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VonBrandt Family #2

To Love a Mate: Somewhere, TX

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Can a small-town cowboy win the heart of a woman who doesn’t have one?

Surviving charity functions by day and automatic weapons and death threats by night, Emma Carrington learned to be as hard as the men her daddy hired to protect her. Hell, she even carried a military grade stun gun in her Prada bag and could shoot just as well as any of her ex-military bodyguards if the need arose.

When a failed kidnapping attempt forces her to hide out in Somewhere, Texas, Emma finds herself stranded, floundering through cow patties, and desperate for a car. Who better to “borrow” from than the sexy naked man she sees turn into a wolf and leave his perfectly good pickup truck available for use. It’s not like he can drive it in his current condition, right?

College senior Noah VonBrandt knows the pack law better than anyone —only a bonded mate can know his secret. He watched his brother find the mate of his dreams and he wants the same thing, but you can’t just make the “right” girl appear out of thin air. To his surprise, lightning does strike. When a beautiful blonde woman trespasses on the ranch and sees him transform, he knows he only has two choices —claim her or let the pack erase her memories. But even as Noah fights to save her, Emma’s past is hot on her heels and out for more than memories.

206 pages, ebook

First published July 7, 2015

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About the author

Krystal Shannan

77 books1,417 followers
USA Today Bestselling Author Krystal Shannan lives in a sprawling ranch style home with her husband, teenage son, and two almost teenage daughters. Her home is full of love and laughter and lots of animals. In fact the welcome mat warns visitors that it’s a zoo inside—chickens, rabbits, rats, guinea pigs, dogs and fish! You name it, they’ve probably had it in their home at some point.

Krystal writes stories filled with magick, fantasy, passion, and just enough humor to make you laugh out loud. Join the fun and escape to a whole new world.

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Profile Image for Carol [Goodreads Addict].
2,703 reviews25.1k followers
March 6, 2016

To Love a Mate: Somewhere, TX is book two in the VonBrandt Family series by Krystal Shannan. It’s been some time since I read book one in this series, To Save a Mate, and I’d forgotten how much I loved it. In book one we met Luke VonBrandt. In this one we get to know his twin brother, Noah.

To Love a Mate Krystal Shannan:

Noah VonBrandt is feeling a little jealous about how happy his brother is with his new mate. He’s also been feeling restless lately, like his skin is all prickly. He did some research and found out that one explanation for this could be that the woman that is intended to be his mate is near. Little did he think that she would be the one to steal his truck.

cowboy in barn:

Emma Carrington is on spring break when her life falls apart. She is the daughter of a man heavily entrenched in the crime world. He makes a lot of money and she has been raised in the Hamptons. She’s on spring break when something is suspicious with her body guards. So, she runs. She’s headed to Somewhere, Texas where the woman who lives there maintains her safe house, Lucy. The problem is, Lucy is in the hospital. Emma is trying to find Lucy’s house in the middle of the night when through a series of unfortunate events lands her in the middle of a cow pasture that contains lots of cow pies, some of which ended up on her! This just happens to be the VonBrandt property. She’s lost and frightened when she sees something she never thought possible. A man changing in to a wolf. Once the initial shock passes, she steals his truck. She has to find Lucy’s house.

woman and wolf:

It is strictly forbidden for a human to witness ‘the change.’ Once Noah’s family realizes what has happened, they have no choice. They must erase her memories. But Noah can’t let that happen. He is already feeling something for her. He will protect her. If he bonds with her, then she will be safe. But he hardly knows her. Could he take such a risk?

“In less than twenty-four hours, this guy had managed to crack the tough shell she always kept around her heart. She couldn’t fall for him. It couldn’t happen.”

The pull of magick was too strong for Noah and Emma to resist. But Emma knows that once Lucy is able to travel, they had to run. So couldn’t she just enjoy what was happening between she and Noah for the little bit of time they had? Wasn’t she entitled to that at least?

“How did he do that? How did he make her completely forget that she needed to slam down the walls around her heart? Instead, he opened them wide, showing her how much sunlight she’d been missing for so many years.”

couple in bed

This is a pretty short book but it’s non-stop from start to finish. Emma is just trying to survive any way she can. Noah is stuck between the strict traditions and rules of his kind and the feelings he can’t deny for Emma. How will this ever work out?

This is a quick, sexy and suspenseful book that I completely enjoyed. I’m going directly on to book three in the series, To Win a Mate.

Profile Image for Linda Levine.
4,635 reviews25 followers
July 18, 2015
Emma is tough. She has had to be to survive her dad's questionable business and her mom's high society ways. When it becomes clear her life is at risk, she takes off to the only safe place she knows. She has no idea just how much her life will change when she sees Noah changed from a man to a wolf and decides to take his truck.

Noah is taken with Emma right away and wants to protect her. Her knowledge of his family being shifters is dangerous. He either needs to make her his mate or her memory will be erased. She truly is stunning. Noah decides to protect her from his family and her father's business associates. It doesn't mean there isn't time for him to convince her they are mates and belong together.

I thoroughly enjoyed the story. Emma is a really strong woman and just the kind of character I really enjoy reading about. She is pretty shock proof and just focused on survival. Noah is a surprise for her, When she starts to care, she just wants to protect him from the danger. They make a sweet couple and provide each other with just what they are missing. Emma has had limited love and affection in her life and Noah can provide her with all the love she missed. Noah has craved this kind of connection after seeing his brother find his mate.

I received a copy in return for a honest review.
Profile Image for Roxie's Reviews.
1,039 reviews23 followers
July 14, 2015
"Even distance can not break the bond"
Wow this book is phenomenal!. The characters are out standing!. After just reading the first chapter I was hooked!. The feisty rich girl Emma Carrington is out drinking with her friends she has two body guards with her. One of her body guards gives her a bottle of water. Before she drinks it she has a feeling to test it for drugs. Emma has a special fingernail polish that changes color if it is dipped in any thing that has drugs in it. Emma finds it is laced so she gives her body guards a slip. Then she notices a call on her phone from her Dad with a warning for her to go to their safe house and find her old body guard Lucy in Somewhere Texas. Noah Von Brandt is a werewolf on spring break in Somewhere. His wolf has been restless lately ever sense his twin brother Luke had found his mate. The Von Brandt ranch is next to Lucy's safe house. When Noah and Emma meet its hilarious. This book has amazing Romance,suspense,action plus fantastic humor! It is a must must read book!.
Profile Image for Cheryl   Graham-Petit.
4,113 reviews24 followers
January 1, 2016
If you're looking for a sexy, shifter book that is well-written, has great characters, a story-line that keeps you on the edge of your seat and some naughty thrown in, To Love A Mate is the book you need.

Krystal Shannan does an amazing job of giving her readers what they want. From the very first page to the very last, Ms. Shannan has written a story that you will not want to put down.
Profile Image for Judy Lewis.
1,565 reviews54 followers
July 15, 2015
Title: To Love A Mate: Somewhere, Tx
Series: VonBrandt Family
Designation: Book Two (A Standalone Western Shapeshifter Werewolf Romance)
Author: Krystal Shannan
Well cowpokes, we're back in Somewhere, Texas for another exciting adventure and I, for one, absolutely love it! Krystal Shannon has delighted her readers yet again with To Love A Mate, the second release in her amazing VonBrandt Family series and this time around, we have handsome, charismatic twin, Noah VonBrandt. Oh my! Those VonBrandt men are certainly swoonworthy and Noah is no exception! But I digress. Let's talk about the book. The story is most definitely exciting, is certainly full of adventure and danger at every turn, and even has a large dose of humor but man oh man, is it ever super sexy and fabulously romantic! And did I mention hot? No? Well, it's hot! The interaction between the two main characters is a blazing exchange fed by a backdraft of instant lust-fueled attraction and high octane emotion! Oh my! The dialogue is smart, sassy, exceptionally well written and flows effortlessly. But my favorite element of this story is the characters. Yeah, yeah, I know, the characters are always my favorite. They are powerful, well developed, fascinating, engaging, endearing and sexy as sin. Shannan skillfully combines these elements into a delightfully entertaining paranormal romance full of danger, adventure, passion, sweet romance and forever love.
After growing up the daughter of a billionaire arms dealer masquerading as a philanthropist, Emma Carrington knows heartache and has almost grown accustomed to all the kidnapping attempts and death threats - almost. Now, she's on the run for her very life - again. And this time, it's from her very own bodyguards who now seem to be playing for the other team. She has only one possible option - try to get to Lucy Craig, her former guardian. Lucy kept her safe from harm for the first sixteen years of her life and is the only person who has ever truly loved her. If she can just get to Lucy who now owns a safehouse in Somewhere, Texas, Emma knows Lucy will have a plan to protect her. But getting there safely is a major problem! Can her life get any crazier??? Yep, it definitely can! After a deer runs in front of her car on a backroad near Somewhere, Emma finds herself in need of another means of transportation. And just when she spots a truck to steal, she witnesses an unbelievable sight - the owner of the truck, a handsome, sexy young cowboy, has just transformed into a wolf!!?? What the heck??? Werewolves aren't real, are they??? She can't be attracted to a werewolf, can she??!! Noan VonBrandt has been more than a little restless and his wolf won't settle. He senses something and he suspects he may just know what it is. He's hesitant to believe that his possible mate may be close so maybe a late night run will help to settle his nerves. Unfortunately, Noah's transformation is witnessed by a beautiful blonde and instead of freaking out - she attacks him with a taser...umm...stun gun and steals his truck! Huh? Tasers(stuns) him and steals his truck??? How in the world did she manage that??? And when he finally catches her, she stuns him again! What the heck??? Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me! Who in the world is that young woman? He has to find her! She's the one - his mate! Oh my! Will Noah be able to catch Emma before it's too late and even if he does, will he be able to keep her safe from her enemies as well as his own family who are also chasing her? Oh my lordy! Let the chase begin! And once you read the book, you'll understand completely what the big deal is with the two terms, taser versus stun and it's totally hilarious. Handsome, charismatic, werewolf cowboy who is willing to risk everything including his life to protect his one true love-check! Beautiful, smart young woman who knows how to use military grade weapons and is proficient with a stun gun-double check! Danger, drama, adventure, a very capable guardian, a family at odds with each other and some very dangerous enemies-check! Heated attraction, fiery passion, sweet romance, heartbreaking angst, a bond that can never be broken, and steamy, dreamy sex-you bet! That and a whole lot more! Although this is a standalone novella, I would highly recommend reading Book One of the series, To Save A Mate. Fabulous entertainment and an awesome read!
Profile Image for Kathleen Bradbury (Bulfon).
16.4k reviews198 followers
June 25, 2020

Just loved this story, it was another wonderfully written romance. The characters were described as if they were truly there. You could almost believe that you were there. This is an incredible series!
Profile Image for Tanja.
676 reviews15 followers
June 30, 2015
ARC review

Emma Carrington was out clubbing with her friends and two shadows of bodyguards, stuck to her like glue, ordered by her father. When one of them giver her a bottle of water, different alarm bells go off and she checks the water with a new type of nail polish (this actually is out there, it changes color if your drink is drugged). Finding her friends she tells them she’s going to ditch her guards like she’s done a few times before and that they shouldn’t wait for her. Luck is on her side when she encounters a girl her size in the bathrooms and offers her some cash to switch outfits. It’s her ticket out of the club. Barely out, she gets a call from her father, setting things in motions. She’s convinced this would be the last time she’s hear his voice. They were a high profile family but not all of his dealing were that honest, enemies were around a dime a dozen. And now it looked like his luck finally ran out.
Doing as instructed, she destroys her phones, banks as much cash as she can withdraw and makes a beeline to Somewhere, Texas. Her aunt Lucy lives there and she can help her get off the grid and sort out her family's affairs.
Somewhat lost, she takes a wrong turn and ends up on someone else's land. A deer hitting her car results in her ending up in a ditch and crawling through land she isn’t familiar with. In the distance she sees a truck stopping, a man stepping out and getting butt naked. What she witnesses after as her mind whirling. One moment a man, the next there stood a big wolf in his place. Waiting long enough she slowly makes her way over, finding the truck unlocked. A quick search lets her find the keys. Just as she wants to leave she’s stopped. As he breaks the window of his own truck trying to prevent her from driving off she turns to the only weapon she has on her, her stun gun. Knocking him out long enough for a quick escape!
This is the one event that sets so much in motion that she not only has two goons after her but also a pack of angry wolves who want their secret be kept a secret. Luckily it’s not the whole family because it seems the man, Noah, can’t seem to stop helping her. The huge brick wall around her heart crumbles in such a fast way she can’t help giving into their attraction. Her aunt Lucy is adamant on leaving and when she’s done sorting out the goons at her house, at the same time Lucy gets confronted with a bunch of wolves. Just in time Noah shifts back and offers her a way out. Not taking long to decide she agrees to be bonded, the only way his pack won’t chase her into oblivion. But the words were hardly said when her aunt Lucy drags her away.
This was a really fast paced book but it surely didn’t disappoint. It flowed well and there weren’t glitches or holes in the story. It does come with a HEA but how and where? Who knows, that’s for you to find out.
1,351 reviews40 followers
July 2, 2015
Emma Carrington is a Hampton socialite on spring break with a friend; Emma’s father is very wealthy but does shady business. During an outing, one of her assigned bodyguards slips some drug in her drink. She decides to ditch him, switches clothes with a woman in the restroom of the bar where she was; she leaves quickly and rents a car. She gets a call from her dad who says security has been compromised and to call her former guardian, Lucy Craig. On her way to Lucy’s safe house, she has an accident and she sees a man undress and … change into a wolf!

What a great story! I love that Emma doesn’t do anything stupid: she is careful, she doesn’t panic, she doesn’t jump to conclusions, even when she sees the werewolf, who is otherwise the gorgeous Noah VanBrandt. TO LOVE A MATE is the second book in the VonBrandt Family series, and can easily be read as a standalone. There’s a lot of action: Emma’s life is in danger from both her family’s side and from the werewolves’ side, and there are several unpredictable plot twists! The characters are multi-dimensional, Noah and Emma are very engaging, and I loved Lucy; it was fun for a change to see an older character involved in the story. The romance between Noah and Emma is sweet and sexy, and progressed naturally; they have a lovely relationship amidst all the problems they face.

Ms. Shannan’s prose is very fluid, very eloquent, elegant and clear, the story is fast-paced; I loved everything about TO LOVE A MATE: A great read!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Profile Image for Krystal M.
543 reviews4 followers
July 3, 2015
oh my!
i absolutely love Krystal and her knack for story telling so its no suprise that this one was fabulous.
It is fast paced but very well written.

Emma is on the run and finds herself in Somewhere, Texas looking for help. What she didn't expect to find was a sexy man who shifts into a wolf in front of her very eyes. Now, not only does she need to keep moving to avoid the men after her, but she must get away from "wolfy's" family who want to ensure their secret is kept safe.

Out for a run, Noah didn't notice that there was a woman out on their land before he changes into his wolf. After a couple incidents he gets her to his families home to discuss what to do about her knowing their secret.

Noah will do anything to keep Emma out of both his families hands and those out to kill her. But what means will be go about to keep her safe?

I love that Noah is definitely an alphamale but is not "in your face" about it. He is kind, caring, and fights for what he wants. I also love that Emma can take care of herself and doesn't need a man to handle her light work ;)

i recommend this steamy, sweet read to any and all who love them an alpha male and a kick ass woman who can handle herself.

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Crystal Watson .
379 reviews6 followers
July 1, 2015
I got this book as an ARC for and honest review so here it is. Oh my goodness. This book was excellent I absolutely loved it.
It's not your average love story. Starts out with Emma who is a daughter of a crime family and Noah who is a shifter. Emma is on the run after someone kidnaps her parents. She was instructed to go to her safe house but has an accident before she gets there and along comes Noah who was just stopping to go for a run and Emma see's him change into his wolf form which is a no no. Poor Emma finds herself hunted on two fronts can she escape the bad people from her past. Can Noah keep her safe from his pack long enough to help Emma get away from the the mob crew that's hunting her. Will Emma be able to hold on to Noah after all is said in done. I won't tell do yourself a favor and get the book you won't be disappointed I promise. Krystal Shannan made an excellent story line with characters you will fall in love with. It really was a great book over all very well written and you wont be able to put it down once you start reading it. This does not end in a cliffhanger. I really hope there is more to come in this series.
Profile Image for Vanessa.
69 reviews2 followers
July 2, 2015
I loved this book. Fast paced action that grabs you from the beginning. It is laugh out loud funny. You will not want to put it down.
Emma is calm, cool, collected and having a very bad night. Watching a man shift from human to wolf is the least of her problems. Emma is accustomed to dealing with scarier stuff than some man/wolf. She is being chased by armed mercenaries, her parents are missing, and her only hope is to make it to her former bodyguard in Somewhere, TX.

The man/wolf in question, Noah, has a duty to bring Emma to his family. She knows their secret and must have her memory erased. Noah doesn't want her to suffer at the hands of his family and knows the only way to keep that from happening is to bond with her.

You only get to bond once. It is supposed to be for love, not to keep a stranger's memory intact. Even though he wants Emma, she has to disappear to stay alive.

So what’s worse? Being killed by mercenaries, having your memory erased, or bonding to someone you have to leave behind?

I was given a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Kristy.
680 reviews
July 15, 2015
I received an ARC from the author, in exchange for an honest review.

WOW, I just finished reading 'To Love a Mate' book 2 of Krystal's "VonBrandt Family" series, WICKED!! I would advise that you read book 1 of this series, you really don't want to miss out on anything.

Emma Carrington gets the feeling something isn't right one night whilst she's out with friends, then she gets the phone call from her father to go to Lucy, her safe house. Somewhere Texas is her destination, taking a wrong turn, then hitting a deer in the middle of the road, she finds herself on the VonBrandt ranch. Noah VonBrandt has been feeling the magic inside rise, everynight he's out in wolf form... but one night changes everything, thinking he's safe, he lets the magic take over... but Emma see's it all & that's not all he notices....

I couldn't tear my eyes away from the pages, I was enthralled in this action packed story, next thing I knew it'd finished. I loved everything about the story, the action, the heat, the trust, everything! I can't wait to read what happens next in Somewhere, TX for the VonBrandt family.

Profile Image for Sonja Ratliff.
51 reviews2 followers
June 30, 2015
Another great read. I have found so many great authors on the face book page The Wolf Pack: For Readers Who Like A Good Howl. Krystal Shannan is now one of my favorites. This book is the second in a series about the VonBrandt Family a family of shifters who are fighting to keep their existence a secret and to find and keep their one and only mate.
Into their lives comes Emma a young lady with lots of trouble of her own. Her father is mixed up with not so nice people and Emma has survived kidnappings and murder attempts. The last one has sent her running for the only person who she knows loves her and will never let her down. Lucy, the woman who was her mother, while her bio mom was to busy to deal with Emma. Her bodyguards have tried to kill her and send her running where she sees the handsome Noah shift into his wolf. What follows is both running from his family and the killers who are after her. A wonderful mix of fun, excitement, action and romance.
A delightful read and I will be reading more of this series.
Profile Image for Jasmyn.
1,553 reviews19 followers
July 13, 2015
What I loved most about this book was Noah and his total devotion to keeping an innocent woman safe. Even though she discovers his secret when she watches him shift, he will do anything to protect her. And she has a lot to be protected from right now.

Emma can take pretty good care of herself - she has a purse that holds all - and some of that "all" is very deadly. I love that she can take care of herself and her loyalty to those that have treated her well in the past. There was a TON of excitement in this story - much more suspenseful than the first. This was a great change of pace, especially since I read them back to back, but it did take a little from the romance.

I really wish there had been just a tad more of them getting to know each other and falling in love. It all happened so very suddenly at times. However, the ending....OMG the ending!!!! I don't know that it could have been done any better. I fell in love with both of them all over again.

*This book was received in exchange for an honest reivew*
Profile Image for wolfwoman1958 Patricia Kieffer.
682 reviews3 followers
July 1, 2015
To Love A Mate, Somewhere TX (VonBrandt Family #2)
by Krystal Shannan
This book is exciting right from the beginning. With Emma partying with friends during spring break with two bodyguards to keep her safe. The bodyguards have other plans, one give her a bottle of water that is already opened. Emma is a smart and with a absentee criminal father she has been trained to watch everything and everyone. So she checks the water with her nail, the polish she has on will tell if there is something in the water and there is. She has to get away from the bodyguards and find Lucy, the woman who raised and trained her till she was 16.There is so much going on that you can't put the book down. I laughed and cried in this book. It so intense that it pulls you right into the story. I was hooked from the 1st chapter till the end. I truly enjoyed read this story and would recommend it for a great read. I was given the book for a honest review.
Profile Image for Niki Driscoll.
886 reviews18 followers
July 1, 2015
Somewhere Texas is quite the unique name and is the home to some very interesting characters. Noah VonBrandt is a shifter whose magic is telling him something is coming and he hopes it is his mate. Emma Carrington is running for her life and she doesn't have time to find love with the sexy shifter. This was a fast paced story with great characters. Emma is very strong but has lacked love and is not sure how to accept it. Noah is caring, wants to protect and care for Emma and keep her safe. There is a lot of humor in this storyline and the interaction between Noah and Emma is very entertaining. The two strong personalities collide creating an engaging action filled adventure. A well written story that draws you in and has you emotionally engaged from the first chapter. Intriguing elements, dangerous situations, family drama, suspense and a sizzling attraction make for a wonderful reading experience.
Profile Image for Marlena Dennis.
11 reviews1 follower
July 4, 2015
This book really is well paced fast page turner. Murphy Law When something can go wrong it will. Kidnappings, and then more kidnappings?!! Oh My When it rains it pours Emma on run she suppose to go safe place, when something happen to derails her flight to safety, Sexy Man shift and what happens now there two groups chasing Emma luck just seem kaput. Will thre be epic love story? What happen to the kidnapped people, the people who are howling after her for what she saw can Noah and Emma make life will they live..(key evil music) Only one way find ou what happen that to grab it and read it you wont be able put it down, It well written book, you think ya predictable.. Buzzzerr.. Wrong no hanging at end book you find out how battle of life, Love and Truth changes it all. da da dum... Must read!
Profile Image for Becky Burciaga.
1,480 reviews17 followers
June 30, 2015
This emotionally charged second book in the series quickly captures your attention with Emma who has already lost so much in her life, but doesn't seem too affected by that loss...it's almost as if she feels nothing for anyone except for the one woman who raised her while her own mother was too busy with a social life to do so herself. Emma doesn't feel anything until she meets Noah...who quickly breaks down her walls because he truly feels she is his mate.

There is just enough action to keep the story moving and interesting, but the core of the book is always present, Emma and Noah. You won't be disappointed when you reach the end...you'll only be wishing for more of the story of Emma and Noah!
Profile Image for Erica Deer-Davis.
5 reviews4 followers
July 2, 2015
I was given this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Ms. Krystal Shannon has done it again! Somewhere, TX is where I want to live one day. First we meet Emma who seems to be a rich privileged girl with her very own bodyguards. Seems her life takes a turn she doesn't expect when her parents are killed and she needs to run quick from her so called bodyguards. She runs toward Somewhere, TX where her "Aunt" lives. There is where Emma runs into Noah and finds out his secret. Noah falls for Emma and will do anything to keep his family away from hurting her and her enemies as well. The action is wonderful and the mate bond is strong. Do not miss this episode of To Love a Mate!You won't be disappointed when you reach the end.
and Noah
Profile Image for Sheila Schwartz.
1,590 reviews5 followers
June 30, 2015
This is an exciting rollercoaster read of emotions! Emma is a socialite in the rarefied life of a billionaires daughter who finds herself on the run when her bodyguards turn on her and her only haven a small town and retired nanny! Wow wish we all had a Lucy in our life for love, protection and connections!!! And to find your life in upheaval and then discover your life changing for another reason that seems unbelievable makes this story gripping. The magnetism between Noah and Emma is scorching and the story sizzling! A great story with action, excitement and terrific dialogue! Can't wait to read more of the VonBrandt Family of shapeshifters!!
256 reviews3 followers
July 7, 2015
5 stars
This was the story of Emma and Noah. There was adventure. There was romance.
Emma is a tough daughter of a crime lord. She has seen it all. She finds Noah while
trying to escape a kidnapping. At first Noah is only a means to her escape. Finally
Emma surrenders to the feeling of love between them. Noah believes that Emma is his mate.
He pledges to do anything to help her. He bonds himself to her to keep her safe. Emma leaves
him to disappear from her past. How can she be his mate if she can leave?
There are some graphic sexual scenes. There is a happy ending. I think that the end was
wrapped up rather quickly, but it was a good ending and a fun read.
Profile Image for Zeinab Dh.
1,591 reviews36 followers
July 2, 2015
I got this book in exchange of an honest review, I am a fan of her work and as usual it is a joy to read, she really knows how to make others desire more of her characters, it was charming to see a pack of wolves fight for their existence and their mates, it was great how Emma and Noah meet, how the action, suspense thriller mystery love are all mixed together and each makes you guess jump and roar to life while reading the book it is an awesome series cant wait to read the rest and I hope some do get a book of their own ( side characters)

Profile Image for Grace.
8 reviews
July 8, 2015

This is not the first series I have read of Krysrtal shannan , I also loved her vegas mate collection. I thoughly enjoyed this book, It was well written and was hard to put down once your opened it.
Emma is on the run from some nasty people and in her time of need she meets Noah a wolf shifter , who will do anything to claim and protect his mate. This book brought me to tears towards the end wanting there love to win through ...You won't be disappointed do yourself a favour and grab a copy, ,I will know patiently wait for the next book in the series .
Profile Image for Sheila Kennedy.
133 reviews2 followers
July 1, 2015
The Von Brandt family is awesome. This is a new author for me, and a new kinda shifter, totally loved it. Girl on the run finds her shifter mate, but doesn't know it, He hasn't quite figured it out yet, but bam! When they get together sparks fly, but...one small problem, she isn't a shifter, and he only gets one :) so what is a guy to do to save the girl he loves? but she isn't sure all kinds of issues pop up, totally fun fast read. You gotta check it out. Go click this one you won't be sorry.
Profile Image for Lisa.
646 reviews
July 1, 2015
I received an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

I love the VonBrandt boys! I think they are such great heroes and go out of their way to support and love their heroines. Emma and Noah make a great couple and each wants to protect the other one which is so fantastic.

If you are looking for a great, quick read with a sensitive, alpha male and a strong heroine then you have to read this book. Can't wait for the next one in the series.
Profile Image for Denise.
162 reviews1 follower
July 2, 2015
When Emma has to go, has to go somewhere. Somewhere, TX is where she has to go. When she notices a man, naked, then a wolf, she doesn't even bat an eye. She borrows his truck and goes to find the mother figure that she knows will help save her.

But neither Noah nor Emma realizes that fate has trick up her sleeve. Can Noah save Emma from his family and those out to get her? Will Noah have to make the ultimate sacrifice to keep her safe?
Profile Image for Lynde Shaw.
515 reviews
July 2, 2015
I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. I thought there were some interesting twists in the book including the fact that Emma wasn't one of those timid women who faints at the drop of a hat. She was smart, quick witted, and resourceful. She knew how to take care of herself. And then there was Noah, whose wolf senses knew Emma was his mate upon sight even if he didn't accept it. I liked Lucy and thought she was super spunky. Overall, this was a good read.
Profile Image for Serra Hall.
1 review
June 30, 2015
I loved the story. Krystal's work is always fun to read. This was exactly what I expected. The reason I gave it 4 stars was because I was left wanting more. The story was in depth throughout, but it seemed to just end. It left me wanting more details at the end. But still saying that, I can't wait for the next one!
Profile Image for Jessica Mitchell.
2,050 reviews18 followers
July 17, 2015
To love a mate

Emma is on the run from some very bad people. With not knowing everything and her fathers last voice message to her saying run for her life. She runs with a plan to get to her past bodyguard Lucy. Noah knows his mate is coming but when and who is the question. Will he be able to keep up or will he fall behind.
Profile Image for Sherri.
1,135 reviews10 followers
June 30, 2015
I received this book as an ARC, thanks!!
I have to say that I absolutely love this book and I didn't put it down until I was finished. This is a story about danger, betrayal and one woman's journey to find safety and true love. Wonderful story!!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 154 reviews

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