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I don’t want to go… Do I have to go?

13-year-old Prince Teodor of Freyne knows his duty to the memory of his father and his kingdom. Always, he must help those less fortunate than himself. Yet a frightening nightmare fills him with foreboding, but still he must do - into the Dome.
13-year-old Guy Erma lives in the shadow of the Dome, he has no father and no mother and his future is uncertain, he must start earning a living when he turns 14. He knows not where he will live or even how he will eat, and his only dream is to enter the military academy - at the heart of the Dome.
Two boys as different as any two boys might be. One act of cruelty will throw their lives together, but who dare they trust?

186 pages, Paperback

First published May 17, 2015

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About the author

Sally Ann Melia

30 books121 followers
Sally Ann Melia is life-long Science Fiction fan. She was Star Wars as a child and has loved Space Opera fiction and tales of huge Galactic Empires such as Frank Herbert’s Dune series and Iain M. Banks Culture.

Born in Wallasey, Sally Ann Melia moved to the South of France and the cosmopolitan city-state of Monaco, where she spent her teenage years. As the lone English student in a French school, Sally spent her time writing stories while her classmates learned English. This sparked a lifelong passion for writing, leading her to pen novels, scripts, stories, and articles.

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Profile Image for Aditi.
920 reviews1,451 followers
April 20, 2015
“Science fiction is the most important literature in the history of the world, because it's the history of ideas, the history of our civilization birthing itself. ...Science fiction is central to everything we've ever done, and people who make fun of science fiction writers don't know what they're talking about.”
----Ray Bradbury

Sally Ann Melia, an English science-fiction author, pulls off a great adventurous and thrilling science-fiction in her new book, Guy Erma and the Son of Empire which is the story of two 13 year old boys- one a poor boy and the other- an heir of two kingdoms.

Firstly, I'll begin with how much I loved the cover of this book, which holds a special meaning to the underlying storyline of this book. The writing is absolutely fantastic and I was engrossed into this edgy adventure from the very first page. Well, in the beginning, the author intricately layed out the story and the cast before us, which some might find it difficult to grasp so much introduction right at the start of a story.


I don’t want to go… Do I have to go?13-year-old Prince Teodor of Freyne knows his duty to the memory of his father and his kingdom. Always, he must help those less fortunate than himself. Yet a frightening nightmare fills him with foreboding, but still he must do - into the Dome.13-year-old Guy Erma lives in the shadow of the Dome, he has no father and no mother and his future is uncertain, he must start earning a living when he turns 14. He knows not where he will live or even how he will eat, and his only dream is to enter the military academy - at the heart of the Dome.Two boys as different as any two boys might be. One act of cruelty will throw their lives together, but who dare they trust?

The story is set across in a parallel universe to ours where the author have drawn each and every details of that world with enough realism to make us believe in it. The pace of the book is really fast and with so many events and thrilling adventure, I was never left out feeling bored or out-of-the-world. And for that I would like to applaud the author for her brilliant imaginative skills who draws reality and fantasy equivalently.

There are a lot of characters in this book which are very strongly-developed and since this is a YA fantasy genre book, I was met with a lot of shape-shifters, giant cats etc. This compelling cast of characters are what which keeps the story building with every turn of the page. The protagonists, Guy Erma and Price Teodor are like two ends of a magnet- one born lucky with means and resources but not with much skill, whereas the other born with less resources, but with great strength.

In a nutshell, this book is a complete roller-coaster ride filled with bone-chilling adventures and power-packed actions and thrills that is surely going to keep you on your edges.

Verdict: This brilliant sci-fiction is a must-read for all YA lovers.
Courtesy: I received the book for a blog tour.
Profile Image for Freda Mans-Labianca.
1,294 reviews122 followers
May 13, 2015
I like it and I don't like it.
A couple of times, I felt like the story got a little repetitive. I also wondered, about halfway through, if we were ever going to get anywhere in the story. It flipped back and forth a lot but nothing really made sense to me. Really, it never did quite come together for me. That's what I didn't like. I have hopes the other books in the series will bring it all together more, and this one is more of an intro.
I know other readers will love it though. It has this cool Star Wars element mixed with a kidnapping, and those moments were super exciting.
I'm just a tough nut to crack when it comes down to it, sci-fi just isn't my usual fare. Don't let that stop you from giving it a chance though.

Profile Image for Sherry Fundin.
2,089 reviews147 followers
May 14, 2015
I wasn’t sure about this book, but something kept pulling at me. It didn’t take long before I was fully involved in Teo and Guy’s world. I could not put it down and read it through in one sitting.

Teo is a recalcitrant prince, soon to be king and Emperor.

Guy Erma is an orphan who dreams of becoming one of the Dome Elite.

Two boys growing up, so different, yet the same. They have desires and insecurities, egos and jealousy.

When Teo has a nightmare of the tunnels…and finds himself taken there, I immediately tried to figure out who was behind the kidnapping. He just happens to be a pawn in the ‘game’ that is being played for the title of Emperor of Freyne.

The characters had me eating out of their hands and I think they will grow and develop into some exceptional people who think outside the box, making unpopular moves that take their world to a better place.

D’Elen McClain’s writing took me on a space odyssey that included all the things necessary to take me out of this world. We have shapeshifting aliens, telepaths and suicide fighters. Political intrigue, terrorism, plague. Wonderful writing, great world building and so much more.

I love the gorans, giant cats that are ridden like a horse, making me think of the creatures in Star Wars.

The thrill and suspense held my attention throughout and I love that D’Elen showed the good and bad of her characters, making them more believable.

I am curious how she will bring the different worlds together. This may be fiction, but it brings to mind some of the problems of our own world and the question of…will we ever learn to live in harmony with one another?

I want to know more of the story of Teo and Guy. Will Nell play an important part in the future? :-)

I received this book in return for an honest review.
Profile Image for Mandy.
1,394 reviews147 followers
July 4, 2015
I received Kidnap in return for an honest review as part of the tour hosted by I Read Book Tours. Kidnap is told from the point of view of two very different boys Teodor the prince and future king of Freyne and Guy an orphan with no registration who dreams of the Dome Elite. Each boy has been forced to grow up quickly after the loss of his father or growing up in the fashion house each enduring their own struggles. Things in Freyne aren’t as peaceful as some would like, people on Sas Daron are at war and even rebellion is happing at home. With the upcoming Magnolia Weekend it’s the time to celebrate, races, parties, fashion shows, debates and even the future of Freyne will change.

After his fight is cancelled by his mother Teodor is sent to sing in the choir hoping to help her chance of winning the upcoming debate. When Teodor is kidnapped and many Domeside children had been injured or killed his mother suspects someone she knows with a hidden agenda. His guards saw that it was the Battle Borgs which they are supposed to control who took off with him. Will they be able to bring him back before it’s too late? What about Guy will he be able to make it into the Dome Elite even though he has no registration and no one to claim him? What about Karl the mysterious shapeshifter from another planet who’s shown up suddenly at his brother’s request to help promote the Sas Daron tribes.

I liked that we are given point of views from both boys as well as Karl even though he’s not a main player yet I have lots of hope for him in the next books. While they are similar each in a lot of ways they are also very different each having grown up a different lifestyle. I’m curious to see more of Nell as a character also the young shapeshifting girl quickly became one of my favorites the way she changed her hair to match her dress was great. I hope to see more of Karl in the next one he may just be what Freyne needs to settle the unrest.

I was curious the moment I saw the cover for Kidnap there is just something about it that catches the eye and I had to sign up for the tour. Right from the start we are drawn into the character’s from one to the other while it is back and forth it’s very clear who you are reading the transition is smooth. I loved that Teodor is a goran rider which is a giant cat I found the whole idea of the goran awesome but I’m glad I haven’t woken up with a horse size cat. The author does a great job creating a captivating world filled with enough action and suspense to leave you wanting more. I enjoyed the characters I was able to connect with all of them on some level and I even found a few of my favorites that I can’t wait to see what happens next. While Kidnap is a YA novel it is clean so even young teens as well as adults will enjoy it. I found the book hard to put down and can’t wait to start the next one and see what’s going to happen next an exciting new series.
Profile Image for Dhivya Balaji.
Author 15 books19 followers
October 3, 2015

A YA Sci-Fi thriller usually resorts to certain stereotypes that the writers (and unfortunately some readers) think are necessary for the book to be a bestseller. These stereotypes make the book and the content (however different the story might be) seem repetitive. Thankfully, Kidnap breaks not one, but all of those ‘set rules’.

From page one to the appendix, (yes; the appendix, which is a glossary for the Sci-Fi terms used in the book) the book was racy, vivid and written very creatively. The first few pages of the book are the ‘make or break’ for the reader because of the new concepts and unfamiliar terms that are introduced aplenty. But once you manage to use the appendix and get familiar with the terms, the book moves at a pleasantly fast pace.

The story is a parallel comparison between two thirteen year old boys, one, a prince of a kingdom and two, a reluctant fashion model bastard child who wants to join the most elite military force of the kingdom. For a story that happened ‘long, long ago on a planet far, far away’, the technology described is amazing. There are droids – mini cameras that can be ‘pinched’ and there are domes and cathedrals that are antique on the outside and sleek on the inside.

But in the eons that separate the story and the present, one thing hasn’t changed – the underlying politics that interferes on every level from military selections to dinner menu and dance rehearsals. The prince (heir to the empire) is kidnapped and the suspects range from the Queen’s political opponent and the Emperor who wants to marry her to produce his ‘heir’. The plot doesn’t have too many holes but a lot of unanswered questions (that is not to be mentioned in detail because this book is just the first one of the series).

Overall, the language (at least the part that doesn’t have the story – specific, specially coined words) is impeccable, crisp and clear. The story is new and unique in some contexts, but falters in the lack of certain explanations that would have smoothed out the obvious crevices. The book made me want to read the second part as soon as the first part was over, because, after all, this was just a chronicle of all events that happened in one day! Who wouldn’t want to read what happened in day two? Talk about cliff-hangers, this author has them mastered.
Profile Image for Angela Crawford.
381 reviews23 followers
April 20, 2015
Kidnap starts out with a bang! The writing is very imaginative and fun for both the young and the young at heart. I really liked both the science fiction and fantasy elements in this book. The tech was well thought out and the descriptions of the landscapes and fascinating creatures are very well done. They capture the imagination and draw you into the story quickly. The characters are interesting and you want to find out what happens next. I loved Karl and Nell, they quickly became my two favorite characters. Prince Teodor seemed to be a normal thirteen year old who would rather have fun blade training and racing his Goran, the giant racing cats, instead of performing his 'official' duties. The title character, Guy Erma, is a bit confusing. He's the character we spend the most time with, leading me to believe that he's supposed to be the hero of our story. Some of his actions made me question this. I can't really explain that without giving away too much of the story. I do wish that more had been resolved in this book but I do think that the series shows a lot of promise. A solid 3.5 star read.
Profile Image for Christy.
1,050 reviews52 followers
May 17, 2015
This review first appeared on my blog Christy's Cozy Corners.

When I was asked to review this book, I was not sure what exactly this book was going to be about. I knew it was considered a Young Adult Sci/Fi book, but that’s about it. It took me a little while to get into the story because it starts out on a strange note. But once I got into the story, things started falling into place. The different planets and how the people who come from the planets intertwine is really interesting.

The characters in this book are well-developed and though this is just the beginning of the story, you can start to see how they connect. The kidnapping of Prince Teodor is the major story line in this part of the book. His kidnapping has political reasons, but who exactly is behind it? And how does Guy Erma fit into the story? The settings in the story are very well described and bring the story to life. I am looking forward to finding out how the story plays out. There are so many great characters and so much action that any young sci/fi book lover will enjoy reading this book.
Profile Image for Cheryl.
5,783 reviews217 followers
April 19, 2015
This is a really good book. If you like sci-fi books or are a fan of the Aoleon books by Mr. Brent LeVasseur, who just makes to give his thumbs up on this book, then you might want to check this book out.

It has a good storyline and characters. Prince Teodor of Freyne and Guy Erma are both strong characters. However I have to say that in the beginning I thought that Guy stood out as the stronger male lead for me. Yet as the story progressed Teodor did grow in strides as well. Another person that I liked is Captain Karl Valvanchi. His storyline was strong too. He helped bring the diffent sides of this story together.

Reading this book brings out my geek side. This is because I like the world that the author has built and there are Borg! I have not read many books with Borg in it. This excites me because I am a Trekky (Star Trek fan). So if this does not get you excited to check this book out then the illustrations will. They are colorful and full length. I can't wait to read the second book in this series.
Profile Image for Moon Shine Art Spot ~ Lisa.
436 reviews21 followers
April 25, 2015

I was provided Kidnap, Part 1 to give an honest review of afterward. I found the action Joey me interested. I was a. It confused with who was who at the beginning. I did not care for the illustrations which may behave just been rough drafts.

I was beginning to get into the plot and figured out who was who and which planet they were from when the book ended. I was disappointed at such an abrupt end with the rest of the story to come later. I felt like it wasn't enough to be a stand alone book.

I enjoyed the alternating points of view that helped to give an better idea of how the various planets operated and also painted a clear picture of the corruption & plans of the governments. It was a good read, but dropped off Ay before it should have ... Not giving enough of the story.

Book description:

Guy Erma and the Son of Empire is a new three-part action adventure, set a long time ago on a planet far far away.
I don't want to go! Do I have to go?
13-year-old Teodor knows his duty to the memory of his father and his kingdom, he must help those less fortunate than himself. He must also impress his uncle the Emperor if he is ever to become the Son of Empire. A frightening nightmare fills him with foreboding, but still he must go - into the Dome.

13-year-old Guy Erma lives in the shadow of the Dome, he has no father and no mother and his future is uncertain, he must start earning a living soon. He knows not where he will live or even how he will eat, and his only dream is to be accepted in the military academy - at the heart of the Dome.

Two boys as different as any two boys might be. One act of cruelty will throw their lives together, but who dare they trust?
The Empire of Freyne is a newcomer to the United Races. As a developing race, the thirteen-planet empire is of interest to other galactic races, not all of this interest is friendly. The Dome Elite is a force of space marines whose defensive actions and adventures defend Freyne and its neighbours from hostile alien pirates and acquisitive space brigands, so allowing the inhabitants to sleep soundly at night.

For the young men and women of Domeside, to be a part of the Dome Elite, you need to master the maths and technology associated with space warfare and also to be fierce fighter who can fight in confined spaces with short sharp blades. When you are in Dome Elite, you are the best!

Meanwhile politicians and imperial rulers know that whosoever controls the Dome Elite, who decides their mandate and mission also controls the empire. You have to inspire and lead the men, to have and hold the right alien alliances and legal treaties. When you own the Dome Elite. you are in power!

"One of the most powerhouse imaginations I've encountered in sci-fi..." Dean C. Moore, The Warlock's Friend

"Guy Erma and the Son of Empire by Sally Ann Melia is a fast-paced and exciting YA military sci-fi read. Don't miss this one!" Brent LeVasseur, author and illustrator of the Aoleon The Martian Girl series.

A good old-fashioned space opera and political thriller - if you loved both Frank Herbert's Dune and Suzanne Collins' Hunger Games - you will adore Guy Erma.

This book includes 4 full colours illustrations when read on a colour kindle or eBook reader. These images are displayed in black and white in the paperback and some older kindle viewers.

Images can also be view on the author website sallyannmelia.com/kidnap

Important: Series information
This book is the first part of the Guy Erma and the Son of Empire, it has 200 pages.

The second book is Hunter with 162 pages and the third book is Exile with 150 pages.

Please note this book was previously published in one volume of 440 pages: Guy Erma and the Son of Empire - also available on Amazon.

Lose yourself in this fantastic new adventure - Scroll up and grab a copy today.
Profile Image for Victor Gentile.
2,035 reviews64 followers
April 25, 2015
Sally Ann Melia in her new book, “Kidnap” Book One in the Guy Erma and the Son of Empire series published by Dickson House introduces us to Guy Erma.

From the back cover: I don’t want to go! Do I have to go?

13-year-old Teodor knows his duty to the memory of his father and his kingdom, he must help those less fortunate than himself. He must also impress his uncle the Emperor if he is ever to become the Son of Empire. A frightening nightmare fills him with foreboding, but still he must go – into the Dome.

13-year-old Guy Erma lives in the shadow of the Dome, he has no father and no mother and his future is uncertain, he must start earning a living soon. He knows not where he will live or even how he will eat, and his only dream is to be accepted in the military academy – at the heart of the Dome.
Two boys as different as any two boys might be. One act of cruelty will throw their lives together, but who dare they trust?

The Empire of Freyne is a newcomer to the United Races. As a developing race, the thirteen-planet empire is of interest to other galactic races, not all of this interest is friendly. The Dome Elite is a force of space marines whose defensive actions and adventures defend Freyne and its neighbours from hostile alien pirates and acquisitive space brigands, so allowing the inhabitants to sleep soundly at night.

For the young men and women of Domeside, to be a part of the Dome Elite, you need to master the maths and technology associated with space warfare and also to be fierce fighter who can fight in confined spaces with short sharp blades. When you are in Dome Elite, you are the best!

Meanwhile politicians and imperial rulers know that whosoever controls the Dome Elite, who decides their mandate and mission also controls the empire. You have to inspire and lead the men, to have and hold the right alien alliances and legal treaties. When you own the Dome Elite. you are in power!

This is an exciting story! This is science fiction at its finest. One hero is from the upper class, the other hero is from the lower class. They are forced together and not only have to figure out how to get along but to save the galaxy as well. There is plenty of action and suspense to keep you interested. And the good news is that “Kidnap: is only part one. There is a great deal more story to go. Something to really look forward to. I recommend this book.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from IRead Book Tours. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Profile Image for Gmr.
1,230 reviews
May 15, 2015
The opening reveals some disturbing information about the travels of particular otherworldly beings to areas in which they aren't to be as well as some bricks that are missing. What's important about a few bricks? Ah, good question. They aren't your ordinary mud and mortar type but clear housings for cy-sects...nasty little things that carry poison and can multiply faster than you can say bunny. Just where they went is a mystery, as is the why, but things start to become a little clearer as the story progresses. Jump forward a bit and we've moved the spotlight to Guy Erma, a talented orphan child held back by his lack of parents but not for long if he has anhy say in the matter, and Prince Teodor, a child of similar age yet different circumstances....from the outside at least (one of those "don't judge a book by its cover" moments). These two may be at odds even they don't understand but I have a feeling they share more than they know. However, during the course of this story, one will loose his freedom while the other fights to see through the allusions presented them.

It's a tough nut to crack, but thankfully Regent Sayginn (Teodor's mother) is more than up to the task (at least in my opinion). Oh, did I mention the Emperor is demanding her hand in marriage? Yes, yes...it seems it would be better for all involved and truly set their worlds at peace. (*cough cough* Yeah right! *cough cough*) Let's just say that there is certainly more going on behind his doors than just peace treatys and frankly, he gives off a Darth Vadar vibe (before he sorta showed his heart). ~shudders~ His intentions are less than honorable and the fact that he is hiding something doesn't escape the Regent nor an unexpected allie, Karl Valavanchi. The plot thickens and things come to a head only to...end.

The only true drawback I could see was the ending...or rather the EPIC cliffhanger that leaves you wondering WTH! HOW could you leave us this way! What's going to happen to...and what about...and I think that maybe Guy is really...and, and, and....well, you get the picture. There are A LOT of unanswered questions and the groundwork has certainly been laid to lead readers right into book 2. I know it's on my wish list.

**review copy was received in exchange for my honest review....full post can be seen on my site**
Profile Image for Cindy.
202 reviews
April 23, 2015
Kidnap is an entertaining read centered in a whole other universe. Something like Earth doesn't seem to exist and there are 13 different planets. In this monarchy setting, Teodor, the Prince of Freyne is one of the main characters. This boy is likable, yet sometimes, he seems a bit 'need to have everything my way' type, but not completely spoiled. Teodor is a bit unsure of himself in the beginning and definitely doesn't want to follow his duties, but once he arrived at the domes, he can't be the unwilling boy anymore. Teodor got a really open-ended finish. I'm really curious to see what could have happened to him! Nell is really likable. Teodor's first opinion of her was bad, but we grow to slowly enjoy her character.

Guy Erma has a really unique name. Guy Erma is the second main character, but it seems that the story revolves around him more. I would say Guy Erma is definitely the more mysterious character since we don't really know his background, but we do know his ambition. The book's POV did start with Karl though and that was when I was really confused on what's happening. Since Chapter 1 went back to Teodor. A lot of characters are introduced in the beginning and you can learn about each of their stories.

I really enjoyed the little pictures and drawings between a lot of the chapters. They certainly give more visuals of each character and add more fun in the reading. I also really enjoyed reading another level of science fiction. There are borgs, domes, different planets, superpowers like telepathy, and a lot more! Most science fiction would take one of these factors and combine it with our contemporary world, but entering the Dome and Freyne was like seeing a whole new universe.

To those who enjoy a heavy science-fiction series, here's one for you! I would say though, this would be for middle grade readers more than young adult, since the main characters themselves are about 13 and 14, which is more middle grade. I tend to like reading about my own age, but when there's a lot of adventures throughout the novel, like this one, I don't mind. :)

Profile Image for Remy G.
671 reviews4 followers
April 22, 2015
This science fiction novel is the first in a trilogy consisting of three parts of the longer story Guy Erma and the Son of Empire, akin to what author Brent LeVasseur did with his five-part Aoléon the Martian Girl series of five entries. In the first part, teenagers Teodor, a prince, and Guy Erma, and orphan, come from different walks of life, although their paths ultimately cross. The prologue introduces Captain Karl Valvanchi, a thirty-one-year-old warrior tasked with defense above Sas Darona, lying on a disputed border between the Zaracan Democratic Union and the expanding Freyne Empire, with the latter finding a rare metal, although cybernetic insects, or cy-sects, prove lethal to their attempted excavation of the mineral.

New to this first part of the trilogy are various illustrations that depict various characters and beings, the first showing Teodor riding a feline creature known as a goran, the second showing him saluting, the third showing the green-hair-striped but mostly white-haired Nell Valvanchi, the next depicting the dark-haired Guy Erma, the following one depicting the white-haired Karl Valvanchi, the one afterward showing a Battle Borg, and the last showing a map of the Dome that plays part in most of the book. These images are a welcome addition to the latest iteration of the first part of the divided series and help readers get a clear view of what a few of the characters and beings look like.

The main story itself opens with Prince Teodor having a nightmare of his father’s murder, with his granduncle Frederon being Emperor, and a goran race being imminent as part of the Magnolia Weekend in the Dome, which will hold an election called the Dome Debate to decide whether Chart Segat will remain the dome’s administrator. Teodor ultimately finds himself a captive, with his mother, Regent Sayginn, vowing to rescue him. Although this author has read the full three-part Guy Erma and the Son of Empire, he found this first part with the illustrations to be a welcome version, and would very much recommend it.
Profile Image for LAWonder10.
954 reviews738 followers
May 19, 2015
Kidnap is a tale of a planet and the people within it, which is a part of a future society. Young Prince Teodor is training extra hard to be fit to become the next King, since the sudden demise of his father. There are others, a couple of whom he trusts, doing all they can to keep this from happening.

Guy Erma is a boy the same age and build as the Prince who desperately wants to become a Dome Elite. The only way one in his station of society can accomplish this is to win a tournament against the Prince. If he fails to receive this opportunity, in a few days he will be permanently placed in a position he despises. The days of the great festivities of Magnolia Weekend is the last chance to prove his worth before his 14th year. Everything will be determined by then. Dignitaries from other parts of the universe are arriving as guests for these festivities. However, just before the days of festivities, the Prince has been kidnapped.

The author's development of the various characters and her portrayal of the various images, are very creatively done. She has additionally added a few illustrations to make visualization more effective. The diverse characters are very interesting. The Title was very well chosen and the Book Cover eye-catching and appealing.

My major criticism with this story was, for a couple of brief moments, I felt slightly confused with the intermingling of other dignitaries as part of the plot. I never felt certain how exactly they fit in. The ending was too done abruptly ended. The tale led up to the monumental impact of the upcoming Magnolia festivities then ended before the occasion. It premature. It would have been much more effective to end just before the finalization of the Special events.
Profile Image for Jessica Bronder.
2,015 reviews28 followers
May 17, 2015
Prince Teodor, Teo, would rather racve groans, giant cats, and practice with the blades that the Dome Guards use than perform official duties. Teo lives in the shadow of the Dome, a facility for training and teaching young children to be Dome Guards, a special force that is used to protect Teo and his family. But Teo has has a nightmare about the Dome and is really worried about it.

Guy is basically an orphan from one of the fashion houses that specialize in overly expensive clothing for the rich of the universe. Guy has a dream of being a Dome Guard but because of his questionable parentage he faces the risk that he may not get in. Guy is performs in odd jobs to make money.

These boys are going to be thrown together when Dome Cyborgs attack a rehearsal and kidnap Teo. But this is not just a simple kidnapping. There are many different political players that can benefit or lose from the kidnapping. It seems that powers are going to try and use Teo against his mother’s rule to get their way. The key factor seems to be if they find Teo in time for elections.

This takes place in an alternate universe that took me a little to get figured out. But once I did I couldn’t wait to find out what happened next. I felt bad for Teo losing part of his family but I could understand his difficult time doing the princely tasks that he doesn’t want to do. I admit at first I didn’t like Guy, he seems a bit arrogant and rubbed me the wrong way. But once I got to know him and his situation I could understand his actions.

This is a great story that leaves you at one heck of a cliff hanger. I can’t wait to see what happens in Part 2: Hunter.

I received this book from iRead Book Tours in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Meagan Myhren-Bennett.
Author 22 books146 followers
May 8, 2015
Guy Erma and the Son of Empire
Kidnap Part 1
By Sally Ann Melia

Prince Teodor (Teo) is the King of Freyne, though he won't assume the throne until he is ready and of age. He wants to ride his Gorans and to train with his blades. And he is haunted by his father's death 2 years ago.

Guy Erma is a young man who is skilled with blades, with hopes that this skill will allow him entry into the Dome Elite. But Guy is unregistered - an unclaimed child of Freyne. Guy's hopes rest with one man - Chart Segat, but help from Chart comes with a cost.

When Teo and Guy's worlds collide in an unexpected way their lives will never be the same. Betrayal has rocked Freyne and someone is about pay the price, the question is who...

Guy Erma and the Son of Empire: Kidnap takes place over a relatively short period of time - a day. And what a day it was - diplomatic duties with a Zaracan delegation (the Princess Simonelle Valvanchi), training, local expectations, an attack, a kidnapping, and threats. Who will live to see another day? Only time will tell...

Kidnap will appeal to teens who like action, fast pacing, and intrigue in their books. Throughout the book artwork is interspersed helping the reader to visualize this world - a world with similarities to our own and yet vastly different. The idea of the Dome is intriguing and has to be experienced through the author's descriptive language.

I was provided a copy of this book through iRead Book Tours in exchange for my honest review
Profile Image for Teresa.
980 reviews12 followers
May 17, 2015
This is a very intense young adult, Action Adventure, Thriller. sci-fi book. The book is written by Sally Ann Melia which is the pen name of Sally Dickson. The book has some truely awesome pictures. Well worth the time of looking at them. The books main characters are Prince Teodor of Freyne, Teodor is just 13, and soon will be king and Emporer. His Father King Serge was murdered when Teodor was just 4 years old. Which left him the only heir. There are thirteen planets in the Freyne Empire. Regent Sayginn is his Mother. Princess Simonelle Valvanchi is a Zaracan, who are shape-shifters. She is also just 13 and one of Zaracans highest born princesses. Karl Valvanchi is Commander of Zaracan Democratic Forces on Sas Darona and is Princess Simonelle's Uncle. Guy Erma is a orphan who wants to join the Dome Elite. Guy is the son of a fashion model, his father is unknown, and his birth unregistered. This puts the Dome Elite beyond his grasp. Prince Teodor has been kidnapped. Will they be able to find him? At time's I found the book a little hard to follow but all in all it was an okay book. I think teen boys would get into it the most. There is an appendix at the back of the book that will help you follow the characters and places better.
I was given my copy of this book by the Author in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Vicki.
557 reviews37 followers
May 26, 2017
This is book one in the series. The book is about two boys, one a prince and the other is an orphan. Even though they live in such different worlds, they are very similar. Once they meet they will depend on each other more than they ever could have imagined.

The story takes place in the Dome on a far away planet and you can tell that they author put a lot of thought into the world she was creating. Her writing is very visiual and takes you on a fast pased journey. You have to pay attention to what you’re reading. Even though I did, there were some parts that I just didn’t “get”. Still, I liked the story and the characters and the twists. I liked how the book helped me see their world. Even though I’m not a sci-fi fan, the book was entertaining and I think both kids and adults would enjoy it.

There are a few illustration that give a glimpse into their world and a list of words in the back with their meanings. That added so much to the book.

I enjoyed this book and can’t wait to read books 1 & 2.
Profile Image for Jessica.
534 reviews1 follower
May 15, 2015
What a fun and interesting book to read

My first time to read a science fiction book. I am not sure if I will like the story at first. Fortunately once I start reading it, there is no way I can put it down. The book is very intriguing and yet so great to read. I admire the two boys Prince Teodor and Guy Erma who plays the main characters in this amazing book. If you love science fiction, you should read this book. I highly recommend it.

I like the illustrations on some of the chapters. It helps me picture out the characters while am reading. Ms. Sally Ann help me a lot by adding the glossary. As a new science fiction reader, I have no clue of what the terms are. I do appreciated the information a lot. This book is full of action, very intriguing and a beautiful book to read as well.

The story also helps me understand how royal family. it gives me insights how they function. Responsibility is very important and even started at a very young age.
Profile Image for Debra Schoenberger.
Author 8 books82 followers
May 8, 2015
Two young men from contrasting backgrounds, the first, Guy Erma, an aspiring dome guard and the second, Teodor the heir to the throne of Freyne live in very different circles. Yet, they will soon discover that their paths will cross and they will need each other to stay alive. The Prince and the Pauper meet up in a parallel universe of high fashion, giant cats and cy-sects. (and a really cute alien girl!)

This intriguing sci-fi novel by Sally Ann Melia is my first real forage into the young adult sci-fi genre. The story was incredibly detailed, the characters well-developed and the story line nail-biting exciting!

What I really liked in this first part of the Guy Erma trilogy were the illustrations of some of the main characters as well as a small drawing of the Dome itself. I look forward to part 2 of this trilogy – Hunter!
Profile Image for Dawn.
1,567 reviews20 followers
May 21, 2015
Kidnap is the first book in the Guy Erma & The Son of Empire series which is young adult science fiction. It took me a while to get into this book but toward the end it was difficult to put down.

Sally Ann Melia’s writing flows well although there are a lot of “alien” words that slowed me down a little, especially at the beginning. I do like that there’s a glossary at the end of the book to help with those words.

There’s no question whether most of the characters are either good or bad. Guy Erma, though, is only 13 years old and the only thing he wants is to be part of the Dome Elite (the elite military). He seems to be good at heart but it’s hard to tell how far he’ll go to make that happen.

I think any young adult who likes science fiction will like this book although I’d wait until I had the second book on hand to start reading right away because it has a cliffhanger ending.
Profile Image for Katrina Roets.
Author 30 books9 followers
April 28, 2015
I know what you're thinking... "But you just reviewed this!" and you'd be right, except for one teensy tiny detail. The author has decided to break down the book into segments that are going to be available as ebooks! That means that I now have the opportunity to share with you my opinions on each segment. I know you're excited about this. You might as well admit to it.

In Part 1, I love the science fiction and fantasy elements. Not to mention that the descriptions completely captured my imagination. I was really getting into it when suddenly I realized I was on the last page. Thank goodness there are more parts coming because just like the last time I read it, I'm looking forward to the next part of the adventure!
4 reviews1 follower
May 4, 2015
I hugely enjoyed reading this trilogy of books. It sets the scene nicely in a futuristic (or parallel) world where human and non-human species co-exist, albeit in a web of complex politics and distrust. The two main characters are teenage boys, always vying to be the hero of the story, and the original plot line takes us on a rollercoaster ride as we follow the twists and turns of a royal kidnap. To capture our interest the author has introduced several imaginative creations worthy of Tolkein's Middle Earth. For example, I loved the Battle Borgs - the part-man/part-robot super-villains, and the horrifying yet beautiful death by Plague Fly is a powerful vision I'll hold with me forever. These books are page-turners for all ages, and I can't wait to see what the author comes up with next!
Profile Image for Ara Prado.
164 reviews10 followers
June 22, 2015
Title: Kidnap: Part 1 of Guy Erma and the Son of Empire
Author: Sally Ann Melia
Genre: Science Fiction, Fantasy, Young Adult
Publication Date: May 17, 2015
Published by: Dickson House
Source: Copy Given by Author and Tour Organizer

Ever since I started reading Mr. Brent LeVasseur's Aoleon the Martian Girl series, I decided to give Sci-Fi some serious consideration. This trilogy from author Sally Ann Melia was presented to me and I figured, "Eh, since I said I'd give Sci-Fi a chance..." And here I am now, reviewing the first part of Guy Erma and the Son of Empire, Kidnap.

Guy Erma and the Son of Empire is a new three-part action adventure, set a long time ago on a planet far far away.

I don't want to go! Do I have to go?

13-year-old Teodor knows his duty to the memory of his father and his kingdom, he must help those less fortunate than himself. He must also impress his uncle the Emperor if he is ever to become the Son of Empire. A frightening nightmare fills him with foreboding, but still he must go - into the Dome.

13-year-old Guy Erma lives in the shadow of the Dome, he has no father and no mother and his future is uncertain, he must start earning a living soon. He knows not where he will live or even how he will eat, and his only dream is to be accepted in the military academy - at the heart of the Dome.

Two boys as different as any two boys might be. One act of cruelty will throw their lives together, but who dare they trust?

The Empire of Freyne is a newcomer to the United Races. As a developing race, the thirteen-planet empire is of interest to other galactic races, not all of this interest is friendly. The Dome Elite is a force of space marines whose defensive actions and adventures defend Freyne and its neighbours from hostile alien pirates and acquisitive space brigands, so allowing the inhabitants to sleep soundly at night.

For the young men and women of Domeside, to be a part of the Dome Elite, you need to master the maths and technology associated with space warfare and also to be fierce fighter who can fight in confined spaces with short sharp blades. When you are in Dome Elite, you are the best!

Meanwhile politicians and imperial rulers know that whosoever controls the Dome Elite, who decides their mandate and mission also controls the empire. You have to inspire and lead the men, to have and hold the right alien alliances and legal treaties. When you own the Dome Elite. you are in power!

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Sally-Ann-Melia...

A book cover is actually a big deal to me. It's the first thing that catches my eye, and the blurb or reviews just comes second. If I were to pass by this book in Amazon or Barnes & Noble, I doubt that I would even spare it a second glance. Sounds harsh, but it's the truth. So when I was offered to review Exile, part 3 of the series, I decided to start from the very beginning so I can give fair judgement. Going in I thought I might have to skip a few pages assuming that I would be bored or something. I was wrong. I did not skip or skim any page, I was actually immersed in this whole other universe, and admittedly, I had a hard time coming out of it.

If a reader gets drawn to another world and starts comparing reality from fiction and favoring the alternate universe, that's a dead giveaway that the author is good and succeeded in his/her goal.

This book is fast paced, exciting, and a little nerve-wracking. The Guy and Teodor are completely different yet similar at the same time. For a couple of 13-year old boys, I'd like to think that they're very mature. But I guess that just comes with surviving in the world they live in. The writing was really good, though there were times I had to go back and re-read something because I feel like I missed out on an important detail. The beginning was also a bit too much in my opinion. That was a pretty long introduction, but I guess that happens when you're being informed of a whole new world with different sets of rules, but at the same time you see the likeness of it in our world.

I liked this book, but I feel like I would like the next two more. I give Kidnap 3.5 stars, and I look forward to reading Hunter, part 2 in this trilogy.

Profile Image for Shree.
Author 2 books9 followers
July 1, 2015
Note: This review is also live in my blog Book And Ink

My taste for scientific fiction declined thanks a lot of writers who went on a stereotyping spree there by producing a lot of similar books with more or less the same elements. After all fiction is a product of a man’s imagination but stereotyping that is akin to obstructing creativity. This writer, Sally Ann Melia thankfully broke all stereotypes by narrating a tale which is set in an advanced generation long ago but with the same human characteristics as the present world. Never did I regret picking up this book.

In this installment of the series, Sally narrates tales of two boys, one, a prince of the empire, Theodor and other, a reluctant model-aspiring fighter-bastard child, Guy Erma. Both the characters are similar yet have a paramount of difference between them. The narration is set in a faraway planet with astounding technological improvements like flying droids that act as cameras and flying disc which act as transport medium. Theodor ends up being kidnapped by people who don’t believe that the Dome (a part of the planet in which the narration is set) should be closed. His mother,Sayginn, embarks on a mission to find missing Theodor. The elaborate description of the Dome is a treat to read. The description was accompanied by beautiful sketches that re-affirmed by visual image from the description.

The story line as such doesn’t have any logical loopholes but sort of lacks explanation in certain parts. After all, this is the first book in the series and may be the writer has more to explain about in the other books. I found the starting of the book a bit uncomfortable and hazy to read for the story sort of began with a bang and a lot of technical terms. Thankfully, the writer added an appendix which made me comfortable therein after. I felt that the writer could have done way better in the characterization department. A couple of major characters (Sayginn and Guy Erma) were well developed with a lot of finesse while other major characters (Theo, Chart Segat) were a bit shallow. Again, I’m expecting to know more about these characters in subsequent books.

The writing needless to say was crisp and neat, conveying what exactly the writer probably envisaged to convey. One line of thinking that stood out was the underlying politics. The technology may have grown leaps and bounds in that planet, but the humans still remain the same with the same qualities of present. This whole mix of human politics and technological advancement made this book a fast paced and interesting read. I just had to pick up the next book! (Thankfully, I have all the three books! This is turning out to be one nail biting series where the readers can’t possibly wait for the next installment)

MY SAY: A fast paced and interesting scientific fiction that is worth a read!

PLOT : 8/10



BOREDOM QUOTIENT: 2/10 (The lower the better)

Profile Image for Adam Oster.
Author 13 books18 followers
May 18, 2015
So, you might have noticed that I had reviewed a very similar sounding book not so long ago. In fact, it was a very very similar version of this book, as in, the non-serialized version of this very book.

But, my friends out at iRead Blog Tours asked if I would be willing to give my thoughts on the serialized version of the book as well. And, of course, me being the ever-willing pawn to folks trying to shill their books, I agreed.

As mentioned above, Kidnap is the serialized version of Guy Erma and the Son of Empire, which should be obvious from the full title.

There does appear to be some rather minor changes between the two versions, but overall, this seems to be purely the first act of the book which, I believe, is intended to now be split into three parts.

But enough of that, how about I get into reviewing this section of the book:

Everybody knows Guy Erma. Well, almost everybody. In fact, there seems to be only one person who doesn’t have a direct knowledge of the titular character of this novel, the Son of Empire himself, Prince Teodor. However, these two seem to have an ongoing relationship which continually works parallel to each other, until the Prince is kidnapped, of course.

Guy is led on a wild adventure attempting to seek out the truth of the Prince’s disappearance, as well as learning a lot of the dark inner workings of the government which may or may not have played a part in this kidnapping.

I’m not much on political thrillers, but this book does have a fair portion of intriguing world building and edge of your seat adventure that it’s hard to mark it down for such a trivial genre issue. That being said, the political pieces seem to get a little confusing from time to time, while also being altogether rather obvious.

My issues with genre aside, Melia builds a very interesting world, filled with enough unique items that one can’t help but want to read further just to figure out more about the intricacies of this world, like, what is this Dome that they keep talking about, how do blades help you jump higher, and how exactly is Guy Erma so well known when he appears to come from such humble beginnings.

The end of this first book in the series seems to leave us on quite the cliffhanger. We see Guy questioning how he got where he is, as well as attempting to determine what is really going on…and what he has actually found himself in the middle of.

In other words, if you read the first book, you’ll definitely need to read the next. And speaking as one who has read the whole thing, I can state that you won’t be disappointed. This is a fast-paced adventure that will leave you wanting for more.
Profile Image for Heather.
176 reviews19 followers
May 17, 2015
In the prologue we meet Captain Karl Valvanchi, from the Zaracon Democratic Union. We don’t know much about him except that he is defending Sas Daron, where scientists are learning about deadly cybernetic insects, or cy-sects. We also learn about his niece, Nell, who goes to the palace and meets Prince Teodor.

Prince Teodor of Freyne knows that he will one day be the king. His father died years ago and his grandfather is the Emperor. He must live up to the expectations set forth for him even though he secretly has nightmares every night. He is training with the Dome Elite but yet they won’t let him fight the fights he wants. His mother is overprotective and just wants to keep him safe.

Guy Erma lives at the House of Jewel, the oldest and most respected fashion house on the planet. Even though his good looks could earn him a job in the fashion world, he wants to be one of the Dome Elite. His scores in math are high and he is the blades champion for his year. The only problem is he isn’t register, there is no mom or dad to claim him and the Dome Elite are only looking for those registered to join them.

The boys don’t know much about each other but are thrown into a situation when the Dome Cyborgs attack a performance and kidnap the Prince. Who are the Cyborgs working for and what do they want with the prince? There are so many different players involved and each wants something else. The Dome Elite must find Teo before a new election is held that puts the planet i
This story takes place in a galaxy far away on another planet. There are a lot of sci-fi elements to the book. I like that there are illustrations throughout the book of the characters. It made it easier to visualize them in my head during the story.
I found that I liked that one of the heroes was from the upper class and the other was an orphan. There were so many differences between the boys yet when it comes to fighting for their planet, they can learn to work together for the sake of the Dome.

The only thing I did not like about this book is that it was hard to get into. There were a lot of character and planet names and I had difficulty keeping them straight. However, once I got into the book it was easy to remember the characters and the planets and I enjoyed the story. I’m looking forward to the second book in the trilogy.
Profile Image for Create With Joy.
682 reviews166 followers
May 15, 2015
In a world far, far away… in a realm that is both different from, yet in some ways eerily similar to our own – treacherous events are about to happen.

Betrayal has happened before… betrayal will happen again!

Intuitively, 13-year old Prince Teodor of Freyne senses that danger is coming. How else can he explain the nightmares that will not go away?

Although he cannot see clearly into the future to discern what will happen, his nightmares always revolve around the Dome – the place that serves as the training center for the military elite.

“I don’t want to go…” he tells his Mother. “Do I have to go?”

Haunted by the past… anxious about the present… what does the future hold in store for Prince Teodor?

13-year old Guy Erma has no father and no mother. As an unregistered orphan, his options in society are limited. His best hope is to make a living as a model – at least, that's what the adults around him say – but he has other plans.

His dream is to become a Dome Fighter – a member of the Dome Elite. He has the skills… he has the grades… he just lacks the proper lineage.

Guy would do just about anything to create his own opportunities and control his fate…

In Kidnap: Book 1 of Guy Erma And The Son Of Empire, Sally Ann Melia creates an enthralling new science fiction / fantasy world filled with compelling characters, an exciting plot, and plenty of political intrigue. The beautiful black and white artwork truly brings the story to life!

Because the world is so rich, the author includes an Appendix to help you keep track of the characters and places in the book.

I truly enjoyed Kidnap: Book 1 of Guy Erma And The Son Of Empire and can’t wait to read the rest of the series!

If you enjoy exciting, Young Adult Science Fiction thrillers, this is one adventure story you will not want to miss!

To read this review in its entirety, visit Create With Joy.

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from the publisher for review purposes. However, the opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.
Profile Image for Tammy aka Bluerose.
488 reviews34 followers
May 18, 2015
I've been experimenting lately with reading more books in the "science fiction" realm, as opposed to "fantasy". Most of these have been space related. There's been some hits and some misses. Thankfully, this one was a hit, and I enjoyed it.

When the story starts out, we're introduced to several characters, and it took a bit of time to get everyone settled in my mind. By the end, though, I had my favorites. There's still mysteries as to who is good vs. bad or anywhere in between, and I tend to love having that guessing game throughout books. I enjoyed the pictures included throughout the story. I was having a hard time visualizing some of the characters, and I greatly appreciated having a vision to hang onto. I also appreciated scrolling through Sally's Pinterest boards. This helped me even more! Within this story, there are gorans and shape-shifting/telepathic aliens and battle borgs, so from that, you can imagine why I appreciated the pictures so much! ;)

I also enjoyed the fashion aspect of the book. Now when it comes to fashion, I stick with the basics and what I like, and really couldn't care less about what's "in". So, it may come as a surprise to anyone that knows me to discover I like reading about fashion(at least these days), even if I don't necessarily care about it in real life. ;) I recently added another book to my reading list purely because of the fashion aspect, so I was pleasantly surprised to find it in this book. Of course, there's so much more to this book than the fashion aspect, which is really minor in comparison to the rest. There's blades and battles, a kidnapping, secrecy, and lets not forget the gorans! This is a perfect book for fans of science fiction, whether male or female.

Kidnap is part 1(of 3, I believe), so it does end with a cliffhanger. I'm curious how everything will play out in the end.


Very mild profanity, religious expletives, mild violence

*I was provided an e-copy, in exchange for my honest opinion.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 38 reviews

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