogy by Helen Harper. Zoe Lydon lives in a relatively normal world. There are no obvious supernatural category citizens mixed in with humans. However, when each and every single person goes to sleep, that is not always the case. When most people go sleep they have normal dreams, nightmares, and night terrors. But for a special couple of thousand in each time zone, they travel to the Dreamlands. Most travelers enter the Dreamlands in late childhood. The more gifted ones appear earlier than that. Once they enter the Dreamlands they can interact with other travelers, or they can go into the Bubble and view other people's dreams. What travelers experience in the Dreamlands stays with them when they wake up. For example, if they sprain an ankle, the injury occurs in the real world. If they die in the Dreamlands, they die in real life. Lastly, the governing organization for twenty-three of the different time zones is the Department. But for Zoe's timezone it's the Mayor.
At the start of the series, Zoe suffers from agoraphobia, the fear of leaving her house. She woke up on the day of her twenty-fourth birthday with this overwhelming fear, and for the last eighteen months, she has not left her house. The good thing is that she can work from home, the bad thing is that most of her friends and even her fiancee have abandoned her. That's okay for the most part, Zoe has learned to live with her agoraphobia. One day, a stranger appears on her doorstep and dies from a heart attack before help can arrive. Zoe does the best that she can to help him, but receives a nasty shock as a result. That night, Zoe finds herself in the Dreamlands and finds out that not everything that happens when a person is asleep is sweet.
I'm writing this review after I finished reading this series. I'm really surprised that it hasn't gotten more reviews. It is really well written, with engaging plot lines and an exciting series arch. The characters are well developed and they stay true to themselves. "Night Shade" is a great introductory novel. Zoe has an endearing personality but has her own personal struggles to get past. If you're a Helen Harper fan, then you should definitely read this series.
Profile Image for hayaat ♥.
238 reviews48 followers
November 21, 2019
2.5 stars

Compared to all her other series, this one was definitely the weakest. I did not feel a strong connection to Zoe or Dante or any of the other secondary characters. Zoe's character is lowkey unbearable – She changes from someone I could empathise with and understand to someone who suddenly has all the powers imaginable and can do pretty much anything. Can she Of course. Can she Duh! Can she Yes.

The most compelling part of the story was definitely the dreamlands, which, for some reason, got hella old after a while – Probably because we kept returning to the same setting over and over and over and OVER.

It was like I was in a constant state of expectation –– Expecting a twist, expecting conflict, expecting anything interesting to happen. Needless to say, I was wholly disappointed.

I might not continue with this series, but I do like Harper's writing style. I also really liked three of her other series, so I'm just gonna assume this one is an outlier. Which is very fair; Not everything she writes will suit me.
55 reviews2 followers
June 6, 2024
I love Helen Harper's Firebrand series so I decided to give this a go. The premise is interesting - instead of lucid dreaming a few people have the ability to enter the dreamworld, and can interact with other people who can do the same. I found it hilarious that the nightmares were vicious unicorns.

But as interesting as it is, theres just something off about it. In Firebrand the main character is a detective so having observational and detective skills make sense since she's deliberately honed them over the course of YEARS. I don't know, maybe I just don't know that much about agoraphobia,

I didn't find it as captivating as Harper's other series, but I still finished it. I might pick this series up again at a later date.

2.5 stars
Profile Image for Sara.
43 reviews
October 17, 2021
Zoe is afraid of leaving her own house. One day a man knocks on her door and when she dares to open it, he dies in her hallway. The following night, she has a very vivid dream and her nightlife changes forever.

This is the first of three Dreamweaver novels. It's different from most other stories you may have read by Helen Harper.
It's written in present tense. It's ankered in our world and demesne. There aren't any faeries or shifters or vampires. There are, however, the Dreamlands. This is where all dreams occur.

It took me quite a while to start enjoying this book properly. I read it on Kindle and for the first 40-46%, I wasn't that much intrigued. Luckily, this is hardly my first experience with Helen Harper, so I kept reading. It gets better. The last 30% are really good and it finishes with Cliffhangers in Zoe's love life as well as in other areas.
I will continue with the series, but because of the slow start, it's only 4 stars for this one.
Profile Image for Laur Laur.
542 reviews11 followers
October 10, 2020
This series was completely unlike this author's other books, there was a sadness and melancholy throughout. Everything else I've read by her is fun and uplifting with just sincerely good characters.

I did not like the ending of the series at all, but I still give this trilogy upwards of 4 stars because I could not put it down. I was alternately sad for and proud of the heroine. I was tense so many times hoping that things would work in the favour of good, and then there were fun little moments of levity that calmed things down. This author is incredibly talented and I'm completely addicted to her books.
Profile Image for Grace.
250 reviews1 follower
May 7, 2018
This was a surprisingly great book and I’m pretty excited to continue onto the second. I’d been in a reading funk for a while and to read something as well written and imaginative as Night Shade was a welcome relief. It’s a bit of a different take on the alternate reality/dreamworld genre which won’t disappoint. I’d recommmend this book for most people as it has elements of urban fantasy, crime and mystery which would appeal. It does have a hint at romance, but honestly the “lack” of romance doesn’t detract.
3,903 reviews56 followers
August 17, 2018
3 1/2 stars.

Good world building in the Dreamlands. Why some of the ideas are similar to other books dealing with dreams and people in them there are also some unique ideas as well. I liked how Zoe begin to grow as a character but even though she is powerful it doesn't mean she knows everything and makes some mistakes, even at the end.

While the storyline continues this can also be read as a self-contained book. Basically, she defeats one enemy but there is a greater one still out there. However, if you don't want to read anymore it ends here pretty satisfactorily.
Profile Image for Heather.
140 reviews
October 16, 2022
This was a hard book to rate, I'd say it's more 3.5. The premise and writing is really good, and the dreamworld is very intriguing. Unfortunately, while the characters really piqued my interest they needed to be fleshed out more. We get a glimpse at several interesting secondary characters, but then don't get to know them on a deeper level. Also, there are some plot holes and some story lines are just too easily resolved with things that don't really make sense.

Overall, it's a good, entertaining read and I'll definitely be delving into book 2!
Profile Image for Robin.
139 reviews3 followers
October 27, 2018
Loved it!

The story was unique and kept my interest from the very beginning. It was hard to understand the main characters phobia of leaving her house because there wasn’t a reason like you thought there would be however when i kept reading the author spun a tale worthy of any readers attention. Bravo 👏🏽 to the author for bringing us great character building. Getting the second book now!
37 reviews3 followers
June 4, 2021
Fascinating fantasy series about dreaming

As a psychologist I initially did not like this book because it seemed a little too much like my work. However, I stuck with it and was rewarded with a very interesting approach to dreaming, an area I take very seriously, as Well as some informed work on agoraphobia. Definitely worth reading and I''m now reading the second book. The author herself is terrific, with plots that are amazingly distinct.
Profile Image for Xavi.
37 reviews2 followers
March 16, 2017
I thought 'Night Shade' by Helen Harper was great overall! Zoe was an awesome first person character to follow. It was a little bit exhausting trying to imagine never getting a break between sleep and awake time, but the book felt very original and honest. I recommend the book to any that thinks the topic has any interest to them.
Profile Image for Breann.
120 reviews12 followers
February 13, 2018
Enjoyable Read

So I’ve been playing a bit of Overwatch (Jesus H I’m a dork) and I picture Dante as the McCree character but with less cowboy. Im starting to think my imagination is broken.

Also, I’m firmly entrenched in Helen Harper land. She tells a good tale. Better than a trained monkey, I am, in fact, entertained.
Profile Image for Natalie .
3,079 reviews30 followers
November 20, 2018
Slow start in Night shade with a lot of misunderstandings. I liked the realness in Zoe’s struggle and the creativity of the otherworld. Not sure I liked how childish, naïve and chaotic she was. Favorite character was Dante. Slow burn, at least I hope so. A little serious, a little quirky but the story is solid and I’ll be reading the next one.
Profile Image for Camilla.
1,464 reviews10 followers
December 14, 2018
A bit of a more serious story for Harper, but exciting nonetheless. So there aren't fairies in this one, but who needs it when you have a dream walker with the power to manipulate the realities of anyone on the earth? Too bad there's a sinister organization whose power pervades both the dreaming and waking world...
Profile Image for Gail Sullivan-bertran.
139 reviews8 followers
January 5, 2022
Second times better

I first read these books shortly after they first came out. I was totally fascinated by them. I learned alot and enjoyed alot while i was at it. Ms. Harper has an astonishing imagination and puts it all together so well. When she puts out a new book I often read it. Im sure I will reread this book plenty of times.
14 reviews
September 4, 2017
Helen Harper

Great storyline great characters! Another fantastic read by Helen Harper. Her stories have really well developed leads both male and female. Dreamland what a good choice for this fantasy.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 72 reviews

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