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Blurred Lines #1

Blurring Lines

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"It was supposed to be the camping trip of a lifetime.”

Childhood sweethearts Mackenzie and Cade have always been inseparable. On the cusp of romantic discovery, the pair embark on a weekend of exploration and revelations.

“The stars will have to wait. I need you on the ground with me.”

But tragedy strikes, scarring the young couple and brutally tearing them apart.


I had never thought much about the word rape.
I never had to.
It wasn’t something I had ever come into contact with.
Until now.


I lost her. I was the one who was supposed to protect her and I let her down. They took her from me and she was subjected to crimes that made my stomach churn.

But now Mackenzie’s back – by some miracle she came back to me. Things are different between us now, and I need to keep my distance from her. Because even though I know Mackenzie has been through hell and back these past three years, and I moved on with my girlfriend Emily, and our parent’s are married now, I can’t stop myself from wanting her.

***Warning Explicit Content 18+***

This fictional story focuses on the lives of high school students and contains graphic scenes of sexual violence, promiscuity, bullying, physical violence, excessive bad language, self-harm, rape, abduction, cheating, child abuse, and substance abuse. Some scenes in this book may be extremely upsetting for some readers and due to its explicit content, Blurring Lines is recommended for mature readers of eighteen years old and above.

338 pages, Kindle Edition

First published May 21, 2015

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About the author

Chloe Walsh

66 books12.7k followers
Chloe Walsh is the bestselling author of The Boys of Tommen series, which exploded in popularity on TikTok, Goodreads, and Amazon. She has been writing and publishing New Adult and Adult contemporary romance for a decade. Her books have been translated into multiple languages. Animal lover, music addict, TV junkie, Chloe loves spending time with her family and is a passionate advocate for mental health awareness. Chloe lives in Cork, Ireland with her family.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 148 reviews
Profile Image for Amber Book It Blog.
67 reviews3 followers
May 27, 2015
This is the first book of Chloe Walsh's that I've read, and I must say I'm pretty damn impressed! This book... the feels... all the damn feels... amazing! I've read other books with similar issues and once the person is found and saved they just go back to living normal lives like nothing happened. This book is true to the victims in this situation, these things happen. They are real... and how Kenzie acted and felt... I could feel everything she felt while reading these words. Truly amazing.
Profile Image for A little birdie told me....
627 reviews31 followers
August 11, 2015
What the hell did I just read? How does this book rate so highly with so many people? Anger fills my soul. Honestly, everything about this book made me ragingly pissed.

It was probably the most awfully depressing book I've ever read. Nothing good happens. None of the characters are redeemable. The ending sucked, topped off with a presumed cliffhanger (ugh).

Seriously, nothing good happens in this book. How many times will these characters have to be metaphorically kicked in the teeth? Unbelievably horrible things happen, and by that, I don't mean they aren't possible; I mean they aren't presented in a believable way. Jeez. Bad shit just keeps getting layered on them, too much to find acceptable.

Plus, every character is just awful to one another, whether they intended to be (and many are so brutally cruel, I actually hoped bad things happened to them), or not. How can there be a book without even one likable character?

That said, Cade is the only character who might be a smidge likable, but he's a doormat. Others constantly use and manipulate him, but he's too effin' stupid to even see it. Sure his age was a factor, but even at 18, he can't be this... I don't even know even how to express how idiotic he was. I realllllly wanted to slap him. Hard. Repeatedly. Hell, I just wanted out of this train wreck so bad, I could taste it.

I hope there's a sequel (yes, I will read it, so score for the author), one with a little happy involved. One where Cade grows a set and fights for himself and poor Makenzie. Jesus, that poor (but not likable) girl...
184 reviews68 followers
March 13, 2018
Wow -- Warning - have tissue ready reading this book! omg, the things this poor h went thru, i was in tears reading this book.

******spoiler alert****

I don't want to go into detailed review just read this book but be warned, some characters will make you want to go into the book and give them a punch for treating the h who is the victim so badly, even family and supposed friends. I almost deducted a point for some stupid moves the H made in putting the bitch ow first but I forgave him.
The ending too was crappy but luckily the author redeemed herself in writing book 2 yeah!
No actual cheating ( H/h were just on the cusp of getting together when her kidnapping happened, they were both 15, he later hooked up with ex g/f of h who turned on h and treated her really bad calling her bad names before the kidnapping and even worse after . I get that H was broken and was lonely but why do they always turn to "that girl /woman" - jeez.
Writing flowed and brought so many emotions. I went into book 2 immediately and spent my vacation day reading both books!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Nance.
1,558 reviews112 followers
June 14, 2015
Wow! That was one intense and tearful read! Chloe Walsh really sucks you into this highly explosive novel. I was intrigued from page one and it didn't let up from there. Totally awesome read!!

Just a heads-up, there is a cliffhanger...

Full review to be written soon...
Profile Image for Willow Madison.
Author 10 books265 followers
March 25, 2021
Hmm...what to say about this one? Really - I'm at a loss because I read this a li'l while ago but kinda forgot about it *shrug

I lurved the premise. The writing was okay. The steam factor was meh. The ending was appropriately screwed up.

I should've liked this more than I did.
... I think it was too full of angst for me - maybe that was it?
... Or the characters all felt too contrived, forced onto one side of the line of 'good' vs 'evil'? <---yeah, I think that's what threw me outta the story the most. I would've preferred characters that danced back and forth over that blurry line instead. That probably would've made the angst more tolerable, too *shrug

At the end of the day, this didn't stick with me, and I didn't feel compelled to continue the story. 'Nough said.

Profile Image for Julie.
750 reviews155 followers
February 11, 2016

Ok, as many best friends=lovers I have read, which I heart... I thought I crossed one last week that was a bit different than the norm which it was but holy smokes... I never would have predicted this situation. I can't even explain how shocked I was.

Exactly what I wish for, I hate information like that before reading something!
You know it's the young boy and girl, in this case they become best friends at 10 years old. Cade and Mackenzie. Over the years they really become close and begin to fall for each other. Nothing can come between these two.

"You lost the bet, Cade." "You know what that means, right?"
"My best friend is now a girl"

The nightmare begins when they go on a camping trip, just the two of them. Both the age 15.
[image error]

Their lives will forever change. Lots of pain and suffering , not just them but me I was in so much emotional pain! Cade blames himself and oh man...Mackenzie bless her heart! She clings to what Cade had said before the nightmare occurred, it gives her hope.

[image error]

After two years in complete misery while waiting for Mackenzie's return, he finally has to move on even when he doesn't want to. And I hated his new life.

The reason I love the best friends=lovers stories is because the closeness is to die for. What is as cool as having a male best friend that you do EVERYTHING with from such a young age (especially when living in a not so desirable home) and him becoming your life line. Always holding you of such importance that nothing can come between you, putting you first, has your back no matter what, and most of all, puts you before other girls?! Such a cool thing! I would have loved to experience!

This author is really becoming a favorite of mine. I noticed there's a couple of her books I hadn't rated and it's been at least a year or even more since I finished, I must rectify that! Treacherous is the last I read before this and I loved it as well! Waiting for the conclusion... yeah, missed it wasa cliffy. I'm so glad I waited for #2 to be out before I started this. I can never wait! Take a chance, read this book or her others for that matter. This was very different from her other books.
Applause Chloe Walsh!

Profile Image for Anne Mercier.
Author 110 books1,759 followers
June 29, 2015
I can't even... This book is so gripping, so heartbreaking... and there's so much more to be told! This is the first book I've read by Chloe Walsh and I am hooked. H.O.O.K.E.D. The feels... oh the feels... I will be eagerly waiting for the next book in this series... impatiently I might add because this book is nothing short of amazing.
Profile Image for María.
675 reviews89 followers
September 13, 2024
La relación más TÓXICA y DESTRUCTIVA que he leído en mucho tiempo, aún así me comí el libro en dos horas.
92 reviews
June 11, 2015
What the F*CK kind of ending is that!!!! I'm in the midst of tears, anger and all kinds of frikken emotional wreckage!!!!!!! Please don't let that whiny ho have his baby for the love of God!!!!! As for kenz mother wow what a god damn selfish bitch!!!!! (Not to mention cades mom wooooow)
And doesn't that fucking idiot know how to wrap it up!!!!!!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jill.
325 reviews60 followers
June 11, 2015
As soon as I read the synopsis for Blurred Lines I knew I had to read it, and once I read the prologue I knew I was going to love this book.

I honestly had no idea what to expect, being that the synopsis isn’t very detailed. At first I thought ‘this is going to be a cute love story, maybe a little emotion, but def a happy ending.’ Boy was I freaking wrong. Goodness the freaking emotions that were etched in EVERY SINGLE PAGE was beyond anything I was expecting. I never read anything by Chloe, so I guess I was just shocked, in a good way of course.

Blurred Lines touches on a lot of hard topics. Some scenes were hard to get through, but it made the book that much better. I always feel like if an author can project so much emotion in a book, like truly make me feel, they did their job.

The characters in this book were ones I never wanted to part with. Both Mackenzie and Cade were friends since they were young. They were two best friends who kept their true feelings to themselves even though anyone who was around them knew what they really felt. Finally Cade had plans to really tell Mackenzie how he really feels about her and how he’s felt since she came into his life. Mackenzie and Cade were 18 years old when both their lives changed for the worst. A day that was supposed to be the beginning to a happily ever after for the two of them, turned to a nightmare that would never end.

Mackenzie, once a carefree girl, had her world taken away from her in the blink of an eye. She had no idea where she was or if she would ever return to her life. The things she had to endure would bring anyone to their knees. My heart physically hurt for Mackenzie. I so badly wanted to jump into this book and help her, save her, encourage her to not give up. What Cade didn’t know was that he was her savior. His name, his everything is what saved Mackenzie from Master. It was her memories, her thoughts of Cade that go Mackenzie through the hell that was her new life. Neither Mackenzie nor Cade thought they would ever see each other again. After years passed, Cade felt it was only right to move on with his life, I mean he couldn’t just wait for someone he didn’t think would ever return. They were supposed to be each others. Their hearts belonged to each other there was no doubt about it. I hated and felt bad for Cade at the same time. Like once he gave up hope it made me give up hope a little too. And that made me mad. I didn’t want to think that Mackenzie was going to be stuck at such a young age where she was. I wanted her to have a happy ending she deserved. Then something happens that changes both Mackenzie and Cade’s life all over again. The person Cade thought was dead, is back, and everything is COMPLETLEY DIFFERENT.

They will never be able to be what they were. I think what I loved most about this book was the realness that came from it. Mackenzie was a girl who went through a lot, she never pretended to be that strong girl that could get through what she went through. She was damaged, and struggled a lot, as anyone in her situation would. Chloe’s writing was just so descriptive, I felt like I was in the pages of the book, going through everything with Mackenzie.

I felt everything. I felt the pain, the hurt, the abandonment, the shame, all the emotions that Mackenzie went through, I felt.

Blurred Lines isn’t a book for the faint of heart. It isn’t some sappy romance with a happy ending. It is a story of losing everything you have, in the most f***ed up way possible. It has a lot of hurt, confusion, pain, but somewhere in it all there is love. But love doesn’t always end up with a happy ending. If you don’t mind some hard topics I recommend this book. It’s so amazingly written that I feel everyone should give it a chance and read it.

There’s a lot of jumbled parts in this review, and it’s because the littlest detail could ruin the book for those who haven’t read it. Just please trust me when I say it’s a must read!!

I’ll be honest, when I finished reading Blurred Lines I thought Chloe was playing a huge joke on me. I thought the words “the end” was a silly game she was playing. Once I realized it really was the end of the book I was left wanting so much more. I NEED MORE. When I found out that a sequel is coming I was soooooooo happy. I can’t wait to read more of Mackenzie and Cade’s story. Do yourself a favor and read this amazing 5 star book!

Chloe this is my first book of yours that I’ve read, but I know it won’t be my last. I applaud you for this amazing book!

Profile Image for Lou-Lou Belle.
565 reviews5 followers
May 31, 2015
Surely there is another book? The ending was far too abrupt to be anything but a cliffhanger - and if not then the book was just not finished.
Profile Image for Byan.
142 reviews6 followers
December 20, 2015
The stars will have to wait, i need you on the ground with me!
I'm dyyyyying
But that book was freaking perfect!! Flawlesss!
Profile Image for Nouf.
45 reviews
January 11, 2016
Umm what kind of ending was that??! God I hate cliffhangers so much.

Blurred line was amazing. But it contained a lot of serious issues that my heart can't bear. I loved everything but there is a part I wish I could have erase from my memory. The separation part from Mackenzie's Pov. It made me feel sick to my stomach, reading her Pov was so hard, I struggled. The author did warned us at the begging but I brushed it off, thinking I could actually read it without vomiting. My stomach is just that weak. If only I skipped her Pov and just read Cade's Pov I would have gave it a 5 stars. I didn't need to know what happened to her in exact detail. And Marcy ;((

Who know a book could make me feel so weak. But overall Cade made everything worth it.

“The stars will have to wait … I need you on the ground with me …”

“No one was going to hurt her again, not while I had a breath left in my body.”

^^ come on he's perfect ;"

Oh and before I forget Emily is such a bitch! I want to shove her ugly head into a toilet, give her a taste of that.
I will never understand why she throw herself at him, knowing perfectly well that he's in love with someone else.

I want the second book! That cliffhanger is killing me.
Profile Image for Julie.
8 reviews4 followers
May 17, 2015
I was lucky enough to read an ARC of this book and holy sh*t. I feel traumatised and torn and a million other emotions. Mackenzie and Cade's story was so incredibly powerful that it made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. There were moments I could hardly bear to read Kenzie's pain and heartache and others when I felt like crying for Cade. This is a powerful story. Five well deserved stars.
Profile Image for Jena .
2,313 reviews2 followers
April 14, 2021
4.5 Stars. Loved the emotional childhood bestfriends to love story, this is book 1!


H had a GF, but he didn't touch her when the h came back and he couldn't break up with her right away because the GF family died. The OW loved the H so she later made up lies to break them up...through it all the H remained faithful to the h and didn't react to the OW. He doesn't cheat in book part 2.

Loved this soulmate love story!
Profile Image for ⭐Barbara S⭐.
457 reviews2 followers
September 9, 2018
Blurring Lines (Blurred Lines, #1
The story begins when they are 10 years old and meet for the first time.
The author describes each year until they are teens.They have common friends.
There are many disagreements between teenagers,be it jealousy or something else.
Until one day out of blue something happens ,which will change their lives forever.
And Epilogue let us shock and cliff like always Chloe Walsh makes her books.
Overall shocked me this story,kidnap,rape,tortured,abuse ,emotional ,messed up lot.
Two times I just wanted to throw my kindle.
Thank you Chloe Walsh!
Profile Image for Eva’s Slave.
313 reviews5 followers
September 13, 2024
This is pure toxicity and gross behavior. When you think the society can’t disappoint you more but you read this and see that it’s possible. However, I eat this up so…
Profile Image for molly ✰.
17 reviews4 followers
February 26, 2023
Chloe Walsh has clearly improved her writing over the years cause wtf is this… hate the characters, story line and everything else about this book. All the bad tropes you can think of this has. I’m never normally a hater like this but I’m genuinely traumatised. Also so ironic they live in Alabama
Profile Image for Melanie Olson.
348 reviews2 followers
October 17, 2023
Big nope from me.
Hunting Adeline kidnapping vibes aka disgusting throughout.

Wasn’t gonna list as read on here bc i returned to Amazon, but they told me to keep book so here we are.
Profile Image for Jen La Duca.
156 reviews42 followers
October 2, 2015
I was sooooo not prepared for how good Blurring Lines turned out to be! When I accepted the ARC I thought I was signing on for a hot steamy romance/erotica type story. Then I read a few reviews on Amazon and found out that this book dealt with some really heavy issues but I wasn’t sure what exactly since the early reviews were all a little vague, thankfully! I wasn’t disappointed in learning this information since I usually prefer story-lines with a darker undertone and seedy characters so learning this just made me even more intrigued to begin reading. At just over 200 pages with small chapters and a fast moving plot I was able to read this in one sitting. What I wasn’t prepared for was how much this story was going to gut me, like seriously gut me to my core and leave me raw! Mackenzie (Kenzie) and Cade’s story is so beautiful and so, so devastating that it just left me completely speechless when I finished.

Blurring Lines starts out as this sweet story about two kids, Kenzie and Cade, as they meet and then become the best of friends; I really loved these first chapters! It then follows them throughout their preteen years as they grow up and become closer and you see the beginnings of stronger feelings developing by both of them. I love that this was told from both their POVs in alternating chapters, it really works well in this type of story. By age 15 they’re on the cusp of finally declaring their love when something horrific and tragic happens to Kenzie that causes her to be taken from everything she knows and loves. The pain and desperation that these characters go through while separated is so heart wrenching, it buries so deep inside you that you’ll feel it all the way to your core.

I don’t want to say anything more about what happened to Kenzie or why she was taken away because it’s really best to start reading with a fresh, open mind. Thankfully, after years of being apart Kenzie returns home, but this is not an easy reunion where the two main characters run happily into each other’s arms. Kenzie is not the same girl she used to be; now broken and scarred all she wants is Cade, it was thoughts of him that kept her going during her ordeal. Cade wants Kenzie just as badly; he wants to protect her, and heal her, and love her but it’s not that simple There are complications and obstacles in their way that neither one knows how to overcome.

This is such a powerful story that ends with such a bang and a punch you’ll need some Xanax just to recover! I loved this book so much and would highly recommend this to anyone who isn’t triggered by the topics listed above by the author; seriously this book is NOT intended for anyone under the age of 18! I was extremely happy to learn that Book 2 will be coming out this September as I NEED to know how Kenzie and Cade’s story turns out!!!

Thank you so much to author Chloe Walsh for writing this amazing story and to Tracey-Lee Mylchreest for contacting me with a request to read Blurring Lines in exchange for my honest review!!
Profile Image for Beckie Manning.
18 reviews4 followers
January 15, 2020
This book gutted me!

******spoilers ahead********

Every once in a while you find a book that speaks to you on numerous levels, this book did it for me. As a survivor, it refreshing to see that someone gets it. While reading this book I was crying during 85% of it! A book like this is why I read! A book that makes you feel, makes you bleed. I loved the main character of Mackenzie(Kenz). She's a survivor and doesn't realize it yet! I hope there's more books where I can see her develop into the strong, independent, loving, courageous woman I know she will be!

Kenz is broken. She will never be the same person again. She needs to find the new Kenz. She is not going to find herself in that small town where she was born. They are too closed minded to get what happened to her. It's a shame when the victims get victimized all over again.

No one stood up for Kenz when she came back. Not really! They all closed their eyes to what was going on around them. Cade, who I truly believes loves Kenz, never stood up for her. He let Emily and his mother say horrible things to her and about her! Kenz just wanted someone to choose her...finally! He never did that!

Emily is a manipulator. She's evil. Do I think she's pregnant. NO! If she is its not Cade's. He needs to open his eyes!

Let's talk about Mitch. His daughter was kidnapped, raped, and used in the most brutal of ways for 3 years. When he gets her back, he permits his new wife to say horrid things about her. They live together. He never hears the vile she spews. unlikely! If anyone is toxic it's her.

I think Kenz is right to leave. She needs to heal. Mind, body and soul.

I hope and pray that this saga is not over! Please, give Kenz her happily ever after! She deserves it!

Now, I'm gonna go read some more books by this author!
Profile Image for Grace Lau.
21 reviews32 followers
May 30, 2015
This is the first book I’ve read by Chloe Walsh and she definitely has a new fan in me. I read A LOT…like a book every couple of days and I had a serious book hangover that had lasted over a week. I had started about 4 books and wasn’t able to get into any of them so I asked some of my book buddies what to read next and they recommended Blurring Lines. I read this book in one sitting and I am reeling from the tremendous beating my emotions took from Cade and Kenzie’s story.

Cade and Kenzie’s friendship as young children and adolescents was so touching and written with a believable sense of nostalgia that had me reminiscing about my own happy childhood. They have a friendship that is loyal and true and the author conveys that special bond so well. Then a shocking turn of events occurs and Cade and Kenzie are separated. It is portrayed with a longing and desperation that I felt in my bones. The pain and suffering they endure while apart is heartbreaking but there is hope when they are eventually brought back together. The reunion is bittersweet as there are obstacles in their way that they do not know how to overcome and misunderstood intentions that strain their relationship. Kenzie has survived so much and to return home to anything but the love and security she so deserves is mind boggling. Bottom line is this book is filled with a variety of sweeping emotion and has the reader battling tears and choking down angry expletives. I cannot recommend this book enough!

Blurring Lines cured my book funk and I am looking forward to reading more of Cade and Kenzie’s unbelievable love story.
Profile Image for Stephanie Weber.
53 reviews1 follower
July 23, 2020
Not what I was expecting.

I was excited when I started this book, but then chapter after chapter I was told about the characters growing up together. Not shown, told. I think it would have more of an emotional impact to show just a couple moments that bonded these characters. Instead, I knew what I should be feeling, but I didn't feel it. No connection whatsoever. The same theme continues. I was told of the heroine's abuse. I was told how the hero struggled. Then I was told the hero moved on with a witch of a girl. That part is what really frustrated me. I posted in a group asking for a book on abuse where the hero never stops waiting. So it's not the author's fault the book wasn't what I asked for, but I just hate she was only gone three years before he moved on. All of the friends were childish. Like they couldn't comprehend what a repeat rape victim would be going through. The stepmom, the dad, the friends. What the hell is wrong with all of them? Even the hero. Listening to utter shite. He missed her every day, but he denied her? Abandoned her? And if I had to read another of Emily's pathetic outbursts, I don't think I could cope. Dramatic, I know. So what could make my feelings towards the book worse? A cliffhanger. I pushed myself to get to the end just to see what happened, but if I want to know , I have to read the next book. I don't usually leave these kinds of reviews. If it's not a 5 for me, I usually skip reviewing. But I had such high hopes going in, I feel like I need to express my frustration. I understand this can be a personal preference. It could be just me. But I was left frustrated with the book.
Profile Image for Heather Anne.
Author 4 books48 followers
June 4, 2015
Cade and Kenzie have loved each other basically since the time they met at 10 years old. They became fast best friends and were inseparable. As they started to grow up, those feeling started to blossom into something more. A profound love that is so rare is people so young. At the tender age of 15 they are ripped apart in such a way that you wonder how can they ever recover?
When they are reunited after 3 years everything has changed and not for the best. Lives altered forever.

While reading this book, I felt so many things. I felt Cade's struggle and his heartache. At times I wanted to reach into my kindle and hug him while simultaneously punching him in the face. My heart broke for Kenzie and she had gone through yet her strength was inspiring. With a cast of secondary characters who are mostly horribly human beings who really enhanced the story and added an authenticity that only Chloe Walsh could create.

The plot line is not an easy one to read. I cringed at what these characters went through and felt every ounce of pain they felt. I was immersed into this story from page one and the end left me breathless and rooting for Kenzie who is one of the best heroines of 2015.

Blurring Lines is not your average love story. It is dark, at times brutal and utterly beautifully heart breaking. Chloe's words invoke every feeling imaginable and some you didn't even know existed. This is not a book you read. This is a book you feel deep into your soul and experience in your heart.

5++ stars
ARC received in exchange for an honest review for FMR Book Grind
Profile Image for Siany.
456 reviews17 followers
July 1, 2016
At first, I thought about giving this a higher rating.
But there is a few things about this book that really don't sit right with me. And I am not even talking about the abduction, rape etc.

For starters, there aren't really any nice characters in this book.
Cade, yes okay he is "nice" but eugh just too "nice" and annoying.
MacKenzie, I feel like I was supposed to like her but I just didn't. I feel awful for even saying/typing that. I felt sorry for her and I wouldn't wish what happened to her on my worse enemy. But as a whole she was a character that wasn't even remotely likeable in the end.
The other characters, Cades girlfriend (i've forgotten her name already) was just hideous. The scene where the (SPOILER) girls at school flush her head in the toilet, berate her, call her names..it was just hideous. I felt physically sick when reading that scene.
Do people like that really exist? I mean, I suppose they do, but I cannot even imagine it.

Do I then even need to touch upon how co-dependent MacKenzie seems to be?
Its not normal or healthy and it just made me uncomfortable to read in the end.
I finished this and was obviously annoyed at the very obvious cliffhanger but I had hope that the next book would improve in some way. I mean, after reading that, i HAD to read the next one.

For this author that is a win because I am sure I am not the only one who didn't like this but ended up buying the next one just for the conclusion.

Profile Image for Allie Worthington.
61 reviews2 followers
May 20, 2015
“The stars will have to wait … I need you on the ground with me …”
4 hours: the amount of time it took me to devour this book! Chloe Walsh took me on a emotional roller coaster I wasn't ready for. Blurred Lines sucked me in from the first chapter. Walsh writes a powerful and heart wrenching book, with two incredibly broken hearts fighting each other. Cade and Mackenzie were life long friends until one night changed their life, they lost each other, their innocence, and their what could have been. You will love, hate, and break for these characters. Blurred lines is a book I finished, but I won't forget one that I know I will be rereading! Watch out once you read blurred lines you will be addicted.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 148 reviews

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