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The Wrong Side of Right

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Fans of Sarah Dessen and Huntley Fitzpatrick will enjoy this smart debut young adult novel, equal parts My Life Next Door and The Princess Diaries—plus a dash of Aaron Sorkin.

Kate Quinn’s mom died last year, leaving Kate parentless and reeling. So when the unexpected shows up in her living room, Kate must confront another reality she never thought possible—or thought of at all. Kate does have a father. He’s a powerful politician. And he’s running for U.S. President. Suddenly, Kate’s moving in with a family she never knew she had, joining a campaign in support of a man she hardly knows, and falling for a rebellious boy who may not have the purest motives. This is Kate’s new life. But who is Kate? When what she truly believes flies in the face of the campaign’s talking points, she must decide. Does she turn to the family she barely knows, the boy she knows but doesn’t necessarily trust, or face a third, even scarier option?

Set against a backdrop of politics, family, and first love, this is a story of personal responsibility, complicated romance, and trying to discover who you are even as everyone tells you who you should be.

400 pages, ebook

First published March 17, 2015

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About the author

Jennifer Marie Thorne

10 books692 followers
Jennifer Thorne is the author of Lute and Diavola (a USA Today bestseller), published by Tor/Nightfire. With Lee Kelly, she is co-author of The Antiquity Affair (2023) and The Starlets (2024), published by HarperMuse. As Jenn Marie Thorne, she is the author of the YA novels The Wrong Side of Right, The Inside of Out, and Night Music, and her short fiction appeared in the YA anthology Battle of the Bands (Candlewick, 2021). She is also the author of the picture book Construction Zoo. She received her BFA in Drama at NYU-Tisch, and currently lives in Gloucestershire, England with her husband and two sons.

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May 21, 2015
His eyes burned into mine. “No talking at all, ’kay? Stand there and . . . look pretty.”

He tapped me on the head, and as he walked away, something broke in me—snapped—so forcefully that I could have sworn it made a noise, like two bits of flint knocking together. My pulse stilled to a dead quiet. I blinked, and everything around me became crisp.

Look pretty.

No one had ever talked to me that way before.
I loved this book. Completely unexpected, I assure you.

This book is about a young woman living in blissful obscurity until she is discovered to be a blue-blooded presidential candidate's daughter. At first glance, this would seem to be the American version of The Princess Diaries. I feel comparing it to The Princess Diaries would be doing it a disservice, because this book is so much more complex than a silly, fluffy little read.

The characters feel like real people. They're all astoundingly, refreshingly normal (with the exception of her father's assistant, who practically has devil horns. But then again, he's a Republican campaign manager...). The situations feel real. The book, despite the farfetchedness of its premise, is entirely credible.

The Plot: The premise is, admittedly, very familiar. Kate Quinn's beloved mother is one year dead. She is sludging through life, she has never known her father. She currently lives with her aunt and uncle, who has taken her in, and to whom she is immensely grateful. She is normal. A good student. A well-behaved young woman. The future is but a distant glimmer, the shadow of her mother's death still looms over her. Life goes on after a tragedy, as it always does.

Until the day the media shows up, literally, on her doorsteps. It turns out that her father is very much alive, and he's none other than the Republican (*gasp of horror*) presidential candidate. It's campaign year, the presidential election is approaching in November (and we're reminded of the looming deadline every chapter).

Honestly, it looks pretty bad for the dude. He's a Republican candidate, for fuck's sakes, and now the entire world has discovered that he had a child out of wedlock (gasp!) while being married to his blue-blooded Harvard professor wife (double gasp!). It's a media field day, and to be honest, if this had happened in real life, during a real presidential campaign, I would be cackling, my hands cupped like Mr. Burns, muttering "Exxxxxxxcellent."

And now to mitigate the damage, he wants her to come meet his family. Meet the press. Make it so that it looks like he has nothing to hide, that his newfound daughter is a dream child, that they're a perfect, happy family, however untraditionally they have come to be.

This is not what Kate signed up for. A life in the limelight is the last thing she wants. Her newfound father, despite being a politician, clearly has no idea how to comfort a teenaged daughter.
“We . . . My . . .” He started over. “Seventeen years ago, your mother and I made a mistake.”

Here goes. I knew this wouldn’t be pretty, but . . . don’t cry.

“No, Kate, I’m . . .” He stood upright, stumbling over the bottom of the slide. “I’m trying to say that it wasn’t a mistake. Not all of it. I mean—here you are!”
He has his own family, a picture-perfect one. How will they react to the sudden appearance of a very much unexpected, unwanted stranger?

Despite her reluctance, Kate accepts his offer to come with him and meet his family. Campaign with him even. Her mother is dead. She owes it to herself to get to know her surviving parent.
This isn’t about me at all.
But did it matter?

I didn’t know the senator well enough to trust him—that was a fact. But if I said no now, would I ever get the chance again?
Kate's presence is planned every step of the way. Her makeover consists of her being subjected to the criticism of a panel of voters. Not quite Eliza Doolittle.

Her role is very well defined by the senator's campaign managers. Kate is to stand still, look pretty, and most importantly, keep her mouth shut. Will she be a meek little ghost?
“No, I don’t feel ashamed.”
My voice ricocheted from the speakers, echoed by a shriek of feedback. I guess I’d spoken a little too loudly. The crowd had fallen dead silent. I saw that the senator had come back, his hand hesitating inches from the microphone, but what could he do? I was talking, he couldn’t stop me. His hand dropped.
I swallowed.
“There’s no shame in being born. I don’t have to apologize for that.
Not quite.

The Characters: Now this is where the book shines. I am so easily annoyed by main characters, and it is entirely too easy to write a generic, clichéd-as-all-fuck teen girl. Take your fucking adorkable character and get out of my sight. I like a character who is normal, who is smart, who is imperfect, who is believable. Kate is just that. She is a teenager, a loner, but a realistic one. She doesn't try to be different. She doesn't try to rebel too much. I feel like if I were her, I would do much the same thing as she did throughout the book. She is really, really likable.

Her loneliness is there, of course, but never to the extent where the book is drowned in teenaged angst. She suffers from feeling unwanted, but for good reason. Her grief for her mother is not overblown.
It was strange. I’d tried for months to keep the thought of my mom at bay, and now it wouldn’t come. The harder I tried, the more she seemed to blur.
She feels an understandable sense of alienation from her new family.
I had the sudden sense that if I interrupted this moment, the whole scene around me would crumble—trees, sky, family, all of it.
It would have been so easy to completely vilify her new stepmother, thankfully, the book does not go anywhere near this route. This Stepford-wife character is so only in appearance. She is portrayed as a strong, intelligent, rational woman, who is---while not perfectly warm and cuddly---quite resaonable and sensitive towards Kate. She is a campaign wife, with all the pressures that entails, and I feel a lot of admiration for everything she has to endure.
She sighed. “This is not an easy situation.”

I nodded through my disappointment. Of course it wasn’t easy. She’d put up a good front this weekend, but I could see the effort behind it. Every smile was strained, like she was sick and pretending to be healthy. Except she wasn’t sick. Just sad. Embarrassed.

Her name was on the news now too. She was being called a victim all across America. Something told me that was not a role this woman relished.
The politics: I'm happy to say that politics is not brushed aside in this book, given that the background is that of a presidential campaign. There's your typical digs at Fox.
“Munson on Fox News is with us on this—the word heroic is out there.” She looked over her shoulder, gauging the senator’s reaction.

“But that’s Fox.”

“That’s Fox,” she repeated
Which made me giggle. Her father is a Republican. She is not. She disagrees with him in many stances, and this is addressed very well in the book.
All summer, I’d managed to keep that policy binder buried, ignoring any mention of immigration on the news or in the senator’s stump speeches. But here, surrounded by thousands of screaming supporters, there was no escaping the party line. It was a hard line, all right.

More than hard. Unbearable.
As a solid Democrat, I didn't have a headache with this book at all.

This is not to say that this is a joyless book, despite its political slant. There's a lot of humor, a lot of political snarkiness. The characters are funny and witty. The situations never too outrageous. I've read so much crap lately, and I'm so happy to have this book to get me out of a reading slump.
Profile Image for Aj the Ravenous Reader.
1,107 reviews1,157 followers
April 21, 2017
3.5 stars

Not your usual YA contemporary and I liked it. The premise is very interesting and intriguing. Kate who lost her mom last year is now being bombarded with the truth about the existence of a father she has never known since birth. But her father is no ordinary man. He’s a senator and is currently a presidential candidate so you could just imagine the massive change Kate’s life is about to undergo and I was caught right in the whirlwind that is Kate’s life as she gets to finally know her dad, her dad’s wife and her siblings, the media, the world of politics and last but definitely not the least, the popular heartthrob and rumored troublemaker, son of the president, Andy.

The story has the right amount of everything in it and is also able to address several social and political issues anyone will be able to relate with and some of the conflicts in the stories even managed to make me swallow back lumps forming in my throat. Given the profile of Andy, I thought the romance was going to be clichéd and predictable but it turns out, it’s really very cute and refreshing. It’s weird that this time, I liked the guy better than the gal. Kate is likeable enough. She’s obedient, patient and adaptable but I just wish her character was stronger. Majority of the first half of the book is focused on her, so it was a bit of a challenge to get into the story when the gal seems to just go with the tide and that’s probably my major complaint about the book but generally, the novel is still enjoyable and I would keep an eye on this author.
Profile Image for Sophia Sardothien.
155 reviews515 followers
May 20, 2015
This is an update review

I absolutely adore this book, it got me into so much tears eventually I have to stop and calm my breathing.

This book is about a girl name Kate Quinn, her mother died last year leaving her to be parentless and downhearted. So suddenly when her father shows up, she's shocked. What's weirder is that her father is actually a powerful politician running for the US president. And there her life has turned upside down, running for campaigns, meeting her "new family" and falling in love with the wrong person who might has his own conspiracies.

Set against a backdrop of politics, family, and first love, this is a story of personal responsibility, complicated romance, and trying to discover who you are even as everyone tells you who you should be.

perfect description of what the book is about.

Starting from the protagonist Kate, I really do like her. She's strong and smart, occasionally she could be reckless. But considering the fact that she gone through so much and was still able to keep herself together and without falling apart is really admirable.

The other thing I love a lot about her is that, she's kind and polite.

My mom used to tell me that words had power. You should save the harshest ones for times when you really need them

So you see she doesn't even swears when her life got all screwed up.

Moving on to the secondary characters, her father, stepmother and her stepsister and stepbrother. I felt that they are portrayed as such true characters, it took them a few weeks times to actually "love" Kate. I mean common if all of a sudden you realise your father or husband has another daughter, you won't immediately learn to love her. Right?

As for Kate's love interest Andy, well he is a likeable character but I don't feel attached to him in any level. The romance did not overloaded the plot as it focused a lot more on Kate's overall journey.

OH and I absolutely love the author's writing style

It's amazing how much one person can change the world, even if they don't know they're doing it

Overall I really do enjoy reading this book but I do have some minor issues with it, the story itself is actually predictable but it's the way that the author told the story captivated me.

Profile Image for Keertana.
1,138 reviews2,279 followers
March 26, 2016
Rating: 4.5 Stars

What did The Wrong Side of Right manage to get right that so many other YA Contemporary novels have gotten wrong? Nearly everything.

Thorne's debut is a story of family, friendship, and finding your voice even in changing situations. Kate was brought up by her single-mother, a woman who worked for NGOs and kept out of politics, in LA, as far away from Washington D.C. as you can get. When her mother passes away in a car accident, Kate is sent to live with her uncle and aunt in South Carolina--only to find out, one day, that her father is running for President. The Senator immediately whisks Kate away to D.C. where she meets Meg, his wife, and his twin children, Gracie and Gabe, all while reeling from the shock that her mother had an affair with a married man while working on his campaign sixteen years ago. As Kate struggles to ingratiate herself into her father's family, though, she must work the campaign trail, fend off the current President's persistent (and very handsome) son, and find her voice in a home where every word is scripted, debriefed, and debated over.

From the first page itself, I found myself drawn to Kate. Her voice is simple, but relate-able, and Kate is the type of heroine I'd pick as my best friend. Not only is she hardworking and intelligent, she is polite and kind and willing to make the best of any situation she is thrown into. Although she is shocked to find out that her father is a famous politician, she instantly tries to spin her existence in a positive light for the campaign, reading up on his policies and accompanying him on his travels. Her younger siblings, Gracie and Gabe, are absolutely adorable and her growing relationship with them was an instant favorite. Surprisingly, I loved Meg, the senator's wife and Kate's stepmother, even more than I thought I would. Meg is brilliant, compassionate, and welcomes Kate into their family. Instead of throwing her weight as the scorned woman, Meg supports her husband and her relationship with Kate is one that I found myself rooting for and tearing up at.

The persistent problem at the center of this story is Kate's relationship to her father. The Senator is busy--constantly living and breathing the campaign, traveling non-stop, and determined to win the Presidency. That leaves him very little time to get to know his daughter and it was hard for me--and for Kate!--to feel as if the senator even cared. Not only that, but the head of his campaign, Eli, is rude, disrespectful, and disdainful of Kate's presence in the senator's life. For Kate, who simply wants her father to like her and yearns to be a part of his life, this all leads to her keeping her mouth shut and following orders; doing her best to keep out of trouble and be a good girl. I understood Kate implicitly and as her situation on the campaign becomes worse, I was glad to see her finally find her voice and stand up for herself. Kate's growth is so well-timed and she never feels like a character who lacks a backbone--she simply feels very real.

Yet, one of the best aspects of this novel are the friendships Kate sustains. Her best friend from LA, Penny, calls and keeps in touch with her constantly but winds up playing a vital role to the plot of the story, which I greatly appreciated. Penny's parents are undocumented residents who escaped the drug wars of Mexico to give a better life to their children--three US citizens growing up in LA. Kate's father is staunchly opposed to giving undocumented residents any type of leeway in their lack of citizenship but Penny is Kate's best friend and the fact that her father supports deporting her parents is difficult for her to swallow. I truly loved that Thorne not only touches upon the subject of undocumented residents in America, but gives them a voice in this novel. It's an important, vital issue that affects so many people in our country, not to mention our economy, and regardless of your stance on this issue, Thorne's approach to it is bipartisan and merely thoughtful which I truly salute.

Another impeccably written portion of the story is the romance. Andy, the son of the current President who is running for re-election, is disillusioned with the campaign trail. Kate is one of the few people who understands what his life is like and when we reaches out to her, the two form a fast friendship--meeting whenever they get the chance, talking late into the phone, and exchanging campaign stories. Though their friendship is hidden from the press--enemies, and all that--the development of their romance is truly perfect, a slow-burn that I found myself grinning over like a fool. I really enjoyed Andy and Kate's interactions and though the romance is by no means a large aspect to the story, it's certainly the icing on the cake.

Kate Quinn carries this novel forward. She is a formidable heroine that I couldn't stop rooting for and her steady acceptance into the senator's life--becoming an older sister, a stepdaughter, a daughter, a friend, a girlfriend, etc. The Wrong Side of Right is thoughtful, thought-provoking and forces readers to think about more than just their stance on politics. I love that it was about a normal, teenage girl who simply wanted to fit in and find a family; about a girl who wanted to be heard but also didn't want to be a bother. I feel as if girls today are constantly torn between societal boxes and their own desires and Kate is a perfect example of someone, not who rises above societal expectations or norms but one who struggles with it and does her best to be true to herself, too. And, frankly, that's the best we can all do. So, for those of you who haven't read or heard of this novel, read it--at least for yourself and for Kate and to feel a little less alone if not for anything else.
Profile Image for Jaime Arkin.
1,441 reviews1,370 followers
March 6, 2016
4.5 stars!!

Talk about a timely read you guys… if you’re sick of the rhetoric in the current campaign that’s happening in real life, this book might just be the perfect escape.

Kate Quinn’s mother died last year leaving Kate in the care of her aunt and uncle. She’s never known her father, and in all her thoughts about it, she definitely never would have imagined him to be a politician vying for the presidency of the United States… but that’s exactly who he is.

Kate is suddenly thrown into a life that she isn’t in the least bit prepared for. Determined to get to know her new family, her twin sister and brother and her step-mom she throws herself into her father’s life and campaign… yet he continues to remain a bit of stranger as the countdown to the election continues.

One person she has no problem connecting with is Andrew Lawrence… rebellious son of the competition and the one who knows exactly what the campaign trail can do to a person.
Kate has to decide to toe the party line or stand up for what she truly believes and feels and it’s definitely a bumpy ride.

First I have to say that I truly loved Kate. I can’t imagine her predicament, but I loved that she put the effort into the relationships around her. Even when things got tough… and believe me they get tough, she doesn’t throw in the towel and give up on these people who are now her immediate family.

The relationships in this story are completely complicated and I was waiting for Meg, (Kate’s step-mom) to be this evil person as stepmom’s often are depicted. But she never did. When the Senator didn’t step up to the plate and wasn’t there emotionally for Kate, Meg absolutely was and after the circumstances that Kate appears it had to be a hard pill to swallow for her. The relationship that forms between them was lovely and exactly what I wanted to read. I also loved the bond that formed between Grace and Gabe, her half-siblings. These two 8 year olds were adorable and I thought the mix of trepidation and acceptance was done incredibly well.

I’m going to mention Andy here too – I was worried, I’m not going to lie. I wanted him to be everything that he was being portrayed as and I have to say that I wasn’t disappointed. He’s sweet, and swoony, and I loved that these two bonded over their situations.

Now for the complicated. I struggled with the political parts of this story. NOT because it wasn’t believable, because it most certainly was, but because it was seriously heartbreaking. I can’t tell you how many times I felt my heart crack just a little bit more as the days passed and Kate’s father didn’t reach out to her, or Elliott was condescending or cruel and I was honestly so angry at so many points in this story on behalf of Kate.

The Wrong Side of Right was an engrossing story, the characters so incredibly layered and complicated and in an election year in real life incredibly timely and fun to read. Definitely pick this one up if you’re looking for a fun read filled with complicated family issues, politics and a sweet love story!
Profile Image for Jennifer.
Author 10 books692 followers
September 19, 2014
I have read this book more than thirty times and I still rather enjoy it. ;)
Profile Image for emma.
2,247 reviews74.2k followers
August 5, 2022
periodically i unhaul books i own that i don't think i'll reasonably expect myself to reread, which usually includes books i didn't like or felt meh about or don't remember or some mix of all three.

like this one, for example.

but look at that cover...

this one can stay.

part of a series i'm doing in which i review books i read a long time ago
Profile Image for Paula M.
556 reviews631 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
May 19, 2015

The first few pages was so very Princess Diaries-like and I DO NOT HAVE A PROBLEM with that. I actually liked the concept of this story and how it all started. But the main character, Kate, was such a bore. She puts me to sleep.


And also, she was such a pushover. I like the fact that she was not angry and that she doesn't have hurty feelings towards his father. But oh my god it's like she doesn't have any feelings.

Another reason why this didn't work for me is the focus on the politics. And I'm just not into that. So this is really more of a personal reason.

The book wasn't bad at all, except maybe the bland main character. A lot of readers really loved this book and that's cool. It's just not really for me.
Profile Image for Sophie.
1,321 reviews557 followers
December 31, 2015
The Wrong Side of Right tells the story of Kate, who's mother recently died, and unexpectedly discovers her father's identity, which comes as a massive shock. an even bigger shock is the fact that her father is a senator, and on top of that, is a presidential candidate. Kate, who wasn't really that bothered about politics, except to pass her AP classes, is now thrust into the political world. On top of having to deal with being thrust into the public light, Kate has to deal with the fact that she has now has a father, a stepmother, and siblings, and how she fits into the family dynamic.

I really enjoyed the realness of Kate's characters. She never appeared too 'perfect', and you could always tell that whilst she may be appearing calm, and is dealing with the situation, on the outside, on the inside there is a vulnerability that just endeared Kate to me even more. I'm currently 20 years old, and am dealing with my political views in the run up to the general election, which I can now vote in. I felt for Kate greatly at times, as she was struggling to deal with her father's Republican policies, but had no way to show her displeasure as she was part of the campaign's public persona.

Andy Lawrence was an amazing male lead, and the interactions between himself and Kate were so beautiful that I just wished there were more. I understood Kate's wariness in becoming close with Andy, and I thought this aspect of their relationship seemed so real, and made the whole book appear more relatable, and more enjoyable. The epilogue was perfection: it was everything I could ever want, with the exception of a sequel just about their relationship.

By far by favourite feature of this book was seeing the family grow closer and closer, especially between Kate and her new found siblings. The scenes between Kate and Gabe were by favourite, as they seemed really similar, and brought out the best in each other.

All in all this was an exceptional debut by Thorne, and I can't wait to read more from her in the future!
Profile Image for Sue.
781 reviews1,566 followers
February 9, 2017
I thought I had to tone down my rating for this book because of Republicans, but I like how the author handled the ending. This is such a cute read. I finished it immediately.
Profile Image for Kels.
315 reviews166 followers
February 9, 2016
This was an impressive debut novel, with tight, clean writing, an interesting plot, and an intriguing cast of characters, yet, unfortunately, I can't say that I full on enjoyed it.

I think the biggest flaw in this book is the amount of pages in it. Few YA contemporary novels need to breach close to 400 pages, and this one holds no exception. In fact, most literary agents don't accept contemporary novels topping an 80,000 word count (I'm guessing this one is close to 100,000) especially not from debut authors. The ideal range is typically between 55,000-70,000. Why? Because it's pretty easy to lose the interest of your audience, and learning how to condense, cut out the fluff and filler pages, could play a huge difference in how it's received. This novel was unnecessarily long, and it caused the book to drag significantly, which cause my enjoyment and interest to plummet, and I'm pretty sure you get where I'm going with this. There were so many dull spots that seemed so directionless within this novel, and I would have without a doubt preferred, and probably rated this much higher, had it only been skillfully revised and truncated.

My next issue came with the character development and growth, which we don't see much of, particularly in Katie. Furthermore, she lacks spunk, sass, and.... well personality. Each time she was pushed over, mistreated, taking advantage of--and by her own father at that!!--I just wanted to slap some sense into her, force her to put her foot down, and speak up, or for goodness sake, help her to pack her bags and go be with the family that actually wanted her. It just seemed so irrational for her to willingly play herself as a pawn for something I don't even truly think she ever believed in. And also, it wasn't ever resolved that her beliefs didn't connect with her father. Speaking of her father: ugh. He just irked me so much, and I wasn't buying the wrapped up in a bow ending at all. Now to be fair to Katie, she did get wisps of courageous nerves but they never were grounded, but her father's growth seemed unnatural, all too sudden, and hard to believe.

Lastly, the romance was pretty subpar. It felt obvious, and thrown in for good measure, but it was never fully apart of the novel until it was, if that makes any sense whatsoever. Okay, okay, I'm sure it doesn't. Let me rephrase. The romance swirled itself into the novel, only to fade itself out for the majority of it. I just didn't see any real dimension or necessity to it. It was cute at times, and allotted itself as a plot device at others, but it just wasn't a standout.

With all that said, I feel the need to reiterate that this was a pretty decent, and quite impressive debut novel. This book had its flaw, which is unfortunate because it could have easily been cleaned up. I did enjoy it more towards the ending, because that's when it picked up for me. Even so, this was still a satisfying read, and I would recommend it to readers who don't mind reading political contemporaries, with a "princess diaries" feel to it.
Profile Image for Sandee is Reading.
684 reviews1,269 followers
January 19, 2016


“It’s amazing how much one person can change the world, even if they don’t know they’re doing it.”

This book… gave me the feels.

And I freakin' loved it.
This book at first seemed so familiar with any YA Contemporary book, but after reading it, you realize how different it was. There was so much this book offered than the romance. Thank goodness!


I hate it when contemporary books pretend to be anything other than what they really are. It pretends to be some deep story about hopelessness, depression, and pain. But when you read it. There was none of that in there. It's either none, or there is a little bit of it, but they just feed you a little bit of it and the solely focus on the romance because that's what we all want right? Noooo. A big fat no!


I am so happy that this book is nothing like those pretentious books. Read the synopsis and that is what you are going to get. And more. Don't be fooled by the colorful book cover. This isn't just some fluffy YA romance book. It's something more. And it's one of the things I love about it. 

Today would not be like yesterday. Today, I would be prepared.


But of course, she wasn't prepared when she found out who her dad was.


But let me start from the beginning. So, the story followed a girl name Kate who grew up without a father. Her mother never told her who he was and she never really given it much thought either. She passed away and was staying with her aunt and uncle, who were great by the way. Then one day, a day that she thought would be like any other, she finds out that she has a father. His name is Mark Copper, possibly the next President of the United States of America.

My father. I have a father. Maybe. Probably. Oh my God.


And just like that, Kate's life changed.  She now not only have a father, but also a stepmother named Meg (or Margaret) and two siblings (Gracie and Gabe who I both love).

Suddenly the world had cracked open and everything was possible. 






I loved Kate! She is such a great and refreshing character. I liked how she was so level-headed the entire time. I'm so sick and tired of main protagonists overreacting over stuff over and over again on YA books (also on NA books sometimes). Of course, being 16 (I think) she still had her immature moments. Moments where she doesn't think things through and it was fine. I get it. But there were more maturity in her character which makes her a good role model for younger readers.


Also, another thing I liked was how easy it was to relate to Kate and to root for her. The author made you care about her and I think it's a very important thing for a main protagonist for a Contemporary book to have.




I liked how the authors didn't make the Coopers the villain in this story. Basically, there wasn't any main antagonist in the story, aside from maybe the situation that they are currently in. It was so easy to just make them all the bad guys. But the author didn't choose the cliched route so I was happy.


Let me start with Meg. I loved Meg! She wasn't the evil stepmother that usually lurks around YA books. Horraaay! She was so understanding and loving and is overall a decent human being. Of all the people in this book, I feel that she is the person most affected and hurt about this entire situation. But she, being the strong woman that she is, took the situation with grace and understanding. Meg did not throw a tantrum. She did not start a war with her husband. I can't express how much love I have for this woman. YA books need to have more parents like Meg.


Gabe and Gracie are Kate's half siblings. And they're the cutest, especially Gabe.


With Mark Cooper (the dad), I was a bit more dubious. I wasn't exactly sure what I was feeling about him. You really don't get to know what was important to him, and I liked that. His intentions were clouded throughout the book but becomes apparent towards the end. I didn't really expect that that was how it was going to end for him, but I really ended up liking it.




Yes! You heard that right. This book did not focus too much on the romance!


This is one of the things that really made me happy about this book.


For those of you who detest insta-love like me, you would really like the romance aspect in this book. Because… it is almost close to none. It focused more on the friendship aspect more than anything. It was so refreshing to read about a YA contemporary book that deals with the romance part realistically.




In this book you would see the different types of families and how important family is to each and every one of the characters.


Would you choose family over your own views in life? Would you disregard a family member just because of your own personal goals? Would you do something your parents won't approve because you think it's right?


These are just some of the questions that this book dealt with.




I think I mentioned early on how sometimes, books tend to be pretentious. How a book is marketed as something, like a horror book, but tend to be completely different after reading it. This book did not do that. You know that this book sort of has politics in it. Kate's father is a Republican Senator running for President. But those are just not in words. The author showed you what it's like being a candidate for these things and how it affects the person running for the position and their family. She shows you what kind of pressure the family of these candidates must be going through and I loved that.  I'm not going to say that I'm an expert with American Politics, but it made me believe that whatever I was reading is possible. So kudos to Ms. Thorne for that!




The story was not entirely just about Kate and her struggle. It was about everyone in the story. Everyone had their own part in the story. No character was just there to fill in the space.  It wasn't only Kate that matured throughout this book, but also her Dad.




The author's writing is so good. I cannot stop reading. I literally couldn't stop. It has been a while since I was this invested in a YA Contemporary. I usually just steer clear of them because... they just don't click with me. But this one... was so spot on on all levels! It hit all the right notes for me. And I want more!




Anyone who would tell me that this cover is ugly... I would recommend to visit an Optometrist to get their eyes checked.






I'm not going to spoil you guys on who this guy is. But... I just didn't feel him. Of all the characters in this book, he was the one I did not really get or care about. He had his issues that I don't think were really solved. I dunno... I just don't feel him.




I have to agree with my friend Cam, this book started out pretty rocky. The beginning happened so fast that it wouldn't even give you time to breath. It sort of throws everything out there in a chapter. It was so hurried it doesn't give the reader enough time to absorbed what just happened to Kate.




The issue that I had with the ending is the same as the beginning. It was so hurried. It tried to cram everything in a chapter just to end it. That's how it felt like to me. I wish there was more time for all the information to sink in. I'm not angry at the ending. It was an okay ending. It was just soo fast.




All in all, this book was a great read!


I read it in a few days which was surprising. Haha.


I would highly recommend this book to anyone who is in need of a contemporary book then I would highly recommend this. The situation may look farfetched, but believe me, this book read like it really happened to someone and wrote a memoir about it.

I walked out of the safe zone into the roaming spotlight and felt it catch me and stick, hot and blinding, vaguely registered the Jumbotron broadcasting my giant face, remembered late to smile and wave, and thought, of all things, of Andy Lawrence, what he said on the phone last week.


"I'm on."




Profile Image for Dianna ☾midnight reads☽.
430 reviews386 followers
March 7, 2018
“But it occurred to me suddenly that trust wasn't an object, not something that arrived on your doorstep, solid and absolute. It was a decision, a leap.”

This book feels like eating a full, delicious meal and I'm satisfied to the fullest. The Wrong Side of Right is still as heartwarming and unputdownable as I remembered from two years ago and AHHHHH I LOVE THIS!

What I loved the most about this book is that it focused more on family matters than the romance. In fact, there's barely any romance in here. It's more like a side story to the novel, something that's added to complement the story.

I really liked the protagonist, Kate Quinn. Some people complained about her not having any backbone and just lets everyone push her over but for me, that's understandable. She's seventeen and is suddenly thrust upon the tumultuous presidential campaign of her long-lost father. She did learn how to stand up for herself in the end and fight for her own place in the family. Most of the characters are well-written and realistic enough to make the story more palpable.

The story's fast-paced, no plodding moments for me. I really like the story and I highly recommend this book.
Profile Image for Elena.
576 reviews181 followers
July 11, 2015
This is great for any contemporary lover!
Profile Image for Nasty Lady MJ.
1,090 reviews16 followers
September 23, 2020
202 Reread: I still like this book but I am really disenchanted with it this time around. Part of it might be the current political climate, it sucks and the moderate GOP that Thorne displays is not moderate at all. Cooper wouldn't even be considered a Republican at this point. Also, I really could not stand Cooper this time around. He is spineless which I guess is an accurate depiction considering most Republicans are spineless...but I really hated Kate for forgiving him so easy. I really did like the LI in this book though and the stepmom in the book is just awesome.

Update: Did a reread because I wanted to read about a sane member of the GOP running for president where I wouldn't be considering moving to Canada if the Dump does get the presidency. Let's pray that he doesn't. Anyway, this book is how reality should be instead of the craziness that we got. Rating stays the same, in fact I think I liked this book better the second time around.

To see full review click here.

Warning: this is going to be a bit of a fan girl review.

Because I freaking loved this book.

I know, I hardly ever say that on this blog unless it’s opposite day and the author bribes me with lots and lots of Belgium chocolate.

There was no Belgium chocolate bribing here, this was just a really well executed book that hit a lot of the MJ book squeal options.

Let’s talk about the plot. It’s a bit like The Princess Diaries meets What a Girl Wants with maybe a little bit of All American Girl thrown in there for pleasure. You can’t go wrong with two Meg Cabot books and a Colin Firth movie.

You really can’t.

Unless the characterization is crap.

But it’s not here. I think the characterization was what made this book. I really felt for Kate and her struggle to be herself and deal with the campaign. I loved Andy. I thought her father was fairly realistic. I liked her mom. The campaign staff was realistic. And the best friend was NOT a cliche.

So, props there.

I also liked how it depicted the Republican party.

Full disclosure, I’m not a Republican. More than likely I’ll vote blue, but I always hate how the GOP is depicted in YA. Generally speaking, they’re betrayed as being weirdo religious extremists who sane people would run away from.

Why the GOP reared some of its ugly head in this installment, at the same time it was much more humanized, and while I didn’t necessarily agree with all the choices that were made, it was at least realistic.

And at least Kate’s dad was a moderate republican.

I really don’t know if I could handle if he was a tea partier.

Just saying. I used to live and Texas and had to deal with Ted Cruz’s sound bites on the local news like every day (those were scary things).

Okay, I probably could’ve handled it because this book really did depict the characters as real people. Politics included.

And I really liked how Thorne depicted Kate’s father. Because his reaction did seem fairly normal given the situation. It actually reminded me a lot of how Colin Firth reacted in What a Girl Wants to be honest. Which was good, because having Colin in my head eliminated the sleazy politician image I might’ve otherwise had.

The romance also really worked. It’s not instant and there’s some definite banter. This is where the All American Girl similarities come in. That’s how good the romance was. It was Cabot caliber. Kate and Andy aren’t Sam and David though. There’s lots of differences there, and I like how we get to see a different perspective of a first kid relationship.

I am highly recommending this book. It is probably the best contemporary I’ve read so far in 2015. If not one of the best books. A lovely debut that fully explores the emotions and turbulence of being a politician’s daughter The Right Side of Wrong is a must read.
Profile Image for Rachel  (APCB Reviews).
333 reviews1,309 followers
December 27, 2015
Initial Thoughts: This book was adorable! I loved the relationships and characters and being on the campaign trail. The Wrong Side of Right will charm you from cover to cover. 3.5 Stars!

Read the full review @ A Perfection Called Books

Both heart-warming and entertaining, The Wrong Side of Right is a wonderful contemporary that gives an introspective view of politics and family.

I'm always cautious to read books about politics because sometimes they are too preachy and other times it's vastly inaccurate and unrealistic. Jenn placed the perfect touch of politics, it was both subtle and realistic. There's a vibe, a sense of energy that follows the campaign trail, and Jenn did a wonderful job of capturing it on the pages. The writing was wonderful, and the plot was fun and addictive.

The characters in this book are all so endearing. Kate was a quirky protagonist, and it was fun going on this journey of self-discovery with her. The senator was a bit more closed off for most of the book yet I could see just how much he wanted to make a difference. The twins (Gracie and Gabe) were adorable and their innocence and kindness kept this book in such a sweet light. Meg's acceptance and embracement of Kate really furthered my love for this book. The interconnecting relationships and bonds formed were a key element and shining part of this novel. All of the characters had such vibrant personalities!

This book is romance-light and focuses on the values of family and self-discovery. I'm glad the romance never overtook the plot. It was adorable and sweet! Andy is totally swoon-worthy. On the family front, I loved watching Kate's relationship with Gabe, Gracie, the Senator, and Meg grow. My favorite part of this book was definitely seeing Kate and Meg's (her stepmother) relationship flourish. Kate learns more about herself and what she'd do to protect those she loves. She learns to stand up for herself and her friends.

This book is heartfelt and enjoyable, I highly recommend this to contemporary readers!
March 21, 2017
My first attempt at reviewing his was terrible. When you let emotions cloud your words, that's what happens. Commence take 2.

I do not understand many of the writing decisions made when this book was written. These are: writing style, pacing, character progression, and concept vs. execution.

To begin, writing style. It sounds like a real teenager. This can be both good and bad, particularly when involving the reader. See, when a character doesn't change their voice to reflect their mood at all EVER, it gets hard to relate OR listen to them. If anything, I can compliment how you managed to make Kate sound like a completely generic teenager throughout the entire book. She's supposed to be a very intelligent character, and very rarely does she sound like it.

Furthermore, I highly disliked the character progression. I'm not writing much here because there wasn't that much in any of the characters other than Kate, and even then it was only really clear that she had developed at all in the last 20-30 pages of the book.

Next, the pacing. I think it's very clear what the problem is here: it occurs in the last eighth of the book. Please no. No please no.

And finally, a compliment. The concept was absolutely phenomenal. That's why I read the book to begin with. Sadly, the focus of it wasn't always in the right place.

To conclude, I will probably read your future books. Your eye for good concepts is very, very good. That being said, I absolutely hated this book, and would not recommend it at all whatsoever under any circumstances. Reading this was an experience for me.

I hope I reviewed it right this time
Profile Image for Melissa Veras.
540 reviews228 followers
January 19, 2016
I didn't really know what to expect about this book, I've never heard of it before, and quite honestly I only read it because it was the book of the month of The Rainbow Bookclub.

But I have to say, it really surprised me! I was hooked since the very beginning and I even managed to read it in one day, it was that addictive!

Kate was an amazing protagonist, and enjoy a lot reading from her point of view. She is really smart, but the thing I like the most was that she is realistic. I could always understand her decisions, wheter or not I agree with them.

The relationship between Meg and Kate was one of my favorites parts. We grew up with stories about the evil stepmother, so I'm really happy when we get to see a good, loving relationship between stepfamily. Gabe was also one of the hightlights of this book for me. ♥

I loved how Kate was discovering things about her family that were always there, because I know sometimes we don't realize how much you mean to someone, even if they demostrate it in every single thing they do.

Also, the romance! It was so good because it was BARELY there \o/ This book is about Kate and her family, Kate and her friends, and I'm SO glad the romance didn't take over that. So yeah, good job, Jenn!

4.5 shining stars~
Profile Image for Glire.
760 reviews610 followers
December 11, 2015
Esta parte de la reseña se titula: "Sinopsis, el problema no es que mientas, el problema es que te creo".

Nuevamente he sido engañada por la, ahora popular, práctica publicitaria de comparar los libros con otras cosas más conocidas y más cercanas a los corazones del público general.

Lo que dice la descripción:"Equal parts My Life Next Door and The Princess Diaries—plus a dash of Aaron Sorkin".

Lo que dijo mi corazón: ¡¿Aaron Sorkin?! Léelo. ¡Tienes que leerlo!

Lo que dice -ahora- mi cerebro: Pffffffff.

Este libro tiene todas las debilidades de My Life Next Door y The Princess Diaries y ninguna de sus fortalezas. Lo que en The Princess Diaries puede pasar por graciosa ingenuidad, en The Wrong Side of Right que carece de sentido del humor, pasa por estupidez. Lo que en My Life Next Door puede pasar como complejas relaciones familiares, en The Wrong Side of Right pasa como falta de comunicación. ¿Y ese "dash of Aaron Sorkin"?, es mas un guiño que otra cosa.

"I believe this is the Greatest. Nation. In the World," one junior senator said.

Will McAvoy, does not approve.


Comencé este libro con muy altas expectativas, lamentablemente los objetivos propuestos no fueron alcanzados.

Reseña, parte II: "I hate stupid characters and I cannot lie" AKA "Esa delgada línea entre ser bueno y ser estúpido."

Kate es el personaje más patético que he leído en mucho tiempo. La insultan, la humillan, la ignoran, la usan como figurita de papel. ¿Y ella que hace? ¿Acaso se defiende? NO. Se lamenta mientras espera que alguien más interceda por ella.


Dame una Scarlett O'Hara sin escrúpulos sobre una 'buenachona' Kate, cualquier día. No tolero a los personajes sin carácter ni personalidad. Y lo más triste es que no mejora en ninguna parte del libro. Yo seguía leyendo y leyendo, esperando que en algún punto de las 400 páginas Kate reaccionara. Y solo cuando terminó me di cuenta que jamás sucedió, que acababa de leer 400 páginas de relleno.
Profile Image for Mary ♥.
458 reviews115 followers
October 6, 2017
4.5/5 stars

But it occurred to me suddenly that trust wasn't an object, not something that arrived on your doorstep, solid and absolute. It was a decision, a leap.

September was such an interesting month for my reading. From queer boys who belonged in the rain, to fangirls with social anxiety...to girls that participate in political campaigns and have their life changed upside down. And that last one was such a cute, heart-warming and wonderful experience, for so many reasons.

First of all, this book had more family stuff than romance. The plot was all about damily relationships, trust, growing as a person, politics and the hardships of fame, and I found myself turning the pages so, so quickly. I just loved the writing, and the main character so much (my queen Kate!) and also every single character (okay, not Elliot, or even Nancy, but you get me).

Secondly, this book was so enlightening about the struggles of famous people. Literally everything is being noticed, analyzed and judged, and the whole creeped me out and created a worry at the pit of my stomach because I kept thinking that something would turn very, very bad. Also, did I mention I love love love Penny as a character? And Louis? And Gabe? And Meg? Oh, I think I did.

The romance was sweet and quick and laced with some scandal, and although it was not slow burn, like I usually like it, it certainly had its own cute moments. The friendships in this book were also adorable. The writing was smooth, the plot flowed perfectly and the cover is simply perfect (♥)

I don't know what else to say, because it will be sort of like a lot of my other contemporary reviews. The only thing I'll say is



P.S I know this review was so small but I literally had no inspiration :(

Profile Image for Tiff.
596 reviews551 followers
August 10, 2015
Somewhere between 4-4.5 stars.

Really well done YA contemporary with political drama and characters who make a difference. This is one of those books for true contemporary lovers - it has some romance, but is really a book for people who want to see interesting and thoughtful characters dealing with an extraordinary situation in the best way they know how. At it's heart, this one is all about family. I sincerely hope that Jenn Marie Thorne is writing a sequel, because I so want to be in these characters' lives again.

Full review to come.
Profile Image for Celeste_pewter.
593 reviews170 followers
March 21, 2015
Ok. So if you're familiar with the blog, you'll know that both Tom and I work in politics. We have extensive experience in political campaigns - including presidential ones! - so we're SUPER picky when it comes to books that try and delve into our realm.

Which is why, I am beyond thrilled to say that The Wrong Side of Right is everything I thought it would be, and more. (Because seriously, if Leila Sales is blurbing you, my expectations are pretty sky-high to begin with!)

Debut author Jenn Marie Throne introduces us to sixteen-year-old Kate Quinn, who is still mourning the death of her mom. She's never known anything about her father's identity, but things soon change when she learns that her father is actually a powerful US senator who is now running for President.

As Kate is swept up into the political spin involved with an ongoing presidential campaign, while dually navigating the obstacles of trying to get to know a new family and the beginning of an unlikely romance, she's left to question just who she wants to be, and whether she wants to be defined by her father's legacy.

Though the premise of The Wrong Side of Right is one that has been done in YA before - ordinary girl finds out that she has an extraordinary family - it's Jenn Marie Throne's writing that sets her book apart from its predecessors. From the start, it's clear that Kate Quinn is a complex, nuisanced character who isn't going to let the events of her life dictate her choices.

While she does initially agree to go along with her father's presidential campaign in an effort to get to know him and his family, Thorne is careful to show Kate gradually learning that she may not necessarily be suited for life in the public eye. We see her frequently being asked to mold herself into something that's acceptable to Senator Cooper's base, which doesn't necessarily jive with her core beliefs. Throne smartly asks Kate and the reader to consider just how much a person should be willing to let go of themselves, in the name of preserving the greater good.

When Kate does eventually put her foot down, it's over her father's stance on immigration reform. But rather than have Kate simply argue with her father as most teenagers would do, Throne makes the creative decision of having Kate show her father the human face of the debate, by introducing him to some of Kate's long-time friends. The decision is a complex and touching one, serving to both emphasize Kate's loyalty to her friends, but also the realization that some divides just aren't bridged as easily.

Outside of Throne's introspective look at Kate's relationship with both her father, Throne does a nice job of including a romantic interest for Kate in the form of First Son Andy Lawrence.

While the relationship is a bit of a meet-cute at first, Throne evolves the relationship with subtle acknowledgements that Kate and Andy are some of the only people who understand what it is to be in the fishbowl of politics. There's a nice moment where politics essentially trumps their relationship, and it's a reminder that this is a world where there are very dfferent rules when it comes to social contracts. It's up to Kate to decide how she wants to navigate and respond, especially as the book creeps closer to election day.

And the politics. Oh, the politics.

Very few people understand the sheer insanity and simultenous rush that comes with working on a political campaign of any kind, unless you've worked one yourself. But through some masterful writing and exquisite plotting, Jenn manages to show the reader the insanity of the campaign, and get down and dirty to the heart of any campaign: the staffers.

She shows the passion, determination driving many of them, but also the fact that tthis IS a way of life for many, and sometimes the residuals - e.g. family - simply doesn't matter in the pursuit of power. This brings up a LOT of fantastic question for both readers and Kate on whether they're willing to make the sacrifices to justify this sort of life, and should provoke some great discussion between readers.

Bottom line: this is one of those books where it's hard to review, for fear of spoilers. But believe me when I say, this book is the real deal. It's smart, funny and has heart, but also challenges public and private perceptions, and asks readers to think how they would feel, if they were in Kate's position.


Final verdict:

It's easy to write a book about scandal, especially when it comes to something like political scandal.

It's infinitely harder to write a book about a political scandal, and infuse it with the warmth, intelligence and well-matched moments of self-discovery that Jenn Marie Throne does in The Wrong Side of Right. But Jenn pulls it off flawlessly, proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that she's a voice to watch in young adult fiction.

Kate Quinn is a heroine that everyone will root for because she understands what it means to struggle to figure out what you wants in life without agenda, and because she shows both young and older readers alike that you don't have to be defined by what your family wants for you, or who your family happens to be. Your destiny is of your own making.

I highly recommend Jenn's book for all fans of contemporary fiction, particularly for readers of Huntley Fitzpatrick and Kasie West, and also for readers who enjoy books with strong female characters. This is the book for you.
Profile Image for Rose.
428 reviews709 followers
October 11, 2015

everyone needs to know how good this book is ok its amaziNG

So apparently Kate is the secret her mom has hiding from her real dad, the media, and pretty much the entire world.

Kate is the love child of her mother and the possible next President of the United States.

Right in the middle of the Presidential campaign, it is revealed that Kate is the child of one of the Presidential candidates. She quickly goes from typical high school student to the girl everyone wants to know more about. Soon, she's wearing fancy dresses and fake smiling in front of large audiences all while learning how to be the perfect daughter so she can save her dad's ass / election.

And so far it's not too bad- her dad's actually a really nice guy, her stepmom's actually super genuine and caring, her siblings quickly love her, and the whole country kinda loves her too.

But soon she starts to see how politicians really operate and why her mom wanted to keep her out of this world.

This seems like a very fluffy, cute book, but it actually touches on a lot of controversial and important topics and that's why I gave it 5 stars. Even though it may seem like Kate now has an amazing life, you see that it's not that way. She's separated from her friends / family back home, she doesn't have her mom's comfort, and she feels utterly alone at times- because who can really understand what she's going through?

And when she finds someone who does, and it turns out to be the worst person possible. The President's son. Aka the son of her dad's number one competitor. And together, they're pretty fucking cute and their friendship is kinda my favorite thing about this story.

It also touches on the issue of illegal immigrants, because Kate's dad is extremely in favor of making laws stricter against them. And Kate is not. This was honestly what makes this book perfect to me, cause it's not all just romance and family drama- it's real life and we see how much politics effects real people.

ugh this book is perfect and i love it and i'm probably gonna reread it and you should probably read it too!!!!!
Profile Image for Alexa (Alexa Loves Books).
2,360 reviews13.2k followers
December 3, 2015
FIRST THOUGHTS: 4.75 stars. The Wrong Side of Right is such a delight! Reminiscent of All American Girl (one of my favorite Meg Cabot books) x What a Girl Wants (Amanda Bynes in her prime + adorable Colin Firth), it struck such a great chord. Smart, well-written and charming, this is for sure one of the best contemporaries I've read so far in 2015!
Profile Image for Wardah.
901 reviews166 followers
September 25, 2018
The Wrong Side of Right ini merupakan novel kontemporer yang punya latar menarik. Bukan hanya masalah asmara, tapi juga masalah keluarga dan politik. Pembaca akan diajak dalam hidup Kate yang mendadak berubah.

Juga pada 'keluarga' baru Kate.

"Ayah dan anak perempuan? Sulit sekali. Tapi ... Kau tidak akan mendapatkan kesempatan untuk memperbaiki hubungan ini kalau kau tidak memberi dirimu sendiri kesempatan." (Hlm. 394)

Novel ini tebal, tapi ditulis dengan sangat baik dan berhasil membuat pembaca penasaran. Dan yang membuat saya paling penasaran itu interaksi Kate dan keluarga Cooper. Bagaimana hubungan Kate dengan ayahnya, dengan ibu tirinya, dan adik-adiknya. Saya penasaran bagaimana seseorang yang mendadak muncuk seperti Kate akan disambut.

Dan penulis berhasil menyajikan dengan memuaskan. Adegan Kate dan adik-adiknya sering membuat saya terenyuh. Lalu, meskipun lama, akhirnya ada juga ketika Kate duduk dan mengkonfrontasi dengan ayahnya. Rasanya lega banget ketika sampai adegan itu. :")

Susah buat nggak menginginkan Kate bahagia, karena dia berhasil menarik simpati. Cakep banget karakterisasinya. Suka dan puas! Sangat direkomendasikan untuk penggemar kisah kontemporer, juga buat yang menikmati kisah keluarga.

Ulasan lengkap bisa dibaca di sini.
Profile Image for Reina Tan.
282 reviews141 followers
June 11, 2018
⚠ subjective opinion! || since I gave a 5 star rate, please keep in mind the rate based on me. Because I don't want you disappointed if this book doesn't work on you 😂
° ° °

I'm ready to review this book.

The tagline said 'A smart, romantic debut about finding your family but losing your faith'.

I guess, it's true.

The Wrong Side of Right is a story with a strong family issues, a lil bit politic, and less romance. Simply, this book is different with YA contemporary I usually read which mostly full of romance with the hero.

But in this book...

I—may be you too, if you're interested—rarely see any kind of cutie-pie or sweet moment between Kate and the Hero, Andy.

All you would see is Kate and her long-lost family. Kate's character is so.... human. She is her. She is 17 years old teenager and a loner. I love her so much.

She's an orphan. Her mother died a few months before reality hits her hard. A reality that she couldn't believe that his father is a Republican—a senator.

I said she is aloner because... her loneliness really effected me. She suffers any kind of feeling unwanted. I guess, that's a natural thing for someone who doesn't know anything about her 'true' family.

Rather than heroine-hero cute romance, this book is more into father-daughter heartbreaking relationship.

Kate and the Senator—Mark Cooper—her father's relationship wasn't pretty. Well, not always bad but not always good too. So many heartbreaking moments everytime Kate tried to talk to the senator.

Well, the Senator had affair with her mother a long long time ago.

The most heartbreaking moment is when Kate said everything about her feeling being unwanted to him.

The vibe of 'feeling unwanted' was too strong for my poor heart. I almost cried while reading it.

Unlike a Cinderella story, Her stepmom—Meg—and her stepsiblings—Gabe and Grace—were really nice. Well, they treated Kate a stranger a first, but now they are a sweet family. I cried 😭

Okay, let's talk about the politic things I've mentioned earlier.

This is the first time I read a YA-contemporary book with a solid politic thing. It felt like you're on a campaign for the general election. Drowned in things you should do/don't if your father is a Republican.

I got confused at first, but enjoyed well the rest of book.

How about romance?

Andy Lawrence is—probably—the lead male for Kate's heart. But, their relationship wasn't the point of this story. As I said before, it was so rare to meet their interaction entirely like usual YA-contemporary. Because this book is more focused about family—heartwarming also heartbreaking family issues.

But, I should say, Andy's character is a sweetener. Not too sweet, but in a good ratio to make Kate's life wasn't too flat and blue. Even though, it felt a lil bit insta love.

I adore this book so much.

Ah, almost forgot.

This book is slow paced—aka has a slow plot. If you're hate that kind thing, I guess this book wouldn't work for you.

For me, I don't mind it. Since it was about building a relationship with a father that you barely know.

I think it's natural.

It is beautiful. I regretted to pick this up so late. It has been almost four years ago😂
Profile Image for Nomes.
384 reviews369 followers
March 7, 2022
I knew I was going to like this from the first chapter. Kate is so effortlessly likeable and the premise is captivating and fun. The grieving for her mum was so well depicted -- I loved that it had realness and depth but it did not make the entire book get swallowed up by a grief-ridden, depressive tone. In fact, the book was loads of fun while also having so many shades of emotion (from all the different plot-lines).

I was liking this a lot. And then: Enter that rebellious boy that the blurb mentions. Suddenly, I can't put the book down. Because HOT and SWOON and FUN with MYSTERIOUS MOTIVES.

You guys, it had been a while since I had been so swallowed up by a book that I got that-up-all-night-loving-it buzz and this book was my saviour.

The Wrong Side of Right was funny and clever and full of emotional depth. The plot never lulled, the characters were complex, and the swoon was real. I loved it, so. Also, there was an awesome message embedded (without ever being didactic) about being yourself.

I completely think you should bump this to the top of your TBR charts and then, once you've read it, you'll be hanging out for what's coming next from this debut writer. One of my favourite reads so far this year :)
Profile Image for Lori Goldstein.
Author 6 books439 followers
March 20, 2015
What happens when a love child appears during a presidential campaign? THIS FABULOUS BOOK. Told from the perspective of Kate, said love child, this book is so spot-on real you'd swear it's nonfiction. The details of being on the campaign trail are fascinating and expertly done. The story is enough to keep you reading, but the fully drawn, interesting characters with real reactions to this "surprise" who leap to life from the pages of this book make you want to not put it down. I loved it from start to finish—and I'm not a fan of politics! All you need to be is a fan of great stories and writing that feels effortless but that takes true talent to get right. Add it to your to-read for 2015, please!
Profile Image for hillary.
739 reviews1,543 followers
June 29, 2016
"But listen. Fuck this campaign. Do not let them tell you who you are. You're not an idiot. You're amazing, Kate Quinn. I see you." He nodded at my confused expression. "I saw you right away. That stupid press conference, grabbing that stupid microphone. The real you. You're better than all of them."

Loved it.
There're some mildly unrealistic things but in the end this book was fantastic.
The character growth, the family themes, the sweet romance and, last but not least, the behind-the-scenes look at the American presidential campaign (with facing of real and committed political issues) all make this book a winner.

"'History is about people,' she said. 'It's amazing how much one person can change the world, even if they don't know they're doing it.'"
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