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Breakers #8


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The final book in the post-apocalyptic BREAKERS series.

462 pages, Kindle Edition

First published August 13, 2015

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About the author

Edward W. Robertson

71 books1,207 followers
Ed is the author of the post-apocalyptic Breakers series and the epic fantasy series The Cycle of Arawn. A former New Yorker and Idaho-guy, he currently lives in the LA area. His short fiction has appeared in a whole bunch of magazines and anthologies.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 96 reviews
Profile Image for Brian Switzer.
Author 4 books9 followers
August 25, 2015
Oh, how I'm going to miss this series.

Robertson ties it up beautifully- the reason behind the invasion and the final outcome of the earthlings versus swimmers battle that spanned eight volumes.

Everybody comes together for the big finish- Walt, looking to destroy a new mothership as he did the first; Raina, battle-weary but determined to drive off the invaders or die trying; Sebastion and Ness, embodying living The Way; Tristan, whose hatred of the swimmers threatens her own humanity, Mauser with his wisecracks, Lowell looking to right past wrongs.

Like all of The Breakers books Blackout is driven by its narrative; the words flow from page to page, driving the characters and revealing their weariness by their actions. There is a real skill in Robertson's ability to write a dozen-plus pages with nary a word of dialogue and not have the reader get bored or confused.

I just hope that over the years he'll take us back from time to time to see what's happening in the lives of characters we've come to know so well.
Profile Image for ᒪᗴᗩᕼ .
1,789 reviews185 followers
December 26, 2022

➨ Alien/Virus Apocalypse
➨ Dystopian Science Fiction
➨ Breakers (Finale) #8
➨ 3¾⭐ Rating for the entire series

➨ The epic finale with the Swimmers (Aliens)
➨ We’re getting the band back together and we're going to kick some alien ass…
➨ A lot of alien verbiage


This was the perfect ending for the Breakers Series. It was rather fulfilling, giving the reader/listener just what was needed. It was a little longish…but I thought that was true for all the books. They do tend to go on and on sometimes. I also wasn’t a fan of the alien’s POVs in this book…I could do without them.

🎙️Ray Chase 📣 He’s not bad by any means and I have to give him props for the deep alien-like voice he does (although I personally found it annoying to listen to). But…and this is for the series overall…I would’ve connected more completely with a full cast for the many POVs it has. It would’ve really stepped things up a notch in my opinion. But since this author is indie, I understand why it probably didn’t have additional narrators.

Total Score 7.24/10 | Opening-7 | Characters-7.5 | Plot-7 | Atmosphere-7 | Writing Style-7 | Ending-8 | Overall Enjoyment- 7.2
Profile Image for neil jenkins.
1 review1 follower
April 11, 2016
Two weeks well spent

Finally,after reading my fair share of garbage in the post apocalyptic section of kindle,this series has been an absolute jem to come across.
Two weeks reading all eight books that started slowly with a good build up of the main protagonists and blew up into an epic eight book story written with a wry style and amazing characters. Walt and Raina will live long in the memory.
Profile Image for Thomas Shull.
7 reviews1 follower
August 22, 2015
Great series ender

Wow this was book 8 of the series and it was not a disappointment. I started reading and could not put it down.
Profile Image for Aimee.
26 reviews1 follower
August 29, 2016
Sad to finish this series but what a great way to end it!
Profile Image for Emma.
79 reviews
August 2, 2020
My third read of this fantastic final book in the breakers series. The first time, I ploughed through it so quickly, just to know what happened, the second, to appreciate, and this time, to really focus on all of the minutiae I missed the first two times!

It took me a bit longer this time to get through, having to put it down for a while, and come back later. Not because I thought it was bad, maybe just because I hadn't left enough time between this read, and the last. As I said above, I practically inhaled it the first time around. So trust me, this is a great book!

It's harder to gauge book length while reading online, but I do feel that blackout is longer than the previous installations. Just think of it as more bang for your buck!

Unlike the aforementioned earlier books, all of the important characters (and their unique perspectives!) are revisited throughout, which is slightly different from the two character format we've experienced up until the most recent few books. I won't say much, as I don't love spoilers, but there are also some Very Unique Character perspectives of whom we haven't been privy to up until now.

I think the most important thing I can say, is just how well Ed finished his series. If you're reading this to gauge whether you should bother at all, gun-shy of a hasty and sloppy wrap-up, then look no further! Ed Robertson delivers! He even explains at the end of the book, how the writing process worked for him as he wrote the last pages of this book and of his incredible series. If you've ever had that rush when you've written the perfect paper for uni then you know what I mean. That's the closest I can come to explaining what I think he was saying in his post-script, but honestly, there aren't too many great stories out there that end perfectly, so I want to hammer in to whoever is reading this, that this truly ties up all the "loose ends" (who am I kidding? there weren't any to begin with!).

Look, anybody can find something to criticise if they really want to, but my guess is that if you've made it this far, you already love the story and the characters that make it come alive. I won't nitpick. I am too incredibly biased towards one of the best stories I've ever read. 5 stars isn't enough in my books. Ed, you make me want to write my own! Who knows? Not much else to do in the midst of our own very real pandemic!
Profile Image for Barry Bozeman.
134 reviews2 followers
June 23, 2019
The best deals on this series for audible listeners is to purchase the Kindle version and add the Audible for $8 = $11 or 12 for both versions vs $15 for Audible only. 5
Many of the new post-apocalyptic series books go for $14 or 15 for 6 or 7 hours but this series has respectable 13 to 14-hour segments for excellent characters in intertwining storylines that eventually see each of the dozen or so main characters come together for the final series ending battles .
85% of humanity dies from a worldwide pandemic only to face invasion from Swimmers - crab/squid/lobster like aliens that start eliminating the survivors or capturing them in order to craft a virus to overcome their immunity.
Each book has chapters that alternate the stories of 2 or 3 main characters who migrate toward Los Angeles from New York, Idaho, and other states with stops in Washington State's Hanford nuclear facility, Redding CA., Hawaii, and/or Arizona.
The surviving humans end up in 4 camps in SoCal - The LaJolla Kingdom, The Catalina Kingdom, the followers of Anson in Hollywood, and Raina's San Pedro - Long Beach group all fighting for dominance and control beneath the shadow of the massive alien mothership before and after it is crashed into the Pacific off Santa Monica.
Profile Image for Julie Powell.
Author 72 books321 followers
June 2, 2020
A brilliant conclusion to this excellent series.

The best thing about it, I think, is the characters. All were believable, some more developed than others, but that depended on their role in the stories, however, even the lesser ones were realistic.

My favourite was Walt - complex, flawed, egotistical and yet love affected him more than anything, which proved his soft heart; great sense of humour, too.

Raina was the wisest and most intriguing. Her origins were wrapped in mystery. I loved the way she thought and saw the world and its people; her oneness with the earth and nature.

Ness was the bravest. For all his nervousness, he ploughed ahead and always tried to do the right thing The relationship with Sebastian was amazing.

There are plenty of other characters, too, some good, some despicable but the majority were shown to be human in all those complex ways.

Great plot, twists, turns and surprises, fast-paced, wise and meaningful, this series is superb, its writing style and flow made it a compelling read.

Highly recommended.
September 19, 2019
Loved it, I started the series with the first three books free. Free books are very hit and miss ranging from awful through mediocre and occasionally a gem. This series is in the gem category. I usually read fantasy rather than sci-fi so the books weren’t what I would normally get into. I was drawn from the beginning. Each book is about two different people portrayed in alternate chapters and as the books progress the people come together and we see how their individual stories fit into the whole. I loved the characters, I loved their stories and as with all best books for the time of reading, they were real to me. The story line had me thinking what would I do/ how would I cope. Unfortunately if I hadn’t died in the first catastrophe I most certainly would have died in the aftermath. Highly recommended
Profile Image for Doug Peters.
140 reviews
June 26, 2019
In my opinion, this was the best installation of the second half of the series, if not the whole thing. It was a great, entertaining, fitting resolution for all the characters. They all acted during the rising action and climax as I would have expected, given their individual stories. Their differences highlighted the variety of human experiences and adaptations in the apocalyptic aftermath of their world.

Oh, one other thing. I really liked the small insights into the alien culture and personality. They were some of my favorite parts and I could have used more of that throughout the series, but that is a nitpicky thing.
6 reviews
May 31, 2022
Best series I've. Read!

I don't like series. I think they are a rude way to draw out a book into little books to make more money. This is not true of the Breakers Series. Each book is a story. The author brought the characters together through the different books with so much skill it was seamless and felt so natural. I'm as impressed with the skill of the writer as the story. I look forward to reading more from this author and that's only the second time I've ever said that and reading is my favorite pass time and the scifi/ plague genre is my favorite and consumes as many hours of my time as the writers express it does of theirs.
120 reviews1 follower
October 19, 2017
Saved the best for last

Been following this series for two yrs and the final book did not disappoint! Word to the wise...start at the first book. You'll see these characters and as you read each book, they become someone you actually know and care about. The writer never goes preachy, the peop!e aren't perfect but you embrace their flaws because they are just like you and me...warts and all. Thoroughly enjoyed this series, it had plausible issues and doesn't make any cliched moral edicts. Sit back and enjoy!
Profile Image for Becky.
1,615 reviews25 followers
November 11, 2019
I have never bought a book just to skim through to see how it ended, until now. I read the first 2-3 books in the series and knew I couldn't live in this world for another 5-6 books, but I wanted to know how it turned out. I bought this book just so I could find out. I enjoy this author's fantasy books, but this series was way too dark for me. I can't give it a rating since I didn't really read it, but I would say that, if your tastes run to the dark side, you'll probably enjoy this. The author is talented and inventive and I appreciate his talents, just not in this series.
7 reviews
May 13, 2018
Final review of the series

Really enjoyed the characters and heros . Lots of varieties of personalities interacting and claiming their place in the series. Certainty a daunting challenge for mere humans to face an alien invasion of this scope. This book did a good job of satisfactorily completing all the issues and conflicts. I have never read a series of this length and I really enjoyed it. 😂
Profile Image for Bullman.
187 reviews1 follower
October 22, 2017
An exceptionally superb book to end a series

Blackout is one of the best series ending books I have ever read. If your reading this review and contemplating reading a Breakers series book I HIGHLY recommend starting at the beginning and reading all eight books! I am sad to see it end.
Profile Image for Karlyn.
328 reviews
November 22, 2017
Throughout the series I’ve had mixed feelings. Some additions were great, others so so. I thought this ending was great. I liked the twists and turns and coming together of the main characters. The story line felt realistic not just everything comes up roses. The story line reminded me of many shows I’ve watched but that did not detract from it at all.
1 review
January 3, 2018
A born storyteller.

I've read science fiction all my life. Some good, some not so good and some bloody awful. Usually a series gets a bit dull after the 3rd book or so, not Breakers. I can't believe how well he writes for a fairly new author and how prolific he's become. Many others will ramble on about the contents of the book, I'm not going to. Just read it.
January 4, 2018
Great Ending to a Fantastic Series

It has been a long time (years) since I have finished a whole series from start to finish. Breakers hooked me and didn’t let go. This last book didn’t let up on the action and the ending was very well done. Five Stars. Thank you for a great read!
13 reviews
November 10, 2018
The end

From book one until the end in book 8 I fell in love with Rainia, Walt and everyone else who appeared along the way. Every book close into the next with a new discovery along the way. When I read the last word I was saddened that I didn't have a book nine to read. I will continue to read everything by this author.
Profile Image for Christian.
15 reviews1 follower
October 24, 2019
So sad to be finished with this series :/ I feel like this is the first series that i've truly connected with the characters.


Pretty cool how all the characters cross paths and finally band together in the last book.
I hope there is a 8.5 book to explain what Ness and Sebastian do after they leave Earth!!!
190 reviews
September 17, 2021
As with all the Breaker Series books, this one was a real thriller that ended this saga. I was pleased to read he was influenced by Stephen King's The Stand, and that was apparent from the reading, but it also proved to make it a unique take on the apocalypse. Loved all of these books, and this one was no exception.
10 reviews
January 5, 2023
Don't miss this series!!!

Plague, aliens, wars and action galore. This series was completely awesome from the first book to the last. I'm honestly sad it's over. You will fall in love with the characters. I lost sleep several nights to get a few more pages in. Thank you Edward, keep.cranking them out.
December 24, 2017
Very enjoyable series

I got the first three books for $1, and ended up buying all the rest to finish the series. I have read many self published authors on amazon, and he is the first I took time to write a review on. Thanks for an enjoyable read!
1 review
February 12, 2018
A fun read

This is a fun series. Lots of action, great characters, and an interesting setting. It’s a fun break from our reality to join another reality that hopefully never actually happens!
Profile Image for Anna Skaar.
14 reviews
February 27, 2018
I feel a bit empty now, having finished the last book of the Breakers series. I love the characters, I love the Dovon's, I love the nerdy humour and I love Sebastian. Sebastian is probably my favourite character. Ever.

Let's see what else we have by Mr Robertson. Amazon next.
Profile Image for Lisa.
45 reviews
August 11, 2019
Sad to see it end

It took me a long time to finish becauseI didn't want it to end!! What a FANTASTIC series!! I will definitely read it all again, and that is something I never do.
Profile Image for Natalie.
36 reviews2 followers
May 9, 2017

The ending of this series was perfect! I can't believe its over, I'm seriously lost without it. At first I thought aliens? Really? But the whole thing is written so well and goes deeper than an alien invasion. I loved this series and would recommend it to everyone!
Profile Image for Joanne.
2,016 reviews
February 12, 2018
What a fantastic series, hated to see it end- but author wound up series very well. Loved it!!!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 96 reviews

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